A Prince's Passions, A Demon's Desires 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of A Prince's Passions, A Demon's Desires

A prince sent away in shame encounters someone that promises to lift him back to his proper place again.

Commissioned by Roureem

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A Prince's Passions, A Demon's Desires

Part 1

for Roureem

by Draconicon

Bu Ren had gone without his title for nearly a week, and it was driving the prince crazy. It seemed that there was no respect for outside rank in the monastery, and while he was hardly the stickler for formality that his father, siblings, and cousins were, that didn't mean that the panda didn't have some wish to have others respect him. He gritted his teeth as one of the novices of the monastery, a smaller red panda, told him that he was due in the training yard in an hour.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Bu asked.

"I do not believe so."

"Do you not know who I am?"

"You are Bu Ren, the legend of hangovers among the healers."

"...That is -"

"You are due in the practice yards in one hour. The masters of the monastery have asked me to remind you that another absence will be reported to your father."

The red panda left before he could deliver a proper retort, annoyingly enough. The red panda was quick, too, shutting the sliding door and leaving him alone in the wood-paneled room. He glared at the departing shadow, tempted to throw his cup after it in an attempt to catch the novice on the run, but he declined. After all, it had taken some effort to smuggle his booze into the monastery, and he wasn't going to waste what little he had left.

The panda looked down at his cup, swirling it slowly as the clear liquid seemed to mock him. It consisted of the last three sips that he had left of his old bottle, something that would take a while to refill under the watchful eyes of the monks. He imagined that they would be keeping him under watch for the night, ensuring that he didn't go down the mountain to the town on the plateau. They were...very enthusiastic about keeping him in place, though not always successful.

Bu sighed, downing his remaining alcohol. The burn that had once left the prince coughing up a lung barely affected him these days, and he tossed the cup to the far end of the room. The wooden vessel tilted, turned, and then rotated around its rounded base before coming to a stop. In that time, he'd gotten to his feet, taking off his robe and making his way to his clothes chest.

"What do I have left..."

He hadn't bothered to do his own laundry in a week. The urge to get it done had never really struck him, which meant that most of his clothes had at least a day's worth of sweat on them. One particularly rank piece down at the bottom had been worn for four days of 'training' straight, and even he hesitated to touch that thing. But really, laundry? That was the realm of servant work if ever there was one.

Eventually finding one of his old robes - the very one that he had worn on his trip to the monastery - he dragged it on. The rich purple and gold silks felt properly light on his body rather than the heavy clothes of the monks, and unlike theirs, it didn't scratch at every inch of exposed flesh and fur. It was properly made, rather than put together by peasants that were more interested in staying warm than looking good.

He looked at himself, and for a moment, he felt better. Then the sound of shouting in the courtyard stripped that feeling from him, reminding him what he was due for in a very short time.

Training. Discipline. Activity. Well, activity outside the bedroom, as far as his father was concerned. That was the whole reason that he was trapped in the monastery in the first place, keeping him from those that stirred his loins and awakened his real interest in the world. His father, the Emperor, had been quite keen to see him bed-hopping at first, believing it showed him to be a real man, but then...

Well, apparently, conquering both men and women in bed was something of a shame to the older panda. That was why he had been sent to the monastery, to show that he could conquer his vices, to give him a 'fair' chance to reach for the throne rather than being removed from the family entirely. Bu knew that his siblings would be happy to see him gone, and he doubted that he would be long for the court when one of them assumed the throne. They would banish him, if he was lucky. If he was not...well, he had seen other families torn apart by those that were worried about their place on the throne. The execution square would be the other alternative.

He sighed. The possibility of getting banished or executed really should have been more of a threat than they felt, he supposed. Yet, when one was a prince, it felt like life always found a way. Not one of his sins before being found in bed with the General's son had been punished. Not once had his indiscretions actually found their way to court, nor had he ever had to do anything but pay a small fine when there was an embarrassment at a bar. All he had to do was just...fix it, and then it was done with.

Until now.

Bu listened to the clack and clatter of staffs slapping against one another, as well as the softer clangs of hooked blades tapping one another as the monks went through the forms of combat. They were trying to train him in their arts, attempting to instill him with discipline so that he might save himself.

