Ch. 3. Making amends

Story by Meadowleaf on SoFurry

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#3 of Leo's chronicle

Although already punished for his faux pas, Leo still has one other lioness to make amends with and prove his commitment to serving the pride.

Leo woke to a forcefully patting on his the back. He groaned and tried to get up but found he couldn't. After a moment of fearful confusion, memory of where he was returned. He had spent the whole night strapped to a massage table. As his eyes adapted to the dazzling morning sun, two blurry, brown spotted feet resolved in his field of vision.

"Asim?" Leo asked, his voice still sleepy.

"Good morning," Asim said. He began unbuckling the straps. "Mistress Imara has instructed me to bathe you. You'll be paying a visit to Mistress Mahiri today so you need to be fresh and presentable."

"Oh," Leo mumbled. Mahiri... She was the lioness Imara had been talking to when Leo had forgotten to kneel as he had been taught. "Do you know why?" he asked, a terrible sense of foreboding weighing down on him.

"She wants you to apologize personally for the incident yesterday, accidental as it might have been."

"That's... all?"

"If you're lucky," Asim said as he freed Leo's tail from its cuff. "Mahiri may demand the right to punish you herself as well."

"But... but Imara already punished me," Leo said in a small voice.

"Nevertheless, it is her right."

"Do you think she will?"

"She is known for her rather... keen approach to discipline." He unbuckled the last strap and ordered Leo off the table.

He almost didn't want to get up.

Asim prodded him. "Follow me and I'll draw you a bath."

The bathroom Leo had previously only glimpsed through the door was every bit as opulent as he had thought. The bathtub was made of white marble, as was the wash basin and the toilet bowl. Asim ordered him to go relieve himself while he drew the bath. Leo could only wonder at the luxury as he squatted over the toilet. It had an overhead water tank and a pull chain operated flushing mechanism. Back home, only the King's personal privy was so well equipped; everyone else still had to make do with chamberpots.

Asim had taken off his clothes and was now waving Leo over. Try as he might, Leo couldn't help but to steal a glance at his crotch. He still had his penis but below was just smooth fur.

A shower head in hand, he pointed at a stool beside the tub. Leo sat there and braced himself for the cold water. Getting one's fur wet was an acquired taste. On the hottest days of the year, he had often enjoyed a bath in the castle's reservoir pool, but actually getting into the chilly water required a significant amount of self discipline.

He tensed his back as Asim turned the shower head on him, dousing him with warm water. Leo's neck fur bristled in disgust. Warm water was stagnant, festering. The initial reaction passed quickly, as the water was actually much hotter than a typical mud puddle and did feel pretty good.

"Surprised?" Asim asked.

"How is it so warm?"

"It's an innovation from my homeland. Water is circulated through pipes on the roof, where it is warmed by the heat of the sun. No need for fires and cauldrons."

The flush toilet had been impressive enough on its own, but getting clean warm water straight from the tap? That was just downright decadent. "How can you afford all these luxuries? Does everyone here have them?" he asked.

Asim barked a short laugh. "Let's just say, it's amazing what you can do when the lion's share--pun very much intended--of your resources aren't spent on rattling sabers and measuring dicks with your neighbors."

Leo had to concede the point. The King considered indoor plumbing an indulgence, and yet, year after year, the ceremonial armor kept getting shinier and more ornate, the tourneys longer and more extravagant.

Having soaked him thoroughly, Asim poured sweet smelling shampoo on Leo's back and began rubbing it into his fur. He massaged his shoulders and back, reached around to lather up his chest and belly fur. Armpits and sides, thighs and calves, paw pads and toes, all received his careful attention. Whether it was the comfortable setting, the warm water, or the sensual way Asim was slowly working his hands over every inch of his body, the treatment was turning Leo on. He was almost glad to be wearing the cock cage as at least he wouldn't have to worry about getting an erection. But perhaps that was the old him thinking, here he could and should cast off such inhibitions.

After the very throughout and intimate cleaning, Asim rinsed him off and gestured at the tub. The water there too was pleasantly warm, so warm in fact that one could spend an entire day in it. After two nights in bondage, it felt absolutely heavenly for his sore muscles.

"Rather nice, no?" Asim said, settling down beside him. The tub was plenty large enough for two.

Leo nodded, closing his eyes.

"If you're the type who seeks out this pride for the right reasons, which I suspect you might be, you'll find life here quite pleasant compared to where you came from."

"Mmh," Leo sighed and sank lower. He opened his eyes and looked at Asim. "Is that how you came to be here?"

"Ah." Asim remained quiet for a moment. "That is a long story, for another time."

