Journeys of Cyrus chapter 5

Story by mmrr on SoFurry

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#5 of Journeys of Cyrus

Less scales here and some fur! This was my first time writing a gay sex scene and I hope it turned out well.

The sound of Dragonic singing filled the summer daytime air. While the two dragons were singing their launuage beatifully as they walked down the path. However to anyone who wasnt a dragon it sounded like discordan roaring. A good tune did help pass the time on a long travel. Cyrus put a hand in front of his students mouth, silencing her instantly. She was about to protest, but seeing how serious the expression on her masters face was she took the hint. Straining her hearing she was able to make out the sounds of a male grunting. The two silently advanced to the sound.

They had to go off the path and deeper into the forest. The voice grew louder and the two dragons became worried about whoever was making them. They hurried and soon happened across a shocking sight. They found a bugbear who was large even for his species. He was hunched forward and

bugbear let out a louder moan. one that was familiar to both dragons. A moan of pleasure.

They saw an impressive load of white sticky cum shoot and land on the grass. Both dragons felt a tinge in their loins at this. Here was a large panting specimen in the middle of ecstasy. Even Cyrus noticed his dick getting involuntarily stiff. Nuri, likewise, felt a bit of moisture in her nethers.

The bugbears head turned, noticing his audience. "sorry, I meant to be quiet but i guess I got carried away." He then looked down and saw the arousal in the two before him. "But if you want I could give you another show." he said with an obvious smirk. The bugbear had a body type similar to Cyrus, being bulky yet obviously strong. He was covered in brown hair, his eyes being obscured by longer strands of hair. He had on a fur loincloth which was turned so his genitals were exposed fully. He was still erect, sporting a penis that was barely less than Cyrus in terms of length and girth. It still leaked fresh cum from its tip. The bugbears balls, however, clearly had an advantage over the male dragon.

Nuri began to stutter "Im sorry, we thought someone was in danger. We didn't mean to interrupt you."

Cyrus then had a moment of sudden realization. "Bear?"

The female dragon was confused, this clearly was a bugbear.

The furry male moved his head in shock "By Idall! Cyrus is that you? how have you been you scaley bastard?" he asked happily as he approached the dragon with his arms splayed open. Before the black dragon could react properly he was already in the embrace of the bear, who hefted him off his feet and hugged hard enough to cause the lizards back to crack. What really got the reptile's attention was the fact that the two males penises were forced to touch in this position, leaving some leftover jizz on him. Bear put his old grind down with a chuckle.

Cyrus was flustered at this "well, I have been well. How about you?"

Nuri cut in "hold up you two know each other? Master, you've told me much but you never told me about the giant bugbear?"

Bear put a hand to his chest in mock offense "yeah, how could you forget about me?"

The black dragon regained his composure and wiped himself clean. "My student here usually is interested in hearing of my past exploits."

The red dragon shrugged "usually"

"We did fight in this story. Amongst other things." Bear added with a mischievous grin as he straightened out his loincloth to cover himself.

Nuri nodded enthusiastically "definitely interested. Get yammering about this story, master."

Cyrus sighed, wishing their mammal friend didn't add that last part but the fire god would grow cold before he would pass up an opportunity to spin a yarn.

It was a few years before Cyrus took on a student. He was traveling by himself, seeking great deeds to both hone his skills and find out if he was truly worthy to shape a dragon's mind. He had heard of a village of mighty creatures. The bugbears were a strong race, but also known for being not very bright. Still, the dragon hoped to learn something of physical power there. When he did arrive he saw the town in a panic. Cyrus was somewhat happy to see that most of the creatures were about the same height as him. He was very used to standing out in a crowd. The dragon was about to ask what was wrong when suddenly he heard a voice cry out over the others.

"Him! He has a shiny back! He is the thief!"

Cyrus was confused for a moment and saw all eyes fall on him. Many were approaching him with weapons drawn. By reflex he reached to his back, where his fuck off sword was sword was stored. He realized that this thief they spoke of must have had something similar on his back. Cyrus gritted his teeth and considered fighting, but he knew these people were just angry and confused. He let go of his weapon and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. This was definitely not the first time he had been imprisoned, as it is impossible to travel the world and not see your share of trouble.

