Thicker Than Blood
(c) 2010 Joshua G.
Hey all, this isn't my profile. It's actually my boyfriend's, but I highly doubt he'll mind me using it to upload something.. he's very proud of my writing, so I decided to share some of it with the world.. or at least, the furry community. I've themed the story for such, based as well as I could from what I've seen around this crazy, but strangly erotic website.
So yeah, this is what happens when I'm bored, lonely and insatibly horny for a whole night when Nathan is working a 12 hour shift and I have no friends to keep me company. I literally just wrote the first two parts of this because I was fucking horny, and I.. Anyway, by the time I got off, I found it would make for a decent little tale, and it literally wrote itself from there.
Just so you know, the views expressed in this work had nothing to do with my own, and if characters or events bear any similarity to real people or occurances, it is purely coincidental. The only realistic reference in this tale is the state of California. For all of you children who choose to read this, just don't get caught, because it's YOU who navigated here and you shall be the one to answer for breaking Da Rules. This story is about 6 - 8 hours of work in total, and each section was proof-read upon completion. THe story was revised once in its entirety. Also, blame formatting errors on SF.. I did my best to compensate, dammit.. >.<
Now, I hope you all have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. That said, Enjoy!
Thicker than Blood
"And potassium, as I shall demonstrate here.." pausing in his lecture, the aged lion moved to a cone-based beaker he'd just filled with water. He lifted a small, metallic cube and held it carefully over the beaker a few seconds, then released it into the water. The resulting sparkling and flame spurred many different reactions in the fifth-grade chemistry student body. "..reacts very violently with water."
The demonstration did grab Deego's attention, but not for very long. Once the fireworks ceased, he went right back to gnawing on the end of his pencil and eagerly eyeing the clock. Only two more minutes and he'd be free for the weekend. Above all else, he looked forward to a long weekend with, hopefully, just his dad the most. He just couldn't wait to get home.
"So with that about wrapped up, I feel that since you children are smart enough to take this course, and since so many of you are passing so well, I won't assign any homework over the weekend." A myriad of cheers, roots, relieved sighs and 'awesome, teach!' filled the air, but then the lion spoke up again. "Instead, I'll just have a project ready for you all by Monday, due no later than the end of the week." The now-disheaved groans and snide remarks were met with a grin by the older fur, and he spoke up "Now, none of that, children. You all have a good weekend. I'll see you all Monday."
The bell rang and Deego literally hopped from his seat and started for the door, but stopped at the call of his name. Cringing and heaving a great, agitated sigh, he turned and started towards his teacher. "Yes, Mr. Mundoo?"
"I've been worrying about you. You don't seem to mix with any of the other students lately, Deego, and that's not healthy for a boy your age. Even though I've paired you up with some of the more lively students, you seem to withdraw yourself more. Is everything all right at home?" The old lion stared closely at the young, lanky plain gray wolf, studying him intently for any signs of discomfort. He was surprised though, to see a gleaming smile and joy in his golden eyes, and the young cub lost in thought. "Deego..?"
"Sorry.. uhh... I have a lot on mind.. um, may I just go home, now?" He pulled on his shoulder against the teacher's gentle hold and backed up a step towards the door when released, and the lion simply stared for another moment, then nodded. Deego practically ran to his bike to make his way home. It didn't matter to him what sorts of hobbies and recreational courses his private school had to offer, he just wanted to get home; and really, there wasn't another thought that would distract him from it.
= = =
When Deego finally got home, he hopped off his bike, let it neutral into the garage and rushed through the front door before it ever stopped; much like he always did after a long day at school. He went to the living room to see his father: a large, built, azure-eyed and unusually colored white-pelted wolf with a black chest that faded into dark gray inner thighs. As expected, he was sitting completely naked and with a sizeable, full-on boner in his lap. His right paw was spreading the pre and gripping the knot to keep the size maintained. The older wolf smiled at the sight of his pup and spread his thighs while leaning back on the couch, and the cub wasted no time kneeling between those thighs to get to work. His right paw found and molested a large scrotum with practiced ease, while he hungrily eyed the dick easily the size of his head. He closed his eyes and took a long, deep whiff of the steaming scent, then his muzzle plunged onto the very familiar, fairly large penis, his free paw replacing his fathers as he did. After fondling the copiously sized nuts, his right paw met with his left to grip and tug down the sides of the engorged length. Meanwhile, his tongue circled, pressed and rubbed along the large dick's shaft. At the same time, the back of his mouth swallowed, and consequently tightened around and sucked the tapered tip. His throat was quite eager to pull down the jetting precum.
