Ben Mikonos 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#45 of Claude gay stories

Claude fixes up his Dad with a guy his dad's been dating, has trouble with a Tiger cab driver and pulls a train of guys at the ear Den, his favorite Gay bar

I'm a pretty happy young Lion. At the age of 23 I am an Internist and have been for three years. Having graduated my Medical training at age 20. My Dad is proud of his only son. He's my only living parent. My mother died giving birth to me, and I almost died too. I was in and out of the hospital a lot before the age of 5. I'm healthy now after I had pediatric heart surgery at age 5. They had to wait until I was old enough to survive the surgery. I had the surgery and I was a normal healthy Lion cub from age 7 onward. Dad was really overprotective of me for a long time. He still tends to be if taken by surprise by something I've done. (Who am I? I'm Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. I was named after my Paternal Grandfather)

I'm 6'4, and 225 pounds as an adult. I have Golden Tan fur with a Red Blond mane. I have my Daddy's Sapphire Blue eyes. Big foot paws and forepaws. My face is broad and open, and I've been told since I was young what a handsome and attractive Lion I am. I don't think I am, but I keep hearing it from a lot of folks. I'm stocky but not fat. I look a lot like a younger, smaller version of my Dad.(Oddly enough, I look more like my Uncle Marcus though they both look a lot alike.) Dad at 42 is a stunning looking Lion still. I don't have his riveting presence though. And he is taller and heavier. Dad's 6'6" and 250 pounds. He's proud that I look just like him. He tells me that inside I'm just like my Mom. I wouldn't know. I only know of her from what he and our long time family retainer told me about her And I only have one picture of her. Her and Dad's wedding picture. She was so beautiful. I'm kind of sorry I don't look like her at all. She's looking at Dad with so much love. No wonder he misses her so much still. Dad's got a big heart and when he loves he loves completely.

My earliest memories are confusing to me. I was sick so much, and spent so much time in bed, or taking medicines or being tended to by Alfred. And a lot more time in the hospital than I care to remember. But I remember other things too. How Dad would come and read to me or sit and just read his paper watching over his cub as I slept. I'd hear Dad turning the pages or hear him moving a bit, and I'd know my loving Daddy was there. Or how when I hurt or was really weak and sickly, he'd be right there hugging me and comforting me. And when I had my heart surgery, neither Dad nor Alfred left the hospital from the time I was taken in until the time I woke up. Dad and Alfred were there in the PACU when I woke. And one of them was at my side until I went home. I remember another big Lion other than my Dad sitting with me at times too. But I never knew who he was. (Uncle Marcus, but I hadn't met him yet. So I didn't recognize him.) (My real father loved me so fiercely. Still does.)

I've never met my Mom's parents. My Maternal Grandparents. Dad says they were so upset by her death that they wouldn't come see me. The son she died giving birth to. I know who they are. I have seen my Grandpa Russell at a lecture at Sacramento State. If he recognized me he didn't show it.. Dr Walter C. Russell is a PhD Physicist. Nobel prize winner too. I know I got some of his smarts. Though Dad's an intelligent Lion too. I have sent a few letters to Dr Russell. But I've never heard back. (They know the truth and are ashamed of what Mom did. She married my Dad carrying another Lion's cub in her belly without telling Dad it wasn't his.)

I know my Grandmother Russell is dead though. Dad wouldn't let me go to her funeral. Never would explain why. I hope one day to contact Grandpa. I don't want to just walk up to him and ask why they never came to see me, and I'm blunt enough that I know I probably would. It hurts knowing they didn't want to know me at all. Especially since Grandpa Kitman was so cold to me. He never once told me he loved me. Dad really only saw him at CMK. We're kind of a screwed up family. My therapist, Dr Jonas White says it's why I tend to build a small family around myself when I can.

You'd know my Dad if you saw him. He's J.T. Kitman, CEO and owner of CMK Industries. A large conglomerate making everything from food products to auto parts to appliances and power tools. You'd be sure to have one of our brands in your home.

Grandpa was a gruff, complex Lion male. He wasn't close to me or Dad.(He knew who my real father was, and he knew and disapproved of how it happened. It's also why he fought with Marcus) Mom had gotten fertility tests on her and Dad. Dad was infertile and Mom kept it from him. Though he found out eventually. Mom conceived me from my Uncle so I'd still have true Kitman genes before she married Dad. Grandpa found out somehow. He wouldn't let himself get close to me at all. (Mom was already pregnant by Marcus when her and Dad got married. She just passed me off as Dad's cub when he proposed.) But he did leave me a lot of money when he died. I'd of given it all up, to hear him just once telling me that he loved me. Grandpa Kitman started CMK and grew it into the conglomerate it is today. Dad has made it even bigger and more successful. Since I'm older now, Dad goes off on business trips a lot more frequently. When I was a young cub, he went only when he couldn't get out of it. He was a great Dad. And we're very close as a result. (Jonas says we're probably too close)

Dad's told me Grandpa Kitman had never been able to express his feelings to him or his brother. My Uncle Marcus. Marcus and Grandpa fought so much that Marcus built his own business, and while it's no CMK, he's successful and has money as well. Grandpa hated Aunt Marge and never wanted Marcus to marry her. But Aunt Marge is a great soul. She's patient enough to cope with my gruff, driven Uncle. And their only daughter, my Cousin Carole is an amazing soul too. She'll take over CMK from Dad when he retires. And when she's old enough she'll start working there, learning the business and then be put up top helping Dad run it. Uncle Marcus looks a lot like a slight buffer, stockier Dad.

