Charm of the Succubus Chapter Two: The Magic Shop

Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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#2 of Charm of the Succubus

Charm of the Succubus

Chapter Two

Evelyn wakes up after a very interesting and has breakfast with her new best friend Lilith! She has some questions after a conversation with the sex demon, and goes looking for some answers

Sunday morning came with bright sunlight pouring in through the bay window of Evelyn's apartment. She winced and groaned, covering her eyes with her upper arm as she rolled into the back cushions of the couch, trying in vain to steal another couple hours of sleep. In the end, it was no use. Grumbling in irritation, Evelyn sat up, her head pounding like a jackhammer.

"Holy shit..." She mumbled to herself, "How much did I drink last night?" She remembered getting home yesterday evening, opening up a beer, and sitting down on her couch for some... adult entertainment. Her relative state of undress, with her rumbled skirt pulled up over her thighs and her panties hanging from one ankle, told Evelyn that was exactly what she had fallen asleep doing. However, the single, half full beer bottle on her coffee table did little to explain the horrendous hangover she was feeling.

Evelyn leaned forward, cradling her throbbing head in her hands, pressing the heels of her palms tight into her eyes until she saw spots. She strained her foggy mind, trying to recall what she had done the night before.

She vaguely remembered talking to someone, a woman, she thought. Did she have company over last night? She wasn't currently seeing anyone, but if someone was over last night, given her current state, she imagined they must have fucked. In fact, Evelyn did recall having sex, now that she thought about it. She remembered someone straddling her hips, riding her like a bronco to completion.

She lifted her head, and glanced around the living room. There was no one there. Confused, Evelyn forced herself to her feet, kicked her underwear off her ankle, and shuffled towards her bedroom. She didn't bother flicking on the light, as there was plenty of sunlight coming in through the window for her to be able to see that her bed was completely empty.

"Maybe no one was here?" She muttered uncertainly to herself. The memory was pretty foggy, and the more she thought about it, the more Evelyn was sure the person she was remembering couldn't have possibly existed. She remembered a pair of curved black horns, fiery red skin, and a long, powerful tail. Evelyn couldn't think of a single creature that matched that description, and she was pretty sure she had dreamed that she had fucked some kind of demon.

"I know that beer was old, but maybe it's time to toss it." Evelyn said darkly. The fact that she couldn't remember eating anything last night probably didn't help either. Her stomach growled loudly, followed by a pang of discomfort. Kicking off her rumpled and sticky skirt, Evelyn headed towards her kitchen, looking for something to eat. As she reached the doorway, she stopped short, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.

Standing in the kitchen, right in front of the counter, wearing nothing but a small, lacy white apron and mixing something in a big mixing bowl, was a short, female figure with bright red-orange skin, long curved horns, cloven hoofed feet, and a long, muscular tail.

Lilith turned to face Evelyn as she stood stunned in the kitchen doorway, shooting her a broad, smug smile, showing off all her small, pointed teeth. "Well, well, well! Good morning slut! Good to see you recovered after our little party last night! I was beginning to worry. Well... no. No I wasn't. If you had died I would have known. But, rest assured, if you had died, I would have been worried!"

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?!" Evelyn gasped. Lilith frowned.

"Oh, come on now, slut. There's no need to pretend like you don't know what's happening here. Now, do you want pancakes or waffles? Im sort of partial to waffles myself. All those little crevasses catch all the cum so nicely."

Ignoring the obvious sexual bait in the demon's sentence, Evelyn edged cautiously into the room. "You're making waffles..? Seriously?

"Well of course!" Lilith said, returning to her mixing. "Always a good idea to have something to eat after a succubus siphons off your life force. Staves off the sex-hangover."

Taking a seat at the kitchen table, Evelyn watched the small demon go about her work for a few minutes, silently grappling with the implications of what she was seeing. Finally, unable to sit in silence any more, Evelyn spoke up again.

"Um... where did you get that apron...?" She asked lamely. Lilith gave her a seductive wink and a playful ass wiggle.

"You like it, Slut? I made if. What vicious sex demon doesn't like to look cute the morning after a little fun? I even left the back open for you, in case you wanna bury that fuck meat of yours in my little butthole..."

"Uh... no thanks..." Evelyn said, still trying to process. Lilith shrugged.

"Ok, suit yourself. But if you don't baste these waffles with your syrup, then I'm gonna have to do it, which means no more pussy for you. At least until I get the strength back to cast that spell again."

"Uh, yeah... that's uh... that's fine..."

