The Adventures of Cearul - The Start of a Family

Story by Cearulwolf on SoFurry

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It had been six weeks since Cearul had rescued Ailyn, and brought her to his den to be his mate. Six weeks, and so much had changed already.

Cearul woke to the smell of breakfast cooking, and the sound of Ailyn humming to herself as she worked. He smiled as he sat up and stretched.

"Good morning love!" Ailyn exclaimed when she realized he was awake. "Breakfast is almost done!"

"You know," Cearul said to her, "I am really starting to enjoy this! I never expected you to cook for me all day, and clean the den and all. But it sure is nice that you do!"

In reality, Cearul wasn't sure what she would do when he brought her to his den. He had just wanted to make sure she would be safe. He admitted to himself he was hoping she'd mate with him, but he never really thought about what she could do once she decided to stay with him. So far, she had made herself busy keeping the den clean and cooking for him, and occasionally going hunting with him. She had turned earlier that month, and although it was not quite a pleasant experience he had been there with her through it all. Although the two of them usually stayed in their human forms, when she shifted she became the most beautiful cinnamon colored wolf he had ever seen with the most amazing hazel colored eyes. In her werewolf form she was almost as big as Cearul was, and just as strong. He was proud of the werewolf she had become, and was equally as proud to call her his mate. He felt bad that she didn't get to do much aside from keeping the den though. She seemed happy though, and that was all that mattered to Cearul.

"There," Ailyn said happily, "Breakfast is done. Eat up before it gets cold!" Ailyn handed a carved wooden plate to Cearul with fried eggs, a large steak, and her wonderful seasoned potatoes on it. Cearul hungrily took the plate and picked up an iron fork from the table and dug in.

"This is amazing!" he said between mouthfuls.

"That's what you say every morning," Ailyn replied laughing.

"Well, that's because it's true!" Cearul said with a chuckle. "Amazing food cooked by an amazing woman!"

"Stop flirting with me and eat your breakfast you animal!" Ailyn said blushing slightly. "We're not going to ruin another perfectly good breakfast by knocking everything onto the floor while we have sex on the table again!" She said in a mock scolding voice, while waving a finger at him.

"You started that one though," Cearul said sheepishly. "You touched that spot on my back and nibbled on my ear while I was trying to eat, and then started rubbing up against me all seductivly...that one was all your fault. How was I supposed to restrain myself?" Cearul asked jokingly.

"Well..." Ailyn replied. "I suppose I can take the blame for that one...but you're not wasting my breakfast this morning. No sex until you eat your breakfast!"

Cearul laughed, and dug into his food again with a renewed vigor. He intended to finish his breakfast as quickly as possible, and then have his way with his willing mate at least once before he had to leave to go into town.

As Cearul finished eating, he picked up his plate and fork and took them to the basin where Ailyn was washing up the cookware. As he placed the plate and fork into the basin, he caressed Ailyn's ass and gave it a good squeeze with his other hand.

"Hands off until I'm done cleaning up!" She scolded him again. "Or I'll..." but she didn't get a chance to finish. Cearul kissed her in mid-sentence, and wrapped his arms around her. She gave up trying to get the den cleaned and willingly submitted to her horny husband's desires.

They sank to the floor of the den, kissing passionately and fondling each other. Cearul slipped a hand to her back where the kitchen apron she was wearing (the only thing she was wearing actually) was tied, and deftly undid the knot. He then slipped the apron over her head, and began suckling on her breasts. Ailyn moaned in pleasure as he began teasing her sensitive nipples.

"Oh, Cearul!" Ailyn moaned, "Ah...I...oh...." She could barely speak as he inserted two fingers into her slick pussy and began to massage her g-spot. "Cearul...I began my...oh gods...I began my heat today!" She finally managed to exclaim.

Cearul smiled as he continued his ministrations on her VERY willing body. So that was why he had been horny since waking up. He thought he had smelled something different this morning, but it was hard to tell over the smell of breakfast cooking and his stomach grumbling. But now it was becoming very apparent...her body was much more sensitive than normal, and Cearul could smell the difference in her now without a doubt. Ailyn was in heat.

Within minutes of beginning their forplay, Ailyn was begging Cearul to fuck her.

"Please Cearul, I need it in me!" She practically yelled. "I need you to fuck me!"