Ra'ul spread his arms over the back of the couch and laid his head against the wall, moaning softly and content while enjoying the practiced paws and mouth of his son. Eventually, he felt the back of Deego's mouth give way and his tip, then his entire prick began to slip down the smooth, hot throat. The whole time he experienced this, every couple of seconds he felt the cub swallow, to simulate a once-familiar gripping, sucking orifice... Silenlty, he thanked his wife for her treachery, and their son. After basking in the feeling of good head for a while longer, he sat up and pat the insides of his lap with each paw. Deego immediately stopped sucking and grinned, hastily undid his pants and in a single motion, threw them down, raised his tail and hopped up into the big wolf's lap. His paws went from pulling himself up by his dad's shoulders to pulling his butt-cheeks apart while wiggling and working his ring around the thick tip, until his mark was hit. For a time after letting the tip in, he remained on his knees to give it ample time to lube him up. Meanwhile, his claws worked up the mid-line of father's stomach, then chest, then open paws pulled firmly down the sides of the Ra'ul's chest and moved in as they traced down the stomach. When his paws met, under the base of that huge knot, Deego wrapped them around that base and gently kneaded. Now, his insides thickly pooled with pre, he pulled himself down to the shaft by the knot and moved to a squat, his nose lifted and mouth agape in a tongue-hanging pant for the whole ride . Ra'ul again leaned back and sighed long and hard, mimiced his son's expression and moaned out his approval, tail slowly thumping the neighboring sofa coushin.
His pup was really getting into this. Soon, he sank down the entire length of the large, throbbing and girthy cock, then he pulled back up. For a few moments he continued to ride the oozing and spurting mass, until he felt his own loins begin to stir. He rode this out a few minutes longer, his paws exploring and caressing the knot and heavy sack beneanth it. While he did this, his muzzle sniffed, licked and nibbled the places he knew his dad's nipples would be, along with every other inch he knew the big wolf loved. He could never get enough of this, and every time he did it, it seemed to get better. Eventually, he felt strong, large paws grip around his waist, the tips of the fingers crossing on his spine and the thumbs pressing down his thighs. He knew well what came next, so he brought his knees up repositioning from a squat to a sit, while gripping his paws at the base of the knot to pull it against his sphincter. The paws on his back shifted so that the pinky and ring fingers of each paw were digging into and stretching his anus further open. Eventually, he felt his well-worked anal ring begin to give way and gradually welcome the large lump of flesh, until finally his body closed around it. He immediately moved his paws down to the balls beneath his tail and worked over each with a paw, stroking, rolling, gripping, pushing them up, massaging.. anything to stimulate them..
Ra'ul loved this every bit as much as the eager, young pup tied in his lap. Each sensation his son drove him through and the thought of how every bit of it was taboo. And now, here the boy was practically begging him to let go and release his load, relentlessly toying with his sack. He let out a soft chuckle and pressed his hips firmly against the small ass, while at the same time pulling those hips down against his; his goal was to drive the knot deeper, and his wild humping would see it through. Eventually he cupped his right paw at the base of the boy's tail and his left between his shoulderblades and stood. He leaned forward and slightly down and moved each paw up to the lower back and around the back of the boy's neck respectively, and began a hard, fucking rythem. The intense friction against his already hot prick served only to further warm its rapidly shrinking prison. His erractic thrusts jolted the cub back and forth in his paws, while his ample pair slammed against his tail's base. Soon, he felt two small arms wrap tightly around his lower back and heard excited and somewhat stifled yelps and squeals from his cub. And then, he smelled an erotic musk and felt something hot, wet and sticky on his stomach.. He grinned, closed his eyes and began to pant. This was fucking amazing, and every second made it harder to hold back; not that the now-squelching rectum helped. Ra'ul moved back to the couch and laid his son gently on his back, then kneeled over him and began to mercilessly slam into him. THe whole while his left arm was wrapped around his boy's neck and his right paw never moved from his lower back. Shoulders held still and ass held up in place, he kneeled on either side of the cub's body and ground himself deep with short, jerky ruts, until finally... One hard, driving thrust that pushed deeper than each prior, coupled with a howl withheld into a muffled grunting growl, his sack pulled tight and his balls up into his body, gushing hard their firey-hot prize. The whole while he seemed to be attempting to drive his hips themselves into the poor kid.
