A Fox's Descent 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of A Fox's Descent

Blake is offered a job in the casino industry, and after some time contemplating it, takes it. He doesn't realize what he's getting into at the Silver Serpent, not in the slightest.

Commissioned by Harute11

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A Fox's Descent

Part 1

For Harute11

By Draconicon

Working in the Heated Wings lounge was a decent enough job, though hardly one to write home about. It kept Blake employed, however, and that was all that the fox really cared about. Considering the alternative jobs that he could be working - and that two of his personalities wished that he was working - it was something of a step up in the world. Not much, but something.

He walked around with a swish in his step, something that was enhanced by the layer of rubber and faux fur that he wore under his outfit. If he had been a standard fox, then that would have been stifling. It was exactly the fact that he wasn't a standard fox that it was meant to hide, and it did its job well. He didn't show any sign of anything wrong on his face, and he didn't let anyone else know what he was hiding.


Blake was just picking up some drinks at the counter of the lounge when his supervisor leaned over and put another glass on the tray. Blake blinked, looking up wordlessly with a raised eyebrow.

"Something for the big guy over there," the red wolf said, nodding at an arctic wolf in a white suit towards the edge of the lounge. "He placed an order with another server, but asked for you."

"Oh? Any idea why?"

"Maybe he thinks you're cute."

"Heh, doubt it."

"Get it over, double-time."

Blake nodded, picking the tray up and swishing through the lounge as he always did. He was used to being stared at, the rubber under-suit making it very hard to walk without swaying his middle. There was something to the construction of it that made it keep snapping him from side to side like a pendulum, making him swishy, swaying around like some floozy.

Honestly, he didn't mind the look, nor did he mind the stares. He just wished that it didn't leave him so sore in the middle after some of the longer days on the job.

He approached the artic wolf with a smile on his face, leaning forward to put the glass of whiskey on the small glass table.

"Here you are, sir. I hope you enjoy your drink."


"I'm sorry, sir. I need to -"

Flop. Three hundred dollar bills hit the table, and the wolf tapped the table.


"...Well, I can stay around for a little while, if you don't mind me dropping these drinks off, first?"

The white wolf smiled, but nodded, and Blake smiled back before making his way through the lounge, depositing drinks as he went. All the while, there was a slight buzzing inside, a whisper between the different personalities just under him.

Mmmm, he's a cute one. No, not cute. Hot. I bet you that he'd look great holding a pendulum and -

Unlikely, Aries. He is a traveler, and he is not carrying anything that suggests that he is looking for that sort of company. We would be best not to assume.

I - I don't know, Ptolemy. I mean...I...he's...I don't know...He's got alpha energy...

Toy was silent, having nothing to say back to Gemini. Not surprising. Toy didn't talk much, and only when ordered to. That said, they were more of a personality that was suitable for the 'fun' things, thus their name, and they didn't talk much on the day to day things.

Still, Blake put all that to the side, focusing on getting his work done properly. Much as he was bringing in a large tip - and a portion of that would have to go to the bartender for being pulled out of work for a short time - he didn't want to take too long. He delivered all his drinks in good time, flashed the red wolf behind the bar a 'five minutes' gesture, and pointed over to the arctic wolf again.

The bartender sighed, but nodded. He got the idea. Thus released to his break, Blake returned to the white wolf and sat down beside him.

"Sorry for the delay, sir. I just wanted to make sure that everyone got what they wanted."

"Yeah, I could see that."

The arctic wolf leaned back, sipping on his whiskey, and there was a clear stare-down going on. Blake knew that it was better manners not to threaten the other man's dominance, so he kept his eyes down, just a little bit. Not quite down to the floor, but down to the wolf's collarbone, somewhere respectful but not quite doormat. If he wanted more -

"You know how to take care of your clients, I think."

"Hmm? What do you mean, sir?"

"I mean that you know how to 'take care' of your clients."

"...I am sure I don't know what you mean."

"Don't play coy."

There was no smile to that phrase, none of the teasing that he might have experienced at a bar off the job. The wolf leaned forward, one leg crossed over the other.

"I know what you are. And I know what you're hiding."