Cearul just smiled and continued on massaging her g-spot with his fingers, teasing her clit with his thumb, and nibbling on her nipples between kisses.

"Oh, I'll be inside you soon enough love!" Cearul said in a teasing voice. "But I want to make sure you're really ready..."

"I'm fucking ready!" Ailyn yelled. "Fuck me! I want your thick cock in me! I want your knot tying us together! Just fuck me!" Ailyn yelled again as she pulled away from Cearul just enough to roll over onto all fours and wave her backside to him.

Cearul decided not to tease her any more, less she get violent. He stood up, and shifted into his werewolf form.

"Your first heat should be consummated in our true form," he said as he stepped up behind her and grinned lustily.

Ailyn didn't need to be convinced, she changed in an instant and bent her head low to the ground. With her ass in the air, she wagged her tail vigerously, wafting her scent up to Cearul's nostrils.

"Oh," he thought, "She certainly is ready indeed".

Without any hesitation or warning, Cearul grabbed her hips and slammed his cock into her hot, slick pussy. It sank in all the way to his knot on the first thrust, and as he began thrusting and pulling her hips back into him, Ailyn began thrusting her hips in rhythm with Cearul trying to get his knot to tie them. Slap, slap, slap! Their actions rang through the den. Slap, slap, slap! Their thrusting going faster and faster. Slap, slap, slap! They both moaned in unison. This time things would be quick. Slap, slap, splop! In went Cearul's knot, with a moan from Ailyn and a lusty growl from Cearul. As his knot tied them, Cearul could feel his cum start jetting into Ailyn's fertile womb. He also felt her orgasm as he tied her.

"Oh yes!" Ailyn yelled. "Fuck me harder! Fuck...oh...ahh...yesss!" Ailyn found it hard to say much between her powerful orgasm and Cearul still thrusting violently against her.

Cearul continued to empty his cum into Ailyn's pussy, filling her full of his potent seed. As they continued thrusting together, they could hear his cum sloshing inside her. Each of her orgasmic contractions seemed to milk more cum from Cearul's cock, with every thrust his cum sprayed forcefully into the depths of her womb seeking fertile eggs to bond with.

Soon though, they were both spent and the collapsed to the floor. Cearul lay on top of Ailyn, and smiled to himself. Their mating so far had not gotten her pregnant, but this time would certainly be different. Cearul was going to make sure she was pregnant though. They would be doing this quite a lot over the next few days.

An hour or so later, Ailyn woke to feel Cearul pulling his now flaccid cock and deflated knot out of her pussy. There was a slight plop sound, and she could feel their mixed juices start dunning out of her pussy and down her thigh. She smiled to herself. It was a good feeling. Ailyn rolled over, and smiled at Cearul who was now back in his human form and getting dressed.

"Off so soon," Ailyn asked in a slightly seductive voice.

"Sadly yes," Cearul replied. "I'd love to stay here and fuck you all day long, but then we wouldn't have much for food and that would not make you happy when you get hungry later...and you will be very hungry later!" Cearul laughed.

"OK. Just don't be long. I'm feeling horny again already!" Ailyn said with a grin. "I'll just have to sit here and play with myself until you get back and can satisfy me again!"

Cearul growled with lust.

"When I get back, I'll spend the next week satisfying your naughty desires!" Cearul said. "I'll do things to satisfy you that would make you momma cry!"

"Well," Ailyn said in a sultry voice, "I guess it'll be worth waiting for you to get back then!"

Ailyn started playing with her pussy, feeling Cearul's cum inside her as it leaked out slowly. Cearul could smell her heat more powerfully than ever, but he had to go get supplies from town. Besides, he had a short stop he needed to make about a mile away where a certain plant grew that he thought would add a bit of fun to their coupling.

As Cearul entered the den late that evening and set down the two large bags of supplies he had bought while in town, he said, "Honey, I'm ho..."

