Making it Up to Marty

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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The gang's set to sail off for New York the next day, but Alex and Marty have trouble sleeping. Perhaps a little walk can help them clear their minds?

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It was the night before the group was set to leave for New York again. It was going to be their last day in Madagascar. Both Alex and Marty, in their excitement, were having trouble sleeping. Alex was the first to get up, and Marty followed. Saying nothing at first, the two of them walked away from the beach and into the dark of the jungle.

"You alright, Alex?"

"Yeah," the lion said, facing his friend as he continued to walk. "I just... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we're going home."

"I know," Marty nodded. His smile eased and his tone became softer. "I'm glad that you're alright, Alex."

"Yeah. But it's only thanks to you not giving up on me," he stopped walking and chuckled to himself. "And again, sorry for biting you on the butt."

Marty laughed as well, coming to stop next to the lion. "Ah, don't worry about it. Wasn't all that bad..."

"You almost sound like you enjoyed it," Alex said, nudging the zebra in the shoulder.

Marty could feel himself becoming a bit embarrassed. "Well, aside from the pain... It was kinda exciting actually..."

"But watch the teeth next time, Alex."

"Hmm, maybe that can be arranged," the lion teased.

A smirk spread on the zebra's face. "Well, that might just make up for it all."

"Hmm?" Alex asked, looking at his first with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow.

Marty said nothing more, still smirking. Instead the zebra turned around, slowly presenting himself to his friend. He lifted his tail, swishing it a bit. That showed off more than just his backside alone to the lion. Now his black, leathery pucker was able to be seen as well.

Alex was stunned by what he saw. Even more so when his friend started to sway his ass back and forth. The sight before him made something rise within the lion. At first he was afraid that those predatory urges within him were coming back. But after taking a deep breath, Alex realizes that those urges were of a different kind, there were of the sexual kind...

As he was thinking to himself, the lion failed to realize that he approached the zebra. His eyes were glued to the large, meaty ass and the puffy donut underneath that tail. He could feel his mouth watering as his paws were planted on each side of the equine's flanks.

"Remember what I said about the teeth," Marty said, partially snapping Alex out of his trance of simply staring and light touching. But that didn't stop him from further admiring his friend's backside. He gawked at the meaty, toned pair of asscheeks, easing himself a little closer to them...

Alex hovered over one of the large mounds and slowly drew his tongue over it. The motion was slow, his tongue dragging upwards as it combed through the thin fur and got a taste for the zebra yet again.

And just a little taste was all it took for him to lust for his friend. He wanted to get a taste for the zebra's backside, but not by eating him. No, Alex realized that there was a better way to get a taste of Marty's ass...

He couldn't help but give another lick to the thick rump, savoring the flavor before he drew his tongue back. He drew his paws back as well before slamming them both down on each cheek, making a small thump on both of them. A sound came from Marty as a rather satisfying sting of pain raced through his ass. His friend's claws were only slightly digging into him, making his heart race. His instincts were flaring up but he chose to stand still and put his trust into his friend.

Alex took hold of the zebra's backside, filling his paw with the thick flanks. That left his muzzle free to lean closer to Marty's ass. He pressed his nose to the thick, leathery rim and took a small whiff, shuddering against the equine's scent. His mouth continued to water as his tongue flicked from his mouth, and pressed against the pucker.

As soon as his tongue made contact, lapping up the flavor, Alex pressed his tongue inside even further, sinking it inside of the warm hole. As he did so, a moan came from Marty and that only fueled his lust and desire to use his tongue on the zebra. He hadn't realized just how much he had wanted to do something like this.

Maybe this is what he subconsciously wanted when he first bit Marty?

Again, he was compelled to just let himself go and do what his lust urged him. First he squeezed the flanks again, pressing and tracing his claws against the fine fur. He could feel a quiver run through the zebra. Satisfaction ran through himself, sure this was partly to make it up to Marty, but the lion enjoyed being in control.

After another curling of his paws and pressing of his claws into the striped pelt, Alex's tongue finally moved again. It was already past the thick rim, now nestled comfortably within Marty's ass. Against it was the zebra's warm, and squishy anal walls. Alex wasn't sure what he was expecting, but he was met with a flavor that was subtle, akin to running his tongue across the flesh of his cheek.

Nevertheless, Alex let out a low purr. Just the fact that the pink muscle was within his friend's ass...that was already turning him on even more. He could feel his cock throbbing, already jutting from his sheath, but the lion kept his focus on the tight hole, the heat and the slight pulses of the anal walls.

Marty bit his lip but another moan forced his mouth open. That hot, roughly textured thing was suddenly dragging within his ass. A deep tingle started in his ass but the sensation quickly raced through the rest of his body, and Alex could feel it in the form of another quiver.

