CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 2

Story by Patson on SoFurry

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#2 of CYOA Charlie

Part 2, lacking in any sex or kinks. Mostly just trying to set some extremely basic rules to the situation.

I should try writing when I'm not half asleep and my story might come out more coherent, but there's only so many hours in the day.

Rebecca's words filtering in slowly as Charlie cradled his jewels carefully with both hands, black spots dancing across his vision and mixing with the tears that threatened to drip down his face. Each beat of his heart caused his balls to throb as if they were trying to expel their load, yet were failing to remember how they were to do so while so concussed. Almost like a visual gauge to his genital's confusion was his thin pink cock, still semi-firm as it drooped from his sheath over his hands. Shining with precum and jerking reflexively as the goat breathed, his cock tingled for more attention even as it tried to hide itself away.

Slowly pulling his legs under himself and sitting up, pain sparked up Charlie's spine and sent waves of nausea crashing through his stomach until he had to pause to inhale with hiccupping gasps. "You ... expect me ... to say ... yes to that ... again? That's blackmail!"

The doe rubbed her finger against her thumb and stared at the thin droplets of goat precum on them disapprovingly, moving to the sink and rinsing them off. "I expect nothing from you right now. Previously, I HAD expected you not to masturbate in the shared bathrooms, but then I also expect my employees to turn up to work on time rather than 15 minutes late every day as you insist on doing. Both seem to have been too much to ask of you. Do please get off the floor, it's incredibly unhygienic."

Wiping her hands dry meticulously with a paper towel, she watched Charlie shakily climb to his hooves with a small and satisfied smile. "I have every right - and according to our company policy, am expected - to fire you on the spot. I'm giving you another option not through coercion or threats, but simply an exchange of desires. You desire a job; I desire to squeeze those rather striking eggs of yours. If you don't like my offer, then we can of course let company policy dictate our next actions and say our goodbyes. Isn't having choices in life a wonderful thing?"

His legs shaking as he gingerly pushed his jewels back into his pants and buckled them back up, Charlie's face burned red with humiliation so strong it could almost be seen through his pale grey fur. There seemed little other choice if he wanted to keep his job and he couldn't deny that the sensation of someone else touching his balls had been an experience he had been long searching for, if not quite how he had hoped his first time would play out. The slim and graceful curves of the doe may have been leading him to a decision he would regret, his dick hardening slightly as if voicing it's opinion that perhaps a bit of pain would be tolerable. "Maybe, I ... guess I could? Not every day though, but maybe ... Just a couple of minutes once or twice a week?"

"15 minutes each day. Or 30 minutes every second day to do as I please." Holding up a hand to stop his protests, she added, "Nothing permanent, of course. And I'll even say we can leave it until the end of the day so you don't have to tolerate any short term ache getting in the way of you working."

"Half an hour of that?" Charlie said, his eyes widening before he let out a soft whine of protest.

"I know, it's not very long." She claimed, the corners of her mouth turning down in what was almost certainly a false frown of apology. "But sadly I'm a busy woman and just don't have the energy for longer sessions nowadays."

The goat's mouth hung open and his tongue waggled uselessly. She literally had him by the balls to negotiate terms here and really, it hadn't really been that bad had it? "Alright, but ... Only until I find another job, and ..."

He paused, rubbing at his chin nervously and letting his eyes wander down Rebecca's form. Breasts that were perfectly sized atop a curvy waist, a work skirt hugging her hips nicely and with a very pretty face to top it all off. There had always been a question among the office staff as to why she'd never kept partners for long, though a possible answer seemed to have been presented now. "If, if I agree then ... Can I see you ... you naked, too?"

Rebecca raised an eyebrow before smiling once more. "I'll consider it, if you're a good boy. Now, do please leave. I came to the bathroom for a reason and prefer to have it to myself."


Staggering back to his chair with a slight limp and sitting down carefully, Emma turned from her computer to Charlie with a concerned expression. "Are you feeling okay? You were in there for quite a while."

"Oh, nah I'm fine. Just ... last night's dinner not settled properly." The goat tried to laugh it off, wiping the tear tracks from his face. Grinning to show his good health, he turned to the plate of cupcakes that had unsurprisingly dwindled down to only 4 left and held them out to the mare. "Nothing to do with these, if you were worried. Have another one."

"Honestly I am relieved, since I actually had 5 of them already." Emma said in a hushed whisper, pretending to sound ashamed yet taking another when the plate stayed on the offer. "And being sick from them isn't the best way to get the weight off. But really, you look a little fuzzy around the edges, more than your fur usually makes you. Are you sure you're alright?"

Charlie gave a small chuckle and started to respond just as he saw Rebecca walking back to her office, the doe's gracefully swaying figure sending pangs of confused tension down his spine to his tender balls. "Thank you, really, but I'm okay. I might just need to ... get used to it."

Taking a bite from one of the cupcakes, he gave a little snort of surprise as a spark of static electricity jabbed into his upper lip. Rubbing at the sore spot, he stared perplexed as several tiny blue arcs of power bounced between the cake and the chocolate icing on top. Gone almost as quickly as they had come, the goat squinted at his snack and tried to rationalize what he just saw.

"If you're sure." Emma carried on with a warm smile, oblivious to Charlie's confused expression as she turned back to her computer. "Though I know you have to take the bus this afternoon. Would you like me to give you a lift home in my car tonight? I know I'd hate to ride with a bus load of people if I were already feeling a bit queasy."


End part 2

This was a bit of an odd one since I felt like there were several ways it could have gone. Probably a few areas I could have added more choices as well, but I'd like to practice some storytelling as well as just throwing smut into every paragraph. Trying to get details top make it interesting without dragging on for too long is something I need to work on.

Choice 1:

Stay late after work and get a short session of CBT with Rebecca before catching a bus home.

Choice 2:

Get a lift home with Emma and get to know her a bit more, but end up with a longer session of CBT the next day.

Choice 3:

Something else entirely? Feel free to make a suggestion.

CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 3

"A pity." Rebecca said, standing up from behind her desk and leaning over it to press her breasts together, cleavage on display to the goat watching nervously. "I must admit I'm a bit disappointed; the thought of some time together tonight has been on...

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CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 1

Twenty one birthday cake candles flickered softly in the living room, each one dripping wax down its thin, blue and white striped shaft to the iced cupcakes supporting it. The old leather-bound spell book hadn't stated any specific type of candle...

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