"Ok, if thats what you want, Slut," Lilith shrugged, and before Evelyn's eyes, she watched as the sex demon quickly developed a dark, reddish orange colored cock and a pair of heavy, weighted balls that hung down and swung pendulously between her legs.

"You keep calling me that." Evelyn said, wrinkling her nose. "I don't like that."

"You don't like what? Being called Slut? That's what you are, isn't it?"

"No it's not!" Evelyn snapped. Lilith rolled her eyes.

"Look, Slut, we've been over this already. If you managed to pull me out of that little prison you wear around your neck, you're a slut. And if you're a slut, then to me, you are the Slut."

"Ok, but that isn't my name." Evelyn said firmly. Lilith shrugged. She pulled aside her apron, grabbed hold of her soft cock, and gave it a few experimental pumps with her hand. Evelyn watched, enraptured, as the succubus' cock quickly hardened in her hand, reaching an impressive size, at least ten inches long, and as thick around as the demon's wrist.

"Well, it's what I call you." Lilith said simply. She lowered the big plate of waffles down towards the head of her cock and began masturbating over them. In a remarkably short amount of time, her balls contracted tightly against her body, and her cock jerked in her hand, spraying an impressive amount of thick, off-white spunk all over the stack of freshly made waffles.

"Uh..." Evelyn said, eyes locked on the jizz covered waffles. "Um.. uh... no. No it's not!" Her voice firmed up and she fixed Lilith with a stern look. "Look, if you're going to stick around, and it certainly seems like you plan on that, you sure as fuck are not going to just go around calling me 'Slut'. You're going to use my name. My real fucking name. Evelyn."

"Ugh, do I have to?" Lilith whined, setting the waffles don on the table and pouting like a chastised child. "It's so boring, and not at all sexy!"

"Excuse me?"

"Ok fine..." Lilith conceded. "I wont call you Slut anymore. But I can't call you 'Evelyn'. I just can't! How about... Oh! How about Evie?! I like that!" Evelyn sighed.

"Fine. I'll accept that..." She agreed.

"Sweet! Evie it is! Alright Evie, eat up before my spunk gets cold. You're going to need your strength!" Evelyn looked at the pile of waffles, running with the demon's cum and wrinkled her nose. For a second she considered arguing, but after a moment, she shrugged, picked up her fork, and took a cautious bite. She figured things were weird enough as it was, she might as well give it a try.

It definitely tasted like cum. It wasn't a flavor that Evelyn was particularly fond of, but for what it was worth, Lilith's personal brand of cum wasn't nearly as bad as other's she had tasted. Lilith grinned proudly as she watched Evelyn slowly eat, her strange eyes wide and unblinking.

"Ok," Evelyn said finally, between hesitant, choked off bites. "I want some answers. What the fuck is going on around here?"

"Well," Lilith said slowly. "It's a little complicated. The simplest answer would be to say, Hi! I'm Lilith! I'm a succubus, a kind of sex demon that feeds off of the sexual essence of a host! The more I absorb, the more I influence and partake in, the ore powerful I become! And congratulations, you get to be my host!"

"Ok... I kind of got that from last night," Evelyn admitted. "But why? Why me? Where did you come from?"

"Well," Lilith explained like one might talk to a child. "I live in that necklace of yours! That pretty obsidian one you're wearing now. Or at least I did until you woke me up by covering me with that wonderful seed of yours. As for where I came from_before_ that, thats a bit of a longer story. For now, lets just say there is a... place... where things like me dwell. Every now and then we slip through, have some fun, fuck with some people, fuck some people, you know the drill.

"Well, normally we like to stick around as long as possible. Sometimes things dry up for us a little bit, we get weak, and we slip back to our home to recover. Other times, someone who knows a lot about us tracks us down and uses magic to send us back. For me... Well, one of those people who usually just sends us back found me... but I'm just so fucking cute he decided to keep me! So in the necklace I go! That was probably like... oh, I don't know. Three hundred years ago? Something like that."

"Holy fuck..." Evelyn muttered. Lilith giggled.

"Yeah, it's a lot. But don't worry! Now I'm here, and I ain't going fucking anywhere."

"But you said sometimes you don't get enough... what... sexual essence? Won't you go back home if that happens?"

"Nope!" Lilith said with a bright, playful grin. "I got my home right there!" She pointed at the obsidian stone hanging around Evelyn's neck. "If I don't get enough sexual essence, I'll just go back there for a while and be right as rain!"

