in a wolf's body: chpt 12: Alexi's choice

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#13 of in a wolf's body

Alexi's choice

Arctic grinned "I know you can't... but your going to have to aren't you?"

"yeah" I yawned

"wow, that was a big yawn"

"yeah, I'm really tired, could you look after the pups whilst I sleep for a while?"

"sure Caesar, have a nice long rest"

I yawned again "don't worry, I will" I laid down on my bed and looked at the pups "goodnight Julian, Morgen, Alexi, Autumn"

"goodnight dad" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

when I woke up again everything was quiet. I walked outside expecting to see Arctic and the pups... nowhere to be found. I walked into the house to see if they where inside "good morning Caesar" jess stroked my head "Arctic and John, Jason, Jack and Julie went to the vets, the puppies are getting a check up and Arctic went along for the ride" she named our pups?! "Come on Caesar time for a walkie!"

she put the leash on my collar and dragged me around town for an hour or so before taking me home again "there. Wasn't that fun?"

"not particularly"

"I knew you'd enjoy it!" I rolled my eyes. Then I heard a car door close and Tony Jeeves walked through the door with Arctic and our pups on leashes. sarah weirman came into the room and asked if the pups where healthy "they're all fine, although Arctic had some... behaviour problems"

"oh that's what I forgot!" sarah weirman exclamed

"what's wrong Mrs weirman?"

"we could've gotten her spayed whilst she was at the vets"

"would you like me to take her in later?"

"yes, please do Tony"

Arctic was let off of her leash and stormed off to the kennel,

I followed her "hey Arctic-"


"what's wrong?"

"THEY... THEY... they hurt Alexi"

"who hurt Alexi?"

"the vet"

"Michael? How?"

"he toyed with him!"


"I was forced to sit there and watch as my son was violated!"

"did they hurt the others?"

"no, just him"


"he playfully nipped Michael and the wanker put a muzzle on him. That bastard just needed a reason to hurt him"

"I'm sorry Arctic... do you want me to talk to Alexi?"

"please could you?"

"of course"

I went to go find Alexi. I saw the poor pup sitting on his own in the corner of the garden "Alexi?" the pup didn't move "Alexi, I just wanted to check if you were all right"

"I'm not all right dad"

"I know it's not nice having the thermometer inside you... but I know how it feels"

the little pup perked up a bit "really?"

"yeah that vet did exactly the same thing to me... but he touched my penis"

"when he touched my penis it felt really good, some white stuff came out the end of it... what is that?"

"the white stuff? Semen"

"so does that make me the mummy or the daddy?"

what the pup said confused me "what?"

"does that make me the mummy or the daddy? He made my semen come out, does he love me? I'm not sure if I love him"

"Alexi, what I said yesterday wasn't exactly all correct, I just told you the basics. Semen will come out if you play with your penis as well. And he was playing with your penis"

"oh... alright then... dad can i ask you one last thing?"


"When we were leaving all the other dogs in the cages kept on calling me a faggot... what's a faggot?"

I felt both sadness and anger "a faggot is a slang term for a person who wants to mate with another of the same gender. You could also use the words homosexual, gay or bent"

"oh... so they were saying that I am gay?"


"am I gay?"

I thought about my answer for a moment "ARCTIC!"

Arctic ran out of the kennel and sat beside me "yes Caesar?"

"At the Vets Alexi was bullied, the other dogs where calling him a faggot. And now he's wondering which way he swings"

Arctic looked sadly at Alexi for a minute before whispering in my ear "I've got an idea"

"if he gets a good look at both genders he can make the choice for himself"

Alexi was getting impatient "DAD! Am I gay?"

"that's not something for me to tell you, it's your choice"

Arctic licked my crotch until I had an erection. Then she laid on her back spreading her legs letting Alexi get a good look at her pussy. "so Alexi, who would you rather mate?"

Alexi looked between me and Arctic "um... you have a hole"

Arctic smiled "yes you put your penis in my vagina and it makes you feel really good"

Alexi thought for a moment "dad also has a vagina"

"no son, that's my anus, my bum or however else you want to put it"

"what would happen if I put my penis in there?"

"you'd probably get the same nice feeling... I guess"

"I could do more things with dad... like after I take my penis out of his bum he can put his penis in my bum"

I nodded "that's true"

"I think... I would rather mate with... dad" he looked at the expressions on me and Arctic's faces and lowered his head "is that the wrong answer?"

I smiled "no Alexi, there is no right or wrong answer to it. I don't mind if you're gay"

"thanks dad" he looked at Arctic "I give you my blessings, I hope that one day you'll find a good mate and be happy together"

Alexi looked happy "really?"

I smiled "of course, it's your choice and I'll love whatever you become"

Alexi licked Arctic's face then my face "thanks mum, thanks dad" he wandered off.

I watched the happy little pup as he played with his siblings "Caesar, are you really all right with Alexi being gay?"

"of course. Aren't you?"

"I just want him to be happy"

"look at him Arctic, he looks pretty happy to me"

we looked at Morgen and Alexi playing together "he does look like he's enjoying himself"

"see, he's going to be fine"

Arctic still wasn't convinced "but other pups will bully him"

"bullies will always find something to hold against someone, it may be their weight, their size, their sexuality, anything"

"but why?"

"because they're a bunch of ass holes who don't have anything better to do"

Arctic looked over at Alexi again "where'd they go?"

I looked over at where the two pups had been playing "Alexi? Where are you?" "Morgen?" I called "where have you gone?" I walked over to the kennel.