A Boar and a Lion Part 5

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#31 of Claude gay stories

Claude goes to meet Max and they reconnect. But no all is well. Someone is interfering with our coupple and has hypnotized Max into falling out of love with Claude. With efforts by both of their families will they bond at last and be happy?

I'm very busy now at night. Usually booked up and sometimes a day in advance. But I'm still very anxious to be with Max again. I am so thrilled when Friday arrives. Edward's packed for me. Dad's got Eagle One ready on stand by, I have a penthouse view suite for the hotel in Maui, And we'll be gone for ten days. When we take off I'm so happy and excited I can barely keep still. And when we're airborne, I spend time watching the satellite TV. And I'm causally dressed but still dressed nicely. I'm going to meet his parents when I get to Georgia. And I want them to like me.

I'm really excited and the time just flies by as I'm in the air. Usually it seems like forever if I'm flying this long and it's an extra hour longer to Georgia than it would be to go to Alabama from Sacramento. Too soon we're an hour out, and I call Max. He's so happy. "We're already at the airport, Baby Kitten" He says excitedly. "I can't wait to see you, Claude" Max murrs."Did anyone else come with you?" he asks. "No, I wanted my Boar alone for the seven hours it'll take us to get to Maui" I say. He murrs louder. "Gonna spend as much of that time as I can fucking you, or at least kissing my Lion" He says happily. "I had hoped" I say happily. Max cracks up. "I've missed you too, Big Kitty" he says softly. I have to fight tears.

"I know you, Claude, you can cry if you need to, I just might when we're together in the air"Max says softly. I break down into tears. And Max talks soothingly to me. I try to stop. And I review the pictures. Dusty and Nate took during the Bull party to document it for Max. Dusty even gave me video from his cell phone. Trying to distract myself from crying. Max and I play catch up. He wants to know how Rory and Nate and the family are. And I tell him who's living with us now. And he's happy. He liked Teddy and he's wanting to meet Bill too. And we talk of light and happy things. He tells me of what he's been doing and who. And I tell him a bit about the guys who've become regulars. As we get closer I know I have to turn off my cell so we can get an approach and land. So I say goodbye and hang up.

We land and I'm too excited to wait. When they put the jet way stairs down I run down them and run right to my Boar. He hugs me tightly and we kiss deeply. He wasn't kidding, my Max has tears in his eyes as we kiss. "My baby is back with me" He whispers in my ear. I smile. "I missed my Boar that much too" I say softly. He breaks the kiss and we walk off a bit into the terminal. "My folks wanted me to be alone when we first saw each other." Max says pulling himself together as we walk

I'm not surprised to see his Mom and Dad. Jack Woods, Max's father is a huge Boar, masculine and solidly built and he looks so hot. If Max ages like his Daddy, I'm one lucky Lion. His Mom is a beautiful Cougar female. Like his son, apparently Jack is hot for Felines too.

Jack welcomes me heartily and hugs me tightly. I smile at him. His mom, Anne is friendly too. We sit in the terminal coffee shop. And talk a bit. They do seem to like me. Jack grins. "My boy has good taste, you're an extremely pretty Lion male" Jack says smiling. I blush. "I think I'm the lucky one, Max is the most masculinely handsome male I've ever met, that is until I saw his Daddy" I say quietly. Jack blushes. Anne laughs. "Max is his father's son" she says smiling. "We'd hope if you two go to see each other at times you'll consider coming and spending a week or two with us" Anne says smiling. Jack nods. "We'd love to get to know you, have you stay with us" Jack adds. I smile. "It's up to my Max, but I'd love to" I say smiling.

"He's deferring to you already" Jack says proudly .Max grins at me." If I do get him, he'll be my husband for sure" I say softly. Max murrs. Anne laughs. "He is his father's son and he wouldn't have you any other way, but to be his and cater to him" She says. "Mom, he did already when I was out in California, he'd cater to me and do what he could to make me happy, and you know how he's looked after my needs, I had no right to expect him to wait for me or to let me go as I needed to, but he did, and he swore he'd wait for me" Max says proudly. He holds his hand up and he's wearing the ring I gave him. Anne smiles at me. "He won't take that thing off at all" she says grinning. "I wanted him to have something to remind him of me and the happy times we had" I say. "I could never forget my Claude" He says softly.

Anne takes my paw and we walk off a bit. "Claude, he loves you, but he had been so hurt, I know why he didn't bond you, but you seem to be patient enough to wait for Max" She says."I love him too, but he needed his time to heal, and he's as honest as I am and he'll come to me when he heals enough" I tell her. She kisses me. "I can see how much you love him, it shines from your eyes when you look at him., and you should know he's madly in love with you, but he was so badly hurt when he was left" she says.

"Mrs Woods, I can't understand why anyone who'd love Max could leave him, it's killing me to be without him, not that I'd tell him, cause he needs to heal, but I keep busy as I can" I say softly. She kisses me. "I can see that, but keep being patient, he'll come when he can" she says smiling. "Jack likes you, and he'll help him make up his mind when the time is right" she says.

"He's the patriarch is he?" I ask. She laughs. "He is, like I hear your Dad is" Anne says. "I want y'all to come out soon, whether he does or not" I say. "Claude, he's not coming back to California until he comes to you for good, it's why we want you to come here to spend time, Max is adamant that he'll only go to Sacramento when it's to take you as his mate forever"she says. "I'm kind of touched by that" I say.

"You don't even worry that he might not trust that you won't hurt him" she muses. "I've been in therapy since he left, and my therapist explained how his sense of security was ruptured by how he was left before, I'm not worried, I think he knows I'd never leave him or he wouldn't have begged me to wait for him" I say softly. Anne smiles at me. "He's not saying it but it's helping his sense of security with you that you're willing to wait as long as you know he needs you to" she says. "He cried last time you talked and he begged you to wait for him to come claim you, he told me you said you'd wait as long as it took him, forever if need be" she says. "I would, Max is more than worth waiting for" I Say softly. She kisses me.

