Vauldonia (Chapter 2)

Story by Koahnava on SoFurry

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This would be the longest, most peculiar night of Scheherazade's life.

Amalthya proved to be a kind, gentle and caring host. As the initial shock started to wear off ever so slightly, Scheherazade took a seat next to her and gathered her thoughts. She tried not to pay attention to the two males who were engaging in such obscene behavior right before her eyes (although she was not a prude, she was not quite used to voyeurism either!) and ignored the pinch in her chest as she watched Liam being given a similar treatment (how could she feel possessive of him when he'd done nothing more than nurse at her nipple for a couple of minutes, only hours before?)

In any case, the luscious looking females that surrounded her with an unmasked curiosity were enough for her eyes to behold. She noticed they were all naked, though it looked oddly natural for their furry bodies not to be further inhered by clothes. Though they represented different creatures from the animal realm they all shared similar features; their bodies, slender, muscular and sinuous, were all fairly generous in curves but all to a different degree. Their animal origins could be determined by their feet (or in this case paws or hooves), their ears, their tail and their fur color and patterns. Their faces were the most interesting of them all; they were more animal than human, though the glint in their eyes was very particular.

Sheherazade finally gathered the courage to ask her first question.

"What is this place?" She asked simply, hoping she did not sound disrespectful. It caused most of the girls to giggle, but Amalthya's smile was a gentle one.

"You are now on Vauldonian territory, sweets. I cannot tell you how we are different from your world, for I know very little about it; all I have heard are fables of a land filled with hairless creatures and impressive machines. This cave apparently has a gateway which allows people of your kind to enter our world, but although its hundreds of corridors have been searched many times, we were never able to find it. Perhaps the way back lays somewhere else..." This killed Scheherazade's next question right in the egg. Would they be stuck here? She couldn't help but to remind herself that none of Windhurst's famous disappearances had never made it back.

The fatality of it was hard to take.

"Are you what they call a 'human'?" The little goat-lady asked, in what sounded like the meekest of voices. Scheherazade made an effort to smile.

"And you?" She then asked timidly, figuring she could ask politely too, if one of them had addressed the 'race' issue first. It was, however, Amalthya who answered that question.

"Of course, how unpleasant of me not to introduce my charming girls. This, here, is Vushka; she is a Bearan. This nice young lady right here, who seems to have taken a very keen interest in you, is Pepper, and she is a Puman." A puma; so Scheherazade was indeed right in guessing the feline's origin. She still stood right next to her, her voluminous breasts occasionally brushing against her upper arm, and filled her with a mixture of apprehension and slight arousal.

"Tutsi right over there is a Hyenan, and Nilufar is a Goatan. The other two busy ladies over there are Zsa-Na, a Rabbitan, and Fa Mu, a Deeran. I have a few more ladies at the Obsidian Cave, but some are out on leases and Inoe is, lets just say, very busy with Argos somewhere down the hall." She winked as she said those words; Scheherazade instantly knew who Inoe was, as she remembered the soft white body of the... Foxan?

After she'd smiled agreeably at all of the girls she had been introduced to, she muttered the next question which tickled her lips.

"And what is, I mean, this place? The Obsidian Cave?" This particular enquiry brought a fit of giggles amongst the Vauldonians, and Amalthya hugged the human girl's shoulders.

"While it might work differently in your land, in Vauldonia there is no higher pursuit than that of pleasure. We seek it constantly, alongside beauty, and believe that both help us be better people; we are devoted to the release and abandon that carnal and visual pleasure brings to our souls." Scheherazade nodded slowly, trying to process that information. Was she in a harem? The decor suggested so. Or were they just some kind of glorified hookers of some sort? Somehow they all looked too dignified for that, she couldn't help but think.

