Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 11

Story by Candysnake on SoFurry

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#2 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Most of this chapter was written by Randomwriter, I've filled in a lot of the gaps and connected it to the story.

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


A yellow glow zipped back through the mushrooms, and Sparx shrugged and shook his head. "I think we should give them some time to wake up."

"Wake up! Wake up!" a little pink version of him sang, zipping around between floating glowing mushroom spores in the air and causing them to spin and scatter.

"Still asleep?" their dad asked, to which Sparx rubbed his neck and huffed.


Blue and brown dragonflies glanced at each other, not really giving an outward indication but sharing a knowing look.

"Spyro usually comes out the door to start the day so I'll go bug him then."

Inside the rounded home, Cynder purred softly and nuzzled back against Spyro as he spooned with her and lightly thrust up into her tailhole. "Mmmm...~" she murred, smiling to the ceiling and closing her eyes. "That always feels so good..."

Getting just a bit deeper into her than before, the purple dragon licked along her neck and cradled her belly, hugging her back to his chest, eliciting a stronger purr of contentment from her. "So...no thoughts on...all this?" he asked.

"I'm not really sure what to think." Rolling her hips back against him, she shivered a little at his barbs raking along her. "I just...I'm surprised I don't feel bad about it. I'm...actually kind of excited. It's weird. Maybe I'm just too out of it with getting ready for the eggs."

"Or maybe it's because you're just naturally sexy already and your genes confirmed it."

Laughing softly and clenching on his shaft, she neck back against him again. "Doofus." Craning her head around, she looked at him sidelong, her smile fading a little. "How are you taking it?"

Slowing his thrusts, he buried his nose against her neck and sighed against her scales, nuzzling against her. "I don't know...confused. Lost. But...also...kind of okay with it now. I guess I just burned myself out with all the stress so it's just...whatever."

"You sure about that?" she added, bucking back against him and wincing as she got him an inch deeper. "You sure felt like you 'came' to a 'cum'clusion last night."

"Uuuuuugh..." She laughed at his groan and eye-roll. "That was awful and you should feel bad for it."


Giving her a few more thrusts to distract her, he sighed against her neck again, smelling her a few times to comfort himself. "Seeing Ember so full, and happy, and excited to get to be a mother...seeing you so pleasured despite all the news...it did something, I guess. I dunno."

"Still in denial, it seems. But it's a lot to take in. Physically and mentally."

"For you or me?" he asked, thrusting up firmly and making her whine out in pleasure.


"You're like Flame. Incorrigible."

"Encouragable for sex, yes please."

"Exactly like him!" She laughed again, bucking against his length and then nuzzling what she could reach of his neck.

"I'm glad you at least tried with her though. How are you after it?"

"Not as upset as I thought I'd be. It was fun."

Giving him a loving smile, she licked at him and purred again. "Don't stress so much, Spyro. I know it's the future on the line but you backed yourself into a corner and couldn't get back out of it."

"Not without you..." he whispered, kissing her deeply and hugging her belly again with a strong buck of his hinds. Settling into another slow cycle, they ground back and forth, his penis slowly sinking further into her ass with each pass, until he had about three-fourths of his length inside. "Still feels good?"

"So very much..." she whispered with a husky tone of lust. "Now it's actually starting to feel more pleasant than just comfortably full..." A smirk spread across her muzzle. "Wanna fuck my butt while I lay the eggs? I can sit on your lap like last night and push them out onto your balls..."

"You sex-addled succubus," he growled, giving her a series of sharp, rapid thrusts and making her squeal out in surprised pleasure. "You sure you wanna sit up on my lap and lay eggs when you can't fully get me into you?"

"Yeah, fair point...but it'd be soooo hot..."

Arching up into her, her lover groaned out and shuddered, tail going stiff, then flexing as his balls pulled up tight to his body and he started spurting. "Oh fuck..."

"You're gonna get the nest all sticky!" she squeaked.

"I told you we should move to the bed!"

"But I don't wanna!" she squealed in protest, yet her body went contrary, pushing back against him for more and clenching tightly on his shaft to keep him inside. They both huffed and moaned as he filled her with his hot sticky cream, the black dragoness purring happily in spite of her protests. "Mmmm...I love feeling you cum inside me...there's so much!"

"Gonna need to get a bowl or something to keep it from getting everywhere..."

"Do that thing with the water and catch it all, then we'll go down to the lake."

He pulled out carefully and held his paw by her loins, Cynder watching with glee as his freed shaft kept spurting into the air but his powers caught and suspended the white goo, gathering it up. She tried to squeeze herself shut to keep some inside, but couldn't tear her eyes from the incredibly sexy sight of her mate's ejaculation. Her tail coiled lightly around his balls, feeling them pulse in rhythm. Finally finishing, he lightly scrubbed her off with a separate ball of water, then shuffled out of the nest and threw them out the bedroom window. Getting up and stretching, lashing her tail around, she accidentally clipped the stone wall and yipped in surprise, then giggled. "What?" he asked, peeking back in.

"I uh...forgot how cozy this space is...kiiiiinda might have just slashed the wall..."

"I'll fix it later. C'mon. You need water at least."

"I'm fine, Spyro." She did follow him out into the morning light though, taking a deep breath of the warm air still slightly humid from the evaporating dew. "So...what's the plan for today?"