Alex ended his slow lick with a final flick, holding back a chuckle as he felt the other male shudder in his grip. It wasn't long at all before he was pressing his tongue against the other wall of Marty's ass, sliding it against the puffy flesh just as slowly as he had a few seconds ago.

He was fueled by the moans and shivers that he could hear and feel from the other side. It only urged him to continue licking, swirling his tongue around, tracing along the hole's circumference. Soon it was pressed in deeper, slowly pulling that tongue back before pushing it deep inside again. All the while he took in the zebra's heat and the pulsating walls that would hug down on the surfaces of his tongue.

More pleasured noises came from Marty, they spilled out from him and echoed off into the forest. Neither of them were concerned about anyone else hearing, as much as Alex was lost in the simple pleasure of rimming his friend, Marty awaited each and every little, desiring more of the rise within him every time that textured muscle brushed over his sensitive insides.

"I... I didn't know you wanted my butt t-this bad..." Marty said, managing to laugh a bit against the pleasure.

Another deep press within his body led to another lighting bolt of pleasure crackling within him. He stomped his hoof to the ground and moaned through gritted teeth.

All the pleasure was starting to get to him, even more than before, and it could be seen by the extending of his cock. It slid out of his sheath, shoving off the broad tip and thick girth that continued the whole way through. Alex, despite his face being buried within the zebra's ass, still reached between Marty's legs and grabbed hold of the hefty equine cock.

Another gasp and moan came from Marty, a quick stroke was given to the base of his cock, as far as Alex could reach. Nonetheless, the pleasure of a paw jerking in along the lower length of his cock only added to the tingles of pleasure that were racing through his body.

With his paw wrapped around his best friend's cock, Alex sped up the pace of his licking and timed it with the strokes. If the lick was quicker, an equally speedy stroke was given to the base. And when a slower lick was given, the lion dragged his paw along, even using his fingers to further tease the quadruped.

With his mouth going to work on Marty's ass and his left paw drifting up and down the thick base of his cock, Alex himself figured that it was only logical that his remaining paw wrap around his own cock. He shuddered and moaned into the winking hole as his large paw gripped his own length. Keeping time with the rest of his motions, Alex pumped his paw in time with his licks and strokes of the other male's cock, going slower and faster accordingly.

This continued on between the two of them. As Alex stretched and pushed his tongue in deep, he continued to jerk off the other male, and the longer it went on, the more he could feel the cock twitching against his paw.

"Mmf..! A-Alex... It's about to happen..."

The lion understood and acted accordingly; he pulled Marty's cock back, pointing the flaring and pulsating tip close to his own body, pointing at himself. With even more inches available to him, Alex flicked his tongue against those tasty, clenching walls and used both of his paws to stroke up and down his best friend's cock.

Pulling up and tugging down, faster and faster, Alex did his best to pleasure the zebra with both his paws and mouth.

Marty's moans were louder than ever and his body wouldn't stop shaking, all he could focus on was the rising pressure of his climax. And with Alex stroking his entire cock and licking him good and deep, it was building faster than he expected. He had no time to voice a warning of any sort, all that came out was a deep bray as his body shook hard. At the same time his ass and cock started throbbing, letting the lion know what had happened.

But the real teller was the spurts of cum that struck Alex's body. Searing with heat, and clinging to his body was the seed of own best friend, spraying on his chest and belly, oozing down to his cock and balls. Just the thrill and sensuality of it all was enough to make the lion cum as well. He moaned against the pulsating pucker, sending added vibrations into the clenching hole...

What the lion and zebra didn't know was that there was someone watching them, and they did a good job of hiding. But they couldn't help but moan, dragging attention to themselves. And when Alex asked for them to show themselves, they did so without resistance, revealing none other than one of their own friends.

"Gloria?" Marty said, still shuddering a bit as his cock was lightly squeezed again. "W-what are you doing in there?"

The question didn't need to be asked, it was clear to see the wetness and dripping in between the hippo's legs. Her breathing was heavy and it was clear that she was enjoying the sight just as much as Alex and Marty enjoyed pleasuring each other.

She awkwardly stepped closer, not saying anything at first. Her eyes were still scanning the scene before her up and down. From Marty panting and his tail flicking while Alex continued to hold his cock, boldly wearing the zebra's seed, mixed with own, on his golden pelt.

The two males were able to get a whiff of the scent that was wafting from her folds. It worked easily to rile them up all over again. Alex was the first to be turned on again, and a smirk spread over his muzzle.


The moans within the jungle were even louder. Joining Alex's and Marty's were Gloria's, loudest of the three of them. She couldn't hold them back, not with the cocks of both a lion and zebra stretching and filling nearly to her limit.

