Claude and Vladimir part 3

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#9 of Claude gay stories

The final part of Vlad and Claude's romance. Not all peaches and cream, but has my usual happy ending. Why do I always give my stories happy endings? Because life seldom does and I'm making up for it.

Vlad walks in. "Tiger hot piece, miss my Lion hot piece, want my mate now" Vladimir says softly. "Vladimir, I love you so much" I tell him in Russian. He holds me tightly. "Vlad love his Katya more than he have words for, Russian or English" he murrs in Russian. "Hate being too long gone from my Lion" he says holding my head in his paws and deep kissing me. "Your Lion hates being away from his Misha" I say softly. He's got a tear in his eye. "Vlad feel much love now" he says. And he pulls me to him and he lays on his back on our bed, and he puts my head on his massive chest. I turn the TV on. And I put on an old movie. Vlad kisses me. "Katya turn on captions for his Bear?" he asks. I open the TV's menu and I turn closed captioning on. "Vlad read English a bit easier' he says softly. I kiss him. "Katya no ask, just obey his Misha" Vlad says proudly. I nod.

We lay together for a while and watch the movie. He's gently stroking me as we lay by each other. "Want feel my Lion at my side, no keep paws off of Katya, Katya no mind?' he asks. "Katya doesn't mind, he loves feeling the touch of his Lord Bear" I say quietly. Vlad's got a big grin on his face now. "Misha be you Lord Bear?" he asks gently. "You are Misha, you are my husband now" I say quietly. He kisses me. "Katya listened to his Bear, mind his Bear, want belong to his Bear" Vladimir says happily. "I do" I say softly. I know what I'll do when we can.

"Vlad, we can't do it for a year, but I want to legally bond you" I say. "Katya want his Bear's name, want his Vlad to marry him?" he asks. "I do, Misha" I tell him. It reminds me of what Sergei said. I call Joe Iverson, Dad's lawyer and I tell him what happened and that I need a Security bond for Vladimir Mikhail Breshnikov" I tell Joe. "I'll have it to you by Monday, Claude, so you got a big Russian Bear did you?" Joe asks. "Claude, I just bonded too" he says. "I'm happy to hear it, who got you?" I ask.

"Claude, Sam fixed me up with a big Russian Siberian Tiger, Yakov Malikov" Joe says. "He's big, and he's got Gray hair and a thick Gray goatee and a really fat dick" I say softly. Joe laughs. "I forgot how you get around" he says. "I saw him at the gym, and he was trying to talk to someone and he couldn't find the English words and I helped him, and he gave me a royal fucking out of gratitude" I say laughing. "You're lucky, Joe, he's an amazing Tiger" I say happily. "He is" Joe says happily.

"Does Jim know yet?" Joe asks. "No, he's not home yet, which is surprising" I say softly. The intercom goes off. Alfred's calling dinner. Vlad jumps up. "Misha hungry" he says and he runs off before I can remind him to put shorts on. Oh well, let Alfred explain it. I put shorts on and I walk out to the dining room.

Alfred grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the kitchen. "I think I can let go of the restrictions, Claude, we can be clothing optional" Alfred says. I kiss him. "What brought that on?" I ask fighting to keep from laughing. . "Your Vlad came out naked, and when Manuel saw him naked without me fussing he stripped too, as did Rory and Yuri and then everyone was naked, it's time, Claude" he says smiling. I yank my shorts off. I kiss Alfred and I go out to the dining room. I smile. Yuri, Sergei and my Vlad are sitting next to each other and laughing and joking in Russian. I get a plate and sit between Nate and Nigel.

"He's gorgeous, Claude" Nate says smiling. "He is" I say happily. "He looks big when soft, how big is he hard?" Nigel asks 22" I say softly. "Good length but the fattest dick I've had" I say. Nate and Nigel smile. I know why, they'll get him as soon as they can. Vladimir loves being wanted and knowing I don't mind he'll oblige them when he can. Vlad's happy at being wanted sexually and he's happier knowing I want him to have others. Hell, I like watching him fuck other guys. My Misha loves feeling trusted and knowing I don't care. He'll not leave me, I know that deep in my heart and soul. He meant forever.

"Rory, Joe Iverson got bonded" I say happily. "Who got him?' he asks. "Yakov Malikov" I say smiling. "Big assed Gray haired Siberian" Rory muses. "He big Tiger, he got fat dick like Vlad" Yuri says smiling. Vlad blushes. "I called him to get a Security Bond for Vlad, I'll have it by Monday" I say. Vlad looks at me and he tears up. "Vlad know Katya love him" he murrs. "No ever want lose his Bear" he says softly. "I'm going to legally bond him in a year, Rory" I say quietly. "So you'll be Dr Breshnikov" Rory says smiling. "And proud of it" I say. Vlad's really tearing up now. "Katya proud of his Vlad, want his name badly" Vlad says. "I do, I am yours, Vladimir, and I want everyone to know it" I say quietly. Vlad murrs.

We eat and everyone seems happy and joyous now. Dad sits down. He's smiling at me, so I'm not too worried. "I want you to meet your new Father in Law, Misha, this is my Dad, James Kitman" I tell Vlad in Russian. "Dad this is Vladimir Breshnikov, my new bond mate" I say. "I know, Claude, Sam called me" he says. Sam nods. "I wanted him to know, I wanted to talk to Jim first, let him know about Vlad and that we thought he was perfect for you" Sam says softly. I smile at Sam. I know he did it because he knew we loved each other, and my Sam loves me too, he wants us happy. He obviously likes Vlad too. He respects how masculine he is and that he's going to be the boss. He's that way with Oscar as much as Oscar will let him be. And Vladimir has already told Sam he won't keep us apart, that Sam can still be with me when he wants, and if I cater to my Bear he doesn't care if I cater to Sam too. Vlad likes Sam and he's happy that Sam and Oscar cared enough to look out for him and got us together.

"Claude, it did help, I know how much Sam and Oscar love you, and they set you up to bond Vladimir" Dad says. I look stunned. Oscar laughs. "You've done it so much for others, and we knew we'd do it for you, he was perfect for you, we knew all we needed to do was bring him to your attention." Oscar says. "We put the idea of how well suited he was for you into your head and then got the two of you together." Oscar adds. "I wanted to fuck you like I do, but Oscar and I had decided since Vladimir was there, we'd go ahead and get you two together, and he went and got Vladimir to come to the office while we fucked." Sam says smiling. "Vlad wasn't sure he should interfere with you guys fucking, so I had to get Grigori Petrovitch to explain to Vlad that we wanted him to meet you, that we thought you two would get together" Oscar says happily. "That Big Clydesdale was happy to help, he likes Vladimir too, Claude" Sam says. "Plus you got him his Jake and he was happy to help Vlad get you" Sam adds. I smile.

Grigori is as sweet natured as Yuri and Sergei and an amazing Horse top. Jake Mathews is a little Lynx, who's as good of a bottom as I am. He couldn't work up his nerve to go to Grigori. So I intervened by introducing them. He was also afraid of Grigori's massive 24 inch Horse Cock, til I showed him how easy they are to take, and how good and gentle of a lover Grigori was. I laid on my back in the locker room and got Grigori to fuck me in front of Jake. Watching us made Jake see Grigori wouldn't hurt a bottom with that massive Horse Cock and made him want it badly. I'd had Grigori's huge Horse Cock many times before so it was easy for me to take him. When Grigori pulled out of me, Jake begged him to fuck him. And when Grigori did they bonded. Grigori was so happy when Jake fainted. And they love each other so much it makes me happy to see them. Grigori was always a fairly happy and cheerful Horse, but our big Russian Clydesdale is practically walking on air theses days.

