Study Abroad

Story by JackTheManiac on SoFurry

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Tanner was at the gym, lifting weights and trying to process the whole thing with the bear last week, when he got a message that his best bud Declan is back in town. Racing across campus, Tanner rushes to meet up with his bud. He just misses a bro, right? Nothing more than that.

Tanner bounded up the steps taking them two at a time, his footfalls echoing in the stairwell. His keys jingled in the pocket of his gym shorts and he had to take a second to pull them up as the weight of his wallet and phone threatened to drag them down. A trickle of sweat ran down his spine, trailing down the crack of his ass. The stairwell was dark and cool in contrast to the heat and humidity outside and the sudden temperature change made him shiver. With his heart racing in excitement he pulled out his phone, double checking the apartment and floor number, yanking open the door and stepping into the hallway.

The dorms were quiet this time of day with people either sleeping off a hangover or actually heading to class. His sneakers didn't make a sound as he padded down the hallway looking for the right door. He'd been at the gym - it was chest and shoulders day - when his phone dinged with a message that sent him running. No time to shower, no time to do more than grab his gym bag and go racing across campus. Declan was back.

Room 422. Standing in front of the door Tanner took a deep breath, taking off his ball cap and running a hand through his sweaty headfur, trying to straighten it out. He kicked himself; he really should have showered and changed. The tank he wore was sweaty from the gym and the rest of him was a mess. The thought that Declan was back made him lose his senses. Dude had been gone for three months on some sort of foreign exchange thing. It had been too long.

Tanner knocked on the door and stepped back to wait, his heart pounding. It was hard to swallow, which was stupid when he thought about it. This was Declan, right? His bro. He just missed the guy is all. Still, after hitting up the arcade last week it was getting harder to ignore certain things. Tanner pulled out his cellphone to double check the room. This was the right floor, right?

The door opened and Tanner felt his heart climb into his throat. There stood Declan, the slim deer clad in a pink polo with the collar popped and a pair of golf shorts. What a tool. The deer's light brown fur was freshly brushed and the smell of his cologne hit Tanner's nose. His antlers look freshly trimmed, a pair of nubs to keep them from banging into anything, and his headfur was spiked with some sort of product. Gods he was a total pretty boy. Tanner couldn't help but break into a wide grin. Some things never change.

"Dude!" Declan said. Reaching forward he grabbed Tanner and pulled him into a hug, dragging him into the room. The dorms here were more apartments with a central living room and kitchen connecting the four bedrooms. His parents had pulled some strings, or tossed some money, to make sure he'd gotten in. The deer was half a head shorter than Tanner, lean, but he somehow managed to crush the breath out of him.

Decaln released the jaguar and shut the door, slapping him on the back. He grinned, shoving paws into the pockets of his shorts, and said, "It's been too long, bro! How you been? Gym as always, yeah?"

Tanner sniffed, his own sweat and musk in contrast to Declan's fresh scent. Damn it, he should have showered and changed. Declan was always showing him up. Scrubbing a paw over the back of his head, he looked down. "Yeah, sorry dude. I saw your text and came as soon as I could. My bad."

"Nah, nah it's not, you know, bad or anything," Declan said. The deer's nose twitched and Tanner swore he saw a blush. Declan cleared his throat and waved toward the kitchen. "You want anything? Water?"

"Sure, water is good." Tanner followed the deer into the kitchen, catching a bottle tossed toward him. He cracked the lid, his eyes drinking in Declan's body as the deer bent over. Tanner made himself look at the ceiling as he said, "So, you just got back, yeah? That's cool. Britain must have been legit. Bet Addi is gonna be thrilled to see you."

"Probably not. She was banging Bryce the week after I left," Declan said. He shrugged, tossing the lid to his own water bottle on the counter. Taking a drink, he continued, "So guess I'm a free agent again. Not bad, right? Plenty of chicks here."