If it had just been the fighting styles, he believed that he might have been interested. He even aped their movements as they practiced from his room, copying the movements and the punches and the kicks, as well as the lunges and the blocks. That in and of itself was fascinating, and he fancied himself something of a fighter even before coming here.

No, no, it was the mental and bodily discipline that apparently had to come along with the techniques. It didn't matter that he could fight just like them, nor did it matter that he had the better technique compared to some of the other novices. What mattered was keeping himself cool, calm, and collected while he was fighting, to show that he had no blood lust, no interest in the harm of other beings. It was merely supposed to be an aggressive self-defense, not an art in which one was to take joy.

Well, I want to have fun. If I can't have it here...

He glanced out the other side of his room, the one that led to a balcony that looked down one side of the mountain. The monks believed the cliff too sheer for anyone but a master to descend, but in Bu's opinion, there was nothing that could stop someone that was determined enough. He was living proof of that.

Hmmph. Training can wait.

Bu stretched one arm over his head, using the other to pull open the sliding door to the balcony. The town down the mountain would have more booze for him, and more than that, it would have some willing partners. His hand just wasn't enough, really. Never had been since he had discovered the pleasures of others.

Let them tell his father about his sins. He'd either be punished, or not, but at least he'd be happy.


Perhaps it would have been worth allowing one of the monks to see his escape. Certainly, Bu imagined that they would not have believed that a panda like him could have descended such a steep slope. Much as he would brag about it later, it had been a challenge. Every bit of technique that he had picked up from the training yard and from imitating them in fascination had come in handy, allowing him to snag handholds and swing himself along almost like a monkey. His center of gravity made that a little tricky, but he had managed the descent like a hero of legend swinging himself from prison. That alone should have shown off that he had some prowess.

He emerged from the undergrowth that surrounded the village to find that the sun was on its way to setting. His descent from the monastery must have taken a good four hours to reach the village proper, and he had worked all the alcohol out of his system by then. Sweated it through his fur, more than likely, and he could feel that his robe was clinging to him more than usual.

Ah, well, he figured. It was something to air out another time.

The mountain village itself was relatively small, as he remembered. It had one road going down the mountain to the great plains to the south, as well as a road that went further up the mountain to the monastery. A third path, a dirt track that led to the well and farms that fed the village itself, was all but inconsequential to him. Made of clay bricks that had been fired at the base of the mountain and carried up one by one by the ancestors of the modern villagers, the village itself was a strange mess of color, ranging from brown to red to almost green in places where the clay had taken on different hues. The place felt like it was always on fire to look at, brilliant and bright, and most of all, warm.

He walked among the poor-dressed and the poor, smiling down his muzzle at them as he walked through the village. They looked back at him only to immediately look away as soon as they saw what he was wearing. The royal purple and gold was unmistakable, of course. He imagined that they were intimidated.

Oh, if only they knew. Then they'd know that they should be getting ready for a party.

Bu reached into his pocket, pulling at a coin or two that had been sewn into the fabric just in case someone had decided to frisk him at the monastery (which they had). It should be enough for a drink, and for a bit of company for the night. If he could find someone willing, that was.

Looking around, he grabbed the arm of a passing peacock. The merchant started to pull away, only to freeze when he saw the royal colors.

"Your highness. I apologize," the peacock said, lowering his head. "How may I serve you?"

"You can point me to the nearest drinking establishment, good sir, and I'll raise a drink in your name."

"You flatter me, oh Highness."

"Speak its place, and I'll fulfill that honor."

"Down the main road, oh Highness, near the edge of the village, you will find it. It bears no name, but the tile roof and the hide door will mark it for you."

Low-quality, then, if it could not afford a door, but that was something that he could work with. He nodded his appreciation to the peacock and continued his journey through the village. Commoners aplenty stepped out of the way, from the soft girls to the freezing, starving women, from strong lads to old men. They all jumped out of his way, ensuring that he had a clear path through the village to wherever he might have been going.

A pity that they were all afraid of the colors of royalty. He spotted a few that would have been rather interesting in bed, as far as he was concerned. They might have livened up the night, ensured that he went to bed satisfied for a change, rather than begging for more than his hand could deliver.

