Jim and Claude 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#80 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Jim settle in.

I'm in luck. Alf comes strolling out. He loves the hot tub too. "Just the Badger I wanted to see" I say. He's stiffening up. "You want some more of me dick?" he asks hotly. He gets in the tub with me. Before I can tell him what's up he's running his paws all over me. "I need to talk to you Alf" I say. He picks me up out of the water and sets me down on his hard dick. "Ride me while you talk" he says gruffly. I bounce up and down on him while I tell him about Harry. I describe Harry and he's getting stiffer inside of me. I grip and squeeze him as I ride up and down on him. He roars and gushes up me. He kisses me. "Jimmy's such a lucky bastard" Alf says kissing me. Alf looks into my eyes and he asks me why I thought of Harry for him. I explain and Alf's still rock hard in me. "I will try to bond his ass if he's as hot as you say" Alf says. "I want to stay up you for a while, I love feeling your ass surround me dick. I've told Jimmy he ought to try just staying up you" Alf says. "Thanks for convincing Nigel to take me, he's a great bottom too" Alf says kissing me. "I didn't convince him, he watched you and Jim fuck me and was surprised at how hung you were and how good you were" I say. He kisses me again. "When we were done his Walrus came looking for him and Nigel attacked him, rode him all out, Emil carried him still impaled on his dick to their bedroom." Alf says laughing. "Knowing Nige they'll be fucking hard all night" I say smiling.

Edward comes out with Harry. "Not anxious were you" I tease Harry. "Alf Davenport, this beautiful Tiger is Harry Belford" I say smiling. "Strip" Alf tells him. Harry drops his clothes. Edward picks them up and walks inside. "Turn and show me that ass that made even our Claude desperate to get up it" Alf says laughing. Harry turns. Alf whistles. "Impressive ass, little Tiger" Alf mutters. "You want to belong to an English Badger who's horny all of the time?" Alf asks. "Harry, he's a hell of a top, I tried to bond him myself, and sadly I didn't, but he's hot for my ass anyway" I say. Harry turns back to face Alf. "You're serious" Harry says. "When it comes to that beautiful of an ass I'm always serious" Alf grunts. "You wanna be me little piece o Tiger ass for always?" Alf asks. Harry's smiling. "If you want me" Harry says. "A couple of things, I'm gonna live here with me American family and me son, I'm gonna still fuck Claude any chance I get, and I'm a poor Badger, I live with them and they keep me with them because they love me." Alf says firmly. "I'm fine with that" Harry says. Alf gets up out of the water. And he takes Harry in his arms. "I'll be good to you, little Tiger, gruff and horny I might be, but I did fall for you." Alf says. I see Dad and Nigel walk out just in time to see Alf kiss him, and Harry faint into his arms.

Dad's laughing. And Nigel's stunned again. "Bloody Hell, when you tend to me Dad you don't slack off" Nigel mutters. "Harry Belford, I remember you, I wish I had known you were a bottom when I bought my car " Dad says. "Jimmy, you can have him in a day or so, I want him first, we'll get together tomorrow and trade and we'll do it often" Alf says picking Harry up into his arms. They walk off.

And Dad gets into the tub and pulls me in with him. Kissing me deeply he strokes my mane. "I know you, boy, you mated him because you were afraid we'd joint bond him, you love him, but only want me as your mate" Dad says. I look up and Nigel's gone. He must have gone to find Emil. "Claude, I want you right now" Dad growls and he pushes me on my belly and gets behind me and shoves up me. Bent over the edge of the tub on the deck. He pulls back and starts barbing me hard and fast. We're both yowling and making a Hell of a lot of noise. I screech suddenly and explosively spray my cum all over. Dad bites the back of my neck and spurts his sperm up me. Panting hard he lays on my back.

"I love you, Claude, my little slut Lion" Dad pants. "I know you took Alf before you fixed him up with Harry" Dad says licking my ear. "Your ass was nice and wet and slick with Badger spooge, just the way I like it" Dad growls gently. He's nuzzling the back of my neck. "I love you too, Jim" I say softly. Dad rolls me over onto my shoulders, and licks his and Alf's cum out of my ass. I purr to feel his rough Feline tongue probing the inside of my ass. Seeking out Alf's and his thick cum deposits. I yowl and cum hard. Dad looks at me and he kisses me sloppily and we trade his and Alf's mixed cum loads back and forth. "Claude, you're all I could want, you'll do anything I want you to sexually, and you get so hot for me" Dad purrs. We lay together quietly. I know that look though. Dad's got something on his mind. But all I can do is wait til he's ready to talk. He leans back and pulls a cigar and his lighter out of his shorts that are laying a short distance away. He'll do that at times. Gives him time to plan out what he'll say as he preps and lights his cigar. He's got it lit and is puffing away and then he speaks. (I'm hotter for him while he smokes his cigars)