But he never got any further than that. Ailyn tackled him like a linebacker, and they crashed to the ground back outside the entrance of the den. She was like a fury, tearing his clothes off, and slamming her slick pussy down onto Cearul's quickly hardening pole. He didn't even have a chance to say anything else, because their lips were locked together from the moment they hit the ground. Ailyn's hips bobbed up and down on Cearul's thick shaft, harder and harder as she moaned in pleasure. Cearul let go of everything and shifted into his werewolf form, and Ailyn shifted a moment later. As her hips bobbed up and down, she tried to get his knot to tie them again. It didn't take much to get his knot inside her slick hole, and they both came moments later. Cearul's back arched as his hips thrust into Ailyn's, forcing his cock in as deeply as possible. His balls erupted filling her with his cum as her pussy gripped his cock and spasmed trying to squeeze every last drop of cum out of him. As their orgasms subsided, Ailyn collapsed on top of Cearul panting.

"Oh gods," She exclaimed. "I've been wanting that since about two minutes after you left! Gods, that was amazing!"

Cearul laughed, himself short of breath he took a minute to respond.

"I'm glad you feel better now. I'm sorry I was gone so long. I had to make one other stop besides the store in town."

"Oh," Ailyn said questioningly. "And what stop was that? Was it for something sexy?" She asked slyly.

"Well, kind of," Cearul replied. I'll show you later. Right now we should probably go back inside the den and put away the supplies and get some dinner."

"We can do that in a bit," Ailyn said. "Right now I just want to lay here with you tied to me and enjoy it!"

Cearul wasn't going to argue with that and so the two of them laid together in the evening sun outside the den entrance and cuddled.

After dinner, and another quick fuck, Cearul had Ailyn take a long relaxing bath in the carved stone "tub" made by the years of rain water running down the side of the mountain after the spring storms. While she was relaxing and enjoying herself (she just couldn't keep her hands off of herself or Cearul) Cearul started getting the den ready for his "devious" plans. He took the old furs they used for their bed and set them near the entrance to be taken out and cleaned later. He then put fresh furs down for a new bed, and then covered them in rose petals. Then he set out the candles he had bought in town...all 250 of them. The den glowed in the light of the candles, and Cearul smiled. He then set a small container with a green looking paste in it next to the bed. It wasn't anything terribly special, just a common plant that grew in some of the fields not far away, but when pulverized and mixed with a few secret ingredients the local alchemist had it became a wonderful sexual stimulant. It also had a slight numbing effect on the sexual organs, making things last a bit longer, and when orgasm finally came...well...they were both in for a huge surprise!

Ailyn came back inside after her bath, smelling all clean (but still smelling of her heat as powerfully as ever). As she entered the den, she gasped.

"Cearul!" She exclaimed, "It's amazing! Oh, it's so beautiful and romantic. I forgive you for taking so long to come home from town!"

Cearul laughed.

"I didn't know you were upset with me!" He said.

"Well," Ailyn said laughing, "I guess I wasn't. But really, this is so sweet and amazing. I love you!"

"I love you to Ailyn!" Cearul said. "Now, come here!"

Cearul picked her up in his arms, and carried her over to their new bed. He gently laid her down, and started kissing and nibbling her all over. He took his time, and made sure he didn't leave even one spot of her body untouched. Within minutes, Ailyn was writhing in pleasure. Her hips were buck up off the bed, and she was finding it very hard not to beg to be fucked again. She decided to let Cearul run things this time, especially since he had put so much effort into a romantic evening for them. While he was licking and kissing and nibbling her body, Cearul reached his hand to the small container of green paste and put a small bit of it on his right index finger. He slowly began massaging Ailyn's clit, working the paste into her clit and pussy lips. Ailyn moaned in pleasure as her private parts began to tingle and spasm. The mere application of the cream caused her to orgasm, and Cearul smiled.

"Oh gods," Ailyn exclaimed. "What is that!?"

"It's just a little something I picked up while I was out," Cearul said. "It'll make things more interesting tonight."

Ailyn didn't say anything else. She was moaning too much to say anything. When Cearul was done working the cream into her pussy he started massaging her breasts with a small bit of it. Her nipples stood out immediately, and she moaned loudly. After a few more minutes of working the cream into her breasts, Cearul took a bit more and started to apply it to his cock. Ailyn had other ideas though and quickly took over that job for him. She rolled him onto his back, and began massaging his cock with both hands, working the cream into his steel-hard appendage.