Dad and I gave Carole some money when she turned 13. She now goes to an exclusive private school. I sent her myself. She needs to make those connections for later life. And Uncle Marcus is proud of her. She'll keep CMK in the family. She's a brilliant and beautiful Lioness. Looks just like her Mom. Aunt Marge is a stunning Lioness, though Uncle Marcus is every bit as handsome as Dad is, if a bit bulkier and more masculine... Uncle Marcus is a hot, hot Lion. Muscular, stocky, a bit gruff but he's always been loving to me since he made up with Dad and got close to us all after Grandpa died. (He's known since I was 8 months old that I was really fathered by him. He is proud of his only son, and loves me a lot.)

Carole and I are pretty close, I take her on vacations on school breaks. She's like my Sister in fact. But she's as smart as I am, but has more common sense then I could ever hope for. I wish I'd of been as together as she is at age 14. Genius or not, I wasn't anywhere near as well adjusted as Carole Kitman is. For some reason, she's always been close to me, even before Uncle Marcus got close to us all again.. But we understand each other, being a Kitman puts you into the spotlight whether you want to be or not. And neither of us have siblings. So we talk a lot. We usually talk on the phone at least twice a week. Usually more, but never less than that.

She teases me about having similar tastes as she'd thought all of my boyfriends that she'd met were hot. Like me she likes bigger males. She can be so diplomatic and easy going, but with just us together we're plain spoken and blunt with each other. I don't have many female friends, but she's more than a cousin, a sister and my best friend rolled up into one. Even Nigel doesn't know me as well as Carole Jean Kitman does. I'd do anything for her and I know she'd do the same for me.

Marcus and Dad have gotten close again. Dad put Uncle Marcus on the CMK Board as soon as his own Dad was gone. . It's his legacy too. And he and Dad chat a lot too. Over the years I can see how much Aunt Marge has been good for him. He's not as driven nor as gruff as he once was. He's a warm and caring father to Carole. And he's been good to me too, wise and caring as well. He isn't even bothered by me being gay. I may not have had loving Grandparents. But my Dad and my Aunt and Uncle try to make up for it.

Dad's happy that his brother has put all of the fighting and stress with their father aside enough to get close to him again. Marcus is an extremely handsome Lion, like Dad. Marcus is stockier and more muscular. But he has the same Sapphire Blue eyes Dad and I do. And he's got a broad and open face. As masculine as Dad is, Uncle Marcus is even more so. I'd never tell him, but he's a stunningly beautiful male Lion too. I'm glad Uncle Marcus managed to throw his Dad's abuse off and get close to us. (Dad told me that he tried to help his brother. That their Dad treated Marcus like shit. He had the heir to CMK he wanted in Dad and never wanted a second son. And he was very verbally abusive to his brother. I have no idea how that would feel. Dad's been so good to me. But Marcus has mellowed a lot, and for his sake, as well as ours I'm glad..)(Marcus loves his son and daughter a lot. He's only pained because he and Marge can't figure out how to tell me that I'm really his and not Dad's. But he's always been kind and loving to me since I was a young cub. He's also afraid Dad will be furious when he finds out the truth. My Uncle really loves his brother a great deal.)

When Grandpa died he left most of his cash to me, and his stock and control of CMK to Dad. I'm worth about $600 Million in liquid assets with another $300 million in investments. I prefer keeping it liquid. Most of it I can access within 24 hours. I don't use it a lot, but I want to get at it if I need it. I'm only interested in my money for what I can use it for. I use it for those I love, for their comfort and happiness. Just as I use it for my own. We don't live ostentatiously. I know me, and I bought this house, which is bigger than you'd think I'd need. I knew Dad would be out eventually, And I have a tendency to gather those closest to me to my side. I knew I'd make friends and build a family around me. I need a home full of caring animals who fill it with love and joy. And I've got it now.

I bought this large house when I moved out here to go to Sacramento State University Medical School. I didn't want to stay in Alabama to go for my Medical training. I don't think, even now, I could explain quite why. I felt somehow my future was here in California in some undefinable way. Nothing I could ever put my paw finger on. I looked through college catalogs at their Med School programs. Something just seemed 'right' about Sacramento State. And CMK has a big production facility outside Sacramento where it is located. Dad didn't argue. He let me go and when he could he moved CMK's main offices to the facility here. (Eventually, I will come to realize that subconsciously I knew my life mate was here) (How I knew, nor on what level I knew I have not one clue) And I knew Dad would come out. And I knew he would want to. And he did. He loves his only son too much to stay so far away. Dad and I are rather tightly bonded, as I am to Uncle Marcus, Aunt Marge and Cousin Carole, they moved to California too. My family loves me, and we are all very tight now. Aunt Marge hated Alabama. Too hot and humid for her she said. She loves the moderate weather of Central California. Carole teases her about her being too much of a lady to want to deal with sweating so much like she did back in Auburn.

I am as I said a happy Lion. I'm in practice with Dr Edward Stryker. An English born Saber Tooth Tiger who was my mentor in Medical School. He was tired of teaching and I asked him to come work with me. Also practicing with us is my long time best friend, Dr Nigel Davenport. An English born Honey Badger who I met in Pre Med. We became friends immediately. No one but Carole is closer to me than my Nigel. Nigel and I understand each other so much. I'm happy to have him living with us too. Edward too. He's a great guy and he's smart. I had difficulty talking Edward into moving in, and I found out why after he did. He was really hot for my Dad. And when Dad came back from an extended business trip to find Edward living with us, they bonded that very night. So Edward is kind of my Step Dad.