Blake stiffened, but only slightly. The other effect of the rubber fur-suit that he wore over under his clothes was that it hid little jerks and reactions like that, something that had saved him more than once in the past. He tried to put on a disarming smile, but the wolf's intense stare was so strong that he couldn't quite make it happen.

"I...don't know what you're talking about, sir, but I think I should get back to work."

"Don't be so hasty. I have a job offer for you. One that I think you'll be most tempted by."

Certain parts were already tempted. Aries and Toy both had their metaphorical ears perked, and Gemini was intimidated and intrigued at the same time. Even he, Blake, was not entirely convinced that getting up was the best solution anymore, and that took some doing with how nervous he was about anyone finding out about...things.

He lingered on the edge of his chair for a moment, and that seemed to be all it took. The white wolf smiled a bit more, leaning back again.

"My name is Decro, and I work for a certain institution. The Silver Serpent Casino. Have you ever heard of it?"

"I can't say that I have."

"Not surprising. You have to move in the right circles if you don't live out there. At any rate, there's a few departments in the casino looking for workers."

"...What kind of workers?"

"The special kind. The kind that are a little more eye-catching. That don't mind showing off. That...aren't the standard fare, let's say."

How much does he know? Ptolemy wondered.

Blake wondered the same thing. There was a lot of implication and not a lot of information about what was happening here, what the big wolf wanted. They just knew that he was of the belief that they were something different, something a little more unique, that they were hiding something.

And they were, but whether he knew what that was would matter a great deal in their decision-making. The white wolf tapped his glass to the table, pushing it to the side.

"I want to offer you one of those jobs. If you ever get tired of being a server in an airport lounge, give this number a call."

Decro pulled a business card out from his jacket pocket, sliding it across the table. The front of it had an almost holographic look, but when he touched it, the image didn't have that sort of 3d grooves that he was used to feeling with those things. He picked it up, looked at the double S symbol on the front, and then flipped it over.

Three different numbers were on the back, one for the general casino, one for hires, and one for Decro specifically. He looked up from the card.

"What, are you some kind of, uh, big-shot out there?"

"You could say that." The wolf flashed another momentary smile. "But it's rare that I find someone...interesting...on my travels. You tick that box. You have customer service skills that stand up to intimidation and to atypical circumstances. Another box ticked. You have something atypical to offer. Another box ticked."

"...And I apparently got your attention."

"Yes. Another box ticked." Decro chuckled. "The Silver Serpent is always looking for skilled workers, and we pay well."


"I'm not the only person involved in the upper levels. But I do have a certain...sway."


"If you are ever tired of this, give me a call. I believe I can guarantee a job up to a year from now, but no later than that."

"That's a lot of faith in me," he said, rubbing the back of his head, looking down again. "I mean...I appreciate the vote of confidence, but -"

"No more."

And just like that, he shut up. Ptolemy was annoyed, but none of them really had much in the way of willpower to stand up against something like that. There was always that feeling that it was easier to obey, easier to go along rather than push someone to the point of possible danger.

That is anxiety speaking, Ptolemy said. A pity that we haven't come as far as we thought.

That wasn't what was needed right now, and Blake asserted his right as being the 'front' personality to push them back to quiet. He nodded at the wolf.

"Sorry. I need to get back to work now. But I'll, uh, I'll keep this under consideration," he said, waving the card around before pocketing it.

"See that you do. At any rate." Decro laid two more hundreds on the table. "For your time."

He couldn't think of anything to say. All he could do was watch as the white wolf gathered his belongings and walked out of the lounge. It was...well, if he was honest, it was rather intimidating to have talked to someone that could just drop five hundred dollars on the table as a personal fee for giving someone an impromptu job offer. He would have needed to work for a fair number of days to be paid this much. Just over a week, as a matter of fact. He slowly picked up four of them, taking the fifth to give to the bartender.

The red wolf looked back at him as he approached, cocking his head to the side.

"What was that about?"

"He wanted to talk to me about a job."

"That's weird."

"Yeah. Here."

He passed the hundred across the bar, and the red wolf blinked.

"What's that?"