Jack walks over to me and she goes back to Max. I smile at Jack. "He's my oldest and so much like me" Jack says. "He certainly seems to be" I say. " I have to admit he gets his hot looks from you" I say. Jack blushes a bit. "He told me you thought he was a beautiful Boar" Jack says. "He is, a hot Boar and an amazing male, honest, genuine, masculine and he seems to understand me already" I say softly. Jack laughs. "You are so much like Anne, Claude, I mean that as a complement, Max has seen how she treats me and he says it's just the same as the way you treat him" Jack says. "Don't worry, Boy, he'll come to you, I'll make sure of that, having met you, I can see how much you love him, and how perfect you two are for each other" Jack says.

"I'm kind of proud of him for the taste he's shown, you're handsome and rich and loving and you adore him as much as he adores you, and you understand why he needs to heal, but he will and just know we approve of you for him, and Anne and I will do all we can to help him heal and get back to his Lion as soon as he can" Jack says. "We'd hope you'd bring us out from time to time when he does" Jack says. "We have Dad's planes and our home will be yours, Anne told me he won't come to California until it's time to come home for good, but you and your family are always welcome" I say happily. Jack hugs me. "Boy, you're all I'd hoped Max would get, you understand him and love him totally, that rat bastard Fox wasn't good enough for Max and I told him so, but he's as stubborn as I am" Jack says.

"He told me how you two met and how you went after him as soon as you knew he wanted you" Jack says. "I'd of taken him on the spot, Mr Woods, but my therapist says he was too hurt to open up to bond me"I say softly. "You seem to be handling the wait fairly well" Jack says. "And you can call me Daddy Jack, Boy, your Dad had Max calling him Papa Jim" Jack says. "I've heard of your Dad and I kind of can't wait to meet him, I heard money or no money he was down to Earth, and he'd have to be to raise a son like you" Jack says proudly. I smile.

"Dad loves Max, he was as sorry to see him leave as I was, but he knows we hope to get together once he's healed, he was really happy to lend me Eagle One so we could go to Hawaii." I say smiling. Jack smiles. "We worked hard to get Max into Med school and through his training, parents always hope to give their kids a better life than they had" Jack says. "If I can help with Max's brothers I'd be glad to" I say softly. "We'll talk about that soon if you're still willing, Claude" Jack says quietly. "I'd do anything I could to help, Daddy Jack" I say. "My Momma always said if we didn't do what we could to help those good folks who didn't have our good fortune, then we weren't worthy of the advantages we had" I say. "She sounds like good folks, Boy" He says. "Momma was from a poor rural Alabama family, Dad had to court the Hell out of her, and she died when I was young but she would have been proud that you called her good plain folks" I say softly. "Your Daddy must have loved her so much" Jack says softly. "He did, he was crushed that she died so young, he's been bonded to Papa Harry for a long time now, but he's never forgotten her, nor will he let us forget her" I say.

He smiles. "Max said you had an older Brother" Jack asks. "Rory's two years older then me" I say. "Max said he was not a Lion?" Jack asks. "He took after Grandpa Russell, my Momma's father, and he's a big Polar Bear, but he's Dad's son for sure" I Say softly. Jack smiles. "My boys are all Boars and male, and I know sometimes Anne wishes we'd of had a Cougar or two or a daughter" Jack says softly. "Boy, we've talked enough, go to my son, he's missed you something fierce," Jack says. "Just know Anne and I don't think we could have picked a better male for our oldest Boy, he's gay but he's my Boy and I'm proud of him and prouder of how much you two love each other" He says hugging me again and walking off.

Max comes up to me. And he puts his arm around me. "They love you, Claude, Mom thinks the world of you already" he says softly. "Your Dad seems to like me too" I say softly. "He's so hot and he's so much like you" I say softly. And we go hug his parents. And I go find the flight crew. They've got Eagle One refueled and ready to go when we are, They have the flight plan filed, and they have cards from CMK. They'll get a nice vacation too. Waiting for us to go home. It's a perk of working for us. Max brings his luggage out and they stow it for him. And we get on board.

And we belt in and I signal them that we're belted in and that the cabin is secured. Max kisses me the whole time we take off and have to stay belted in. He's really hot for me. And he is weeping. "I wish I was healed now, but I still need time, Baby" he says softly. "We'll get together when we can, Max, I'll wait for my Boar to heal and to come home to me" I say softly. "Mom and Dad want you to come to Georgia next time and spend time with us" he says. "They both asked me, and if you want to we will, my Max" I say softly. "I'd like that, Claude" He says softly.

"Dad said you told him you'd help my brothers with College when it's time"Max says softly. "I did, they're good parents and they love you and your brothers so much, I can spare it, and will happily help" I say. "Dad's proud of having worked so hard to get me through Med School, but he's getting too old to work that hard, but I'm amazed he seems to be accepting that" Max says quietly. I smile. "They know I'm doing it because I love you, and they're your brothers" I say smiling. Max sticks his tongue in my mouth and stops the conversation. And we deep kiss for a while. I'm happier than I've been in a long time.

The cabin status light turns green and I unbuckle my seat belt and get up. I go open up the side seats and turn on the TV. I convert the side seats to a bed. Max is grinning now. He gets up and yanks my shorts down and shoves up me while I'm bent over putting the coverlet on the bed. And he's banging me hard and fast. I can see in his eyes, he just wants to cum up me and claim me as his again. Max is grunting hard."I missed this so much, Claude, I've had sex and I know you have too, but no one feels as good to me as my Lion does" he says gently. I lean back and I kiss him. "I've fucked a lot of guys and had fun, but I missed my Boar's fucking more than I have words for" I say tearing up. Max roars and cums up me hard. He holds me to him tightly. I pull his clothes off and he takes mine off too.

Max holds me so tightly I'm afraid I'll break. He lays me down on the bed and cuddles me. We lay kissing for a while. He's nuzzling me all over and he's running his big hands all over me too. I moan to feel my Boar's touch again. "My beautiful Lion will wait for his Boar, you must love me so much" he says softly. "I do Max, and I said I'd wait for you, I'm sorry though, you told me not to fall for you and I did anyway" I say meekly. He grins. "I did too, but you loved me enough to let me go do what I needed to, never doubt that I do love you, Claude" Max says.

