The city of Nagos – Chapter 1: Intruders and lessons

Story by Vandrasy on SoFurry

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My first story to be written. Please enjoy.

The city of Nagos - Chapter 1: Intruders and lessons

The first chapter of the city of Nagos. Ezra is returning to the city of sins and quickly finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes you just can´t choose your roommate.

Features: M/F, domination/submission, knot, wolf, fox

They say, when you get the rare chance of a second life, you should not repeat your old mistakes. These words circled through his mind, as Ezra walked down the illuminated streets, strolling through the outer districts of Nagos the city of sins. 15 years had passed since he had to leave his home, but the city itself had not changed at all. It had always been one single red-light district, filled with thousands of cultures, dreams and desires. Whatever you want, seek, or need Nagos would provide it and even your wildest dreams could come true in here. At least, that's what you are promised.

The streets were dim illuminated, colorful lanterns lining the pavements, scattering their light over the thousands of visitors. Ezra walked past multiple shops, offering pleasure of any kind, while dogging the people being seduced right on the street. The streets were crowded and brimming with live, horny peasants strolling through all the possibilities Nagos could offer. A short female bunny was handing out flyers on the street, waving at him as he passed by. She stepped right into his path as he attempted to ignore her. She was a wild thing, ears pierced and with a set of cloths leaving nothing to fantasy. Without a word he slipped past her, not in the mood after a long and exhausting journey. He came about three steps until he bumped into a female lizard. Her scales illuminated from underneath, creating a living tattoo all over her body. As she turned around, he quickly vanished into a side alley, before she or her male companion could notice him.

He had already forgotten the promiscuity of some, if not all people in this city and was happy about a less crowded place. As he continued his path, he remembered always being quite the center of attraction. As a tall wolf with dark blush and partly violet fur he indeed was a sight to behold. The modern but not to formal cloths gave him a wealthy touch with his upright ears on his head, twisting to the source of every sound. Normally, he was quite inclined to some uncommitted fun, but just not this evening. Despite, his sex drive was rather average, and he was more into getting to know his partners instead of diving right in. For him, it has always felt much more rewarding when he had to put in some efforts.

While sunken in thoughts, his legs were taking him further down the back alleys. The streets became less and less crowded, and the spare lightning provided a darker and more tempting atmosphere. He finally found himself in front of a small shop, missing any signs or windows with praised goods. A tall shadow leaned at the door and approached him as he passed by. Seconds later, the shadow turned out to be a female panther, covering her dark fur with red bandages. Each step was followed by the chime of her jewelry as she approached him.

"My what a sight. I could eat you up right here but maybe it would be better if you come inside."

"Sorry, I'm not searching for any kind of entertainment right now. Just a hotel to rest for the night."

"Oh, so you're not the customer. What a pity. But I can still offer you a place tonight. I might even lower my price a bit if you outperform my expectations. And don't worry, we're all equipped with anything you could wish for."

His eyes went down, spotting the small bulge beneath her loincloth. That was the last thing he needed, a horny hermaphrodite, as eager to get her holes stuffed as stuffing his. He made a step back and she signed in disappointment.

"Hm, truly a pity. You have no idea what you're missing. But if I can't convince you, you will find a hotel right down this street. And should you change your mind, you know where to find me. My offer still stands."

With a muttered thanks he made hast to reach the mentioned hotel. A few hundred meters down the road he found it, a big building with nothing but the name written over the entrance. The absence of any kind of offered entertainment, and the run-down facade raised his mood instantly. He had hoped for a normal hotel with no other services than a comfy bed. He pushed the door open and found himself in front of an old shabby reception desk, guarded by a seemingly 200 years old brownish lizard hag. Compared to the rest of the city, she was dressed rather formally, conveying the impression of a completely different place.

"Good evening, I need a room for the night. Nothing special just a comfy bed."

"I'm booked out. No free room for the night."

"What? You have no room in such a big hotel in the middle of nowhere?"

"The rooms are cheap, and I don't care who books them for the night. As long as I'm getting paid in advance of course. I can only offer you a bed."

"What do you mean with only a bed. Don't tell me you got one in the courtyard."

"No. But some of the rooms got two beds but are booked by one person. You can have the second bed."

"So, you're giving the same room to two people? What kind of hotel is this?"