"Baby, I got a call from Fortune Magazine, it's already gotten out, I don't know how they know, but by Monday it'll be on all the news channels and in the papers" Dad says. "I knew it would get out but not this fast" I moan. "Do you want to break up, and we'll deny it all and avoid the bad press?" Dad asks. "No, Jim, I won't give you up for anything, I know we're meant to be, we bonded as Lions have for centuries." I say fiercely. "Let them say what they will, no one can hurt us, they can't affect you or I" I say. "Jim, no matter what they say they can't make me not want to belong to you" I say aggressively. Dad laughs. "I could lose a few patients but I think most will stay, and you have full control of CMK, no one can take it from you." I say. Dad kisses me gently. "My Claude will hold on to me ferociously" he says proudly. "Will you hold onto me that tightly too" I say smiling. "Always, Claude, I will leave you only when I die" Dad says softly.

Dad kisses me. "I think I'll go on the offensive on Monday, hold a press conference and tell them the truth, and that it's none of anyone's business." Dad says. "I love you, Jim, and nothing or no one will ever make that change" I say quietly. "I know, Claude, you came out fighting, you want me and you proved you'll face anyone or anything for me" Dad says softly. "I'll do the same" he says. "Dad, I think we'll be fine, we love so strongly that nothing can tear us apart" I say. Dad looks thoughtful for a while.

"Claude, I'm not going to wait, I'll do it tomorrow afternoon, I can get the PR folks in on Sunday and we'll nip this in the bud" Dad says pulling me to him. He lays holding me tightly to him. "Still, they'll say a lot of things about us" Dad says nuzzling my mane. "Let them, it'll only make me love you more" I say fiercely. "My little Lion loves me so much" Dad says grinning. He lays back puffing his cigar until its out and then he pitches it into a trash can Edward keeps on the patio.

He kisses me deeply. I love the taste of the cigar smoke in his mouth, makes me hotter for him . My own Feline dick pops out of my sheath. He smiles. "Hot for your Daddy Lion" He purrs. He rolls me up onto my knees. "Lift your tail for your Stud Lion?" he asks. I raise it and brace myself. Dad rams me and he's pumping me hard and fast. He grips my neck in his teeth and I moan and cum on the grass. "Squeeze me, baby" He roars and I feel him gushing up me. He got hot seeing how horny I was for him.

I have the semen that made me inside me and a lot of it, at that. I really wish I was ovulating now. I'd love to take my Jim's litter. He licks my neck. "I know boy, I wish my cubs were implanting in you now too" he purrs in my ear. I love how he understands me. He reaches under me and pats my belly. "I wanted four sons, I'd love to see this swollen with the other three I wanted" he purrs. "Even you have to admit, I breed magnificent sons" he says laughing. "My first boy was so amazing I had to take him as my mate" He purrs. He slaps me on the ass. "Gotta admit, I bred me one sweet, tight ass" he says grinning. He's still inside of me.

"Jim, I am happier than I thought I could ever be, I'm yours and you love me so much, Sergei and Emil weren't surprised." I say. "Sergei said he could see it in your eyes when you looked at me, and Alf said the same thing" I say softly. "I have loved you for so long now, I know the moment I fell for you, Claude, you were swimming in the pool naked and I had to leave, I had never been that hard in my life, but I wanted more than just to get up your ass" Dad says smiling. "I knew then, you were going to be my wife, no one else would do but the beautiful young Lion who was swimming in my pool" he says softly. "I was only afraid of how you'd react, and then I realized I should wait til you were old enough, I almost went to you when you were 18, but I'm glad now I waited" he says nuzzling my neck. "But it was hard to wait for you, Claude, and now I get my reward for my patience, you're all I dreamed you'd be and more and I'm so damned happy" Jim says joyously. "And you can't get enough of my big Feline dick, all I have to do is get hard and you're almost desperate to get it up you" He says grinning. "Do you know you purr when I cum up you, Boy?" Dad asks. "No, but I'm not surprised, I've purred more since I got you than I have over the last five years" I say kissing him. "Me too" Dad says kissing me back. "You make me so hot just to look at you" he purrs. "Daddy, I'll try to make it up to you, for wanting me and having to wait so long for me" I say softly. "Baby Kitten, you already have, you took me as your mate, and you've been all to me I could wish" Dad says pulling out of me.