I was happy for them. Uncle Marcus kind of put Edward through a serious grilling. He wanted to make sure that Edward didn't want Dad for his prestige nor his money. But Edward charmed him. And sometimes Dad and Edward go out with Aunt Marge and Uncle Marcus. To dinner and movies and shows. And they do take vacations together. Uncle Marcus teases me about putting my potential mate through the third degree so Dad doesn't have to. He is aware I know he isn't teasing though. And he's not. He loves me, and I know he'll be tough on who ever I mate. Just as he will be with Carole's potential mate. I just hope they don't try to do it together, Dad and Uncle Marcus together would be too much to handle.

No big deal. I care about Uncle Marcus, and I know he loves me. (Though I have no idea how much he does love me in truth.) So I know he just wants me happy. He's happy as hell for Dad and Edward and how much they love each other. I'm kind of proud of them myself, to be truthful. They make a really beautiful couple. And Edward's not overshadowed by Dad. When Dad takes him out to the fancy functions he has to per his position, Edward looks amazing on Dad's arm, and he makes a great impression. Dad's so happy now. And Edward is as well. And they get tighter as they go along. Dad wouldn't date men or women while he was raising me. So I know he must of been lonely. And with Edward, I know he'll never be lonely again. Edward is good to and for Dad. He gives in to Dad when it's important to Dad but is not afraid to stand up to him. But Dad would do anything for his Saber Tooth and Dad gives in just as much as Edward does. They are truly devoted to each other.

I've always liked big males. Like my Dad. I love Bulls and Bears and Horses. But Big Cats, like myself and Dad make me really hot. I'm kind of a slut for big built Big Cats. Oddly enough, though my first lover, OK, he took my cherry and we had a sex based relationship, was a big Russian Donkey. He did set my preference for dominant big males though. Coach Ivan Kalashnikov. He was my Gym Coach in my Senior year of High School. He was gruff and unfriendly to me. A lot of the kids teased him for how he'd lapse into his Broken English at times. But I never did. To me it was hot. A deep, gruff voice, sexily accented in Russian. He was gorgeous though. 7' even, 330 pounds of rock solid built Deep Gray furred Donkey. With shining Blue eyes, big hands and hooves and he was always showing a massive bulge in his gym shorts. He was single and a lot of animals thought he was a loner. Not true, he was a very private Equine, and simply didn't want anyone to know his business.

I had been on the track team. I am a fast runner. On day at practice, I tripped and twisted my ankle. Coach was upset. He knew it was a bad sprain and that I'd miss the next meet coming up. He picked me up and wordlessly took me into the locker room and into his office. I took my shoes and socks off and he taped up my ankle securely. His door was shut and I could scent his thick Equine musk. I have to admit it made me hot. Though I had no idea what it would lead to. He was sweatier than I'd of though for the heat. It was spring time. And it is Alabama, but it wasn't a really hot day. Coach was soaked in sweat and his musk was really hot. He seemed distracted, but as I find out later, he was completely aware of the effect he was having on me. Just unsure what to do about it.

He called Dad. And Dad was leaving to go to Japan for a week or so. Alfred was busy packing him and would take him to the airport he told Coach. Dad asked if Coach could bring me home. And to my surprise Coach agreed. He put my shoes in a bag. And he picked me up and carried me to his truck. "Thank you, for bringing me home" I told him. He smiled at me and he answered me in Russian. I was smiling. I did understand a bit of Russian thanks to a supplier Dad was close to, who was Russian. Vassily Petrovitch, was a big Grizzly who seemed to care a lot for me. He was always friendly to me, and when I asked him about what he'd said once. took time and he taught me to speak Russian over the course of a couple of years. I had an affair with him in College. But he bond mated someone when I started Med School.

I knew what Coach had said. But I knew I had to of mistranslated somehow. He was telling me what he wanted in payment for the ride. My virginity. I knew I had to of misheard him. (I hadn't, he was deadly serious. Coach Ivan knew how hot he'd made me, and he had figured I'd give myself to him. He wouldn't have forced himself on me, but he was very sure I'd give myself up to him freely and willingly. He was right. He scented my lust for him. I happily let Coach up my tailhole as the first one to bust it open.)

He carried me inside, and up to my bedroom. And as soon as the door shut behind us. He pulled me up to his face, and deep kissed me with full tongue. He was serious about taking me. His kisses were so passionate and tender. And in Russian he told me how beautiful I was. That just watching how my ass moved when I ran made him hot. And he begged me to let him take my cherry. I smiled at him. I hadn't really thought of it. I did jack off and I knew I was gay already. And I looked at him. He was so masculine and beautiful, and well built. And his eyes, they showed his passion for me. "Please, Katya" he begged. I knew I was going to now. I wanted him too, I could feel his heat for me. I knew how hot he'd made me in his office. His hands were very gentle as he tended my sprained ankle. He held me very tenderly as he'd carried me too.

Ivan laid me on my bed and stripped. He was gorgeously muscular and I had to gasp at his dick. 20". With the usual Equine flat, blunt head. "I no hurt beautiful Katya" he murred. "I want you, please be gentle with me, Coach, but I want to give myself to you " I say softly in Russian. He grins. "Katya speak Russian" he grins. "Da" I say. He's kissing my body as he pulls my shirt and shorts off. "Such a beautiful Katya" he murrs as he starts nuzzling me all over. I moan as he starts licking me as well. He licks my ass hole and I yowl and cuss. I cum on him. "Sensitive Katya" he murrs. "No just want fuck, want Katya, Katya always remember his Donkey who first take him" Ivan murrs. "Want Katya, bond if he old enough" he says nuzzling me. He's kissing me and nuzzling my neck and when he pushes that flat, blunt headed Donkey dick up me. I arch my back and yowl and cum on his belly. He holds perfectly still in me until he sees I wasn't hurt."Katya cum hard for his Donkey" he murrs. "Katya so beautiful when he cum" he murrs in my ear. And he proceeds to fuck me, gently, tenderly, and with long, deep strokes. I have cum on him four more times by the time he brays and empties those huge Equine balls into me. He'll fuck me three more times that afternoon. We're both panting and spent. I kiss him "It was better than I could have dreamed my first time would be, Coach" I say softly. Ivan blushes and he kisses me repeatedly. "Wanted Katya so much, Katya want his Donkey badly too" he murrs. "I did, Coach' I say. And we lay curled up for a while. He's petting my body so gently. "Must go now, Katya" he murrs. "No want leave, Katya beautiful, want his Donkey much" he murrs. "But Ivan go now" he says softly.