He was quickly bound and brought to what he assumed to be a village elder. They were still outdoors, but in a communal gathering area. His sword was taken from him, and was being admired by some of the townsfolk. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel some pride at this. The elder spoke "So this is the one accused of stealing our sacred idol? What proof have you brough of his guilt?" His hair was greying and he had somewhat of a hunch but Cyrus knew an old warrior when he saw one. The way he carried himself made that obvious that he earned his position, rather than gained it via age alone.

A bugbear in the crowd stepped forward and lifted the dragons weapon. ``he had this on his back, the same shine the thief had as we saw him run away!" The elder looked unimpressed. They were a race not known for their intelligence but even he knew this was weak at best. "Did you happen to find the idol on his person?"

The sword bearing bugbear looked down "well, no we have not."

Cyrus spoke up "Honored elder, I know the thief of religious value is unforgivable. If you would allow me I would help you find the actual thief."

"A generous offer" spoke the elder as he sat down. "but it would be the height of foolishness to allow a potential thief to aid in his own investigation. If you are innocent then you can prove it in a trial by combat."

"I am familiar with the practice. The gods will favor the innocent party. I accept, but I would very much hate to have to kill to prove my words are true."

The old bugbear chuckled "Such kindness is unheard of! But fear not, we are not barbarians. You will face our village champion in a simple competition. You will take turns striking where you are most vulnerable. First to fall to a knee will be the loser. If you lose I'm afraid the consequences will be dire."

Cyrus was freed from his bindings and took off his armour. He wanted this to be a fair fight. He looked around to find who would be stepping forward to face him. It didn't take long for their champion to be summoned. A bugbear began to walk in who was a full head taller than his companions. He looked his body was thicker too, with muscles that were even bigger than the dragon. His eyes were hidden behind his hair, but Cyrus could feel his cold gaze upon him. The bugbear never spoke, only giving a grunt before he began to disrobe so they would be on equal footing. The dragon was surprised to see that the bugbears package matched the rest of him. His balls flopped out when he got naked, showing that they were of even greater size than the scaley one. Cyrus did take some solace in seeing that he had the advantage in terms of dick, though not by much.

The elder spoke. "You will be facing the champion: Bear!"

"Your name is actually just Bear?" Nuri cut in.

Bear chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "yeah. I'm the eleventh son. I guess ma just ran out of creativity when she got to me."

"I guess so. Still, I think it's a nice name. I'm sure you had fun doing the whole 'silent intimidation' thing with Cyrus." Said Nuri.

The bugbear began to twirl his hair "yeah about that. Back then I was incredibly shy. Whenever I had to get naked in front of the village I just got so nervous I calmed up. It's definitely for the best because I have fur. No one could see how much I was blushing."

Nuri laughed. "Sorry I interrupted. I just wanted to get that straight. Now please continue the story of hunks getting hit in the junk."

Cyrus cleared his throat before continuing

Bear stood before Cyrus. Neither one of them backing down or showing weakness. The elder spoke up once more "newcomer, you can still relent in this challenge. We will hold you until we can find new evidence."

The dragon shook his head "this is the fastest way to prove my innocence, and every moment wasted just lets the thief get further away. I'd rather this be done here and now."

The bugbear nodded. "Admirable. As per tradition the champion gets to strike first."

Cryus stood with his legs apart with his hands on his hips. He was no stranger to taking low blows so he knew what was about to happen would really hurt. Bear took one step towards the dragon and swung his foot upward. Cyrus gritted his teeth as he felt the furry foot collide with the underside of his balls. Despite his size he felt himself forced up a couple of inches off the ground and on his toes. He fought the urge to bend forward and cup his already aching balls. He fought for a moment longer before let go of his hips and took a more relaxed stance.

"You've already done better than most" The elder said, genuinely impressed.

Bear still didn't speak, only assumed the same stance as Cyrus did. The dragon didn't waste time, rocketing his foot upward and between his opponents legs. Cyrus had stuck larger balls before, but it was always an interesting feeling. Almost like kicking sporting balls. Furthermore the dragon had to admit that he enjoyed seeing the bounce in the bugbears body muscles. Bears lips curled and he could see his teeth. Still, he took the hit very well, not bending over. The dragon knew this opponent could take as good as he gave.

Cyrus felt a tinge of fear as he took his wide stance. He knew there was no shame in this, fear was a natural response to the knowledge of pain coming. He stood firm, not betraying any hesitation in his body language. The bear took a secant to ready his kick. When he kicked he kicked with all the strength his species was known for. The dragon could feel the meat in his testicles being compressed between the bears foot and his own pelvis. It was never a pleasant feeling, especially with the amount of force being delivered now. When the kick was over the lizard did bend at the waist after this. He was still upright but we wasn't happy that he was already showing pain this early but what mattered was he could still go.