"Gonna go talk to the Matrons I guess, unless something else comes up. Let's wash up and get some water, and some food. They told me to keep you fed and watered and I intend to do so."


Gliding down to the streams below, they splashed around a bit, Spyro teasingly knife-pawing at the water to make an angled splash at her face, only for her to body-tackle the water and cover him with a cold wave. Getting their drinks, they flew back up to the house, Spyro pausing and sniffing at the air. "Wait..."

"What is it?" she asked, looking around.

"Sparx? Is that you?" he called out. A golden glow flew out from around the house. "Hey!"


"Where've you been??" the purple dragon insisted.

"Around. Explored the swamp a bit, Got boring without your fat ass getting stuck in vines and trees though."

"No apes catching you for lanterns?"

"No but I did have to break a few others free."

"Is everyone okay? I got your note but...had trouble reading it."

"Yeah, we're on our way out. Oh, Hi Cynder."

"Oh, hi bug." She was grinning though. "So you're off to Tall Plains then?"

"Soon here. Mom and dad wanted to swing by and catch up though."

Blue and tan glows came into view, with a smaller pink darting excitedly around them. All three paused at the sight of the two mostly-grown dragons standing before them. "Oh my...you've definitely grown up," Nina whispered. "Wow...I knew dragons were big but...you were so small when you left the swamp!"

Looking himself over, the purple dragon blushed a bit. "Yeah. It's been a while. Sorry I didn't get the chance to stop by, life kinda got crazy after I left."

"So Sparx has been telling us," their dad said with a grin, arms crossed.

"So uh, yeah, this is Cynder, my mate," Spyro introduced her, Cynder waving with a paw. "Cynder, this is my...technically my mom and dad, Flash and Nina. And of course, you know Sparx."

"Sadly unforgettable," she replied, Sparx sticking his tongue out at her and she mirroring it.

"This is Amber," Nina said with a soft, proud grin as she held her arm out behind their little daughter and urged her forward. The little pink bug was so tiny, and her eyes looked ready to fall out of her head with how she was staring at them. "Amber, remember how we talked about Spyro, your older brother?"

"Older, I'm the oldest," Sparx added.

"By maybe a day or so," Spyro dug back with a smirk.

"He puwpwe," she muttered, still staring at him in shock.

"Yes. He's a dragon, but he's still your brother. Can you say hi?"

"...Hi..." she mumbled through pursed lips, waving her tiny hand.

"She's so cute!!" Cynder whispered with a squeal.

"If you don't mind me asking, how far along are you?" Flash asked Cynder, the black dragoness petting her belly with her wings with a happy grin.

"Almost ready to lay them now, just waiting for it to happen. I'm kinda glad you stopped by though, I uh...was curious about how you raised Spyro. Y'know, being so different and all. It's our first clutch and we both...kinda...didn't really have standard childhoods so..."

"Awww." Nina flitted closer to her and patted her nose. "I know. It's scary. We can certainly talk it over."

"Let's head inside," Spyro offered, thumbing towards the door with his wing.

"Y'all go ahead, I've got some things to take care of first," Sparx said, zipping off before they could protest.

"What's with him?" Spyro asked, Flash shrugging with another grin.

"You'll see, soon enough."

"He seems a bit more tense than when I last saw him," Cynder remarked as Spyro held the door open for them.

"Cave!!" Amber squealed, zipping around the stone-bricked home. Cynder giggled and her parents laughed.

"No, hun, this is their house."

"Cave!" she insisted.

"Well, it is made of stone," Cynder mused. "I guess it could pass as a cave for a kid."

"We have some preserved jam, Cynder's making, if you need something to eat," Spyro offered.

"That would be lovely, hun, thank you," his mother replied, still looking Cynder over. "I think I remember you."

Cynder blushed and frowned a little. "Yeah I...uh...kinda might have buzzed the Swamp when I was still brainwashed. But Spyro freed me from that hell."

"Sparx told us quite a bit about your adventures together. That's part of why he's not here." Her husband held her hand. "He appreciates you more than he lets on, for your influence on Spyro."

"Heh...I actually wouldn't have guessed with how he is."

"Bwack an wed!" Amber yipped, flying all around Cynder's body. "Momma why she wound?"

"Oh Ancestors I just realized she's technically an aunt now," Cynder laughed.

"She's round because she has eggs," Nina explained to the excitable little bug girl. "Cynder is a mommy too, and you're going to have little cousins to play with!"

She gave such a long gasp it was astounding such a tiny thing had that much lung capacity. Returning from the kitchen, Spyro laid out some jam on thin slices of bread, having cut them quite small so the dragonflies could handle them. Flash sighed wistfully to himself as he picked up a piece and held it. "It's so strange to think that you left the swamp as a kid and the next time we see you, we're grandparents. Time sure flies."

"Yeah...it really does." Spyro sat at the table and munched on a large roll slathered in jam and a dollop of honey. "How were things before that snake thing attacked?"

"When you left the swamp, there was a lot of commotion with...her forces." His eyes darted to Cynder. "Some of us were captured for lanterns for her army, same as Sparx almost was. But they also pulled out shortly after you left, after setting up to stay, so it seems you leaving averted a bigger crisis for us. Then there was that darkness over the world."