"There are several places in Vauldonia which provide pleasure temples, but the Obsidian Cave is one of the most reknown one. Our girls give up the comfort of a home and family to devote themselves to their vocation; to provide the divine relief of bliss and contentment. Our followers are faithfuls, pilgrims or travellers; they provide us with offerings, in the form or gifts or food, and we tend to them." Scheherazade's eyes grew wide with wonder. So they were not courtisanes as such, or prostitutes; they were sex priestesses, in a way. She could not help but find the idea incredible and somewhat appealing. She could never imagine such a thing on Earth, or on the Earth she knew, but from what she could see here the creatures were all... Beautiful. Like only animals could be beautiful. Raw, strong, incredibly masculine or fantastically feminine.

Her eyes swept the room, and she saw Liam starring at her, looking as astonished as she was. Clearly he, too, had been listening to Amalthya; perhaps not with as much attention, however, as his large penis was engulfed in Nilufar's pretty little snout. The lion-man (or Lionan?) had led Zsa-Na out of the large room and no doubt dragged her to a private alcove, but the Boaran male had no such scrupples and had eased Fa Mu onto his lap. With her back arched against his chest she had her eyes half-shut as he eased his large member into her, the monster slowly disappearing between the glistening folds of her vulva. Scheherazade could not tear her eyes away from the sight of them; his wide hands grasped at her beautiful round breasts with urgency as his rude face wrinkled with effort and excitement, and he plowed his hips slowly upwards as he tried to push ever deeper into his mate's pussy. Soon enough he was balls-deep into her and grunted erotically as Fa Mu started bouncing up and down on the intruding meat, her eyes closed and her mouth slighlty open in an extasic expression. Not paying any attention to those who were watching (perhaps the audience was an integral part of their pleasure!) they lustily grinded into each other until the Boaran, wishing for a more intense release, roughly pushed Fa Mu down onto her back in the voluptuous cushions and climbed on top of her, pinning her down with his massive weight. He nuzzled her neck with his head, tightly gripped her hips, and pounded into her mercilessly. Scheherazade became hypnotized by the sight of the dark cock plowing the Deeran's fragile-looking vagina, by the sound of their halting respiration, by the meek moans escaping the doe's mouth.

Her body quickly showed signs of her arousals, ones that would have been invisible had she not been sitting naked. Pepper the Puman, who was paying close attention to Scheherazade to start with, did of course notice.

"Maybe you could become one of us..." She whispered into her ear with a sultry voice, her naked breasts pressing against Scheherazade's shoulder and the side of her own chest. The soft fur, the warmth of her body, the hoarse sound of her voice was quite overwhelming to the own woman and she turned her head slightly, her eyes boaring into Pepper's, with their dark gold irises and round pupils. While she'd never had any interest in women before, this feline female was something else entirely. Everything about her spelled sex, quite simply.

She noticed Liam getting to is feet, and being dragged away by Nilufar and Tutsi. Clearly he was waisting no time in becoming acclimatised to his new environment; though she was slighlty jealous she could not blame him for being under the two females' charm, as she herself proved not to be immune to it. Scheherazade felt her head spinning abit, and wondered what time it was. The Boaran male had now assumed a kneed position, and Fa Mu's legs were drawn on each side of his waist as he carried on lustily frigging her. Her arms were stretched above her head as she laid back and enjoyed the pounding, her breasts swaying with every thrust.

"Could I possibly get some rest? It's been a long day, if I may say so..." Amalthya quickly got to her feet and extended an arm for Scheherazade, who took it and pulled herself upwards. She followed her down the same corridor where Liam had disappeared.

"Now be careful not to wander down these hallways, my dear. There are hundreds of passageways around here, all of them digging deep into the mountain, and we are not aware as to where they all lead. You would not want to get lost in here!" Scheherazade nodded, glad she had been warned. She was brought to an alcove which was surely meant for love-making more than sleeping, but its large stone slate was covered with furs and pillows and would surely be comfortable enough. Amalthya then took her by surprise; she gave her a seductive kiss right on her mouth, her warm tongue brushing against Scheherazade's lips, before she wished her good night and walked away as though it was the most natural gesture in the world. Scheherazade sat there, amazed, the sweet taste of the Blackbuckan still lingering on her.

