Explanation of Rules

Story by sarithyl on SoFurry

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#1 of Furfuffle

Explanation of rules of the games that are played in the story 'Furfuffle'


This story includes two games, one called King's Cup, and the other called Blackjack, or Twenty-One in some parts of the world. If you are already familiar with how these games work, you may skip to the Prologue. Otherwise, in order to provide familiarity for those who may not understand either of these games, a basic breakdown of the rules is here.

This breakdown assumes the reader is already aware of the standard 52-card poker deck, consisting of 4 suits, each made up of Ace through King.

The rules of Blackjack are simple: each player is initially dealt two cards. The amount of the cards are then added to give you a total: for example, a 6 and a 10 would add to 16. The suit of the cards is irrelevant. The player can then decide to "stay" or be dealt another card in an attempt to be the closest to having 21 without being over, or "busting out." If no player has busted out, then the player with the lowest score is considered the loser.

The rules aren't always consistent so in this story Ace, Jack, Queen, and King are all equal 10, instead of 1, 11, 12, and 13, respectively.

King's Cup is a drinking game where a canned beer or other hard drink is set in the middle of a table and cards are spread around it in a circle, face down. The players one-by-one pick up a card, which is assigned an action. Just like Blackjack, the suit of the card is irrelevant.

The cards are as follows:













All players drink







The player who pulled the card picks another player to drink







The player who pulled the card drinks







All female identifying players have to drink





Never Have I Ever


All players put five fingers in the air and play Never Have I Ever. If they've done the deed, they put down a finger. The first one to put down all five fingers has to drink







All male identifying players have to drink







All players point towards the ceiling. Last player to point has to drink







The player who pulled the card drinks with another player of their choice







The player who pulled the card comes up with a word for the rest of the players to rhyme. Whichever player takes too long or says a duplicate rhyme has to drink







The player who pulled the card comes up with a category and the rest of the players have to come up with something that fits in that category. e.i. car brands: Ford, Chevy, Volkswagen, Honda, etc.

Whichever player takes too long or says a duplicate rhyme has to drink







All players put their thumb face-down on the table. The last player to do so has to drink





Question Master


The player who pulled the card is the Question Master and any other player who answers their question has to drink. This is in effect until another player pulls a Queen







The player who pulls the card gets to create a rule. In most games, these rules are something like "drink if you say a word with the letter 'e'", but is only limited by your imagination and relationship with your friends


Some rules state that each card that is pulled has to then be slid underneath the beer's pulltab and when a player does finally open the beer, the game is over and they have to drink. In this story, only Kings are put underneath the pulltab. The final King is the end of the game and the puller of the final King has to drink the beer.


[ **Click here for an explanation of the games played in this story** ](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1733726) **AN: Constructive criticism requested. Feel free to comment on what you liked or disliked in this story!** **Prologue** Flies buzzed...

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