Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 3

Story by Candysnake on SoFurry

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#6 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


Spyro couldn't help a small purr rumbling deep in his chest. Despite his best attempts, his fatigue had worn his restraint, and the deliciousness of the meal had relaxed him, his penis throbbing hard and putting up along his belly and chest from the slight scent of his mate's earlier activities. He ignored the Matron watching him keenly. "Cynder...how is it you keep improving these things every single time? Every meal can't get any better, and yet you accomplish it anyway. What changed this time?"

She blushed and giggled at the praise from her mate. "Just some ingredient proportions, though it helps that I found some of the spices right at their peak instead of before or after ripeness. Freshness makes all the difference. Plus, this was a giant crab. I kid you not, this was a monster. But of course, handled it with ease."

"I'll bet," he replied, glancing askance at the salted preserved portions still waiting to get wrapped in leaves...and, likely, frozen by his ice breath for the underground storage at the house. Cynder took his plate away as he reclined at the table and turned his attention to the Matron, his erection ebbing almost as quickly as it had arrived. Most of what she'd told Cynder had been reiterated over their meal, at least about their sex life and the various other immediately pertinent factors. "So...it's okay for dragons to have sex with others even when they're mated....that's really weird to think about."

"It's because you grew up in a monostable environment. Or at least were raised. But yes, dear, it's perfectly normal for friends to mate with each other even when they already have a mate. Many young dragons grow up this way, with sexual exploration being fairly free. You were both isolated from this, so I am telling you now so that any activity your children indulge in can be met appropriately when the time comes."

"Even...siblings?" Cynder whispered, the old one nodding.

"Yes. In fact in many places in the world it's a cultural norm for parents or familial guardians such as older siblings or uncles and aunts to demonstrate for their children and help them learn about their sexuality. At the appropriate ages, of course, and only at the discretion of the children." Both of them nodded, though a bit uneasily at this foreign concept. "Around here...it's not very common and might be frowned upon, but I haven't seen adverse effects from the familial training in all my years so do as you see fit for your children. Interpolative, of course. Everyone is different in their learning and comfort."

"Interpolative...what does that mean?" Cynder asked.

"On individual accounts. Just be aware of your children, their comfort zones, and their grasp of concepts as they age. They will naturally want to explore their bodies even when young, and perhaps each other, so while I do encourage you to encourage them to learn about themselves, you also need to figure out how to set boundaries and teach them about personal space, respecting others, and various other consent and mindfulness territories."

"It feels so complex..." Cynder muttered, hugging herself with her wings. "I mean, I was so ready and eager to be a mom but the more I think about it..."

"It is very daunting the first time because you don't have the experience. Every single new parents feels that way, dear. But you two have good hearts, you're already better prepared than most, especially the ones not expecting it. You can do it. You're already on a good foot being concerned for them. Just don't let that concern stifle them."

Spyro sighed and rubbed his face. "My upbringing was...weird, in retrospect. I don't know how to raise a dragon, I was fed by dragonflies and almost grew up thinking I was one of them...just built weirder."

"So Cynder informed me. But don't worry about not knowing everything. Once you get into the groove of it, childcare, while a hassle, is also easier than you might think."

Shifting her wings, the black dragoness mumbled to herself, then raised her voice. "So...um...might I ask...how this evaluation is going?"

"I cannot say until it is complete, dear, and that depends on your mate's response. For observational health reasons, I do have to request being able to observe you and your mate having sex."

Spyro gagged on a bit of his saliva at that and coughed. "Wh-what??"

"Yes. Do not worry, it is part of the evaluation. Seeing your sexual interaction gives indications to certain things which may indicate later health issues. If it is too much, I can make do with performing a cursory examination of you as well, which would involve measuring your erection and testicle sizes."

"Urgh..." Spyro groaned, Cynder giggling at his discomfort. "I was afraid of that..."

"Again, if it's too uncomfortable, I can wait, or make do and finish the analysis. You wouldn't guess it from my old rattling bones but I can be very sneaky."

"Yeah, I didn't even know you were here." Sighing deeply, he gazed at Cynder, the ebon girl giving him a grin and a nod, even amidst the blush making her a little giddy. "I guess I'm fine with doing it...just...I'm not in much of a state to give a good performance right now."

"Yes, you seem to need a good long rest."

"I'll get the guest room ready." Giving Cynder a kiss, he held there with her, then nuzzled her, she doing the same and nosing at his neck. They caught each others' eyes for a short while, then he finally broke away to sweep up into the air and ascend to their home. The Matron gave a soft sigh with a wistful grin.

"Oh to be young again..."

"Huh?" Cynder asked, snapping out of her trance.

