Wolf From the Stall

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#43 of Commissions

Nick's heat is still full blown but another chance encouter might provide a more permanent solution.

Second part of: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1690387

Commissioned by LordVincent

Posted using PostyBirb

Nick sighed to himself as he down another drink, gulping the strong alcohol down. It burned his throat but it also did the trick in dulling the heat that still burned within his body. And then there were the memories that plagued his mind. When he was in that stall, his knot stuck in the gloryhole of that cheap bar bathroom. Not only did he mistake the scent of a bunny for Judy, but he was also taken by some large wolf.

Nick shuddered at the thought, but not out of shame or any sort of disgust. Instead the fox, still burning with lust, was trying to dull the feelings that rose when he thought about the wolf. It had been a whole week since he was pinned up by the large canine but his mind wouldn't let him forget. The last few nights he was awoken from his sleep with a rock-hard, throbbing erection. And the image of that wolf was the cause of it. Every time.

Even jerking off and blowing his load failed to help him get over it. That very morning he reached his climax twice just from the memory of the drunk wolf's large body, deep growls, and his grizzly scent.

Now Nick was using his tried and true method of drinking his heat away. Just for added measure he did his drinking at an entirely different bar, located in the seeder part of Zootopia. Not even Jack would be foolish enough to step foot in the shop crawling with some of the most criminal predators.

Taking another drink straight to the head, Nick smiled as his drunkenness finally over powered the burn of mating season. Just to test it out, he thought about the wolf again and was surprised to find himself unaffected by the now blurry and disjointed memory. He decided to quit while was ahead and paid for all the drinks he had before. All that was left for him to do was just ride the bubbly haze of his mind through the night. He knew that it would only last so long and end in a headache, but the fox figured that it was worth it to be able to ignore his recent obsession for just one night.

And as he listened to the talking of others and the music playing from the busted up stereo, Nick felt like his old self again, carefree and just chill. Though the events of that day were still fresh in his mind, the fox wasn't fazed by them. They were treated as another one of his flings from the past. Sure, one of the wilder ones, but it wasn't the craziest thing he had ever experienced. And he walked away unscathed and rather satisfied as well.

The bell of the bar's door sounded and Nick's ears flicked but he saw no point in looking at who was approaching. As far as he was concerned it was just another thug or hustler like himself. Someone who had a long day of trying to survive in the city. Another mammal that needed a drink to take all the stress away for the night just like him.

But the fox was pulled from his thoughts as there was a heavy thump next to him. And with that thump onto the seat followed a very familiar scent. Nick gasped and looked over to see none other than that wolf. The wolf from his dreams, from that night. Same size, fur color, and scent... It was him in the flesh.

In an instant, the fed furred vulpine was instantly sobered, gawking as the beefy canine was handed a drink. He sipped it slowly, but his eyes drifted down on Nick, looking right at him, locking eyes with his own.

A shudder ran through the fox again, this one stronger than ever. He couldn't break his gaze with the wolf, and it was getting even worse with the flush of heat that struck his body, making him wince and dig his claws into the counter's wood.

The wolf took another gulp of the dark brown liquid and made a deep chuckle, amused at the sight before him. He was sure that he recognized the stench of fox heat, a very familiar smell indeed. And now looking at the fox in question again, it came back to him. That night he was drunk out of his mind, but he remembered that night vividly.

A whimpering vulpine, knot stuck in a gloryhole, trapped and just begging to be used. That night he indulged in the other male's hole and went back to finish his game with his friends. Upon sitting down, the other guys hounded him about the reek of fox and sex all over, asking all kinds of things.

He smirked and retold the story. The others looked skeptical and called 'bullshit,' but soon enough the fox in question came stumbling out of the bathroom. The wolf looked at him and winked. The fox stopped, blinked, and hurried his way out of the bar, not looking back. The other guys laughed and finally believed the wolf before congratulating him and patting him on the back.

It had only been about a week since then, and now the wolf and fox were in each other's presence yet again. Nick's heat was flaring up yet again, wafting that alluring scent directly into the canine's nostrils. The drinking wolf finished his drink and growled lowly as he set the glass cup down.

"Do I know you?" the wolf asked,, already knowing the answer.

"Y-you might..." Nick himself wasn't thinking when he said that. It was hard to think in general with the combination of alcohol and heat that were racing back and forth together through his body, shifting his mind. What at first seemed like a good idea was now working directly against him...

"Yeah... I thought so..." the wolf smirked and stood up. He placed his large paw on Nick's shoulder and winked at him. "Follow me."

