To be silenced is golden

Story by Ronin_AR on SoFurry

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I triple-checked the spells, then stood up from my workbench, picking

up the collar. I called, "Hey honey, I have something I need to test with

you." Wayne walked in, "What is it?" I wrapped the collar around his neck,

and he got out a "Hey--!" before I closed it and he fell silent. I grinned

at him, "Can't speak, huh?"

"No. -- Hey, I couldn't, I can now."

I kissed him, and he looked at me, then reaches up and opens the collar,

"What is this, Donna?"

"Oh, it's a commission, the wearer only speaks when spoken to. Now that

I have it working with the basic dog collar, I'll work on prettying it up,

putting it on a jeweled one..."

"Alright dear, I'll leave you to your work."

I lose myself in the magic work, making a new collar, trying to preserve

the magic of the simple leather band in the elegant jeweled metal. I work

on, until midday, when one of my spells fails and the gem blows up in front

of me into powder. "Augh, time for a break!"

Wayne comes in, "Yes, you need lunch. C'mon." He leads me out to the

dining room, where he's set out the simple meal, and I dig in. As we finish

lunch, Wayne kneels by my chair and nuzzles the side of my neck. I stroke

his back, and he leans up to kiss me. I hold him close and he reaches for

my breasts. Soon I'm panting and Wayne is peeling off my clothing. He sweeps

the dining table bare, and lifts me onto it, and starts chaining my ankles

to the table legs' tops, at the corners. The table and chains have seen a

lot of use, we take turns chaining and having our way with the other. With

my ankles at the corners, my legs have to spread wide. Wayne's taller, he

doesn't have to spread as far, but he doesn't need to for me to straddle him.

I lay flat, and let Wayne chain my wrists. The table's a little tall for

me, I'm held stretched flat. When I chain Wayne down, he has some give, it

lets him raise up, but not far, the tease. I'm getting wet simply from

anticipation, when Wayne pulls out the collar and wraps it around my neck.

"I filched this from your workbench." He winks to me.

"Naughty boy!" I wink back.

Wayne leans over me, licking my nipples, his fingers teasing me between

my thighs, while I writhe. Usually I'm a moaner, but the collar is holding

me silent until he speaks to me again. I'm dripping when -- there's a knock

at the door. Wayne leaves me and walks to the door, while I silently watch

him leave the dining room.

I hear him open the door over in the foyer.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Lee, is Donna in?" It's my client!

"She's a bit tied up right now." Ha ha, very funny Wayne.

"Oh, is she working on my commission?"

"The silencing collar?"

"Yes, that's mine."

"She's trying out the prototype. Come on in."

To my shock, Wayne leads Lee to me. I look at Wayne with wide eyes.

I'm naked and spread-eagle, how can he let my client see me like this?

"And she hasn't said a word?"

"Only when I spoke to her, otherwise not a peep."

"Very good!"

I'm blushing furiously.

Fortunately, Lee leaves right after, but then it's our neighbor at the


"Hi Wayne. Sorry to bother you, but I'm baking something special for

Sherryl, and need some vanilla extract..."

"It's no bother, come on in."

When the dining room door opens, I greet him with a view of my spread

thighs. He whistles, wide-eyed with surprise, as my face turns what must be

beet red.

Wayne says, "Shhhh, or you'll ruin it."

Someone must be spreading the word. How else can it be that today is the

day the plumber works on the kitchen sink, that service men for the

refrigerator and dish washer come over? I've exposed myself to half the men

in town and I'm ready to cuss Wayne out the moment one of them says a word

to me. Infuriatingly, no one does, and I'm forced to remain silent as their

gazes drink in my bare flesh.

Wayne ushers the last of them out, finally. He starts stripping. Is he

going to continue like nothing happened? I can't speak, but I shake my head.

He doesn't see, his gaze is on my crotch, as he brings his head down and

nuzzles. He climbs onto me, and I scowl, but he's not looking, he's

playing with my breasts. I'm stretched taut here, I can barely move, I need

Wayne to raise his head and look at my face. He climbs forward, positioning

his hips, raising his body and head... and his eyes are closed! Wayne usually

does that when we make love, he says it enhances the tactile pleasure when

it's not distracted by other senses, but I wish he didn't right now! He's

pumping me, and my body is starting to respond of its own accord. I can do

nothing, should I fight the sensation or enjoy it? I'm still conflicted, my

body half-stimulated, when Wayne shudders over me in his climax, his throbs

inside my body planting his seed in me. He opens his eyes and kisses me.

It's done, what the hell, I kiss back. Maybe he'll at least bring me to --

no, he's leaving me halfway, falling asleep over me, his softening member

still inside me, the cur! I pant, even my sigh is silent. Wait, this time

of the month I need to recite the contraceptive spell before -- Uh oh.