my teacher got into my pants 6

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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#6 of My Teacher got into my pants

My teacher got into my pants 6

Kaia slowly sifted a little in Chad's bed looking on from the door way Chad was smiling at his lover as she slept than a thought came to him "hope she likes pancakes" as continued through the house toward the kitchen and began to make breakfast, Kaia woke up for sudden sizzling sound that echoed from the door way getting up she walk to were the sound was coming from.

"so what is my Chad up to" Kaia asked as she sat down at the table looking at Chad who was naked as day she was to but she was staring at Chad firm butt that was clenching with every step he took, "well I'm making us breakfast and thinking about what are we going to do today if you don't have anything planed already" Chad said while he was pouring the last of the pancake mix onto the frying pan and it made the same sizzling sound that Kaia woke up to.

Setting out the plates and food Chad sat down and they both started to eat and Kaia thought of what they can do "why don't we go around town and look at baby stuff since I'm pregnant and maybe for some other things" Kaia asked and Chad as he was drink his orange juice said "sure let's finish up and we can go to the mall it has everything you ever need" nodding Kaia and Chad continued eating.

Chad finished up cleaning the dishes as Kaia got dressed and grabbed Chad some cloths from his closet as she continued down the hallway she saw a picture that had both Chad and his mother in it but there was a male husky that had his hand on Chad's shoulder , just than Chad came from right behind her she turned her head "who's that" she asked Chad sudden had a down casted look "that is my father" Kaia a little concerned "were is he haven't met him at the parent teacher conference" Chad began to sob and tear flow down his face "he died and it was all my fault" just than he took the cloths that Kaia got him and went to the bathroom to change.

Kaia pacing the living room waiting for Chad to come out from the bathroom completely distort from Chad's reaction want to make it up to him later, five minutes later Chad opened the door and walked into the living room where Kaia was "I'm ready" Chad said putting her hand on his shoulder "are you ok hun" Kaia asked with concerned Chad looked into her eye's they were full of sorrow "I tell you later It's a touchy subject" taking Chad's word "ok when ever your ready to talk about it I will listen with open arms".

The two left the house and headed to Kaia's car that was parked in the driveway "I need to pick up a few things from my place if that's ok with you" Kaia asked Chad who's mood had improved a little "sure why not" Chad responded with a smile as Kaia started the engine and the headed to Kaia's house.

Chad was waiting in the dining room waiting for Kaia she was getting fresh cloths on and getting her wallet so they could go shopping Chad was looking around he didn't get the chance to see the whole place before it wasn't too special it was standard for a single women in here early twenties, Kaia came into the room "ready" Chad nodded and the again walk to the car got and went to the mall.

They reached the mall in record to traffic wasn't too bad since to was Sunday and everybody is probably at church or some other event, So Kaia and Chad got out of the car and went through the main entrance and headed to the store that had baby cloths and other items they would need for a baby, They continued through the store Kaia pointing at things explaining why they would need it and after awhile they got a couple of bags of dippers and a few baby toys.

As they were walking to the restaurant area Chad asks "why didn't we get any cloths" and Kaia smiled "well we don't know if it's a boy or a girl I hope it's a boy" Chad laughed and said " I'm hoping for a girl mainly I always wanted a daughter when I started to think about it" they continued to walk tell the reach there destination, They got their food from one of the fast food joints and sat down and they ate their food with gusto, They finished up and walked around the other stores Chad got a few movies he has been meaning to get and Kaia got a few things from the cosmetics that she ran out.

They finished their shopping it was around about three o'clock when they left the stopped at Kaia's place first to drop off the baby stuff and what other items Kaia bought than they went back to Chad's house, They walked through the door and walked through the living room and Chad sat down on the couch with an tired expression " well to do you want to watch a movie and then we can have some fun if you know what I mean" Chad said while wiggling his eyebrows up and down Kaia laughed hysterically "sure why not I'll cook up some popcorn" with that Kaia walked into the kitchen to do just that.

