in a wolf's body: chpt 11: vagabond

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#12 of in a wolf's body


I sit there on the corner of marks and Spencers waiting patiently for my mistress to come find me. I saw her walking through town with Jessica but they don't notice me. I sat back down again and whimpered disappointedly. Time passes and my coat gets more and more tangled. I have to feed from the rubbish they chuck out from McDonald's... to my amusement and pleasure it's quite a lot.

One night I saw a shooting star and I wished. I wished that they would take me back. It was a stupid idea to run away from them. My life wasn't hard. I was happy and I threw it all away... hell, I don't even remember why I ran away in the first place. Then I saw another star and another. A newspaper flew to my feet in the cold wind. a meteor shower was due tonight? I watched the rocks as they flew across the sky, skimming the edge of the atmosphere, burning before flying off into space.

I fell asleep after watching them for hours. I would scavenge for some food in the morning... assuming I didn't freeze to death. I heard someone shouting my name "CAESAR?" again and again "CAESAR?" it was a woman shouting my name

"CAESAR?" that was a man?

"CAESAR?" a girl... could it be? I opened my eyes and I saw them, Sarah Weirman, Tony Jeeves and Jessica.

"Caesar!" Jessica ran towards me, holding me in a tight embrace, I licked her face lovingly.

Sarah stroked my head, tears in her eyes "I'm sorry boy, I shouldn't have shouted at you. There's a surprise for you when we get home. Tony could you carry him? He's probably quite tired"

I smiled as Tony Jeeves picked me up and carried me to the range rover before placing me in the back seats of the car.

Jessica sat next to me and hugged me all the way home. I felt awful, I just abandoned Arctic... her pups were probably due any day now. When I got home I was taken out to the kennel, I could smell Arctic and... four other dog's? I stepped inside and smiled, my heart filled with pride as I saw four young pups suckling on Arctic's teats. "Caesar?!"

"yep it's me Arctic... can you ever forgive me? I abandoned you. And I wasn't here to watch my pups being born, or support you through it"

Arctic licked my face "of course I can forgive you... they are just as you said they would be... three boys with snow white fur like mine and a girl with white fur and grey markings" I grinned. This was quite possibly the best moment of my life. "now the big question remains. What do we call them?"

"I'll name two and you name two" I pointed at the female pup "autumn" I then pointed to one of the male pups who's eyes sparkled in the rising sun "Morgen" Arctic looked at me with a smile on her face "it's German for morning" I added

"those are beautiful names Caesar"

I smiled "your turn"

she pointed at one of the pups "Julian" then she pointed at the last pup "Alexi" all the pups climbed on me intent on licking my face before running off.

I smiled and watched the little balls of fluff run about "go on Caesar, you know you want to play with them"

"aren't you going to play as well?"

"I can't, childbirth took a lot out of me... and now I'm... really.... sleepy" she yawned before lying down on my bed. I guessed that meant the pups get her old bed and me and Arctic shared.

I ran after the pups "ha! You can't catch us dad!" Alexi called out to me

"what? I could catch you with my eyes closed!"

Julian laughed "no you can't"

"mum could catch you" Autumn added

"no she couldn't" Morgen muttered

"she can and she has... but I'll tell you that story when your older"

this brought me a chorus of "But daaaad!"

"well I could tell you but only if you don't tell your mother that I told you cause I would get in trouble and so would you"

"you can tell us later. First you've got to catch us" Alexi cried as all four pups separated and ran off in different directions

right, Alexi's going down first. I started running after him quickly catching up to the young pup. "you still won't catch me!"

"oh no!" I pretended to fall over.

Alexi jumped on me "okay okay! You win Alexi!"

Alexi smiled and jumped off "AHA!" I rolled over and pinned the little dog down and licked his face

"ewe! Dad! Get off! DAD! Okay you win!"

I stood up "okay now you've got to help me catch the others"

"fine" we ran off together

"Alexi, go get your sister" I ran after Morgen I quickly stopped the pup in his tracks

"got you!" Morgen licked my face and ran off when I jumped in surprise.