This, the moment he had waited for, had finally come. Deego whimpered softly, eyes closed and ears pinned back, but he had a huge grin on his muzzle. He'd whimpered in sheer pleasure and accomlishment at the deed that had just transpiered, and he knew this moment would last a few minutes. Dad was a very feral wolf, even in the respect of sex, and he had the traditional drawn-out orgasm. However, what he didn't expect was his dad to sit down in the middle of if and position their legs on either side of the other's body. He looked up rather confused, but met only a face lost in pleasure: splayed ears, closed eyes and mouth, fur bristled out all over his body with the occasional tongue-lolled pant that lasted a few seconds, and big, weak and shakey paws that desperately pulled his own hips against his reflexively buckling father's. Deego giggled and blushed a slight bit, deeply amused by his pathetic-sounding whimpers of pleasure. Somewhere around the middle of all this, the big oaf pulled off his pup's shirt and leaned down to lap him all over: under his muzzle, on his neck, over his chest and stomach, under the arms and the side of the head, in the ears.. Deego simply yipped, squirmed and giggled at all this attention, sneaking in a lick himself when he could. He thinks that this is the part he likes most, to see that big, strong fur reduced to little more than a puppy after acting so... wild. Hell, he didn't bother trying to figure it out, because he liked all of it. Most of all, he just loved his father.
The two of them sat there for a good few minutes, riding out and enjoying the long orgasm each just as much as the other, until it finally ebbed off. Ra'ul sighed deeply in afterglow and smiled, looked down to his son who smiled adoringly back and leaned his head up to lick at the air between them. He laughed and cupped a paw behind his son's head and the other behind his back, and slowly pulled him up to sit in his lap while tilting his head to an angle. Deego smiled and turned his own head to meet his mate's and sucked the large tongue and lips around the kiss. The result was a renewed spike of pleasure down the large wolf's spine and a murr coupled with a giggle. The large wolf sat upright again, holding his cub against him and laid back across the other side of the couch, holding the boy to his chest and stomach and gently rubbing and stroking him. The young wolf closed his eyes and laid back his ears, teasingly cupped his tail around the large balls hanging under it, all the while hugging the chest of and snuggling down into his warm, fuzzy pillow. He passed out cold.
Ra'ul blushed and smiled once more, then yawned and decided to reach for the remote on the coffee table, opting to let the exhausted boy rest. He found nothing on television, however, that would take his mind off of the ass that did little more for his engorged, throbbing dick than entice him to go another round. His smile became another yawn.. maybe when they had more energy. Instead he opted to grab the phone to see if his ex was planning to come over today or at all this weekend; he might just later get to hump his boy awake, yet.
= = =
"Why the fuck did I ever marry you, anyway?!" screamed an enraged, creamy-brown-furred she-wolf. She was pacing back and forth in the living area and fuming. "You can't even keep a fucking job right, and all you ever do is go out with your friends, drinking, carrying on and haunting fitness gyms.. honestly, what the hell kind of a bum are you?!"
"Hannah, I don't know, why don't you just go ahead and leave me if that's all I am? It's not my fault that overseas piping and drilling are seasonal work! Hey, it pays well enough that we can make it through periods that I'm not working.. can't you be happy for that? Our son will have a nice life." Ra'ul held his forhead, eyes closed and ears flat. His lip was drawn back in a snarl and his pelt was fluffed out. "Dear, you wonder why I'm never here, but have you ever thought it might be your icy attitude?"
"Our son... you mean YOUR son. I never wanted to have a kid, not this early in the marriage. And I might not be this pissed off if your excuse to be gone was something useful, like another job. How the hell can I respect a guy that doesn't keep his priorities straight?"
"Look, 'love,' I know that we may not see eye to eye, but my 'priorities,' as you so put it, are ensuring that you and my son can lead a stress free life. All I ask in return is that when I come home, the house is tidy and there's dinner for me to eat. And from you, all I want is faithfulness and honesty. What the hell more could you want in a fur?!"
"I don't know, Ra'ul, maybe someone with a bit more ambition?! You don't seem to have any driving motivation to futher yourself in life. If you don't shape up, then we're through." She punctuated this remark by swiping her flat-palmed hand horizontally across her neck, and shot a disgusted look to her husband. She recieved one in turn.
"Then how's this for a news flash: we are over. I don't need to come home to put up with this bullshit. If you can shape up and fix that attitude, then maybe we can start over. Until then, get your shit and go live with your mother for all I fucking care. Just get out of my house, before you poison our child further."