"I told you I don't care who takes the room. I got one free bed left. Chances are good no one is in there, since my customers tent to sleep at day and party the night through."

"And whom would I be sharing the room with?"

"Are you deaf? Told you I don't care about my costumers. You take the bed now or not?"

He was not fond of sharing a room with a stranger but going back out and searching for another normal hotel sounded exhausting. He nodded his head and asked for the price. Shortly after, he walked up the stairs, holding a key in his hand. "Best case no one is in there and worst I get out in an instant. The bed was really cheap." Finding the room was no problem and after knocking for a couple of times he shrugged and opened the door. The interior was much like anything someone would expect after one glimpse at the hotel. The furniture was at least 30 years old, and the beds appeared to be older than all pieces in the room together. Half the other guests' wardrobe was scattered everywhere in the room, in a way, he had always imagined an exploded rainbow would look like. The bed closer to the door seemed to be free, only three t-shirts on the blanked and a black sock on the pillow. As he picked it up it turned out to be a black panty. At least his roommate was small and not a fat bear or worse, a dragon. Absently turning the panty around in his hands he noticed an even darker spot, glistening against the light. Following a sudden instinct, he pressed the spot against his muzzle, deeply inhaling the sweet and creamy scent.

Suddenly, the door behind him slammed open, letting him jump upon the thought of being caught. He turned around and nearly tripped over his own feet, while desperately trying to hide the panty behind his back. A female fox with red and orange fur was standing in the doorframe, rubbing a towel through her hair. She still made a few steps until she froze upon the intruder in her room. A small part of his brain tried to prepare an excuse for his intrusion while the major part was shutting down. She was not wearing anything except the towel on her head, and water drops ran down her fur, creating a puddle at her feet. Suddenly, a big smile crossed her face, and she lowered her arms, not bothering to cover her body.

"Oh, a guest. You should have knocked. You know it's very rude to break into a hotel room. You may catch the guest off guard and get hurt."

She walked through the room teasingly shaking her hips until she reached the cupboard at the other side. Turning her back towards him, she opened the wardrobe door and bend down to reach her stuff. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when she gave him a view of her goods. Her legs were slightly parted, and she even wiggled her tail, flashing her pussy.

"You haven't seen my favorite panty by any chance? The black one."

His eyes still glued to her body he started drooling at the floor, his head long surrendered building complete sentences. Rising and smoothly turning around she examined him carefully, her eyes wandering over his body.

"Sure, you haven't seen them? I really like the black one and I could swear I dropped them somewhere around."

He suddenly remembered the panty he picked up from the pillow and his brain snaped out of the daydream. Somehow, she had realized the change in his expression and curiously tilted her head. With a bright smile on her face, she walked over until she stood merely an inch away from him. Her flavor tingling his nose his breath accelerated, and he started twitching from one foot to another. Suddenly, he felt the cold sting of a blade being pressed against his crotch.

"I could swear I've left them somewhere around."

Her voice turned from cute and innocent to freezing cold within a second. Even the room temperature seemed to chill down.

"Maybe... maybe you haven't look carefully enough in the wardrobe?"

Her smile brightened when reaching around his body, her breast pressing against his shirt. Her nipples were rock hard and nearly teared through his fabric. She pressed her muzzle into his cleavage, deeply inhaling his scent. He shudder in anticipation and gently grabbed her upper arms. The pressure of the knife increased, and he pulled his hands back quickly.

"Oh, look what we got here." She chuckled while focusing her eyes on his left hand. "So, you're a panty thief?" she smiled.

He followed her gaze and sharply inhaled upon the black panty in his hand. Somehow, he completely forgot he had them in his hands behind his back. She grabbed her panty and stepped back, keeping the knife dangerously close to his balls.

"Did you break in only to steal my panty? Or did you had more in your mind?"

She was still smiling at him but somehow, that smile seemed more dangerous than the knife.

"It ... it's not like it seems. Your stuff was on my bed and I just wanted to remove it," he tried to explain.

She laughed and took a few steps back to look him in the eyes.

"The old hag gave away the second bed? She really doesn't care about anything. Anyway... I don´t like being surprised. So how about I teach you a lesson about knocking and waiting for the lady to open the door first?"

