Diaperless Weekend

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Note: This story features very young furs (~2 years old) being naked and peeing. It does NOT feature any sexual contact with such young furs. If you're looking for stories of molestation, you're barking up the wrong tree.

In case it gets confusing who the different characters are: This story includes four siblings, two older and two younger. The two older ones are Tyler, a 13-year-old boy, and Taylor, a 12-year-old girl. The two very young ones are Alex (boy) and Jordan (girl). These latter two are twins, but Tyler and Taylor aren't (as shown by the year difference in their ages).

Somewhere behind him, Tyler could hear the bedroom door opening. "Yeah?" he mewed without turning his head to see who it was. The scene in front of him demanded his complete attention.

"Mom and Dad just left for the weekend. I'm sure they're thrilled you didn't even come down to say goodbye." The voice was that of his one-year-younger sister, Taylor.

"Yeah, all right, sorry. I said goodbye to them before I came up here."

The twelve-year-old girl cat padded around the bed, coming up beside him. "And Mom said that as soon as they left, you were supposed to stop playing Borderlands and come help me with the twins."

Tyler sighed and put the game on pause while he looked at his sister. "I'm gonna have to help you with them all weekend. Can't I just have a few more--"

"You're going to have to help me? I'm gonna have to take care of them whether you're helping me or not. Now turn that off and come downstairs. If you want, you can just take care of stuff like dinner for right now, but you're going to do SOMETHING, 'cause I'm not doing it all, Ty." His sister glared at him for a moment, then softened a bit. "I mean, you can still play your games while they're sleeping or napping. It won't be that bad."

"Yes, it will." But with a heavy sigh, Tyler relented, exiting the game and leaning forward to power down the console before hopping up on his feet and following Taylor downstairs. "This still really sucks, though."

"Believe me," muttered his sister, "I do." She smiled a little back over her shoulder at him, which he responded to in kind, and just like that they were allies again. "I'm having to miss out on a sleepover 'cause Mom an' Dad had to pick this weekend to go on their thing. But we can deal with it." They were at the bottom of the stairs now and were almost immediately accosted by two much younger kittens, old enough to be running around on two legs yet not old enough to do a very good job of it. Taylor patted the diapers of both small cubs and then picked up the boy of the pair, leaning him against her shoulder with a huff. "You're getting heavy, Alex. Uh, Ty, for right now if you could just empty the dishwasher and then call for dinner, could you do that?" She pointed towards the kitchen. "All the money Mom left us for pizza is in the big envelope on the counter. If you do those things, including paying the delivery guy when he gets here, I won't ask you to do anything else until after dinner, ok?"

"OK." That didn't sound too bad, he had to admit. "You just want cheese, right?"

"Right." Taylor carried the little boy cub off, muttering softly to him the whole time. Tyler looked down at his feet, where the little one's twin sister was now trying to cling to his jean legs. "Hey there, Jo. You can follow me around if you wanna, just don't get in my way while I'm working."

Jordan, as the little girl was named, didn't have much of a problem with that order. She plopped her padded hips down on the kitchen floor and watched raptly as Tyler stacked the clean dishes and cups in the cupboard and filled the silverware drawers. He was just about to close the dishwasher door and start looking for the pizza place's phone number when Taylor came through on her way to the laundry room.

"Hey there. I'm about to order the food. Done so soon?"

Taylor turned to him, showing that the front of her shirt was splattered with streaks of wetness. "Not quite," she said with an exasperated little smile. "I just need to change my shirt. No peeking, okay?"

Tyler laughed. "No peeking, right. Alex getcha?"

The adolescent girl nodded, making a face. "I went to check inside his diaper and he decided it was time to give me a shower. Worst part was that he didn't even need to be changed. I thought he felt like he'd wet, but I was wrong." She shrugged. "I guess I'll have to learn."

"Yeah," Tyler said. There didn't seem to be much else to add, but after a moment he grinned. "Well, at least now it'll be that much longer before he has to go in the diaper."