Grigori's another one I got a Security Bond for. His brother was with the Russian Mafia and got deported and Grigori was not but was being investigated and threatened with deportation too. We'd fucked hard like we do. Afterwards, he cried and told me about it, Sam had told him I could and would help if he'd just go to me. I stroked his mane and I told him not to worry, that I didn't want him to be taken from us.. So I had Joe Iverson call INS and we got it straightened out. And I got him a Security Bond so he could stay here. He's a good Clydesdale and he deserved to have things straightened out. (Grigori is another male I tried to bond and didn't. I'd of been his Mare happily.)

I'm touched that Grigori was so willing to help me. And I know how I'll thank him next time I see him. I'll ride that big Horse Cock of his until those huge Equine balls are drained completely. He loves how I ride him. "Horse tell Vlad, Bulls want him meet Lion, think Lion one for Vlad" Vlad says smiling. "Katya so beautiful, Vlad hardly believe his luck changed so" he says softly. I kiss my Big Bear. We all eat. Vlad's got a big appetite. He's holding my paw when he can. But he's so happy. Sergei whispers to me. "Vlad no always have food, Vlad sometimes have choose rent over food" Sergei says. And he never said a word to me. He's such a joyous Bear now. And I think about what Alfred said about his life not turning him bitter. I know in my heart now, I'll give my Bear anything and everything he could want. He'll have the best life I can give him.

"Vlad, when we're done we could go get your truck" I say quietly. Vlad smiles. "We get truck tomorrow, want my Lion tonight, want much love my Katya" he murrs. "We get truck and clothes tomorrow, Katya" he murrs. I smile. His eyes are full of his love and passion for me. And I kind fall for him all over again. Dad's smiling at me. "You're looking at him like Harry looks at me" Dad says smiling. I nod. I can barely speak when my Grizzly fixes his beautiful Blue eyes on me as he is doing now. And I start to purr, loudly at that too. Vlad looks so proudly at me, he knows he made me purr.

Harry leans over and whispers to Dad. Dad grins. "I'd of liked to have seen that" Dad purrs. "Vlad, I sometimes fuck my Boy, will you let him have me?" Dad asks. Vlad smiles. "Want watch, Big Lion sexy and masculine, want see him take my Katya" Vlad murrs. Rory's laughing. "He turned Teddy's ass inside out too" Rory says laughing. "He got hot watching me fuck Claude" Rory says grinning. "Big Bear hot for his Lion brother" Vlad murrs. Rory grins.

Nate kicks me under the table. "You two had the Russians while I was gone, I should get him tonight" Nate says. I smile. I whisper to Vlad in Russian. He grins. "Snow Meow want Katya's Bear?" he asks. Nate nods. Vlad's making deep eye contact with Nate. He does it to me and it's intense. "We fuck after dinner, want spend night with my Katya" Vlad says kissing my paw. "If you want him, or him and Nigel" I say softly. Nigel grins. "My best friend" he says happily. "Katya let his Bear have Snow Meow and Badger?" Vlad asks. "I want you happy, big Bear, I know you're mine, you gave that big Ursine heart to me" I say smiling. Vlad leans over and kisses me. "Katya want his Bear happy" he murrs. And he kisses my paw. We finish eating. (Vlad tells me later in bed how much it thrills him that I not only am OK with him fucking others but that I want him to, he loves doing who he wants and feeling trusted by me. And to know I am aware that he'll never leave me for anyone else.)

"Who first?" Vlad murrs, at the end of dinner. Nate and Nigel look at each other. "Vlad take you both at once' he murrs and he picks them up and slings one over each shoulder. He whispers to Yuri. Yuri's ears twitch. Yuri picks me up out of my chair. "Vlad want Yuri to keep his Katya from being lonely" Yuri says happily. Rory's laughing. "They'll trade you guys amongst each other like they did earlier" he says laughing. "Won't hear me complain, my Vlad, or my loving Sergei or my beautiful Yuri" I say happily. Sergei's ears twitch. And Yuri's grinning. And he carries me to my bedroom. Sergei whispers to Harry. And I know Papa Harry's gonna get some Donkey dick while I am with Yuri.

Yuri's smiling at me."Brother right, Russians love their mates, Vlad give Katya to his Bull and Donkey brothers when they want" Yuri says. "Yuri know Katya want his Bull" Yuri says. "I could never say no to you when you wanted me, Yuri, and I always want you, and Sergei as well" I say quietly. "Yuri know, Katya love his Bull and his Nate" he murrs. "Katya happy to share his Bear with my Snow Meow" Yuri murrs. "He's something else, Yuri, you Russians spoil your mates, I saw how Sergei loves Nigel and how you love Nate, and I had to have a Big Russian male of my own" I say softly. Yuri's ears twitch. "Vlad love Katya much, he happy now, he have rough life, Katya spoil his Bear, Vlad be happy from now on" he says. "He cry when he know Katya want bond him legally, Katya want his Bear's name bad" Yuri says. "Would you and Nate do it with us if I pay?" I ask. "Katya want Nate bond his Bull?" he asks. "I do, Nate adores you, and I know how much you love him" I say quietly. "He be Nate Petrov, make Yuri much happy" Yuri says."I'm gonna ask Nigel and Sergei to do it too, and we'll all go somewhere nice on a honeymoon" I say smiling. Yuri's got tears in his eyes. "Katya always so good to his Russians" Yuri says softly. "You guys have been good to me too, Yuri, you've loved me and kept me from being lonely, my life would be so sad without my Russians, even before I got Vlad" I say softly. "Whenever my life went bad, my Russian Bull and Donkey were always right there to comfort me" I say gently. Yuri kisses me.

"Want Katya much now" he murrs. And he lays on top of me. His big Bull dick poking into my belly. We kiss a while. He's such a tender lover. His kisses light me up a lot. He's stroking my body and petting me. "Love Katya's body, feel good under Yuri's hands" he says softly. "Nate's a lucky guy" I whisper. Yuri smiles.

He pushes my legs up and he very gently pushes his big Bull dick into me. I moan as he slips up me. "Katya tight, feel good" he moans licking my neck. I wrap my arms and legs around his big Bull body. "Love how Katya cling to his Bull" Yuri murrs. I start moaning as Yuri takes long and deep strokes in me. I love how Yuri fucks. He's as gentle as Vlad is rough. And Sergei is kind of inbetween. But my Russians are great lovers. Yuri's really lighting me up now. Slow and gentle is the way Yuri fucks. Slow and deep. And we keep kissing . "Yuri cum in Katya' he murrs. I clamp down on his dick with my ass. Yuri bellows and I feel him flaring and dumping his usual huge load up me. Panting he deep kisses me.

He rolls off of me and he holds me tightly against his chest. "Katya love his Russian Bull" he says softly. "I do, Yuri, so much I can't tell you sometimes, you're so big hearted, and you'd do anything for those of us you care about" I say. "Vlad told me what you'd done for him, he loves you too, Yuri, as much as I do" I say softly. Yuri grins softly. "Poor Vlad taken advantage of, try help, he good Bear, glad Sam and Oscar get him with Katya, Katya be good to him, love him much, as he love his Yuri" he says softly.