As if some kind of spell was cast on him, the fox rose from the bar's seat and trailed close behind the wolf. His heart was pounding as his eyes were drifting up and down the canine's back, taking in the strong muscles that rippled through his tank top. They flexed from him simply walking, giving the following fox a little show.

Before Nick even realized it, the two of them were approaching the back door of the bar. For a moment he wondered if he was even allowed to be there but his thoughts were again interrupted by the other male making another growl. One paw pushed the door open while the other took hold of Nick's paw and led him outside.

He knew it was wrong, but the fox swore he could feel his heart melt just from the touch of the bigger, rough paw squeezing his own.


"Here..." the wolf said. He already had Nick against the wall, his body against the fox's. In his fingers was an almost transparent strip of something. Though he wasn't entirely sure what it was, Nick had enough experience to know how to use it.

He opened his maw wide and let his tongue drift out. The wolf smirked and placed the strip on his tongue. It started dissolving instantly. Starting from his tongue and spreading out to the rest of his body, Nick felt even hotter than he did before. Alongside the sweating was the watering of his mouth and the intense throbs of his cock while it was still tucked in its sheath. Just when he thought that was the full effect, the fox winced as his hole pulsed and throbbed, aching with a sudden need to be filled. It was all happening so fast but the drugs blended perfectly with his heat, making his body as a whole desperate to be pounded and used, especially by the chuckling canine in his presence.

The wolf shoved his face forward, crashing his muzzle with the moaning male's. His low sounds sent vibrations down Nick's spine. A large tongue was shoved into his mouth, touching his throat. Rather than gagging or trying to resist, the fox raised his paws to caress the other male's face. He pulled him in closer and closed his eyes, embracing and using his own tongue to kiss the large canine back.

Hot saliva filled his mouth and oozed down his throat, soaking his tongue in the taste of the bigger male. He could taste the strong alcohol and remnants of the melted strip as his tongue continued to press and grind against the other. That tongue was suddenly pulled back, followed by a snarl from the horned up canid.

Unable to wait any longer, he all but tore off the zipper of his pants. His girthy crimson cock poked right through, almost too big to fit. Nick looked down at it and gulped, not out of fear, but out of sense of need for it.

Those large paws were on him again, gripping his own pants and pulling them down along with his boxers. The fox's own cock bounced free from the fabric keeping it hidden. Without needing to be told, he turned around and presented his winking hole to the lupine.

"Good boy..."

Nick grit his fangs and shuddered from the thick finger that was suddenly jammed within his hole. It pressed in deep and rocked back and forth, stretching out the rim and rubbing the highly sensitive inner flesh. Moans spilled out, echoing down the bar's back alley. They were joined by dominating growls, they persisted and sent continual shivered down the needy fox's spine.

That fat digit was shoved in as far as it could be and twisted. Nick hissed and dug his claws into the dusty brick, his tail flailing from the mix of intense pressure and pleasure. That finger was harshly pulled back in a zigzag pattern, digging and scraping against the twitching walls before it popped free.

A pair of large paws slammed against the bricks, kicking up dust. But Nick's focus was on the cocktip that was pressing in his rim. His ass, desperate to be filled again, winked around the flesh that already slipped in, invitingly teasing it to go further.

With a shove of strong hips, the wolf jammed his cock inside of the fox, pushing it past the rim. It was nestled in the depths of Nick's ass before being pulled back. Slammed back inside with a muffled thump, the wolf snarled and shoved himself back down the tunnel of flesh.

Hard humps shoved that tremendous cock deep inside of him over and over again. Nick nearly lost his senses, he couldn't form any sort of thoughts besides the wolf towering behind him. All he could do was hold his own body steady and endure the strong pounds into his tailhole.

His own cock bobbed and leaked heavily, dripping down on the dirty concrete below them. He wasn't the only one; with each thrust inside of him, the fox could feel another water spurt of precum unloaded inside of him. It was hot and coated the walls of his ass, providing even more lube that the wolf was eager to take advantage of.

"You're even tighter than I remember..." his deep voice curled the fox's ears. Those large claws scraped over the brick as he shoved himself inside deep and hard again.

With a single paw, Nick reached back and stroked the rough fur of the lupine's face. That smaller paw was licked, long and slow, leaving it soaked in drool.

"Not even trying to resist, huh? I must've broken you in the first time..."

Nick couldn't argue with that, his thoughts were already consumed with thoughts about the large canine. And even now, having his ass stretched and filled with the fat, throbbing cock, Nick still wanted even more. Strong pumps threatened to make him lose his balance but he managed to hold firm and endure as the bulbous knot slammed against his dripping rim.

"You don't mind if I cum inside of you, right?"