Leo still felt the need to press on. "Does it... have something to do with how you became... you know..."

"A eunuch?"

He nodded.

"Not exactly. In our culture, we are a social class of our own. We serve a role of unique trust and responsibility in a household, second only to the House Matriarch. But we are servants and slaves. We are the lowest of the low, yet privileged above all. It is a difficult concept to explain to a foreigner. But as I said, that is a story for another time."

Leo listened to his words with rapt attention. He knew of the hyena city-states, of course, but had always thought of them as dirty, lawless shantytowns whose diseased inhabitants lived in abject squalor. Thinking back, his education on the subject may have been somewhat biased.

They continued to soak in the tub for a good while, until the water began to cool.

Asim stood, rivulets running down his waterlogged fur. He pulled on a cord, causing a small whirlpool to appear as the water began to drain away. "One more thing," he said, pointing up to where a pair of manacles were hanging from the ceiling. Leo had gotten so used to seeing such things all over, it hadn't even registered. "I still need to clean your chastity cage."

The manacles were positioned by the shower area. Leo followed instruction and locked himself in, his arms held straight up. With a key from his keyring, Asim unlocked the cage and used the shower head to rinse it clean. He took hold of Leo's balls, capturing both in his grip, and lifted his scrotum. Crouching down, he inspected it closely from below and the sides. He scraped the soft skin just below the sack with his claw, making Leo wince.

"Hmm, some chafing here," Asim said, letting go. "I'll request Imara to have you come see me later to get your cage adjusted. One size does not fit all."

He turned on the shower once again and turning the stream of water to his intimate areas. Without the cage on, Leo was already erect. The stream hitting his hard, oversensitive penis nearly made his legs buckle out from underneath him. He gasped and panted as the drops of water beat against his flesh, sending a torrent of little jolts through his body. Just a couple of days of being teased and denied had left him on a hair trigger, but just as he was ready to burst, Asim shut off the water. Leo let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry, but it's not my privilege to let you climax," Asim said. "Although I'm no longer afflicted with these urges, I do remember what it was like."

"C--Can't you... Just a little?" Leo whispered.

Asim shook his head. "I do as Mistress Imara wills. It is her pleasure to keep you on the edge, but fear not, she will grant you your release eventually. The uncertainty of when is what makes the wait ever so sweeter, and the wait that makes the experience ever so stronger."

Leo groaned. The words weren't exactly comforting. Asim wetted a towel with cold water and used it to drive Leo's erection back into hiding, then restored the cage. Leo wasn't sure just how much more of this he could take. The desire, the need to orgasm was consuming him, it was difficult to focus on anything else.

Asim dried him off with a towel, got dressed himself, then released Leo and led him to the study. Imara was sitting behind her desk, quill in hand, studying a parchment. He prodded Leo on the shoulder, reminding him to go down on his knees.

"He is ready, Mistress."

Imara looked up, setting the quill down. "Very good. Thank you, Asim."

He bowed and left the room.

Imara walked around the desk to stand in front of Leo. Today, her choice of clothing was more conventional: a skirt of tawny fabric that went down to her knees and a crop top of the same material. Leo was taken aback by just how casual she looked. She probably dressed in all leather just for work.

"You remember Mahiri, don't you?" Imara asked.

How could he forget. "Yes, Mistress."

"If you are to join the pride, you will need her approval. My word alone is not enough. So, we will now go see her and you must convince her to vouch for you."

"Yes, Mistress... But... how?"

"You can start by apologizing for your breach of etiquette, unintentional as it may have been. She may require you to prove your sincerity in some manner, perhaps by submitting to additional punishment."

Leo cringed. Imara narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized his reaction. "If you're not up to it, you may leave now. You will be banished but that will be the extent of your punishment. If you choose to continue, however, that won't remain an option. Mahiri is not as forgiving as I am. Failure to comply with her demands, whatever they may be, will mean the black collar for you. So think carefully."

Leo remained silent as he mulled it over. The option to turn his tail and run was tempting and he hated himself for considering it. To turn back now would be to fall into his old patterns of behavior. If he gave into his fear now, he'd regret it for the rest of his life. Better to try and fail than not try at all.

"I will do my best," he finally said.

Imara smiled and gave his chin and cheek a gentle stroke. "That's what I wanted to hear."

* * *

Mahiri's apartment was also on the top floor, located in the south-east corner. Imara knocked on the door and waited.

A minute passed before the door opened. Mahiri stood there, in a business casual leather skirt and top, like the one Imara had worn on Leo's first day.

"I've been expecting you," she said and gave a beckoning wave. "Make yourself at home."

