My Slave Family- Chapter 13

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#12 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Thirteen

"On The Hunt"


Furry Sith Lord

"Did you and your dad play one on one today?" Father asked as he entered my room and sat on my bed.

"No sir." I replied weakly and felt my stomach turning as I stood nearby and just waited to learn my punishment. I wanted to get this over with so he could leave!

"Stop this sir stuff, what have I asked you to call me?" he replied and I could hear frustration in his voice but his scent smelled of fear for some reason.

"Father," I replied and he nodded his approval.

"Then did you and your dad play outside today?" he asked, repeating himself and I realized he wanted to hear me call him father.

"No, father." I tried to keep my annoyance out of my own voice but it felt like he was toying with me to make my newest punishment worse.

"Did you see him at all? I've been worried because he called out of work and that's not like him. Your brother doesn't know anything either." he asked, his tone sounding softer this time. I put my paws into my pants pockets and shrugged.

"If you learn anything then I'd appreciate it if you would come tell me. However there is another matter we need to discuss." He said straightening and I looked at the floor waiting hoping to get this over with so I could be alone again.

"About this morning, I've been reflecting on everything that you said to me and both your dad and uncle have spoken to me about it. I realize I was wrong for yelling at you. I just thought you were laughing at me and your dad and it hurt my feelings. I snapped and I shouldn't have and I really have no excuse except that your dad's bad mood about that fox has been rubbing off on me too. I hope you will forgive me.

I decided that justice must be served and it is not fair that I punish you for being bad but not myself when I've been bad. I'm going to punish myself for a week. No newspaper, no TV and I'll stay in my room... however I do want you to understand that should you or your brother misbehave then I'll be out of my room and quickly discipline whoever was bad. Do you understand?" he asked and I shook my head speechless at what he said. Uncle Jon must have really told him off if he was acting like this! A sudden knock on my door caught our attention and the maid walked in.

"Excuse me sirs, but I was cleaning that... your husband's private bathroom and I found the trash bin filled with his fur. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't completely bald now but I can't understand why'd he do it."

"Damn it!" Father replied and rose then he turned to face me. "Tyger, why don't you go check on your brother and see what he's up to." he said gently. I nodded and he left with the maid as she led him towards the bathroom.

"Look at all this mess." the stork grumbled as she showed the hair on the floor and the large pile in the trash. Even the sink was covered in fur although it looked as if Leggo had tried to clean some of it but it looked rushed.

"What does this mean?" she asked and Lou grumbled to himself.

"That he's doing something foolish."

"Wait, you mean this wasn't a mistake? I thought he might have shaved something wrong and tried to fix it and ended up shaving off everything." listening to her say that actually made him laugh.

"It does sound like something he'd do, doesn't it?" he remarked and started laughing again.

"Wait but you said," she stammered confused.

"I'm sure everything is fine. He's done something like this before. He was shedding and got frustrated and finally decided to shave it all off to stop the shedding. He looked like a plucked chicken and was so embarrassed he hid himself for a month. I promise you this, when I get my hooves on him he's gonna be punished big time."

"And leaving his cubs behind?! You better give him extra for me also, sir."

"I guarantee it."

I made my way outside and found Lyon talking to Uncle Jon. He was busy loading his teaching equipment into his car and Lyon sat on the ground talking with him.

"... so I'm going in a couple of weeks." he said and watched me walk up.

"Wow, really?!"

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Wow Tyger, you're not grounded?!" Lyon asked and he jumped up to hug me.

"Relax kid, you're gonna wrinkle my fur." I said as I pushed him off gently but he was laughing because it was a line from a movie we watched a week ago.

"So what happened? If I can ask." Uncle Jon questioned and I shrugged.

"He admitted he was wrong and apologized. Said he was going to ground himself then the maid came in and said something about dad."

"What about dad?" Lyon asked.

"Something about him shaving off his fur."

"Oh No!" Lyon exclaimed and I gave him a look because his reaction was almost the same that father's had been. I again felt that they all knew something but weren't telling me for some reason.

"Oh my paws, that is definitely something your dad would do. He's always getting himself in trouble." Uncle Jon laughed but I could smell the fear in Lyon and wanted to get him alone to find out what's going on.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Uncle Jon knows the Power Fur Rangers!"

"Huh?!" I asked skeptically because he was just a teacher. How could he possibly know them?

"He says there's a thing called a 'con' and you can meet species that are TV." Lyon said excitedly.