"I can practically feel the love you two share. A powerful force indeed, and so very wholesome. Yes...you two will do very well together if you can keep that passionate flame fanned."

Cynder sighed to herself with a small grin, which faded as a new question rose to the fore of her mind. "Why are you helping me though? After all I did?"

"I told you, sweetheart, I've seen it all. I was even the reproductive advisor to a foul king before the Ape War that scattered and decreased the Guardians before your time. The things you did...can't hold a torch to the things I've seen our kin do, and that was without foul magic corruption. But, you also did everything you could to redeem yourself. You have a good heart despite your tortured past. Many with less torture fall into worse darkness and lose themselves. You stayed strong, even if the way was confusing. It is my pleasure to assist young ladies who seek to have families, young ones like yourself who want to find that joy."

A small tear formed at the corner of her eye and she looked away, wiping it with her wing. "Th-thank you..."

"If I may, how long would it take him to prepare that room? I would hate to leave him waiting for us."

"Oh, um...yes. He should be done by the time we fly up. I've already finished everything down here."

With that they leapt into the air, Cynder doing so much more gently than she normally would so as not to harm the eggs in her womb. The air grew much colder as they ascended, but the small house was already warm with the central fire. Spyro emerged from the side room and nodded to the Matron again. "The room is ready for you, ma'am."

"Thank you, dear. These tired old bones could do with a nap. Take your time and relax with your mate."

With that, she slipped into the room and closed the door, leaving them together. Cynder had already padded over to their bed, laying upon it and giving him her best bedroom eyes. Spyro smiled fondly at her, though his depression was tugging at his muzzle. He was much less graceful as he climbed into the bed with her. Nuzzling and kissing her mate, she rubbed his foreleg, then carefully turned herself so she was facing the foot of their bed, leaning in to lovingly lick and kiss at his heavy jewels weighing his loosened scrotum in the fire's warmth. Purring at the pleasant touches of her muzzle and tongue, he leaned in under her tail and slowly, sensually lapped at her slit, making her lift her leg and pull it back a bit to give him better access. There they laid, just idly loving on each others' parts, mindlessly enjoying the intimate presence and quiet crackle of the fire. Spyro slipped his tongue into her ever-tight folds, closing his lips around her labial scales and lightly "chewing" on them with his lips while his tongue swirled around her entrance and teased at her little love nub, Cynder squealing under her breath and taking his rising shaft into her mouth to tenderly suckle on him and let him erect into her throat. Her paw moved up to gently cup and fondle his heavy orbs, making his legs squirm a little as he groaned into her passage and pressed his tongue just a little deeper. Making out with her lovely silken tunnel, he purred into her, making her coo happily around his shaft as she practically made love to his tip with her tongue. It had the relaxing effect she was aiming for as she slowly yet steadily slipped his engorged maleness back into her throat to nurse on him softly, feeling him start to drift off and relax from the day's troubles. Before he could fully doze off, she turned back around again, slowly, letting him watch her body as she settled by him and snuggled up against him again. Hugging her with his wing, he let his penis throb against her belly, Cynder purring and redirecting it with her tail so she could slip it neatly into her depths, just like that morning. Spyro gently gyrated his hips, but neither of them were after release, only the closeness and pleasure of their parts embracing. Orgasm was a bonus at that point, rather than a goal. Burying his face against her neck, he quickly dozed off, Cynder hugging him close and continuing to gyrate her hips slowly on his length, stroking him with her tight passage until she too fell asleep.

As morning rose, Spyro stretched and winced at the bright light spearing through the window right onto his face. They hadn't taken the lemniscate pattern of the sun into account for window placement...he'd have to get a curtain up over that darned aperture. Yawning, he blinked the sleep away, slowly unblurring to see Cynder's peaceful sleeping face before him. He smiled and leaned into rest his nose against hers, watching her sleep. Letting his mind gradually gear up, he finally kissed her lightly and she shifted and mumbled something but didn't awaken just yet. Stretching his hind legs, he gave a nasal huff of amusement as he felt his flagpole rising in the cool morning air from the window, waving in hopes of conquest. Forgetting that they had a guest, he purred and rubbed his mate's engorged belly, which had gone down a bit overnight. Murmuring again, she winced and yawned, nuzzling against him and then slowly fluttering her eyes open to smile up at him. "Hey..."

"Mornin'..." he whispered. He edged over her and she eagerly allowed him to position her, spreading her legs, rubbing his head fondly as he lined himself up and kissed along her belly, his pulsing spire slipped right up into his mate's welcoming cunny, her legs wrapping loosely around him as he walked himself forward to sheath right up into her depths.

"So why wait for me to wake up?" she whispered, her paws rubbing his neck and shoulders as she licked his cheek.