Evelyn ran her fingers over the stone cautiously, biting her lower lip and thinking. "But what if I get rid of the necklace? What if I don't want to deal with this?" Lilith pouted.

"Aww Evie!" She whined. "You don't love me?! But we could have so much fun together... Well, I suppose you could dump off the necklace somewhere and be done with me... But then you miss out on all the sweet sex magic I can give you!"

Evelyn's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, 'sex magic'?" She asked.

"Well, you see, if you keep me around, some cool stuff rubs off on you... and not just my cum! Hehe... No, you get these sort of... well, they are sex powers really." Lilith was standing up now, rocking back and forth on her cloven hooves. Her apron was tented at the front by her huge boner, and a wet spot had formed in the white lacy fabric from her pre-cum. It seemed like even talking about this was arousing her.

"For one, you will be irresistibly charming. It's not really something you control, but basically everything you say or do will be met with the best possible results. Basically, people will fucking love you."

"That doesn't sound so bad..." Evelyn said, thinking about how she was going to be starting a new job tomorrow and it would be nice to be well liked by the other staff and the students she would be working with. Lilith nodded.

"Yeah! Should be a fucking blast at the university!" Evelyn blinked.

"That's the second time you've done that." She accused. "Are you reading my mind?"

"Oh, that." Lilith said with a casual wave of her hand. "Sort of. While you are wearing that necklace, you are I are linked. Your sexual conquests are my sexual conquests. Your thoughts are mine. I can sort of live vicariously through you. Great, isn't it! But don't worry, only you can see and hear me, unless I want someone to. So no need to worry about the super sexy demon girl stealing your sweet pussy and ass from you."

"Wasn't what I was worried about, but ok." Evelyn said softly. "Anyway, tell me more about these powers.'

"Oh yeah, that's right! Well, in addition to being charming as fuck, you also exude this sort of sexual aura. It's a little different for everyone, but mostly it seems to be a really powerful smell."

Evelyn wrinkled her nose in distaste. Seeing her expression, Lilith shook her head. "No, not like that. More like a musk, or pheromones! It makes you super irresistible, and people who spend enough time around you will become more and more aroused the more time they spend with you. Hard cocks and wet pussies everywhere!

"And, last, but probably the most important, you can alter the minds of people who are under your charm. Now, to do this, they need to have had a hearty dose of your pheromones, and generally be pretty aroused, or at least attracted to you. As far as I can tell, you can't make anyone do anything against their will, but you can sort of remove or change their inhibitions, magically encourage them to give into their base desires, stuff like that. Because of how this magic works, anyone effected by it will see their behavior as normal, and even as their own idea... for as long as they are being effected by your powers."

"But what about when they aren't around me?" Evelyn asked.

"Well, there it gets a little tricky." Lilith explained. "So, most of the time your aura or pheromones will wear off after someone is away from you for a few hours... But if you really get someone under your control, their mind sort of warps from exposure to you, and eventually their altered state of mind becomes permanent!"

"Thats sounds terrible!" Evelyn exclaimed, horrified. Lilith shrugged.

"It's not as bad as you think. Like I said, you cant really force anyone to act against their own desires or anything. This isn't mind control. It's more like you just remove all those little social inhibitions that make people act like good little members of society. So when you think about it, you're just giving them the freedom to be the disgusting little sex addicts that they want to be anyway!"

"I suppose so..." Evelyn conceded, though she still wasn't fully convinced.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Evie," Lilith said, with a wave of her hand. "You and I are going to have so much fun together! Just listen to me, and you're gonna get so much tight ass, you wont know what to do with it all!"

"Yeah, hold up," Evelyn protested. "If this is what's happening, fine, but there are some ground rules. For one, I am in charge here. It's my body, and I'm the one wearing the necklace. So I call the shots here. You can offer your opinion, but in the end, I'm going to do what I want."

"Ugh... fine..." Lilith said, grudgingly. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, there is. I'm not forcing or manipulation anyone to do anything they don't want to."

"That shouldn't be much of a problem." Lilith said. "Like I said, your powers don't really force people. They just... well... make them horny and have no impulse control."

"Even so, do we have a deal?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Deal." Lilith agreed.

Evelyn pushed her half-eaten breakfast away from her and stood up. "Ok, I'm going to get cleaned up and head out to do a few chores. Uh, I guess just don't make too much of a mess around here while I'm gone?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me. Go have fun out there Evie!" Something about Lilith's predatory grin told Evelyn that she definitely had to worry about it, but she didn't have the energy to argue anymore. Quickly, Evelyn showered, combed out her thick mane of hair and her tail, and got dressed. When she came out into the living room to get her shoes and wallet, Lilith was nowhere to be seen.

