Becoming a BellyMaid

Story by Bloodpuma on SoFurry

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"Help Wanted! We are looking for someone to fill the position of Belly-Maid. Minimal experience is required, and on the job training will be provided as needed. The work will entail (but will not be limited to) standard home cleaning, basic laundry duties, rubbing of Master's full belly, and pleasuring Master (mostly after meals). A generous payment, uniform, and boarding will be provided to all employees. Male and Femboys need not apply."

Sorry it took so long for me to get this one out, but at least it's out in time for Vore Day!! To be honest, there wasn't any one big thing that slowed this down, more of the fact that I just didn't have the motivation to do it. It wasn't some writer's block thing or my usual summer hibernation, more of just lack of drive to do pretty much anything... I'll probably go into it a bit more in a blog post later, but for now it would be safe to say it may be a while before I write another vore story...

Becoming a BellyMaid

Never in my life did I ever think I'd become someone's personal belly-maid, and if you had asked me only half a year ago I would have been completely disgusted by the very idea of it. After all, I was one of those Anti-prey girls back in high school, and college. I hated all those MRE girls parading around school like the slutty cuts of meat they claimed we all were. The idea of giving up your whole life for a few moments of (supposed) pleasure just felt insane to me. Though some of those dumb girls probably deserved to be just meat...

I know what most of you are thinking, I'm just another Anti-prey girl that was just jealous of all the other hotter girls out there and just had a fear/hatred of preds... And for the most part you'd be right, though unlike the cliche I didn't watch or enjoy vore pornoes. I'd seen a little bit of one or two but I never got off to any of them, mainly because they terrified me. And sadly that terror inevitably led to an unfair and unhealthy hatred of preds...

It was because of this hatred and mistrust of preds that I ended up as a belly-maid. After loosing several jobs over my bad attitude, and sometime strait-up bigoted views, towards preds, the word got around about me. I was kind of 'Blacklisted'. I'd get fewer and fewer interviews, and even fewer callbacks if any. It got so bad that I couldn't even get a job at the Mc.King down the street from where I lived, even as food!

So when I found an ad for a maid possession for some big time businessman, paying $18 an hour, free room and board, and no questions asked, you can understand why I'd jump at such a nice job. Even if I was working for a pred!

Still I did a little digging, just to put my mind at ease. The last thing I wanted was to be signing my life away, or worse, signing my body away as his next meal. But it seemed despite my future boss's very open predatory nature, everything else I read about him online was very positive. He rarely ate his prey in public, there was no record of him eating his employees (even the maids), next to no missing employees with any real contact with him, and it seemed that all of his prey came from farm raised prey or willing prey markets. For a pred, everything you read about him seems to make him out to be the kindest, most gentle, and ethical pred in the world. And even now, knowing what I know, I still feel that way.

As I sat outside the head maid's office waiting for my interview, I looked over the two dozen plus other girls applying. I could tell from a glance that they all were just a bunch of cheap prey-sluts hoping to be gulped on the job, but it still made me a little nervous. I mean they all had D plus sized breasts and meaty bubble butts, while me and my barely noticeable B cups and small ass looked like the punch line to a bad meme. And being the only redhead among a group of blondes and brunettes didn't help. Still I had some hope, with the research I did on my boss I highly doubted that he was going to make a choice for a new maid based on his stomach. And since I had that house keeping job most of my way through college, I think I'm probably the most qualified person here. It wasn't till I heard my name being called that I stopped comparing myself to the other girls and steeled myself for the interview.

"Carina Baringson." Called a voice from the maid's office, causing me to jump before hurrying in. I was met with what could only be described as the pinup girl for all sexy maids, in a very tasteful modern maid uniform. She was so very lovely and sexy, even as she motioned me to sit down. "So you're here for the new maid possession?"

"Yes! I'm looking forward to working as one of Mr. Leo's newest maids!" I tried to not hold back my excitement to finally have a decent job, hoping it would help my chances. But the lovely maid remained stoic as she moved onto the next question.

"And do you have any experience as a maid?"

"Not exactly," I answered a bit flustered before continuing, "but I was a housekeeper at a very nice hotel for five years. And I'm willing and able to learn anything I need to best serve Ms. Lowin and his maid staff."

"Did you enjoy your work there?" The maid asked, though this time with a bit of curiosity behind it.

"Oh yes! That's why I got a degree in Hospitality, I just love making people happy!" I let myself get a bit bubbly as I remember all the fun good times I had there.