"And...we were in the ruins of the Well for three years...and it's been four years...wow...and there was that time between freeing Cynder and the Eternal Night..."

"Yes. It's been almost your age again since we last saw you. You're what...twenty years old now? Around there?"

Spyro and Cynder glanced at each other with wide eyes. They'd been so busy with world-ending affairs and post-apocalypse recoveries, and their own relationship, they hadn't really paid attention to time. "So...then...when was Amber...?"

"Just after the world got fractured. She hatched the day after, actually. Was a surprise of a blessing for us, as chaotic as a child can be it brightened our days to have her."

"Now I kinda feel bad for being away for so long. We should've gotten in touch sooner."

"You had your priorities," Nina replied. "And now you have more."

"So...how did dragonflies raise a dragon?" Cynder asked.

"We're not so isolated that we don't know about dragons," Flash responded with a chuckle. "Though many might think of swamp-dwellers as being ignorant of the rest of the world, most of our survival comes from knowing about our surroundings and the surroundings outside those. But a young dragon is still a handful, especially when the egg is almost twice your size. It took some doing but we managed to get the egg to safety, and when Spyro hatched a day after Sparx, it was...a little daunting, admittedly. The swamp doesn't have much for a growing baby dragon, but we managed on the fruits and mushrooms. Bouncy little thing, he was. Had to get into everything. But I think you'll be much better off teaching your babies than we were, we uh...can't exactly show him by example how to walk and similar actions. He eventually got the hang of it on his own but...that was where we were really challenged. We fly, we can't walk."

"Making a home of stone and having things that can't easily be clawed is a good start," Nina added. "Spyro, once he could move on his own, climbed everything he could get his claws into."

"He didn't hurt himself too much did he?"

"Baby dragons are surprisingly resilient. He had a few nasty tumbles but didn't get more than a small scratch or bruise usually. But do make sure you have something for them to chew on when they're about a year old and their teeth start setting in. They will chew on everything they can reach. We also had to get Spyro a soft log to play-wrestle with."

The purple dragon's eyes widened again. "Oh, wow, I think I remember that thing!"

Nina nodded and sighed with a sad smile. "Our biggest regret was having to shelter him from the truth of his origin...we couldn't reach out for assistance, couldn't find anyone else his age for him to play with...other than Sparx and a few other dragonflies his age, he was pretty alone. Though, I guess he didn't realize it until he breathed fire and set out."

Rubbing his neck, Spyro huffed. "Yeah I...kinda remember some of that. I remember always feeling like I was bigger and slower than everyone else. And it kinda hurt that everyone else could fly but I was stuck on the ground." Cynder's chest ached with heartbreak at the idea. They'd both had very isolated and lonely childhoods. "But at least Sparx stuck around and kept me entertained and engaged, I guess."

"Is that why he's not here?" Cynder asked quietly, looking at the window as if expecting to see the gold dragonfly leering in at them.

"Partly. He told us he came back because he felt pretty useless. But he...has other things he's doing right now too."

Amber was yawning in her mother's arms. Cynder was so wrapped up in the recounts of the past she hadn't realized the little girl had quickly run out of energy. "Has she had enough to eat today?"

Nina laughed softly. "Enough? Hardly. Children are empty voids when it comes to food. It's like there's never enough to satisfy them. But she does eat very well at least. Though, before we leave I should get her to eat some of this jam. It's very delicious, hun, thank you."

The black dragoness blushed and smiled shyly at the compliment. "Thanks...I like to dabble with food. I find it relaxing."

"Be careful with that," Nina warned with a smirk. "Stress-mealing can be a thing for moms at their wits' ends with the kids. By the way, how many do you have?"

Spyro and Cynder shared a concerned glance that did not go unnoticed. Cynder rolled onto her side to show off her belly, which was still a bit full of Spyro's seed. "I have six live eggs. First pregnancy too." The two adult dragonflies stared at her in surprise. "Yeah. And we...found out why, just last night."

Spyro really didn't want to have to reiterate it all, but between himself and Cynder, they explained what happened in the Core and how they defeated Malefor, and about the breeder curse afflicting him and how she was a natural Matriarch. Flash coughed into his fist. "That's...wow...that's pretty heavy there..."

"So..." Nina mumbled, "you're...basically saying that, until this can be reversed or cured...all the baby dragons in the next few years are my grandchildren."

"That's...one way to put it, I guess..." Spyro huffed, rubbing his neck uncomfortably again. "And Cynder can apparently get pregnant more quickly than an average dragoness, so...we need to figure a way to balance that. That's going to be too many eggs to take care of, much as we want a large family together."

"Perhaps," Flash muttered in agreement. "But it's not like you have to look after them all the time. You were pretty independent once you could walk. Kept yourself easily amused, found things to play with...it was surprisingly easier to raise you than we'd expected. Turns out most dragon children are like that. Teach them the do's and don'ts, make sure they have a nest and food and water...and that's really it. There wasn't much secret to raising him in the swamp other than just raising him and making sure he was okay."

"Easier than his brother or sister," Nina added, stroking Amber's stubby antennae, the little pink girl snoozing soundly, her ambient aural glow gently pulsing in and out with her breath. "At least Spyro was on the ground all the time, we knew where he was. Sparx and other kids...once they can fly, it's anyone's guess."