Sam walks in. "Claude, Vlad wanted me to tell you he's done with Nate and Nigel and he'd promised Oscar he'd take him, and he'll be back to you shortly" Sam says softly. Yuri kisses me. "Go find my Nate" he says joyously. "I love you Yuri" I say quietly. Yuri's ears twitch. "Yuri know, Katya love his Bull as much as his Bull love him." he says and he runs out.

"You do love those Russians so much" Sam says. "Or maybe I'm just partial to Bulls" I tease him. Sam kisses me. "Claude, I need to talk to you" he says quietly. I look into his eyes. "You look serious" I say. "It is, Claude, we're having trouble, the building's owner is wanting to sell and if I can't buy it he'll sell it to someone who wants to tear the building down and put up condos, my lease gives me first right to buy the building" Sam says. "I didn't want to ask you for the money but I can't raise that much money on my own, we've tried already" Sam says quietly. I kiss Sam.

I get up and go to my desk. "How much?" I ask. Sam looks surprised. "Sam, there isn't enough money in the world to repay you for all you've done for me, nor for all you are to me, Oscar too, and that's even before thinking of how you got Vlad and I together" I say. "It's a lot, Claude" Sam says looking at the floor. "Sam, I know you have to remember what I told you when the building needed repairs and the landlord wouldn't do them." I say quietly. Sam tears up and nods. "That you'd give me every penny you had if it meant keeping the gym running, just because it means so much to me and Oscar" Sam says softly. "I love you that much, Sam, anything and everything I have if need be" I say quietly. And I take Sam's hand. Sam kisses my paw.

"I'm amazed at how much you love this old Bull at times" Sam says softly. "We keep saying it, do we have to, I love and need my big Cuban Bull, and I want him happy with his Baby Bull, no need to keep repeating it, mi amo" I say. "How much?" I ask. "He wants $10 Million for the building" Sam says softly. I kiss Sam. I punch in the numbers in my phone, a number set up by my financial adviser. "Sam" I say showing him the phone. "Shit" Sam moans. "You have that much now?" he asks. I smile. "$735 Million, mi amo" I say. "I'd give it all to you and Oscar if you needed it, I love you way more than that much, Sam" I say. Sam kisses me. He's weeping softly. I write a check for $15 million. "Use the rest to fix up the gym how you want it, or keep it for repairs" I say smiling. Sam kisses me. He takes the check and he walks off weeping. I know how he is. He's so proud, but he knows I did it because of how much I love him and Oscar. And I know what that gym means to both of them. Sam would die without his beloved gym, his life would have no meaning. And if he buys it with the money I gave him it will always be his and Oscar's and he knows that's why I did it.

Animals tell me they don't understand how me, and Rory and Dad think of money. But I find frequently I don't understand how everyone else thinks of it. And they get so emotional over it, it's just us doing for those we love. Rory or Dad would have done the same thing for Sam and Oscar. We all love our Hispanic Bulls that much. They're family to us. Sam's embarrassed now. He knows how much I love him, and that I gave it to him gladly. But the money seems to have hurt his pride somehow. I'll have to wait a few days and talk to both him and Oscar about it. He's not upset with me, he's just embarrassed at me giving him money.

Jonas tells me Sam really responds to concrete proof of how much he's loved, and I know he's overwhelmed right now. I have to keep in mind that my Cuban Bull was once a poor Calf living on the streets of Havana scratching out a living until he discovered weight lifting. He was helped a lot by his first weight lifting Coach. And for all of his success as an Olympic Power lifter and now a Gym owner. He's still at heart a poor Bull. They make good money from the Gym, but since they've been living with me their needs are taken care of by me. They love being here and I'd never want Sam or Oscar to leave me, but Sam's sometimes tender about money. He fought me when I bought him and Oscar matching Trucks. Oscar is less proud, and he convinced a recalcitrant Sam to accept them. By them both having good transportation it makes it easier for them to cover the gym when they have to. Oscar knows it was simply that and my love for my Hispanic Bulls is why I did it.

It's all so unnecessary to me. Vlad doesn't seem that way though. I'm glad of that. Oscar isn't that way either, he's not mercenary but Oscar understands me a bit more. He told me once he knew it was the same as him loaning a builder $20. Just that the amounts I have to give those I love are a lot higher. But to Sam it's concrete proof of just how much I do love him. And he's kind of awed over it, and it does embarrass his pride a bit to feel he had to come to me for it. He'll calm down soon enough and we'll talk.

I get up and go to the kitchen. Manuel and Alfred are sitting at the kitchen table. I kiss them both and get a Diet Pepsi out of the fridge. "You look happy, Claude" Manuel says. "I am, I'm loved and my honest Russian Grizzly will never leave, no more than you could ever leave our Alfred" I say leaning over and kissing him again. Manuel grins. His ears twitch. Alfred smiles at me. "Katya" I hear loudly. "Misha, whats wrong?" I holler in Russian. "I come, Katya" I hear and Vlad's walking quickly into the kitchen. "What's wrong, Misha?" I ask again in Russian. "Miss my Katya, happy with others, but need my Lion' he says holding on to me tightly. Manuel and Alfred smile at us.

"Want drink" he asks. I point to the fridge. "Misha have beer?" he asks. I nod. He gets one and he's one happy Grizzly. "Come Katya" he says and he takes my paw. We go out to the living room. Sergei has Nigel curled up in his lap and they're watching a builders competition on ESPN. Vlad sits and pulls me into his big lap. He's naked and happy as are Sergei and Nigel. "He's an amazing lover, Claude" Nigel says smiling. "I know, or wait, did you mean Vlad too" I say. Sergei grins. Vlad kisses me. "Badger much happy with Vlad's fuck" he says proudly. "I am too, and I love how Yuri and Sergei fuck, we're very happy with our Russian mates" I say kissing Vlad. Vlad murrs. "Quiet now, we watch TV" Vlad says pulling me against his big chest. I lay my head on his shoulder and he's one happy Ursine. After a bit Yuri and Nate come in. Yuri sits with Nate in his lap. We're all pretty happy now. And I doze off in Vlad's lap with my head on his shoulder. "Katya relaxed" I hear Sergei say. And I"m out.

I wake up in bed. Vlad's next to me holding me tightly. And he's watching a movie. "Katya fall asleep in his Bear's arms" he says proudly. "Katya like spending time with his Misha?" he asks. "I do, the more I'm with you, the more I want to be with you"I say quietly. Vlad grins. "Make love to Katya then we sleep" he murrs.

Vladimir kisses me and rolls on top of me. "Want just cum in Katya" he begs. "Take me as you wish, my Lord Bear" I say quietly. Vlad grins. "Katya mind his Bear so well, make Vlad much happy" he murrs. And he pushes his fat Ursine dick up me and begins to fuck me hard and fast. I moan as he works my ass. I growl and clamp down on his fat dick with my ass. He growls happily. "So tight, Katya grip his Bear" he moans. He's close now, I can see it in his eyes. "Cum for me, Misha, breed your Lion" I beg him Vladimir roars loudly and convulsing on top of me his thick Grizzly cum spurts up me hard. "Katya want his Bear's cub

" he pants hard. "Vlad, I never knew I could be this happy" I say leaning up and kissing him. He's murring very loudly now.