A shocked look swept over the bitch's face, and as quick as it came, the expression turned to rage. She walked towards her spouse and drew her open-hand paw back to slash across his face with raked claws. Ra'ul simply grabbed her wrist and sighed, and she snarled and screamed, jerking to get away. "LET GO OF ME!!! You fucking piece of shit, LET ME GO!!" with a muttered explicative, he released her paw, and she attempted another swing. THis time, he stepped to the side and slapped her arm down.
"Get out. Get out, now." His calm demeanour proved a thin veil as the paw he pointed to the door with shook violently to the arm, and the splayed ears and growl through his snarl didn't help matters..
Hannah was about to rear back to swing at him again, but she saw a flash in his eyes that gleamed of almost murderous intent, and a sudden fear shook her to the core. She froze, gradually relaxed and exhaled, and slowly made her way to the door. "I'll send for my things.. I don't ever want to see your fucking face ag--"
"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!!!" The rumbling bass of his voice slightly shook the frame of the house, and caused a family photo on the wall next to him to fall. In that same instant, Hannah yelped and folded back her ears, then meekly left without another word nor glance. Ra'ul stood there trembling for a moment longer, closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath. He slowly exhaled and lowered his arm and ears further, hung his head and tail, opened his eyes and whimpered softly; not for the outcome of the situation, but out of concern for his three-year-old son. He made his way upstairs and to his room, but saw the cub sitting on his bed with his arms wrapped around his knees, sobbing. Ra'ul's ears fell flat once more and he walked over to his son, but when he tried to hug him, the boy tried to pull away. That killed him inside, and somehow, he knew it was his voice that caused this. He closed his eyes and stood up, hung his head, turned and walked to the door. After stepping through and pulling it over, he stuck his snout in the crack "That won't happen again, son.. I promise. Dinner will be ready in an hour.."
Halfway down the stairs, he paused and thought long and hard about the move he just made, and smiled inwardly some. His life would definitely be a lot more stress free without that furre around..
= = =
Two years and much, much trouble on part of his wife later, Ra'ul found he still didn't have the means to divorce her, and his chances of dating other women were thrashed. Apparently, she painted him out to be a monster, with a very vivid recounting of what 'really' happened that night. He supposed that this is what he gets for falling for a good actor and make-up artist; it's amazing what one can fake with those things, not to mention how often possessors of these talents also suffer psychosis. He had just barely managed to work his way out of the false lawsuit she filed against him, and she managed to take half of his belongings; thank the Lord on high that California was an equal-split no matter what state. So now, here he was having to support an ungrateful, lying and conniving whore that he just wanted to divorce. He thought he would only have to support himself and his son, with only a divorce hanging over his head. Instead, some fucked up loophole had him keeping a roof over her head as well as their own, as long as they were married. The reasons for this? He managed to shoot down her lawsuit, because his mother-in-law liked him and was merciful enough to discredit her daughter, and for this she refused to ever live with her parents again..
So, the crazy lady went on to fight for custody rights, but that didn't last long. A mandatory background check on her revealed mental instability, criminal history and a poor social network of colleagues. Meanwhile, Ra'ul's came back spotless, and on top of that he was also able to afford her room and board. In most cases, the mother is the legal guardian who rears the child, but with all the details of this case, it was no contest that she was not the right choice here. This attempt on her ex's joy blew up in her face.
So, instead she claimed a case of abandonment and, until he could afford to pay for a divorce, The System helped her leech every red cent she legally could. Sometimes, he just wished he'd killed her that day and incinerated the body or something... Now, two years later here he was, leeched dry and forced to take up another part-time job just to make ends continue to meet. This eliminated a large part of his social life, as the time he wasn't working, he was forced to stay home with his kid. He didn't mind this, but eventually, he began to miss the company of his friends, and the opportunities to date. He was 24, now, soon going on 25 and in his prime, but here he was coming home from work to be greeted and glomped at the waist by a spunky, talkative Deego. This brought a big, heartfelt smile to his face. He had to be the best of the very few good things that wench ever did for him, and after a long day, the boy could always lift his spirits, no matter how bad it was.
"Heeey, son, how are you? Did you hold down the fort okay today? You certainly seem happy." Ra'ul laughed and rubbed the spunky little gray pup over the top of the head and scratched between his ears, which flicked in response. THis also made him smile; he seemed to inherit some of the reflexive, feral traits that he himself had no control over.