Eventually, he reached the establishment that the peacock had mentioned. It truly was something that looked more low-quality than not, something that had been built and then forgotten. He imagined that the only ones that patronized it were those that were passing through and desperate for something to drink. If he had not been so low on alcohol, if he hadn't finished off the last of his booze and then sweated it out, he would have passed on it and continued down the rest of the mountain.

As it was, beggars could not be choosers, and in this case, neither could princes. He walked through the hide door, nodding at the fox that stood behind the bar.

"The finest rice wine," he said.

"Not much of that here. Pretty dear price."

The prince flipped his coin across the room, and the fox caught it. The vulpine bartender glanced at it for a moment, almost as if he disbelieved what he held, but eventually, he nodded.

"Take a seat, and I'll bring it to you."


No fear of his colors there, which was something. He imagined that the bartender had had more rich guests than the rest of the village, and thus his fear had been tempered long ago of the nobility. Not the worst thing to have happen, and Bu decided that he would not cause much trouble today. The welcome was better than he had gotten from the rest of the village, by far.

As he sat down at one of the tables near the back-end of the tavern, he spotted someone else. He had initially imagined the long, narrow building to be all but empty save for him and the bartender, but now he realized that he was mistaken. A pair of green eyes, almost glowing, turned and fixed on him. They looked up and down in a way that was most familiar, mostly because he did the same thing to those that had attracted his interests. Bu chuckled, shaking his head and crossing his arms as he got more comfortable.

The fox came and went, bringing with him a small drinking bowl and a pitcher filled to the brim with wine. Bu sniffed it and wrinkled his nose. It was on the verge of going sour, but he supposed that it couldn't be helped. Not at a place like this, at the very least.

Might as well drink away what I can before the monks come for me, he thought, pouring the wine into the bowl. He had managed to take a single sip before the green eyes came closer.

It took him a moment to make out the dark silhouette of the panther that happened to own the eyes, but as he did, he realized something else. The stranger was not just a species that was strange to these lands - though not to him, due to a few having appeared in his father's court - but also wearing far less than those in the village. Due to the raised lands, the villagers often went bundled up, wrapped in two or more layers of animal hides or leather. This panther, on the other hand, seemed content to wear nothing more than leather trousers, and but one layer of them, besides.

Bu's eyes drifted down to a more subtle glow, a green bauble that rested on the feline's chest. It illuminated the furs near it with an emerald light, mixed with arrows of red that seemed to stir and swim upon the amulet. He paused, looking down at his wine.

I'm not that drunk yet, I hope...

Shaking his head, he turned his attention to his drink properly even as the panther sat down beside him. He ignored the feline at first, only to feel a little spark as the cat reached down and touched his thigh.

"I think you might be looking for a little...company."

"Hmmm?" Bu smiled, but didn't quite answer. "What makes you think such a lowly thing of me?"

"What else might you be doing in a place like this? There's nothing worth drinking, and few things worth seeing for one in the purple and gold."

"Ah, you recognize it."

"None could fail to. And I imagine...you would like to put that royal shaft to work..."

That clawed hand moved a bit closer to his crotch. Tempting as the offer was, Bu knew that there were others at work in the world. His father had been disappointed enough to send him to the monastery, but the others would see to it that he failed his time here. They would actively sabotage him, and having some eager slut willing to give him a good time reeked of their sorts of plans.

So, he grabbed the feline's hand, gripping with all his strength. It would have been enough to snap the wrist of an idle servant, and he felt something come close to giving in the panther's arm as he squeezed.

"You will not touch a prince."

"Oh? Have I mistaken you?" the black-furred feline asked, his head cocked to the side in something close to amusement. "Surely, you aren't here merely to drink swill."

"I have a need to drink."

"And a need to do something after. I can almost smell your lust, Highness. Perhaps I can do something to help you with that..."

That hand tried to reach higher, but Bu kept his grip firm, even as his cock started running down his pants leg. He had gone for far too long without the indulgent touch of another down there, and he would have craved what the panther was offering if it wasn't for the fact that he knew that it had to be a trap.

Yet, if he was crafty...

