No One Knows Me Like You

Story by Seimei_Hikari on SoFurry

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#1 of Victor and Willow

I've got one follower and they probably won't be wild about this, sorry. I'm not sure where this idea came from, incest isn't even my thing, the idea hit me over the head and wouldn't go away. But this did get me to write again, so... cool?

It all started my dad walked in on me and my brother practicing kissing. He told us that it was okay. He himself had had this kind of arrangement with two of his siblings, one when he was younger and learning and the other when he was older and teaching his younger sibling. The only warning he gave us was to make sure our mom never caught us. She was from a different culture and she likely wouldn't understand.

As we got older, he gave us another warning. Where he was from, incest was fine, and some family members (mostly siblings or cousins) stayed together all their lives. While love was accepted, inbreeding was not. It was too dangerous and unfair to any potential children. He would cover for us so we didn't raise suspicion from our mother and he didn't have a problem with us even having sex, but if I ever got pregnant, that'd be the end of it. He had the best nose of any wolf we knew, he'd be able to scent Vic on my child before I was even showing.

"I'm home," I called as I got in after school.

"Hey Willow." Vic greeted me as he turned into the living room, looping his arms around my waist and giving me a peck on the lips.

I hummed and smiled. "I guess mom's not home?"

He shook his head, then tilted it toward the kitchen. "Dad's making dinner and he asked her to pick up some things on her way home, he got us an extra ten minutes or so alone."

"That's very nice of him." I went in for a deeper kiss, moving my hands up at the same time to dig into the base of Vic's ears. They were his big weakness, as opposed to mine with my tail.

A throat clearing made us sheepishly move apart and dad clicked his tongue at us. "I told you two, no common areas. If you're going to have some fun, go to your room."

We took the hint, kicking off our shoes and beginning to undo our zippers on our way. A grocery run on the way home wouldn't give us much time, but we could work with it if we were quick. We'd done it plenty of times before.

I had my hand down his pants as he kicked the door closed, falling into the rhythm I knew from experience would have him cumming fast. I lost my lead when I felt his fingers slip around my clit, groaning and muffling myself against his neck before he had the chance to shush me.

"Fuck Willow... so wet..." He kept whispering nonsense as he moved his hand lower and slipped his fingers inside me. He was always better at staying quiet than I was. That's how we developed our little routine.

Vic would get me off first like the good little brother he was, then I'd deal with him. Even if mom got home before we were done, he could control himself enough that she wouldn't hear him.

My hand stuttered off him as his fingers slowed down, but pumped deeper, curling just right. I saw white and bit down on his shoulder, trying to keep myself from shrieking. Fuck, he always hit the right spots perfectly.

After a few deep breaths, I pulled back to see him sucking my juices off his fingers. I made a face and shoved his shoulder. "That's fucking gross. I told you to stop doing that you dweeb."

"And I told you," he said as he shrugged, "that's big talk from someone who loves to swallow. That's gross."

"It's not gross, you taste amazing. Speaking of swallowing..." I tugged his pants down along with me as I kneeled, licking and nibbling the length of his cock before kissing the head. "Your turn."

I felt his hands drift down and ruffle my ears as I sank down on the first couple inches, then his nails started to scrape lightly across my scalp. I slurped and purred, moving up and down and trying to get him to fuck my face.

The knock on the door made all of him jump, and I felt his dick twitch on my tongue. "Victor," mom called through the door. "Dinner's ready. You washed up?"

"Willow stole the bathroom again," he called, his breathy voice easily being mistaken for exasperation for his callous sister. He looked down at me and bit his lip.

"You can use the hall bathroom if you want."

He sighed, starting to thrust to my utter delight. "No, it's fine... she's almost done."

"Alright. Your dad's setting the table, five minutes."

I heard her steps move away before I took a deep breath and relaxed my throat, getting as far down as I could without risking him knotting my mouth. Getting loose from that would take longer than five minutes. A single swallow around his tip and he grunted, putting three strong pumps of jizz straight into my stomach.

Pro of deep throating: almost no clean up. Con of deep throating: I barely got to taste any of it.

I gently pat his hip as I slowly pulled off, sucking the last few dribbles of cum from him so he wouldn't make a mess of his boxers during dinner. Without something clamping down on his knot, his dick would soften in about the time it took for us to actually get ready. Not to mention I had to wipe up the mess between my thighs.

We sat down shoving at each other and arguing about nothing. When mom told us to knock it off, Vic smiled.

"C'mon mom, that's just how we are." He pulled me over by the shoulder and squeezed. "I love you, Willow."

I hugged him back, enjoying the completely clueless look on mom's face. "I love you too, Victor."