The apartment looked to have the exact same layout as Imara's. Mahiri's taste in interior design appeared similar as well: in addition to the usual sofas and chairs, there was the wooden X on the wall and an overbuilt tea table that appeared to be an iron cage covered by a wooden tabletop.

One extraordinary thing that caught Leo's attention: lying on the sofa was a cheetah--a naked, female cheetah. A leather hood covered her head, leaving just the tip of her nose visible. There was no collar around her neck, but her wrists and ankles were bound with rope. The sight was so mystifying it almost made Leo stop in his tracks. He felt dizzy, like the floor had just been upended along with his understanding of the pride's social strata.

Mahiri sat on the sofa next to the cheetah. She stirred, rolled onto her side and put her head in her lap, prompting Mahiri to start petting her arm. Imara plopped down on the opposite couch. For a brief moment Leo was unsure what to do. Should he emulate the cheetah and go lie on the sofa and lay his head in Imara's lap? He decided to play it safe and settled down on his knees on the floor next to his Mistress. Mahiri glanced in his direction, apparently pleased by this--or, at least, not displeased.

"On behalf of my trainee, I offer my sincerest apologies," Imara said. "No disrespect was intended. I misjudged his progress and took him out in public before he was ready."

"Indeed you did," Mahiri said, sounding amused. She kept stroking the cheetah like one would a pet fox curled in one's lap. "How unlike you. Are you perhaps going soft? Losing your edge?"

"He has been disciplined and will not make the same mistake again." Imara snapped her fingers at Leo and pointed at the table. "On your belly."

Leo stood up hastily and went to lie flat on the table. Mahiri got up, gently sidling out from under the cheetah's head, and leaned in to inspect him. Leo felt her thumb rubbing the the welts Imara's cane had left.

"Adequate," Mahiri said as she settled back on the couch. "But has he truly learned his lesson? Leave him with me for the day and I'll make sure."

Leo's stomach turned, he felt like the walls were closing in on him but dared not move.

"What do you have in mind?" Imara asked. Even she sounded hesitant.

"Nothing too bad," Mahiri said, like she was relating an inside joke. "I merely wish to ascertain his commitment."

A moment of silence stretched. It seemed like Imara was going to protest. Then, "Very well. He is yours for the day."

"Good." Mahiri's grin was practically audible. "I will return him to his cell once I'm done."

Leo had never felt so abandoned as he did now, hearing Imara's pawsteps leading away. The door closed and Leo's eyes moistened. It was as though some old, repressed emotions were being dredged up.

"On your knees, male," came Mahiri's stern order.

Leo scrambled off the table and kneeled in front of her. She reclined on the sofa, leaning her head against one hand, the other still petting the cheetah.

"What do they call you?"

"Leo, Mistress."

She raised an eyebrow. "What a pretentious name. The lion of lions, are you?"

She studied his face intently. Leo realized he must have looked like a frightened cub, blinking away tears, his ears flattened and hands trembling behind his back.

"This must all seems excessive to you," Mahiri said in a transparently feigned tone of sympathy. "That we're making a big deal out of a simple faux pas. Perhaps even making up reasons just so we can punish you for fun? Well, I might be guilty of that from time to time, but nevertheless."

Leo did not dare answer.

"Does the lion of lions know how our queendom was founded?"

"N--no, Mistress."

"I'm not surprised. It's a story kings would prefer forgotten. You see, only little over a hundred years ago, this pride was like any other. Ruled by a geriatric male by the name of Abasi, a petty and capricious king--par for the course, of course--notorious for his cruelty and the abuse he heaped upon his subjects, especially his wives and concubines.

"Some years earlier, King Shani of the neighboring pride had bought for his second born son a place at his court and the first spot in the line of succession, for the price of 20 concubines and a herd of antelope. As almost customary, Abasi's firstborn challenged the foreign prince to a duel. Not so customary was that he fought with serious intent to kill and paid with his life. Although the young prince survived the son he had supplanted, in the end the he did not survive the king. When time came for old Abasi to abdicate, he reneged on the deal and had the prince thrown from the palace roof. He did not land on his feet.

"This heinous betrayal galvanized all the surrounding kingdoms to ally in war against Abasi. Under siege from all directions, the king would have seen his entire pride dead by starvation rather than surrender. Ayubu, his youngest wife, rallied the females to band together and revolt. While the average male may be bigger and stronger, there is strength in numbers--something often forgotten.

"The newly crowned Queen Ayubu negotiated with King Shani, exchanging their old king and princes for peace. Shani also demanded she take his third son as her king but Ayubu refused. Luckily, Shani had wasted no time having Abasi's and his sons' heads mounted onto plaques for his throne room wall, so the other kings considered the matter settled and returned to their lands. Unable to continue the siege on his own, King Shani had no choice but to retreat as well.

