Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Ten

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#11 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Ten

"Inner Reflections"


Furry Sith Lord

"Please don't be mad," Lyon pleaded as I sat on the couch trying to watch television.

"I'm not mad." I stated firmly but he seemed not to get it.

"I didn't tell on purpose, Uncle Jon just asked how I got cut and I told him the story. I really didn't think it was a big deal." he continued.

"I'm not mad at you, Lyon. I told him the same thing when he asked because I didn't think it was a big deal either. Personally I think he's blowing the whole thing out of proportion."

"So you're not mad?"

"Alphas damn it, Lyon, of course I'm not mad, you're my brother and I love you to death. I should be the one begging you for forgiveness. Are... are YOU mad at me for cutting you? I'm really sorry if I hurt you because I didn't mean to.

I just got so pissed when he said we weren't real brothers and I wanted to show him and everyone that we are real brothers. Always are and always have been." I said as I got up and hugged Lyon then when we separated I held his paw in mine.

"I just don't understand, because I can't ever remember a time when we weren't brothers and I don't remember ever having anyone other than father and dad as our parents." he said.

"Me neither." I lied. I could remember everything from when the adult male I once knew sold me to a slaver fox to the day I saw an adult male lion sell Lyon to the same fox. I remember when dad first saw us and fell head over paws in love and made father buy us.

I remember how upset Lyon used to get when he thought someone was mad or upset with him because that male lion used to abuse him emotionally. I knew about the nightmares he had and how he used to wet himself because of fear. He's come a long way since then and I think he's blocked out most of the memories because of how painful they were.

I used to be terrified of what our father would do, when he was our master, because of the stories a fellow slave told me when he taught me about how to be a slave. When Lyon had wet the bed a second time I went to him secretly and fell on my knees and begged him not to hurt Lyon for it. Without saying a word he rose and approached me and struck me across the face with his closed hoof. He didn't hit me very hard but it certainly got my attention.

"I know you think I'm some kind of monster, but I'm not. I know he's a young cub and after everything you both have been through, I'm amazed that you don't wet the bed either. I know going through that can't be easy for anyone.

I, too, have a heart and the last thing I'll ever do is hurt someone because of something they have no control over. Right now your other master, Leggo, is tending to him and in time Leggo's gentle heart will help your brother stop having accidents. That being said it also means that you and I need to be as patient and as understanding as possible. Don't get me wrong I will correct you slaves as needed if you are bad, but the accidents he has are not his fault."

That was the beginning of our love/ hate relationship but don't get me wrong because I love my father even though he pisses me off a lot by getting on my tail. He loves me almost as much as he loves himself, and my dad for that matter. Sure we butt heads but I couldn't imagine my life without him! Everything I am today is because he was always there to push me forward so I'd never settle for less. Even when I didn't like him doing it!

"So what will happen to us?" Lyon asked.

"We strip to our fur and put on a vet's robe, which is like a thin robe you wear backwards for some reason. Then they stick an IV in your arm and when it's over you feel incredibly hungry. After they did it to us the first time they took us to McAlphas and bought us Tail Waggin Meals." I explained.

"I remember that! Dad stole our toys to play with by himself and wouldn't share." Lyon smirked.

"No, you and dad played with them but I was so sleepy that I was laying on father's arm trying to stay awake and he kept forcing me to eat. I think I remember him petting me so that made it even tougher to stay awake."

"Yeah, they always love you best because you're so smart." Lyon replied sadly.

"No, just the opposite! They love you better because dad gets into sports and loves spending all his time playing with you. Father hates me and goes out of his way to punish me for every little thing I do. I think he's still pissed that I learned his weakness and beat him in chess every time we play." I told him and he chuckled.

"Father hates losing,"

Leggo ran as fast as he could and despite the drop in temperatures he had rivets of sweat running off his fur. His clothes were soaked but he barely noticed as a drill sergeant was yelling at him to keep going faster, even when he was at top speed.

Lou and he had agreed that he needed to go for the training to become an agent because the situation was becoming more dire the more they tried to take down C.I.Z.A. and The White Citadel. He knew the training would be tough but he never expected it to be this tough.

Merrik had pulled a number of strings to get him his own private drill instructor, isolating him in his own private barracks, and cutting the duration of the program to 6 weeks instead of the regular 20 weeks. This meant that the drill sergeant was pushing him extra hard to fit the amount of work a regular recruit would get during the 20 weeks into a 6 week period.

The regular recruits had been giving him dirty looks and he was sure stories of the special accommodations had spread. They just had no idea what his personal drill sergeant was doing to him and while they may be jealous of his 'special treatment,' if they got a real taste of what he was going through, they'd be glad they were not him.