"Uh-huh! I had a lot of fun! I watched cartoons on TV for the most part, but there was an interesting documentary on Discovery! So I watched that, and then I went to the Learning Channel because that physical science program was on again today. And then Greg came over with HItler, and we played around in the back yard on the swings and then we swam a bit. Then later I got us each a TV dinner in the fridge, I hope you don't mind.. OH! And--"
"Easy, EASY lad, Hahah! I'm not as sharp as you, to remember all of that... Hitler, honestly.. who would name a pet dog something like that?"
"Well, he couldn't think of a name, and he's a little white dog that looks kinda funny with what looks like a black moustache and fluff on the top of his head so--"
"No, that's quite fine, I get it... so other than that, I noticed the door wasn't locked. Remember what I told you?"
"I knooow... it's dangerous and there are some bad furs around town and you're worried about me, and you don't want me here, vulnerable and all by myself and all that stuff... I forgot, sorry Daddy.." Deego whined and lowered his nose, ears and tail. Ra'ul smiled and crouched down, placed his paws under Deego's arms and picked the cub up. He was rewarded with a startled yelp and a curious, ear-perked gaze. He smiled and rubbed his nose to the boy's and licked his cheek, and the pup grinned and wagged, attemping to return the kiss.
"That's better.. now come on, let's go see if we can't find something to watch or a game to play together.. you don't mind hanging out with dear old dad again tonight, do ya?"
"Of course not! You're way cooler to talk to than the other kids... they don't seem to have much to talk about, or even know too much."
"Ahh... you really are something, you know that? Did I ever tell you that I'm really proud to have you for a son?"
"All the time, Dad... I think you said it this morning, too."
"Hahah! Well.. it's true."
The two of them spent the evening first playing a couple of board games, then Deego showed him some of the extra features he unlocked in one of his video games. A gamer himself, Ra'ul watched intently and asked if he could try some out. Deego turned on the second controller and tossed it to him and they goofed off on video games for a while, then they went back down to find a movie to watch on the television. After TV got boring, Ra'ul started up dinner while Deego distracted himself with games, and then after the two of them ate, they went up to Deego's room again to find something on Netflix on one of the boy's consoles. This was a regular day in the life he and his son shared, and he wouldn't dare to change a bit of it.
The day would eventually come, however, when he would have to start school, but Ra'ul pondered over an issue: did he want to enroll him in public school, or not? Sure, he could do just fine with others; in fact, he was extremely sociable and wordy for his age. But then Ra'ul wondered if he might be better suited to an accelerated education school. He decided he had a good few months to deliberate over that, so instead he enjoyed what glimmering moments of life he had, as granted by his gift of a son.
= = =
A couple of years down the road, his part time job paid off when he managed to finally get his divorce settled. That bitch could no longer leech and make his and his son's life difficult, but with the divorce being final, he had to once again give up half of his belongings. Hannah took him to court once again when he refused, and his argument was that he was the single parent with full protective custody of the child, and that wordy and intelligent little spit stuck up for him at every chance. Much to Ra'ul's pride, the judge and jury's shock, and his mother's frustration, the young boy properly asked his turn to speak in his father's defense. He quoted many popular cases he'd learned of from watching court programs on television, since many shows had to do with this very issue. His unreputeable logic eventually spared his Father another humulating defeat in court; in fact, it turned up unsettled. It was brought to the jury's attention that Ra'ul, being the single parent, if anything should be the one recieving child support. The case was put on hold to finish at a later date due to the time the un-resolving case consumed. Hell-bent on owing him nothing, Hannah opted to merely drop the case and leave the issue as a stalemate.
Never in his life had Ra'ul been more proud to have fathered such a sharp-witted child. As time went, he had little need for his part time job and eventually, he quit it. He returned to his old life of wandering around and socializing with his old friends, but a lot of them had changed. Of the bar-hoppers, many were now homeless, his work-out buddies had families of their own and lost time to get out, and his hang-around-chilling buddies had oddly enough ended up, for the most part, drifting to other regions. Left with little to do outside of dating, he opted to try and find a good furre now that he was able to support a household. He found, however, that he missed all the time he spent with Deego, and it became apparent that he was at this point more a loving father and less a swooner and heart-breaker.
With his son's best interest at heart and in an effort to keep him occupied, he decided to use some of his now-stable assets to enroll him in a private school like he had originally planned. He looked through a list of the private, accelerated schools in their area, and decided on the best one in his price range. Before he finalized this decision, however, he sat down with the boy and talked it over with him.
"But.. Dad, I have friends at school, I won't be able to see them anymore, will I? Isn't there some other option?" The boy pleaded, and his father almost relented, but decided to try a different angle.