"He gave me a tip. Here's...here's part of it...to...to..."

Oh, the aftereffects. That's what was happening. The shock of the moment was catching up and hitting his system hard, and he could feel that some of the others were on the verge of coming out. Gemini in particular, probably, with all the shyness, all the worries, all the little what-ifs that were bubbling through his system. Blake held up a hand.

"I need to use the bathroom."

"Go on."

He ran around the corner, darting down the short tunnel to the restroom and locking the door behind him. Just for extra measures, he ran into the stall that was just a bit further in, shut that behind him, and locked it. He threw his overcoat down on the floor, blocking the narrow gap between door and floor, and then grabbed the zipper at the back of his fake-fur rubber suit.


Down it went, and a rubbery-skinned fox was revealed. He gasped as he was finally able to release the pressure, giving himself a chance to slowly come down from the compressed anxiety feeling that was on the verge of overwhelming him. Pulling his arms from the sleeves, he stood there naked from the waist up, his skin shining as he rested his shimmering, smooth palms against the wall.

Rubber fox. He was a rubber fox, tightly compressed inside that suit for most of the day, different parts of his body barely concealed for the public. Decro had picked up on that, he was sure. The big guy had been too observant to miss something that obvious.

Man, he's a cool guy, though. Scary, but cool.

Aries's proclamation received general agreement through the rest of them, particularly in the silent way of Toy's style of agreeing with anything that was sexy. Blake shook his head, breathing slowly as he rested his head against the cool wall, trying to drag himself back to the moment, pulling himself from the anxiety that was coming from himself, Gemini, and even a little from Aries.

The fact that someone had clocked them, the fact that their little stable life was in danger now, was enough to leave them shaking. The anxiety attack hadn't quite bubbled up to full force, hadn't quite hit the heart problem levels, but it had come close. If he hadn't recognized the signs that were coming from Gemini, he would have had a full collapse, and the bartender would have probably sent him home pending some sort of exam.

Not that he could have afforded that exam, but it would have been pending, anyway.

When Blake could breathe normally, he slowly pulled the suit back up. He dragged his arms down the sleeves, but he didn't zip up the back just yet. He wanted to give himself a moment to really think this through.

A casino, huh? Blake thought, rubbing his chest and his arms, smoothing down the fur and the rubber by turns. Never thought of working somewhere that bright and noisy before...

It wasn't the worst idea in the world, really. There was the chance of getting some good money out there, and Decro had all but insisted that he would get the job if he just asked for it. The fact that it was definitely going to be related to customer service was a good thing, even if he did have anxiety about that sort of stuff. Social experiments were good for him, for them, and if he could keep some control over it -

But that was the hard part to be sure of. He knew that there was going to be good money, that there would be a good chance that he could get what he wanted, but there was no clear indication of how much control of the job he'd have. That was the good thing about working here in the airport. He'd gotten a good reputation with the bartender, he had a good thing going with his hours and his breaks. He could all but write his own schedule here, even if the pay per hour kinda sucked. If he, they, had a bad day, they could get time off with ease.

If they changed jobs, that would have to be earned again. He'd have to find a way to show that he was good enough to write his own schedule again, and until he did, he'd have to go back to working on the bad days. And when it was a bad day, it was a bad day.

Having multiple personalities wasn't the sort of thing that so many others assumed it was. There was a way to have a congress of them, to get them to work together so that one could live an okay life. However, that meant that there was a lot of self, well, selves-managing, that had to be done. That meant that he needed time, space, and that didn't always happen with a brand-new job.

He looked at the card again, then put it back in his pocket.

Not yet. He said that he'd hold it for a while. Not yet.

They had time to think, to decide. Aries was all for it, and Gemini was at least considering it. Ptolemy insisted that they find something out about the Silver Serpent, and then they could make a decision, and Toy was quiet as the grave.

Look it up, Blake decided. We'll look it up when we get home.

That was the best decision to make for the moment. Put it off for now. Aries grumbled.

We do that all the time. And then we change our minds cause we get scared. Let's just go for this one.

That, however, was a decision that the rest of them could just put down. They weren't going for that. Not now, not when there was this much on the line.