He kisses me as he dresses to leave. "I won't tell anyone, Coach" I say. He kisses me. "Katya good Lion" he says. "Can we do it again?" I beg him. He grins. "Da, want Katya when can have" he says happily. And for the next two years until he meets his mate, he'll come to see me at least twice a week. He'll spend a few weekends with me too. Dad asks me about him one day when Ivan's been here and I tell him everything. Dad smiles. And next time Ivan comes by, Dad talks to him. And after we've rutted for each other as we usually do, Ivan grins and tells me my Dad approved of his fucking me. Typical Dad, he knows I like Ivan, and he's seen Ivan's good to me. We're both a bit sad when Ivan bonds his Fox. But Ivan's happy and loved with his new mate. He's loved so I'm happy, I'd had to wait a few more years to be able to take him.. He broke me in well, and his gentle dominance kept me pretty happy in bed. And Coach taught me a lot about sex. We did a lot of things. Some light bondage, smoke sex, he taught me to rim and suck dick and I know I'm a good bottom now because of that loving big Donkey who broke me open. I see him around at times. And he's always happy to see me. He always looks so content now. I want my mate to make me feel that way when I bond. (I have wondered at times if I was older, at least of age, if I would have bonded that big Russian Donkey. I think I would have. But I was way too young)

Nigel and I are single. Nigel is a year older than me, and he's a bottom too. I love him but not 'that way'. Nigel is smaller than I am. He's 5'9" and about 165 pounds. His fur is mostly Charcoal colored though he has White strips on his muzzle and his back fur is an interesting Honey Tan with a stripe of the same color running down his tail. Nigel's a classic pretty boy type. And he is beautiful. And no one thinks faster on their foot paws than he does. And he loves going along with me to see what I'll drag him into next. He's the brother I wish I'd of had. He's brilliant, and funny and smart and there is a strong connection between us. One even we don't understand at times. But I wouldn't want him to not be in my life somehow. Even when we're both mated and happy. Like me he loves hanging out with Carole. They get along as well as I'd hoped.

We've found a great little bar. The Bear Den. It's owned and run by a very sexy big Grizzly Bear. Teddy Mitchell. He's a hot big male. And he's a great top. I talked him into moving in with us. It helps him save money and he'll come home after closing the bar, and if none of us has brought someone home he'll crawl into bed with either me or Nigel. (Sometimes even both of us) And he'll fuck a few times and curl us up and we'll go to sleep. I always sleep so well with his big Grizzly body wrapped around me.

He's fun to have around. And his bar is a great place to hang out. Nigel and I are popular. I tend to go home with a lot of big males from there. And Nigel does too. I'm just playing, not seriously dating anyone. I know one day I'll find a mate, and I will be happy. But for now, I'm young and rich and told by even my patients how beautiful of a Lion I am. (I am a Lion, remember, the big Leonine ego just seems to follow, but I am not stuck up nor stuck on myself. In fact, I love the attention, but on no level do I think of myself as remotely attractive. Nigel's always harassing me about it. He'll tell me I'll go off with anyone who expresses an interest in me, especially if they're big and butch and masculine) (In short, I love hearing folks say what a beautiful Lion I am, but I don't believe a word of it)

We have a pair of couples living with us as well. Sam Montoya and his Oscar Perez, a pair of big Hispanic Bulls. Sam was an Olympic Power lifter, and retired to coaching. Oscar was his first and most successful builder. They run a gym together. Sam is a big butch and aggressive top. He and I rut when we have the chance. If he didn't have Oscar I'd of bonded his ass so fast. Sam is big, 7'3" and 400 pounds, Brown fur and Black hair and goatee with a thick White stripe down their centers. Oscar is a smaller Bull, lighter Brown fur and Black hair that he wears in a ponytail. Oscar is sweet natured and a very kind soul. They are very tightly bound as a couple. Oscar caters to and spoils his big Bull. I do too. We'll fuck and I'll get up and cook for him. Sam gets ravenously hungry after sex. 3 or 4 orgasms and he's famished. The look on his face when I do is more than worth it. He's so happy when he's feeling cared about and catered to.

The other couple is my PA and his Russian Bull mate. Nate Porter is a Snow Leopard. He looks like a skater boy type, but he's really smart. Nate is joyous and funny and warm. And our patients have nicknamed him 'Snow Meow'. If fits him. Yuri Petrov, his big, Gray furred Russian Bull mate, is probably the sweetest, most loving male I've ever met. Yuri is 6'9" and 340 pounds and almost perfectly built. Yuri's Crystal Blue eyes are so sexy and they shine when he looks at his Nate. Yuri's massively hung too. Yuri's Bull dick is so far the biggest I've had. 21" and he's so tender and gentle with it. He's quite a lover and Nate is very lucky. Yuri will do anything for someone he cares about. He's the sort of animal that comes into your life only if you're really lucky.