She was about to lay down on her 'bed' when she heard a grunt, in a voice that was not unfamiliar. Liam! She thought, and the idea of what he could be doing in a room not too far from here turned her on to no end. She knew she'd be unable to sleep just yet, especially in her current state of arousal. She slowly sneaked out of her room and followed the moans and the grunts, which turned out to be easy enough. She quickly found the niche from which they were emerging and crouched by the entrance, kneeing down, before she took a peak.

Liam was laying down on his back. She could not help but marvel at the size of him; he was certainly a good 10 or 11 inches, but above all his member was very thick, more so than any of her past boyfriends or 'friendly' friends. She could not delight her eyes on the very sight of him for very long, however, as he soon positioned himself behind Nilufar. The Goatan's pussy lips were dark, almost black, which created a sharp contrast with her pale tan fur. He gave it a few long licks before he straightened up and rubbed the head of his penis against her hole, coating it in her juices. Then he pushed himself in slowly, centimeter by centimeter; Nilufar gasped and pushed her yoni against him with urgency, impatient to welcome the full girth of him inside her. Yet Liam teased her, and Scheherazade was impressed with his technique; he pushed himself in but not completely before he retreated, then went back in again slowly, teasing her, plowing at her sideways so that the mushroom head of his cock massaged the sides of her walls. Where had men like him been all her life? She now regretted not being more straightforward in the pond before. Perhaps she wouldn't feel quite so needy now if she'd had this beautiful prong fuck her so sweetly.

Not to be left out, Tutsi crawled towards them and leaned on her back, spreading her dark and slender legs before Nilufar. She reached town to touch herself with her long and thin fingers, caressing herself and spreading her pussy juice over her clitoris, taunting her young friend. Her green canine eyes were now in tiny slits as she lusciously gazed at the Goatan, who mimicked the sex-crazed expression and lowered her nose towards her friend's pussy. Her long pink tongue snaked out and lapped at the offered quim, its dark lips opening under the soft caress. She started sucking gently on the velvety skin of her engorged vulva as Liam finally picked up his pace, and started ramming his hard cock inside the caprine slit he has been offered. The sight of the pink rod pumping into the bestial hole was so incredibly hot; it soon glistened under the candle light as it was coated with Nilufar's juices, and the suction sound of the prick pounding the tight pussy mixed to that of his heavy balls slapping against the cunt's entrance was the most erotic of musics. Scheherazade had no other choice but to bring a finger or two to her own lips for relief, and gently caressed herself as she watched them. Liam was lustily frigging the Goatan like there was no tomorrow, causing for her plump little breasts to sway under the motion. Her muzzle was now pressing hard against the Hyenan's slit, her tongue disappearing deep into her inner folds as she tongue fucked her with all her might. Tutsi arched her back and howled with pleasure as she pinched her own nipples, and all three were just lost in the intensity of their pleasure.

Scheherazade watched until they all climaxed; Liam first, unable to last as long as he'd wish into the incredibly tight slit. Tutsi was second, trashing against her friend's face, and as she was done almost immediately burried her own face into Nilufar's crotch, lapping at the mixture of sperm and juice. Her canine tongue worked on her at lightining speed, and when she assaulted the Goatan's clit it took less than a minute to send her over the edge. They all collapsed on the stone slant together, Liam's pale skin contrasting with the soft coats of his two mates.

Her legs weak, Scheherazade walked back to her own room. She blew out all of the torches and left but two small candles as to not be in full obscurity. She laid down on the soft fur pelts and reached down to her engorged clit, fingering herself madly. "You could become one of us..." Pepper's voice echoed in her head, and her mental image of Liam slowly massaging Nilufar's cunt with his prong slowly faded to cede place to the Puman's yellow eyes, her heavy breast with their pink, delicious-looking pert nipples, her feline tongue exploring Scheherazade's own sex-starved body.

After giving herself a second orgasm she collapsed, exhausted, and slept a deep, dreamless sleep.