He rolls off of me and he holds my head to his chest. "Katya love be with his Misha" he says happily. I nuzzle his chest. "Katya, you Misha hold you tight while we sleep, no mind?" he asks. "I was hoping you would, Vlad" I say softly. "Vlad, I love how you touch me, I love being in your arms, and/or at your side" I tell him in Russian. He grins. "Katya all his Misha could want" he says grinning. "We sleep, Katya get comfortable" he says in his 'obey me' voice. I pull the covers back and I snuggle into my pillows and Vlad wraps himself around me tightly. His big legs lock around mine and he holds me tightly. He rests his muzzle on my shoulder. And he kisses me. And he's out. He has a low, gentle snore. I lay my head down and I sleep. My first night with my Ursine life mate.

I wake up in a bit. Vlad's talking in his sleep. And he's upset. He's talking about something bad that happened to him. And I begin to see what neither Sergei nor Yuri would tell me. He was badly hurt by someone he loved, who took major advantage of him, ran off and took what little money Vlad had, after Vlad brought them both over here from Russia, and it broke his heart. And made him terrified that he'd be deported for 'lack of support'. The INS uses that to get rid of immigrants they think just want to come here and get on Welfare. And his pain comes through so clearly as he's telling me how things went. I'm not surprised he couldn't tell me. And has to tell me in his sleep Vlad's weeping a lot as he talks.

I know now why he's so insistent with me at times. Why he has to know where I am most times, That he has to know that I'm not going to abandon him. And why he's so happy I'm so obedient to him. He feels safer if he feels he is in control of me. And he knows I will support him if he wants me to, it's why he's not bothered by me doing for him. It makes him more comfortable with me for some reason.. He's awake now, and I can feel his tears on the back of my mane. I fake sleep. I really don't know how to help him now to be honest. I don't want to hurt his pride any more than it's already been hurt by his ex. And it renews my desire to give my Russian Grizzly anything he would want.

"Know you awake, Katya" he says quietly. I open my eyes. "Misha hurt now, need his Lion" he says so very softly. I turn and I kiss him. "I'll do anything I can for you, anything my Misha needs" I say softly. "Love Misha, no leave Misha, you tend Misha good, you give Misha you big heart already" he says weeping gently. "Misha, I'd give you anything you ever wanted or needed" I say softly. "You didn't want me for my money, but I want you to quit working for a while, I want my Misha to recover from what he did to you." I say quietly.(He doesn't go back to work at all, and when we legally bond, he won't agree to take the half of my money it entitles him to, but he does agree to take a couple of Million. I give it to him gladly. I'd do anything for my Bear. I'm so thrilled to be Dr Breshnikov. Vlad is so proud I wanted his name. When we get the paperwork signed by the judge, Vlad tells me he's finally able to let go of what his ex did to him. He knows I'll be his forever. And he's a really happy Grizzly now.

He's stroking my face. "No ever be loved like Katya love" he says kissing me. I turn in his arms and I hold him very tightly to me. He's relaxing. "Hold Misha" he begs. And I do. I put his head on my chest and I slow stroke his muzzle. He's murring now. "Hard for you Misha admit he need comfort" he says softly. "I will be to you whatever you need, Misha" I say softly. He wraps his legs around mine. And he puts his big arms around me. "Love you Misha always" he says looking into my eyes. "I couldn't not love you, Vlad, we'll be together as long as we both live, I can see it everytime I look into your eyes" I say quietly. Vlad smiles gently. I stroke his muzzle and he's relaxing. "I need you to be happy, Misha, I can't be happy if my Bear isn't happy" I say softly. He grins.

"Misha feel shame he fooled by one who lie when say he love Misha" he says. "Happens to us all at one time or another" I say nuzzling Vlad's face. "I do love you, Misha, I will until I take my last breath" I tell him in Russian. He weeps and he holds me tighter. "Need my Katya so much, he love much, he need his Bear too, Vlad want be needed" he says. "I do need you Vlad, and I always will" I say quietly. "I wish you or Sergei or Yuri would have told me, at the time, I'd of helped you even if I hadn't fallen for you like I did" I say quietly. Vladimir looks into my eyes. "Katya help Grizzly even if he no mate?' he asks. "I would have, like I'm helping Sam and Oscar keep their gym, or I got Boris Ivanovitch a bond so he wouldn't be deported" I say quietly.

"Big Lion tell Vlad he get bond, he no know who get him bond, only know Sam give him papers, mean he stay always" Vlad says softly. "I like him, I wanted to help, credit isn't necessary" I say softly. "Boris good Lion, much loved by those he know, he need know Katya get him bond" Vlad says. I look at him. "Vlad tell Boris at gym next time, he be happy, he sad he no know who care enough to help him" Boris says in his 'firm' tone of voice. "Yes, Misha" I say softly. "Good Katya, mind his Bear" Vlad says softly. "We sleep now, wake in morning always take Katya" he murrs and he turns me back to my side.

Vlad wraps his big arms and legs around me and holds me to him. And we go back to sleep. He'll lay his muzzle on my shoulder. He'll always do that, or he'll lay on his back with my head on his chest and hold me tightly to him as we sleep. "I'll never leave you, Vlad" I tell him as we drift off. He murrs.

I wake in the morning to Vlad on top of me. He's fucking me very gently. "Katya awake" he murrs. I lean up and kiss him. "Want cum in Lion' he murrs and I feel him tensing on top of me and i can feel his Ursine cum spurting up me. "Love my Lion much" he says kissing me repeatedly. He rolls off of me and I get up and go pee. I sit on the bed when I come back. He's grinning. "Love spend night with my Katya," he says happily. "I loved feeling you wrapped around me, Misha" I say. He murrs loudly.

"Vlad hungry, want breakfast, Katya" he says standing up and taking my paw. I stand up and he walks us to the dining room. He sits and I fix his coffee and he kisses me. He points to what he wants and I fix his breakfast plate and give it to him. Vlad kisses me.. Dad's grinning. "Got him trained already, Big Bear" he says smiling at Vlad. "Katya want please his Bear much, make his Bear much happy" Vladimir murrs. Dad's laughing. Harry gets up and gets Dad more coffee and Dad kisses him. "Good, you can help me train Harry, Vlad" Dad says smiling. Vlad grins. "Papa Lion like his Bear son?" Vlad asks. Dad grins. "I do, I only have to look at Claude to see how happy he is to have you, Vladimir" Dad says. Rory's grinning too. "Nice to have a Grizzly of your own" he says kissing Teddy. "It is, and I know mine will love me as much as yours does you, Rory" I say happily. Teddy murrs.

"It's kind of funny how both of my boys went for big Grizzlies" Dad says teasingly. Vlad grins. "Katya want me, beg Vlad take him, faint first time his Misha kiss him, wanted Vlad for good" Vlad says smiling deeply. "I did, I wasn't dumb, hot, sexy, and dominant, but so loving, Misha, you were all I could want, I had to take you right off, couldn't risk you getting away from me" I say. Rory laughs. Vlad looks into my eyes. I purr as he does. "Katya love his Misha so" he says. And I can't stop purring now. He reaches up and gently strokes my face. And I purr harder. Yuri and Sergei look so happy for us. They, unlike me, know the whole story of how rough Vladimir's life has been so far. And they know me well enough to know how hard I'll work to make him happy and give him all he could ever want.

Nate's smiling. "You just love having a Russian male of your own, and I hope you'll be as generous with yours as I've been with mine" he says laughing. Yuri grins. I kiss Nate. "Vlad knows he can have him some Snow Leopard ass when he wants it" I say laughing. Sergei and Yuri are very happy now. Nigel looks tired. "He kept me up all night, he's happy, he had you and Nate and Vlad's living here now, a happy Sergei is a horny Sergei" Nigel says yawning. I smile. I kiss Sergei. "He only is hot for you because he loves his Badger so" I say. "Da, Katya know, Donkey love and need his Badger much" Sergei says. Dad's grinning. He's very fond of Nigel, and he likes Sergei. He loves how deeply Sergei loves Nigel. And Dad's very close to Yuri. He loves our hard working industrious Bull. He's like a son to Dad. And being an orphan he loves how fatherly Dad is to him.