"He's taking you to Tall Plains, isn't he?" Spyro asked, both of them nodding.

"Us, and several other families. He took it on himself to help us rehome to somewhere safer when the enhanced creatures started getting more out of control. That snake was a main source of the problem of late, but where it came from...we have no idea. Sparx says Cynder slew it?"

Nodding, she folded her wing over her belly. "Had to kill it. Something inside me was screaming that it was a significant danger to my eggs. Took its fangs to Volteer up at the Temple so he could study them and figure out where it came from."

"Good, good, thank you. Thankfully we were able to move out before it could kill any dragonflies, but there's so much chaos in the swamp, we're having trouble finding food. The more stubborn or inventive ones are staying, but for the time being some of us are heading to Tall Plains with Sparx, since we...apparently have a place there? How did he even manage that?"

"He didn't tell you?" Spyro asked, an incredulous grin of humor pulling at his lips. Cynder snickered to herself.

"No, he only said he could easily get us some new homes there and we'd be safe from harm in the Atllawa village."

Spyro facepawed and snorted, and Cynder laughed. "Oh geez...alright, I'll keep it silent for him to enjoy but...just...don't be surprised if it gets weird."

"Should we crack the door open a bit, or a window, so he can join us when he wants?" Cynder asked. "Would hate to think he's been hovering outside all this time looking for a way in."

"He won't be back for a while right now." Flash yawned and stretched. "Though, if you don't mind, I think some naptime would be a great idea. Amber's down for the count, and it's been hectic without a steady place to rest at night."

"Guest room over there is for the taking," Spyro gestured with his wing. "I'll leave some jam and stuff here for you to nibble at, but I do need to go out and work on our food stock for a bit so I'll be back later."

"A nap does sound good..." Cynder said with a yawn of her own.

Within short order she was curled up in her nest, Spyro was out hunting, and the dragonflies were snoozing in the guest room. It felt as if she passed straight from the waking world to a dream, her mind was spinning so much with recent revelations that she dreamt she was in a huge nest in the Temple, surrounded by a myriad of hatchlings all playing together, and her belly was huge with eggs, perhaps double her current clutch, with Spyro over her gently pistoning into her depths to get her even more pregnant. She felt content, and peaceful, and it was such a strange feeling to her. Was this her purpose in life, or her fantasy? Either way, the idea was very alluring. Her nap dream turned from pleasant to personally philosophical though, she found herself hugging ten or so eggs and nuzzling at them, her chest hurt with sorrow. But why? Were they stillborn? Then she found herself looking up and saw several unknown females, all looking sad but eager. No, the eggs were fine...she was giving them up to girls Spyro couldn't impregnate. Then her dream turned to fantasy and she was in a room with several young adult 'nesses, all gravid...and all with her long curved horns. Her daughters? And Spyro was breeding another one of them nearby, the young girl happily taking her father's load.

She woke from her nap with a bit of a jolt at a crack of thunder outside. Yawning and stretching, she laid there staring at the ceiling, listening dimly to the sound of Amber crying and her parents trying to console her. What the heck was that dream? She hadn't had such a vivid non-nightmare in years.

Was that her subconscious just piecing things together? Or...was that some sort of trial vision? She'd had those before, sparingly, during their adventures. Warnings, subtle guidance...tests of resolve between herself and Spyro. Challenges to her frame of mind. She'd never really told him, but she'd had a few visions here and there that felt like someone was putting them into her head...but not maliciously. Was it the Ancestors, maybe? Tempting her? Challenging her?

The more she thought about the dream though, the less conflicted she felt about it.

The idea of giving away her eggs hurt...it hurt a lot. But she also felt a small amount of pride at the idea that she could make others happy by giving them children when they naturally couldn't conceive, or if Spyro couldn't get to them for a while. And the concept of her own daughters having their father's eggs? Or their brothers' eggs? The part of her mind influenced by society said she should have been disgusted or revolted, but the rest of her was...surprisingly chill with the idea. Especially with the revelation that Flame and Ember were siblings born from a father/daughter relationship. Just how common was it then? She found herself blushing and wondering if Flame had lain with his mothers and if Ember had lain with her father. Given their sex drives, it seemed quite likely to her, and the idea made her unusually aroused. The poor black dragoness had to fight the urge to masturbate, though, her tail curling but her willpower keeping it from approaching her nethers. No, not now, not while they had guests.

She finally sat up to look out through the bedroom to the entrance chamber where their table was. Brown and pink glows were hovering by the plate of food Spyro had left. "She doesn't like thunder?" she asked, stretching her wings and settled back down in the soft furs.

"Never has, but it's common enough for kids," Nina replied, Amber sitting and munching with a grumpy face. "Is it good?"

"M-hm," the little girl pouted. "Make dunder go away mommy..."

"I can't, honey, you know that. We just have to wait it out. But the storm is leaving, it's just slow. Why don't you go sit with daddy?" A pink blur shot off to the guest bedroom. "Finish your food before you touch anything!" Nina called after her, then shook her head and flitted over to Cynder. "Well, it got her to calm down."

"Good. I wasn't expecting a storm, but it's been so hard to read the weather after the fracture."

"Yes it has." Reclining on the edge of the nest, she patted at the fur. "This is quite luxurious."