He stopped that thought before it could go further. Bu knew that he had a princely mind - one could not be raised in the palace without developing some intelligence, after all - and he knew that it would be useless for him to try and craft a good plan while he was horny. With a female, he might have had some reason to feel confident; they were naturally submissive, uninclined to treachery without great outside force, and he knew that he could keep some level of control over her. To conquer a man, however, took greater effort, greater subtlety, and one could never be entirely sure that they were fully your own.

"Come come, oh royal one. I believe that you hunger for attention more than you thirst for your wine," the panther said, and for the first time, Bu realized that he wasn't hearing any pain or discomfort in the feline's voice. "Allow me to give you what you desire...it will cost you nothing but your seed..."

The panther fixed him with a clear-eyed stare, one where that green seemed to glow brighter than ever. Bu Ren cocked his head to the side as the green filled his vision, and for a split second, he felt like he went completely limp from head to toe. His eyes rolled back, the green filled his vision until there was nothing but the green, and his mouth hung open for a moment or three as it went through him.

There was a pleasure to it, as well, something that hit him harder and harder as the tingling feeling of the green went on. It filled him to the brim, almost like the warmth of a good night at a proper bar, and for a moment, he wondered if there was something special in the wine.

Then it faded, the pleasure concentrating down in his dick, and it rose up, pressing against the front of his trousers with such force and fury that he could hardly believe the tension down there. He groaned under his breath, sliding forward in his seat, his bulge pressing against the underside of the table -

And then it stopped.

He sat up straight again, blinking. His panting, tingling feeling was gone, but his erection remained. He blinked twice more, getting rid of the little green spots at the edge of his vision.

"You can't think that I will seriously allow a commoner such pleasure," he said, shaking his head.

For the first time, the panther looked utterly flabbergasted, his eyes widening slightly. The feline reached up, gripping his pendant and poking it, almost in the way of someone that was trying to determine if something was actually working. Bu laughed, shaking his head.

"You talk a good game, kitten, but I am a prince. Prince Bu Ren, one of the great men of the land and one of the potential heirs to the throne. Take your game of prostitution to another soul."

"Oh, this isn't prostitution, your Highness," the cat said, though there was a hint of stress in his voice that Bu did not miss. "Surely you could allow me to use my mouth for you, at least."

"Ha! Why would I allow you to taste my shaft, when you aren't even worthy to taste this wine?"

He was aware of his hands doing something, his fingers working a knot in the robe over his trousers. It must have been merely a means of getting more comfortable, he decided, and that included, surely, taking his cock out to let it rest in the open air. The panda shamelessly dragged out his shaft, six and a half royal inches hanging down, thick and full with its own excitement. He crossed his arms, smiling, even as the panther looked at him with confusion. Those eyes glowed again.

"Surely, a blowjob would cost you nothing."

"Nothing? I would be gracing your common mouth with nothing but the finest of meats, and you would call that nothing?"

He was grabbing the panther with one hand, and his cock with the other. It didn't feel quite right, but then again, nothing about this feline felt quite right to him. Everything felt that little bit off, that little bit strange, that little bit unfit for the world as he understood it.

Then, he pulled the cat's head down.

The sudden pleasure of warmth around his shaft, the sudden tingling feeling of having a tongue working along his cockhead, was something that he had not expected. For a moment, he almost went with it...

Then he realized that something was wrong.

Shaking his head, Bu yanked the panther back, almost feeling something sharp in the process. The black cat coughed, swallowing with a shake of his head, while Bu tried to understand what had just happened. He had always enjoyed the touch of a good mouth on his cock, but this was the first time that he had taken someone to task and made them do it in public. The fact that he had been saying that he wouldn't, and then actually went and did it...what was wrong with him? What was he doing?

"Well...you certainly seem to have a hunger for my mouth that goes beyond the normal," the panther said, chuckling to himself. "Perhaps I should get more comfortable."

"What are you making me do, commoner?"

"I'm making you do nothing. Perhaps you merely imagined it."

Another flash, and he blinked, his cock throbbing harder than ever. The panther smiled, leaning in a bit closer.

"Perhaps you should imagine more things. Tell me, what flies through your mind, oh Highness? What passes through that witty, brilliant mind of yours when you imagine me?"

"Many things that are above your station."

"But tell me. Allow me to hear them, so I may know not to reach so high."