"So, for the first year of its existence, our queendom had no males at all. However, it did not take long for suitors to begin turning up. Queen Ayubu rejected offers from the neighboring kings; having tasted freedom, no dowry was large enough to match it. Rogue males and coalitions loitered at the gates, vying for a chance to establish a kingdom of their own. Many of the pride members did miss male company, though, and wished some could be let in. Queen Ayubu decided they would treat males the way they had been treated and take them as concubines and playthings. To retain their newfound way of life, she demanded absolute subservience from those who wished to join. And so it has been ever since."

Mahiri leaned forward, fixing Leo with a piercing stare. "Do you understand now why you must always show proper deference and never forget your place? It is not merely because it amuses us, but because it is how our queendom has survived for a hundred years in this sea of kingdoms."

Leo nodded. "I understand, Mistress."

"Hm, so you say," Mahiri said, settling back. "But knowing a story is one thing, understanding through experience is another. What you need is a refresher course in humility."

Leo swallowed nervously.

Mahiri turned her attention to the cheetah resting her head on her lap, undid the laces on her hood and pulled it off. The cheetah blinked and rubbed her eyes.

"Time for me to get to work, dear," Mahiri said as she untied the ropes around her wrists. "But you can stay and watch."

The cheetah yawned and trilled. "Mrh, you know it doesn't do anything for me. I would have preferred you left me tied up, though, I was having such a good, relaxing time."

Mahiri stroked her cheek. "Tempting, but I'll make it up to you later."

Untied, the cheetah stood up and stretched luxuriously, back arched and arms reaching for the ceiling. Leo admired her from the corner of his eye, trying not to make it too obvious. Lanky and nearly flat-chested as cheetahs generally were, they still had their own kind of beauty, not to mention those spots one could spend a whole night counting.

The cheetah picked up her clothes, folded neatly next to the sofa. They were little more than sheets of softened and treated antelope pelt that she wrapped around her waist and chest. Lastly, she put on a necklace adorned with ruby and emerald beads, somewhat at odds with her otherwise typical pastoralist attire.

Just before leaving, she called back, "Have a good day, I'll be back for the night."

Mahiri waved her goodbye. As soon as the cheetah was out of the room, her expression hardened. She stood and pushed open the door to the cage beneath the table. "Get in," she said.

It was too low to even sit in, he'd just be able to fit by going down on all fours. Mahiri stared at him expectantly, so he leaned down and crawled in. She closed the door after him and he heard the click of a padlock.

"I have some errands to run before we begin, so you just stay put while I'm gone."

He heard her walk away and the apartment door opening and closing. He couldn't stretch out but managed to lay down on his side, curled in a fetal position. He waited. He had been doing that a lot lately. He was learning how to relax in the face of the unknown, when there was nothing else he could do. It was getting easier all the time.

Perhaps an hour passed before he heard the door open again. Pawsteps came closer and he heard a clatter of objects being placed on the tabletop above him. He saw Mahiri leaning down to remove the padlock and open the cage.

"Out," she ordered. His body aching, Leo crawled out and resumed his kneeling position.

"Give me your hands."

He put his hands forward and allowed her to tie them without protest. She used the same rope that had bound the cheetah, tying each wrist individually, leaving a short length of rope between them so he still had limited independent movement for each arm. Next, from the table she picked up a strange new object; like a narrow curved board in two halves with a hole in the middle.

"This device is called a humbler," Mahiri explained. "You will soon understand why. Now, get down on all fours."

Leo did so, his heart beating fast as Mahiri walked behind him and crouched down. He suppressed a yelp when she grabbed his balls and stretched them out from behind. She reassembled the two halves of the humbler against his thighs and buttocks, trapping his testicles through the hole in the middle. Leo realized it would now be impossible for him to stand up. Any attempt to straighten would cause the board to lever hard against his balls. If he tried to force it, he'd probably pull them clean off.

He flinched as he felt a claw poke the tender skin around his anus, heard her say, "Have you ever had anything up here?"

"No, Mistress." A cold sweat erupted under Leo's mane. This would be his proof of sincerity then, he'd have to submit to whatever terrible humiliation she came up with without complaints.

"Then we'll start with something small."

Once more, she took something from the table: a small bottle and a narrow silver butt plug with a clear gemstone decorating the flared end. It was the sort of thing concubines were sometimes made to wear. He had to admit he had on occasion wondered what it would feel like. In the context of his old pride, it would have been an extreme form of degradation and emasculation so he had never dared try it.