"Wanted to see your beautiful face moaning my name as I blow your mind to wake you up," he ribbed with a smirk, giving her slow, gentle rolls of his hips, his testicles swaying against her tail with the motions.

"Could've woken me up by blowing my mind," she shot back, then arched up under him and moaned sweetly, his squishy barbs raking along her passage.

"I could've. I know you like it. But you were just too beautiful to simply start fucking."

"I love you."

He caught her mouth with his and they kissed deeply, Cynder clinging to him and lightly smushing her cummy belly against his golden scutes while he settled into a slow, deep thrusting rhythm. She curled her tail up just enough to let his swaying balls brush back and forth across her scales, the extra sensual contact making him throb and spurt pre in the lake of seed within her. Back and forth they rocked, taking it slow and easy, Spyro thrusting for a bit, Cynder rolling her hips when he paused, keeping their intimate bits in constant stimulation. Breaking the kiss to moan and lean her head back, Cynder squealed under her breath when he started grooming and nibbling on her neck and throat, lightly raking her scales with his teeth, just enough to give her a pleasant scritching without scuffing her beautiful hide.

"Cynder..." he huffed against her neck, drawing his tongue slowly up to her cheek and making her shiver with lustful satisfaction. "You are everything I've fought for. I love you so much..."

"Everything?" she asked, guiding his paw down to her belly and purring when he teasingly groped her.

"Well, I don't know how else to put it. But yes...You...our family...I didn't even know I wanted a family until we became mates. But it's an adventure I'm ready for, with you by my side for it."

"You have no idea how desperately I've wanted that..." she whispered back, bucking up of the bed and rolling her hips to mash her labial scales against his sheath with a whine of bliss. "A big family with so many cute little children...I can't wait to meet them..."

Grabbing her firmly, he rolled over to his side of the bed and lifted her up onto his lap, Cynder squeaking in surprise and then giggling as she settled onto him, her paws coming to rest on her huge belly now resting upon his. He again groped her swollen midsection, kneading her scales as she sat with his throbbing maleness tucked away in her body, just relishing in the pleasure and fullness for a few minutes before she started to ride him. "So fuckin' sexy..." he breathed as he gazed up at her, Cynder grinning down at him. "You are so beautiful, so sexy, so...everything...so lucky to have found you."

"Luck, or fate?" she murred back as she pressed down on his lap and swirled her hips side to side to grind her labia against his sheath in different ways from before.

"Whichever it was, I don't care, seeing you happy and pleasured is the best thing in my life, however it came to be."

"You're such a cheeseball, Spyro." With that she started lifting herself up almost all the way off his spire, Spyro looking down under her rounded middle to watch his pulsing length dribble with their mixed fluids before she glided back down and stroked over his tip with her tight cervix, both of them groaning out and squirming as the pleasure started to overtake them. Soon enough Cynder was bouncing happily on his lap and moaning to the ceiling, a lewd wet plapping noise of scales on scales echoing repeatedly. "Are the Guardians gonna come looking for you today?" she huffed.

"If they are, they're gonna have to wait until I've filled you at least three times."

"Is that a promise?" she asked eagerly, getting a lustful smirk and wink from him. "Oh fuck yes..." she hissed, clenching tightly in anticipation of their later romps.

"I can feel them again..." he breathed, pressing his paws against her belly. He couldn't feel them with his toes, but the eggs were gently rolling against his cock and stroking against his tip with every bounce, Cynder trilling at the naughty idea that she was pleasuring him with their eggs as well as her body. "Cynder...I think I'm gonna cum already..."

"Yesssss!" she huffed, craning her head back as the promise of more fresh cum in her womb ramped up her own excitement, her tight passage rippling around his rigid member. Gripping her hips, he started bucking off the bed, Cynder squealing and crying out with each wet slap of his hips to her ass, until they both arched back and roared out, Spyro's tail flagging under hers and stiffening repeatedly with each hearty gush of virile breeder cream into her deepest sanctuary, Cynder in turn quaking with each throb and spurting all over his belly as her insides spasmed and milked that cock for every deliciously warm drop he could muster. Panting and growling to each other as their orgasms ripped through their bodies, Cynder finally slumped forward onto him, Spyro awkwardly catching her to protect her belly even as he continued pumping into her, making her just a tad more round than the previous morning. They laid there, purring and kissing, snuggling, making love as they gently ground and back forth while he pulsed and filled her to the brim, until finally his own climax was tapped and he went limp under her, letting her grind herself along his cock as she wished while their tongues fought between their lips in playful dominance. Breaking the kiss for breath, Cynder gave a low gasp and shuddered as she almost came again just from the afterglow sensitivity of his barbs rubbing all over in her snug netherlips, Spyro grinning and pushing her over the edge by sneaking a paw under her belly and rubbing a toe against her prominently swollen clit. Cynder shrieked and bucked on him again, hips jerking and body vibrating as wave after wet wave of her fluids geysered across her mate's belly and all over the bed under them. Panting heavily and feeling hazy and warm to her very bones, she smiled at him, open-mouthed panting with her tongue hanging in a blissed-out glassy gaze. Spyro purred up at her. Seeing her so pleasured made his heart flutter with satisfied pride.