It's the end of July and we've just put Nigel's parents on a BAL flight back to London. I bring them over when I can. Alf and Megan love flying business class back and forth. I love Nigel's parents. Alf's a working class male, a hard worker too, and he was thrilled when Nigel and I became friends. I took over paying for Nigel's schooling. Alf was able to quit working three jobs to keep his boy in Medical School.. Megan knows how we are. Alf thinks we should bond. Megan knows her boy. She understands the intricate bond Nigel and I have formed, even if we don't most of the time.

Alf spends a lot of time when he's at our house, talking to our English born family retainer. Alfred Featherstone has been with us since before I was born. Alfred mourned for Mom too. He loved her. And he was a big influence on me. He watched over me when Dad was gone on business, he taught me to cook and clean, and he was the one I went running to with the scraped knees and other childhood pains. I call him my 'Fox father' as he kind of is. Dad loved me and he was there for me when he was home.

When I got my MD license, Dad fought tears at the ceremony. Alfred cried openly. It was only the second time I'd seen him cry. First time was at Mom's grave. He'd taken me when I was 10 and was full of questions about her and how she died. He loved my Mom so. And he tells me of how scared he was when he was sent to them. Age 16 and away from home, knowing he'd never be able to go back. And ready to start a life of service, as he'd been trained to. And how kind and gentle and loving Mom was to him. She was only a little older than he was. He's tried hard to make sure I know who my Momma was inside.

At the moment, I'm kind of happier than normal. My birthday is in a little over a week. August 8th. I'll be 24. It'll be a life changing day for me. Not all of it is good. But ultimately it'll lead to me being very happy.

Dad comes to me on August 3rd. He is going out of town on business and he has a chance to take Edward with him, and they won't be back until after my birthday. Edward has no appointments scheduled for the time they'll be gone so it's not a problem for our office. Sam and Oscar are going to a competition and will be gone around my birthday. Sam's coaching someone who's entered. The night before they leave, both Sam and Oscar give me a serious 'Bulling' . I'd never taken them together. And it was amazing. Left us all spent and happy and my ass full of Bull semen. (I thought it was the best birthday present I'd ever gotten til I get Ben on my birthday) Waking up in the morning, full of Bull cum, and being held tightly between Sam and Oscar was kind of a dream come true. (Oscar tells me after he finds out Ben and I have bonded, that what they'd hoped their real present would be was to joint bond me, they decided to try. Sam cares so much for me, and Oscar does too, he realized that I had to love him too, as I never tried to take Sam from him. Oscar lights me up too, he's much gentler but still passionate in his lovemaking. I wish they had of, but I'm happy with Ben.)

Nate and Yuri have gone up to San Francisco for that weekend to visit Nate's parents. They love their Russian Bull son in law and Yuri loves them too. He was an orphan and thrives on the attention Mr and Mrs Porter give him. (My birthday this year is on a Friday) I"m happy for him. He's a good Bull and he deserves that love and attention. Nate's folks will spoil Yuri. Nate's Dad was a bit troubled when he found out Nate was gay. But when he met Yuri, Yuri's kind and loving nature won him over.

I'm not sad about them all being gone, I will find something to do to celebrate my birthday, even if I just go to the Bear Den and pick up someone. (I don't know it, but Teddy's got 'a party' planned for me) It's gonna be a good night for me overall.

I keep on with my life as usual. I wake on the morning of my birthday. Alfred brings me a small package. Dad left a present for his only son's birthday. I open it. It's a Sapphire and Diamond ring. The Sapphire matches my eyes perfectly. I'm happy. I call Dad and thank him for the ring. He's happy, he saw it and was amazed at how it did match my eyes and he bought it for me. He wishes me a happy birthday and he tells me he has to go to a meeting and hangs up.

I get up and shower. I dress. I'm not going to wear a suit today, for one day I can get away with it. I will put a lab coat on when I start seeing patients. I'm just wearing a short sleeve dress shirt and a pair of casual pants. I'm used to the tie so I don't mind. Nige and I are going to go to the Bear Den after work. And I have a pair of tight 501 jeans I'll bring with me to change into. I put my leather harness and vest in the bag with my 501's as well. I"ll wear the tight bluejeans and put the harness and vest over my bare chest. It's a good look for me. Just enough leather to make me look good but not enough to scream 'leather drag'.

After breakfast, Nigel and I go to work. I settle into my office and catch up on my Medicare and Insurance paperwork. At 9AM I see the first of my patients. And the morning goes as they usually do. After lunch I see one of my older Feline patients. She doesn't drive and I usually call a cab and pay for it for her. I don't mind, it's important that she be seen regularly. She's in the waiting room and the cabbie comes up. I go out to the front desk.

The cab driver is a big, and husky Siberian Tiger. He's got to be at least 6'9" and 320 pounds. He's laughing and joking with my patient. And he turns and sees me. His eyes are aflame with anger and he's glaring at me. Too bad, he's gorgeous. Solid built. Dark Amber eyes and thick, long and shaggy Black hair and a Black chin strap beard. His tail is thrashing aggressively. He's really angry at me. His large forepaws are sexy as are his huge foot paws. He's an attractive Tiger male. Big, butch, and gruff. My type completely.

I wonder why he's so mad at me. I don't recall ever seeing him before. He walks up to the desk and he gets the fare from Leonie my receptionist. "Do I know you?" I ask. "You seem to be very angry at me?" I ask. "You have seen me but you have never noticed me or paid attention to me, though you have seen me many times" he says angrily. "I am beneath your notice apparently" he snorts. He has a slight accent. Greek probably. "I am sorry, but I meet a lot of folks on a daily basis" I say quietly. "The rich Doctor Lion does not deign to notice a mere cab driver Tiger" he snarls. And he turns and walks out.