"Yeah. Spyro went and got these larger pieces for me. They're very cushy. Hot and a bit scratchy but...he picked well."

"Did you kick him out to get them?"

"I might have been close to that but no, he went of his own volition while I was going stir-crazy trying to arrange it all. I guess dragonflies don't have that problem?"

Nina giggled lightly. "Not specifically nesting, no, but a lot of expecting mothers...there's an urge for things to be just right for the babies. Call it instinct I guess. I think I drove Flash crazy rearranging our hovel ahead of Sparx. Nothing ever seemed to be in the right spot, it was infuriating."

"Heh...yeah. Finally got the nest finished but I should've worked on it sooner, I felt so bad for Spyro."

"If you don't mind me asking," Nina started, then paused hesitantly.

"About...what I was before?" Cynder finished, just as hesitant.

"I am curious, yes. More along the lines of how you and my son got together though."

Rolling onto her side in the nest, Cynder looked out the crude window hole Spyro had covered with a crystal pane for now until he could focus on it. "Dunno where to start on that, really. I mean, I vaguely remember my...slavery time. I know Gaul brainwashed me to be their biggest weapon...and...Malefor would...taunt me in my sleep about using me to breed more soldiers. Makes me wonder if he knew I was a Matriarch..." She shuddered and nosed at her belly, feeling the eggs within herself. "But even from when we first fought, I think Spyro was more focused on trying to find a way to free me, rather than just...fight me and defeat me. The only thing I remember clearly is waking up in the Temple and Spyro being so relieved I was okay. I don't really remember our battles. But...even with all the things I had done, all the evil I was used to...he was there for me. And it was nice to have a real friend...even if I didn't know how to handle it. It was really awkward. I hated myself for everything I'd done, all the looks I got from others...felt like I'd never be normal, always the villain even when trying to do good."

"You tried at least."

"Yeah...never felt like it was enough though. Sometimes even now it feels like that. That's why I don't go out. I just got tired of it all." Shaking her head, she nuzzled her belly again. "But...through all this crap, Spyro has still stuck with me, and I'm so happy he does. He's helped me find more purpose in life than just...existing."

With a small smile, the brown dragonfly sighed softly. "I'm glad to hear it. I had hoped we prepared him well enough for his inevitable departure...but...I also hoped he'd never have to leave us. But hearing you two are happy together...that's really all I could ask for."

The front door opened and Spyro came back inside, dragging a wood sled of meats and hides, all iced up and ready for storage or trade. "I'm back," he announced, shooting Cynder a small smile before taking everything to the underground storage. Cynder purred to herself, readjusting a bit in the nest.

"He's been wonderful to me. I don't really deserve him...but not really gonna question it."

"You do, hun. I'm glad he's turned your life around for the better."

After a while, the dragon in question came back from the kitchen and tossed a few logs into the fireplace, lighting it with a quick breath before crossing the bedroom. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Nope." Cynder lifted her wing in invitation and he smiled and slipped into the nest with her, nuzzling and kissing her.

"So how much have you embarrassed me behind my back this time?" he quipped with a smirk, Cynder batting his nose.

"Not much. Just talking."

"How long did it take you to make this place?" his mother asked.

Spyro looked around the new room and glanced at the bedroom with a slow exhale of thought. "It's seen a few revisions but...it's been about a year."

"Where were you before that?"

Cynder smiled and purred. "We ended up in the Valley of Avalar after the Core fight, somehow. No one knows how we survived. Might've been the Ancestors transporting us from the Core for our efforts, who knows. But we stayed there for a little while and tried to settle down but the Guardians eventually found out about us after about a year and kept calling Spyro away to help with recovery projects. Ether monsters destroyed the cave we were in so I had to move while he was away, and we found another little cave elsewhere and called that home until we decided to build one ourselves near the Temple so if problems came up, we'd have contact. More for ourselves and trying to start a family than for Spyro to be on call, though. Seems to be mellowing out now."

"For now, until the breeding stuff comes to the fore," Spyro grumbled.

Nina nodded sadly. "It's terrible that such a thing could have been done, magic or otherwise. But...you know, this could be a unifying measure."

"How so?" both Spyro and Cynder asked.

"Think about it! Every nation of dragons now has to come to you two for eggs. The fracture and helping each other recover has been unifying in itself but this might be some sort of balance in itself to keep settling nations from developing grudges. That's the way I see it, at least. They have no choice but to think of the future now, if they can't procreate." She giggled when Spyro twitched and blushed and covered his groin with his wing, only having now realized his balls and sheath were on full display. "You don't need to hide it, Spyro, I've already seen it."

"Still embarrassing.." he grunted, Cynder giggling and nuzzling at him.

"Awww, big purple daddy shy about his own mom seeing his parts? You know the kids are gonna see them regardless."

"That's not helping."

"He's so fun to pick on," Cynder said sidelong to Nina with a smirk before kissing her mate and purring to him. In response, he reached both forelegs around her and started to firmly knead her belly, making her gasp and then moan softly. "Mmmm..."

"Getting close to laying?" Nina asked, the black dragoness nodding.

"Maybe a week or two, or three, they said it depends on the female. I can't wait to meet them though!"