"Teach me a lesson? I didn't do anything wrong. I knocked the door but you didn´t answer. Maybe your timing was unlucky, but I'm sure we can work this out. And stop playing with that knife" he asked hopefully. She laughed again, her tail wiggling in excitement.

"Oh no. Thieves must be punished. How about a few fingers, or your cock? You don't need all of it."

"What? No. No knife. No fingers. No cock. I need all of it."

"You sure? Hm well I just showered and don't want to wash of your blood. But how about a different punishment?"

"But ..."

"No but. You will be punished. So, what will it be?"

"I don't even now my choices"

Her eyebrows narrowed, giving her a face a murderous intent.

"Fine, fine. No knife. And no other sharp things. And I want to keep all my body parts."

"Fine, but I don´t promise anything. No sit on the bed."

He followed her orders, sitting down at the spot she waved at. The moment he sat on the bed she jumped on the pillow, kneeled upright before him her breast jiggling. He licked over his muzzle und lend his head towards her until she patted her hand on his nose. "No no no. I'm in charge here. If you don't behave, I may keep only one small piece of you." She drove the knife into the bedstead and forced his head up with one hand to look him right in the eyes. "Well, maybe a huge piece", she smiled while her other hand was stroking over the bulge in his pants. "So, will you be a good boy and follow my orders? And don´t try some funny stuff. I´m way quicker at that knife than you." Her blue eyes were mesmerizing, and he could only nod his head. Her smile widened and she lowered her head until their muzzles nearly touched. In anticipation of a kiss, he slightly parted his lips, inhaling her cent. The next moment she giggled and pushed his head down in the blanked. "I'm not that easy. And you will only do what I tell you."

"Seriously, what do you want?" has asked in a muffled voice, his head burrowed in the blanked. She giggled again.

"Entertainment and stress relief. And maybe, when I'm in the mood, you will get your share. But first you will be punished."

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"You can call me mistress, my queen or any other appropriate title your little brain can come up with."

"I thought more about an actual name."

"If you must, you can call me Victoria."

"I'm Ezra."

"Nope, you're my toy, and I call you my pet or good boy" She laughed, "you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, right? Well, no turning back now."

He focused his eyes on the pillow right in front of his muzzle, noticing a wet spot on it. Moments later, a second drop fell right in front of him on the pillow, leaving a new stain. She still had his head pushed into the blanked, but his eyes could reach up far enough to detect the leak. Right in front of him he could see her pussy, lips slightly parted due to her kneeling posture with her clit visibly swollen. The umber tone of her lips was harmonizing with her orange red fur, stained wet and clinging to her skin. He could follow another drop running down her lips to the tip of her fur and finally dropping to the growing puddle. He was hypnotized by the picture right before him and an instinct following, he deeply inhaled. Her sweet but spicy cent rushed through his brain, leaving him drooling into the blanked.

She must have heard his sniffing as she smacked his ass cheek with her free hand. "Found something you like down there?" Her hand was running over his back, pulling up his shirt and stroking though his dark blue fur. Following an idea, she leaned back and pulled his right ear. "Turn around would you. And don't you dare try to stand up. I got you right where I want you." Her words took a few seconds till they reached his brain but without further hesitation he rolled around, his eyes meeting hers. "Good boy. Now put your hands bellow your ass. If you move them out, you lose more than a few fingers." He obeyed her command, waiting for her next move. She smiled brightly, slowly moving herself closer to his muzzle. Her scent and arousal thickened the air while his tongue was merely an inch away from her glistening wet pussy. The moment she was within reach, she pushed her hand on his throat, interrupting his action. "Not so fast my toy" she giggled "remember you're being punished."

She pulled herself closer to his muzzle, feeling his breath softly stroking her clit. "If you get your tongue out without permission you may lose it too" she whispered, her voiced filled with arousal. While she was enjoying every single moment, Ezra found himself somewhere between heaven and hell. Her thick scent was rushing through his brain, wakening primal instincts while his hands were bound below his back with her hand around his throat. He was aching for a single taste but was not willing to trade his life or worse his best parts for it. It was a strange feeling to be so submissive, a position he rarely found himself over the past years. Suddenly, her hand around his throat tightened as she quivered and gasped upon her orgasm. Still shaking she rested her left hand on his belly, supporting her own weight. "God how I missed that. You are quite an obedient one, aren't you?" she panted. "I make you a deal. I never got myself off after the first time but if you think you can make it, I let you get a taste. But if you can't pay for the meal, you will regret it."

