Dolphin Family (part 5) - Good goes to Bad...
Dolphin Family, part five: Good goes to Bad... By Z-JAM-C It was a warming day, instantly able to brighten those in the most turbulent of troubles. The storm had passed, flowing eastwards to redirect its anger on another land. Unfortunate...
Introduction to Manipulators: Courting and Mating
As with all creatures, courting and mating with manipulators is quite important. In manipulator society, it's the males that initiate courting, and the females that initiate mating. Also, a Male manipulator is formally referred to as a "meighn," and a...
Wrong Turn
(C) 2005, Corey Alambar. All rights reserved, do not reproduce without the author's express permission. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I usedta laugh...
First time writing--anything--so don't be -too- judgemental. n.- Constructive criticism would be appreciated. Usual warning, adult themed stuff, etc... \*\*\* "Yo Chad, we're out of chaser." A young grey wolf, well-built and no older than...
Quite by Suprise
Quite by Surprise Story and Characters © Lou de Valentino Disclaimer: This story is adult in nature and should ONLY be read by adults! I found him one day while wandering off the trail I had used since I was a boy. This trail went...
getting into Trouble
Well. Here it is Blood. (You get raped ha ha!) This is how you write another writer into a story. If you don't like it...then two words...fuck off. Trouble is moving out of to charm a dragon forever. She is taking up with Erik. Deal with it. ...
The Saviour
You guys should know the drill. This story contains subject matter that is inappropriate for people under the age of 18. If you are under 18 and choose to ignore this statement and get caught its not my fault... really... Comments and feedback is...
A/N: Because I need to slip out of fan-fiction, I feel that I should write a story made up purely by myself. I've been told by a few people that some of the ideas I have for RP's and such are great ideas and that I should compile them together. Well...
Office Stress Part 2
With a slow, smooth stride Vincent Tallis walked towards his supervisor's office. He glanced at the cubicle of Matt Shields, his friend, and found it empty. Matt had left early that day, claiming illness. A few had giggled at how oddly he walked to...
Hot and Fresh, Right to Your Door, Guaranteed
"Hot and Fresh, Right to Your Door, Guaranteed" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters are copyright (c) 2005 K.M. Hirosaki. I blame this story on someone who...
Initiation 2 : Werewolf Prey
I ran faster as the footfalls became louder. My muscles were burning like acid as I ducked under branches, darting through bushes and jumping over stumps. I was cooking up my dinner when I heard something growl behind my tent. Without my gun I had no...
_She felt him enter her time and again. The pulse of his shaft against her womb as violent claws digging into her flesh. Their words a muted cry of pain and pleasure as only the wretched scent of sex hung in the air._ "Hey, how's it goin'...