The purple dragon kissed and licked along her neck, purring softly back to her. "I'll finish their room tomorrow and get started on the wall settings and such. Gonna need your approval though."

"Alright." Winding her tail around his, she smiled happily. This small moment just felt like everything was falling into place and she didn't want to disturb it. "I can't help but wonder what Sparx is doing though. Are you going to wait the night here before leaving?"

"If you don't mind, but we can find shelter elsewhere if we need to as well. The storm is a big delay though, getting everyone through that to Tall Plains is going to be precarious."

"I can help you get there if you want," Spyro offered. "I know it means a big deal to Sparx but...I'd feel better if I could tag along and make sure no Dreadwings or something else picks anyone off."

"You'd have to take that up with your brother, I can't answer for him, but I would appreciate the assistance. We all would."

"He needs to get his ass back here then. Gotta figure out my schedule."

"I think he said something about the Temple Garden, might want to go check there."

Unraveling from Cynder, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Sounds like the storm's clearing up, gonna go find him and figure this out."

"Alright. Hey uh...Spyro? Can you talk him into letting you go with them? Make sure the dragonflies get there safely? I'm kinda worried about their trip."

"I'll see what I can do," he replied, giving her a kiss, neither of them really willing for him to leave just yet. Finally, though, when he deemed the rain had stopped enough, he nudged out the door. A heavy gray colored the sky, with thunder still rumbling in the distance, the petrichor scent digging into his nose. A brisk walk to the Temple Garden, and it didn't take him long to spot a familiar golden glow approaching as if he'd already known Spyro was coming.

"Sup Spyro?" he asked.

"Hey again, Sparx. So...what's going on? Mom and dad are already looking ready to pass out for the night and you still haven't come back. Cynder sent me to find you."

"Yeeeaaaahhh...about that..." Glancing at the forest around them, he crossed his arms. "Hey bud. Listen, I uh...I hate to say it and pull you away but I'm probably gonna need your help with this."

Cocking his head curiously, Spyro eyed the glowing gold bug. "Listening."

"I thought I could get everyone safely to Tall Plains on my own."

"Uh huh."

"Buuuuut..." Rubbing his neck and huffing, Sparx rested his fists on himself with a grumpy air. "It's not just snakes. There's something else out there. We don't know what. But that slipstream you used to get from the Temple to Tall Plains? It's...haunted, for lack of a better term. Something unknown is out there, and it's vicious. So I might need ya to be our bodyguard."

With a smirk, Spyro shook his head. "Gee, I dunno, Mister Atllawa God, I am kinda busy here about to have six kids, and the house isn't ready yet..."

"If you're lookin' to negotiate something, I don't know what a buncha homeless dragonflies can offer to the literal living legend here. Besides, I think you owe me, if nothing else for all the times I've gotten swatted away."

"I'm kidding, Sparx, of course I'll help."

A relieved sigh escaped him. "Dude, you have no idea how stressful all this is. Don't do that to me, at least not yet."

"Fair enough I guess. By the way...who's that hiding behind the mushroom back there?" he asked with a flick of his head.

Sparx glanced back and then motioned for whoever it was to come over. A glimmering purple glow carefully wove forward, obviously hesitant in the presence of such a large, powerful creature like Spyro. "Spyro, this is Stella...my girlfriend." Spyro's eyes widened. A purple, lavendar and mauve insect girl hovered by Sparx, a little wider in body and thorax than most female dragonflies he remembered, especially Nina. Her eyes were milky, and her much larger antennae were flitting back and forth. "She can't see very well but she can hear better than anyone I know. We were planning to combine our knowledge and abilities to escort the others but if you can help, it would be a huge relief for us."

"Hello..." she whispered, looking in Spyro's general direction, but here eyes were unfocused. "There's so much purple, where is he?" she whispered to Sparx.

"That is him, Stella, he's a fully-grown dragon, remember?"

"Oh my..." she gasped, tentatively flying closer to Spyro but clearly tensed to lunge back.

"She can only see blobs of color really, or differences in lighting strength."

Spyro held still and let her examine him in her way, feeling her tiny hands touching him and flinching when his hide involuntarily shuddered a little at the tickle. "You're Sparx's brother?" she asked incredulously.

"Adopted, but yes," came his reply. "His parents raised me from my egg and I grew up with him in the swamp."


Sparx grinned at her wonder. "He's the one that defeated Cynder's ape forces."

She glanced back at the gold bug with a frown. "You told me you did! Punched the commander off his throne!"

Spyro laughed. "Sold yourself out, Sparx, busted~"

"Oh shut up."

"And lemme guess, Spyro defeated the pirate captain too?"

"Uh...technically yes, but I really did knock out one of his annoying parrots."

"He did," Spyro agreed. "Took me by surprise 'cuz that bird was larger than he is. Laid it out flat."

Stella crossed her arms. "So what else have you been embellishing and stealing credit from your own brother for?"

"Ah heck..." Spyro laughed again and Sparx grumbled. "Shouldn'a opened my big mouth."

"No, hun, you shouldn't've."

Spyro grinned at the exchange. "Nice to meet you though, Stella, and nice to see someone is keeping this butthead's ego in check."

She smirked at that. "It's a chore."

"C'mon bro, you really gonna sell me out like this to my own girlfriend?"

