What the hell?: Peepshow (Part 3)

Story by 927shadowfox729 on SoFurry

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*Tuesday: 7:00am: summer: 2010*

*Beep beep beep*... *Slap* "hhhh... I should wake up Lyra so we have plenty of time to get to the movie" At that Jen hopped out of bed warring only a t-shirt that barley came past her hips and a pair of light blue panties.

"Lyra! Wake up!" Jen yelled as she shook her sister back to the land of the living.

"What the hell?... what's going on?... are you serious? You woke me up at... ooo, I almost forgot about the movie"

"Ya I thought so, that why I woke you up"

"Tell me again why we had to get up so early?"

"Because no one is in the theater at eight, not around here anyways. It will be completely empty"

"Fine, Ile buy that. Get out so I can dress, I will meet you down stairs"

"Ok, hurry up" Jen quickly shuffled out of the room and into her own so she could get ready.

"Ugh" Lyra slid out of bed warring less than her sister, the only thing that kept her from being nude was a pair of red panties.

*Same day: 7:12am*

"There I'm all ready" Lyra thought to herself as she stepped out into the hall way holding a pair of black and weight Converse. She had on a pair of baggy jeans that had rips around the knees and a white T-shirt with a large black Exclamation point on it. As she approached Jens door she noticed it wasn't closed all the way. There was about an inch gap between the door and the door jam. Lyra peered into her younger sister's room to find that her back was to the door and she was shuffling through her dresser drawers. She gasped as she scanned her sister's naked body. Jens orangey red tail swashed from side to side as she searched for something to ware. As Jen bent over to reach the lower drawer Lyra got a perfect view of her pink vagina in-between tail swipes. Lyra's Tail began to wag as she got more and more aroused.

"What the hell am I doing?" she thought to herself as she continued staring at her sister's crotch. "This isn't the first time I have seen her naked. A... and she's my sister" Lyra's mind began to race as her own crotch began to throb.

"This shouldn't be happening"

"A ha, that's the one" Jen stated while she held up a shirt and smiled at it approvingly. As she turned around she noticed that her door was open. She looked out into the hallway and saw nothing, so she shut the door. "Oops"

Lyra's mind and hart was racing as she locked herself in her room. Without thinking she unbuttoned her pants and kicked them off as she climbed onto her bed. Her panties started to get wet as she rolled onto her back.

"Ooo Ffuuuck" she whispered as she slid her hand into her underwear and started to rub her clitoris. She began to sweat as she pressed one of her fingers into her dripping folds. She started to thrust in and out as she panted heavily.

"I wonder if Lyra is ready. She probably fell back to sleep" Jen opened her door and looked down the hall. "Well, her light is on so I assume she is awake"

"Ahhh!" Lyra arched her back and flattened her ears to her skull as she added another finger to her thrusting. "I can't believe I'm fingering myself because I saw my sister naked"

As Jen approached the door she was greeted by a strange scent. "Hmm that's new" she whispered as she tried to figure out what she was smelling, but she was soon interrupted by the sound of a creaking bed. "Hay Lyra, you almost ready?"

"Shit" she breathed as she jumped off her bed and struggled to put her pants back on. "Y... ya I'm almost re... ready. Ile meat you down stairs"

"Ok, hurry up" Jen shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Damn that was close"

After getting a dry pair of panties, putting her pants back on and slipping her shoes on. Lyra met Jen in the living room

"Why are you all sweaty?" Jen questioned.

"It... it's hot... in my room" she stammered.

"O. we can drag the box fan into your room, so it's not hot when we get home if you want" She offered politely

"N...no its fine. We should get going" At that Lyra turned, grabbed her keys off of the table and walked out of the door with her heart pounding in her chest.

*brVOOOOOMM!!* The cherry red 65 mustang exploded into life and powered down the street with the white racing stripes streaking through the air. Lyra's mind raced as she flew up the ramp to get onto the highway.

"Aaa... Lyra? Don't you think you're going kind of fast?" Jen questioned with concern "I don't want to sound annoying but, 97 is just a little above the posted limit. Don't you think? O and your cop radar is kind of, flipping out"

"Shit. Sorry Jen I'm just kinda... distracted" Lyra slowed down just in time as to not draw attention from the cop on the side of the road who was obviously not paying attention.

"What's wrong? You have been acting funny ever sense you came down stairs this morning"

"Nothing. I... I just have allot on my mind" Lyra was beginning to get nervous about her sister asking so many questions. She was afraid that she would slip and say something she would regret.

"Fine if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to. But if something is wrong you can always talk to me about it. Ok?" Jen was a little concerned and she was unable to make sense of her sister's shakiness, but she didn't press any deeper so she could avoid accidently making Lyra mad.

"Ya I know... thanks sis" Lyra was finally beginning to calm down and they wore able to enjoy the rest of their afternoon in peace.

*Same day: 10:235/8 pm *

"HAHAHA!!!" Two young vixens stumbled through the door of their house, tripping over their own laughter.

"Hmm... you girls are in late" stated their mother who was on the couch reading. "And it's apparent that you had a good time as well".

"Ya, sorry mom. We planned on being home by nine... but, that didden't happen" Jen replied as they dropped their things on the table in the living room.

"Is that so? It appears that you are an hour and a half past your target...o well, try not to make too much noise, I am going to bed" at that Sasha stood up and heeded down the hall that was under the stairs in an attempt to make it to her room before she fell asleep

"Night mom" the girls called after their mother only to receive a half hearted wave from the middle of the hall.

"Umm, Lyra?"

"Y... ya what?" she replied as her mind made a quick trip from her imagination back to the real world.

"I know that look... that's your "I have a cool idea but I don't think it will work out" face."

"Well... You know how mom is leaving next week?... and we don't know for how long"

"Yes, yes I do" Jen knew what Lyra's face was saying but she never knows what her mind is thinking until she actually Spoke it.

"I was thinking...next week, when mom leaves... let's get out of here" Lyra was staring off into the nothingness that was the white wall in the back of the living room.

"What do you mean? Like take a road trip?" Jen was beginning to like this idea the more it laid its self out. But she to did not know if it would work out.

"YA! Like a road trip... It would be awesome... We could go across country and see all the cool sights. Summer is just starting so we would have plenty of time. And we wouldn't have to rush" Lyra's eyes began to sparkle with excitement as she fell onto the couch. "You know what I mean?"

"Ya I know what you mean and it sounds awesome. But... how will we convince mom?"

"...Kill joy" her eyes revert back to its normal shade as she realized that there mom would probably not approve of such an adventure. The largest factor would be that they would do it on their own.

"Hay! What if we get up tomorrow and plan it all out. Then when mom gets home we could ask her and show her that we already figured it out. Maybe she would think we wore taking initiative or something" Jen quickly spat out her idea and began to get giddy. "Ya!... You can drive and I'm responsible. That could help, right?"

"YA!... wait... are you saying I'm not responsible?"

"that's not the point... the point is I think if we go about this right we might be able to get mom's permeation" Jen quickly replied so she could direct Lyra's mind back on track.

"Ok, so it's a plan...do you think it will work?"

"...yes, yes I do"