A feeling of something thick but slick being poured on him interrupted Leo's reverie, then the sudden invasive sensation of something cold and hard being pushed into his anus.

"Don't clench, relax," Mahiri said. It was easier said than done. Not doing so would probably be interpreted as disobedience, so Leo steadied his breathing and tried his best. The plug stung a little as it entered, but Mahiri went slow, ensuring it was well lubricated. Leo sighed with relief as the bulbous end finally slid past his sphincter and the plug was in place. It felt weird, like he was holding in a giant dump.

Mahiri stood to admire her handiwork. "Lovely. Just a couple more things to complete the ensemble."

Next, she picked up a bit gag: a wooden rod with leather straps attached. She ordered Leo to open his mouth and shoved it inside. A pair of straps wrapped around his jaw and muzzle and another one behind his head to keep the thing in place. Finally, she added a leash to his collar.

Giving the leash a little tug, Mahiri walked him around the room. With the humbler on, he couldn't crawl very fast but she did not seem to mind. His motions were making the butt plug move back and forth, creating a terrible feeling of pressure and fullness back there. Every now and it bumped just right to send a tingling wave down his cock.

Mahiri stopped at the door.

"I think you're ready to go outside. Any objections?"

Leo froze. The thought of being seen like this filled him with horrible anxiety, even though he realized it shouldn't. He'd already been paraded around naked and something like this was probably not an uncommon sight around here. But still, old inhibitions die hard. "Nho, Mhisthess," he mumbled through the bit.

"Good, not that it would matter. Don't be embarrassed, you look just how you ought to. If I had my way, this would be the standard dress code for all our males."

She pushed the door open and then they were out. Luckily, there was no-one else in the corridor to see him. Crawling along, it felt very, very long. Midway, Mahiri stopped at the stairwell. Leo looked in horror at the worn stone steps of the spiral staircase. There was no way he'd make it. A single slip and a tumble and he'd rip his balls off.

Mahiri looked on expectantly. Leo looked down at the stairs, up at her face, then back down the stairs. He reached out one uncertain hand towards the first step.

She gave his leash a soft yank. "No. We'll be taking the freight elevator."

Leo let out a deep breath of immense relief and gladly crawled to the end of the hallway where the elevator was. Luckily they still didn't run in to anyone. Leo hoped his luck wouldn't turn, but something told him the tour wouldn't be over until it did.

Mahiri pushed aside the scissor gate and ushered him in. Although Leo had heard of such mechanical wonders existing in far off lands, he had never actually seen an elevator before. The interior was all brass and wood, not matching the castle's style at all.

Once both were inside, Mahiri pulled a lever and the carriage lurched downward. The contraption made a constant, terrifying metal-against-metal grinding noise as it descended. Leo kept his tail tightly tucked, fearful it might get caught in the narrow gap between the carriage and the moving wall.

Mahiri eased the elevator to a stop at the first floor. Tugging at his leash, she made him turn around and crawl out. Leo still couldn't see anyone in the hallway but he heard voices now. She led him out to a courtyard, where lionesses were lounging on stone benches and short trimmed grass. A stream of water cut through the area, emanating from a source beneath the castle and disappearing through a grating to the outside.

She gave the leash a sharp tug. "Keep your tail high. You want to show off your pretty jewelry."

Leo lifted his tail with some effort. It was like it had a mind of its own that had to be fought. His rear end must have made quite the display with the bejeweled plug up his ass and his balls out as if presented on a platter.

Slowly, they made their way across the courtyard and the little bridge over the stream. Leo thought he could feel the lionesses eyes on him as he crawled behind Mahiri. His ears flattened and tears beaded in the corners of his eyes. He stared down at the ground, tried not to make eye contact, or even notice anyone. And yet, this melange of embarrassment and humiliation was tinged with excitement. This wasn't his old pride, he wasn't debasing himself, he was displaying respect and devotion. This made him look appealing, not pathetic. Or so he rationalized anyway. It helped a little.

Mahiri stopped. Leo steeled himself to take a peek ahead. There was another lioness standing there.

"Hello, Safika," he heard Mahiri say. They made idle chitchat, something about the weather, something about water management. Leo couldn't focus on what was being said.

"This is Leo."

The sound of his name made him look up, ears pivoting to attention.

Safika crouched down beside him, knees wide, not minding at all if Leo could see under her skirt. She looked at him with an expression of curiosity, like a cub who had just caught a lizard. "I didn't know you were training a new recruit," she said.

"This one is Imara's. I'm just substituting for the day."