Without a further word he stretched his neck, burring his muzzle within her pussy. She yelped in surprise, further tightening her gasp around his throat before releasing him. His tongue was now working on her pussy, relentlessly licking over her lips and swollen clit, sucking up her sweet honey. The fur between her legs was drenched with her juices, slowly staining his muzzle. She let him work his tongue for quite some time before sighing and petting his chest. "That's nice and all, but we get nowhere if you continue fooling around. Show some commitment", she demanded before pulling herself up and resting herself on his face. The tip of his muzzle sank into her as she sharply exhaled. "That's better. No get to work you have to deliver." His tongue now dancing over her clit, constantly stirring it she bent over, resting her forearms on his belly. The tip of his muzzle still caught between her lips, his teeth carefully clenched around her clit. She purred when the sudden sting rushed through her body, her tail wiggling in excitement. Finally some progress.

While he was working between her legs, she massaged the thick bulge in his pants. Following an impulse she placed her hands around the border of his pants, pulling them down in a single smooth movement. His cock sprang free, reaching upright far over his belly button. The black member had a pointy sharp tip glistening with pre cum, thickening the way down ending in a half-inflated knot still in his sheet. She run her hand over the entire length, her eyes widening bewildered when resting her hand on the upper half. She could feel the strange texture two inches below the tip, forming a little ring-shaped bulb. She knew the meaning of this structure but had only heard rumors of it so far. In times of contraception first reports were mad upon specimens being born with a higher virility, stamina and seed quantity, natures attempt to ensure a successful breeding when bonding. However, there were also stories about an anatomic change to ensure fertilization. One knot at the base tying the male to the female and another one swelling right behind the cervix, making sure that not a single drop would leave the womb.

Fascinated by her discovery, she bend her head to look down her belly. He was still trying his best, eating her out every way he could imagine. Unfortunately, all his efforts were in vain as she was not even close to a second orgasm. Her first one long past she was getting quite bored. Closing her hand around his cock, she vigorously striking up and down to motivate him even more. A few strokes later his cock was pulsating, but his tongue work had subsided. She could feel him getting closer and slowed down her movements and released her grip. She chuckled upon his quivering and aching body. "Seems like you overestimated yourself" she said before lifting herself up. Turning around, she rested herself on the pillow, knees pulled up to her breasts. She watched him getting up on the bed, his eyes filled with disappointment and lust. She was giving him a diabolic smile. "Seems like our playtime is over. I thought you knew what you were doing" she smiled.

"That's unfair. You got off while I got blue balls" he shouted.

"Not my problem. You couldn't deliver." His eyes narrowed and he grinned at her.

"You can't just stop here."

"I can and I will" she answered plainly while observing her fingernails. "And now take a leave."

His grin widened into a smile as he looked into her eyes. "Well, seems like I have to relief myself." With these words he lunged forward, grabbing the surprised vixen by her shoulders. With a smooth action he turned her around, pressing her head into the pillow. She yelped in surprise, to shocked to even resist. He positioned himself behind her back, her ass raised high up, giving him a good view of her stained pussy and pink asshole. "How dare you..." she started but was shut up as he pushed his cock right into her cunt. She heavily snaped when he drove himself inside, giving her no time to adjust or prepare. He immediately started pounding his cock into her, nearly pulling out till only the tip remained at her entrance, just to push it back into her. Each time he thrusted back inside the tip was touching her clit, stimulating her even more. His hands now pressed on her back she was pushed on the blanked. Her breathing had accelerated, and she was muttering into the pillow.

"Pretty sure I never ordered you to do this."

"Oh, shut up. That's what you get for teasing me. And besides, you're quite strong. Pretty sure I'd be dead by now if you wouldn't enjoy it."