Nick groaned and nodded slowly, giving another stroke to the wolf's face before he planted his paw on the wall again, enduring the even stronger humps that rocked his body. The deep grunts from the wolf grew deeper and louder, rumbling from his chest and throat. One of his paws lowered and wrapped around the smaller male's waist, holding him tight.

"Mmff! F-fuuckk!"

Nick's hole slowly stretched around the knot until it slid inside with a stretchy pop. Another snarl echoed down the alley as the wolf came hard inside of the other male. Nick clenched his fangs and whined from the climax that was forced out of his own body. At about the same time, the lupine and vulpine came, spraying their seed from their cocks.

The fox was left speechless and nearly incoherent from his climax and the knot still stretching deep inside of his ass. Hot cum gushed deep into his ass and oozed out from the overfilled hole. Nick groaned from the sensation, his arms shaking and another whimper leaving him.

The wolf relaxed as well, the pent up pang in his balls finally eased. He smiled and caressed the fur between Nick's ears, surprised to hear something akin to a purr in return.

"Heh. You know, I think I could use a fox like you at home. Yeah, I can bust some heads with a smile on my face knowing I got a pretty little thing like you waiting for me when I get back."

Before Nick could answer there was a series of vibrations on the fox's pocket. The ringing of his phone. Before the fox could even move, the wolf had already dug into the pocket of his pants and fished out his phone. The ringing had stopped but there was a message left behind.

**Hey Nick!

On my way back from Bunnyburrow. The train was delayed so it's going to be another day

Call me when you can. I wanna hear your voice.**

The wolf huffed through his nose, amused at the message and image hovering above it. The face of that plucky rabbit cop.

"I thought you looked familiar," the wolf said, cocking his head. "You don't mind if I tell your girl you're gonna be gone for a while, right?"

Nick, still under the effects of his heat and the substances dazing his body, nodded without thinking. A grin spread over his own muzzle, as he heard the keys of his phone clicking. In the company of the wolf, he would no longer have to worry about his heat. And this was the most pleasure he had ever felt...

The canine snickered as he typed up a message to send to Judy. And for added measure, he snapped a picture of himself still knotted deep inside of the fox's hole. Feeling superior, the wolf sent the message that Nick was taken and she shouldn't waste her time waiting up on him. He turned the phone off, not wanting to be bothered by the string of notifications and calls that would have likely continued through the night.

"All that matters is that you belong to me now," the wolf said, stroking along Nick's chest. "As long as you be good you'll be taken care of, got it?"

Nick nodded again and winced as the knot was tugged a few times before popping out of his ass. The cum that was held there spilled from the gaping hole, splattering down on the dirty concrete and forming a small puddle.

With his cock still bobbing from the zipper of his pants, the wolf took hold of Nick and carried him down the alley. He still had a tab to pay, but he could worry about that the next time he showed up. For now, the canine carried his new fox to the end of the alley and brought him to his car.

Nick was placed in the passenger seat and watched as the wolf climbed in the front seat. He looked down at the fox and smirked.

"Try not to leak on my seat," he said as he pulled out his keys and turned the engine on. "The name's Dallas by the way."

Nick nodded and introduced himself as well, keeping his eyes on the yet again hard and pulsing cock erected from the jean's open fly.

"Gonna be a bit of a drive before he get back to the place," Dallas said as he started to pull away from the bar. "Is your tongue as good as your ass?"

"H-how about I show you?" Nick asked, his mouth watering yet again.

While Dallas kept his eyes on the road and his paws on the wheel, Nick eased his body across the seats, resting his face in the wolf's lap before using his tongue to guide the cum covered cock into his mouth. The moment his lips wrapped around the shaft, Nick sucked and slurped on the flesh dutifully, seeking to please his new alpha.

"Mmm, maybe it is..." Dallas groaned, doing his best to drive straight against the pleasure that scored up and down his cock. Nick was doing more than simply sucking his cock, his tongue was grinding and swirling around the girth.

"Fuck... Yeah, you're definitely a keeper. Gonna take real good care of you..."

Rather than respond outright, Nick let his actions speak for themselves. He moaned against the taste of his alpha's cum, lapping it clean from the lupine's length. The deep grunts that came from the wolf made his heart race. In place of the cum he was given spurts of pre that only encouraged him to suckle and tease even harder.

"Good... Keeping going...mmpff..!"

Dallas dug his claws into the wheel and swerved a bit as he came inside of Nick's mouth, filling the space with his spunk. Even with the sudden lurch of the car, Nick managed to remain steady, drinking down the stuff with loud gulps.

"Hehe. Yeah, we're gonna have a lot of fun together..."