"Then why did you leave?" That question hit me a little harder than I thought I would. It would eventually come up but I thought I would be more mentally prepared.

"Well, I had a serious disagreement with management there, so I had to leave." As I said that I felt like one of those old politicians accused of cheating on their spouse.

"It says here you were fired for disruptive behavior." The maid picks up the papers in front of her and looks them over. "And it seems that after that firing you couldn't keep a job for more than eighteen months. Why is that?" Now I felt like one of those politicians caught cheating on their spouse. At that point I broke down.

"They fired me because I didn't just shut up when they hired new girls, told them they were housekeepers, then sold them off to the wealthiest pred that walked into the lobby. They never told the girls beforehand that they were on the menu, and threatened them when they said no. " I started to tear up a bit as I continued, "I was one of the few that read the contract and specifically asked for that to be removed from mine, but none of the other girls did. And I know some were just prey-sluts like the girls out there, but there were some that were terrified at the idea of being eaten and were lied to just to get them to sign."

"So then what?" The maid chimed in.

"I learned from my courses some of the legal ways to help get some of the girls out of their exploitative contracts." I stared down at my feet as I continued, "And that's why they fired me, I saved this sweet little seventeen year old girl for one the hotels biggest clients. I lost them good business and a good worker, I had no counter claim. And that's been following me like a scarlet letter ever since."

"But that doesn't explain all the other instances that followed." I looked up at her in utter shock, "From what I have seen and heard from your prior employers, you seem to have a significant prejudice against predators." She looked into my eyes with a cold icy stare, "You are well aware that Mr. Lowin is an open predator and often partakes in female flesh on a regular basis. He may even have you clean up any mess he may leave behind. Are you capable of handling that ?" Even with her voice as cold as her eyes there was only one answer I could give.

"I'll have to be... As it stands, I'll be out on the street in a little more than a week. No one is willing to hire me over all the bad things they say about me." I start tearing up.

"So are you inferring that these are lies, or exaggerations?" A curious look came across the maid's face.

" are probably exaggerated, but most are true. Still this job is my last chance... By the end of next week I'll lose my apartment and be forced out on the street, quickly followed by a trip to someone's belly..." A visible chill ran down my spin as I thought about it.

"So you're just scared that a predator will eat you, is that it?" A somewhat calm expression came over the maid's face.

"Basically, I guess. I really don't get why a gut-slut would even want that... It just sounds horrible." I did my best to hold myself as fear slowly gripped me, and the realization that his interview was going downhill fast.

"Perhaps you'll understand one day, when it's your turn." A small but gentle smile flashed across the maid's face before being distracted by the phone. I hadn't even noticed it was there when I came in, but what was even more surprising was just how old it looked. "Yes Master?" The maid answered as if he was the only one who could have called. "Yes, I see. Then shall I see them out?... Very well Master, it will be done." She hung up the phone before standing up. "Please follow me Ms. Baringson." I hesitantly followed the lovely maid, not sure of what lay ahead.

After passing through a few rooms in the opposite direction from where I entered her office, we came to another office, Mr. Lowin's office. "Master, I have brought Ms. Baringson as you asked." The maid announces as she enters the room.

"Very good Lady Joy, you can handle the rest of our guests." The lion said as he stood, his eight foot tall frame towered over me and his desk. Though a part of me was intimidated by his size and clout, I somewhat felt disappointed. I very much expected him to be this tall, but also built more like a mountain, not a pole. He was in no way lanky or unfit looking, more that someone took a normal sized person and scaled him up. Most preds I'd seen were quite bulky, if not overweight from all the girls they ate, so it was strange seeing a pred that looked almost like an athlete in comparison. His thick and well groomed mane flowed around his head and neck so elegantly, disappearing into his fine three piece suit. It's high quality design made my cheap white blouse and faded pink short skirt feel like trash on me.

As the master of this mansion rounded his desk, his eyes transfixed on me as if I was his prey, Mr. Lowin finally addressed me. " Ms. Baringson, do you wish to be my maid, to serve my needs from this day forward?" I paused for a moment as his words sank in, but I knew I really didn't have any other choices as I firmly nodded my head to him. "Very good." The lion replied while grinning a bit. "I believe you'll make a very fine maid for me, with a bit of the right training." I replied with only a nervous smile, before he turned and returned to behind his desk. "And don't worry, you have my word and a businessman that there is nothing in your contract about you becoming my food, or anyone else's. That's a promise." Though I'd known many preds that would promise almost anything to a girl just to get her in their belly, all my research on this man told me he was probably the most honorable pred in this world. Still, when he slid the contract across the desk to me, I made sure to look carefully for any "food-girl" or "prey-girl" clause in it. And that's when I found it.