"Yeah they're having one in a couple of weeks. It's a Big Con and I read somewhere that your favorite hero's will be there. I'm thinking if you guys ace the test coming up I'll ask your parents to let you guys come with me."

"Sweet." Lyon exclaimed and I wished I could enjoy his enthusiasm but knowing my father he would probably ground me for doing something like taking a shower and putting on clean underwear afterwards.

"What's wrong Tyger, don't you want to go see the Power Fur Rangers?" he asked and I put my paws in my pockets and shrugged.

"I really do, but the way my father hates me, he'll punish me so I can't go." I replied glumly.

"But he can't do that! It's not fair." Lyon whined and I pet his head to calm him. I've been really proud that he hasn't been crying as much anymore but I will admit that even I still cry at times. Lately it's been in my room when no one can see or hear me.

"We'll make a deal. If you both get 100s on the next test then I'll talk to your dad and he'll make sure that your father doesn't punish you by stopping you from meeting the Power Fur Rangers at the Con. Trust me, your dad and I will tie him up in the basement if we have to. Just remember you gotta get 100s or you can't go, understand?" Uncle Jon asked us and we both promised.

He walked along the rooftop and tried to force his teeth from chattering. It was in the 60s for temperature but without his fur to cover him it felt more like the temperature was in the 30s. He wasn't completely bald, he left enough fur so he could resemble a white fox but his tail was the only sign he wasn't a real fox. Funny how species never really pay attention to the tail. No one gives his own tail a second thought unless it's wagging because he's so happy.

He had to push away thoughts of his wolf identity and embrace his white fox fursona. His thoughts kept drifting back to his family that he had abandoned but he couldn't let the imposture ruin everything he had worked so hard for. If nothing else he wanted to teach the other species that they shouldn't hate animals with rare white fur. He had to do this to protect his sons and that was more important than his own ego.

He did feel a little foolish as he thought about it but after he shaved off his fur he put on the black shorts without any underwear. The first time he stopped a crime as the White Fox he had been free balling it because Lou had stolen his underwear to tease him after they made love. Lou had been trying to force him to rejoin the college but Leggo refused because although he had nothing to be embarrassed about, the humiliation of the guys stripping him naked and shaving off all his fur was just too humiliating and he could not go back. He kept feeling like they were watching him, judging him, and made him afraid they may keep trying to do it just to amuse themselves.

After beating up the horse, he made the lack of underpants a part of the White Fox's mystic although no one but him knew about it. He was in heat back then and it felt like real freedom to run around like that. He had been an adult for so long he forgot what this kind of freedom felt like. He just felt so awkward that it kind of ruined the feeling as he wondered what Lou would think of him doing that.

Lou would not mind him sleeping in his fur because they practically did that already but walking around in his everyday life was a different story. When they were driving to meet the slaver to buy the cubs, Lou had talked about putting the slave, they would buy, in diapers because he thought he would wet himself and his bed constantly. Leggo had tried to argue but Lou would not listen until he was persuaded by a few well placed groin slaps to leave the cubs alone.

"Wow, is it really you?!" A voice disrupted his thoughts and he turned to look at a white fox. He was smaller than himself and his voice made him sound younger. "I was hoping we'd met in person but I was never sure if it would happen or not."

"So you're the imposter ruining my rep?" Leggo asked sternly.

"Wow just as I imagined! I truly gotta tell you that I hold you in the utmost of extremes but what I do now is for the greater good."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're under arrest." the imposter replied as he took a badge out of his pocket and a gun and pointed them at Leggo. "Just come along quietly, no need to make this harder than it needs to be."

"So you're not the fake white fox running around impersonating me?" Leggo asked, watching his movements very carefully.

"No, I am the imposter but I've always been a decoy to try and capture the real you. My boss knows who you are, but we needed you to come out of hiding before we could arrest you. Don't worry we'll explain it all after I take you into custody. Now lie on the ground with your paws on your head." the fake fox said.

"If I refuse?"

"We have orders to apprehend you by any means necessary. I'm hoping you'll do the right thing and come quietly. I mean it would be terrible if we release an APB on you because then your husband and those two abominations will be dragged through the mud."

"What? Are you trying to get me outta the way so you can get my sons?" Leggo reasoned.

"Sorry, but we can't have them running around because it's just too dangerous. We realized they are just cubs so we'll put them to sleep in the most friendly painless way possible. If you cooperate we can replace them with two new slaves." The fake fox replied and Leggo bared his fangs with drool dripping from them.

"Not gonna happen," Leggo growled.