That seemed a better attitude. Perhaps the feline was starting to realize how hopeless his little trap was. Bu chuckled, leaning back and folding his hands over his belly, even as the black-furred cat got down to his knees again, running his hands along the panda's thighs in obvious worship.

"Well, I imagine throwing your sorry self over the tables and fucking your rump. I can see that it is already curved, well-suited for being fucked by a better man. I imagine keeping you pinned to my cock, sucking it down for the entirety of the day. You would learn much inhaling the scent of a better man. I would imagine that you would be quite talented, too, considering...considering..."

His mind pulled blank on him. He tried to think of what he would have finished that sentence with, but the memory didn't quite match what he was trying to say.

Before he could think of it, though, the panther looked up at him. The prince was not blind to the obvious arousal and want of the feline, but there was something else there, something in those glowing eyes. They made him feel such a tingle through his body, almost like he was already reliving the imagined memory of the previous blowjob.

"Mmmm, you want to imagine me sucking this, do you? Imagine a lowly commoner sucking and choking on something such as this?"

"Ha! I would hardly imagine it. It's something so laughable that I would never think of it were I not so deprived."

"And to take it yourself?"

"Heh, that would be like throwing gold before pigs. It would be better to just take myself in my own hands."

And yet, he was already 'imagining' grabbing the panther by the back of the head and slamming him down, forcing him to swallow his shaft, forcing him to take the whole thing down his throat and feel it throbbing, pulsing, swelling down in the back of his mouth. The 'imagined' feeling was so good that he could already feel his cock throbbing harder, his balls churning and swelling in anticipation of finally getting the chance to unleash their load in a willing mouth rather than on the floor or into his hand.


The prince had all but forgotten the pleasures of another mouth, but his imagination was obviously better than he expected. He pulled the panther up and down along his shaft in the back of his mind, grinning and grunting as he felt his cock tip enter that throat again and again, forcing itself past the gag reflex that simply didn't seem to be there, enjoying the pleasure that came from using someone that obviously wanted to be used.

"Mmmph. I would never...ever reward someone that was so lowly, so beneath me with my cock...why would anyone...anyone below a governor believe...mmmph...that they were ever going to get my cock..."

The panda panted. Was this dignified, to think of doing this to someone while he talked to them? No, but this was the right of a prince. He could do as he wanted, as he willed, for as long as he wanted. There was no need to hold back, no need to do anything but what he wished with the male beneath him.

Of course, he wouldn't indulge himself fully. This was still only his...his...

Gods, that throat felt good around his cock, however, and he could feel his lust rising further, further, further. His imagination was beyond anything that he had felt before. Had he really forgone this level of pleasure? What was...why was it feeling so...

He imagined yanking that face down his cock one more time, and he came...

And he felt something swallowing.

The image in his mind's eye finally disappeared, only to be replaced with the same thing in reality. Bu stared down at the suckling feline, seeing his cock disappearing down that eager throat. He tried to pull back, tried to push the panther away, but this time, the green-eyed feline was sucking him harder than ever, pulling so hard that there was no way for him to push the stranger away without taking his dick away at the same time.

And more to the point...more to the point, it felt good. Each swallow felt like it was milking another cum-shot out of him. The warmth of that throat, the ever-so-slight roughness and insistence of that tongue, the way that the whole thing seemed to come together to keep him cumming over and over and over again: it spoke to him, called to him, begged him to keep shooting his load down that throat.


Bu leaned forward, his belly bumping the panther's head. The pleasure extended, getting stronger and stronger until he realized that he had been cumming for over a minute. An impossible minute of bliss, one that left him both drained and...and oddly, almost empowered.

The panther slowly pulled back, smiling to himself as he stroked a finger up along the base of the panda's cock as he pulled back. The feeling was as intense as the 'imagined' blowjob, and he huffed under his breath, his eyes closing tightly and almost crossing as it felt like something had happened to his cock.

He opened his eyes again as soon as the stimulation stopped, looking down at his cock again. It was...it was swollen, and perhaps a whole inch larger. Seven and a half inches long rather than six, and fatter, too. He bit his lip as it bounced eagerly, not yet spent.


"Surely, oh Highness, you did not think a mere commoner could be so persuasive?"