"What's this 'belly-maid' thing?" I asked without thinking if I even should, which sent a cold chill down my spine as I waited a few seconds for Mr. Lowin to answer.

"Well, to be frank, that is your job title. Along with the standard cleaning, you will also assist me with my more 'special' meals." Visible fear crosses my face as the thought of having to lesson to the cries of countless girls digesting away in his belly filled me with dread. "For the most part this will entail you assisting me back to my bedroom, as well as occasional belly rub... And the rubbing of a few other things if needed." And with those words my mind quickly filled with thoughts of what Mr. Lowin's member looked like, how big it could be, how girthy it would be.

"We-well I..." My mind was torn by the terror of what I know vore must be like, and the undeniable lust I was feeling from the thoughts of his manhood.

"You must understand, you will be signing your life away to me with this contract, but it will not be as food. You will be my pet. I will take you in, feed you, cloth you, put a roof over your head and give you a nice bed to sleep in for the rest of your life. And all you'll have to do in return is serve this house and it's master, me." He reached out to me with a pen. "All you have to do is sign."

The next several moments felt like I was on autopilot, as I signed the contract without any thought and was quickly whisked away by the lovely Lady Joy to a changing room. At this point I didn't really want to think about any of it, the fact I just signed my life away, or that if I didn't I would've ended up in some random pred's belly. I simply shut my mind down as Lady Joy helped me out of my clothes and into my new uniform, a maid outfit that was identical to Lady Joy in every way except the accent color, hers was red and mine was blue. Though my mind did start to bubble up thoughts on my new uniform and just how sexy it was, even on someone like me. The classic black with white frilled skirt that was just long enough to cover a nice plump ass, the small white half-apron that popped against the black skirt and blouse. The blouse that showed off as much cleavage as any could without risking a nipple slip, and the cute little blue ribbon tied into a bow under the collar. The outfit was finished off with a lovely set of elbow length evening gloves, thigh high stockings, and an adorable little maid's headdress. Though it wasn't till later that I noticed that I was no longer wearing any underwear, be it bra or panties.

The first two week at the manor were far better than I could have ever hoped for, I took to the house work and training very quickly, and got along very well with the other maids here. I was given my own room, which was a little small but still nice, and all my stuff from my old apartment was brought in. Though other than a card table, some folding chairs, and my bed, all my stuff fit into a rather small footlocker. Still it was the last reminders of my old life, a life of worry and fear, one were I always worried about running into the wrong pred and having it all end there. But I left all that behind and finally felt happy, happy to be working at a good job, and happy as I stuffed my face with all the tasty food they had. In those two weeks I easily put on an extra forty to fifty pounds with all the food I ate, quickly helping my fill out my new uniform better. Though in fairness, I did lose twenty to thirty pounds over the several months I was unemployed.

It wasn't until my third week that the little paradise I made this job into got shaken, and my entire world view was thrown for a loop. Master Lowin asked me to assist him with his dinner one night, and at the time I had almost completely stopped seeing him as a predator, but it wasn't till I got to the dining room that it all clicked. As I walked in I was met with a sight that, in college, I would have called appalling. Atop the dining room table lay a naked girl laying on her back, her arms and legs bound up like a dressed turkey on Thanksgiving. Her swollen belly was what drew most of my attention, at first I was unsure if she was nine months pregnant with triplets or just stuffed with some kind of filling. But as I drew closer I could see some kind of bread stuffing spilling out from around the two carrots plugging her too holes. I wasn't sure if the moisture around her ass and pussy was from the stuffing or the pleasure it seemed to be having. It wasn't until I was close enough to see the moistness that I heard the clear moaning coming from the apple filled mouth of the girl. Hearing this, I moved around to see her face. Her eyes told the whole story, she was your classic prey-slut wanting to be eaten and digested. There was no talking her out of it, even knowing that would probably suffer for hours in my Master's belly, I knew I could not convince her that it was true.