"Dr White said if you'd hadn't been so hurt we would have bonded when you first kissed me" I say softly. "So you're going to therapy to help you cope with waiting for me?" he asks. "I am, my family and my friends and a lot of males who are hot for me are keeping me together, and Jonas has made sure I understand why you need time, and to help me understand myself" I say quietly. "I want to hear about all of the sex you've been having, but right now, I just want to lay here and hold you" Max says. I start to speak and he puts his finger on my lips. "Hush now, Claude" he says. And I can see his silent tears. I lay my head on his broad chest and I just revel in his presence and his scent.

After about 30 minutes he speaks again."Claude, I'm going to therapy too" Max says quietly. "I want to heal and I need help getting over how badly I had to of hurt you, when all you did was love me as I have always wanted to be loved" Max says softly. "I do understand, Big Boar, and you're more than worth waiting for, when you do come to me, it's forever, it's not too hard to wait to have you forever" I say softly. "It's helping me, as is coming to see you at times, my therapist says they'll come a time when I'm with you, that I can't bring myself to leave you again, and then I'll know I'm healed and it's time for us to bond" he says quietly. "That I'll need a few years more to get comfortable with being loved again" Max says softly. Seems a bit Dodgy to me as Edward would say. But I won't mention that now. I realize I may have to do what I swore I'd never do. That is ask Edward about whether me and Max do have a future together. Knowing he'll know and yet might not tell me.

Max kisses me. "I need in you again" he murrs and he rolls on top of me and pushes his fat Pig dick up me. I wrap myself around his bigger body and we rut hard and loud. He's really banging me hard and fast now. I moan and I can barely think. My Boar is inside of me again. I call out his name and beg him to rut me harder. And he does. He's got a deep grin on his face now. I roar and arch my back into his thrusting and clamp my ass ring on his dick as I gush cum on him. He roars and I feel him spurting up me. For a whole minute his big Porcine balls pump his sperm up me. He's shaking and trembling as he unloads up me. He's kissing me repeatedly and very passionately. He holds me tightly and when I try to speak he begs me not to. I can see it in his eyes, he's overwhelmed with his love for me.

We land in a while and we go to the Hotel. And he loves the place. He makes good money by he's not used to such fancy surroundings but he loves being spoiled by me. We have a great ten days together, fucking a lot and getting to know each other. We even find a secluded beach that we fuck on.

One night, we fuck on the beach in the moonlight and this time I'm the one overcome with feeling the love between us. I'm silent and weepy. Max kisses me gently. "I understand, Claude" Max says quietly. "Should I let you go and let you find a male who'll love you now, so you won't be lonely anymore?" he asks. "No!" I scream."If I can't have you, I don't want anyone, Max," I roar and I wrap myself around him tightly and refuse to let go of him. Max is weeping now too. "I don't deserve your love and loyalty, Claude" He says through his tears.

"Max, I knew how things were and I still fell for you, I'll wait as I promised I would, this helped a lot, getting together with you, if we can do it at times as we said we would, I can cope" I say kissing him repeatedly. Max smiles gently at me. "Mom was right, you were meant to be mine" Max says softly. He gets up off of me and we dress and walk back to the Hotel.

We go home at the end of the ten days. Max is silent for the last hour or so of the flight. And he's got tears in his eyes. But he kisses me and leaves after we land. He tell me to stay and just go home. So I do.

Over the next two years we get together about every two to three months. He won't let me come to Georgia though and he refuses to come out here. And he won't explain why he doesn't want me coming to Georgia. Anne and Jack keep asking me to and I tell them it's up to Max.(It's making both me and Jonas a bit suspicious at best.)

I keep busy at home with the Horses and Bulls I've partied with. I have had two more Horse parties and three more Bull parties, and they went well. I date a few guys, and I'm happy for Ed when he and Jerome bond. But I miss going out with my big Palomino too. Mick and Bill and Carl get bonded too.(I've have a few sessions with Jonas weeping about my fears he may never heal and come to me. That all the guys I would have taken except for waiting for Max will all be bonded. And that I'll be alone forever. Jonas understands. And as always he's so kind and helpful and eases my fears. But he has voiced his concerns that it's taking so long for Max to heal.)

I'm at work. Having a bad day, overbooked with patients and nothing is going right. I've been home about a week from the last get together with Max. We went to Australia for ten days and had a great time, fucking and sight seeing. Max was quieter than normal the whole trip, yet still loving, except that he wouldn't kiss me, more than a peck on the cheek anyway... He wept when he left me. I'm a bit tender still. I cried all the way from Georgia to California.(I kind of fixated on his not kissing me, and it seemed wrong somehow. I worried if he's falling out of love with me.)

I miss him much more than usual now. I've gotten a bit better though since then, but I miss him so much worse now. Its been 30 months since I first met him. I'm turning 24 next week. And Edward's words ring in my ears. "You'll be mated by the time you're 24" he said. "And he's never wrong" I moan .But Max doesn't seem to be healing enough to be mine for good. For the first time I wonder if I'll really bond someone else after waiting for Max for so long. I debate what I'll do if he does break up with me. I'm not putting my life on hold for him if he doesn't. I'll go on, broken hearted, but I will go on. A lot of guys are still interested in me. If my heart is free I might be able to take one of them.(I happily fixed Teddy up with his Jesse. But if Max and I don't bond and I have no hope of getting Teddy, I'll be devastated. Bill and Dusty too.)

Jonas doesn't agree with Max's therapist that he'll know when we're together that he can't leave me. And when I tell him, she said Max needs a few more years to heal still. Jonas is very skeptical. Max has cried each time he's left me and usually walks off and gets his luggage with me still in the plane. Jonas thinks he's already very pained to leave me. And he doesn't understand why he would still need more time.(He's getting suspicious about this therapist's intentions, yet he's saying nothing to me) We had had a very tearful session yesterday. I wept the whole time. Jonas looked worried about me when I was leaving.

