GD: Skyrim Part X

Story by Mr Drake on SoFurry

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#11 of Gamer Diaries: Skyrim

Poor Espiona just can't catch a break. Guess that's the price of adventuring.

Happy reading.

This is a non-profit fanfiction. The Elder Scrolls and Skyrim are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc.

Khash the Argonian was created by the talented RabbittWinri.

Gamer Diaries


By Evan Drake

Part X: Beneath Dimhollow

I've never had a worse day. And it all was my fault. I knew leaving Morthal at night was a bad idea, but it wasn't long until daylight so I figured it would be okay.

What I didn't expect was for the snow to start coming down so hard. We had no choice but to camp for the night and hope it cleared up in the morning.

I was shaken awake by Khash in a panic.

Khash said, "Wake up! There's a bunch of soldiers coming this way!"

By some miracle, we managed to pack up the tent and get out of there just before a bunch of Stormcloaks and Legionnaires started fighting each other. Our stealth skills came in handy that morning. We slipped away from the battle unnoticed.

And because the divines hate me with a passion, we didn't get far before we ran into a group of bandits robbing someone on the road. Too bad for them, they decided to rob a mage. While they were busy fighting the mage, I prepared my spells. The mage made the mistake of not putting up a barrier and didn't last long. It bought enough time for me to take one of them down.

The other one didn't make it as backup for the Legion soldiers came upon us and took them down for us. Thankfully, they were too busy trying to help their fellow soldiers to bother us.

We made it to the Hall of the Vigilants. It was a mess. The building was still smoking when we got there. Burned and drained corpses were everywhere. These vampires really aren't playing around. I was shocked how calm Khash was about the whole thing. Then again, she didn't complain when I told her to wait outside.

But there was no sign of Tolan anywhere. Dimhollow Crypt wasn't far. Please tell me that idiot didn't run off ahead without us. These vampires weren't playing around. He shouldn't be facing them alone.

Tolan...he didn't make it. The fool went ahead without us. At least he went down swinging. I didn't know the guy well enough to worry about avenging him but there was something down here worth all this trouble. It sucked but I couldn't walk away.

The good news was the vampires got confident and lazy because they took down the vigilants. It made it easy to catch them off guard. It helped because I never fought vamps before.

It turned out the vamps were after a woman. A live woman buried beneath the crypt. She was a vampire named Serana. I had no clue how long she was under there and neither did she. The last thing she remembered there wasn't even an empire! Why was she down there? And why did she have an Elder Scroll? I didn't know much about them but they're a big deal.

I should have killed her. I was supposed to. That was why I "joined" the Dawnguard. I had killed at least a dozen vampires already. So why did I hesitate? What was holding me back?

She's the first vamp I met who didn't attack on sight. I don't know. Killing her just felt...wrong. Given what the vamps were doing to get to her, she wasn't looking forward to being rescued and she didn't seem bothered being picked up by vampire hunters.

So now I'm taking her back home. How do I get wrapped up in these things? First I'm running around with a kid, now I'm escorting a vampire home.

There was another word wall. I didn't even bother to ask if they heard the whispering. It was just like the others. The moment I touched it, more images and thoughts sprang to my mind. At least I didn't pass out this time, but I did feel wobbly all the way to Morthal.

After what happened last time, there was no way we were sleeping outside especially not with a vampire in tow.

I kinda worried about taking a vampire in a crowded town, but Serana adapted pretty quick. She explained even at a young age she was taught how to hide her vampirism from others.

The locals were arguing with the steward for one reason or another. I would be shocked but in the middle of a civil war, I'd be more worried if there wasn't drama.

On our way to the inn, I noticed something strange. A burned-down house, already tucked in by fallen snow. I saw something in the doorway, but on a second look, it was gone. Maybe I'm just cracking from lack of sleep.

I asked the innkeeper about it and she told me some poor bastard lost his wife and child in a fire. It was so mysterious and sudden that no one had any time to react. Weirdly enough, Hrogar, moved in with another woman the day after. Everyone thinks he did it.

Sounds a bit like bullshit to me. It's too obvious even without proof. If he was going to kill his family and run, he'd move away. I saw it enough times to know how it worked. You don't stick around after that and wait for someone to get revenge.

The innkeeper mentioned the Jarl was willing to pay anyone who found out the truth. Sounded good but I had places to be. And proving someone's guilt or innocence wasn't my problem.