"Well then I'm sorry it's come to this." the fake fox and fired the gun but Leggo was ready and swerved to avoid the bullet as he charged at the fake fox. The imposter dropped his gun and badge as he used his paws to block the attack. He was hurled backward and Leggo glared at him angrily as he swung his arms trying to hit his opponent.

The fake fox used some martial arts to deflect the blows and then tried a leg sweep to knock Leggo down. Leggo had jumped backward in time to avoid the leg sweep but he ran and kicked the gun off the roof as the fake fox dove to try and reclaim it. The fake fox watched as it helplessly was thrown away and he felt a sudden pain as Leggo kicked him in his head.

"Tag, you're it!!!" Leggo sneered at him and he ran and jumped onto another roof nearby and the fake fox stumbled as he rose and attempted to chase after him.

Jon walked up to the doberman trying to hide the fact he was ready to begin crying. He spent numerous hours teaching his students to beware of strangers offering them gifts but now he was the one using false gifts to cubnap the cubs.

"I have big news for you, Agent White has engaged the Whited Fox and is attempting to bring him in." the doberman replied as he studied his phone.

"Why should I care about that?" Jon asked.

"Don't you know who the White Fox is? Did he never tell you?"

"I don't know any white foxes nor do I care to at the moment. I just think it's really rotten that you want to cubnap those two little cubs. What happens after I get them to you?" Jon demanded.

"You need not worry yourself about that. The only thing that concerns you is that your mission will be done and you'll be paid as promised. You'll be promoted to the new history teacher at Paws and Claws High School. It's a decent step up in pay and all your student loans will be cleared." the doberman smirked.

"But what happens to the cubs? They become minions of yours like that white fox?"

"Don't worry about it. I don't need you becoming attached to them."

"Too late! You can't expect me to teach them and trick them into believing I'm their uncle without some attachment." Jon countered.

"Well if you must know, they will painlessly be put to sleep. They will feel nothing and I'll drug their food before we begin so they'll drift off to sleep then we administer the shot and they never wake up. It will be absolutely painless and will save countless lives. We can even replace them with regular normal cubs that can call you uncle if you so desire. The new cubs will make the deer and wolf forget all about the white ones and life will happily go on." The doberman replied.

"How could I ever face them after what I did?" Jon whimpered.

"Once we collect them, I have an agent that will... make it look like they were taken from you. You'll be a little beat up but once their parents see you they'll be none the wiser that you betrayed them." The doberman continued to focus on his phone and Jon felt the rock in his belly begin to fracture. He could only hope it would explode and have the fragments kill him before he could carry out his mission. He had been contemplating suicide and he still had those poisonous brownies in his fridge. He could leave a note and warn Lou and Leggo about the plot and maybe they could find it in their hearts to forgive everything he's done so far.

"By the way, how did you get the White Fox to work for you?" he asked the doberman. He paused and turned away from his phone to look at him.

"He's not a real white fox. He's one of my agents that we shaved so that his undercoat makes him look white and we added a fake tail to his tail so no one would be the wiser that he's not really a fox. In truth the real White Fox isn't real himself." the doberman said and Jon raised an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Back in college I was part of a fraternity and we had some new guys join. The new pledges need to prove that they really wanna be one of the boys. Anyway there was a certain wolf among them that wanted in, a grey wolf that had a deer boyfriend."

"Wait a minute you mean Leggo?" Jon questioned.

"Exactly. Well normally who cares if a wolf likes other boys, it's never been a big deal because love is love, right?" he asked and Jon sort of nodded. "Now a wolf stinking of prey had us gagging. We stripped him and shaved him to get rid of the stench. He looked so helpless, like a white fox and he got so embarrassed he ran away. The next time I saw him, he was on the news being some kind of hero. That's when I knew he was the guy we shaved! When I learned he had 2 rare white cubs I figured he had some left over feels from when he had been one of those white freaks."

"So the White Fox story was to lure Leggo out as the White Fox? Why?"

"We don't want him getting in the way because if he tries to join you guys at the Con it will make the job a hell of a lot harder. How will it look when he finds out the Con was actually a con job? We really don't want to hurt your friend but we can't have him getting in the way. So if we post that we captured the White Fox then the deer will be trying to save him and your offer to take the cubs to an event will give him more free time to save his husband. That will then make it easier for you to deliver the cubs to us." the doberman said solemnly and turned his gaze back on his phone.

Leggo leaned up against a wall as the fake fox ran towards him panting from being out of breath.