"This is going to be a problem, I just know it," Evelyn muttered to herself as she stepped out the door.

Outside the apartment, Cailyn was at her door, fumbling with her keys. The older woman looked disheveled and out of sorts, but even so Evelyn noted that she still and a pretty sexy MILF vibe going for her. Mrs. Landry wore fight fitting yoga pants and a loose, casual blouse that looked like she may have grabbed it right out of the laundry hamper. She still had on her makeup from the night before, and her hair was all mussed up with bedhead. At her feet, were two cases of beer from the liquor store down the street.

"Oh, good morning Evelyn," Cailyn said, her voice weary. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing fine, Mrs. Landry." Evelyn answered. "How are you doing? You look tired."

"Oh, I'm fine. Sweet of you to ask. I just haven't been sleeping too well is all." Cailyn glanced up at Evelyn, and blinked in seeming confusion. She hesitated, and Evelyn watched as the pretty bovine's brow creased, like she was trying to puzzle something out. "You smell very good today..." Cailyn finally said, almost bewildered by her own comment.

"Oh, well, thank you." Evelyn said. This must have been what Lilith had been talking about earlier that morning. Cailyn shifted herself ever so slightly closer to Evelyn, her eyes taking on a glassy, half-lidded look. Curious, Evelyn decided to test the boundaries of her new abilities. She gave Cailyn a winning smile, reaching out and lightly touching her on her upper arm.

"You know, Mrs. Landry, I know it must be very hard right now, with your husband having left. I hope you aren't too lonely..."

"Oh, it's quite alright dear," Cailyn said, her voice distracted and dreamy. "I've been finding things to occupy myself..."

"Well, I have no plans tonight, Mrs. Landry." Evelyn said, deciding to take a risk. "I could come over and keep you company this evening? Maybe have dinner with you?"

"Well, thats very sweet of you." Cailyn said, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Uh, yes, I would like that very much."

"Wonderful! It's a date then! See you this evening, Mrs. Landry!" Evelyn said, feeling suddenly confident Cailyn flushed deeper.

"Um, of course! And please, call my Cailyn. Mrs. Landry is much too formal for me."

"Anything you would like, Cailyn. See you tonight."

After the curious exchange with Cailyn Landry, Evelyn decided she should look more into this strange amulet that she had picked up. With this in mind, she quickly left her apartment and headed into town, looking for the small, out of the way magic shop she had originally purchased the necklace from.

The windows of the store were dark when she arrived, but that didn't dissuade Evelyn. She tried the door, and found it unlocked. Quietly, she stepped into the dark and dusty shop, her eyes adjusting slowly to the gloom, and looked around.

"Can I help you?" A soft, bored voice said from the counter, causing Evelyn to start. Sitting there was Alex, the young college age goat girl who had been working there the afternoon before. She watched Evelyn with a mild curiosity, fiddling with her ankh necklace.

"Hi," Evelyn said, approaching the counter. "I bought this necklace here yesterday, and I have some questions about it."

"Oh, yeah. I remember you." Alex said. She hesitated slightly, and shifted forward in her seat. "Um... what is that perfume you are wearing? It's really good..."

Evelyn smiled slightly. Of course. "Oh, it's not a perfume." She said off hand. Alex nodded.

"Oh, too bad... I wanted to know where you got it..."

"Anyway, I wanted to know if you could tell me more about this necklace?"

The goat girl tore her eyes away from Evelyn's, seemingly with a little bit of reluctance that Evelyn was quick to notice, and refocused them on the dark stone of the pendant she was displaying on her neck. Her eyes lingered there briefly, before they drifted, inevitably, down towards Evelyn's bust and cleavage. The wolfess rolled her eyes in exasperation, but was finding it difficult to be truly annoyed. This was an interesting turn of events, to be sure. Evelyn tapped her throat with a finger, drawing Alex's attention back to where it belonged.

"Oh, uh, the succubus charm necklace?" Alex asked hazily. Her affected indifference and intentional monotone wavered as she fell deeper under Evelyn's intoxicating charm. Evelyn watched her with interest as she breathed deeply, eager for more of this strange magical pheromone that Lilith had warned her about. "I'm afraid I don't know too much about it? Someone sold it to Ms. Greygate a few months ago, said it was more trouble than it was worth. Ms. Greygate asked me to put it on display right at the front at a discount."