"Mind blown?" he asked. She tried to formulate a response, but could only mumble sweet nothings of afterglow praise, leaning in to hide her face against his neck and recover. He hugged her tightly, rubbing her back and eliciting a happy purr.

"Gonna...send me back ta sleep not wake m' up," she finally managed to slur out, shakily lifting herself up to kiss him again. "Just hold me for 'bit..."

He did just that, cradling her gravid form to himself, wrapping his wings around her and his tail coiling with hers, as if to shield her from the world. She shuffled her wings out from under his, then laid them around him to complete the hug while they kissed and nuzzled. "Think we'll have to tone it down a bit once the kids hatch?"

"Might not have a choice there, they'll be needing our attention quite a bit. But I mean, if it's okay for parents to teach their kids about sex...how much do normal children get exposed to in a family or friend environment anyway? That's my big question on it."

"We could ask her."

"Where did you learn about sex anyway? Mine was...less than desirable but...our first night, you knew more or less what you were doing despite not doing it before."

Spyro chuckled. "You think there are only dragonflies and frogs in the swamps? I didn't know what it really was though, but the memories kinda pieced together as we got older and went through those adventures together."

"Mmm..." she murred in acquiescence. Slowly she unraveled herself from him, Spyro watching appreciatively as she flexed and stretched over him, leaving nothing to the imagination, body laid bare to him. His paws traveled over her chest, around her belly to her sides, then up to her shoulders, feeling her luxuriously soft, silky feminine scales. Backing up carefully, she slid backwards off the end of the bed, then leaned down between his legs to kiss and suckle on his balls, purring as she took one large testicle into her mouth to suck lightly on it, then swapped to the other, going back and forth to give them equal treatment. She watched with giddy glee as his softening malehood twitched with each suckle, slowly rising back to life until it was pulsing along his belly and chest. Licking from behind his balls up and over to his sheath, she nuzzled at that fleshy pouch for a bit before slowly, sensually dragging her tongue up along his spire, teasing the lithe organ along his veins, his urethral bulge, and around every single fleshy nub, licking happily around his pointy tip and then kissing at the slit where her favorite treat emerged. "Mmmmm...delicious...I wish I could drink your seed all day."

"But then you wouldn't have any left for your womb."

"Exactly." Nosing down along his shaft, she inhaled softly, taking in his scent and shivering with a surge of lust, one which she managed to control this time as her stomach announced it was time for breakfast. "Would love a nice filling drink for my meal, but I'm thinking...steak."

"Mmmm...steak..." He drooled and licked his lips, then rolled over off the bed and stretched, lashing the air with his tail. "I'll get some mushroom cuts to grill up for later."

They had an indoor kitchen, a smaller working space for now with intentions to expand later, and it had a magic-powered platform that descended to the icy cold storage area below. Spyro went down, yawning and rolling his shoulders, then shivered at the nippy air. Stone and metal shelves were set into the rock, bearing cuts of meat, frozen vegetables, fruits, seeds, Cynder's attempts at jams, and all sorts of other bits, most of them solidly encased in blocks of Spyro's ice breath and frosted over with the condensation. Everything was kept cool by a small vent from above that wafted air over a shelf of ice set in the ceiling, the cold air settling to the floor. Standing up on his hind legs to peer into the shelf, he breathed slowly, replenishing the ice block, then went over some of the ones that had sublimated a bit, icing them over with a fresh layer and grabbing two large steaks off the back shelf. "Everything good down there?" Cynder called.

"Gonna have to head to Warfang soon and get some more steaks and poultry, starting to run a bit low," he replied.

"Can you handle that please? Flying's getting a bit harder."

"Sure," he replied as he stood on the platform and had it ascend. The kitchen came into view again, Cynder having gotten the oven started with her flame breath. Defrosting the ice with his elemental control, he presented two steaks, and Cynder smirked and held up a little shaker of seasoning.

"Freshly ground."

"Oh Ancestors, yes please...you make the best spices this side of Warfang."

"What can I say, I'm a genius."

