Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}

Story by randwulf09 on SoFurry


It had been years since humanity had learned to combine the genome of a animal with that of a human. although expensive the surgery only took a few months of treatment followed by time in a tank, that most who went through the procedure, nicknamed "Mom." Instead of putting the new technology to practical use things took a turn for the worse and the world was thrown into war. With the war came chaos. That chaos spurned a new age that saw the united states and the rest of the world broken. Anything that remained was divided into its own territory with its own leader, however, language remained and much of what was known before the war is still used now. No one knows what really started the war but many know that it could have been religion, power, or greed.

What day is it? I didn't know, i didn't even know what time it was. I lifted my head from where I had been looking at some poorly hidden tracks laying the ground and heading to the east, the direction my gaze was now rising to meet at the cloudy red sky. for a reson beyond me a thought came to mind at the sight "White clouds on a red set, a omen of things to come or a omen of things that have come to pass?" A small sigh escaped my maw as i closed my eyes and bowed my head in thought. My fur bristled, slightly, at the thought of what was going to happen. It couldn't be helped. Raven Squad Nine was bred for "that" kind of job. Weither we liked it or not, a marker in our bodies reacted with collars on our necks that would ensure we stayed on our mission and completed it, at least for my new squad it was that way. failure, however, was never an option. Failure almost always meant death followed by you being replaced.

Despite how hard i tried I couldn't remember my life before waking up in a cold room, surrounded by what i figured where humans in protective yellow suits, drenched in whatever liquids where used in the tanks. I was given the designator X-9-061 and given the name Razor. unlike those in the squad i was "born" to this world without brothers or sisters. Since the wars the military had adopted the procedure of making, at the most, six creatures at a time. To save on education and training. i had been the exception to the procedure however since i was what the military considered a "spare part." According to the debrief i received before being assigned to RSN their last mission had seen them shamed by a failure to complete their mission that also lead to the death of their recon while they where retreating to their ride out. As punishment for the failure i was assigned to RSN, it being punishment because i was born what some of the scientists had deemed "unpure.' something had happened during my procedure and i had wound up coming out of it with white fur covering over half of my body, black was small but still managed to cover a small percentage here and there. as most would knowsomeone such as me being assigned to a squad was a figurative and literal death sentence. i could sometimes here my squad mates and others around joking about my pelt and how soon i would be killed or get my squad killed but i didn't really care about the jokes, nor did i care for my "comrades" outside my squad. i was tasked with one job and i would do that job till i...my line of thought stopped there. i was suddenly embraced by the feeling that something was wrong. a sudden image flashed through my mind of a wolfess with a pelt as white as snow. it seemed to shimmer even without light. the female had been standing in some kind of a garden, flowers surrounding her feet. before the image faded the female had stared in my direction and had started to say something, but the words where drowned out and the image vanished. i shook my head and tried to think of what i had seen and what the female had said but whatever it had been it was long gone now. i clenched my teeth tightly together and snapped myself from my stupor before sniffing the crisp air. I pretended to be looking for scents but in truth i was hoping no one had noticed my absence of mind, thankfully, no one seemed to have noticed. in that case i would be able to think about it later but for now...i tilted my head to the sky again and took a deep, slow, breath. My eyes opened in a momentary shock as my nose finally caught it what it was searching for. The scent of our target. Instinctively i grinned, bearing my sharp teeth. The objective was close and soon i would be able to hunt, a part of me tried to pull away from that line of thought but the mental conditioning forced my thoughts to touch upon it. I turned my head to the five sitting in cover a few feet behind me and let out a low growl, soon afterwards my body was off. The hunt had begun. Soon it would all be over and soon we would be on the transport back to base so we could get ready for our next mission. All we had to do was go through this with no problems....

took quite a while to come up with this one from thin air...but...hey...here is a story. i tried doing things differently and in truth i think this one might be a great one to continue with...ill leave the crit to you guys. more to come?

The anger within

ill try my hand at another story. noone seemed to like my first so hopefully this one is better. x3 ---------------------- ---------------------------- ...

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First works to write, hopefully a beginning to a beginning

I've had this story in mind for quite a while but could never really think of how to write it or weither anyone would like it...its based off a event that happened quite a while ago. also, this is the first story ive ever tried to write...so...be...