"Who is Ms. Greygate?" Evelyn asked, speaking slowly and clearly to try to cut through the magical charm that was clearly overwhelming the goat girl's mind. Her eyes had drifted from Evelyn's neck once more, and she was staring blatantly at her tits now. Evelyn didn't bother to try to redirect her again.

"Um.. She's my boss. Samantha Greygate. She owns the shop here. Very smart, super into the occult. I like her a lot. She encourages me to get more into this sort of thing, and not a lot of people don't think it's weird."

"That's a lot of information, Alex," Evelyn said, noting that she had almost seemed compelled to continue talking. "Where is Ms. Greygate?"

"She's been away for a few days. Left me in charge. Said I do a really good job. She calls me her little pet, you know. I thought it was weird at first, but I kind of like it now. She's really nice to me, but in a kind of motherly or teacher sort of way. I kind of like that..." Evelyn cleared her throat, interrupting Alex's rambling.

"That's nice Alex. Do you know when she will be back?"

"Soon, I hope." Alex said with a nervous smile. "I miss having ehr around. She can be really strict, but you never really have to worry about anything when she's here. She takes care of all the tough stuff. I think she's going to be back tomorrow? She said she had to visit some family for a few days, out west."

"Ok, well, maybe I'll come back and talk to her about this tomorrow then?" Evelyn decided. She took a few steps back, aiming to give Alex some space before she was completely charmed or hypnotized or whatever was happening to her mind with Evelyn so close to her. As Evelyn began to head towards the door, though, the goat girl seemed to snap back to attention.

"Wait! Don't go yet!" She said suddenly, her monotonous affect gone and replaced by eager desperation. Evelyn hesitated. "Uh... it's a really long shift, you know, and I was here for like eight hours yesterday before you came in, and I don't lock up for the day for another six hours today... I get kind of bored, you know?"

Evelyn studied the goat girl closely. Her eyes were wide and her face desperate, if not a little confused. The poor girl didn't know why she desired Evelyn to stay, only that she really didn't want her to go. Evelyn could suddenly feel the weight of the necklace around her throat, almost like it was humming with arcane power. A thrill went through her body, a tingling in her chest and the pit of her stomach, all the way down to her loins. Her cock slowly began to harden in her pants, pressing tightly on the fabric, making her shift uncomfortably. Though she couldn't see her, Evelyn could almost sense Lilith's presence, hanging on the moment, urging her on. She sighed, and took a moment to think.

Alex was a cute girl, all things considered. Despite being quite a bit younger than Evelyn herself, and having most of her girlish figure hidden beneath and oversized baggy shirt, Evelyn couldn't help but to imagine her young body becoming willingly pliable in her hands. She groaned, her cock straining against her pants, and finally gave in, making up her mind.

"Alright Alex," Evelyn said, her voice low and smooth as she walked back to the counter. She leaned in close to the girl, looking her straight in the eyes and smiling seductively at her. Her tits pressed against the wooden countertop, and Alex shifted back, her cheeks flushing as she got another full face-full of Evelyn's overpowering sexual aura. Evelyn could feel the vibration of power emanating from herself now, could smell the tell tale scent of musk and arousal on Alex. Oh, this could be fun, she admitted to herself. "I'll stick around for a bit, but on one condition,"

"Yes! Anything. Ugh its just so boring here all day. What is it?" Alex rambled eagerly, her face splitting into a relieved grin.

"There isn't much to sit on around here," Evelyn said, looking around dramatically in demonstration. "How about you let me sit back there, behind the counter?"

"Oh, is that it?" Alex said, hopping up from her stool. "Sure, take a seat Ms... uh..."

"Oh, you can just call me Evelyn, sweat heart," Evelyn smiled, and brushed her fingers playfully along one of Alex's horns. The goat girl quivered excitedly from her touch as Evelyn took her seat. "But you don't need to stand! Come on and sit with me!" Evelyn patted her lap invitingly, conveniently ignoring the very obvious tent her boner was making in her pants. Alex flushed.

"Oh, I don't know Ms. Evelyn," She protested, clearly uncomfortable. Evelyn smiled back at her.

"Please, Alex, Evelyn is fine. And don't worry about it! There's nothing to be embarrassed about, no harm in sitting in my lap is there?"