"What was that all about?" Leonie asks me. "I have no idea" I say shrugging my shoulders. "His name is Benjamin Mikonos according to the Hack license he showed me" Leonie says. "Doesn't ring a bell" I say softly.(It doesn't, I have seen him though, but I don't remember him) I go back into my office and I keep seeing patients. But I can't help but keep thinking about that big Greek Tiger. Where do I know him from? How could I not have noticed a hot Big Cat like him, so much my type of male? And how did I piss him off so badly? Can I make it up to him some how, I'd kind of love to be under him? Just thinking of how those big forepaws would feel stroking my body makes me purr. He did affect me a lot. I didn't even have the presence of mind to look to see if I could tell how hung he was.

Teddy calls me about 4PM and wants to know if I'm going to come by tonight. "I am, Nigel and I brought clothes and are going to come straight from the office" I tell him. "Good, I have a big surprise for you tonight" Teddy says. "Good, I'll have something to look forward to" I say.

"Teddy, have you ever heard of a big Siberian Tiger, name of Benjamin Mikonos?" I ask. "He's a cab driver, and he's picked up a few guys from the bar when I had to call a cab cause they were too drunk to drive, he's a big assed Tiger, huge and hot, he's just your type" Teddy says. And I tell him what happened in my outer office. "Odd, maybe he's picked you up a few times" Teddy says softly. "Maybe, if I've had a few I won't drive" I say "You don't drink a lot but you don't have much resistance to alcohol" Teddy says laughing. "Claude, maybe he's been hot for you and you ignored his advances?" Teddy asks. "I think even drunk I'd remember him" I say quietly. "More like I haven't noted him or talked to him somehow?" I muse. "Claude, I'm glad you're coming down, Happy Birthday" Teddy says and he hangs up.

Nigel wanders in to my office in a while. "Teddy called me, he's wanting us to come down tonight" Nigel says. "I know, I talked to him, he's got a birthday surprise for me he says" I say softly. Nigel laughs. Should be fun" he says. "I thought we'd go right from here, I can order pizza to be delivered there if we get hungry and I told Alfred we wouldn't be home" I say happily.

He sits and we talk a while. I tell him about the angry cab driver. "Claude, there is a big Siberian who has picked us up when we weren't driving" Nigel says. And the description that Nigel gives me matches Ben Mikonos. "Has he said much to us?" I ask. "He's been very polite but he is pretty much staring at you in the rear view mirror as he drives" Nigel says. "I never noticed him" I muse. "He's right to be mad, Teddy says he's big and just my type, and I haven't noticed him" I say. "Claude when you're even just a little bit lit up you don't notice much, and a few times he's probably seen you hanging all over some guy" Nigel says softly. I blush. I have done that at times. If he liked me and I ignored him, then he'd been pissed seeing me hanging off of some big male like I know I do when I'm drunk. SIGH....

I'm embarrassed a bit. Nigel's smiling and he goes back to his office. I can't but help wonder though. If this Ben Mikonos was hot for me why didn't he say so. Or did he and I was too toasted to hear it. I'd like to sit down and talk with him, but he seemed so angry at me. What could make him that mad at me? We finish our day. I change into my 501/vest/harness outfit and meet Nigel down in the lobby. He's in jeans and a causal shirt. We're not going to drive. I know I'll have a couple of drinks, and better that I leave my Mercedes S560 here in the parking garage. I can come get it tomorrow. It's Friday night anyway and very few folks will be here.

We go out to the street and Nigel hails a cab. It pulls up. I hear cursing. I look in and it's that Siberian Tiger. "Please sir, what have I done to you to make you so angry at me?" I beg him. He stops yelling at me. "So, you feel guilt, you wonder how you've hurt me" he says with a bit of an evil grin. "Keep wondering" he snarls and he peels off. Leaving Nigel and I standing there. "That was bizarre, Claude, he just looked at you and became furious" Nigel says. I nod. "If this was a cheap romance novel it would mean he was in love with me" I moan. Nigel cracks up. "Your life isn't a cheap romance novel, it's much more like an Internet porn story" Nigel says laughing. "Seriously, I wonder if he's a danger to me, he's really angry, and he seems to be around here a lot, I wonder if he's stalking me?" I ask. Nigel laughs. "More Leonine ego, it's just coincidence" Nigel says laughing. (It isn't, he's not stalking me, he's just assigned to this area by his company, and there is another reason he's upset)

We manage to flag down another cab. And we go to the Bear Den. I tell Teddy about the cab driver's behavior. "He's got it bad for you obviously, and he thinks the rich, and proud Claude Kitman won't give him a chance" Teddy tells me. "I would, like you said he's just my type" I say quietly. "He is the one who won't give me a chance, I've asked him twice why he's so angry at me and he just gets angrier" I snort. Nigel laughs at me. "You're getting mad yourself, Claude" he says softly. I blush. I am. My tail is thrashing in it's usual angry pattern. And to my total surprise, when I look down, my retractable claws are out. I am angry too. Why? Nigel pulls me to the bar and we sit on stools and talk to Teddy when we can. He's busy. I should try to figure out why I'm responding so angrily to this big Tiger, but I don't want to, I'm wanting to have a good time. It is my birthday. In my heart though, I know what to do if I run across Ben Mikonos again. Apologize profusely and beg him to let me make it up to him somehow. I am sorry. I never meant to make him angry and I would sleep with him if he really does want me. If only he'll give me a chance to apologize that is. I do know I have to go to him and appease him. His macho pride will demand it. (I've scented him twice, and my mind is unconsciously processing his scent. I know at least I'm hot for him. Soon enough my mind will accept that I'm responding like I am because his scent registers as ' mate' in my mind. Just like Ben's is.)