"You have your moments," he teased, making her smack him lightly with the flat of her tailblade. "Alright, I'll go get those mushrooms and plan a shopping trip." With that he headed out, and when he closed the door, the Matron came out of her room and quietly went over to the kitchen chamber.

"Oh! Matron!" Cynder squeaked. "I'm so sorry, I forgot you were here!"

"As intended, my dear," she chuckled with a warm grin. "I have seen everything I need to as well."

Emerald eyes nearly bugged out of her face again, a fierce blush making the silver scales on her cheekbones go pink. "Y-y-you...saw? But I didn't-"

"Again. As intended. To see you two in your natural setting unimpeded by my observations. And what I've seen is a purity and love most would die for. You two will do very well together."

"Uh...th-thanks...um...should I get you something?"

"I'll be fine with some bread and a few small slices of meat. The feast yesterday morning and your rich meal last night are still sitting fairly heavy for me."

Spyro returned and froze when he saw the elderly dragoness helping Cynder set their table with the cooked foods, his wings tented around some hearty slices of mushroom caps. "Sleep well?" he asked, hoping the morning's activities hadn't disturbed her.

"Incredibly well, thanks to Cynder's delicious food. I will be leaving today, I have everything I need." She settled down to help herself to some of the bread slices Cynder had procured.

"She saw everything this morning," Cynder whispered in passing, Spyro blanching and coughing in embarrassment but keeping it quiet as he sat down with her.

"Before I depart," she added as she chewed on a bread slice topped with a thin cut of steak, "do you two have any questions about your sexuality or family raising that I might be able to address?"

"Sexuality?" Cynder asked with another blush. "I...think we're good there? Except...well, one question on both fronts. How appropriate is it for children to see parents or older friends mating? I don't want to unnecessarily shield or shelter them but...where is the line of appropriateness drawn?"

"Mmmm...a very difficult question, yes, one that every parent inevitably struggles with. But I wouldn't worry too much as long as you can set boundaries for them to follow as they age. Truth be told, there is no cut and dry answer. Some children are perfectly fine growing up with their parents' open sexual relations, while others will find such a thing very awkward or embarrassing. Do try to keep it private as it should be, but do not stifle them either. If they are old enough to ask a question, children are generally old enough for an appropriate answer. And of course, they are incredibly curious. They may observe such things with wild animals. Discuss possible answers with each other so you have responses practiced and ready."

"Uh...alright, I guess. Sounds fair enough. But...of our evaluation here. Is there...anything you can tell us about...what we might not be ready for with how screwed up our lives and childhoods were?"

Turning to Cynder, the Matron took another bite of bread. "You told me that you were petrified in crystal for three years."

"Yeah...Spyro did it to defend us from the mountain's collapse."

"I see." Sighing softly, the matron closed her eyes as she deliberated an answer, Spyro holding his mate's paw. "You were encased for your sexually formative years in pure etheric crystal then? I assume when you were freed your bodies were older than you were used to?"

Nodding glumly, Spyro sighed. "Yeah that was...not a pleasant awakening, being chained for the Warfang golem in the catacombs and then having to fight it while adjusting to an older body. And...dealing with...well. I didn't want Cynder to see my balls or my penis for the longest time, but we were chained together so we ended up...seeing a lot more than we'd wanted to at the time."

"I would imagine not, indeed." Her eyes were still closed as she thought. "I will need to converse with the Guardians on my findings first, and collaborate with them to ensure accuracy of my evaluation. I will give you the answers when I am certain. But for now, you two are doing just fine and should be on the way to a happy, healthy clutch. It is still too soon for congratulations, but I will say, I wish you the best luck, not that you need it now, but should anything happen, have the Guardians reach out to me again." Slowly, shakily standing up, she nodded to them and they nodded back. "Six eggs and one dud. Those are incredible odds indeed, dears! And from all indications I have, each one is alive and antsy to be born."

"How long will it take me to lay them?" Cynder asked. "And how long until they hatch?"

"Mmmm...you are about three months along with them. I would say another three months until you lay them, though I would caution to limit your ejaculations in her before the due time. Having her belly so cushioned with your semen will make it harder for her to push the eggs out. Right now it will be fine to continue, but in two months it would be wise to consign ejaculations to oral or anal play so her uterus can tighten around the eggs in preparation for the labor."

The technical terms had them both blushing, Spyro's eyes widening at the mention of anal sex. Cynder giggled and held his paw. "Told ya you could continue."

Rather than rise to her goading, he sighed and nodded to the Matron again. "Thank you for helping us."