"Yuri, Vlad wants a truck like yours, I thought we'd go get it today and get him some clothes at that Big Animals store, do you or Sergei need any clothes?" I ask. "Da" Yuri says smiling. "Sergei need too" he says. "Rory?" I ask. He nods. "I'll give you a list" he says. Teddy looks at him. "Claude buys most of my clothes for me, his taste is better than mine" Rory says. "Well, except in terms of a mate, I think you did as well as I did" I say smiling. Teddy and Vlad grin. "Katya love his Grizzlies" Vlad murrs. "I do" I say getting up and kissing Teddy and Vlad. I get Vlad more coffee while I'm up. He kisses me. He loves how I wait on him and cater to him.

Sam stumbles out to the dining room. I pour him a cup of coffee and hand it to him. He nods and kisses me. And sits. "He's not much before he's has his two or three cups" I tell Vlad. Vlad smiles at Sam.

"Claude, Oscar's not feeling well" Sam says softly. I get up. "I'll go check on him" I say quietly. Oscar, like Sam is almost never sick. If he's not wanting to get out of bed he must be sick. Sam knew I'd go look at him. He knows I love Oscar too, and he likes having a Doctor to tend his 'Baby Bull'. If I wasn't up or home he'd of gotten Rory or Nigel to look at Oscar for him. I get my Black Bag out of the bedroom. And I go to Sam and Oscar's room. Oscar looks pale and he feels warm. I do a quick exam on him. 'I'm not that sick" he says sulkily. "I think you've got the flu, stay down and I'll have Alfred bring you a tray and keep an eye on you, Oscar" I say quietly. "Sam will be upset, I can't help him with the gym" Oscar says sadly. "He'll be fine, he loves his 'Baby Bull' he won't want you working if you're sick, but I'll go talk to him Oscar, please stay down, you'll get well faster" I say kissing his forehead. Alfred brings a tray in for him.

I go back to the table. "He's got the flu, Sam, he needs to spend the next few days in bed" I say softly. Sam smiles at me. "He's afraid I'll be mad because he can't help me at the gym?" Sam asks. I nod. Sam knows his Oscar as well as Oscar knows Sam. "I'll close it, I will go down and put your check in my bank and go make the arrangements for buying the building and put up a note on the door, I want to take a few days off and look after my sick little 'Baby Bull'" Sam says. I kiss him. "I knew you would, you love Oscar so much" I say. Sam gets up and goes into their room.

Sam comes back out after about 15 minutes. "He cried that I'd close the gym to tend him after I buy the building" Sam says smiling. "He forgets sometimes how deeply his Bull Daddy loves him" I tease Sam. Sam kisses me. "No more than Vlad would do for you" Sam says happily. Vlad nods his agreement.

I go give Oscar some Tylenol and he's happy. "I knew he'd not be mad at you, he wants you well" I say smiling. "He loves me, but he really loves his gym, but he loves me more" Oscar says weeping. I hug him. I leave him to rest. I'm glad Oscar's not badly sick. And Sam's not upset anymore about the money obviously. Oscar is just as happy as Sam is that I gave them the money. He'll tell me that soon, but he knows I did it because I love them so much and he won't risk embarrassing me.

I go to my bedroom and I shower and dress casually. It's Friday and I took off. I'll have today and the weekend to be with my Vlad. He comes in happy and grinning. "Bull and Donkey come with us, want get clothes and help Vlad pick his truck" Vlad says happily. I hug him. Rory comes in and gives me a list for him and Teddy and Sam.

"We'll get the clothes first and then your truck "I say. Vlad kisses me. "Vlad's Lion want to please his Bear much" Vlad says smiling. "Vlad, after what you told me I'm even more determined to give you the best life together we can have" I say kissing him. Vlad smiles. "Katya want make his Bear happy, make up for how bad he treated once" he says softly. I hug him. And he holds me tightly. "Vlad, you're such an honest and loving Grizzly, and you never let any of what happened to you turn you bitter" I say. "Vlad hold on to hope one day he be loved truly, like Katya love him now" he murrs. I'm tearing up a bit. "Katya no cry" he says stroking my mane. I can't stop. He looks into my eyes and smiles at me. "Katya swear he mind his Lord Bear" he says nuzzling my face. I stop crying. I feel so much love and comfort from my Grizzly.

Sergei and Yuri come in, they're happy and they hug us both. We go to my car. And we go to a local Big Animal's shop. And I spend time picking out stuff for Teddy and Rory and Sam. Sam's easy to buy for. His coloration means he can wear so much and look great. As long as it's comfortable for him. And he needs mostly shorts and t shirts and tank tops. Now that we are going naked at home he won't wear much else. He has a suit already for if we all go somewhere nice. And Sam looks amazing dressed up. Teddy needs mostly jeans and decent shirts for when he's running the bar. Rory has dress suits for work. He needs mostly business casual stuff. We'll wear that stuff to the office at times.

And Sergei and Yuri and Vlad find their own stuff. I hear a conversation in Russian. Vladimir's balking about buying so many clothes and Sergei and Yuri are telling him it's what I'd want him to do. I walk over and I tell him they're right. And he kisses me and buys more stuff. He's so happy as are Sergei and Yuri now. "No ever just buy what want" Vlad says with a tear in his eye. "You will now, Misha" I say softly. "Your Katya said he'd give you anything you wanted" I tell him firmly in Russian. He grins. And he kisses me. "Katya just want his Misha happy" he says smiling.

We go pay, and they're surprised at the total. Me, I don't care, I just want my guys happy. The clerk's odd look turns to a big grin when I pull out my Platinum Visa card. She smiles at us when Vlad kisses me. Sergei carries the packages out and we put them into my trunk. Vlad hugs me. "Katya love his Bear much" he says. Sergei and Yuri hug him. "Katya do anything for his Russians, but love his Bear much" Yuri says. We get in my car and I drive us to the Ram dealership. Sergei and Yuri and Vlad go looking for Vlad's truck. I know they love being together. And they're having a great time looking at the trucks. I hear someone yelling at them. I walk over that way rather quickly.

A big Rhino is fussing at them. My guys look puzzled as he's yelling at them in English and I'm not sure they understand what he's saying. I do.. The Rhino's mad as Hell. I walk over to them quickly and I'm really mad. They were having a good time and just looking at the trucks helping Vlad decide what he wants. . "Is there a problem here?" I ask the Rhino. "They shouldn't mess with these trucks, if they're not going to buy" he snarls. "I see" I say. "Come on guys, we'll go somewhere else and I'll buy you your truck, Misha" I snort. A big Siberian Tiger walks over and hugs me, he'd been watching us too. But it's because he knows me.. "Claude, here to buy another truck?" he asks. "Jim, I'm not sure, this asshole was yelling at my guys, so I might just go elsewhere if he can't treat my mate and my friends properly" I say softly. "Dr Kitman, don't go away, especially not as mad as you are, I'll take care of you like I did for your Big Bull's truck" Jim says softly. The Rhino glares at me. "Dr Kitman?" He asks. "Yes, I am, I am Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II, and I came to buy my Russian Grizzly mate the truck he wanted" I say firmly. I'm really mad now, and the fire in my eyes is obvious to everyone. Jim's snickering. "Bob, Dr Kitman is a multi millionaire" Jim says laughing. Vlad's looking at me. The Rhino is looking freaked.