"Sure man, sure. Got your eye on someone?" Tanner asked, taking a long gulp. He drained it and crushed the bottle, tossing it in the trash. Leaning forward on the counter, he edged closer to Declan, the small kitchen island separating them.

"Yeah, well, I got my eye on a few. You know how it is. Just have to pick one."

When he thought about it later, Tanner wasn't sure who kissed who first. One second they were leaning on the counter and the next he found himself grabbing Declan's shirt, holding him close with the deer grabbing the sides of his head. Their tongues intertwined, pressing against each other as they locked lips. Tanner yanked on the shirt and opened his eyes, finding Declan looking right back at him, the same shock he felt written on the deer's face. They pulled apart, walking around the island to embrace, kissing again.

Tanner felt the deer tearing at his tank top, yanking it over his head. The jaguar returned the favor, pulling off Declan's polo, tossing it into a heap on the floor. Tanner rested his paws on the deer's hips and found himself half pushing and half being pulled toward the counter. Delcan hopped up on it, wrapping his arms around Tanner's neck, looking into his eyes. Between kissing they spoke in a rush, filling words in.

"How'd it happen?" Declan asked.

"That adult book store down the street. Messed around with some bear. You?" Tanner replied.

"Pub while I was over there. Got drunk, met a guy. Made out, ended up going back to his place."

"Get fucked?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah same. How you want to do this?

"You fuck me, I fuck you next time? Cool?"


Tanner reached down and yanked down his shorts, stepping out of them and following Declan to the bedroom. The deer fought with the button on his shorts, cursing before he managed to get them off and toss them away. Damn he had a nice ass. The spotted fur highlighted both cheeks, just a little bit of bubble to them, perfect really. The deer turned around looking Tanner up and down, then rushing over and kissing at his chest, a paw stroking at his hip and side.

"Dude you've been killing it at the gym. What you pressing now?"

"Benching three hundred. Deadlifting like two seventy, trying to get that up. Gotta work on my squats."

"That's fucking sick, bro. I'm gonna suck your dick now."


Delcan dropped to his knees in front of Tanner, one paw resting on the jaguar's thigh, the other reaching up to stroke his cock. Tanner rested his hand on the back of Delcan's head, watching as the deer gave a nervous lick to the shaft. After a moment of hesitation the deer slowly went down on it, slowly taking the shaft into his mouth and bobbing on it. Tanner had certainly had worse head in his life, the deer only able to take about half the thick cock, but it wasn't too bad. Give head how you want to get head. Delcan stroked at the base of the shaft and gave a squeeze letting his tongue run along the underside of it. The deer slowly pulled back off of it, stroking his paw from the head to the base, jerking.

"It's, uh, not too bad down there is it? I didn't shower before I came."

"Dude, no way. It's amazing," Delcan said, blushing. "It's actually kinda hot."


Tanner looked around the room and edged his way over to the bed and sat down, spreading his legs leaning back. Declan followed over, grinning, going right back down onto the cock and bobbing away. The deer adjusted, one paw rubbing at Tanner's thigh, the other one lightly stroking at his sack. Alright, so it was pretty damn good head. Declan really knew how to use his tongue, sliding it along the underside of the shaft, teasing, the rough tongue rubbing at the sensitive skin. While he couldn't go all the way down on the thick cock, he was able to fit enough of it in.

Tanner grunted as Declan pulled off. Rubbing at the back of the deer's head, Tanner asked, "Damn dude, you really know how to work it. Sure you haven't done this before?"

"What can I say, I'm a natural. You ready for some more?"

"Fuck yeah. Got lube?"

"Course man, top drawer."

Hopping up on the bed Tanner shimmied his way up to the nightstand and pulled out a lube bottle. A half second later Declan was next to him, pressing their bodies together. Tanner took a second to pop open the bottle of lube, squirting some on his fingers before rolling over to face Delan. It was awkward at first as they started to make out, pressed chest to chest with Tanner trying to reach around for the deer's ass, but they figured it out. Sliding between the deer's spotted cheeks Tanner slid his lubed fingers into the tight hole, slowly working it. Declan's back went stiff for a moment before he relaxed, his hole unclenching to let Tanner's fingers slide in.