He was pushed long into the evening without much rest then barely given 4 hours sleep until revellie started the next day. He would have to quickly wolf down his meals because he only had 5 minute meal times and it had been days since he was able to take a shower. He either spent his sleep time going to wash or he'd be forced to quickly lick himself like a vagrant so he could fit in as much sleep as he could.

He was sure Merrik had done this to him on purpose because he had a bigger dick and was jelly of him. Plus Lou loved him, not the Leggo weannabe that Merrik tried to be. Still he remembered the threat Merrik made and that made him push himself so that Merrik wouldn't win. When his husband destroyed C.I.Z.A. he was going to make sure he made Merrik pay!

"We're not stopping until you can run this course in under a minute, do you understand, recruit?" the drill sergeant shouted at him as he ran alongside and Leggo was amazed that he seemed not even winded in the slightest. He was a zebra so he guessed he shouldn't be bothered about running. His time so far had been 3 minutes and he didn't know if he'd ever be able to do this in that short a period of time.

"Move your fucking ass recruit! You better run like a black bear is chasing you!" the drill sergeant shouted and Leggo instead tried to visualize Bear charging after him. He knew polar bears were more vicious than any other ones.

Feeling the last of his energy go he fell to the ground and the pain as he collided with it. Even though there was grass under him it still hurt like the dickens. The drill sergeant was screaming for him to get up and he tried but didn't have the strength to and collapsed again. He could feel unseen eyes watching him and probably jeering at his failure.

"Get your ass up, recruit, or so help me I'll put my hoof so far up your ass I'll wear you like a pair of boots."

"Drill sergeant... get.... a ....drink of.... water" he said, having to force the words out and the drill sergeant took a breath then lowered his voice and he bent down close to him.

"You got three minutes rest then if you can't run this course in under a minute then I'll give you all the water you'll ever need. We'll go back to waterboarding training," he replied then he began to shout again. "Do you understand me?!!!"

"Sir... yes sir!!" He shouted as loudly as he could and the drill sergeant walked away in disgust. He lay there helpless as he tried catching his breath. One of the other recruits ran up to him and either took pity or was ordered to but he left a cup of Species Aid for him to drink. The recruit then ran back to his group without saying a word. Either way he was grateful and wished he could have thanked him.

"Maybe I'll starve him then when he can't take it anymore I'll cut off his dick, grind it up, and make him eat it." Leggo thought to himself silently as he thought about what he'd do to Merrik. The one thing he was not going to do was let that little piss-ant win!!!

Lou pulled his jeep into a visitor parking space and shifted himself as he felt a sharp pain in his groin. Before Leggo left with Merrik for boot camp, he put him in a chastity cage to make him suffer as he was suffering during the training. Leggo then hid all the keys so that he couldn't escape from it. Lou went along with the request to show his support and love for that big dumb puppy.

The cock cage was a metal tube designed to look like a wolf's head and the purpose was to prevent erections and stimulations to the wearer's penis. A metal ring was worn so that the victim's penis and testicles were pulled through it and then the cylinder was placed over the penis and locked in place. Once secure an area of the testicles that was just a thin bit of skin was wedged between the ring and the cylinder and prevented the cage from being pulled off.

It normally didn't bother him and it could be worn comfortably but Lou always felt embarrassed wearing one because he felt subconscious that it made his privates bulge out as if he was walking around with an erection. Plus there were times the metal dug into his skin if he sat a certain way. He also had to take special precautions when going to the bathroom.

He got out of the vehicle and quickly adjusted himself to get more comfortable then made his way on the campus to his son's room. It had been years since he went to school here but everytime he returned he felt a funny feeling of nostalgia in his gut. He looked around and saw the younger students scurrying off to do who knew what and all of the faces were new. He looked around hoping to see some of his old classmates even though he knew he wouldn't see them. That was what he missed the most about this place, his old friends he used to live with and be with while he lived here.

He loved being here because it gave him more freedom than he had at home. He loved his father and in some way his father loved him also but he didn't have the freedom that he had here. Plus this was the place where he first met his husband and they shared their first kiss in the locker room. It seemed so long ago yet since they had their paws tied, he couldn't remember a day being away from Leggo.

He walked up to the dorm room of his sons and knocked on the door before he let himself inside. Tyger was standing in the living room giving instructions to his brother on how to get his luggage organized. Lyon was in his room busily packing his suitcase.

"You guys aren't ready yet?" he asked and Tyger turned in horror to face him. He wanted to chuckle as his son looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Lou smiled and bent down and patted his son's head.

"You know you really do take after me because had the roles been reversed, if you were me and Lyon was your dad then I'd be out here shouting orders at him too. However, since he is your brother, why don't you go in there and help him pack." Lou said affectionately.