Ailyn had never seen Cearul's cock so big and hard before, and she would have commented on it were it not for the fact that she was on the brink of another orgasm. A moment later Ailyn was doubled over on top of Cearul moaning and screaming in pleasure as her body twitched and spasmed. While Ailyn was having yet another orgasm, Cearul found himself unable to cum yet. Suddenly he was taken by an urge to mate stronger than the one that Ailyn had had earlier when she tackled him. He flipped her over, while she was still orgasming, and lubed his hand up with her juices. He thrust two fingers into her pussy, and a third into her tail-hole. Ailyn gasped at the new sensation, and then moaned as Cearul began to finger-fuck her pussy and tail-hole mercilessly. He thrust his fingers in faster and faster, harder and harder, until Ailyn was cumming again. She came so hard this time though that her pussy juices actually squirted out, spraying Cearul's arm and leaking all over the bed.

With his freshly lubed hand, Cearul placed three, and then four fingers into Ailyn's pussy. As those slid it, he tucked his thumb in and suddenly his whole hand was inside her. Ailyn cried out as his hand went in, but not in pain (well, not much anyway). She had never felt pleasure like this before. Every part of her body tingled. Every time Cearul touched her it was almost orgasmic. She looked down to see Cearul thrusting his arm in and out of her pussy. Then she saw his cock. It was still like a rod of steel, and swayed with his motions as he fist-fucked her. Ailyn felt it coming this time, and tried to brace herself for it. Her back arched, her fists clenched the furs of the bed, and her pussy spasmed tightly around Cearul's forearm.

There was literally a puddle of her cum beneath her hips now, and the sight of it made Cearul laugh. As her orgasm subsided, and Cearul removed his fist from her pussy, her hips dropped back down to the bed with a splash. They were both still extremely horny though, and neither was ready to stop. Ailyn rolled over onto her hands and knees, and waved her ass at Cearul. He used some of her pussy juice to slick-up her tail hole and his penis and then slammed his cock into her ass. Ailyn yelped as Cearul's cock spread her anus, but within moments was thrusting back to meet Cearul's every move. He grabbed her hips and pulled her into himself with each thrust. He felt his orgasm building and was sure he would cum soon. But alas, it was not to happen. Ailyn however was orgasming again. Her tail-hole clenched down on Cearul's rock-hard cock, and he felt like he was going to explode. He had to cum soon he thought or else he'd burst a nut. He quickly pulled his cock out of her tail-hole, and slid it immediately into Ailyn's pussy. Ailyn sighed happily as she felt his cock slide into her cunt. That was were she wanted it. She wanted to be filled with his cum again. She wanted to have his puppies. Cearul began thrusting harder and faster than he ever had before, and they knotted in record time. As they knotted, they both orgasmed.

The room seemed to fade away, and what they could see seemed to swirl around them. They almost felt as if they were not two beings, but one. Each could feel the other's sensations as their bodies came together. Cearul's cock was like a fire-hose of cum, and his virile seed filled her womb again. They lost all track of time and movement, only knowing the wonder of their shared orgasm. They had no idea of how long they remained like that, or how long the orgasm lasted.

When they finally woke up, they were curled up together on their bed with rays of sun streaming in from the entrance of the den. The air was still thick with the scent of sex, and the bed was still quite damp with their mixed juices. They smiled at each other, and kissed.

"Good morning love," Cearul said with a smile.

"Good morning my wonderful mate!" Ailyn exclaimed. "Last night was so wonderful!"

"Indeed it was," Cearul said.

They got up and went outside to the "tub" to clean up. After cleaning up themselves, and the den, they made breakfast, and enjoyed a simple meal together in the morning sunlight outside their home. Afterwards, Cearul prepared to head back into town to pick up a few things he had forgotten (he was a bit preoccupied on his last trip). Ailyn opted to stay behind and rest more as she was feeling a bit sore. Cearul reached town fairly quickly, having walked at a very fast pace, and went straight to the general store.

"Ah, Cearul, glad to see you again. How's your week been?"

"Week," Cearul asked, "But I was just here yesterday?"

"Nope, it's been a week. You lose track of time real easy don't you?" The shop owner asked.

"I guess so," Cearul said. Thinking to himself, Cearul said, "Wow. A whole week. No wonder Ailyn was so sore. That stuff was sure worth what I paid the alchemist." Cearul picked up the things he needed and headed home. He couldn't wait to tell Ailyn how long they'd been fucking, and he couldn't wait to find out if she was pregnant yet.