"You... run... fast for... an old... guy." the fake fox bent over with his hands on his knees.

"Did they really pick you to imitate me? You're so weak!" Leggo mocked.

"Well at least I actually look like a fox," he grabbed his tail to show Leggo. "It may be a weave but it's a fox tail, not that tiny shaved thing you're toting." he said he pointed to Leggo's tail.

"Other than you, no one has ever noticed my tail before."

"Let me wring out my jock and we can continue... I haven't sweat this much since the academy."

"A jock?!" Leggo replied and started laughing. "No wonder you're soo slow, I'm au natural, baby." Leggo mocked and pulled down the front end of his shorts to expose his sheath revealing he had no support or underwear underneath them.

"I'll admit I can't compete with you, you're way better at this than I am... but unfortunately I'm not working alone," the fake fox replied and Leggo felt pain and three small darts struck his arm. "They're just to help you sleep, just relax and don't struggle. We don't want to hurt you big guy." The fake fox said soothingly and Leggo let go of his shorts so that the waistband of them snapped back into place covering his member and he used his free hand to pull the darts out. He looked at the empty vials in them and let them drop to the rooftop.

"Don't run! that stuff is gonna knock you out in a few minutes. It packs a wallop and I don't want you getting disoriented and falling." Leggo realized his head was starting to get foggy. "Come to me, I gotcha." The fake fox got close and grabbed him and Leggo felt himself fall into his arms. He was not sure why but he didn't care because all he wanted was to sleep.

"Shhh," the fake fox said, trying to have a soothing effect on him. He was lowered to the ground and a set of handcuffs were placed on his paws binding them behind his back. The last thing he heard before becoming unconscious was more footsteps around him.

Lou was searching the mansion to see if he could find that his lover had returned. He honestly knew it was a long shot but he still hoped. He wanted the wolf to come home after getting bored by not being able to find the imposture and decide he wanted some quality time in the bedroom.

The last time he was with the White Fox was in college when they were both in heat. It had been a guilty pleasure with Leggo pretending he was someone else and as they made love the fear of being found out made it more thrilling. He figured he might as well try to rekindle those moments before all this ended and Leggo let his fur grow out again.

"Come on, before your boyfriend finds us!" Leggo would exclaim as he rapidly thrusted his member into Lou.

"I think I hear him coming!" Lou would respond by causing the speed of the thrusting to increase and the explosion of his partner's release made him instantly release and they'd fall on each other breathing heavily.

Lou walked into the dining room and he saw the cubs sitting at the table talking to each other with their books out. It seemed a bit late for them to still be doing their homework.

"What's going on?" he asked softly and they quickly looked at him and Lou saw a brief flash of fear in his eyes.

"We're studying for the upcoming test." Lyon replied weakly.

"Really? That's great that you two are working together. Have either of you seen your dad? I'm worried that I haven't seen him." he gently cleared his throat and kept his gaze on Tyger he continued. "I have my own studying I have to do in my room." They both shrugged and Lou let out a deep sigh.

"OK, will you both do me a favor? If you see your dad, tell him to meet me in our bedroom." They both nodded and Lou was about to go to his room to face the punishment he had promised Tyger when he suddenly followed him out.


"Yes son,"

"Can we make a bargain?"

"A bargain? What kind of bargain?" Lou asked and wondered curiously what Tyger was up to. He had never known how crafty felines could be and he expected him to be a great leader of his company when the time came to pass the mantle on to him. There were times he was jealous of his son and it made him wonder if his own father had felt the same about him. The trouble was that if his father had been he never spoke or showed it.

"Uncle Jon is going to a Con to meet the Power Fur Rangers and he promised to invite us if we both get 100s on the upcoming exam." Tyger explained and Lou began to rub his chin with his hoof.

"Are you asking to be allowed to go?" Lou questioned.

"Sort of," Tyger hesitated and his reaction sparked greater interest in him. What was he up to? he wondered.

"We're both working really hard and I just know we're both gonna get 100s!"

"Good. I'll discuss it with your dad but I'm sure there is no problem in letting you guys go." Lou patted Tyger on his head.

"Well... that's where the bargain comes in."

"Alright explain the bargain." Lou's interest definitely peaked as to what his son was up to. The cub took a deep breath then continued.

"The bargain is: If I release you from your promise for the punishment, so you don't have to do it, then when you punish me before the Con you will still allow Lyon to go to it."

"Wait, what do you mean when you say I'll punish you before the Con?" Lou asked...

To Be Continued...