"You started it by making up tales, not my fault when you peep the reality and it falls apart."

Stella flitted over to Sparx and carefully reached out to find him, then held his hand. "Don't be too hard on him, he's had it rough playing the Dragonfly Hero and getting us new homes and better food supplies. He might not look it but he's been running himself ragged gathering moths and berries for us."

"'Might not look it'," the gold dragonfly grunted. "Coming from one who can't look."

"Don't need to look with my eyes, Sparx. You feel terrible. Come on, go to their house and rest with your family."

"You can come too if you want," Spyro offered, but she shook her head.

"My parents would flip out if they knew I was alone with Sparx like I am. They said if he and I can get the group to Tall Plains safely, they'll let me actually start dating him. Even though we're dating in secret."

Spyro smirked. "Uh huuuuh...I see what's going on here. So you're asking for help so you can get the girl."

"Uuuuugh..." Sparx groaned, Stella and Spyro sharing a laugh at his expense. "Noooo, bro, that's...okay, yeah, that's like, ten percent of it, sure."

"Knew it."

"But really, bro, I just want everyone to get there safely and you bein' the escort stands the best chance of that happening."

"At the cost of you being the hero?"

"That depends on how it's done," Stella remarked. "Obviously it would hurt Sparx if you led the whole way there. It's his chance to shine, after all. There's...a lot of pressure on him to prove himself from all his stories by leading us there safely."

"Talked yourself into a hole, huh bud?" Spyro ribbed.

"Only a tiny bit!"

The purple girl nosed at Sparx's cheek. "Actually, Spyro, it was more him trying to value your privacy with Cynder and...not explaining certain parts of stories that involved you and her. But those gaps just created discontent the more the stories went on. So...he did volunteer to lead us there, but there's a lot of pressure for him to prove the stories were real. So...I think if you followed us to Tall Plains as if you just happen to be going the same way, it'd be more tolerable for all involved, and you'd be able to run interference if something comes up."

"Yeah, I can do that. I actually do have business up there anyway, gotta get Cynder some gardening tools up there and maybe some of the more exotic seeds so she can keep up her hobbies. Would be nice to check in on Kane and the others too."

"Awesome..." Sparx mumbled, yawning.

"Come on, Sparx...get your rest. There's gonna be another storm inbound soon, if local patterns hold."

The two dragonflies shared a look and Stella nodded. "Go be with your family before the long haul."

"It's only a half-day's flight with the slipstream."

"Assuming the slipstream is still intact with the world fracture."

"...Damn, yeah, I forgot to scope that out."

Giving him a little kiss, she blushed and giggled. "I'm gonna go before mom and dad freak out." With that she flitted away, giving a small wave in Spyro's direction.

"How does she get around if she can't see?" Spyro asked.

"She's much more perceptive in other ways. She can hear and smell her way around, which is a blessing in the dark. She doesn't need light to get around, but...she does want to see things properly too. There's...a small chance there might be something at Tall Plains to treat her eyes. I can only hope so. She wants to see the night sky for the first time. She can also pick up on trails left by other bugs, including us, so she can backtrack along her flight or mine to find the others."

"Kinda strange to think about. How did she know you were waving to her from so far away?"

"In her words, she can hear the change in my wings buzzing from stabilizing against the motions."

"Wow...that's impressive, I can barely tell it myself and I've been around you most of our lives!"

"Haven't had to navigate by sound though. But yeah, dude, she's...she's amazing."

Tenting his wing around Sparx, the purple dragon did his best to hug him without disturbing his flight. "I did miss you though...a lot more than I expected. And thanks for looking out for the others. Glad to see you seem to have found more of a place for yourself."

For once, Sparx let himself flop onto Spyro's muzzle, the best way he could hug his brother, before lifting off to hover again. "It's been nuts, dude, you have no idea. But I think once we get to Tall Plains it'll get a bit better. So far as I can find down the information network, they haven't been as disturbed by the fractures, or the creatures. And with you escorting us, the flight should be much faster, so...maybe a day and some change you'd be away from Cynder, not as long as your Warfang trips."

"And you're setting out tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I know it's pretty last-minute but..."

"What time are you planning to leave?"

"Sunrise. So...yeah, might be good to get to bed soon and be ready for it."


"If you can pull yourself out of Cynder before midday, that is."

Spyro smirked. "No promises there, but with our parents staying here with Amber, might not get to that. Though, would like to before I leave her for a day."

For once, Sparx didn't roll his eyes or make a disgusted noises. "Can't keep you two apart, just don't be late okay? This is really important for us."

"I know. Cynder's already on the same page so I don't think she'll hold me back. Come on. Let's get some rest."

Sparx made an uneasy face. "Are you sure you're not gonna bone the Terror overnight or something while we're sleeping the next room over?"

"We won't, Sparx. Wouldn't be too terribly appropriate for Amber to come flitting out and finding that."

Dinner was fairly quiet at Spyro's house, except for Amber's excited squealing over things and trying to commentate on words being said. Cynder made a fruit salad but showed her skill with her tailblade, creating some finely cubed portions of frozen fruits for the dragonflies to feast on. Amber seemed to enjoy hanging on her brother's tail or arms and having him fly her in circles, though Sparx didn't seem too amused by it. When he got too tired and grumpy to continue entertaining her, she zoomed over to Cynder and started tracing over the silver scales on her head, making the black dragoness giggle at the tickle. "Shiny bwack! Cynda!"