Jack and Anne have called me a lot of late. They did on the day we got home. They're confused as they've asked me and Max to bring me to their house for a week to spend time. Jack was confused and he thought I didn't want to come. I told him that I'd brought it up each time we made plans and Max refused. Jack seemed angry when I told him. They love me. I've paid for their oldest three boys to go to college and I'll pay for the other five when they're old enough. Jack Jr, Matt, and Mike are planning to be Doctors like their older brother, the younger boys respect Max a lot. And they like me too. Happy that I'll help them because I love their older Brother so much. (In my heart, I know even if I don't end up bonded to Max, I'll still help his brothers. I am too fond of Anne and Jack not to.)

And after I get finished eating lunch my cell rings. Jack Woods, and he sounds worried.. "Claude, can you get time off soon?" he asks. "I can in about a week" I say softly. "You're coming to our house" he says firmly. "I'm tired of this, we want you here, and Max is being stubborn, he locked himself in his room and cried for three days when you came back from Australia, he's needing you but he can't admit he's ready, and just scared" Jack snorts. "But he doesn't want me to come?" I ask. "Not caring, his Mom and I know he's ready, and you've been so patient and you've been so good to him and us" Jack says firmly. "Anne and I want him with you before anything could happen to keep you apart for good" Jack snorts. "He'll listen to his Daddy, don't worry, just come when you can" Jack says. "We wont tell him and we'll bring you home" Jack says. "Claude, he's taken your ring off and he says it hurts too much to wear it" Jack says softly. (I'm getting a bad feeling about that, he's always worn it proudly. And I can't help but wonder now.)

"But he'll get mad at me for coming without his permission" I whimper. Jack laughs. "Just proving how perfect you are for my boy, Claude" he says laughing. "Come, he might get mad but he won't be mad at you when we tell him we arranged it, he'll be mad at me, but he'll listen to me, Claude, I'm gonna make sure he bonds your ass this time, I'm not watching him sulk and hurt you both anymore" Jack says firmly.

Anne takes the phone. "Claude, he's hurting now, he misses you too much, yet he's still too afraid of being hurt again, he told me his therapist thinks he's nowhere near ready and that he doesn't have the right to ask you to take him anymore, though you've waited so long for him" Anne says. "I don't trust her, that therapist of his, she's been telling him things that make me wonder about her, I think she is trying to turn him against you" Anne says. "I want our son with you, and I think she's fallen for him and is trying to convert him so he'll take her instead of you." Anne says.

And she explains her reasoning to me. "I think you're right, Momma Woods" I say. "I'll make some arrangements and call you, I'm gonna talk to my therapist and clear my schedule and get Dad to give me Eagle One and come as soon as I can" I say firmly. She laughs. "I'm not risking losing him after all of this time, he's about to find out what happens when I put my foot paw down" I snort. "I'll tell Jack, call him when you know when you're coming"she says. "I hope he's not upset I'm bucking Max" I say. She laughs again.

"Jack is used to it, and Max will see it too, I'm obedient to Jack, until it's something extremely important to me, and I use that same phrase 'putting my foot paw down' and Jack loves me enough to know how important it is to me then, and Max will too." she says. "You're so much like me, Claude, and I know you'll be all to Max that he needs and wants, and we want to get to know you better too" she says. "Can you and Jack come out if I do get him to come to me?" I ask."With a bit of time, with you footing the bill for our boys' schooling I quit my job. Jack prefers me to be home anyway, and our other boys are old enough, and their Grandma will come watch them for me" she says. "I'd love to bring y'all out and let you meet my family, since you're family to me already" I tell her. "Jack and I are kind of anxious to meet your Dad, he had to have raised you very well" she says. I smile. She hangs up.

I call Jonas and we talk. When I tell him what Anne told me he agrees with us. "Claude, you need to get him away from her, even if he won't take you, she's confusing him as to what he really wants" Jonas says. "Claude, I've had my suspicions about her for a long time now." Jonas says softly. "I'd of had him home with you a year ago, myself, if I was his therapist" he says softly. I tell him what I'm going to do. "Sounds good, he needs to be with you and then he'll know what he needs" Jonas says."We were just together, Jonas" I say. "He's avoided having you in his home and being with you in yours. get him in that situation and he'll see how much he needs you" Jonas says softly. "Bring him to see me when you get him home" Jonas says softly. "Thanks, Big Dog" I say. "I'd of been so lost without my St Bernard" I say happily.

Jonas laughs. "Get him and I can release you from therapy, and then we can fuck" Jonas says laughing. "I've sat watching you when you're here and wondering if you're as tight and hot as they say you are" Jonas says. "You just know that I'm good at knotting and being turned" I tease him. Jonas murrs loudly. "Claude, please" he begs."I have to call Dad and talk to Janice and I'll swing by your office if you want me" I say. "I think we can handle this, can you let me fuck you and still let me be therapeutic?" Jonas asks. "I know I can. I let Paul ride me a lot and still took care of him when he was injured" I say laughing. "Come on then:" he says hotly.

I call Dad when Jonas hangs up. I explain it all. "I'm coming with you, Boy" Dad snorts. "I could really use my Daddy now" I say quietly. "My boy needs his Daddy to help bring his Boar home" Dad says proudly. "Anne and Jack are really anxious to meet my Dad, they think your raised us right and they've heard so much about my Daddy" I say."I'll have Eagle One ready for us, and have Edward pack for you" Dad says and he hangs up. Dad's gotten busy already. He's called Joe Iverson, our lawyer. And he'll talk to Jonas before I go to see Jonas. He's figuring out what to do to help Max and I. Dad's determined to bring Max home. And when Dad's like this, there is nothing that can stand in his way. (Except me or Edward, and we're not getting in his way about this.)

My cell rings. Edward? "Claude, it's time, and you'll bond him now, if you can get him away from her quickly." Edward says. I break down and cry. "I needed to hear that" I say. "She's been confusing him all along, she does want him but not necessarily to mate, she wants money from you, but his loyalty to you is still strong, Claude, but he's beginning to waver a bit, and she's planning on escalating her little plan.."Edward says. "Jonas is right, it's why he's avoiding being here, or having you at his place." Edward says."I know Jim needs to be with you too, Rory as well, and I've got a bag packed for you, Anne and Jack will come home with you and your Dad, and I'll have a room for them" he says. "I've talked to Rory, and he'll come too, Max respects him and he'll help break her down." Edward says.(Rory's got an advantage being a big assed Polar Bear. I've seen him use it. A gruff, firm tone of voice, backed by his size and a very controlled yet angry look. Folks break quickly.) "I'll be home in an hour or two, got a few things to do still" I say. "That will give Jim a chance to get packed and get the plane ready" Edward says softly.