"Come on, Baby, I want to take you to bed now" Jim says picking me up off of the grass. He carries me to his bedroom and I see Edward has moved my things into it. "You're here with me where you belong Claude, at my side for as long as I live" Dad says. He lays me on the bed and I see he's hard again. "I just have to see you, or scent you and it won't go down" Jim says smiling. "Don't hold your breath waiting for me to complain about that." I say. Dad's purring as he stands by the bed looking me over. "You're so beautiful, Claude, you take my breath away" Jim says lovingly. "I want you so badly now, Jim" I purr.

I get up on my knees and raise my tail for my mate. Jim's right up me and his teeth grip my neck hard. Dad pumps me, slowly this time. He's purring. "I want to do you slowly, show you how much I love and adore my Claude" he purrs. And he slow fucks me. It feels right to have his big Feline dick inside me. I reach back and grab his hips and hold him still. He looks puzzled until I start frantically working myself on him. He growls and moans. I work him deeper and faster. I get him all the way to his sheath and with a deeper push manage to get the first inch of his sheath in me. He's grunting harder. "Don't stop, move counter when I start thrusting again" he growls. And I do. He's fucking me hard and I move counter to his deep thrusting. He doesn't hold long. He utters an earth shattering roar and gushes up me.

Panting hard, he licks my neck where his teeth were. He's soothing me. It's Feline Breeding behavior, trying to calm me and sooth me so I'll ovulate a few times and give him the litter he wants. I wish I could. I know I'd be bare foot pawed and pregnant for my Jim. Father or not, I'd drop all the litters I could for him. He's purring. And to my surprise I am too. "You purr for your husband, I do anything sexual to you, and you cum all over us both and you purr so sweetly for your husband" he says gently. "Claude, I sometimes can't find the words for how much I love you and need you" Jim says kissing my paw. I sigh and purr louder. My Jim is so romantic and loving. His copious load of fertile Feline sperm is dripping out around his dick. In the last day or so he's left what seems to be a couple of gallons up me and I love it. "Jim, I wish I could show you how much I love you by giving you the sons that you wanted" I say quietly. "You'd carry your half brothers for me?" He asks. "Proudly, Jim, I'd be fat and swollen with your sons and happily waiting to birth them" I say softly. "Claude, you would, I can see it in your eyes, you love me enough to bear my sons and not give a damn what anyone said about it" Jim says proudly. I laugh. Dad looks at me. "Your Grandsons would also be your sons, and they would be beautiful" I say. "They would, out of my beautiful Claude, they'd be stunningly beautiful Lions" Dad muses.

Dad rolls us onto our sides and stays in me. "Alf was right, you're so tight it feels good just being up you" Dad says nuzzling my neck. "Claude, I'm so proud of you, you reacted to folks finding out by renewing your drive to keep me" Dad says. "Jim, I love you, I meant it when I said forever, I'll deal with anything to keep your love, I can't live without you, and I know you feel the same" I say softly. "Besides, a small part of me is proud that the world will know how deeply I love the Lion that sired me" I say smiling. Dad kisses me. "I'm proud of the boy I sired and raised, he's a special one, and he's my perfect mate" Dad says. I have an odd thought. I was right that we've reached a new level in our relationship. I have to stop thinking of him as my Dad. Though I am proud to be his son, and he was a great Dad, warm and loving and supportive. But he's my husband and life mate. I'm an adult Lion, and I have to think of him now as Jim Kitman, my dominant Daddy Lion and not as my Father anymore.

Jim starts slow fucking me again. And I just lay there and let

him. "Claude, you let me lead, you love me and you take your cues from me, and you love anything I do to you sexually, you'll give me your all in bed" Jim purrs. "I said I'd be your wife, Jim, and I meant that too" I say softly. "I'm proud to be your husband, Claude" he says licking my ear. And he starts fucking me harder. I can't stop yowling now. He turns me on so much. Jim lifts his head and yowls and cusses as he works my ass harder and faster. I yowl and spurt on the bed. He roars. And cums hard."You cum and you squeeze me so tight, Claude, can't hold off when you do" he says nuzzling me. Jim stays in me. And he licks my neck and I find myself getting drowsy. He sings to me like he did when I was little. Except he's singing love songs to me. Jim's got a good voice just like I do. And I find myself drifting off to sleep listening to my Jim singing of his deep and abiding love for his younger Lion love. I stir a little later and he's locked tightly around me, his legs around mine and his muzzle on my shoulder, snoring gently into my ear. I feel at peace now, and a deep contentment I've never known before.