He pulled the zipper up and put the jacket back on, and he left the bathroom. Several annoyed customers were waiting outside the main door, and he apologized, giving some excuse or other about cleaning the bathroom before slipping around them. They had work to do, and quite a bit of it.


A year passed, during which time the card popped up from his pocket every so often, almost like the return of the repressed. They kept meaning to do something about that, Aries in particular, but every time that they got around to researching the casino, they didn't find that much. Oh, there were pictures of it, and they were downright beautiful, but that didn't mean anything compared to what they really needed to know.

It was impossible to find any information on the boss and owner of the place, and while customer reviews abounded about just how wonderful the casino was, they felt strangely...constructed, in a way, almost like they had been redone after they were submitted. Which, great, it meant that the casino spell-checked and fixed the reviews, but that didn't do anything to tell him whether it was a good place or if it was just fixing the reviews to look good.

It was enough to keep him and Ptolemy from entirely trusting the offer, but there was just little enough proof that it was actually 'bad' that Aries and Gemini kept hold of the card. Ptolemy was all for getting rid of it, as that one wasn't interested in taking that level of risk, but Blake, for all the fact that he questioned it, didn't want to rule out an option that might be needed later.

Good thing, too, because eleven months after they were given the card, the airport started leveling mass layoffs on staff. Heated Wings, as a minor airline in a major airport, didn't have the funds to keep their lounge going, so they were among the first to be let go, kicked to the curb and left with nothing.

The card was their only option after that, and even Ptolemy was willing to admit that they needed to go with it. A short phone call later, he had his tickets, and he was off.


The plane took him to the desert, a city that was as isolated as isolated could be for those that didn't make it into the six-figure territory every year. Unlike places like Vegas and other gambling resorts, the Silver Serpent seemed specifically made to cater to those that were either directly invited or were rich enough to consider the trip worth it. As a result, they must have made it specifically to ensure that every man, woman, or being was tempted to give it a shot.

As the helicopter that met him at the desert airport circled over the casino proper, he has his first view of it. It was a giant serpent, alright, one that coiled around the base and then streaked into the sky. It was the local skyscraper, and it was utterly massive, dwarfing anything in the small city that had sprung up around it. The rolling coils at the base seemed to be part of the gambling establishment, considering the little dots that he saw entering and leaving the curved walls and dome that the lower body of the snake created.


The word was shared among them, save for Toy, but the feeling of 'wow' still came from the nearly-silent presence in the back of their head. They stared as they came in for a landing, stopping in the courtyard. He felt like he had been given a status far greater than he deserved, and he felt dizzy as the door opened and a suited-up staff member met him. He got his first view of the staff attire, too, and his eyes widened slightly.


He wasn't sure if the second word died in his throat or was just chopped to pieces by the helicopter blades still thudding over him, but the sight of the official uniform that the coyote was wearing caught him completely by surprise. The coyote wore a rubber catsuit, something impossible to miss despite the outer rubber clothes keeping it partially covered up. The rubber gloves ran up the arms, attached to a torso piece, and then ran down the legs to end in stirrups at the very end of the coyote's lower limbs. Over that was a simple suit-and-jacket combo, as well as rubber pants, a shirt and bow-tie, but it was that under-suit that held his attention.

Everyone inside was buzzing with commentary, and it was flying so fast and coming so furiously that he was all but limp to the attention of the coyote employee. He felt himself being pulled out of the helicopter and led along, but he was so overwhelmed that he was pulled right into his own head. The most that he could do was keep walking and ensure that the other personalities didn't rush out front and cause a problem, because if they did, he was sure that this job offer was going to be retracted before it could be questioned.

They were so far in their own head that they didn't even realize when they reached their destination. For that matter, they didn't realize that they'd been sat down, didn't realize anything until -

"Sit up."

Decro. The voice cut through the squabbling and excited words in their own head and got them to sit up. Blake jumped forward again, taking the driver's seat of the body as he looked around.

They were in a bar that was just barely off from a gambling table. A large wolfdog with a light-gray chest, dark-gray limbs, and a dividing line of brown between the two looked down at him, and Decro leaned back on one of the barstools beside him.