"As for hatching...that is...still a mystery to us," she admitted. "The Guardians tell me your egg, Spyro, was waiting a while to hatch. Baby dragons tend to go on their own schedule for hatching, which could take months, years...in some cases even centuries. Usually, in a stable, loving environment, it will only take another two months after laying. What you have here are ideal conditions for that. I pray the babies decide to bless you with their presence sooner rather than later."

"I hope so too," Cynder mused, staring out the nearby window in thought. "I'd hate to have to wait an entire century to see my baby, not knowing if it's alive and waiting or..."

"We can easily tell if a latent egg is stillborn, passes on, or is waiting. All you need is ask and we can give you verification if an egg is taking a while." Stretching her wings, she smiled to them, then turned to the door. "I believe I have seen all I need for the evaluation, unless you have more questions on what to expect. If you think of anything else, I can swing by for a visit or I can have the Guardians give you my library location."

"I'll see her off," Spyro whispered, giving Cynder a kiss. "I have some...personal questions I want to swing by her."

"Too embarrassed with me here?" she asked with a naughty grin, then kissed him back. "Alright. I'll get some lunch going."

Heading outside with the older dragoness, they padded away from the house, well out of Cynder's Wind-amplified hearing, before Spyro gave a sigh as he looked at the Temple not too far away. "Well, dear?" she asked, cocking a brow at him.

His voice was low and a bit hushed as he glanced over his shoulder at the house. "Thank you again for your service...but I...wanted to ask you your thoughts on us. The Guardians...told me what they asked you to additionally check on, at least for her."

Her smile flattened a little and she nodded. "Then you are aware of the possibilities they fear...truthfully, Spyro, every hallmark is there for her. But I would like some time with the Guardians to affirm my findings and cross-reference. Standard procedure is all."

"I...was...curious about their suspicions about me as well, and...I saw the look on your face when you saw my penis. Is it...possible...I might be...a Patriarch?"

She started walking towards the stone bridge connecting to the Temple island, probably to keep Cynder from suspecting anything if she glanced out the windows. "Dear...I am afraid I cannot assuage your concerns at the moment, and for that I am terribly sorry. It is awful to sit on the brink of such heavy uncertainty. But that is why I am here, and why I must discuss my evaluation with the Guardians first. You will be the first to know, and Cynder will have to be told within two months from now so her eggs are better able to survive a stressful shock. I would like to wait until the eggs are laid but...we are running low on time with each day of uncertainty."

"There's something else you're not telling me."

She smirked at him. "You're very sharp, young one. Yes, there is...one final step...one I did not wish to invoke. I am a Matron of the physical body...there is a sister at my library who specializes in magic, and she has been hard at work delving into this possible curse ever since she first heard of those Malefor rumors after the war. I do not wish to call her here and cause Cynder alarm with a secondary evaluation, but you...I may have to ask you come alone to the library so she can test you. That is up to the Guardians."

"Can you...at least tell me if...if Cynder is a Matriarch like they feared...is it part of this possible magic or is it...just her?"

Her smile grew warmer. "That, at least, I can tell with certainty, dear. Do not worry about her." She left it at that, but it did help lift his spirits to see her more positive at that admission without outright saying it. "I will give you more information about Matriarchs and Patriarchs, and their biology, if and when we determine these things more definitively. It will take some time though, so try not to worry yourself until then. Take care of her...and yourself. Your children will need a strong father that can tell when and what to put first. Don't spread yourself thin."

"I...I don't though?"

"You do, dear, I can read it all over you like an open book with large text. You should learn to care for yourself and put your foot down for your own sake, even if it means not being able to help someone for the time being. If you run yourself too ragged...what example does that set for your kids, where does that leave your mate? You can't solve everyone's problems, even if you are the Purple Dragon of lore. You have the right of it for focusing on your mate and eggs as top priority, but you need to add yourself into that equation as well. It is a tough balance...but necessary. You can do it."

"I...I'll...try then."

"Good. See that you do. You two are truly blessed to have each other. Make the best of it." With that she gave him a final nod and made her way over the stone bridge, leaving him to his thoughts. Fanning himself with his wings in the growing heat of midday, he slowly trudged back up the worn dirt path in the grass, leading back to their home. Rather than going inside, he paused to think and look over the exterior, walking slowly around it and looking things over. They had a decent little land mass to sit on, enough to expand the house some for more room, but six children? Would they each need their own room or could they get along sharing one large room? Questions were swirling in his head, at least until he nudged the door open to find Cynder waiting for him with her belly on full display. Going a bit slack-jawed at the sight, he smiled and closed the door behind himself with his tail as he moved over to kiss and nuzzle at that gravid swell. Purring back to him, she stroked his head, grinning to herself as she smelled his maleness making itself known under him.

"Did she help?" she asked, lightly scritching his neck with her claws.