I go talk to Janice and Emil. Emil hugs me. "Good luck, Liebchen, you will be so happy to have him home for good" Emil says. Janice says she'll rearrange all of my appointments and she calls Jeanine to help her. I go back and grab my suit jacket and I run to the parking garage and get in my Mercedes. I drive down the street to Jonas' office. And I park and go in.

His receptionist is grinning at me. "He said to call him the minute you showed up, he's excited to see you today, he told me you were going to go bring your mate home" she says. "You must be very happy" she says. "I'm so excited for this, but I need to talk to Jonas first" I say."I've canceled his appointments for the next 2 hours"she says smiling.

She calls him and he's right out to get me. He's rock hard and grinning. We go into his office and he's on me the minute the door closes behind us. We kiss and he's really hot for me. He moves me over to his couch. I get back up as I start to strip. "Be easier to turn me if I'm on my knees on the floor" I say softly. "I've never done it, seen it in porn but never done it myself, Claude" Jonas pants. He's a really hot St Bernard. He pulls his clothes off quickly. "Dad and Rory are coming with me to Georgia, she's trying to entrap my Boar to get money out of me to let him go, Edward says he's holding out but he's starting to weaken" I say. Jonas looks at me. "Jim called me, he knows what to do now" Jonas says. "I want to talk to him when you bring him home, and I'll refer the matter to the Georgia Medical Board, Claude, it's unethical" he says. "Isn't this too?" I ask. "No, baby you want me don't you?" He asks. "I do and I have since the first time we saw each other" I say. "She's manipulating him against his will, big difference,, Claude, we want each other, and I know now you won't be affected in doing future therapy with me" He says leaning down and kissing me. His big Canine dick is dripping precum onto the carpet. I get down on my knees in front of him. He's behind me with his knees up close to me. And I feel the slick tip of his big Canine dick at my ass ring. "Claude, you're the most beautiful Feline I've ever seen, and I can hardly believe you want me so much" Jonas murrs leaning down to kiss me. I push back on him as his pointed tip begins to slip up me and I push back to the top of his knot, which is slowly beginning to inflate. He's moaning loudly.

He begins to thrust up me slowly. And he's loudly murring. "My boyfriend dumped me, Claude, I'm so fucking horny" he moans. "I'd of taken you anytime you asked me, Jonas" I say. "You've got your Boar coming home, Claude, I was afraid I'd try to bond you, and I didn't want to hurt either of us" he says. "My Big Dog was looking after me as he always does" I say proudly. Jonas murrs. He speeds up in me a bit. And his knot is still swelling. I look back . It's getting fairly big. "Knot me, Jonas, or it might get too big to go in" I beg. He grins and shoving his hips forward pops his knot up me. He's fully inflated as soon as he's up me and we're quickly tied with each other. He's growling softly.

"So hot" he murrs. "Never knotted someone?" I ask. "Once, Claude" he says shyly. He's thrusting erratically. I know they have a lot of sensitivity in that knot. "Gonna cum" He grunts. "Breed me, Big Dog" I moan. And he howls, and I feel him gushing up me. He lays on my back panting hard. "How do we do the turning?" He asks me. "Baby, push your hips forward a little bit, enough to slip up me a bit more" I say. And he does."Now, gently throw your right leg over my back until we're butt to butt, go slow but don't worry about hurting me, Big Dog" I say. I look back and he looks a bit anxious. "Jonas, I've done this a bunch of times, you won't hurt me, you'd never hurt me, Big Dog" I say gently.

He smiles shyly. And he slowly lifts his right leg over my back and he moves forwards a bit and we're butt to butt. Jonas murrs loudly and then he's trembling from his first turning orgasm. It puts tension on his knot against my ass ring which won't spread enough to let his knot out. And his pulsing knot is right over my prostate. And it makes me cum when he does. "Oh my fucking God" he pants. And two minutes later he howls loudly and I feel his thick sticky Canine cum shoot up me.

For the next hour we rush from orgasm to orgasm. He'll howl each time and shake hard. At the end of the hour his softened knot pops wetly out of my ass. I pull him to me. And hold him. Panting hard we both lay kissing each other until we can pull ourselves together. "It was Bloody amazing, Claude" he pants. "I kinda liked it too" I tease him. We keep kissing. And he looks at me. "A guy could get addicted to that" he says blushing. I kiss him.

I pull my pants to me. And I take my cell out. "Call him, tell him you're the guy Claude told him about" I say softly. "Who?" he asks. "Tommy Morgan, he's a little Cottontail Rabbit I know, he loves Canines and he's the one who helped me take my first knot, a friend of his wanted him to help me as a lot of guys were afraid of his size and his fat knot" I say. Jonas looks at me. "You're bigger than he was, in fact you've got the biggest Canine dick and knot I've seen, Jonas, Tommy will love you, and he'll probably do his damnedest to bond you" I say.(He does, he's even bigger than Bernie's massive dick and knot.) Jonas kisses me. "It's in my best interests to have you mated Jonas, I'd of taken you so fast if it weren't for Max" I say smiling. He grins. "I see you do care for me, Claude" Jonas says. "You're a great male, caring and a great fuck too, and you've helped me so much, Jonas" I say softly. Jonas smiles. "I'll call him when you leave and I'll invite him to dinner"Jonas says quietly. I kiss Jonas and we lay curled up and talk about what I should do with Max. like how to approach him and all. I dress and I kiss Jonas. He dresses and he's on the phone to Tommy as I leave.