When Cyrus recovered he saw the bugbear had readied himself to receive his next kick. The reptile closed his eyes and breathed deep to steady himself. He wants to make sure his kick would be accurate. Then he realized he would almost have to try to miss targets that big. He opened his eyes and took a step back. He moved forward and used the momentum to fuel his next attack. He drove the top of his foot upward with as much strength as he could muster. When he heard the until now silent bear give a grunt of pain Cryus felt some satisfaction. Bear did stumble and take a step back but held his ground. The gathered crowd gave murmurs at this, clearly their chosen champion never took hits this hard before.

The back and forth continued on for some time, each man delivering earth shattering kicks to each other's manhoods. One strike alone would have been enouth to fell most others. The crowd all watched in awe, many alrady holding themselves in sympathy pain. Both males were panting heavily and drenched in sweat, the effort of keeping themselves upright pushing both of them to their limits. It was Cyrus' turn to get hit. His body was slick with perspiration, his breathing quick and ragged. Every fiber of his being yelled at him to surrender, to curl up and give into his pain. His nuts were swollen to an even bigger size than they were normally. Still he forced his rebelling body to obey and he spread his legs apart. The bugbear kicked the dragon. While it didn't have as much power as when they started the pain still exploded inside him. It radiated from his groin and up into his stomach. For a moment Cyrus' mind was blank save for cries of pain. He immediately bent forward and leaned on his knees. As long as his knees don't touch the ground he was safe. He gripped his legs with such strength that his nails broke the scales and caused a small trickle of blood to appear. He couldn't even acknowledge that small sting compared to the pain in his balls. He breathed deep and looked back at Bear.

Bear saw that the dragon woulndt fall from that attack. Cyrus saw the unmistakable look of desperation on his opponents face. That last kick was the last strength he had left in him. The dragon expected him to surrender. When the bugbear slowly forced his legs apart Cryus felt much respect for the mammal. If all of his breath was dedicated to supplying him oxygen he might have praised him. Still, Cryus wanted to finish this, as much for his own sake at this point. He offered up a silent prayer to the dragoninc gods for strength that this next attack would finish this, because if it didn't he feared his own might would fail him. He planted one food down hard and swung his other up. His battered balls cried out in pain from the sudden movement but he ignored it as much as he could. His aim was true and his foot laned dead center of the bugbears scrotum. Cryus forced himself to follow through with his kick as much as he could using all the muscle in his legs to push upwards. Bear let out a loud yell of agony and bent forward. As soon as Cryus let his foot return to below him the bugbear crumpled and held his aching balls. He fell to his knees and soon planted his face into the ground. He was defeated.

Cryus looked down and had to be sure what he saw was real and not a desperate delusion. When he was sure he let out a triumphant roar to the sky. Much to his surprise even some of the bugbears watching cheered with him. Cryus took a knee next to his opponent and planted a hand on his shoulder. "you fought well, champion."

Both took some time to rest and recover. With the help of a healing salve the pain was lowered to a manageable level. Cyrus was offered a bath but he refused. He instead asked to see the site where the artifact was stolen from. Much to his surprise the champion insisted to come along too. After seeing his show of willpower Cyrus couldn't refuse. The two of them investigated the scene and all they were able to find were a strip of red fabric caught on a doorway. Still, both packed supplies and readied themselves for a hunt. They set out on in the direction the thief was last seen and began their journey.

About half hour away they heard grunting from nearby bushes. Looking inside they saw a halfling clutching his swollen purple ankle. He had a torn red scarf as well as a polished shield on his back. Cyrus let out a grunt of disappointment when he rifled through the beings belongings and found a small golden idol in his pack. He easily picked up the thief and looked him in the eye. "This is a cut and dry." His mouth curled into a devilish grin "but you can demand a trial by combat. The champion gets to go first."

Upon hearing the rules of a tial the halfling admitted his guilt and was set to be punished properly. Cyrus did spend some time learning of the bugbear culture and in thanks veteran warriors showed the dragon the bugbear method of fighting. Not wanting to overstayed his welcome Cryus left to go to his next destination. He did find a sizable stream nearby and thought he had earned a rest.