Safika hummed and ran her hand across Leo's spine, from the back of his head all the way down to the base of his tail. Instinctively, he arched his back slightly as she gave the junction of tail and back a quick scritch. Her hand moved down to feel his buttock, then to cup his testicles. She squeezed them, like she was testing the ripeness of an orange. Leo breathed heavily, drool dripping onto the ground from his gagged mouth.

"He's rather cute," Safika said. "Is he graduating soon?"

"Can't say," Mahiri said evasively.

"I hope he will." She let go of Leo's testicles and idly pushed on his plug, wiggling it around. Leo trembled; the plug was rubbing up against some very sensitive spot. "I'd like to claim him for a night... or a whole day even."

This objectifying treatment, the way they were talking about him like he wasn't present, how Safika was casually feeling him up and toying with him, the stimulation from the plug, it all added up. Despite the chastity cage and the humbler restraining him, that familiar tension was building up in his groin. He squeezed his eyes shut, tensed his muscles, tried to force back the growing pressure. Fighting the sensation did little help, it only focus him on it more. Already pent up, it did not take much more to push him over the tipping point. He not-quite roared, the gag in his mouth making it more like a load groan. He spasmed as waves of intense pleasure crashed through his entire body, an orgasm unlike any he had had before. Each spasm caused the humbler tug on his balls, mixing pain with pleasure in a way that seemed to only enhance the latter.

"Oh!" Safika giggled, letting go of the plug. "Did he come from just that?"

"Looks like he did. How rude of him." Mahiri's voice was neutral, matter-of-factual. "Would you mind holding him down while I clean him up?"

"Sure thing," Safika said.

Mahiri crouched down to remove the humbler. A great feeling of relief came over Leo when his balls were finally free again.

"On your back," Mahiri ordered. Leo turned around to lie on the ground. Safika took hold of his tied wrists, pulled his arms over his head then knelt down over them, sitting on his forearms. She leaned in, putting her hands on his forearms, trapping him under her weight. Meanwhile, Mahiri straddled his thighs, leaving him as immobilized as if he had been tied to a rack.

She produced a small key from a hidden pocket and unlocked Leo's chastity cage. "Now, Leo," she said, pulling off the cage dripping with semen. "If your Mistress's teasing is too much for you, you should call out before it happens." She grabbed his cock, squeezing out the last drops as she stroked up the shaft. Mahiri's rough handling of his tender penis made Leo squirm but he was pinned down tight under the two lionesses. She wiped her hand on his stomach fur and repeated the action, milking him dry. Safika's claws pricked the skin of his arms as she squeezed tighter to restrain him while he struggled. She was looking down at his face, a toothy smile on her muzzle.

Mahiri once more squeezed his shaft and, with the palm of her other hand, rubbed the head like she was polishing the knob on a sword hilt. Leo mewled, shook his head and tried to wriggle out from under the pair to escape the hellish overstimulation. It was too much, he was running out of breath, choking.

An immense, grateful relief fell over Leo when Mahiri finally stopped. He lay on the ground panting like he had just ran a hundred yard sprint. Mahiri wiped her hand on his thigh, then picked up the cage. "Hold him a little while longer while I go rinse this out, will you?"

She got off him, but Leo did not feel inclined to move. He lay there catching his breath while Safika sat on his arms and studied his face. He thought he could taste the scent of her arousal in the roof of his mouth. In his peripheral vision he noticed a small audience of lionesses had gathered to spectate, but he lacked the energy to pay them any heed.

Mahiri soon returned and sat on him again. Leo had gone flaccid while waiting and she easily got the golden tube back over his sheath. She and Safika both stood up, leaving Leo lying on the ground at their feet, in the position they had left him in.

"Appreciate the help," Mahiri said.

"Any time."

Mahiri looked down at him. "You're still unmannered, like I'd expect of a prince grown up pampered and waited on hand and foot." She paused for a beat. "However, I can see you're learning. Perhaps there is some promise in you. Now, up on your knees."

Leo complied, rolling on to his side and straightening up, facing Mahiri and Safika. Mahiri crouched down to remove his gag and said, "Safika was kind enough to give you the release you've no doubt been waiting for. Be polite and thank her."

Leo turned to look at her and said, "Thank you, Mistress Safika."

Safika offered her hand. For a brief moment he wasn't sure what to do, then leaned in and gave it a little peck of a lick-kiss.

Safika made a short, pleased hrr sound. "Yes, I'll definitely want to see you again. The feeling is mutual, I hope?"

"Yes, Mistress," Leo said and meant it. In retrospect, what he had just experienced had been thrilling. He definitely wanted to experience what else Safika could do.