"Well, I guess not," Alex gave in very quickly, tugging at her ankh necklace for a second before sitting gently at the edge of Evelyn's knee. Evelyn had pushed too far to just be satisfied with that though, and she wrapped her hands around Alex's waist, surprisingly lithe and toned despite her deceptively baggy clothes, and tugged her fully into her lap. The goat girl let out a surprised squeak, but didn't offer any resistance. Evelyn sighed in satisfaction as she felt Alex's taught round bottom slide firmly up against her tented bulge, her covered cock nestling securely between the goat's ass cheeks.

"There now, isn't that nice?" Evelyn asked. Alex didn't answer. Almost subconsciously, the younger girl leaned back into Evelyn's chest, and leaned her head back on the wolfess' shoulder. Evelyn chuckled.

"You know Alex, you are a very cute girl." Evelyn said softly. Her hands wandered casually along the goat girl's thighs, her claws catching gently on the dark washed denim before she hooked her thumbs in her belt, careful not to go too far too fast and risk jostling the girl out of her trance. "Ms. Greygate must be really lucky to have an... employee as cute and obedient as you around."

"Oh... well... Thats nice of you to say Ms.. er... Evelyn.." Alex muttered. Evelyn could feel here short little tail twitching against her stomach. Evelyn slowly began working her hands up under the cashier's shirt, gently feeling her bare stomach and walking her fingers up her ribs. Like before, Alex quivered under her hands, but didn't resist.

"Oh, come on now Alex. Are you telling me Ms. Greygate doesn't show you proper appreciation for this wonderfully accommodating attitude of yours?" Evelyn continued to tease her, sensing, somehow, that this was the best tactic to bend the girl to her will.

"Oh, Ms. Greygate appreciates me, sure," Alex said, her voice bordering on defensive now. There was a little bit of a fade at the end of the sentence though, an unspoken 'but'. Evelyn pressed her for more, her hands now up past the bottom of her ribs and feeling around at the bottom of her bra. She pressed her muzzle into the girl's neck, gently growling in her ear and brushing her lips lightly against her the edge of her jaw.


"Well... I don't know..."

"You want more from her, don't you Alex...?" Evelyn pressed. The goat girl shuddered, telling Evelyn she had hit the right note with her. She gently unclasped the girl's bra. "That's ok Alex. It's totally normal to lust after a beautiful, powerful woman... particularly one who holds a position of power over you. Its totally natural, and you shouldn't be embarrassed to give into that desire... you could be surprised where it gets you..."

Throwing caution to the wind, Evelyn took firm hold of Alex's bare tits. They were small, barely larger than a handful, but they were soft and full and squished pleasantly in the palms of Evelyn's kneading hands. Alex let out a low, drawn out bleat of pleasure, and Evelyn felt her nipples hardening beneath her fingers. She smiled triumphantly, kissing along the edge of Alex's neck, her jaw, her shoulder. The girl's heart pounded in her chest, her breath hitching in her lungs as she let Evelyn fondle her openly now in the middle of her store.

She shifted her hips, at first accidentally, Evelyn thought, but then with increasing frequency, grinding her tight little butt into Evelyn's still contained but achingly hard shaft. Evelyn groaned, mauling at the girl's tits as her cock hardened in her pants, egged on by the firm, grinding rear of the store clerk. Alex panted, her breathing heavy now as Evelyn continued to tease her. Her cheeks flushed under her fur, and the heat began to rise in her neck and chest. Her eyes were half lidded and glazed now, and Evelyn could tell that the poor girl was completely zonked out on whatever arcane sexual pheromones Lilith had granted her.

Evelyn groaned, her hard cock now pressed painfully tight against the inside of her pants and Alex's tight ass. She growled, mauling the girls tits lustily, completely giving in to this new, intense sexual drive she seemed to have. She pulled the goat girl's t-shirt up over her head and shoulders, leaving her bare chested right there in the shop. Alex did nothing to stop her, she just bleated softly under her breath, mouth hanging open, her thighs grinding together with need. Evelyn could smell her arousal; the spicy musky scent of need. It filled the air, and only served to turn Evelyn on more, driving her to more extreme shows of lust. She couldn't take it anymore.

With a growl, Evelyn stood, practically dumping Alex off her lap. The girl stumbled, catching herself on the edge of the counter and supporting her weight with shaking knees. "Fuck, I guess we're doing this then. God damned succubus... Ok girl, pull down those pants and bend over the fucking counter. You want this as much as I do, I can smell it on you..." Evelyn barked. Alex blinked at her, mouth hanging open, still clearly in a daze. She hesitated, and for a moment Evelyn thought she was going to come back to her senses.