"Deego, I know you have friends, but keep in mind, they all live in this part of the city. You could always visit them; I could give you time to gather their contact info for this before switching you over."
"That sounds like a good plan, Dad, but I won't be able to see them every day anymore.."
"Well... how about this. Remember how you complained that school was too easy, and that your peers are kinda dumb?"
"Yeah..? Well I mean, yeah that's all true, but they're still kinda fun, if not immature.."
"Well, think about what it would be like to learn something you haven't read in a book or watched on Discovery or TLC yet. How would it be to talk with other kids on your intellectual level, who could hold the same kind of conversations? Do you think you could cope with that? Oh, also, they offer a large variety of extra-curricular activities: sports, hobbies, arts and crafts.. I think it's worth a look into.."
This got a long pause and deep thought from the boy. It was still very early in his second grade school year. The beginning of September and he would have plenty of time to catch up and make new friends. He smiled and looked back up to his Dad, and he nodded. "Sure, Dad, I'll give it a try. But there are still a few furs at school I wanna spend time with, so lemme get their info before we do this. ALso, I reserve the right to change my mind and go back at any time."
This sparked a light-hearted snicker from Ra'ul, and he nodded. "Of course, son.. shoot, it'll save us some money anyway, if that's the case. I just want you to have some sort of challenge at school."
= = =
A few months down the road, he still found himself no closer to finding a potential mate. He randomized visits to every bar, club, coffee house, even library.. any place he could have a chance of stumbling over someone who could grab his interest. Four and a half years later, and in the start of winter, he found himself completely alien on the proper tactics to dating. How could he have completely forgotten EVERYTHING about the wooing and dating game?? And being out of it for a few years, he had little hope of catching up to what was 'in' these days, bisexual or not.
So once again, here he was: a single, young-adult Dad with a genius child, just having worked through a rediculously complicated divorce, and he had no idea how to set himself back up in a relationship. It had been four years since he knew the touch of another between all that stressed him, and socially, he was long dead. At a dead end, he considered his options and what it would be like to live on his own, but he really wanted someone there to be a mother figure for his son; even if it was a flamer of a fur, it would be good enough.
= = =
By the end of winter, his son was soon going on to eight, and Ra'ul was no closer to establishing a stable family. He couldn't figure out why. He was attractive, well-off, had a wonderful son, he was a very respectful and faithful guy.. then suddenly it hit him. He is just an old-fashioned husband and Dad. No one wants that anymore, because it isn't 'hot' enough, or whatever the selling trend was.. But it had been years, and he so badly wanted someone to share his bed with. It drove him up the walls and he absolutely refused to one-night-stand prostitues, not in his and his son's home. But then, a switch went on in his head. His son. His son knew him better and was closer to him than anyone else he knew, and they shared a very deep, very special bond, and... 'no... NO! That's just aphorrid.' But the thought was so tempting. He drove it off.
But still, now and then, it would come up to plague him. Once he'd turned himself on to the idea, his own lust and deep affection for the boy, coupled with the mental capacity his cub possessed... it all seemed to make so much sense in his head, but by his heart, it wrenched his gut. He spent many long, thought-sunken days, and a number of sleepless nights, and his inability to drive off those thoughts gradually weakened his resolve. And why should he fight it? He loved his son, very much, and he knew his son loved him. If nothing else, this would simply be taking that love to another level, and he would never need to worry about what the one whom shares his bed thinks of him. THe boy is very intelligent, too; he should have zero problems understanding exactly what it is he's asking of him. He had to admit, too.. at this point, the idea of how wrong it was turned him on considerably. He decided, one way or another, to bring it up to his son. He was curious to see how Deego would react to the idea.
He waited until early spring, a couple of weeks before Deego was to make eight. He also waited until a day that he wasn't going to be busy with sports or hobbies after school. On a Friday in the start of March, he waited in the front den at the game table for the boy to return, and played out every possible outcome in his head. He fumbled and tossed many different approaches and thoughts, backup plans and topic-changes should he chicken out. Before he knew it, the door swung open and he was face to face with the one fur he was most uneasy of at this moment, and Deego saw it all over his face.
Sensing a powerful tension on the air and worried about the state of his father's demeanor, he decided to make the first move to get what he assumed would be a long talk moving along. "Dad..? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Heh.. you could say that, son.. Deego, how was your day today?" He made his best effort to look easy and smiled to the boy, but he could tell from the kit's expression that he wasn't fooled.. not even close.