Taylor just glared at him and stalked towards the laundry room again. Tyler laughed and picked up the phone. True to his word, he didn't peek in on his sister as she stripped off the pee-soaked shirt and ran to her room to put on a clean one. She was fast enough anyway that she was almost done by the time he was done ordering the pizza.

"It'll be here in about forty-five minutes, they said," he told her as she returned. "Seems like a long time, but I guess they're busy on Friday night. What'd you do with Alex?"

"Hmm? Oh, I just taped him back up and put him in the playpen for now." His sister walked over to where Jordan was still playing on the floor, and picked up the younger girl. "And I bet you'd like to join him, wouldn't ya? Yeah, let's go."

For lack of anything better to do, and not thinking he could get away with sneaking back up to his room already, Tyler followed his sister into the living room, where his little brother was already working happily on a stack of blocks in the playpen, and watched as she hoisted the little boy's twin over the railing to join him. "There you go. Just stay here for now. Dinnertime's soon. Maybe after dinner you can go run around outside or somethin'." She took a step back and turned to Tyler with a sigh and then a little smile. "This is still gonna be one of the worst weekends ever, but it might not be as bad as I thought it was going to be. All we have to do is make sure they don't get into trouble and stay clean and fed."

Tyler nodded. "Usually I just try to do a bad job so Mom n' Dad don't wanna ask me again, but not so bad that they get mad at me. It works sometimes. Can't really do a bad job of taking care of Alex and Jo, though. They might get hurt."

Taylor stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah, and then they make me do it instead." She looked back at the playpen and sighed again. "I might actually try that, just to get back at 'em. But you're right, it wouldn't work. I'd kill myself if anything bad happened to the twins, I love them, I just hate taking care of 'em for a whole weekend. A WEEKEND!"

"At least we got the peeing on you part out of the way first," Tyler tried to joke. "Maybe now it won't happen again."

"He'll find a way. He's done it before." Taylor rolled her eyes up at her older brother. "You're lucky that Mom doesn't make you help with them as much even when she's home. I bet he's never peed on YOU."

The teenage boy pressed his lips together. "Actually, he did once. In the tub. Mom made me take a bath together with him and halfway through he stood up and went on me." He made a face. "But I guess I wasn't wearing any clothes and it was easy to wash off right there."

"Yeah, really, talk to me when you go through more than one shirt a day." Taylor sniffed at Tyler and wrinkled her nose. "Or more than one shirt every two or three days. You need another bath sometime tonight." She giggled playfully. "Take it without me reminding you and I won't make you let Alex in the tub with you again."

"Mom and Dad aren't here and you can't make me take a bath," he retorted, shoving her gently away. "So what do we do while we're waiting for the pizza?"

"I was just going to sit on the couch and read a book for school. I guess if you want, since I promised you wouldn't have ta do anything else till after dinner, you can go back to your game if you want. But you better be listening to the doorbell! I don't want to have one of the cubs have an accident while I'm up getting the pizza because you had your TV's sound turned on too loud."

Nod. "Okay, I will."

Again Tyler was true to his word. The sound of the doorbell's second ring had only just died away by the time he was at the bottom of the stairs and fishing the money out of the envelope to pay the delivery person, an older wolf boy who grinned when he saw a thirteen-year-old answering the door and looked past Tyler to see his sister standing further back in the entry hall. But the high-school boy took the money and gave Tyler his change without comment, and didn't seem to disapprove of the amount when Tyler handed back some of the change as a tip. The boy cat swallowed his uncertainty and shut the door behind him, carrying the pizza box in to the living room table. "Okay, it's here! I got half cheese and half supreme for myself. That's okay with you, right?"

Taylor barely looked up from where she was carefully feeding small pieces of solid food to the twins. "All right. Will you get the plates and napkins too? And pour us some glasses of milk. I'll come in a minute. You can start eating."