That moment passed, however, and soon the topless goat girl was hastily pulling her pants and underwear down around her ankles. She bent over at the waist, supporting her weight on her elbows as she thrust her hips out towards Evelyn. The wolfess grinned in appreciation as she took in the sight before her, the girl's pert round ass, her wet, glistening folds just visible between her trembling thighs. Alex hiked her short black goat tail up and arched her back, bleating needfully, her eyes fixed on the room directly ahead of her, not looking back at the towering wolfess who loomed over her bent form. She stiffened slightly as she heard the zipper on Evelyn's pants, and the wolfess chuckled under her breath.

"I know you felt my meat on your ass when you were grinding your little bottom into me." Evelyn teased as she stroked her hard red shaft. "I know you were getting wet just thinking about it penetrating you. Tell me, which hole should I take, hm? Your dripping wet pussy, or that tight little ring under your tail?"

"My... my ass..." Alex whimpered softly. Evelyn blinked, surprised.

"What was that?" She asked. Alex took a breath, steeling herself.

"My ass," She said a little louder. Evelyn grinned.

"Really now? A real butt slut are you then? Just met a girl and you're ready for her to fuck you up the tail hole?"

"I've... I've never done it in my... in my pussy..." Alex said, flushing a darker shade of red. Evelyn couldn't help but laugh.

"Really? You're a virgin? For real?" Alex nodded. "And you want your first time to be getting fucked in the butt at work?"

"I uh.. I want to save my pussy..." Alex said. Her words were cut off with a short yelp of surprise as Evelyn grabbed her tight ass, spreading the cheeks wide and spitting a thick glob of spit on the goat girl's butthole. She stroked her cock with her free hand, keeping it nice and hard as the tip oozed pre-cum all down her shaft.

"Oh, you do now. Saving it for Ms. Greygate are you?" She taunted her. Alex whined in answer, a response Evelyn took to mean she had hit the nail on the head. Speaking of nails...

Evelyn took her position behind Alex, centering herself behind the girl's hips. With one hand on her ass and the other gripping her shaft firmly, Evelyn guided the tip of her cock towards Alex's tight sphincter. The girl tensed, sucking in air sharply as she felt the tip of the wolfess' cock press against her tight ring, her hands white knuckled on the counter before her. Evelyn bit her lower lip and pushed.

Alex's ass was tight. Evelyn suspected the girl hadn't had anything bigger than her own fingers up there before. That was about to change though. She pushed again, and Alex bleated, her voice strained and tight with need and anxiety. Evelyn pressed her hips forward again, sucking on her teeth as she felt the tip nudging in past the tight ring of Alex's sphincter. With a pop, she was in. The girl let out a painted gasp, shifting from one foot to another as she tried to adjust to the girth of Evelyn's meat.

She was dry inside completely unlubed. In her eagerness to penetrate the girl, Evelyn hadn't even thought to lube her up. It was no matter though. She ground her hips forward, slowly inching her cock deeper and deeper into the girl's ass, and as she did she continued to pump pre-cum into her tight, virgin bowls, providing her own natural lubrication.

Evelyn thrust again, and Alex let out a squeal, tensing up as her ass resisted the invader being forced into her rear end. Evelyn gritted her teeth, and took a firm hold of the squirming hips being presented to her. She thrust again, forcing her cock in another few inches. A third thrust finally broke the dam, and Evelyn found herself hilted fully into Alex's ass.

"Oh fuck... thats the stuff right there..." Evelyn sighed. Alex whimpered, her eyes screwed tight as she tried to adjust to the hot rod of meat buried deep in her rear. After taking a moment to brace herself, Evelyn began to fuck in and out of the girl's bottom, slowly at first, then picking up speed as she found herself in a rhythm.

Her heavy, furry balls slapped into Alex's rear as she hilted the poor girl over and over again. The shop was empty, but the door was unlocked and the open sign was on. At any moment a customer could have walked in, and they would have been greeted immediately by the sight of the cashier being dicked down behind the counter by a tall, looming wolfess with a massive cock. Evelyn was shocked by how much the thought turned her on. Her balls were practically churning with cum as they churned out more and more sperm, her body racing to fulfill its most basic of instincts; To squirt as much wolf sperm as deep into this goat girl's bottom as she possibly could. The need to breed was intense, and even though Evelyn knew in the rational part of her mind that anything she squirted into this poor young, pheromone addled girl's ass would be totally wasted, her cock didn't, and all it wanted to do was knot her tight little butthole and pump gallons and gallons of sperm into her bowls.