I go home. Dad's home as is Rory. And they hug me. "Claude, you should all go now" Edward says urgently. "She's really after him today, she's gone to his place supposedly to do a session with him, but she wants to get him to agree to be engaged." Edward says. Dad nods and we leave for the airport. I worry as we're still hours from Georgia. I call Anne on our way to the airport as Dad calls the pilot and tells him to be ready to go when we get there.

"That bitch is here" Anne says angrily. "She says she's doing therapy with him, but she was in his lap when I walked in" Anne says angrily. "We'll keep them apart however we can, Claude" Jack says taking the phone. "He's unsure, Claude, he almost looks dazed, when I asked him he said she was doing hypnotherapy with him" Jack says. "She's the one who told him not to wear his ring" he adds. "Put it on him, Jack, it'll remind him he's mine, I'll kill that bitch if she keeps this up, I'll fight her tooth and claw for my Max" I say furiously. Jack laughs. "I'll have to remember that, Max's Kitty does have a temper, I'll go do it, he'll do it for me" Jack says firmly.

We get to the plane and put our stuff on board. And we're airborne within a half hour. But we still have six hours of flight time to go. And Dad asks me what I'll do if he does sleep with her. "I don't care if he sleeps with her, but Edward and Anne say she's trying to get him away from me to get him at least engaged to her." I say softly. "Hypnotherapy will influence him to a degree, but you can't make someone do something under hypnosis that they wouldn't do while awake, if he is still loyal to me, unless she convinces him I won't take him, it won't happen.." I say. "I have to have faith in my Max" I say softly. My cell rings. It's Daddy Jack.

"Claude, I put your ring on him and she objected, I told her to leave as we were having company soon, she bitched about it, but she left, and Max is not saying anything now. just occasionally staring at your ring."Jack says. "Claude, could she like have hypnotized him or something?" Jack asks."Possibly, Daddy Jack, he'll probably be OK, just try not to leave him alone" I say softly. Dad takes my phone and he and Jack talk a bit.

I have to wonder why she's going after him like this now. She can't know we're on our way. And to be so aggressive about going after him.. He's a hot Boar, and he's a Physician, but not a rich one. And most of his money he gives to his parents. Rory and I sit and talk about it while Dad's on the phone with Jack. They seem to be getting along well. Rory suggests that it's me that is the important factor in her interest. She thinks by taking him she can get money out of me? Extort money from me to get her to let him out of his engagement or marriage. We basically agree now with what Edward told me. But we're making good time and we can't get to him before another few hours. I have to try to relax so I can nap for a while. Dad and Rory are talking about work related matters now.(Dad already knows what he'll do, my crafty Lion father has it mostly worked out in advance. He's just not going to worry me in case it gets settled without him using his plans.)

I doze for a couple of hours. I wake feeling anxious. Dad and Rory are still talking . I call Jack . "He's gone, Claude, he got a call and left" Jack says. "He won't answer his phone, and his service can't get him either" Jack says obviously upset. "He's still wearing you ring though, Claude" Jack says . "I'm going to have to trust him, Daddy Jack, nothing else I can do, we're still a few hours out" I say softly. "Just a second, Claude" Jack says. "Anne's gone too" he says. "Maybe she went after him, it's what I'd of done in her place?" I ask. Jack laughs. "I know, you're so much like her, you'll keep Max as happy as she keeps me" Jack says roaring with laughter. "Boy, don't worry about Max now, if she didn't go after him I will" Jack says. "I got her office and home addresses out of the phone book" Jack says. "I think my boys need their Daddy Jack now to run interference" He says softly. (He really is a lot like my Dad, they want us together and will do anything to get us together.)

And he hangs up. "They really want me with Max" I say and I tell Dad and Rory what Jack said. Dad laughs. "I think I like him, he's a lot like me, Boy" Dad says laughing. "He'll drag his boy away from her if he has to" Dad says. I'm quiet the rest of the way. Dad and Rory seem worried about me. I'm really happy when we land. I run down the jet way. Anne's here but no one else. I run into her arms and she strokes my mane. "I went to the grocery store and when I came home Jack was gone, Baby Kitten" Anne says hugging me. "Jack and Max are both gone" she says. I tell her about calling Jack earlier and tell her what we talked about. She laughs.

"Anne Woods, this is my Dad, J. T. Kitman, and the big Bear is my older Brother Rory" I say grinning. Anne hugs them both tightly. Rory's laughing. But Dad looks stunned.

"Claude, she's Martha if Martha had been a Cougar" Dad says shaking his mane. "Martha?" Anne asks. "Our Mom" Rory says laughing. "If you're his son, how are you a Polar Bear?" Anne asks. "Genetic throwback to our Grandpa Russell, our Mom's Dad" I say smiling. "Mom was a Lioness born to a Polar Bear and a Lioness" Rory says smiling. Dad keeps trying not to stare at Anne. "He loved her so much, he may have Papa Harry now, but he loved and adored our Mother" I say softly. Anne kisses him. Dad blushes. "I'm flattered you think I'm like Claude's Momma, Claude is a Hell of a Lion and I'm proud Max loves him" Anne says.

We're sitting in the private/corporate lounge. I hear arguing and I know it's Max and his Dad by their voices. And they walk in the room. Max looks stunned. "Why are you here?" Max asks. "I asked him to come, Boy, you're being an idiot, and listening to that bitch too much" Jack growls. "You're meant for Claude, and no one else" Jack says firmly. "Claude, I'm engaged to Dr Whitney as of an hour ago." Max says. "Like Hell you are" I snort. "You were already engaged to me" I say furiously. Dad roars and takes my cell and walks off. I can hear him talking though. Sensitive ears and all. He's talking to Joe Iverson. And it sounds serious. Rory's really angry now. But it's kind of hard to read the look on his face. For a moment I almost think he's about to go after Max. (He's seen Dr Whitney walking up and he's ready to go after her.)

"Max, I've waited for you , you begged me to wait for you, and now you tell me you're engaged to your therapist" I snort. I have a split second of anger. Fuck this let her have him. I'll survive. "Claude, I'm so sorry " he says. She comes up to us. "He's mine, and if he breaks it off I'll sue him for breach of promise." she says. "Before or after I sue you back into the stone age for Alienation of affections, and violating professional ethics by having sex with a patient" I snort. "We haven't had sex yet" she says. And I think back to what Jonas told me. "Emotional intimacy is just the same under the law as actual sex" I say angrily. She looks a bit shaken. "Being engaged or otherwise emotionally attached to a patient is a violation of the Ethics code in California and I'm willing to bet it is here in Georgia too, and I can find out quickly." I say angrily.