"Yes sir!" Tyger replied and he ran into Lyon's room to help. Lou sighed because he really didn't mean it to be an order but it had come off that way.

"Father, is dad here?" Lyon asked.

"No, not this time he was called away on some business so he won't be joining us." he told them and saw the look of disappointment on their faces. They really did love Leggo more than him, he thought to himself. He watched how miserable they seemed that their dad wasn't there.

He sat on the couch and kept his legs closed to hide his cage from sticking out and drawing their attention. They had gone back to arguing about the best way to pack the suitcase. Tyger was busy scolding his brother about the way he folded his clothes and Lyon was busy telling him not to be obnoxious. Lou couldn't help but smile because they truly were like a pair of brothers.

"What's that?" Tyger asked suddenly and he caught Lou's attention.


"You didn't wash it? You can just leave it here, stinking up the place! Why didn't you wash it?" Tyger was arguing.

"Come on bro, you know how busy I've been with school and team practice. Not to mention the games. I just haven't had time." Lyon whined.

"Lyon, place your laundry in a separate bag and load it in the jeep.The way the maid can wash it." Lou ordered.

"But father, that's not fair to her because it's his responsibility to keep himself and his stuff clean." Tyger countered.

"Are you kittying me? You too young man, get an extra bag and load some clothes in it, even if they're clean. You say it's your laundry too because if I bring you both home with nothing for her to wash, then she'll cry that you both no longer need her and it'll break her heart. You don't want to do that, right?" he asked and both of them shook their heads. "Then go create laundry even if you have none." Tyger ran off to obey his father and Lou winked at Lyon as he looked at him blankly.

They loaded the jeep with the luggage and prepared to climb inside when Lyon shouted for his brother.

"Hey Tyger, check it out! What is it?" Lou turned and saw a small white ball made of spikes crawled towards them. Tyger and Lyon went closer and the ball stopped moving as they bent over to look at it. Lou rushed over to examine it himself. It had a small black backpack on that looked specially made so that the spikes did not destroy it or anything it had inside.

"Looks like a hedgehog," Tyger replied and the tiny ball uncurled itself and stood upright. This worried Lou as he neared it.

"Quite right, sir I am a hedgehog. My name is," it said

"Please don't be Sanic, please don't be Sanic, please don't be Sanic," Lou thought to himself.

"My name is Sanic Erinaceidae- H, a pleasure to meet you both. I'm surprised to meet two species that are white like me." Lou tried to remain calm as he realized Bear was targeting his sons to join The White Citadel. What would be worse was if Leggo had come then Sanic would know something was up when he saw him.

"What's this? A white hedgehog?!!" Lou exclaimed as he approached and looked down on Sanic. His heart was beating rapidly as he tried to think of what to do.

"Oh hello," Sanic replied.

"These are my sons, and you are?" Lou asked, keeping his face a pure mask of calmness to hide the turmoil inside of him.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sanic Erinaceidae- H."

"Lou Cervus- D, now if I may ask, why are you talking to my boys?" Lou asked him.

"Well, I'm not used to seeing others with rare white fur like me. I just thought I'd say hi and maybe make a friend or two." he replied with a smile. Lou faked a smile like Merrik does as he tried to be calm because he was never any good at thinking on his feet like this.

"You seem to have caught us at a bad time, Sanic, because our father is taking us out so we can't stay and chat right now." Tyger replied as he stepped in. Tyger was very skilled at moments like this and that definitely made his father jealous because he could step in and turn things like this to his advantage while his father needed time to plan things out in order to do that.

"My apologies then. I hope we meet each other again in the future." Sanic bowed.

"Before you go, can I ask a quick question?" Lyon asked.

"I don't mind if you don't." he replied as he looked at Lou and Tyger waiting for their responses.

"Go ahead, son," Lou replied.

"Why are you wearing a backpack? Are you a new student here?" Lyon asked and Tyger nodded agreeing that it was an interesting question. Lou was surprised he hadn't noticed and was proud that Lyon had caught it.

"No but I keep my most prized possession in it," Sanic removed his backpack and took out a red panda squeak toy. The kind you might find in Tail Waggin Meals from McAlphas. He hugged the toy close to his chest and twisted his body slightly to the left and to the right as he hugged it. His eyes were closed then he opened them to see the three watching him.

"Sorry a very dear friend gave him to me to protect him. A duty I take very seriously because he's my best friend... well my only friend and if I lost him we'd both be very sad." Sanic replied. Lou knew that this must be the Sanic Leggo had befriended and even though fully grown he was cub sized. It was no wonder Leggo had treated him like a cub and apparently made a bigger impact on him than Lou had originally thought.