Tyler rolled his eyes just a little, but didn't challenge the reasonable nature of the request. By the time Taylor had finished getting the cubs' dinner taken care of and washed her hands so she could join him at the table, he was already well into his first slice of pizza. "Are they okay so far?" he asked as she sat down and got ready to dig in herself.

She shrugged and rolled her eyes. "They've actually been very well behaved so far. I doubt it'll last. Lots of ways for little kids to make trouble even without meaning to."

He grinned. "If you believe Dad, we were just as much trouble. He told me once that in the first two or three years he joked with Mom about just giving up and taking us back for a refund. I guess we were a real handful to take care of. Good thing it doesn't work that way."

Taylor snorted lightly and nodded around the pizza slice she was biting the tip off of.

"He also said we probably lowered the value of the house by a good few thousand dollars. Of course that wasn't this house. It was the one they were renting while we were real little."

His sister had just finished biting off her mouthful of pizza, but now she stopped in mid-chew. For moments her face was frozen, then she started to chew again, more mechanically and deliberately, eyes staring intently into space. Finally she swallowed and mewed, "Tyler, that's it!"

It was his turn to blink and freeze in mid-chew. He finished swallowing, himself, and echoed, "That's it? What's it?"

She was grinning now. Tyler didn't like that grin. It was a grin that usually only showed up when she was about to get him in trouble or get the best of him. But she still didn't seem to be looking straight at him. Maybe that was a good sign. "I know how we can get back at Mom and Dad and make them not want to make us do this again! But without any risk of Alex an' Jo getting hurt!"

That had his attention, even if he still didn't understand. "What?"

"Think about it, Tyler. What do they do all the time that Mom and Dad wouldn't like?"

"The twins?" He shrugged. "Run around too much, not go to sleep when they're s'posed to, cry a lot, refuse to eat their food?"

Taylor's eyes flicked upwards, exasperated for the hundredth time by the failure of a boy to 'get it.' "Not THOSE things, Ty. C'mon, we were just talking about it!"

"Oh." Tyler thought for a moment, then blinked. "You mean... when Alex peed on you?" He wasn't that dumb, or at least he liked to think he wasn't. He saw where Taylor was going, but didn't see how it would work. "You think if we just let them pee everywhere, Mom and Dad will think we can't control 'em and we won't have to do this again?" When she nodded brightly, he continued, "That'd never work, it'd be too obvious that we'd let them do it."

"Nope." She put down her pizza and gestured with her paws. "That's the great thing about it. If we made enough of a mess with their feeding for Mom and Dad to notice, it'd be obvious that we let 'em. If we let 'em go into the grownup bedroom and pull stuff down, it'd be obvious. But remember this afternoon? They pee by accident any chance they get! We can have them make a LOT of puddles without it looking like we were letting 'em. As far as Mom's concerned, maybe they peed in the hallway heading to the bedroom after a bath. Or in the house when they come in after using the kiddie pool. Tyler pees off the changing table onto the floor all the time, all I have to do is not be in the way next time." She giggled. "It'd actually kinda be fun to watch if I didn't hafta worry bout the mess! And this way we won't have to worry because the mess is what we want!"

Tyler just stared. At first he'd thought she was just joking, but the degree to which she was thinking it through was almost scary. "So... we let 'em piddle on the floor, or the couch or whatever. How do we know when they need to go? I thought Mom couldn't tell yet and that's why they aren't potty trained yet."

Taylor giggled again. "Tyler, you're overthinking this! All we have ta do is just let them drink a lot and then leave their diapers off. They'll go, trust me... the problem mosta the time iis KEEPING them from going." She frowned just a bit. "And we also have to be careful to make sure they don't go a number two. That'd be a lot messier, and nasty 'stead of funny. But that's easier to spot coming. I an' Mom are getting really good with getting those in the potty."

The boy still wasn't sure what to make of what he was hearing. "I dunno, sis. This sounds really weird. And I don't even know if it'll work."