Usually when I am up, I'm up for good. But if he's going to confront the media we need a little peace and contentment with each other while we can get it. I snuggle back into my beloved Father and fall asleep. When I wake a little later he's gently fucking me. "Did I wake my precious little Lion?" he purrs. "I don't mind, Jim" I say softly. "I love feeling your big dick in me" I purr. Jim grins and speeds up. Roaring loudly he cums in me and kisses me repeatedly. He gets up and goes in to shower. And I go and get him a cup of coffee. I know how he likes his coffee and I bring it in and put it on the nightstand on his side of the bed.

He comes out of the shower drying himself off. He sees the coffee and grins at me. "My love said he would tend me" He says lovingly. I go shower. He's gone when I come out. I dry off and put shorts on and go out to breakfast. Dad's sitting at the dining room table and he looks so lovingly at me. I get a cup of coffee and a plate of breakfast and sit by him. He kisses me and entwines his tail with mine.. We're early as it's Sunday and our little family sleeps late on Sunday. Alf probably kept Harry up fucking all night. Dad talks to me about how he'll handle the press. And he tells me he wants me here and to not answer my phone or the house phone. I agree to do what he wants. And he goes and dresses. He makes a couple of phone calls. And he embraces me tightly and kisses me for several minutes. When he lets me go he leaves to go to CMK.

I'm a bit concerned but Dad has it under control. I go to our room and lay down and watch TV. I check CNBC periodically because that's who Dad usually goes to when he wants to get the truth about something business wise. I need not have worried. CNBC, MSNBC and NBC news cut into their respective channels with Dad's press conference. He looks amazing. I can see he's 'on' and in full control. He makes a short speech about us. That we're in love and how he waited until I was an adult to let me know how much he loved me. And that we don't care what they'll say about us. That our love is strong enough to stand against everything. He asks for them to come to him with their questions and leave me alone. But I know they won't. But I'm not afraid of them. I am my father's son. And I don't have to take it, Sacramento State's Medical office buildings have a security staff and it is on University property. I'll talk to them Monday morning when Nigel and Emil and I go to work.

Dad spends 30 minutes answering press questions. Truthfully, but firmly, and I know what he's doing. If he controls the release of information he'll reveal only what he wants revealed. He's impressive. But he tells them we're in love and we're not letting any negative opinions affect us. 5 minutes after he went on the air, my cell rings and keeps ringing and so does our land line. Finally, Edward sets the land line to voice mail and I set my cell to send all calls to voice mail. I can sort them without listening to them by the numbers.

Nigel and Nate come to me. They hold me and talk to me. Nate's a bit surprised but he's been on the phone with a friend who's having mate troubles a lot today. I explain it all and how it happened. Nigel tells Nate about letting his Dad fuck him. And I tell Nate about Harry moving in and getting Alf. We watch the coverage of Dad's speech wind down. And the pundits seem to think Dad made his points. I'd have to agree. Dad was impressive and firm and he declared to the world his love for me and mine for him.

Nate asks me if he can get my Dad to fuck him. I tell him to just ask Dad, Nigel's had him already I tell him. Nate and Nigel tease each other a bit. "I want both your Dads to fuck me" Nate says. "I had them both at once" Nigel says smiling. Alf and Harry walk in. "Jimmy was amazing, he loves you so much, Claude, it shone from his eyes when he talked about you" Alf says. I smile. I saw it too.

"Claude, they'll come to the office and try to talk to you, won't they?" Nigel asks. "Probably, I'll call the University's security office come Monday morning" I say softly. "I'm not worried, I'll deal, my Jim loves me so much I know I can cope whatever they do" I say firmly. "I'll tell them the truth just like Dad did, let them make of it what they will" I say firmly.

I'm really proud of my Jim. He handled it like he said he would. I lay on my bed and check messages. Mostly news reporters and I delete them without listening. A couple of my colleagues and I'm pleasantly surprised that they're being supportive. And there's a voice mail from Uncle Joe. I listen to it. He's being really obnoxious and abusive to me and he's cursing me and Dad. I hang up surprised in a way. I thought they'd already written me and Dad off. I know now I don't care if I hear from them again.

I'm surprised to see Dad home so soon. He smiles as he walks in to our room. He's pulling his clothes off quickly. "Talking about us and how much I love my Claude made me so hot" Dad says. And he's proudly sticking out of his sheath, and dripping pre on the carpet. He picks me up on the bed and puts me on my knees on the floor. He gets behind me and shoves up me quickly. He's barb fucking me mercilessly. And I can't stop yowling and cussing and neither can he. We're really vocalizing our lust for each other. Dad roars and fills me with cum and he picks me up and lays me on the chaise lounge in the room. He's still inside of me but he's got me on my back and he's sitting in front of me.