I was so focused on the prey-slut in front of me that I nearly jumped out of my skin when Master laid his large paw on my shoulder. "Ms. Baringson," my Master addressed me, "You'll need to step back. I wouldn't want you to get too close and join my meal tonight." He flashed me a gentle smile as he adjusted his red silk robe, seemingly loosening it for his meal to come. I moved back, almost against the wall, in both fear and curiosity. Outside of a few sex-ed videos and a few minutes each of three vore pornos, I had never seen really vore in my entire life.

After taking his seat, my Master started his meal by drawing the prey-slut closer to him, prompting the meal to moan louder. Taking her enviously plump rear into his paw, my Master took his first taste of the meal, licking her ass and pussy with his rough feline tongue. Quickly the formal room was filled with only the sound of muffled feminine moans as my Master worked her ass gently into his maw. My eyes were transfixed on the overwhelming sight before me, as my Master made light work of the girl turned meal. Never once did it seem as if the prey-slut showed any sign of regret for her decision to be food, nor that anything that she felt was uncomfortable or painful. The sights, sounds, and smells of all that was happening overwhelmed any fear or worry I had had before with intense lust. Though at the time I wouldn't have said that it was a desire to join the prey-slut, more of a deep sexual desire that needed to be scratched.

It wasn't long till the last of the prey-slut's golden locks slipped past my Master's lips, watching as the last of the bulges she made traveled down his neck and joined her in his lovely belly. As I shuck off my last orgasm at the sight of it all, I came to notice I was now sitting on the floor, with one hand under my skirt and the other fondling my exposed breasts. I could feel myself blush as my Master turned to me, "I see you enjoyed the show, but the fun isn't quite over. Now come here and give me a hand up." Though the thought that he could just grab me and swallow me up right now did flash across my mind, the lust I still felt told me that I needed the sizable bulge in his robes just below his massive belly. Awkwardly getting to my feet, I scrambled over to my Master's side and offered my hand to him. Taking my hand, my Master steadied himself as he stood, getting used to his new center of balance and the near constant squirming of his current meal. "Now, to my bedroom. There we can continue our fun in a more comfortable way." My Master said as he guided me out of the dining room. It wasn't a short walk from there to his bedroom, giving my mind plenty of time to wander, but no matter what I thought about my focus would always return to the bulges and sounds coming from his fluffy belly.

Soon enough we reached his room, though I had been in it before with the other maids, being along with my Master gave me feelings of anxiety and excitement. And with the sight of my Master dropping his robe onto the floor those feelings grow even stronger. Even just looking at him from the rear I could see just how toned he was beneath his short fur, far more than any pred I had ever seen before. Though as he laid on the bed, my attention refocused on his over foot long stiffening rod hanging between his legs.

It's a little embarrassing to say but before that night I had never been with a male of any species before. Yeah I'd dated a few futas and other girls back in college, but the fear that I'd end the night in a boy's belly instead of his bed made me far too hesitant to go out with any of them. Though at that moment, staring at his slowly hardening manhood, all thoughts of being devoured left my mind and were replaced by the growing lust deep within my loans.

"I know it must look irresistible," My master said shaking me from my own fantasies, "But I need you to give me a thorough belly rub before you can move onto nightly duties." Though my lust wanted me to focus on his building erection, my ears were quickly filled with the clear sounds of gurgling and lustful moaning. Drawing closer, I gingerly placed my hand onto the fur, squirming dome that was my Master's belly. The warmth and tautness were the first things I noticed as I gently rubbed his belly, almost like a water balloon filled with warm water. His fur was short but soft, clearly well groomed and manicured regularly. Though the biggest surprise for me was that even as this belly slowly softened under my hands the girl's moaning didn't seem to change. Yes it grew harder to hear over his belly's gurgling, but it was still clear that they were the moans of lust and pleasure, not the groans and whimpers of pain I had believed would eventually come. 'Could it really be possible for digestion to actually feel good?' The thought filled my head for so long I completely lost track of where and what I was doing. By the time I had woken from my little daydream my Master's belly had shrunken down quite a bit and was now completely soft. Our eyes locked as he gave me a deviant smile.

"It's time for your nightly duties~" And with those words from my Master I finally noticed his mighty shaft trying to impale my belly button. His throbbing manhood became my only focus as I took the shaft into my hands, its heat so fierce that I feared it would burn my palms. Though in spite of it I reacted almost on instanced, pulling the shaft into my C+ cup bare breasts. They were far from big enough to encircle it, but that didn't stop me from working them up and down his cock. Soon enough I found myself rapping my lips around the head of his manhood, quickly followed by the rest of it ramming its way down my throat. My pussy started to drip as my titty-fucking turned to face-fucking.