"Jim Morris, this big Grizzly is my Bond Mate, Vladimir Breshnikov" I say smiling. Jim shakes Vlad's paw. "You always did like your big guys, Claude" he says. "Yuri, are you enjoying your truck?" Jim asks him. "Da, Yuri love his truck, much happy with it" Yuri says grinning. The Rhino skulks off. "He's not very friendly" I say calmly. "He's a bit overeager, Claude" Jim says.

"He's had to deal with kids vandalizing the lot at night and he's not happy most times of late." Jim says. "Then he should be kept away from customers" I snort. Jim smiles. "I could make a big deal out of this Jim, obviously he profiled my guys as poor immigrants, and he had no right to get mad at them, even if they were just looking" I say angrily. "Katya" Vladimir says firmly. I turn to my Bear. "We will get my truck, he was insulting us but he does not matter, Katya" Vlad tells me using his 'obey me' voice, in Russian. Jim laughs. "He's got your number" he says laughing. "My Misha knows I'll obey him, he is my husband" I say. Vlad's grinning. Sergei and Yuri are laughing. "Katya mind his Bear" Yuri says laughing. I nod. "I swore I'd listen to my Misha" I say quietly. Vlad's looking very proud now. Jim's smiling at us. "You were always so happy to be submissive to a big male" he snickers at me.

Jim smiles. "What did you want, Vlad?" he asks. Vlad points to a big Ram 4 door club cab. It's bright Red and loaded. It's a lot like Yuri's truck, except Yuri's truck is Black. And it's a 4X4, like Yuri's too.. I smile. My S560 is a 4Matic with all wheel drive. I walk over to it. It is loaded, just like Yuri's truck. "Is that the one my Lord Bear wants?" I ask Vlad in Russian. "Da, Katya, you Misha wants that one" he says happily. I kiss my Grizzly. "I told you I'd get you whatever you wanted" I say softly. Jim opens it and Vlad and Sergei and Yuri get in it. And they chat in rapid fire Russian. Jim leans in and puts the key in and starts it. "It noisy" Vlad says. "It Diesel like Yuri's truck" Yuri says happily. Vlad smiles. "It gets better mileage than the gasoline one" Jim says. I nod. Vlad is one happy Ursine now. He looks at me so lovingly.

"Katya buy for his Misha?" he asks. I nod. Jim shuts it off and takes the keys. My guys get out and Jim locks it. And we go to the office while they take it to be detailed and serviced. I sign all of the paperwork and write them a check. Not cheap, but I'd give my Grizzly anything he'd want. ($68,000) I know they're expensive. Yuri's was $64,000 but he was so happy with it, just like Vlad is.

We chat a while and they bring it around when it's done. I hand Vlad a card. "Put it in the glove compartment, Misha, it's your insurance card" I say softly. He kisses me. "Misha know how much his Katya love him now" Vlad says grinning. And he and Sergei and Yuri take the clothes out of my trunk and put them all in the truck's bed and get in it and they drive off for home. My Big Russians are so happy, they're so close now. They're all happy Vladimir is so loved. Sergei and Yuri know what happened to him, and I think they know I know now too. I smile. Jim's happy too. He just got a big commission from me, and if I know Jim he is gonna try to get a bit of Lion tail.

"Been a slow week, I could use the commission" he says happily. "So how've you been, Jim?" I ask. "Single again" he says softly. "What happened?" I ask. "He left me for someone else, a younger Tiger top" Jim says sadly. "I'm so sorry, Jim" I say quietly. He's looking at me rather intently now. I know what he wants. A piece of my tight Lion tail. Jim's a lusty Tiger. And no mate means he's a horny, horny Siberian Tiger.

Jim's an attractive older Siberian Tiger. 6'5" 260 pounds. Bit of a paunch. Sexy Amber eyes and he's nicely hung. He's a good top. Nice sized Feline dick. 18" and while he's not as long as Vlad he's almost as thick. But he's got 8 rows of barbs on that fat Feline dick. "Been a while?" I ask. "Too long, Claude, would you?" he asks quietly. His eyes are begging me. "I'd love to, Jim, I remember quite well how good of a Tiger stud you are" I say. "Claude, we could go to the stock room" he says quietly. I hold out my paw to him. He grins. "Thank you, baby" he says pulling me into his arms and kissing me. "I think you like me, you give me your business when you can and you'll let me up that tight tailhole if I just ask you" he says happily. "I do, Jim, you're quite a Tiger, and an honest one too" I say softly. He's happy as Hell. We tried to bond before he got his latest boyfriend who just dumped him. Much as I liked him, we didn't bond. But I'd of been happy with him. He is a good soul and has a huge heart. He's Dad's age (45) but I wouldn't have cared, I'd of taken his ass quickly. But we weren't meant to be. Doesn't mean I won't fuck him the minute I get a chance to.

We walk towards the service department. And he takes out a key and opens a locked door. It's a storage room for papers and other office supplies, but it's clean and it's big enough for us to lay on the carpet. He shuts and locks the door behind us. And I start stripping. He's really happy now. And he strips too. I lay on the carpet on a clear part. He looks at me. "You're so beautiful Claude" he says softly. I grin.

'You're a hot Tiger, Jim" I say. He grins. "You like this moth eaten old Siberian" he says happily. Jim is the same age as Dad, but he is a hot Tiger. He's rock hard now. "I am, I'd fuck you anytime, I told you that" I say. "Your Grizzly won't get mad will he?" Jim asks. "I will tell him, he wants to know, but he won't care" I say smiling. "Just got him yesterday" I say. "Shit, a day earlier and maybe you'd of taken me" he says. "I came here to get him his truck" I say laughing. "We'll see though, I know a couple of guys who'd love a hot older top Tiger" I say softly. "Really?" he asks. "Yeah, I do" I say smiling. "Kurt Wilson or his twin Cougar brother Clyde, right off of the top of my head" I say softly. "Twin Cougars" Jim murrs. I smile. "We'll fuck and I'll call them" I say quietly.

Jim lays on top of me and he slips up me. And we fuck a while. "Barb me, Tiger Daddy?" I beg him. He grins. "Love to Claude" he purrs and he pulls back to his first ring of barbs and he lays into me. We're both making a lot of noise as we rut hard. Jim cums and keeps going. He'll be good for two more and then he'll rest. He loves barb fucking a bottom, and he's damned good at it. He nips my neck as he blows his third load of cum up me. Panting he kisses me. "You get so hot for me, and you always let me barb you, Claude, you must like this old Tiger" he pants. "I do, you're an amazing lover, Jim" I say. "I've always been sorry we didn't bond, Jim" I tell him. He kisses me. "You're such a good and tight little Lion" he says happily.

I pull my pants to me and I take out my cell. "How late are you working tonight?" I ask. "I can leave whenever" he says happily. "I was just about to go home when I saw you, and I wanted to see you again." Jim says grinning. He starts to get up. And I pull him back down on top of me. He's grinning. I dial Kurt's number.