"Don't have to Claude, I had Joe check it." Dad says walking back. "If you are engaged according to Georgia law, you've violated the Physicians Code of Ethics and will in all probability lose your license at the very least, as we speak our family lawyer is in touch with the Georgia State Medical Board while his paralegal works up a lawsuit, we'll sue you for $20 Million for alienation of Max's affections," Dad says."We have witnesses to Max's asking him to wait til he healed and then he'd bond him" Dad snorts. She turns white. "You wont get money out of my boy or me" Dad says angrily. I can tell by Max's glazed eyes what's gone on. "You hypnotized him, didn't you, you bitch?" I ask. She glares at me. OK, I know I have one hope now, hypnotized or not he still loves me. He's still intently looking at my ring and then at me. I can break through to him using his deep love for me. Time to bond his ass for good. He'll take me if he's healed, he's just been confused by her. He must want me still.

I lean over and I put Max's ring up to his face. He looks at it and then at me. I can see his love for me in his eyes. "It's time, you know it is, Max, you love me and not her, you love this Lion and you have for so long now, time to bond me, you know it is" I say in my most professional voice. I kiss him, with all of my heart and soul and I faint. Max grabs me. "Baby, when did you get here, and why did you come, and where the Hell are we?" He asks looking around. "I came to take you for good" I say looking up into his eyes. He's so happy now. "You came after me, Baby?" he asks. I nod. "Jonas convinced me you were ready, just being manipulated" I say softly.

"I bonded you, you're mine at last" Max says happily, holding me very tightly now. "My own therapist told me what you were probably doing and I knew it was time to come get him, you either wanted him or money from me to get him back, not gonna happen, bitch" I snort. "Joe's called the local Police and filed extortion charges against you ,Dr Whitney" Dad says softly. "We're not a family to mess with" Rory says angrily. Dad gets a call. And he grins. "Joe called a friend of his so we have a local attorney now" Dad says smiling. Rory's arguing with her now. And he's looking fierce and he tells her that he'll personally make sure she's ruined, with every penny he or CMK has. My brother is being protective of us. He really did like Max and he thinks we're meant to be together.

Max is kissing me. "You promised to marry me" she hollers. "I did not, or I can't remember it if I did, I belong to Claude now, we're bonded" Max says proudly. "He promised to bond me if I waited for him to heal, he promised me first" I snort. "It'll hold up in court, a bonding promise like that, done several years ago, according to our lawyer" Rory snorts. She's mad now. "Better leave before the cops show up" Dad says firmly, in his CEO voice.

"I'll sue you into the Stone Age, if you don't disappear now, and never bother us again" I say furiously. "Interfering with a biological bond is grounds for an alienation of affection suit" Dad says grinning. She stomps off. "She won't make it back to her office. Joe got a bench warrant out on her she'll be arrested soon enough" Dad says. He hugs Max. Max grins. And he hugs Dad back. "I've wanted to see this for a long time now, you're his husband finally, Max" Dad says proudly. Rory hugs him "Big Bear, you came to help" Max says. "I know how much he loves you and how much you love him, we had to come get you out of her clutches" Rory says smiling. "The big corporate execs came to help my Boy, and get him with Claude" Jack says grinning.

Max kisses me deeply again. "Dad, Rory, lets go to their house and wait, I want Jack and Anne to come visit us for a bit, I want them to be able to come out when they want" I say. Dad smiles."Just call me and I'll send a plane for you both" Dad says grinning. Max's holding on to me tightly. And we get our stuff and he and I go with Anne and Dad and Rory go with Jack. Dad and Jack are laughing and joking like they've known each other forever.

"They're so much alike" Anne says laughing. Max hugs me and Anne and I tell him about what has been going on. Max looks embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Baby Kitten" Max says sadly. "Baby, she had you snowed, and she'd been hypnotizing you" I say "Jonas says she's been trying to sabotage your healing so you'd not come to me and she'd have a shot at you" I say. He looks sad. "None of it was your fault, Max, we figure she was after you to get money out of me to let go of you" I say softly.

"You think so?" he asks. " I do, and if I had to, I'd of paid to get my Boar back, but Dad loves you too, and he's wanting us together, just like your parents do," I say. "Dad came and dragged me out of her office and then we came out here, I had no idea you were coming, but he did" Max says. "He wanted me to come, so did Anne, he called me this morning and we've talked a lot today" I say. "Max, he's meant for you, as much as I'm meant for Jack, and he's yours now" she says. "Not totally, I have to fuck him and cum in him, Mom, it's how Lions bond" Max says. I kiss him.

We get to their house and Max grabs my paw and drags me to his room. They have a nice house. Middle class and neatly kept up. His bedroom is neat and tidy. He pulls me onto the bed and he's pulling at my clothes. "Claude, I'm sorry, please forgive me for falling for her trap" Max says. "Jonas wants to see you when we get home, he thinks she's been giving you post hypnotic suggestions and he wants to make sure you're back to normal" I tell him. Max is quiet now.

"Just the possibility I might be swayed away from you, and you and your Dad and Rory came all this way for me?" he asks. "Yes, they want me with you, Max, as much as I want to be with you" I say quietly. Max stands and pulls his own clothes off. "I want you now, gotta take you to me before anything else can happen" Max says dropping on top of me. I wrap my legs around his thick waist. Max shoves his fat Boar dick up my ass. And he fucks me hard and fast. "I'm almost desperate to cum up you" he grunts. "I made you wait so long for this, and I've hurt us both, because I trusted her it was longer than it should have been" Max says sadly. "I was convinced it was time when we went to Hawaii the second time, and she talked me out of it before we left, said I wasn't ready, and it was the first time she suggested hypnotherapy" Max says softly. "Max, it's over now, we've bonded, finish me and we'll forget it all, I missed you and I needed you, and I loved going places with you" I say quietly. "I won't ever bring it up again, Max, all I ever wanted was to be yours, and now I am" I say softly. "I told you I'd wait as long for you as I had to, and I did" I pant.