"..My day was pretty good. The principle called you after all, didn't he? I swear I didn't hurt that boy! It was mostly reflex.." Now somewhat nervous and slightly mislead to the reason of Ra'ul's un-ease, he whined softly under his breath and looked down to his clasped paws.
Ra'ul was somewhat confused about this, as he recieved no such word of this. But, he saw a chance to re-think and maybe plan out an approach of the real matter on mind, so he jumped on the chance totackle this issue first. "What..? I didn't hear anything about this. Your principle never notified me of any incidents involving you and other students. What happened?"
The boy lowered his ears and hesitated, but decided to share the details since he'd already brought it up. "Well.. at lunch today, some big kid was harassing one of the girls from my class. He was trying to get her dessert, and he was threatening to take it from her every day next week if she didn't. He also said that if she told anyone about it, he would feign ignorance and tell the principle he only offered her food he didn't want. Well, he was causing her a lot of stress and I didn't like that, because she's one of my friends. He was also a big brute of a fur, so I figured he wouldn't listen to words. My body decided to head this problem off before my mind could come up with a conslusion. Before I knew it, I was behind him using a harmless takedown from some library book about Jujitsu. He landed harder and cried about it, so the principle came to see what was going on. All the other students talked over each other to tell the story for us, though. He said I did a very good thing and promised not to tell you about it, but also that violence is not tolerated.. and he also told me that if i did it again I'd be suspended for the rest of the day..."
Ra'ul couldn't help but grin and wag as his heart welled with pride. He wanted to tell Deego how good his judgement was and how impressed he was with his insticts; it was the best way to diffuse that situation. However, he didn't want to give him any bad ideas for future incidents. "Dee, I think you made a very good decision on how to handle that situation. THe teacher is right, however.. you can't be doing that sort of thing... publically." When the boy's ears cocked and he looked up to meet his gaze with puzzled curiousity, Ra'ul smiled inwardly and held up a single claw. "See, it was good judgement because your move left no visible injury; that could get you in a lot of trouble. If something like that happens again, feel free to use similar methods, but only when the teacher isn't around to see.. and be careful not to injure the poor sap. That way, it's only your word versus his. And who do you think they're going to believe: one of their most intelligent, well-behaved students, or a rough-nosed little hooligan?" He grinned wide as he said this and gave a mischevious gaze to Deego, who smiled back and nodded.
"I see.. that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for that advice, Dad. I'll be sure to use it the next time I get put in such a situation!"
"Just remember, don't do it too often, or they will question the frequency of those claims. Suttlety is key, after all." He was feeling relaxed again. Maybe a bit more of this and he'd have the confidince to push on to other topics. And what if he took to the idea? He might finally have someone to share himself with, after all... oh, how the thought made him long. In spite of himself and his surroundings, he retreated into his thoughts and enjoyed the ideas of sharing such intimacy. He barely heard his name called, but what he did hear snapped him out of his daydream dead cold.
"What.. is that smell?"
Ra'ul knew exactly what he was talking about, and he knew exactly what it was. He folded back his ears in panic when he noticed the cub had already closed his eyes and started to sniff the air. 'He looks so fucking adoreable! NO! NOT the thing to be thinking, not right now!' He struggled with himself, but all the same, that smell grew denser, and the pup was already on his feet and following his nose. Ra'ul abruptly thrust his paws into his lap, but the pressure and friction only excited him further, to his frustration and dismay. 'Fuck... FUCK!' It wasn't seconds later that Deego's nose bumped into the back of Ra'ul's left paw and he abruptly blinked his eyes open, ears cocked, head tilted, and curiously trying to sniff around the paws. "Dee, son.. I wouldn't..."
"Dad, why does your crotch smell so weird?"
"Uhm... well you see... Dee, you know how you came to be, right? How you were born, and the events leading up to it?" He failed to make eye-contact, looking for anything else other than that adoreably innocent face and any topic to change the subject, if only a little bit.
"Well.. you told me that when a fur and a furre really love each other, they get mated and live together, and then one night when they're having relations, the female ends up pregnant and nine months later, they have a child... but what does that have to do with any of this?" He spoke between intently sniffing and trying to nudge the paws away.
"Ah, about that... well, that smell kind of has to do with..." 'Hell, the kid definitely seems interested... what's the harm?' He figured that he'd take a leap of faith and see how the boy'd respond if given a first-hand view of what he was so interested in. So, he moved his paws to the side and slowly un-fastened his belt, then the button of his pants. He grabbed his zipper and paused, looked to Deego who was no longer sniffing, but sitting on his heels and knees and staring straight at his crotch. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.. 'Now or never...' Ra'ul slowly pulled down his fly with his left paw and scooped his right into his boxer-briefs, soon producing a scrotum hanging over the band, under a semi-swollen, bulbous, tip-peaked sheath. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes to look at his son's reaction.