It wasn't long before I felt his seed filling my belly, up my throat, and out my nose and mouth around his shaft. My stomach had a noticeable bulge to it as I unsheathed his great sword from my throat, trying not to spill any more of his creamy cum. In my lust filled state it was all too easy for my Master to pull me onto his bed and mount me. There was no resistance from my body or mind as I felt his shaft fill my lower half, all I felt was absolute joy and lust. Though I had been with futas before, and used a few dildos in my time, none of them filled me up as much as my Master did. And it wasn't just the feeling of his cock reaching deeper in me then I ever thought possible, or the jackhammer-like pounding he gave me, but the feeling of total domination filled me with. A feeling that this lion completely owned me, mind, body, and soul, and could do whatever he wanted with me and I couldn't resist. Nor would I want to.

As the night went on, and the relentless fucking continued, my memories of that night start to blur. With the overwhelming feeling of lust and smell of sex in the room at the time, the whole thing feels more like a dream then anything else. And with all the cum shot my Master gave my that night swelling my belly to almost rival his own, it's quite understandable to see why. I'm told that after my Master finished with me Lady Joy helped me back to my room. And apparently I tried making a pass at her, which I can believe. I've done things like that more than once while drunk. Still it took most of the next day to get enough of Master's seed out of me for my belly to be manageable, but it still stuck out a bit for the next few days. Something that my Master seemed to enjoy.

Over the next five weeks my Master devoured seven more girls, all as voluptuous as the first, and subsequently fucked my brains out after everyone of them. Obviously, I quickly grew to love the rough animalistic sex, but surprisingly I slowly grew fond of the vore too. What at first filled me with dread and forced me to look away, now would inflame my loins and fill me with lust. I couldn't quite explain why it did or why I didn't fear it so much any more, maybe because it would always lead to amazing sex. But that was just an excuse to hide the fact that I was starting to warm up to the idea of vore, and even dream about it. I would often wake up in the night in a pool of sweat and fem-cum, my heart racing, body shaking, and my nipples as hard as diamond. Though it didn't help that as the weeks went by my body became so much like the gut-sluts that my Master was eating. I was just pushing past a D cup, and my butt was always sticking out from my skirt. Though this new body didn't really bother me, as it was quite clear that my Master very much loved seeing me like this. That thought always filled me with joy, and a little lust.

Finally the day came, the day that would change my life forever, one at the time filled me with a storm of emotions yet now fills me with overwhelming joy in both my heart and loins. It started like any other, the normal cleaning around the manor, gossiping with the other maids, masturbating to the memories of my Master's last meal, that is until Lady Joy interrupted me before I could climax.

"Ms. Baringson, Master Lowin has requested us for Special Service tonight." Lady Joy's face and voice were both quite stern, but she was still so very sexy in my eyes. "I expect you to be ready and meet me in Master's bed chambers in one hour." And with that the head maid turned and left, while I still lay among my pillows atop my bed, with one hand squeezing a breast and the other between my legs. Normally, the mere thought of Lady Joy's ass at such an angle would be enough to send me over the edge, let-alone seeing it so perfectly, but her words distracted me far too much. "What Special Service?..." I muttered to myself as I worked fast to finish. Nevertheless I managed to cum with just enough time to go get a fresh uniform and make it to my Master's room with a few minutes to spare.

Waiting in front of his door was Lady Joy, fidgeting as she looked upon the door, completely unaware of me coming up beside her. "Lady Joy?..." I asked, causing the sexy maid to jump and turn to me, her face red with fluster.

"You sure took your time!" Lady Joy snapped at me before clearing her throat and composing herself. "We mustn't keep the Master waiting." Though her face had turned back to the confident and controlling sexy mistress I knew and loved, the sight of her adorably red and flustered face would become one of my most treasured memories.

Quickly turning, Lady Joy knocked on the bedroom door, "Master Lowin, we have come to perform the Special Service for you." After a short moment of silence our master replied with a single word, "Enter". Once inside the all too familiar room we were met with our Master's elegant form draped only in an open blue velvet robe, showing off his massive throbbing erection to us both. Without a word both Lady Joy and I began kissing and licking the entire length of his shaft, with our Master resting his mighty paws atop our heads.