She scoffed at him and picked up her pizza slice again for a bite. "Just watch," she said around a mouthful of pizza as she chewed on it. "After dinner I'll show you how it'll work. Getting 'em to do it like we want, I mean." She swallowed. "Can't promise it'll make Mom and Dad not do this again. But either it does, and it works, or they do it again but we get our revenge by makin' them deal with the messes."

"Yeah," said Tyler sourly. "Or they make us clean up the messes."

Taylor rolled her eyes dramatically. "All right, then, mister scaredy-cat. If that's how it ends up, I promise I'll do all the cleanup myself, and tell them it was all my idea. *Now* will you go along with it?"

He shrugged. "You can do what you want, I guess. Just don't try to pin any of it on me."

After the two older kittens had finished their dinner and put away what was left of the pizza in the refrigerator for late-night snacks or breakfast, Taylor got down two of the bright plastic sippycups from the cupboard and filled them with juice, then snapped the lids on. Tyler followed her back into the living room. When she handed one of the cups to each of the cubs, each of whom were practiced in grabbing the chunky handles with their little paws, and gave them an eagerly followed order to 'Drink up!', he stared at her. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

She stared back. "What, did you think I was joking? It's perfect. We make Mom and Dad sorry they left us in charge, we have fewer diapers to change, and not only that but we let the twins enjoy themselves a little." She looked back into the crib, at Jordan, who had already finished her cup and dropped it to the blankets and was now peering wide-eyed up at her older sister. "Done already? Wow! All right, come on out. You wan' some nakie-time?" The older girl hoisted the much younger one back over the playpen railing and stood her on the carpet. "C'mon, nakie time, nakie time," she sang lightly as she untaped Jordan's diaper and pulled it off, leaving the girl cutely naked below the waist. "Yay!" Taylor straightened up and turned to Tyler with a grin, as though expecting him to join her in her baby-talk.

"So now what?" the teenaged boy demanded of his sister. "You just let her walk around like that until she decides to go?"

"Of course! It's not like it's hurting her. See, I told you that was the beauty of this plan."

Tyler looked at Jordan, who had walked around in a few lazy circles and was now smiling wide-eyed up at her two older siblings. He had to admit she seemed to be perfectly happy, and perhaps even delighted, to be clad only in her T-shirt. Her movements already seemed lighter and more free than when her hips had been clad in the thick, bulky padding and plastic of the diaper.

"Look!" squealed Taylor. The adolescent girl cat giggled and clasped a paw over her muzzle. "She's going already!"

A thin, barely visible stream had appeared between Jordan's slit, itself barely visible even in the thin fur there, and a growing wet spot on the carpet between her footpaws. The feline toddler looked down at the liquid coming out of her body, lost her balance, and fell backwards onto her rump and back, the urine continuing to splash out of her and puddle between her legs. Taylor quickly stepped forward and picked the still-peeing girl up by the shoulders, holding her up so her legfur wouldn't become wet from the puddle she was making on the white carpet. Brother, sister and younger sister watched as Jordan finished emptying her bladder, the thin stream becoming an even weaker trickle. For a moment there was silence, then the little girl clapped her paws together and giggled. Taylor giggled too, patting Jordan on her bare bottom and lifting her back into the playpen, along with her twin brother, the latter still diapered for now.

"I can't believe you just did that," Tyler said.

Taylor feigned innocence, made less convincing by the smirk she was wearing. "Did what? I just decided to let Jo have some freedom and she had an accident, remember?"

Tyler nodded slowly. His mind was trying to rationalize what he'd just seen. Babies and toddlers were supposed to pee in their diapers until they were toilet trained. Even when they were 'supposed' to be naked--in the bathtub, outside during the summer, in the doctor's office--the occasional fountain of pee was seen as an accident, a mishap. One that grownups laughed at more often than got angry over, perhaps, but still something to be avoided. But he'd just watched Taylor undiaper a cub for the purpose of letting her tinkle on the floor, and had watched as Jordan gleefully, if not quite deliberately, took advantage of the opportunity.