He was normally not this rude, but the constant teasing and her wild scent had long driven him over the edge, awakening his primal instincts. Victoria was now in a position she never really had a favour for. She had always got bored rather quickly from such unaspirated mating. For a short moment she had hopes that he would come up with more than plain humping, but she was quickly disappointed. The feeling of his member rubbing over her clit was nice, but he was neither deep nor hard enough to cause some real excitement. She was slowly starting to drift off, toying with the idea of spicing up things with a cut off finger, until she felt a sudden pressure. His thrusts had still the same steady pace, but the feeling had shifted. His cock was spreading her inner walls wider with each thrust and he reached deeper each time. He was slowly starting to stretch her open until the tip of his cock touched the entrance to her cervix. She sharply inhaled upon the sudden sting rushing through her body, reviving her subsiding lust. By time, his thrusts became slower but more forcefully, constantly bumping against her cervix. "Wow... didn't thought... you had it... in you."

He grinned upon her words, her mourning and quivering increasing while he was growing in her. "Oh, I'm not done yet." He knew what would be coming but for her it would be quite a surprise. By now, his cock had grown considerably in size and thickness, stretching her pussy wide open, rubbing over her inner walls despite her wetness. His knot had by now fully emerged from his sheath, pressing against her pussy with ever thrust. The second knot below his tip was also inflated to his full size, stimulating her cervix with each thrust. Suddenly he made a forceful leap ahead, pushing the tip of his cock through the entrance of her cervix. The moment he stretched her inner body she let out a sharp howl before he pushed her shoulders down into the bed. Her head now resting on the pillow and ass up in the air, she was bend into the optimal mating position. His thrusts were now slower but pushing the tip in and out of her cervix, each time rubbing over the sensitive ring grading her most precious place.

She was in heaven now. Despite the slow start and his initial obedience, he had turned out to be quite a good mate, or at least quite good at mating. She had long surrendered talking and was now enjoying him tearing her pussy apart. Through the cloudiness of her head, she could feel a strange pressure at her cervix, each time he pumped into her. She remembered the shape of his cock, and the strange texture she knew to be a second knot.

"Don't you... dare... knot me. I don't want a... mess... neither in... nor outside... me."

"Don't worry... I make sure to make a mess in and outside" he replied, each word followed by a hard thrust.

"Don't you..." she tried but was interrupted has he lunged forward, pushing the knot at his base inside her pussy.

His thrusts were now limited but he continued with the same force he had used before. Her mind now completely clouded by pleasure, her objections had turned into an uncontrollable panting. He continued his short thrusts with his first knot fully inflated, preventing any chance of a quick retreat. Still thrusting, he bend down till he was lying above her, his muzzle right on her left ear. "Let´s see if I can deliver" he whispered before putting his hands on her shoulders. With his last strength he pushed himself deep into her. The second knot was pressing against her cervix, stretching it wider until her body surrendered, and the knot firmly resting inside her womb. All her muscles contracted, as the tip of his cock reached the end of her womb. She was half screaming, half panting her second orgasms, as her lips were clenching around his cock.

He was resting on top of her, feeling her muscles tightening and her fur standing up like goosebumps. Her insides were pulsating and driving him over the edge, releasing steady spurts of his liquid seed into her. The warmth was radiating through her, as she felt herself getting filled up. After a minute she was filled to the brim, his knot perfectly sealing her cervix, preventing even the slightest drop from escaping. Their orgasm lasted several minutes, resulting in both being completely exhausted. When he turned himself around, she had no option but following his movement until she was resting on his belly. She lifted her head watching down her own body.

"You little fucker filled me up!"

"You wanted me to deliver" he chuckled. "Don´t complain about getting what you asked for."

"I never told you to knot me" she growled.

"Well, that's what you got for teasing and playing with me."

"You could have warned me."

"No, cause that's how you like it and don't tell me you didn't enjoy it."

"Maybe I did. But you still mad a mess in me. And how do you get it out now?"

"Don't know. But if you're afraid to make a mess on the bed, we can find something to plug you up" he smiled.

"In your dreams. Get me in the shower or I swear I make you lick off every single drop you spill."

"Technically you would spill it bit fine, whatever you want." He lifted himself into a sitting position, holding her steady with his hands.

He stood up in a single movement, grabbing her below the tights to support her position. She gasped when the movement shifted his cock, still buried deep within her. He slowly walked them over to the bathroom she came out earlier.

"And I just wanted a bed for the night."

"Then be a good boy now and I might let you rest. Maybe I will even let you wake up again. But this won´t happen again. I´m in charge here."

"This sounds like you plan a second round."

"Maybe... if you survive the night."

To be continued...