"You're been trained well my lovely little pets~" Master purred as he stroked the back of our heads. Both of us took the complement to heart, with Lady Joy working lower around his knot and gingerly massaging his balls, while I focused on the tip trying to deep-throat as much of it as I could. Soon enough we could feel his cock reading to release, prompting us to take our possessions to receive his gift. As our Master climaxed both Lady Joy and I's faces and cleavage were completely covered in his seed, just as Master likes it. We quickly lost ourselves in complete lust as we went about licking each other clean. Though it was still very early in the night, we were both fully lost to our lust.

As the Special Service continued our uniforms were quickly stripped piece by piece, we were fucked much harder than what I'd normally get after one of Master's meals, and our bellies were inflated with his cum and quickly deflated at least a dozen times through the night. It was well past midnight when I started to wake from my last sex coma, finding myself naked laying atop a still slightly cum-stuffed belly. At best I could pass for halfway through a normal pregnancy, rather than my usual three months over-do with triplets. Though looking over at Lady Joy's lovely cum-stained and cum-stuffed body laying ever so peacefully on her back, she could just pass for read-to-pop pregnant, which on any woman was very sexy, but on her it was so much more.

As I crawled over to her on my still full jiggling belly to have a bit of fun with her luscious breasts and belly, Lady Joy arose from her lust filled slumber. Sitting up, the woman I masturbated to almost every night gave me the warmest smile, that filled my heart to near bursting with love and happiness. "Well then ladies," We both turned to our Master, sitting on the edge of his bed, his softened rod well coated in a layer of our saliva. "I guess it's time to finish up the Special Service then~" Hearing this, Lady Joy shakily got to her feet, letting some of the Master's seed drip from her womanhood, before moving over to me.

"Come now Carina," Lady Joy cooed into my ear as she helped me to my feet, "It's time to show our love for Master with our final service of the night. She walked me over to the Master and presented him with both of my hands. A part of me deep down knew what was about to happen, but the happiness and lust of the entire night kept it well buried, because another part of me wanted to know what it felt like and if it was as amazing as I hoped it would be. As he took both my hands into his mouth I was overwhelmed with a feeling of terror and euphoria. The back of my mind was screaming at me to pull my hands away and that I don't want to die, but the thrill of ending up in Master's wonderful belly, overwhelming ecstasy of what awaits inside it, the endless cumming, it was all too powerful. I simply stood there, knees shaking, and a lustful grin on my face as I watched my Master work his way up my arms.

"How does it feel Carina?~" Lady Joy coos into my ear, "I know you've masturbated to vore quite a few times while living here~ I bet it's almost as many times as you've masturbated to me~" Her words help to thicken the lustful fog engulfing my mind.

"Yes!! I want the Master to eat me!!" I finally blurted out, more like a child caught in a lie than a sexual cry. Still Lady Joy smiled and let out a little giggle as she guided my head into Master's maw.

"It's okay sexy, you'll be getting all your sexiest wishes tonight~" And with those final words from her, my head was cut off from the rest of the world. I was now on a one-way trip to my Master's stomach, and I could not be any happier to do so. Rubbing my thighs together, I thought as my head slid deeper into his throat, if only I could finger myself the whole way down. But Master wanted me hands first, so I could only hope that he would take his time when he got to my pussy at least. Thankfully with what he always did with his usual meals and what he started doing to my tits as they entered his mouth, it was quite clear that Master would be "Thoroughly" enjoying every inch of me.

As my breast finally filled my Master's cheeks, he could not keep his tongue at bay any longer. He left no squire inch unlicked in his quest to squeeze every last bit of flavor out of me, making sure even my already hard nipples were on the edge of breaking at his endless tongue assault. All I could do was whimper and moan from deep within his throat, though I did feel that chewing he did on my tits was unfair. At that point I wanted to hold off on my next orgasm till Master had his tongue deep inside me. It felt only right to do so as my Master's latest meal.

Eventually the Master swallowed my breasts down his throat and began working on my round squish belly filled with his seed. Though the light chewing and licking of my tummy was quite wonderful, I was completely detracted from it. I gave all my focus to keeping what was left of his cum firmly locked away in my womb, after all I was now Master's cream filled treat! But that focus was completely shattered when my pussy came within reach of his tongue.