"And that's my adventure in the bugbear village. I admit finding the thief was a bit of an anticlimax but things cant always be exciting." Said Cyrus, a hint of finality in his voice.

"Oh no no no" Bear cut in, wrapping a warm hairy arm around the male dragon "you gotta tell the whole story. A little extra happened after that."

Cryus rubbed his horn in embarrassment "come now, what's really important is what happend before that, all the minor details after are superfluous."

"Come on, master" Nuri pleaded "nothing worse than a half told story!"

Bear nodded "I agree. I can take over, and i wont leave anything out."

He was shocked when he heard Bear call out.

"Master dragon! Let me thank you for helping my village. And apologize for how hard i fought in the trial."

"Please" Cryus said "you did your job. Had that gone on any longer I surely would have lost. And I am just happy to help those in need. Why don't you join me, I was going to relax here for a spell."

Bear turned his head as Cyrus removed his armour. The dragon chuckled. "We saw each other naked, and I am practically nude myself. No need to be shy. I respect your strength and would be honored if you join me."

Bear nodded, disrobing and slowly entering the water. Cryus wasted no time, taking a breath and submerging himself in the cool liquid. He sprang up with a large splash. He looked to Bear, who was contenting himself by cupping water in his hands and pouring it on himself. "Why didn't you thank me when I was in the village?"

"When I am around too many people I get scared and can't talk. It's even worse when I am naked during the trials." said Bear.

Cyrus chuckled. "You have no need to be shy. Besides, I am sure the women of the village all are excited to see a specimen of manhood like yours."

"Come on" retorted Bear, sounding hurt. "Don't you tease me too."

Cryus rubbed water on his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I am not. I thought you would be well known for your size. Height and manhood."

The mammal shook his head. "I am considered quite small by bugbear standards. They often joke that the length meant for me was turned into height."

Cryus looked at Bear. Then to his dick. Back to his face before stealing one more glance at his dick. "I had no clue bugbears were so endowed." The dragon said in genuine awe. "But the weapon a warrior uses doesn't matter. Any weapon can be fatal if used properly. And i can promise you that your weapon would be plenty for any other species."

The two continued their conversation for a bit, Cryus helping to clean the fur on Bears back. The bugbear mused "I never understood the whole 'gods will favor the innocent thing. Bugbears only have one and other species have many. Hardly seems fair."

Cyrus chuckled "I think it's more of a question of quality than quantity. But it is true that at least dragons have many gods."

"Can you tell me about them?" Asked Bear.

The dragon smiled and washed the bugbear's lower back. He thought for a moment before answering. "There is the water god named Idall. He is often depicted as a sea serpent of incredible length. Actually he is the twin of the mountain god, as they were created by Mother Dragon at the same time. When she was shaping the planet she scooped out great clawfuls of earth. The holes and long claw marks filled with water and became the bodies of water that fill the world. The dirt and rocks she scooped up she then piled up and they formed mountains and hills. Where there is a waterfall it is said the two twins met at that location."

Bear turned around, stars in his eyes. At least Cyrus thought there was, as it was hard to see Bears eyes through his hair. "That's so cool! Can anyone worship the dragon gods?"

Cyrus gave a big grin "of course! All who have a good heart are welcome."

The newly converted bugbear scratched his chin. "What is a sea serpent? I've never actually been to the ocean myself."

Cyrus answered "It's basically a snake, only miles long. He moves through the water like a snake moves through the land."

Bear laughed "I can't picture something like that."

Cyrus thought for a moment before he lowered himself into the water. He had just his nostrils, back, and tail above the water. He had his arms against his body and his legs straight. He wiggled his body and tail like a snake and managed to propel himself around. He swam in a small circle before going back towards Bear. His face got very close to Bear's penis before he stopped himself. He raised himself from the water "I think I found a sea serpent."

Cyrus himself felt a jolt of excitement go through him at being so close to the bugbears privates. He stood up straight and walked closer to Bear, their bodies almost touching. "Im happy to have met you, Bear. I do not think I could have found a stronger bugbear anywhere else."

The mammal looked away, a blush almost visible through his fur "it's just that I get stuck doing all the physical labor at the village so naturally I would..."

Cyrus cut him off "not just physical might. You showed incredible will during the trial. Pushing on despite that much pain is not something most can do. You are truly a strong person, don't ever think otherwise."