He just sat there, not going for it, nor looking away. He didn't realize this, but it greatly played on his father's emotions: his hopes, his fears, the questions, all fighting for the front of his thoughts. Finally, he spoke."You're.. aroused?"
Well THAT wasn't what he was expecting to hear. "I... guess I am. How do you know of arousal?"
"Dad, remember? I'm not some dumb, run-of-the-mill kid.. Hitler's tried to hump a number of furs in the past, I've seen him get like this. But... why are you, Dad? And why do you smell so much stronger than him?" His eyes never left the crotch in front of him, and after a few seconds, he leaned in, eyes again closed, and took a deep sniff. "And.. so different? It smells nice..."
He felt his cheeks sear at that response, and he decided he'd approach it from a serious, fur-to-fur angle, rather than fur-to-cub. "Well, son you see... at a certain age.. one you'll reach soon.. A fur has certain needs. The reason furs have cubs is.. well, mating actually is a very enjoyable practice. Not only that, but the urge to mate can and does have very powerful effects on a fur.. can drive them to some pretty insane means.." He knew he had to get to this point eventually, but it took a strong force of will to get the words out. For a moment, he just stared deeply into the amber eyes across from him, and somewhere deep down found the courage to go on. "Sometimes, when a fur has no one to mate with, it can even drive them to the brink of insantiy. But, when one chooses a mate, it's usually someone they love very, very much.. someone they hold very dear, that they would sooner lay down their life for, than to ever see hurt, and someone who feels the same about them..."
"...Someone who shares a bond like ours.."
'Damn this kid's sharp...' "Yes, something very similar to that... so what I'm asking, is... son, would you... um... I've given it a lot of thought, and I wanted to ask you about it, but-"
"Sure, Dad... we can be mates. Why are you so uneasy about it?" He stared with a degree of concern, and even greater confusion as to why something like that should cause him so much stress.
Curve-ball right to the brain. Ra'ul's mind blanked and he just stared, at a complete and total loss of what he was just saying for a second, and then at a loss of where to go. He had a hard time believing it could be that simple, and like a dummy, questioned it. "But, you realize what this means, right? I mean, you know how big this decision could effect both of our lives..?"
"There isn't much to it, Dad.. We have a very strong relationship, and you're asking if I would mind taking it further... I mean, I don't exactly understand the whole concept of 'mating' or what it entails, but I see a lot of different people anxious to find a mate so they can. They're all a good bit older than me, though, so I never worried much about it.. but I know we already get along better than a lot of people who even have mates."
It really was that simple. As he sat there and listened to this simple, but sensible point of view, he began to wonder why he ever let his mind and heart complicate the issue so. Still not convinced, he started again. "You realize what I'm asking you to do is spend your life with me, right? I mean, that you won't be moving out on your own when you're older..?"
"I figured that. I know enough about what it is to be mates.. a man and a woman, sometimes two men or two women live with each other.. they're affectionate, like us, but... more so. They really seem to love each other, and talk about spending their lives together. It sounds kinda nice, the idea of.. sharing that... with you. Is that not what you wanted, Dad?"
He didn't question it further. Somehow, the kid had the concept down. In that moment, Ra'ul was happy. Not happy to be around his son, to have a reprieve from his stressed life, worrying about getting a healthy home set up for his son, but just.. happy, with life. He didn't know if Deego really understood what he was agreeing to, but he figured if at some point in his later years, should he change his mind about it, he'd let him know. What he did know, though, was that the boy had a firm grasp of the concept and was curious about it.
"Dad? Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh, I was... I'm sorry, I'm just really happy is all. Thank you, for understanding what I'm asking of you. But I don't know if you even understand fully what it entails."
"Maybe not, but.. I am curious, especially if it has to do with that... odd smell. I get the feeling I won't regret questioning it.."
Ra'ul was very eager to move it onto the next step, so he decided to sate his son's curiousity. With a slow, but large smile, he stared down to Deego, and he felt in his heart that something had changed.. at least, for him. He figured now was a better time than any to show him exactly what mates, were. "Well, son, you see.. it's actually pretty simple.." He leaned forward and reached down to lift the cub to his lap, never broke eye-contact and kept that same stupid grin. It was his first genuinely care-free smile in years.