It's pretty busy for as early as it is. Even though it's a Friday night. Teddy's really busy, been too busy to talk much. It's not quite 6PM yet. I've had a beer as has Nigel. And I'm just feeling it a bit. Not drunk but a bit high. About 7PM, Teddy kisses me. "Happy Birthday, Boy" he says smiling. And he walks over and puts a sign on the door and locks it. And he pulls a shade over the window in the door. "He's gonna have a party" I hear a couple of guys say.

Teddy walks up to me and he kisses me deeply and he rips my jeans off of me with his sharp Grizzly claws. He breaks the kiss. And he makes an announcement over the PA. "It's Claude's Birthday and we're gonna throw him a party of sorts, but he's gonna be the 'entertainment'" Teddy says happily. He slings me over his shoulder and carries me to a table at the back of the bar. He's lashed a cushioned mat to the top of it. He pulls my shoes and vest off and I'm naked except for the harness. He's laid me on my back on the mat. I feel one of his thick paw fingers going up me. He's lubing me with Vaseline. I don't like Vaseline as a lube as a rule, but if I'm going to be taking a lot of guys it's a lube that won't wear off. It'll keep my ass ring slick for quite a while. And as I look around the room there are a lot of guys hot for me. All partially naked and stroking themselves. Teddy loves throwing sex parties revolving around me or me and Nigel, we're pretty popular and we don't wear out easily. (All in all, I'll take 42 guys, plus Teddy)

He yanks his finger out of me. "I'm not gonna be the first to take you tonight, Claude, we raffled that off a bit ago before you came" Teddy says smiling. "Jake Prevost" Teddy hollers. The crowd around us parts a bit. And a huge Black furred Bull walks up. He's a Texas Longhorn and those horns are huge. Ivory and long and tapering up at the ends. He's wearing a leather harness and nothing else now. He's massively built. Bigger than Sam. 7'5" easily. 435 pounds at least. His Brown eyes are shining with lust for me. His barrel chest is heaving and I can smell his musk, and it's loaded with testosterone. His huge hands roam across my body and he's lighting me up. His touch is gentle, and I can tell he's looking for my sensitive spots. His short Black hair and Black beard are matted with his sweat.

I look down at his crotch and part of me wishes I hadn't. That Bull dick is massive and rock hard. 24" and almost wrist thick. And his Bull balls are huge too. Teddy leans down. "Gonna coat you too since you're first, don't want you splitting that tight little ass ring open" Teddy says rubbing Vaseline on that massive Black piece of Bull meat. It's shining in the subdued light of the bar. The Bull has an ankle in both hands. And he's pulled my butt to the end of the table. "I'm gonna really enjoy this, I've seen you and never got with you, but that's about to change. " he murrs, and he's got a soft Southern accent. Georgia I think. He's just my type. Big, butch, masculine, and he's already let me know he's in charge here.

He looks down into my eyes and smiles. And he shoves his hips forward and he's up me to his balls right off. I moan and I arch my back into him getting that last inch up me. "I'm Jake" he says gruffly. His voice is deep and gravelly. Makes me hotter for him. "Nice to meet you, Jake." I grunt as he starts pulling that massive Bull dick out of me. He smiles. "You're a tight one, and pretty tough, most guys would have at least screamed when I went up them all the way on the first thrust" he says smiling at me. He's out of me, and I feel that Bull dick at my ass ring again. And he shoves his hips forwards again and he hilts that massive dick in me again. I smile. I arch my back into him again. And he grins. "He is durable" Jake tells Teddy with a big grin. Teddy nods. "Had to get that last inch in" he says with a smile.

And he starts long dicking me hard. I feel those big Bull balls smacking my ass cheeks as he bottoms out in me. He's grunting hard and his sweat drips on me. I wrap my legs around his waist. "Pulling me deeper" he murrs. "Hot little Lion piece" he says happily. And he's moving his hips harder now. Ramming that fat Bull dick in and out of me all of the way on each stroke. I'm cussing and yowling and I cum hard on Jake's belly. He's grinning. "No one's ever been able to squeeze my big Bull dick, but if you keep clamping down on me like that I won't last" Jake growls.

Teddy leans down. "Claude, the party is cause I haven't had one for a while, I'll put Nigel to work soon, but Jake here is your birthday present, he's been so hot for your ass for a while, but he didn't think you'd like him, he's gruff and big dicked and he didn't think you'd want him, but I knew better" Teddy says. Jake grins. "I'm his birthday present?" Jake murrs. "You are, I've talked to some guys you've worked over and I knew Claude would love you" Teddy says. "You're Claude's preferred type of sex partner" Teddy says. "He won't wear out, you can give him your all, Big Bull" Teddy says leaning down to kiss me. "Thanks, Teddy, best present I've gotten so far" I say panting hard. Jake leans down and kisses me. "You like me?" he asks. "God, yes" I pant. He's got an evil grin on his ruggedly handsome Bull face now.