"Close enough."

"She's pwetty!"

"Yes she is," Spyro agreed, giving Cynder a kiss on the cheek.

"You gon be a daddy?"

"Yes I am."

"Big dwagin brudda..." she muttered as she flopped onto the purple dragon's muzzle and stared up at him, giggling when he went cross-eyed to look at her. "You bwow fiyah?"

Nina laughed at the curious look from the two dragons. "She's asking if you can blow fire."

"Yes I can, but it's very dangerous for tiny bugs like you."

"I bwow fiyah too!" she squealed, hopping back up into the air and blowing very noisily a few times. "Imma dwagin!"

"Big powerful dragon," Cynder remarked.

"Didjoo wewy sayf da wuwd?" She asked with huge, expectant eyes.

"Did you really save the world?" Nina had to translate again. "We're still working on her pronunciation."

Spyro and Cynder nuzzled each other. "Yeah, Amber...Cynder and Sparx and I saved the world. Together." He shot Sparx a little look to the side, the dragonfly smirking and shaking his head.

Again, that long, drawn-out gasp that seemed to defy the physics of her minuscule lungs. "Wooooowwwww!" she finally exhaled.

"Alright, it's getting close to bedtime," Flash interrupted when Amber yawned.

"But not sweepy!"

"But you will be soon. Come on, hun, time to rest." He and Nina ushered her into the guest room.

"Nice of you to join us finally," Cynder quipped to Sparx.

"Hey, got a lot on my plate. It's hard being a hero." Crossing his arms, he stared wistfully at the guest room, almost a bit sad. "I...feel bad though. Part of me...kind of wants something to happen, so Spyro can show everyone his powers...especially her. But I also don't want anything to happen, and I kinda just want her to grow up on the stories and not have to see the bad stuff."

Cynder teasingly spun him on a puff of Wind breath. "Hey, looks like Mister Pride got himself a conscience after all. Only took you, what, sixteen years and a little sister?"

"It's weird there too...I'm so much older, she could practically be my own kid. We were gone for so long...it's hard to feel connected to any of them again."

Cynder's smile flattened a bit. "That why you're not your usual snarky self?"

"Maybe..." he sighed, shaking his head. "It's been a wild month or two since leaving you guys. And it's just going to get crazier from here on out. Kinda...feel like I bit off more than I can chew. Most of the other dragonflies don't really believe all the tales they hear about what we did. Some have flat-out called me a liar. S'why I'm hoping this Tall Plains endeavor goes as well as I'm hoping."

"Probably will," Spyro remarked. "I don't think the Atllawa would lightly abandon their 'gods' if we came back to visit."

"I dunno, bro, you were there, you saw how quickly they moved from worshipping that stone golem to worshipping us. Feels a bit flighty to me, and that's saying a lot."

"Sure is. A bug that has to run away and hide to survive calling a religious practice flighty."


"Didn't say it was a bad thing, you're still alive, so are mom and dad."

Cynder nuzzled at her belly and purred, then yawned, smiling when she overheard Nina telling Amber some kind of story about a weevil and a frogweed. "Well...I dunno about you two but I need some sleep, it's been...quite an unexpected day. And you two seem to have a long haul ahead, so you'd better get your sleep."

"Yeah...night," Sparx muttered, flying over to the guest room and hovering outside it for a bit, obviously lost in thought. Spyro nuzzled along Cynder's side as he edged into the nest behind her, the black-scaled female scooting over a bit to give him room.

"Kinda jealous our kids get a way better nest and bed than anything we had at the Temple...or in the swamp."

"Only the best...gotta give them what we couldn't have ourselves."

"True." Rubbing her belly, he felt along the shells within her, the happy mother rolling onto her back and moving her wing out of the way so he could fawn on her belly, an opportunity he did not hesitate to take, nosing and lapping and kneading all over her expectant midsection. Purring to each other, she rubbed his head and scritched lightly with her clawtips behind his horns, and he kissed and nibbled and loved on her gravid globe, nosing deeply against her hide to feel the eggshells through her against his muzzle. Resting his chin atop her belly, he gave her a doofy half-lidded grin, struggling to stay awake. She smiled back and teasingly played with his cheeks, mushing them around with her paws and making him chuckle.

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Spyro..."

"Thought the eggs were."

"But they wouldn't be there without you."

Shifting up along her side, he trailed a line of licks and kisses up her neck, then met her mouth and pulled her in for a passionate smooch, the dark girl giggling and curling up against him to press into the kiss with a happy sigh. "Should we...?" she trailed off into a whisper, her paw rubbing down near his crotch, but he shook his head.

"Kinda promised Sparx we wouldn't, with Amber here and all, you never know when she might wake up and go exploring."

"Yeah, makes sense...but before you leave?"

"Down by the river. But yes." Nibbling her cheek, he grinned. "I plan to give you a good, thorough filling before I leave."

"Yesssss..." she hissed with an excited shiver, then yawned again and nestled up against him, her purple mate hugging her close with his wings and legs, practically hiding her amidst his paws and membranes. He did, however, slide his growing erection up into her nethers just the way she liked it when falling asleep.