The movie Chad pick out was a comedy and it got them laughing Chad was against Kaia chest nuzzling into her as the movie ended "so what do you think" Chad asked her "well I thought I was good but it's nothing I want our kid to watch though" Chad smiled agreeing with her "so do you think you've rest up for tonight huh" Kaia said with a small sweet smile "sure thing " Chad responded with a kiss and they headed into Chad's room. (this is the song Kaia and Chad are listening to I don't own this song all right's go to the creator's of DRAGON AGE ORIGINS)

As Chad was getting undressed Kaia walked over to the radio an turned it on to her favorite channel and with her luck romance song is one going with the rhythm started to take off her cloth's and moved toward Chad and pushing him slowly onto the bed locking him into a kiss that seemed to last forever for them, Kaia broke the kiss and started to move down Chad's Chest lapping at his nipples as she continued her way down she finally reach Chad's cock which was raging hard.

Kaia slowly started to suck on it as Chad was moving into a 69 position and drag his tongue across Kaia's pussy they continued even after the song has finished, Chad started to dip his tongue into Kaia which caused her to moan around Chad cock and she deepthrouted him then started to suck so hard that Chad had to stop his assault on Kaia's insides.

Kaia continued for a few more seconds than to released him and while she was panting "ready to take me big boy" with that Chad shot up and kissing her than angled his cock so it was lined up with her and slowly pushed in they both moan as he continued to push in until he hilted her than waited until she was ready. (this now the current song that is playing again I don't own this song all rights go to the creators of DRAGON AGE ORIGINS)

Giving him the go ahead Chad slowly brought his cock in and out of her with the same rhythm as the song that was playing on the radio Kaia could only moan and gasp for the lot of it, about 10 minute have passed as Chad increased his speed to the point he was pounding Kaia into the bed and then he popped his knot into her with a howl he came deeply inside her.

As Chad was finishing up and was laying on Kaia chest relishing the moment "cough/mmmm" Chad immediately turned his to see his mother standing in the door way "when you are able to pullout we need to talk" with that she closed the door dreading the outcome what Chad didn't see was that his mother had a big smile on her face.

When Chad was finally able to pullout he was sobbing a little Kaia came for behind him and hugged "no matter what happens just so you know I love you" that sentiment gave Chad the courage to put on his cloths and Kaia did the same and left for the living room, As they entered Chad's mother was sitting on the couch "sit" was as she said as the came in so the both sat down.

Chad mother looked at both of them and sigh "so miss. Wren I have a question for you" Kaia nodded and gave her full attention to her "did you seduce my son if so I will call the police right now" Kaia looking shock "no no no I would never dream of doing that at all I love him" satisfied with her answer and knew she meant every word of it.

Turning to her son "and what of you my son" Chad look from his mother to Kaia "she is the women of my dreams and I wish to spend the rest of my life with her" Chad mother sighed in relief "good just want to make sure it was out of love so you guys have my blessings", Both Chad and Kaia had looks of complete shock on their faces "but mom I thought you would be mad" Chad said confused "I would have if miss. Wren forced herself on you" Kaia smiled at little thinking on how their relationship started "ow it's Kaia by the way" Chad's mother nodded "aww mom I have something to tell you" Chad's mother said "what is it".

Chad grabbing Kaia's hand squeezed her hand "were expecting" with that Kaia placed her other hand on her belly , Chad mother open her mouth slightly and screamed than started hug Chad "mom please you're going to pop my like a balloon" letting go of her son and smiled big time "so how long" Kaia spoke up "we just found out yesterday" Chad's mother beamed "I'm going to be a grandmother but I have some ground rules for you guys no sex until my son can legally consent to it and make sure that baby is a boy too" she added with a laugh and Chad groaned "but I want a girl".

Chad mother pinched his cheeks "well a girl would be good to but you guys must be tired so of to bed the both of you" so both Kaia and Chad in each other arms went off to bed happy as can be.

Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter and the music also if you guys have any feedback on any mistakes don't hesitate to tell me.