Panting hard, her tits heaving with the effort, Evelyn continued to pound into Alex's rear end. The goat's thighs pressed painfully into the edge of the counter, but she did nothing to try to adjust her position. She just lay there, bent over, ass up, taking it. Her pussy dripped and drooled its thick liquid love down the sides of her legs into a growing pool of lust in her rapidly dampening underwear. She bleated and whined as she grew closer and closer to her own climax, and Evelyn felt her rectum clenching like a vice around her throbbing meat.

With one last, powerful thrust, Evelyn jammed her growing knot past Alex's stretched and abused hole, drawing out a long, loud wail of pain and pleasure. Evelyn's furry balls churned, tightening rapidly as her muscles worked overtime. Spurt after spurt of thick wolf cream filled Alex's overstuffed asshole and bowls like a baster filling a creampuff with frosting. Her virulent wolf sperm flooded the girl's insides, desperately searching for an egg to impregnate, completely unaware that they had just been injected deep into the wrong hole, that their potency was wasted on nothing more that the pleasure of one lusty, supernaturally empowered wolfess.

It was this same explosion of lust that drove Alex over the edge as well. She cried, pressing her forehead tight against the wooden counter, her horns digging little gouges into the wood. Her tongue lolled from her mouth, drooling uncontrollably as her ass and pussy spasmed violently, her legs shaking, barely supporting her own weight. She was practically broken, completely overwhelmed by the combination of supernatural charm and prowess imparted on Evelyn by the magical charm she wore around her neck. She was completely cum drunk, bent to Evelyn's will, and as her body betrayed her and her own orgasm hit in crashing waves, forced on her by the throbbing hot meat wedged between her quivering furry goat buns, her knees gave out.

There she hung, her bare tits and face resting on the cool surface of the shop counter while her rear end was held up purely by the iron hard rod that was Evelyn's cock, still buried deep in her ass, and tied to her by a thick knot.

In panting, sweaty silence they remained there, tied together at the hips as Evelyn's cock continued to pump spurt after spurt of thick hot wolf cream from its tip. Finally, her knot began to recede, clearly having decided that enough time had passed for the victim of its attentions to have submitted to the breeding that it was meant for.

With a sick, wet pop, Evelyn's cock slid from Alex's now ruined asshole, and with it came several cups worth of wolf semen, dribbling out like a hot white yogurt, down the girl's thighs and into her already soaking wet underwear and pants, further ruining them. Evelyn chuckled, her face flush, completely shocked by her own behavior as she began to come down from the intense high left behind by the violent anal breeding she had just inflicted on this girl. An odd feeling of guilt and confusion began to settle in her stomach as it occurred to her that just as Alex had been influenced by the power of whatever magic was ingrained in this strange charm, Evelyn had been too.

For as far as she was concerned, Alex still had not seemed to recover from whatever influence that had been. She was completely fucked silly, laying listlessly over the counter, cum leaking light a faucet out of her abused asshole, nearly stripped naked. A quickening, drooling mess, her eyes rolled back in her head, tongue hanging out of her mouth, a glazed smile on her face.

Evelyn felt her loins stir once more looking at the ruined girl before her, and realized that if she didn't leave soon, she could easily end up spending the next few hours fucking the goat farther and farther into sexual insanity. She tucked her rapidly re-hardening cock back into her underwear and pulled up her pants again. Brushing her hair back from her face, she grinned sheepishly at Alex and gave her rear a little slap. Alex let out a weak little yelp, but otherwise remained where she was.

"Well, it was fun spending time with you today, Alex," Evelyn said, trying to keep her voice confident and coy to hide her mounting uncertainty. "I'll stop by and speak with Ms. Greygate tomorrow, if you don't mind." Alex didn't answer. Evelyn waited a moment longer, and then stepped out from behind the counter and made her way out of the shop. As she was leaving, she noted a group of young twenty-something heading down the alley towards the door. There were five of them, four guys and a girl, all of them canines of some sort. They paused as Evelyn skirted past them, watching her go with interest.

"Hey," The girl said softly to a broad shouldered guy wearing a leather jacket. "What is that fantastic smell?"

"I don't know. Some kind of incense maybe? We could check that shop for it.."

"Ugh, fuck yeah we should. That shit smells like pure sex!"

Evelyn hurried away, not struggling against every urge in her body to follow these strangers into some dark alley and pound them all into a sexual puddle. She had more pressing, more concerning things to deal with first. Most important thing on the list was another, very serious, conversation with a certain sex demon about how she was influencing her...