"Come with me," Mahiri said, giving Leo's leash a soft tug. She bid Safika farewell and Leo scrambled to follow her.

They headed back indoors and towards the stairwell leading down to the dungeons. Leo felt a mixture of relief and disappointment that the day was over.

The corridors beneath the castle were cool and dimly lit as usual. They arrived in the hallway Leo's cell was in, but Mahiri stopped unexpectedly.

"There is one more thing," she said. "Now that you've come this far, I want you to see what's in store for you if you disappoint us. I hope it will motivate you to stay on the right path."

Mahiri let go of his leash and opened the first door, which appeared to lead to a supply closet. She returned with a black doctor's bag in hand, the kind Leo vividly remembered Imara carrying for his examination. Leo shivered, only in part due to the chilly underground air.

She walked to the next door and motioned for Leo to peek through the barred window. Inside, a male lion paced in a circle around his bed. He was dark maned and stocky, had arms as thick as Leo's thighs and abdominal muscles you could trace even through his fur. He looked like the very model of male body ideal. Around his neck, over his mane, was a black collar. Except for the gold tube over his sheath, he was naked, as expected.

Mahiri banged on the door and shouted through the window, "Bind yourself to the bed!"

She looked on to see that he complied. "This one," Mahiri said, turning to Leo, "came to us about a month ago, claiming he wanted nothing more than to serve the Queen. His smooth words and good looks convinced the border guards to take him in. Once inside these walls, he immediately attempted to overpower the guard who had escorted him. He genuinely seemed to be under the impression that there was a king-shaped hole in our society he could fill just by demonstrating machismo, that his brute strength would let him simply walk up to the throne and take the crown. Obviously, this was not the case. He was just one lion. As you've now personally experienced, it takes just two to pin one down."

She unbolted the door and walked in, giving Leo's leash a tug. The lion now lay on the bed, hands shackled above his head, feet to the corners of the bed. Mahiri dropped the leather bag next to him. It made a loud clinking noise.

"Stand there and observe," she said to Leo. "Even after weeks of daily chastisement, this one still refuses to admit to the error of his ways and recognize Madina as the rightful Queen of this pride. He will not go free until he does. He is either too proud for his own good, or hoping to give me a repetitive stress injury in my whipping arm."

Mahiri looked down at the bound male. He glared back, lips curled into an angry snarl. In an almost bored tone of voice, like reciting a rote litany, she said, "Are you ready to apologize? To prostrate yourself before the Queen and beg for her forgiveness?"

"Fuck you!"

"Very well," Mahiri continued. "I will ask you again tomorrow." Now her expression changed, she licked her teeth, an eager grin spreading on her muzzle. "Let's get to the torture then, shall we?"

She reached down to open her bag of instruments.

What happened next was a blur. The prisoner sprang up, his hands slipping from shackles that had never locked. He grabbed Mahiri by the wrist and throat. Her eyes went wide with surprise. He snarled, face twisted in an expression of savage, animalistic rage.

Leo had heard of the fight-or-flight response. Depending on your personality, in a dangerous situation you would either stand your ground or tuck your tail and run like the wind. He had never been in a situation that would test it but had always assumed he fell into the latter category. He was wrong. He found himself pouncing on the prisoner, kneeling on his belly and holding down his arms. It was as though his conscious mind was only along for the ride, commenting on events in the retrospect. The lion looked as surprised as Leo felt and let go of Mahiri. Leo stayed there, holding him down with strength he didn't know he had. Mahiri caught her breath and locked the manacles properly.

They exited the cell, leaving the lion bound to the bed, roaring and shouting expletives at them. Leo stood, dumbfounded, processing the events of the past seconds. Whatever battle frenzy he had just experienced was wearing out, leaving him shaking like he had been dunked into a river.

"You saved me," Mahiri said. It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"I, I, guess," Leo said through his clattering teeth.

"Why? Together, the two of you would have stood a good chance of escape, at the very least."

"I... I just acted on instinct. Mistress."

Mahiri narrowed her eyes. "So, even when faced with a situation you could have easily turned to your own advantage, your first instinct was to protect the pride instead?"

"I'm not sure, Mistress. I just reacted."

"Well then." Mahiri let out a sigh. "I suppose you pass the test. Unless you give me reason not to, I will support your admission to the pride."

"Test?" Leo asked, confused. The rest of what she said hadn't fully registered yet. "That wasn't real?"

"Of course it wasn't!" Mahiri snapped. "Do you take me for an amateur? That I'd fall for the oldest trick in the book?"

"N--No, of course not, Mistress."

"Do not lie to me," Mahiri warned. "Unless you're saying you saw through the act and only pretended to help, that you're merely waiting for an opportunity to strike at the Queen!"