Stool. No back.

Blake flailed as he almost fell off the stool, grabbing the base of it before he could completely tumble over and embarrass himself further. He blushed worse as he got slightly more stable, trying to keep a grip on the stuff happening in the back of his head as well as the stuff that was happening in the real world.

"What...where is this?" he asked.

"You walked here and you're asking that?" the wolfdog asked.

"Easy, Aspen. He's overwhelmed."

"I thought you were vouching for him."

"For his customer service skills, yes." Decro sipped at another drink. Looked like vodka this time, Blake thought. "I didn't say that he was good with new situations."

"Hmmph. Do I have to teach him everything?"

"Um...just...how far in the building are we?" Blake asked, happy enough that he managed to keep a squeak out of his voice. Gemini was right at the back of their throat and trying to take control. "I kind of...blanked out. I didn't expect the sort of...you know...uniform..."

And Decro was wearing something similar, though his suit was a little more macho. There was almost a hint of leather patterns to their rubber, and he couldn't help but stare a bit as he realized just how that looked. He had to admit, the idea of having that sort of combination, leather confidence and rubber tightness, spoke to him.

He shook his head.

"Sorry. I'm not...this is..."

"New?" Decro chuckled. "That's the point."

"Goddammit, Decro. I need someone that knows service stuff. I swear, if you handed me another -"

"Blake. Show him your walk."

Happy for something, anything that would let him focus on something other than the rubber-wearing white wolf for a moment - though he honestly wondered if the suit or the rubber was hotter - he got to his feet, grabbed a tray, and turned. His legs moved almost mechanically, moving with muscle memory rather than an intentional show, and he strutted down from the bar to the tables.

The whole place was beautiful, he realized, with the walls soaring up and over them at a carefully-angled slant, defying the dome structure that one saw on the outside to give something that was closer to an art deco height illusion, looming over them in a way that was both gothic and modern at the same time. Rounded lampshades covered the hanging lights, keeping the area from becoming too bright while also giving contrast the white upper areas, spotting it and adding to the odd mystique of the place.

His hips swayed as they always did when he walked, and he focused on that, on the metronomic regularity of the movement to keep himself from being self-conscious. The faux-fur that he wore still kept him rather restrained, but this was more him this time, more the way that he liked to move. It wasn't so tight, so...so forced this time.

Sway, sway, sway. His hips moved like something out of a porno, he realized, and he would have blushed if he wasn't so focused on keeping to the assignment, on getting and keeping this job. He walked with the tray in hand over his shoulder, making sure to keep it out of the way of those passing by, or would be passing by normally, and moved from chair to chair at the empty tables, tapping the green top with imaginary drinks, shuffling coasters down to make sure that the tables themselves were never touched, and then moved on.

By the time that he got to the second table, he was throwing in little tricks, tossing out bits and pieces towards the top of the table, coasters flung like cards to land perfectly before imaginary gamblers, and he walked right down the line, tap, tap, tapping the shotglasses down that weren't actually there.

It was a routine. It was a show. And thanks to Toy taking over, putting them in a machine-like state, they managed it perfectly every time.

Of course, Blake had to take over again when they walked back to the bar, and he was panting softly inside, barely keeping the embarrassment and slight feelings of shock from showing on his face. The only relief was the fact that Aspen was looking at him with more than a little surprise.

"Well, fuck me. You got some talent, after all."

"I try," Blake said, nodding as he put the tray back down. "So, uh, does that mean I'm working for you?"

"For the casino," the wolfdog corrected. "But you're working under me, yes."

"So, um...do I have to dress..."

He pointed over his shoulder at one of the rubber-suited employees that were further back. Aspen nodded.

"Yes, that'll be the standard attire. You'll get used to that soon enough."

"Don't worry about him getting used to anything," Decro said, chuckling as he put his drink down. "He's already ready for that."

"Okay, what the hell are you on about this time?"

"Please..." Blake whispered, but Decro rolled right over him.

"He's a rubber fox already."