"Hey, Claude, what's up, I heard you got a Grizzly" Kurt says happily. I love his accent. He and Clyde are from West Virginia and I love the soft, drawling accent they have. "I got a guy I think you'll like, Kurt, you or Clyde" I say softly. Kurt laughs. "You live for this" he says happily. "He's a big, handsome Siberian Tiger, he's 45, well hung, good with it and he's lonely, his mate left him a bit ago, and he's a loving, loyal Siberian" I say happily. Kurt laughs. "You know I love older Big Cats" he says happily. "So does Clyde" I tease him. (They both love being under Dad, they did him together, and he damn near wore them out, they made him so hot.) "Shit yeah, hope we won't fight over this guy" he says laughing. "We're both versatile though, is he a top?" Kurt asks. "He is, as far as I know he doesn't get fucked" I say. "I will let them fuck me if we bond, Claude" Jim says softly. "Nice deep voice on him at least" Kurt says laughing. "Don't fight over him, twin bond him, Kurt" I say. Jim starts purring. Kurt's laughing harder now. I can hear Clyde in the back ground.

"Claude, I'll take them to dinner, maybe one of them will like me" Jim says. I hand him my phone and they make plans to meet tonight. "Claude, he's sounding good, he's funny and warm" Kurt says. "He is, he's a great guy, and an amazing Tiger top." I say softly. Jim kisses me. And he gets up off of me. Kurt and I chat for a while. And I invite him and Clyde over to dinner on Saturday night to meet my Vladimir. (They'll come, but they won't be alone. A very ecstatic Jim will be with them. They'll twin bond him.)

I hang up and I get dressed. I kiss Jim. "They are both good animals, and I wish you luck, either of them would work hard to keep you happy if you bond" I say smiling. "Claude, thank you" he says nuzzling me. "Good luck tonight, Jim" I say softly. And I go to my Mercedes and I drive home.

Vladimir is waiting for me in the living room. "Where you be Katya?"he asks firmly. I take his big paw and I sit. And I tell him of letting Jim fuck me and hopefully fixing him up with my friends. "Katya honest with his Misha, tell his Bear who he do" he says nuzzling me. "Miss Katya, he no here with his Bear" he says softly. It's nice out still, I kiss Vlad. "I'll get us something to drink and we can go out on the patio, swim a bit, Misha and I'd love for you to fuck me in the pool" I say softly. Vlad murrs.

"Love pool, love fuck my Lion in pool" he says happily. I kiss him. "Vlad want beer" he says happily. I go get him a beer and I get a Diet Pepsi. I tell Alfred about inviting Kurt and Clyde for Saturday night. "Claude, they'll both take him, they'll twin bond your friend Jim, and they'll all come" he says smiling. "Good for Jim, he's been left twice, and he's a loving, loyal Siberian, Kurt and Clyde will love him as long as they live" I say happily. "They will" Alfred says smiling. I kiss my Fox and I go out to the pool and I strip. Vlad's already in the pool waiting for me.

I dive in and I swim up to him. He pushes me against the wall of the pool and his fat Grizzly dick is pushing into my belly. "Want my Katya now" he murrs. I lean onto the concrete apron of the pool and put up my legs. Vlad lays on top of me. And he pushes into me and pulls me back into the water. And he walks around the pool with me holding onto his chest while he pounds my ass. "Katya much love his Bear, want his Bear, no say no when his Vlad want him" he murrs. We kiss deeply. And he leans me against the pool wall and really starts fucking me hard and fast. "Want cum in my Kitty" he murrs. He nips my neck and I feel him gushing up me. He holds me and pants hard. "No one feel as good as my Katya' he murrs. "Vlad have Snow Meow while waiting for Katya" he says. I look into his eyes. "I'm glad, Misha, I want my Bear happy and to have who and what he wants" I say softly.

He's grinning. "Know how much Katya love his Bear, know his Bear need him, want Katya at Vlad's side when he can" Vlad whispers in my ear. "I know, Vlad, I love being at your side" I say softly. He murrs. He pulls out and we swim for a while. He's so much faster than me in the water. And after a bit I sit on the side of the pool, dangling my foot paws in the water and watching him swim.

I do go sit on a chair at one of the patio tables under a sun umbrella. I keep watching him swim. He gets out in a bit and I open his beer and hand it to him. And he sits by me and takes my paw in his. "You Misha so happy now, his Katya love him, tend him, no think Vlad ever be loved this much" he murrs. "I do love you, Misha" I say quietly. He's grinning.

We sit and talk a while. We're still getting to know each other. And he tells me all of what happened with that Fox who hurt him so badly. He's so sad when he does. "Katya look sad for his Misha, but Katya make up for pain of past" Vladimir says. I kiss him. He murrs. "I love you, and I want us to have a loving and happy life together" I say softly. Vlad smiles at me. He picks me up out of my chair and carries me to the grass.

He kisses me deeply. And he mounts me and we rut hard. He's nipping my neck gently. "Want fuck my Lion til can't" he murrs into my ear. "Please" I beg him. "Katya always want his Grizzly to love him" he murrs. And he speeds up and he's getting rougher with his fucking. He's banging me hard now. And he picks my hips up and he leans his whole weight into me as we fuck. I'm cussing and growling and pawing his back frantically.

"Katya hot for his Vlad's rough fuck" he grunts. And he keeps fucking me hard and fast. He nips me at intervals. He roars and cums inside of me, and he keeps fucking. He'll cum five more times before he stops fucking me. Panting hard he lays on top of me. "Katya love feeling his Misha on top of him" he murrs happily.

Alfred comes out and he's not looking happy. "Claude, there is a Vassily Putin here to see you" Alfred says. Vladimir is growling softly. "He no come here?" Vlad says angrily. "He's insistent on seeing Master Claude" Alfred says.. Vlad's really angry now. "Is he the Fox that hurt you?" I ask. "Da, Katya, no want see him" Vlad growls. I get up. Alfred hands a me pair of shorts. I put them on. "No should see him, Katya" Vlad says. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind, Vlad" I say. "No tell Katya he no talk if he want" Vlad says softly. I kiss him.

We walk off. "He's going to try to blackmail Vlad, he thinks he can get money from you, that he can make you think Vlad will come back to him." Alfred says. "We'll take care of that" I snort. As we walk in I can hear shouting in Russian from Dad's study. I run in and Dad is sitting at his Desk. And Sergei and Yuri are hollering at a small Fox, who looks rather smug. Sergei and Yuri are telling him to get out, that Vlad won't want to see him. Dad's calm. But then he doesn't know the story, nor does he understand what Sergei and Yuri are saying.

I stand by them. "I have come to take my Misha back" the Fox says. "He's not yours, he's mine" I say. "You must work fast, found out he was with a rich Lion and came to try to collect" I say. "I wish him back, he will come to me if he knows I want him" the Fox says smugly. "Nyet, he no go back to Fox, he love his Katya now" Sergei says angrily. As long as I've known Sergei, I've never seen him angry. And he's fierce looking. Yuri too.

I wave my guys down. And I ask the Fox to sit. And I quickly explain to Dad in a whisper, who this Fox is and what Alfred told me about why he's here. I know Dad will hear. He's got the same sensitive hearing and vision that I do. Dad's got 'that smile' going. I've seen him use it before. He's about to outmaneuver this Fox.

"So you want to take my son in law back do you?" Dad says smiling. "Da, he mine first, he no stay if he know he get me back" the Fox says. Dad's smile deepens. This is going to be interesting. "I know what happened, Boy" Dad snarls. "I know how you took him for all he had and then dumped him here, alone in a strange country, and you actually think he'll take you back" Dad snorts. "He love me, he take me back, or I get him thrown out of country" the Fox says. "Not possible, I have a Security Bond on him, the INS will just laugh at you" I say smiling. Dad grins at me. "Blackmail, even attempted blackmail is a Class A felony and would get you thrown out of America, Boy" Dad snarls. The Fox blanches. "Our Vladimir would never take you back, he's an honest Grizzly and he loves and adores my son too much" Dad says angrily. Vlad walks in and he's smiling.