"No, Mistress! I did think you'd fall for it! I meant--I fell for it!"

Mahiri laughed. "Now you've made me doubt myself! I shall have to torture you until you divulge your plan."

Leo's eyes widened and his ears folded back. "N--no, Mistress!"

"That was a joke," Mahiri said and laughed again. "We should get you back to your cell before you give me reason to chance my decision."

* * *

Leo lay on his bed, belly full of kibble, reflecting on the day's events. He had been thrown headfirst out of his comfort zone and had discovered things he hadn't even dare imagine before. He had experienced emotional highs and lows and his first (and hopefully last) actual fight, even if it hadn't been quite real. A good day, all in all. He felt optimistic, confident that his decision to come here would prove to have been the right one.

A rattle of the door's bolt made him jump up, more out of excitement than than surprise. He faced the door and knelt down in anticipation. Long seconds stretched before it opened, revealing Imara. A giddy rush filled Leo's chest.

"Good evening, Leo," Imara said. "I heard you had an eventful day."

"Yes, Mistress," Leo said happily.

Her gaze hardened. "I also heard you came without permission."

Leo's face fell. "I'm sorry, Mistress."

"I suppose I can't fault you, seeing as I hadn't taught you that bit of etiquette yet. I had a special lesson planned, but that won't be necessary anymore."

Leo must have looked utterly crestfallen, for Imara's expression soften a bit. "But you did impress Mahiri with your progress and actions, which is not easy. As a reward, you will get to sleep in my bed tonight."

"Thank you, Mistress!" Leo said, eyes brightening and ears pricking up. His heart beat stronger, ready to pump more blood down where it was needed.

"But don't misunderstand me," Imara said, raising a stern finger. "That will be all you're doing."

Leo nodded and looked down, trying to not let his disappointment show too much.

Imara turned around, waving at him to follow. They walked upstairs, all the way to the top floor and her apartment. She led him straight to her bedroom, dimly lit by the orange light of the setting sun. Putting a hand on Leo's back, she guided him to the bed and had him sit down.

From a bedside table she picked up a rope with two loops she had already prepared. By now, Leo had enough experience to know what was expected of him and offered his hands. She pulled on the free ends, tightening the loops around his wrists. She left them just loose enough that they barely pressed against his skin, but still tight enough that there was no way he could pull his hands free. The ends of the rope she wrapped around his wrists, binding them together comfortably yet securely.

"I noticed how you were looking at Anu today, so I thought you might like the same experience," Imara said as she finished tightening the final knot.

"The cheetah who was with Mahiri?" Leo asked.

Imara grinned. "Delightfully scandalous, isn't it? Taking a peasant as a lover."

Leo nodded. It wasn't uncommon for a prince to have a discreet little fling with a cheetah, so much so that "out collecting taxes" had become a euphemism. But openly inviting one to the castle? Unthinkable.

Imara moved closer, the tip of her muzzle mere inches from his, her eyes locked on his. In the fading light of the evening sun her eyes shone like gold. She took him by his shoulders and gently guided him onto his back, resting his head on one of the many soft pillows. She moved down, lifting his feet onto the bed and tying his ankles like she had tied his wrists. She returned and stroked his cheek, then crossed her arms and pulled off her top. He stared wide eyed, the sight of her naked breasts up close capturing his full attention. He wanted to reach up and feel them and raised his arms, trying to do just that. Imara caught his hands before he could reach. She straddled his belly and guided his arms above his head. Leo felt hot all over, his erection strained against the cage.

Her hands moved down his arms to his chest. She pinched his nipples lightly. "One more thing," she said and got off him. From the wall, she fetched a leather hood, like the one Anu had worn. Leo lifted his head, allowing her to put it on. She adjusted it so the tip of his muzzle was free, then tightened the laces behind it so it would be impossible for him to remove by himself. Blinded and unable to even fully open his mouth, Leo felt a nearly panic inducing sense of helplessness. When he had been strapped to a table, he could at least resign himself to his state of helplessness. Now his restraints were more psychological; he could still move, but without sight he wouldn't know where to go. He lay still and tried to focus his other senses instead.

He heard the rustle of cloth against fur. The mattress flexed as Imara climbed on the bed beside him. He twitched in surprise at the sudden touch on his belly, Imara running her hand through his fur. He felt her cuddle up to him, wrapping her leg over and around his, pressing her naked breasts against his side.

Leo exhaled slowly, surrendering himself to Imara's care. He felt more comfortable than he remembered being in a long time. It was safe, warm, and secure in his Mistress's embrace.