I watched as Autumn tackled Morgen "ha! That's the way it's done!" she cried. yep. There's no doubt that she's Arctic's daughter.

"That's three down. Wait... where's Julian?" the three pups looked at each other and shrugged. "hmm" I looked about the garden "he's not here?"

I looked at Arctic. Then I looked closer and grinned "oh that clever pup. using Arctic for camouflage" I poked him "found you Julian"

"oh" the little pup moaned

"don't get me wrong it was a great hiding place"

Arctic then woke up and stretched "what are you all up to?"

"playing a mix of tag and hide and seek" Morgen stated

"have fun?"

"yeah!" all the pups cried


"yes Autumn?"

"dad said that when we were older he would tell us the story of when you caught him. he also told us not to tell you... oops"

I blushed

"did he now?"

"yeah I did"

"did he tell you the story?"

"no he didn't"

"good, now I can be here whilst he tells you"

"what?!" I looked at Arctic with a look of shock and amusement on my face

"yeah, I want you to tell them exactly what you said"

"go on dad!"

Arctic looked me in the eyes "go on Caesar"

"well, me and your mum where playing a game"

"what kind of game was it?" Morgen asked

"um... it was a game of... tag! That's it, it was a game of tag"

"and she caught you?" Autumn asked with a smile on her face

"yes" all the pups started laughing "what happened after she caught you?"

"well, she dragged me back to this kennel and we talked"

"ha! We both know we did more than talk" Arctic chided

"yeah, you had your teeth around my dick" I then remembered that the kids were still here.

"what's a dick, dad?"

"a dick is this thing here" I motioned towards my sheath

"so mum threatened to bite your dick?"

"if you're going to talk about that part of a boy's body can you please use it's proper name?"

"what's it's proper name?"


"so mum threatened to bite your penis?"

"yeah. And she would've if I hadn't of told her I was guilty"

"guilty? What of?"

I laughed as I remembered what I did "I peed on her"

"why?" Autumn demanded "that's disgusting!"

I smiled "it was part of the game"

Alexi laughed "can we play the game?" he cocked his leg up at Autumn

"NO!" I cried. Alexi whimpered and put his leg down "sorry Alexi, it's just your not allowed to play the sex game until your older"

"oh... okay... what happened after mum threatened to bite your penis" "she... she..."

Arctic was clearly enjoying this "go on Caesar, tell them"

"she pushed a plastic penis up here" I pointed at my ass and laughed as all the pups cried out In disgust.

Julian blushed "did it... hurt?"

"yes it did"

"did it?" Arctic looked guilty


"Caesar... you should have told me"

"nah, it turned out fine in the end"

Morgen was interested in the story "so what did she do after that?"

"she made me say embarrassing things or she would turn the vibrator on"

"what's a vibrator?"

Arctic grinned "hold on a minute" she looked under her bed and pulled out the vibrator

"here it is"

"that's the plastic penis?"

"yeah, put your paw on it" Morgen touched it and I turned the vibrator on. I laughed as Morgen quickly pulled his paw away In shock

"you mean, you had that in there?!"


Alexi touched the vibrating dildo "ooh, that feels weird... nice... but weird... so what embarrassing things did mum make you say?"

"I told her that I wanted a real penis in me" Arctic burst out laughing

"what did you say when I turned it on?"

"yeah dad! What did you say?"

I thought really carefully about what I would say in front of the pups

"I said that I wanted semen in my bum"

"what's semen?"

"it's the stuff that comes out of a penis when... um when... a mummy and a daddy love each other very much. And they use it to make pups"

I felt really stupid telling my pups this,

Arctic was laughing "why are you embarrassed?"

"Arctic, I'm teaching my pups, that I only met today, about sex"

she licked my face "aw lighten up" a smile spread across my face and I leaned in close and whispered something in her ear so only she could hear me.

She grinned and sat next to me "as soon as we have some time alone. Then I'll do it"

my smile broadened "I can't wait"