"Boy, hold tightly on to my back and let me drive" Jake growls in my ear. I wrap my arms around his thick Bull neck. And he's really ramming me now. I cuss and I shoot on him again. He's banging me so hard the table is moving under us. He's got his hands under my ass cheeks. "You ain't going nowhere , Bitch, til my cum is drooling out of you or my calf is lodged in your belly" he murrs. After about 15 minutes of pounding he looks into my eyes. "Baby, slow dance time now" Jake murrs. And he slows up in me, he's moving as deep as before but slower and much more gently. I cuss and he deep kisses me. We tongue wrestle for a while. "I wanted you bad, Boy" he moans. "I'd of dropped on my back for you anytime you'd of asked" I say. "Will you still?" he begs. "Anytime, Big Bull, I'm extremely fond of Bulls and you're not changing that at all" I moan. He grins. I'm soaked in his musky Bull sweat and it's making me hotter. I hear a noise and Teddy's dragging another mat topped table over by us. He's got Nigel under his arm and he rips Nige's clothes off and he pushes him on his back, greases him up and Teddy's hard pounding Nigel. Jake nuzzles my neck. "I'm in no hurry with you, Boy" he says softly. I kiss his muzzle. "Me neither" I say softly.

"Claude, I'm a bit sad we didn't bond" Jake murrs. "Whoever it is that gets you for good will be a lucky male" I moan in his ear. "Thank you, Baby, you'll be a prime catch for any male, hot, tight, I love how you move with me too" he murrs. "You move counter to me when I thrust hard in you, and no one's been able to squeeze my fat Bull dick like you have" he growls in my ear. "You're an active little bottom" he says licking my neck. I moan and I cuss and I gush cum on his belly yet again. "How many times is that?' he whispers. "I don't know" I moan. "Little Kitty likes his Bull's fucking" he murrs. I moan and squeeze him harder.

"Fuck" Jake roars and I feel him flaring in me, I"ve never felt a Bovine dick flare that wide in me and he's erupting inside of me. What feels like a bucket of cum up me. He's panting hard and he kisses me. "Gotta wait a minute, Baby, I'm still flared and I don't wanna hurt you" he murrs. I kiss him. "Not in any hurry for you to pull out, Jake" I say softly. He's kissing me repeatedly. "Hot fucking ride" he says happily. He hands me his cell and I put my number in it. "Call me anytime, Jake, I'll be happy to put out for such an amazing Bull lover as you" I say kissing him. Jake looks happy. I can feel his dick sliding out of me gently. And his cum gushes out of me onto the floor. Jake deep kisses me and gets off of me.

A big Red Kangaroo takes his place. "Jake" I say leaning up to kiss him. "Ya still such a hot little Kitty, Boy" he murrs as he slips his big Roo dick up me. Jake leans down and kisses me. "I'll call you soon, hot stuff" he says happily. And he swaggers off to the bar. Teddy roars and I know he's cum up Nigel. Teddy gets off of Nigel and another Roo gets on top of Nigel. I lean over and slap his ass. "Paulie!" I say happily. "Wanted ta fuck ya Badger while me brother took ya next ta me" Paulie says with a big grin. I smile as I think of it.

These brothers are very fond of Nigel and I . They tried to get us into a joint bond with them. And both Paulie and Jake tried hard to get us both, even singly. I'd of been happy to belong to either of our hot Aussie Roos. Jake is a bit rougher sexually, but just as loving and warm as Paulie is. Jake likes me since I'm a bit more durable than Nigel is. Jake's really going to town on top of me. "I know ya can take ya Roo full out" he murrs in my ear. "And I love it too" I say smiling. "Ya do, wish I could o had ya as mine" he whispers. "Me too" I say kissing him. Jake roars and gushes up me. Paulie's a split second behind him, finishing in Nigel. They trade places and Paulie gives me a great ride. He bellows and cums and kisses me and gets off of me. He's replaced by a big Grizzly I've never seen before with a huge Ursine dick.

"I'm Marty, Marty Mitchell, Teddy's my cousin and he called me and asked me to come tonight, he wanted me to meet you" Marty whispers to me. "Nice to meet you" I purr as he slips that massive Grizzly dick up me. He leans down and kisses me so gently. I don't faint, but not by much. "Damn, I'd hoped I could take you, Teddy thought we might" he says softly. "I'll still fuck you when you want up my ass" I say happily, leaning up to kiss him. He grins. Marty gives me a great fuck, he's obviously showing off for me, But I lose it while he's up me. I am lost in his fucking. And I whimper and arch my back and I cum so hard on him. He kisses me again. "Damn, nothing" he groans. "I'm sorry, Marty," I growl. I cum on him again and I lose it. I can only feel his magnificent love making and I can't speak. He's nuzzling me and he cums roaring and bucking on top of me. I pant. He kisses me again and gets off of me.

I feel someone mount me and I'm not able to pull myself together. I am so hot I lose it again and I'm just responding to the sex. I can't speak only growl, moan and cuss. I come out of it a bit later. I only know it is later because I can see it's dark now.

There is a pot bellied Tiger on top of me. I kiss him. He grins. "I didn't think you'd take me but you begged me to fuck you" he says. "I'm Mike Dayton" he purrs in my ear. "You're a sexy Tiger" I moan in his ear. He's got a fat dick. not long but very thick. I cuss as he works it in and out of me. "Barb me, Mike?" I beg him. He looks like he just won the lottery. He pulls back to his first ring of barbs and he kisses me. And then begins to ratchet his barbs in and out of my ass ring. Yowling and cussing as he does so. I'm yowling loudly too. We're being watched by everyone in the place. I'm almost about to lose it again, and I see him. Ben Mikonos. Glaring at me. I can hear his angry growling. I lose it to Mike's barbing. He's good. He roars and cums in me. And he's kissing me. "Only the second time I've ever done that, thanks, Claude" he says happily. "You're an amazing Tiger, Mike, it was a great fuck and a hot barbing" I say nuzzling him. He's so damned happy now.