Aspen's eyes widened at that, and Blake felt like he had just had the rug yanked out from under him. That was a secret. He hadn't confirmed it with Decro, hadn't done anything to show it off, and now -

The wolfdog grabbed him by the wrist just as he was about to take a step back, pinning him to the bar. He yelped as he was pulled forward, almost taken right off his feet.

"Is this true?" Aspen asked.


"I asked you a question. Is that true?"


"...Kid...you just got yourself a job for however long you want it."



It turned out that anything outside the norm got priority treatment at the Silver Serpent. At least, that was what they got out of the contract meeting that happened just after that. It was a little hard to keep track of that jumble of information, but Ptolemy had been keeping notes, and it seemed that the casino preferred to attract those that were...different...for their employees. The pessimistic realist thought that meant that they had more leverage over their employees, that it was harder for an employee to leave if they had only one place that would accept them, but the rest of the group was just happy for another job, and particularly one where they were accepted.

The difficult part, of course, was getting used to the uniform. There had been one more thing to it that none of them had quite been expecting, though again, Toy and Aries were all for the new experience. The rest of them stared awkwardly at the uniform that had been laid on the locker room bench for them.

The rubber suit was not that bad, nor were the over-clothes that had to go on top of that. They'd cover everything that the rubber suit with the faux-fur had covered, and he had ways of hiding his face and his ears so that they wouldn't give him away. That was fine, though the rubber was of a higher quality than anything that he had worn before.

No, the difficult part were...well...the plugs.

There were two of them, one for his ass and one for...Blake blushed as he picked the smaller, narrower one up, rubbing it slowly against his feminine sex just behind his balls. It was already slightly damp, even though he was hardly the one that got into that sort of sexy stuff. That was more Aries's department, or Toy. He liked the idea enough to have a reaction, but he wasn't really someone that got that aroused. Ptolemy had a similar issue, and Gemini...

Well, Gemini just got pushed around, most of the time. That was a different thing.

"I can't believe that this is..."

Mmmph, come on, come on. Just put 'em down and sit on them. I can't believe that we've got a job that gets this sexy!

You are getting over-excited. It will be best if we take this slowly. After all, this is our first day.

Oh, come on. We haven't gotten laid in, what, nine months? Let me live a little here. Toy?

No speech from the back, but there was a general wave of arousal that left them all humming just a bit on the inside, throbbing in the right places. He gritted his teeth, shaking his head to himself as he looked down at the plugs.

They were vibrators, too, he knew. According to what Aspen had said, they'd buzz differently depending on just what was needed. A short buzz meant that a client wanted to place an order, and the number of short buzzes would reflect what table the client was at. A sustained buzz would mean that Aspen was calling him over, and if the long buzz was followed by shorter buzzes, that meant that Aspen wasn't at the bar, but was instead at one of the gambling tables and he was to meet the wolfdog there.

It made complete sense...for a porno-verse.

Come on! He felt a twitch through his leg, and he knew that Aries was doing a foot stomp in the back of their head in a mini-tantrum. It's a job, we gotta do it, so let's just do it and enjoy it!

...You are angling for a punishment from our new boss, aren't you? Ptolemy asked.


The rest of the group laughed, and Blake smiled to himself. Aries was right, though. They needed to get this show on the road before their employers came back to see what was taking them so long. Considering they were rubber, they were loose enough and flexible enough that they could take this without needing stretching, so they didn't have the excuse that others did.

Still, Blake filed this in the back of his mind as a big sign that this job was going to be different to what they expected. Whatever else happened here was probably going to challenge them, change them...and they needed to be on the watch for that.

After all, change could be good, but if it wasn't the kind of change you wanted...

Shaking his head, he put the plugs in the proper line-up on the bench, then slowly sat down. The spreading, stretching feeling was better than he thought, and even Ptolemy let out a reluctant sound of pleasure as they got 'dressed' for work.

The End

Summary: Blake is offered a job in the casino industry, and after some time contemplating it, takes it. He doesn't realize what he's getting into at the Silver Serpent, not in the slightest.

Tags: M/H, H/solo, multiple personalities, series, fox, rubber, rubber fox, wolf, wolfdog, arctic wolf, casino, swaying, plugs, naughty, implications,