Max starts fucking me again. Hard, fast and deep. I kiss him. He's got tears in those deep Green eyes."I love you so much, Claude" Max says. I arch my back into his thrusting and I cum on him. I'm gripping his fat dick with my ass ring and he's grunting hard. I lean up and I kiss him. He's trembling hard and he's really fucking me hard now. We deep kiss. Max roars and I feel him gushing up me. And I faint again. He's kissing me repeatedly when I awake.

Max is weeping. "I hope you'll forgive me one day for making you wait so long" Max says."Max, enough, we're together now, it's all the matters to me, I have my Boar and nothing else is important" I say softly. He's still on top of me and he's stroking my mane now. "Claude, I'm sorry" Max says. "I understand, but you need to hear me now, this is behind us I've forgiven you, I was never angry with you, there is no reason for us to be upset, Max" I say softly. Max kisses me. "I don't deserve you, Baby Kitten" Max says softly. "I'm no bargain either, Big Boar" I say. "You said don't fall for me and I did and I defied you when your Dad ordered me to come here" I say softly.

There's a knock at the door. I sniff the air. "Come in Rory" I holler. "So it's all good now?" Rory asks. "He's mine now, Big Bear, and he's determined to put this behind us"Max says softly. "That's my little Bro, he keeps moving forward no matter what" Rory says smiling. "He said we were together now and that nothing else mattered" Max says. Rory grins at him."He'll never let you bring it up, Max, he wanted you and you're his now, or more truthfully, he's yours" Rory says. "He chased you until you caught him" Rory says laughing. Max smiles. "You've wanted me so much since the day we met" he says smiling deeper.

We can hear loud, raucous laughter. Dad and Jack are having a good time apparently. Rory laughs too. "You'd think they knew each other for a long time" Rory says softly. Max smiles. "Papa Jim was determined to get us together" he says smiling."Daddy Jack did everything he could to help too, our Dads want us together. your Mom too" I say softly. Rory laughs.

"Max, your Mom is still freaking Dad out a bit, she looks so much like our Mom, Dad's kind of shook still." Rory says softly. "She and Jack told me I was a lot like her" I say quietly. "You are, you treat me just like my Mom treats Dad" Max says. "You have shown me that while you want me to be your husband, that you're not afraid to stand up to me when it's an important thing to you or I'm wrong, you're just like Mom is to Dad" Max says smiling. "Dad has always told you how much like Mom you were" Rory says smiling at me. Max rolls off of me.

"Rory, I hope I can thank you one day for dropping everything and coming to help us" Max says. Rory hugs him. "He loves you, and I really like you, he's been happier when he's with you than I've ever seen him, and you love him too, I just want my little brother happy as I am now" Rory says grinning. "Papa Jim obviously wants us together too" Max says almost shyly.

"Max, there is something I don't think you quite get here" Rory says firmly. "You were victimized by a predatory woman, she thought she could control you, use you to get money from us, you trusted her as your therapist, and she took advantage of you" Rory says calmly. "You have no reason to seek forgiveness or apologize to any of us, she's at fault and she'll be punished for what she did to you" Rory says. "Besides, Claude used your love for him to break her control over you, the ring he gave you made you remember him and how much you loved him, and he knew he'd bond you then and it pulled you back to normal, if you didn't love him so deeply it'd of never worked" Rory says softly. I smile at Rory. "My Brother is as smart as I am, maybe more so at times" I tease Rory. Rory smiles back. "Max, we're all glad that you and Claude are together finally" Rory says smiling. Max is obviously thinking over what Rory's said to him.

My cell rings and I lean down and take it out of my pants. "Claude, we bonded, your Rabbit friend is my mate now" Jonas says joyously. "I'm happy for you, Big Dog" I say softly. "How are things going down there?" He asks. I tell Jonas what happened and that we're bonded now. "You listened to my suggestions, and you used his love for you to break him loose" Jonas says. "I've always listened to you, Big Dog, you've helped me so much, it's why I wanted you happy with Tommy"I say quietly. "He turns me almost as good as you did" Jonas says laughing. Rory grins at me."I knew you'd eventually let him fuck you, you like him and he's a hot, big and very masculine Canine" Rory says happily. Jonas laughs. Max looks at me. I hang up with Jonas and I tell Max what happened with me and Jonas. Max looks at me. "You ...no...you would have told me, we just had so much happen" Max says. "You didn't hide it from me, just hadn't had a chance to tell me yet" Max says kissing me. I tell Max about everyone I've had sex with since we parted last. George Oster, Emil, Matt, Ben and Mick, as well as Bill a few times, and Bernie. Max laughs. "You fucked them and kept busy, you were afraid I was beginning to pull away from you, and you had to come to me." Max says.

"I did, but we move on, Big Boar" I say firmly. My cell rings again. Nate. "Did you get him yet?" Nate asks."I did, he's here on top of me" I say softly. "Good, bring him home when you can, tell him his Snow Leopard misses his big Boar dick" Nate says laughing. "You had to content yourself with Rory's big dick and helping me with all of those Bulls and Horses" I tease him. He laughs. "I'm glad, he's a great Boar and he loves you like Rory loves me" Nate says softly. "Wanna talk to your Polar Bear, he's right here" I say. "I have to not fuss at him, or you, I was in with a patient and you didn't tell me you guys were coming, I'd of gone too" Nate says sharply. "I went and saw Jonas first" I say. "Like I'd of not helped you fuck that hot St Bernard" Nate snorts. I crack up. Rory takes my phone.

"Baby, I'm sorry" he tells Nate. "Edward said we had to leave immediately and we did" Rory says quietly. "I'll take you off somewhere when we get home" Rory says lovingly. "Take him to Hawaii, like Claude took me" Max says. I nod. "I'll make the arrangements, Bro, to thank you for helping us" I say.

We spend a good three days at Max's parents home. And We go home to start our new life together. My Boar is mine at last.