Another thought had crossed his mind and that was maybe the hedgehog was testing them to try and find out if The White Fox and Leggo were the same person.

"My husband used to play with our sons with toys like that, remember guys?" he replied and the two nodded as Sanic put the toy back in his backpack.

"You don't have many friends?" Tyger asked and the hedgehog nodded.

"Most species are afraid of my spikes and because my species are small others like to bully us a lot," he explained.

"So what is your friend's name? If I may ask?" Lou decided to broach the subject because he already knew the answer but he needed to test what the hedgehog knew.

"Leggo Vulpes- F. He's an arctic fox I believe because those are the only white foxes I know of." Sanic said and Lyon stiffened a little. Lou saw a frown on Tyger's face and he was sure both his sons had caught on. They knew about Leggo's past with him becoming the White Fox after a fraternity prank. Both had sworn to keep that knowledge a secret in order to protect their dad after C.I.Z.A. had wolfnapped their dad to use him as a pawn to lure out The White Tower.

"My husband is also named Leggo, Leggo Lupus-W. From what I'm told it's a very common name among canines dating back to a certain canine hero during the Great War." Lou lied and he wanted to see if the hedgehog would call him out on his deception or would he buy into it.

"It sounds like a name a hero SHOULD have." Sanic replied cryptically. Lou was not sure how to take it and he could definitely see why Bear paw picked him to be his top recruiter.

Father took us out for a meal after our blood transfusions. He took us to McAlphas because as he warned the maid had prepared a feast to welcome us back. She seemed to cry tears of joy when we brought home laundry and she dropped everything to wash our stuff. Even the laundered clothes I stuffed in a bag and called it my laundry she was overjoyed to wash and fold it. I was going to have and save up some dirty clothes to bring her at the end of the semester or she'd get upset.

Father and Lyon got the cubs meal but I had a combo meal. Even though I had a huge meal waiting for me I felt ravenous after the transfusion and if I ordered the cubs meal then I'd need to eat 3 to be satisfied. Lyon took the toys from his and father's meals and said he was gonna save them to give to Sanic if he saw him again. He felt bad about him not having any friends and he wanted to follow dad's example.

"Boys, I need you to listen to me carefully," Father started after he shifted his body uncomfortably. The only times I've seen him do that is when he's losing a game and he hates losing only this time there seemed to be a different reason why he was upset.

"Your dad and I have been working with C.I.Z.A. to try and take down The White Citadel,"

"Ha, I would destroy C.I.Z.A. while I'm at it," I remarked and he used his hoof to grab my ear as I yelped in pain and he lowered his head next to me.

"Anything else you want to add?" he asked and I shook my head and he released me. Even though he's Prey and I'm a Predator and no matter how big or strong I get, my father has a way to keep me under his hoof.

"Anyway," he continued and I gave Lyon a look as he chuckled at my misfortune. Time was that he'd be bawling his eyes out whenever father did something like that to me, but now here he was chuckling. "It has come to my attention that you two are known by The White Citadel and their leader wants to recruit you."

"Us? Why us?" Lyon asked panicky.

"That I don't know but Sanic is one of his agents so I need you both to be very careful around him. Don't let him corner you and be careful because he's gonna try to lure you away. He will probably try to convince you to meet with his buddies or ask you to bring him to his house. Whatever it is, don't go with him anywhere because it may be a trap." Lou instructed.

"Like taking treats from strangers." Tyger remarked.

"Exactly!" Lou said and was pleased that his oldest caught on although the younger seemed upset. "What's wrong Lyon?"

"Was... was he lying about not having any friends?" Lyon asked, his voice on the verge of crying. Lou reached out to hug him because he loved his sensitive heart but he also feared that it would make him vulnerable and easy prey for species like Sanic to manipulate.

"I don't think so because I know for a fact it was actually your dad that gave him that red panda. I don't think he's a bad guy but the species he works for might be so I need you to be extra careful around them." Lou said as he rubbed Lyon's back as he held him.

"Lyon, if they approach you and ask you to go with them anywhere you tell them 'Not without my brother,' then you let me handle them, OK?" Tyger said and his brother nodded.

"When's dad coming home?" Lyon whined and Lou kissed his head as he continued to caress his back as he held him.

"Soon, he's just practicing for the big game coming up so he can be in the best shape to play." Lou replied and Lyon seemed to feel a little bit better then he turned his gaze to Tyger, who seemed lost in thought but he knew his son was busy using his analytical mind to devise strategies. He was so proud of his boys that even though he was in an awkward position as he held Lyon, he ignored that the metal cage was pinching his testicles. He just ignored it because the pain was worth it!

To Be Continued...