He thought back to his own youth. He couldn't remember when he'd been in diapers himself, but was able to remember the times a few years later when being naked at every opportunity and finding the funniest places to pee in outside had still been one of the greatest delights of cubhood. Maybe those sorts of memories were why it seemed so natural to let, and watch, a cub do something like this.

"Uh..." Tyler licked his dry lips. "Uh, you gave Alex a lot to drink, too. Shouldn't you let him have his turn?"

"Oh-ho?" Taylor turned her head and cocked her hip, grinning as though she'd just scored a victory. "My goody-two-shoes big bro wants the naughtiness to continue? Maybe I should let you help Alex with his diaper, if you really feel that way."

"What? Me?" Tyler was taken aback. He looked at the boy cub, who all of a sudden seemed a bit unhappy, a bit squirmy and cooped up, compared to the undiapered and relieved girl walking around in the playpen with him. Tyler suddenly felt very sorry for Alex, having to wear that diaper. Didn't he deserve to be given the chance to air his rump and privates out, too? To move without being hindered by plastic? To experience the relief of freely emptying his bladder without the diabolical diaper holding the wetness in against his fur, leaving him feeling miserable until a grownup came to his rescue? "Yes," Tyler mewed after a minute. "I'll do it." He looked around. "Uh, should I let him go in here, or..."

Taylor burst out laughing, seeming far more delighted than she had any reason to be. For a moment Tyler was worried that she was getting him to participate so she could tell their parents of his guilt, but he decided she didn't seem quite that malicious right now, not towards him, anyway. She was just really amused by this for some reason, and was glad Tyler was sharing it with her. "Sure," she said. "There's a lotta carpet to water, and a whole evening and weekend for them to wee-wee other places!"

"Okay..." Tyler walked over to the side of the playpen, where Alex was standing with his paws up on the railing. "Come on, sport. Oof, you ARE heavy..." he mewed as he lifted the boy out by his shoulders, just as he'd watched Taylor do, and set him down in the middle of the carpet, a few feet away from the spot Jordan had made. "All right, let's see..." One tape tab on Alex's left hip, one on his right...

"Be careful," Taylor called from behind him. "Little boys have a hair trigger, you know! Something about the change in the air on their pee-pees..."

The diaper came off in Tyler's paws. Alex took a single wobbly step forward, as though the diaper had been a brake holding him back, then stopped in his tracks. Taylor's prediction proved correct as the male toddler almost immediately let loose with a steady stream that, unlike his sister's, spouted out a good two or three feet before landing. With the innocence of an un-toilet-trained child, Alex just stood there and watched himself going to the bathroom on the living room carpet, eyes wide and muzzle open softly. Three other pairs of eyes joined him: his two older siblings standing next to him and his twin sister watching from the playpen. All watched until the stream died and dribbled away, ending as naturally and involuntarily as it had begun.

"Wee-wee!" Alex declared in a silly, giggly cubbish voice after he'd taken a few more seconds to process things, looking up at Tyler, then at Taylor.

"You sure did," agreed Taylor with a bit smile as she crouched down and held him by the shoulders, looking at the puddle and the streaks he'd made. "And I bet it felt great! Come on, let's put you back in the playpen for now. I'm sure you and Jo will feel a lot more like playing now that you can move your legs better!"

Tyler watched as his sister put the boy back in the playpen and they both watched as he began to play and tumble with Jordan. He'd never thought of the twins as being unenergetic or unhappy before. Even when they were fully diapered, they tended to be rambunctious, running and wrestling around. But this, this was something else. Taylor was right: whatever vitality the little kittens had possessed before was magnified now that they were no longer fettered by the artificial constraints of their diapers. Every bounce of a pudgy bottom or wiggle of Alex's cute little penis seemed to radiate joy.

"So what are we going to do now?" he asked Taylor.

"What are we going to do now?" She reached into the playpen and picked up the two empty cups. "You're going to watch them for a minute or two." She smiled and held the cups up. "I'm going to go get some refills."