The demon smiled up at him, eyes glowing softly, but not quite so brilliantly as before. Just enough to keep him calm. Just enough to keep him limp, he realized.

"No need to be afraid, my prince. After all, there's something that we might be able to do for one another today...or on another day...or another..."

Bu couldn't answer. After all, there was nothing to answer, even as the panther started tracing his fingers up and down along the panda's shaft. There was something tingling down there, the shadow of a shape starting to coil around his cock and balls, but that was imagined. Just like the blowjob had been nothing but his imagination. After all, why would he do something like that with someone like this panther, with any commoner, when they were being that pushy? Far better to just forget that it had happened.

"You want to listen to me, don't you?" the panther said. "It's already planted in your head, just like the rest of what I've said. But differently to the usual little victim, yes...very different. So deep into my little tricks that you're already convincing yourself that it's not actually happening, aren't you? You think that this is just something else that you're imagining, that you're not sitting in the middle of a tavern with your pants around your ankles and your throbbing cock in some stranger's face."

As a matter of fact, that was exactly what Bu was doing, though the panther figment of his imagination was surprisingly self-aware. He hadn't realized that his imagination was that good.

"Oh, well. It's a different game, but no less fun to play," the panther said, kissing the head of his cock. "I can work with this."


"Oh, do you want to talk?"

"What are you?" he managed to ask.

"Something that you would not believe even if I told you."

"But...but what are you?"

"Oh, a demon," the panther said, leaning his head on one hand and flicking Bu's dick back and forth. "A sex demon, to be precise, though my powers extend quite a bit further than most of them. Your shaft is already mine, by the way."

"As if that could ever happen."

"Oh, yes. I suppose it would be hard to imagine some common creature claiming a royal shaft. But do enjoy the fantasy. Your cock obviously does."

"I imagine a lot of different things. A prince may enjoy whatever he chooses."

"Yes, I'm certain he does. And you...you're far more deviant than most princes, aren't you? So much more self-indulgent, so much more focused on the pleasure and the debauchery. Oh, you and I can have such fun, oh Highness."

Bu didn't know how his imagination had cooked up this scenario, nor did he know how it had gone so far so fast. There was something wrong, he was sure, something that he needed to address before it got completely out of control, but he had no idea what it could be. All he knew was that he felt like there was something sliding out of his head and down through his cock, like there really was something down there that was taking control.

But that was just his imagination. There was no way that it could be anything real. He hadn't been hypnotized, he hadn't been tranced or anything like that. He was just sitting in the tavern, fantasizing about this happening.

Fantasizing about a panther staring lustfully at his cock.

Fantasizing about a demon plotting things with his dick.

Fantasizing about things that no prince should have fantasized over.

"Heh, for the sake of my boredom, say that this is really happening. What in the world would you want from me, and what would I get from you?"

"Many things, oh Highness. I feed on this. On you. On others. But it is so...difficult, sometimes, to find proper men to feed on. Perhaps you can help me with that, and in return, I can help you with your problems. After all, they are many, are they not?"

There was nothing for him to say there. Bu clenched his jaw. Even in his fantasies, he would not tell someone of that problem. But the panther in his imagination only smiled.

"Ah, yes, trouble at home. So common, so easily found. But so easily solved, with my help."

"...Father wants me to be better, to pass some test. It will never happen."

"Oh, but it will...provided I get what I want."

"You want sex?"

"That..." He groaned under his breath as the panther licked him from base to tip. No, as he imagined the panther did it. "And so much more."

"Mmmph...this is..."

"Something to stop for now. Come to the village again tomorrow, and you will find more...fodder for the imagination, heh."

When he looked down again, his pants were back on, and his cock was tucked down one leg. The wine was half-gone, though he didn't remember drinking it, and he could have sworn that he was less drunk than he should have been. His robes were arranged properly, and he felt...right.

But there was something different. Wasn't there? Something about his trousers that didn't quite fit correctly. Something...smaller...or something bigger...

The End

Summary: A prince sent away in shame encounters someone that promises to lift him back to his proper place again.

Tags: M/M, Panther, Demon, Panda, various species, Oral, Face-Fuck, Pleasure, Orgasm, Cum, Mind Control, Hypnosis, Miniseries, Public, Wine,