Tanner rubbed his chest against Declan, their lips pressed against each other as Tanner slowly pushed his fingers in and out. Declan relaxed, moaning, and Tanner felt the deer's cock grinding against him. Tanner felt around, hooking his fingers as he pushed into the deer, trying to figure out what he hit right, and what he hit wrong.

After long minutes Decland broke the kiss, pushing at Tanner's chest, huffing and looking the jaguar in the eye. "Dude, I can't take any more of this. Just fuck me already."

Tanner laughed, pulling his fingers out and wiping them on his discarded gym shorts. Grabbing the lube bottle he coated his cock, giving it a few strokes to spread it around. "You got it. How you want it?"

"Fuck me doggie. You always joked about the antlers being handlebars."

"Yeah, but you trimmed em down. Won't work for that."

"Sue me, it's molting season. They'll grow back this fall. You gonna fuck me or what?" Declan asked as he rolled over onto all fours, sticking his spotty butt up in the air.

Tanner laughed, giving the ass a slap. He stood on the edge of the bed, grabbing Decland's hips and pulling him back. Teasing the deer's hole with his cock he slowly pushed in, getting a loud moan in return. As Tanner pushed forward Declan pushed back, slowly sinking the jaguar's cock in. Declan only took a few inches at first, pausing and grunting loud before back off. The deer was breathing hard, huffing, before looking over his shoulder and giving a nod. Tanner grabbed the hips again, sinking deeper this time, working his way into the waiting deer hole.

This time they made more progress, well over half of Tanner's cock sinking in. It was slow going, but soon enough Tanner was pumping away, pushing forward as Declan rocked back into him. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh filled the room accompanied by Declan snorts and grunts, Tanner holding back.

Declan looked over his shoulder, panting. "You ok, dude? Awful quiet back there."

"Yeah, sorry. Just used to having to keep it down I guess."

"Fuck man, no one is here. Let loose."

Tanner grinned, letting out a grunt. That earned a laugh from Declan, and they soon got instead a steady rhythm. Tanner would slowly pull back before thrusting forward, Declan's hips pushing back to meet him. Each time they got faster, Declan loosening up, Tanner getting a little more confident with each stroke. Tanner hilted hard in Declan, earning a loud, appreciative moan from the deer, Tanner shuddering.

"I'm gonna cum, man. How you, uh, want me to do it."

"Do it in me. I don't wanna have to clean that up. Shower after this."

Tanner nodded and started to pump away harder now, slamming his hips forward. Declan bent down, pressing his chest to the bed, gripping the sheets, panting hard as Tanner slammed forward each time. Tanner grabbed the deer's hips, holding onto him, the deer unable to keep pace now as Tanner thrust hard and fast, sinking deep, rutting hard. Finally, with a loud howl that surprised even himself, Tanner came, shooting hard into the deer.

Panting hard, Tanner bent over the deer's back, one paw gripping onto a hip, the other supporting himself on the bed. Declan slid forward off his knees, laying face down on the bed and collapsing, drinking in lungfuls of air as he caught his breath. Tanner flopped down next to him, lying face up and looking at the ceiling trying to catch his own.

Tanner half rolled, looking over at the deer, "So, well, good to have you back, dude."

Declan laughed, looking over and propping himself up on his elbows.

"Yeah, well, good to be back and all that. So, uh, think this is going to be a regular thing."

"Depends how much you wanna skip class."

Tanner grinned, reaching back and feeling at his ass. "Long as I keep my grades up. Don't want the parents cutting me off. Now, let's hit the shower."

The deer rocked back on the bed and stood up, heading to the shower.Tanner lay back for a second, admiring the view before managing to get himself up off the bed. Yeah, it was definitely good to have Declan back in town.