Cyrus felt a warm poke on his stomach. He looked down and saw Bear had gotten erect. Bear quickly turned away "Im sorry! No one ever spoke to me like that!"

The dragon grabbed the bugbear's shoulder and turned him back to face him. This time he moved close enough that their bodies were against each other, their mouths separated by mear inches. "Don't let your fears controle you. Do what you feel is right."

A silence hung in the air for only a moment, but it felt much longer. Bear moved in and pressed his lips against Cyrus'. The two wrapped their arms around one another as they kissed. Cryus quickly became erect as well, their manhoods rubbing against each other. The two continued to embrace each other before Bear moved back, dragon saliva dripping from his mouth. "That was the first time I kissed anyone."

Cyrus smirked "get ready for another first." He said as he gently pushed Bear towards the land. He sat with his ass on the ground and legs in the water, penis standing fully upright. "What are you doing?" asked Bear, his heart skipping a beat knowing what was to come.

"Just relax and let 'master dragon' take care of you." Cyrus said as he lowered himself to the bugbears waist. "Such a mighty weapon this is. I see I am not the only one who favors a weapon that needs two hands to weild." He said as he wrapped his scaley digits around Bear's thick shaft. Bear shuddered at the touch, and Cyrus could feel him get even harder. "I fear this may be too great a weapon for even me to handle. But I've never given up on a challenge." he said, stroking faster. Bear tried to respond, but all that came from his mouth were half muttered words that failed to produce a full sentence. Cyrus smirked, clearly enjoying the pleasure he was giving the village champion. He leaned down, giving the length of the bugbear's penis long lick. Bear threw his head back, covering his mouth with his hands and letting out a loud muffled moan.

"Just let it all out, champion. A warrior like you deserves proper reward." He said as he slowly enveloped the bugbears penis into his mouth. Cryus struggled, gagging slightly out of reflex but he relaxed himself and got it all the way down his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, ever so slightly increasing the tempo. He used his hands to gently massage at the bugbears massive balls, feeling them full of hot cum. Bear's moans became more loud and frantic. Cyrus was surprised when he felt the bugbear grab hold of his horns and shove him deeper. His lips were around the base of Bear's shaft as he felt jizz be shot down into his throat. After a few spirits Bear relaxed and Cryus moved his head free, swallowing down all that he could.

"Im sorry" Bear said "It just felt so good I got carried away."

Cyrus wiped his lips. "Don't be. I said to let it all out and you did."

The dragon then grabbed the bugbear's shoulder and made him stand. He turned him around and bent him over. "I think you know what I'm planning to do. If you want me to stop just say so and I won't continue." Cyrus spat and rubbed the saliva on his dick as he waited for a response. Still bent over Bear looked over his shoulder and quietly spoke. "Please go ahead."

Cryus smiled and pressed his dick against the bugbears backside. He rubbed around aimlessly for a moment, simply enjoying the feeling it gave him before he lowered towards the bugbear's asshole. "I'll go slow at first. I cant promise I can't control myself for long after that."

Cryus pressed forward. It took some effort but he managed to enter inside. True to his word he moved back and forth slowly, hearing the mixture of pain and pleasure from Bear. When he thought the pleasure outweighs the pain he began to speed up. He grabbed hold of the bugbears hips as he picked up the pace, holding him steady as he pounded him. As he gave into his base desires he even gave Bear a hard spank, forcing the mammal to yelp out in surprise. This only spurred Cryus on more and he gripped harder and fucked even faster. Cryus gave a triumphant roar again as he climaxed, pressing himself deeper into the bear, not letting a single drop spill.

Nuri listened, mouth agape. "Holy shit master. I don't think I have ever heard that side of you. That was just" she stopped to collect herself, feeling very flustered "holy shit"

Bear chuckled. "You're telling me the two of us hung out some time after that. But he had to go back to questing and I had to go back to the village. After that I felt different. I was a lot more outgoing and didn't feel as shy anymore. After a few years I felt like that little village was too small for me. So here I am. Out wandering and trying to find myself."

Nuri smiled "master, you fucked the shyness out of him!"

Cryus' face was turning a new shade from blushing "please, I am not one for discussing these sorts of things."

Bear slapped Cyrus on the back "dunno why, you're so good at it. I just know you are on some big quest again. Would you mind me tagging along? I can help fight any baddie you come across. And I need some direction in my wanderings so it'll be good for both of us."

Nuri gave a big smile "words cannot express how much I approve of this suggestion."