Magical Laboratory Safety 101

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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Fun little short story I wrote for an image Kulplant(twitter@kulplant) drew of his character from Notes of Hearts(twitter@Notes_of_Hearts). Please enjoy!

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.


Magical Laboratory Safety 101

Feat. Oscar von Rosenblad III

A Notes of Heart NSFW Fan Story

Oscar von Rosenbled the third paced around his personal research laboratory located in the basement of the Rosenbled estate. The fat and fluffy wolf checked each one of his tables and various shelves. This was simply not like him. His papers were all stacked neatly in towering piles upon the desk. Each jar had its label written upon it in neat print and facing out on their shelves. It's not impossible, but very unlikely that he would misplace anything in his otherwise organized lab.

"I just had the blasted thing in my hand...where could it possibly have gone?" he said to himself. The fluffy wolf searched past stacks of papers, inkwells, bottles, jars, boxes and could not find where he set down his bottle containing a sample of slime.

What would be one failure of basic lab safety protocol that starts a chain reaction. The first basic rule Oscar neglected, secure all jars and lids tightly. The slime sample the researcher acquired was still alive. The smaller the slime, the smaller the danger it posed. Even for such a miniscule amount of slime, it was still very feisty. The loose lid needed just a few more nudges from the sloshing blue slime. In only a few moments after Oscar had set down the sample, it rolled itself off the table when he stepped away, rolling silently away into a dark corner of the room.

With a bit more twisting, the jelly-like ooze finally dislodged the lid of its prison and disappeared into Oscar's lab. After spending the better part of half an hour searching for his misplaced sample, he finally gave up. The impromptu workout worked up a sweat on the well-padded wolf. Feeling hot and sweaty from running around his lab and being completely alone, the wolf decided to get himself more comfortable.

This would be the second failure in following proper safety protocols, always wear appropriate protection while in the laboratory. Of course, the wolf did take liberties when in the privacy of his own research lab, he needed to air out his damp fur. The researcher disrobed and placed his sweaty clothing onto a chair. Feeling more comfortable immediately, he decided to flip through a few notes from another project.

Slimes normally feed on any sort of organic nutrients it could absorb. Smaller slimes often fed on insects, simple plants, and other things it could easily absorb in a liquid medium. As it feeds and increases in size, its ability to dissolve and absorb organic matter also becomes more powerful in direct relation to the size of a slime.

Another protocol broken since the misplacement of the specimen: Never leave an active experiment unattended. The wandering blue blob was attracted to the sweat stained clothes of the wolf. While Oscar was distracted further organizing his notes, the slime rolled into his clothes and began to eat them. In a few minutes, it had consumed the wolf's garments and sweat and grew a bit larger.

Oscar was about finished with his reorganization when he felt something wet creeping along the inside of his thigh. His misplaced sample has found its way back to him. Attracted by the humid crotch of the wolf, the slime detected a source of food nearby. It splashed across the wolf's thighs, startling Oscar to fall off the back of his chair.

"What in blazes?!" cried the wolf as he tumbled over.

The chunky wolf's head collided with the shelf behind him. The back of his skull ached, and his vision blurred. While Oscar was stunned, the slime sample took advantage and latched onto the wolf's sweaty crotch. The blue ooze drank up the von Rosenberg's liquids and sought greater sources. As it slurped and sucked every bead of sweat off the wolf's groin, it got him aroused. Helpless, he rubbed his aching head and started to groan as his cock became erect.

The blue blob was firmly attached and began to swell and contract around the researcher's length. The cool ooze slurped up every bead of pre that leaked out from the wolf's throbbing tip. Oscar had never felt such a sensation before. The constant suction coupled with the ooze kneading and stroking every inch of his cock and plump balls felt absolutely amazing.

Unable to dislodge the small slime, Oscar resigned himself to his not so bad fate. The goo worked his trapped length up and down while rolling each one of his fuzzy orbs around. The wolf spread his legs more allowing the blue thing better access. The constant shifting and pulsing of the slime brought Oscar to the brink of orgasm. The wolf rested a paw on top of the rubbery bubble and howled softly as he came.

Oscar panted hard as he unloaded into the transparent creature. Ropes of his white wolf seed shot out in jets into the center of the goo. They would fade quickly as the slime digested every drop it was fed. The slime milked every bit of seed from Oscar's tip till the wolf collapsed onto his back, shuddering. His legs twitched as his sensitive cock was still being sucked on by the slime.

The ooze wasn't finished with the wolf and continued to work his spent dick inside itself. The wolf let out a soft whimper as his still hard cock was worked by an even more intense suction. The hungry creature tugged on Oscar's balls harder as it wanted more of the delicious liquid. In a few minutes, the slime milked out another load from the overstimulated wolf. It tried for a third round, but the wolf's cock remained limp. Soon the slime lost all interest and rolled away to digest its meal.

Oscar laid there for a good half hour till he found the strength to stand and wrap himself in a spare lab coat. He found the slime under a table. It was completely docile and unmoving as it rested. The wolf found a large glass bottle and easily scooped the slime into the container. After firmly securing the lid, he left himself a note for continued research of the slime and left the slime and note on his desk. The exhausted wolf started to retire back to his chambers before turning around and looking at the container standing on his workbench. With a grin, Oscar decided he would continue his research later in his bedroom when he was rested.

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