He reaches over to the nearby table and unwraps a cigar and trims and lights it. "It seemed to make you hotter when I smoked and then fucked you, I want to fuck you with a cigar going" he says gruffly. He stays between my legs and lays into me. Fucking me while puffing on his cigar. I yowl and cum as he pumps me hard and fast. By the time he roars and dumps his load up me, I've cum three times on my belly. He looks so hot, sweaty and spent, cigar tightly clenched between his teeth. He must of liked it too. He shot a huge load that's now trickling out of me around his fat Cat Cock.

He looks at me proudly. "You get so damned hot for your Stud Lion" Jim says grinning. He looks so hot with his cigar clenched between his teeth. (He'll start fucking me while smoking frequently. I do find it really hot.) He's still inside me and his Lion sperm keeps trickling out of me around his big Lion dick. Dad pulls out of me and goes to pee. I sit for a minute while his cum runs out of me onto the chaise. I take some on my finger and lick it. Dad comes out and sees me. He grins. "You're always so hot for me" he says as his big dick stiffens up again. He nods at me and then the floor. I get down on my knees on the carpet.

He lifts my tail and slams up me. He pulls back and he barb fucks me all out. We're both yowling and cussing as he rakes my ass with his barbs. "You're my tight little bitch, and you couldn't want me anymore than you do" Dad says. "I love my big Stud Lion" I pant. He licks my neck. He's really reaming me with his fat Cat cock. He roars suddenly and I feel him fill me with his cum. He's panting hard now. He pulls me tightly against his chest and when he can talk he tells me how much he loves me. And how happy he is that I love him so much.

I know that look though. He's trying to figure out how to tell me something. And he's not sure I'll want to hear it. Finally, he speaks. "Claude, the guy from Fortune Magazine talked to me and he made a lot of sense" Dad says. "They want to do a sit down interview with you for publication, and they'll share it with the other business sources, as a way to get you to be left alone" Jim says. "I think it makes sense, and if you're not afraid you should let them, they'll come here and we'll do it in my study" Jim says softly. I'm thinking it out a bit. "Jim, I'm not afraid of the press, I know you're really trying hard to protect me, but I'm not afraid, if they come to me at the office, I'll just tell them the truth and if they make trouble I can call Sacramento State's Security and have them removed" I say. "My fearless little cub, proud of his love for his Daddy Lion and totally unafraid" Dad says softly. "If you think it's a good idea though, I'll do the interview, Jim." I say softly. Dad smiles gently at me.

"You always were such a good son, you trusted me almost since the day you were born" Dad says softly. "My love for you makes me trust you even more now, Jim" I say. "Claude, I think you should do the interview, especially if you're not afraid, we want to control the release of information about us and this will do that" he says. I look into his eyes, he does want me to do this. And I'm distracted by the boundless love I see in those Sapphire Blue eyes that are so much like mine. And I fall for him all over again. Jim kisses me. "I think my Baby Lion fell for his Stud Lion all over again" Jim says softly. "Set it up and I'll do it, Dad, I'll make you proud of me" I say fiercely. Dad kisses me. "I'm already so proud of my little Lion lover" he says nuzzling me. He pushes me onto my back and takes my ankles in each paw and pushes up me very gently. "I want to take you softly now, let you feel your Daddy Lion's love for his little Lion" Jim says gently. And we spend the next hour with him gently fucking me and making out while he does. I've cum all over him several times and when he roars and fills me with his cum. I'm not able to keep the tears out of my eyes. "Something wrong, Claude?" he asks. "Overcome by how much my Jim loves me" I say through my tears. Jim kisses me. "Claude, I understand, I can hardly believe how happy you make me and how much my beautiful little Lion loves me too" Jim says.

"He loves you so much, Jimmy" I hear Alf say from the doorway. "You did yourself proud Jimmy, your eyes showed how much you love our boy, and how fiercely you'd protect him" Alf says smiling. Harry's snuggling into Alf's side and he looks as happy as Dad and I do. "You look happy, Harry?" I tease him. "He's an amazing Badger, Claude, thank you so much for thinking I was worthy of him" Harry says softly. Alf kisses Harry on the top of his head. "This Tiger is so loving and such a good little Bottom, Claude, I have to thank you for getting me Tiger" Alf says. He picks me up off of the floor and kisses me. "I know you love me Boy, and why you got me Tiger. "Alf says softly."I wanted you happy, Alf, I have Jim now, I'll still fuck you, but since you came to us from London, I've always hoped we'd bond" I say softly. Alf kisses me harder. "I know, you'd be happy to be me Lion, but we're both where we should be" Alf says softly. Dad's in the bathroom and I can hear him talking. He must be talking to the magazine folks.