"Yeah." The purple male made his way down her belly, Cynder spreading her legs and biting her lip, then moaning softly as he started making out with her nethers again, slipping his tongue into her tight, warm canal and closing his lips over her labia much like he did to her mouth when kissing her. Kissing, suckling, and tonguing, he purred as he pleasured her, smiling against her netherscales as she squirmed and slowly gyrated her hips against his muzzle.

"Ancestors, Spyro, anything sexual we do is so addictive...I never want to stop having sex with you."

"And I, you," he churred, lifting his head to make a show of licking her juices off his chin and lips. Stepping over her and nuzzling along her side, grooming her with his tongue, they both purred and Cynder moaned sweetly as that generous, throbbing length slid up into her tight lower embrace where it belonged. Easing into her cervix, he grunted at the tight grip, Cynder licking his chin and nuzzling up at him in delight, then sighing out in satisfaction as his scaly pouch kissed at her slit, his shaft hilted in her. In the back of his mind he was still worried that their frequent sex was a crutch, or even worse, an indication that they were Patriarch and Matriarch and practically built just to have constant sex, but in the moment all that mattered was his mate's happy smile. Pressing their foreheads together, they purred and basked in the intimate closeness for a while, Cynder very much enjoying feeling his shaft idly throbbing in her loins. He gave a few thrusts, slowly but firmly mashing his sheath against her mound to stroke his dick just a tiny bit deeper inside her, his ebony mate quivering under him and curling her tail around his in delight with his soft barbs raking at her nerves so perfectly.

Spyro pulled away and Cynder looked up at him in confusion, moaning in mixed pleasure and disappointment as his penis vacated her clenching, needy tunnel, dripping with her slick juices and his cum from inside her womb. He backed up a bit, then dipped his hips and she squeaked with wide eyes as his tip insistently prodded against the small divot of her tailhole. "You sure?" he asked.

"Of course I am! But are you?" she asked, curling her tail up to stroke at his pendulous jewels. "You've always been so shy about it."

"Well...you did tell me to try it when we first had sex...and you've been okay with it so...why not try now, especially after she recommended it for when you get closer to laying?"

Cynder gave him a huge, eager smile, and nodded rapidly, pulling her tail back a bit to give him better access. "Not gonna lie, Spyro...when you slipped into me that first time...it felt...it felt really good. Not as good as when you're in my vagina but...it was pleasant, and I've been wanting to try this ever since."

A sheepish smile was her reply and he carefully pressed his hips forward, Cynder squeaking as his pointed, flared tip popped into her tight ring. "I don't know how far in I can safely go..."

"Well, if it hurts, you'll know." She wiggled her hips back a bit to encourage him, and he obliged, taking a step forward to pull his hips up and slowly spread her around his slickened length. Cynder bit her lip. It felt...weird. It felt very weird. A twinge uncomfortable, yet also...pleasantly full, and the occasional barb slipping into her anus brought a small thrill of pleasure that made her labial scales clench and quiver. "Alright, lemme...get used to that." She smiled at him as he held still, curling her tail up again to play with his sizeable balls, her purple mate groaning in delight and spurting a thick, hot glob of pre into her. She felt it a bit more distinctly than when he did it in her vagina. If she could feel that, she couldn't wait to feel all that hot seed gushing into her. "H-how far in are you?"

"Not very. Not even a third."

Not even a third of his length and she already felt so full! "Ancestors, Spyro, your penis is so long...I...I kinda hope it can all fit..."

Edging forward a bit more, he watched her keenly as she winced a bit and then moaned out softly. "How is it?"

"It...it feels so friggin' weird! But...I don't wanna stop either, it feels...really nice too."

Slowly withdrawing his hips, he then pushed back in, smiling as she laid her head back with a soft but lewd moan of pleasure. "Let's go with this for now and work up..." With that he started loving on whatever of her body he could reach with his muzzle while his hips continued to slowly, carefully piston his cummy length through her tailhole. Her tail twitched and squirmed each time he pressed in and made his fleshy nubs pop through her tight little ring, sometimes brushing up against his low-hanging fruits, making him groan and push just a little deeper. After a while, he was halfway inside her, and she lifted a hind leg to press her foot gently against his haunch. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just, this is as far as I can go for now. But I really, really wanna feel you cum inside me...I can feel you squirting and it's so heavenly already!"

Grinning ear to ear, the purple dragon pulled back just a tad to clear himself of her established limit, then started bucking his hips more firmly. Cynder squirmed under him and clenched with an adorable moan of pleasure, panting lightly from the strange, alien pleasure of anal sex. It wasn't as good as vaginal, but the difference was definitely fun in its own way and she smiled up at him for indulging her in this curiosity. "Maybe I should've fucked your butt that first time," he teased, and she curled her tail lightly once around his sack to stroke his orbs within, feeling them tense and pull up closer to his body from the arousal spike.