Against each other, the two male's cock ground and pressed against each other's. Marty's cock was stuffed inside of her leaking pussy while Alex was on the other side, driving his own dick inside of her ass. They each humped at their own pace, able to feel the length of the other male through the walls of Gloria's body.

They chose the holes that would give them the most pleasure. Marty's cock was large enough to fill Gloria's vent nearly to the brim, and Alex with his bigger-than-average dick eased his way into the hippo's ass, engulfing his tip and shaft inside of the hot, squeezing passage.

Rocking and rolling against her body, Marty on top and Alex on the bottom, they pounded into the respective holes, shuddering and moaning as their dicks were squeezed and caressed by heated flesh. Marty was humping hard, clenching his teeth against the feeling of squishy walls and warm, slippery flesh that coated his cock from the tip to the base.

On the bottom, Alex was grunting as his cock popped out of and rammed right inside of the hole again. He made the thrusts hard, crashing his hips against her large, heavy ass. And as he did so, he could feel the sheer weight and thickness of his best friend's dick pressing down on his own length, adding even more pressure to the already tight hole.

As they pounded into her, with their own separate strength and speed, Gloria was begging them for more. It was one thing to finally have one of her friend's dicks pressed inside of her, but two of them. One in her ass, and the other pressed deep inside of her pussy, shoving to the very end.

While Alex was taking things slow, gradually increasing his pace the longer he went; Marty started out with forceful strokes of his entire dick deep inside. He was only afforded that thanks to how wet the hippo already was ahead of time. His wide tip, the thick ring in the center of his length and the even thicker base that ended it all off, they were all jammed inside of her and pulled back before it was all shoved back inside all at once.

But now Alex was reaching that pace and force as well. Pressing his paws to her chest and squeezing her weighty tits. A lustful growl left him, loud and deep, making both Gloria and Marty shiver with excitement. That excitement led to another rise within him, soaring through his body. He fucked the leaking passage harder and harder until he chuffed and bucked hard.

Marty cried out and pressed himself as deep as he could. Sitting against the hot walls, pulsing hard and quickly, the zebra's cock shot his load deep inside of Gloria, making her moan even more against the sticky heat. Through his climax, Marty continued to hump inside of the now flooded vent, milking the rest of the seed from his own cock.

Meanwhile, Alex could feel the heat from his friend's cum seeping through to warm up his cock even more. A deep throb ran through his shaft and a load of precum shot from his tip, lubing the hole up even more. He used that to drive himself even faster and harder, just what he needed to bring himself over the edge as well. Another snarl left him as he came, unloading his seed inside of Gloria as well...


Panting and still moaning to herself, Gloria lied on her side, watching the new scene before her.

Marty was flat on his back, moaning out as Alex bobbed his head up and down. The lion was taking as much of the long, thick cock as he could, making up for it by using his tongue to its full potential: licking, dragging, and pressing along the tip and shaft, leaving the leathery surface slathered in a thick mix of his own saliva and Marty's ever flowing precum.

A few more licks and a warning from Marty led to his mouth being filled with the striped mammal's thick, hot spunk. It was gulped down, but there was a bit too much for Alex to handle at once. Yet again, oozes and splatters of zebra cum decorated and seeped into his fur.

Rather pent up and needing to cum himself, Alex was quick to rise to his foot paws. Letting out a predatory growl, he pounced on Marty's backside. But rather than make any attempt to eat or even harm the herbivore, Alex made his mark and shoved his cock inside of the zebra's ass, finally filling it with his twitching meat.

Hearing the moans of his best friend underneath him, the lion gave into the urges that begged him to just go hard, rough, and fast. And he did so, shoving himself in so deep that his hips crashed against Marty's backside, making the full, toned cheeks clap and jiggle. Another growl came from the lion, he bunched the muscles in his lower half, forcefully pulling his cock free and shoving it against and past the thick, soft rim.

Gripping the sides of the zebra's body and letting out another deep grunt, Alex continued to feed the clenching hole with his leaking and twitching hole. In and out, pushing back before pushing itself back in. Against smooth walls that squeezed down on his inches, milking more pre from his tip, and that in turn lubed the already soft hole...

Shoving himself inside extra hard and holding himself there, Alex came hard, cumming inside of the hot hole, leaving behind ropes of his sticky, thick seed. Groaning, he pulled out of Marty's ass and leaked the last of his ejaculate on the ground underneath them, collapsing on top of his friend.

Marty smiled as well and eased himself to the ground. Spent and tired from their actions, the three best friends settled down where they lied and soon fell asleep, dreaming about returning home the very next day.