Though I've been eaten out by my Master quite a few times now, none of those times held a candle to the feeling of being eaten out while being eaten! To say it was mind-blowing would be quite the understatement, I came so hard at the feeling of his tongue that I think I lost almost half the cum he left inside me. But I can't be sure, because after that climax I kind of blacked out for a bit. I vaguely remember my head popping into his belly and his tongue on my feet, but I didn't really come too till I was fully curled up in his belly with Master's and Lady Joy's hands rubbing on my through his belly.

Sadly though as the lustful fog faded from my mind, the fear of where I was and what was about to happen started to come back. The thought that I was going to die in here, slowly and painfully, started to grip my mind, but the gentle rubbing from outside reminded me of something. All those times I would rub the Master's belly after a meal, not once did any of those girls complain of pain or death, only joy and pleasure. I know I was told by some many Prey-rights groups that digestion can only be painful and only masochists enjoy it, but how could all of those girls have been masochists? Besides, it really didn't matter much now, I'm not leaving my Master's belly after all, so I might as well make the best of it. So I sunk one hand as deep as I could into my pussy and the other went to work on my breasts. I'd make sure that my last moments were the best they could be, even if I painfully melt away.

As I built my lust back up in my new home, I lost all sense of what was happening around me, simply letting the gentle moments of Master's belly help me along to my next climax. Though fortunately the outside world butted it's way in, with a large amount of pressure and noise coming from above I turned to look up. I was met with Lady Joy's lips locking with my own in a deep and lust filled kiss, the likes of which I had never had before. The passionate kiss continued as she was forced to the belly with me, pushing me down and around till I had done a backwards somersault and she was completely inside. "I said all your fantasies would come true tonight~" Lady Joy cooed as she broke off the kiss and moved on to my nipples. "I always wanted a taste of you~ You make such a sexy maid~" I could do nothing but moan as she continued her lustful assault. For me this was truly a dream come true.

As the Master dragged his massive new gut onto his bed, Lady Joy and I continued our lustful little dance inside of it. We would constantly switch from one sexy position to another, from humping pussy into one another with bellies, breasts, and lips squeezed together, to the classic Sixty-nine pose eating each other's pussies out. As well as so many more that I wouldn't even know the names to. Inevitably as Master slept, his stomach began to work, and even in my fucked-out mind I feel it trying to churn us up. But as the aside seeped in, the pain that I was always told would be unbearable never came, only more pleasure. The feeling of my body slowly turning to goo was an all new high for me, one I could never hope to describe. What made it even better was that it became impossible to tell the goo from Lady Joy's body from the goo of my own, which only brought us that much closer together. My last thoughts were that of happiness, and the joy of being in my Master's belly with the woman I loved.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in some kind of sci-fi test tube bed thing, with Lady Joy sitting on the edge of the neighboring one in all her naked glory. But before I could fully enjoy the great view, a maid comes up to me and hands me a fresh uniform, then does the same for Lady Joy. As I proceed to dress myself, my mind starts to spin with thought of how and why am I here as the memories of the wondrous night before start flooding back. Though just as I finish Lady Joy comes up to me and gives me a quick pick on the cheek. "So how was your first time?~" Her seductive tone made my head spin even faster with questions. "I imagine that you're a bit confused." I give a naive nod. "Well our Master gets most of his wealth through investments. Especially in investing in new inventions." She turns and looks at the large steel column that the two tub bed things are attached to. "Like this prototype. It's capable of bringing people back after they're gulped. But it only works a few times. No one has come back more than ten times yet. Hence why it's still a prototype." It all became quite clear to me, and a sense of wonder overcame me. With this machine I could visit Master's belly several more times, maybe even ten more. It didn't even matter to me which one would be my last, as long as I can keep taking the plunge until the end, I'd be happy. Then a thought clicked.

"Lady Joy, how many times have you been through the Master's belly." She turns as red and flustered as she did the night before.

"Well... That was my tenth time... But If he asks me again I'd be happy to take one last final plunge into his belly." She smiles proudly through her blushing cheeks. "And I'd be even happier if you were there with me too~"

That night was almost three months ago now, Lady Joy has since taken that "final plunge" and I was lucky enough to be there with her. I very much love my new life as a Belly-maid for my Master, and thoroughly enjoy all the perks that come with it. Nowaday the others call me Lady Care and look at me as the new head maid, though I doubt I'd ever fill Lady Joy's shoes. I still do my best everyday and look forward to the day I'll take my "Final Plunge".

Neko EAT'S (Main Course)

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Neko EAT'S (Little Appetizer)

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Bunni Farm

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