"Maybe. I definitely wouldn't have said no to continuing the exploration. This feels amazing...I wouldn't mind if you mounted my ass for the rest of my pregnancy if you wanted."

"We'll see," he churred back, licking along her stretched scutes. He didn't want to outright admit it, but her tightness on his cock was so addictive, he definitely would have to mount her under her tail more often. "I want you to cum first before I do, you're about to squeeze me back out!"

"Sorry! It just...it's so hard to relax, it feels soooo good..." she cooed, wiggling back against his thrust, enjoying feeling in pressing inside her differently when she shifted her hips. "I...dunno if I'm gonna cum from this, actually, it feels wonderful but not...not like, orgasmic, y'know?"

"I can help with that," he offered with a smirk, rubbing her vulva with his paw and making her gasp out and squeal in bliss.

"YES!" she cried out, bucking against him. It was as if all the arousal from her anus was stored up in her vagina and his stroking touch was unleashing it. With only a few rubs at her scales and a teasing little press of her clit, he leaned aside with his dick still clamped in her tailhole as she arched up off the floor and roared out, legs shaking and hips quaking with every surge of her sweet nectar like a fountain all over the floor, even splashing a bit on the table. Laying there panting, she purred between gasps for breath, blissed out yet again from such a strong climax. Spyro churred, feeling her relax under and around him, and set to fucking her ass more vigorously, making her groan and squirm in pleasure as he added to her afterglow. With a low growl he tried to pace himself, but the new experience was too much, especially after that terrifically hot sight of his mate becoming a sexual fountain for a few seconds. Groaning low and long he shuddered, his balls pulling up tight and his malehood flexing strongly within her depths as he unloaded for the second time, jet after jet of his warm, rich essence leaping into her bowels and filling her up. It wasn't enough to swell her belly, backing up and starting to leak around his shaft, but for Cynder it was a truly amazing sensation in her core, feeling her innards filling up with so much warmth! She could more clearly feel each powerful gout of his potent seed splashing against her inner walls and it was so incredibly erotic to her~

Finally, Spyro pulled back and flopped out of her tailhole, watching as a great thick puddle of murky white spilled from her gaping hole, her flesh throbbing with her pulse and slowly closing back up. "Wow..." he murmured in awe.

"Yes...wow..." was all she could manage for now. As his mate laid there in euphoric haziness, he heard the oven starting to sizzle.

"Uh oh, I'll go get that!" He darted off, his softening shaft swaying madly and casting a few strands of creamy goo across the floor. Cynder rolled her eyes and giggled, taking a deep breath to try to calm herself and getting a heady nosefull of sex instead, a smell she'd come to greatly enjoy as an immediate reminder of time well spent with her beloved.

Coming back out with a tray of grilled and charred mushroom caps, he found her shakily trying to get up, slipping on her own puddle. "Spyro, little help?" she asked meekly, giggling in embarrassment. "I uh...think we're a little too productive with liquids here..."

"Yeah, I'll get that." Setting the caps on the table, he breathed slowly, forming a ball of water. Using it to quickly scrub his penis before it fully sheathed, he then ran it slowly along the floor, back and forth like a mophead, using his power to create little swirls of water to scrub up their mess. Cynder squeaked again and laughed as he ran it over her belly, along her tail, over her vaginal folds, and along her legs, the microjets and tiny whorls tickling her scales with a deep clean while also pulling the water back off her scales to leave her dry. He grinned and teasingly scrubbed her neck as well, right where he knew she was most sensitive, getting her to laugh and flail in retaliation before he simply chucked the ball of messy water out the window. Finally righting herself, she panted a bit from the exertion and her laughter, smiling and giggling at him.

"You dork."

"Feel like I've heard that somewhere else." Nosing at her, he smiled back. "So how was it?"

"Soooo good...we have to do that again soon, but I'm gonna be leaking cum out my ass for hours now."

"Worth it though?"

"Fuck yes," she agreed with a laugh. "I'm so glad you at least tried it."

"Honestly...so am I, it did feel really good." Kissing her a final time, he swept past her to their room. "Gotta get the bed cleaned out though after you fountained all over me twice."

"Not my fault!"

"No, you're just the irresistible succubus that tempts me to empty my balls in your womb at every chance!" he called back, gathering the sheets in his wings. A pillow from the lounge couch of the guest bedroom smacked him in the face as he came back out, the two laughing and yipping and ducking and darting as a hectic pillow fight ensued, pillows clamped in their jaws and swinging around.