"Papa understand his Grizzly son so well" Vlad murrs. "He much trust his Vlad" he says happily. "I'd advise you to get the Hell out of here,"Dad snorts. And he picks up his phone and calls Joe Iverson, our lawyer and he asks him for a restraining order against Vassily, applying to all of us and our home. The Fox blanches again. But he's determined to keep it going. "You come back to your Fox, or else" he says. "Nyet, no ever take Fox back, no want him, he only want Vlad to get money from Katya" Vlad snorts. He's nervy, gotta give him that. I just want this over. And I can see the pain in my Lord Bear's eyes, just seeing this asshole.

I sit and open my checkbook. "I"m going to give you what you wanted, and if you are smart, you'll never come near us again" I say in Russian. Vlad looks at me. So do Sergei and Yuri. "He's worth much more than this to me, and I can see how your presence hurts him" I say handing the Fox a check. "A Million" he murrs. "It's all you'll ever get from me and trust me, you come back, and you won't have to worry about Sergei, or Yuri or Vlad or even my Dad, I'm the one you'll have to worry about" I say popping my claws. "I'll kick the crap out of you and then shred you with these, and then Dad will have you arrested and deported" I say. "I think you're pragmatic enough to know this is all you'll get, and you should just be happy with it and disappear" I snarl. He nods. "You no see me ever, make this last a long time" He says getting up. Alfred's here. "Show him out Alfred" Dad says. He looks at Dad. Manuel appears behind his Alfred. The Fox gulps and meekly follows them out.

"You no need give Fox money, Katya, Misha never leave his Lion" Vlad says. "I didn't give it to him because I thought you'd go with him, I know my Misha, but I saw how much it hurt you to see him, Misha" I say. "It was worth it to make sure you'd never be hurt by him again" I say softly. "Katya no want Misha hurt" Sergei says kissing me. "I don't, I want him happy, I'd do anything and it was more than worth it to keep him from seeing that Fox again" I say. Vlad kisses me. "Misha mean that much to Katya, know he give Fox much" Vlad says tearing up.

"You mean the world to me, Vlad, I'd give anything to keep you from hurting and to make you happy" I say softly. Vlad hugs me tightly. "I know you'd never leave me, Vlad, I hated seeing the pain in your eyes just from him being here" I say softly. Dad smiles. Vlad turns and hugs Dad. "Papa Jim much trust his Vlad, know he no go away, tell Fox he know, make Vlad proud" Vlad says. Dad hugs him back. "I know how much you love, Claude, Vladimir, it shines from your eyes when you look at him, and when he looks at you his love for you is so deep" Dad says smiling. "My Russian Boys love their mates so much it makes me happy to see" Dad says. Sergei and Yuri tear up and hug Dad too.

"I'm as proud of my Russian Boys as I am of my own boys" Dad says hugging them back. "Dad, I think we need to tell you the whole story here" I tell him. Vlad nods. And we sit and he and I tell him what Vassily did, and how badly he hurt and abused Vlad. Dad's growling. "I should have killed him on the spot" Dad snarls.

"Vlad, I'm even more glad now that Sam and Oscar got you together with my Claude, he'll spoil you rotten and love you to his last breath" Dad says fiercely. I blush. "Da, he love his Lord Bear much" Vlad says proudly. Dad laughs. "Lord Bear?" he asks me. "Well, he is" I say quietly. Dad cracks up. "Vlad, you're a lucky Bear, he will cherish you" Dad says smiling deeply. Vlad's murring loudly and so proud now.

I kiss Dad. "Thank you, Dad, you made it easier to handle that Fox" I say smiling. "Da, Papa Jim much love his Russians" Yuri says grinning. "I do, Boys" Dad says softly. Sergei and Yuri and Vlad hug him tightly.

Vlad breaks the hug and picks me up. "Go love my Lion, Papa" Vlad murrs and he carries me to our bedroom.

"Vlad know he mean much to his Claude" Vlad says laying me on our bed. "You mean the world to me, Vlad, without you I have nothing, all my money, all I have is nothing without my Russian Grizzly" I say softly. Vlad is tearing up. "Katya need Vlad as much as Vlad need his Claude" Vladimir says quietly. I hug him. He pulls me tightly to him. "Katya, so good to his Lord Bear, love him, show he do anything for his Vlad" he whispers to me. "I told you I would, Vlad, my life is nothing without you, Sergei and Yuri told me of your hard life before we met, I'd do anything, give you anything, just to give you the good life you deserve" I say weeping now too. "Katya, Vlad no think he ever be loved this much," he says softly. "I never thought I'd be loved as deeply, and fiercely as my Lord Bear loves me" I say softly. We curl up together. Vlad begins to tell me of his life before me. I'm surprised at how he's opened up to me, all of his life's pains and trials. He's so eloquent in Russian. I'm realizing how smart my Lord Bear really is. I fell into the same thing others have.

Just because Vlad doesn't speak perfect English, folks think he's not very bright. Since I've met so many Russians at Sam and Oscar's gym, I know better. English and Russian are so different. Word order and meanings are so different. Like Japanese, it's a lot more complex. I'm so touched at how honest Vlad is in telling me all. He admits to him own mistakes.

He's perfect for me, as honest as I am. The more I get to know him, the deeper my love for him gets. He's stroking my mane as he tells me his story.

He gets to the part of seeing Sam fucking me on the floor of Sam's office. He was afraid he was interrupting. But he wanted me so badly. He was already horny as Hell, and he tells me he thought I was the most beautiful Lion he'd ever seen. Grigori didn't have to work hard to convince him to come back to us, as soon as he knew I might really want him, he came right back. Vlad tells me he knew even then, he'd try to bond me if he thought I wanted him. He felt so much for me, it was always more than just lust. "I am much horny Bear though" he says shyly. "I love that about you, Misha" I say softly. He gets on top of me and we deep kiss for a while. His fat Ursine dick is poking into my belly.

"Fuck me, Lord Bear" I beg Vlad. He grabs my ankles and lifts my legs up and slams his fat dick up me. Vlad's smiling at me and banging me hard. He's grunting hard, in time with his thrusts. I moan and he leans down and starts nipping my neck. He lays on top of me. He knows I love feeling his weight on top of me. My Vlad knows his Lion. I put my arms and legs and tail around his bigger Grizzly body. He murrs as I pull him tighter to me. "Katya never let his Misha go, love his Bear's fucking" he murrs. I kiss him hard. All I can do is moan and grunt. My Bear is really working me over hard. He sinks his teeth in my neck, he roars through the bite. And twitching on top of me, sprays his Grizzly cum up me. Panting, he looks at me with so much love in his eyes.

The whole situation with his ex made Vlad very horny. Knowing I'd freely give that much money to make him stop hurting made him see how deeply he was loved. We spend the rest of the night passionately fucking. I finally fall asleep in his big arms.

My Russian Grizzly is so happy now. We're meant for each other and he loves how I'll cater to him and spoil him. He needs it after how his ex was. And after what I did to get rid of his ex he's sure I meant what I said. I'd do anything for my Misha. He's proud of how much I love him, as I am to have his deep and honest love.