Second Chances 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#89 of Claude gay stories

Claude bonds his Siberian Bull and they fuck

I get up and I go see Dr Brunner. He's stunned that I'm not very upset over Bruno's leaving me, and more worried about Dmitri, and how to help him heal, and whether I should take him back. We talk a bit, and he's telling me he knows I'll take Dmitri back. "You know you never even remotely stopped loving him" Dr Brunner says. "Everyone has been telling me that, am I that obvious?" I ask sadly. "Claude, he almost broke your spirit totally, and you're taking losing Bruno in your stride, so we know who you really do love" Emil says. I nod. "Should I take him back if he wants me?" I ask. "You know you will, so why even ask" Dr Brunner says smiling. "Big help" I snark. Emil laughs. "He's still got a tight hold on your heart,, Claude, I've known it for a long time" he says smiling. I groan and look at the floor.

"Claude, I have to tell you this. Jesse and I bonded last night" he says happily. Jesse Montgomery is a Bison from Sam's gym we set up with Emil. He loves stocky older guys, and Emil is an attractive older, white bearded, and pot bellied Walrus. I hug him. "Thank you, and make sure to thank Sam for me" he says grinning. "He's wonderful, and we're so much in love" Emil says happily. "I'm glad for you" I say joyously. And like with Takeru and Yoshi, his joy makes me feel better. Emil was so lonely, and given that he was 42 he had given up on finding a mate. But I wouldn't give up on him, and Sam was glad to help me. And I find a lot of joy in how happy he is now.

"Claude, there are some things you need to keep in mind here." Dr Brunner says. "Your Dad won't be happy with this if you do take him back, and he'll make you have to deal with that" Emil says. "And some of the rest of your family won't be happy either" he says. "Have you talked it out with Sam?" he asks. "I did, and he told me it was a moot point since they all knew I'll take him back if he wants me, and if Galen is truly gone from his heart, then we belong together" I say softly. "You keep telling me that Sam is the sharpest soul you've even known, and he keeps proving it" Emil says grinning. "He wants me happy, he said he thought we'd make it long term now, like he and Oscar will" I say softly.

"I don't understand though, could I have bonded Dmitri and he did not bond me?" I ask. "No, bonds are always two way" Emil says. "More likely, Dmitri bonded both of you, and he was pulled to Galen since it was the older bond, which would explain why he hurt so bad when he left you, and why he has loved you ever since" He tells me. "I need to let him heal, don't I?" I ask. "Depends on whether his bond to Galen was tighter than his bond to you" Emil says. "If yours is stronger, and his to Galen has been truly broken then no" Emil says. "Dr Brunner, he took my paws and he looked like he wanted to say something badly but didn't." I say. "And right before that, he asked me for the fourth time since Bruno left if I still loved him and had forgiven him for breaking my heart" I say. "He's trying to sort out his feelings, and what he should do, Claude, but he must want you back." Dr Brunner says. I smile and I know now, if he wants me I'll take him back, Hell, I'll go beg him to take his Katya back. I have no pride when it comes to my Dmitri. I'd do whatever I could to have him back, assuming he does want me back. But I"m not going to be hurt like that again, I know I couldn't survive it.

"Claude, I think he'd be good for you, he has a calm and easy going nature, and he's emotionally stable, and very loving" Emil says taking my paw. "You've always told me no one has understood you as instinctively as he did" Emil says softly "This is me, personally now, not your therapist, but the Walrus who cares about you, and wants to see you as happy as you've made him" Emil says. "It's something to see all the love in your eyes for your Bison, Emil" I say kissing him. "I do love him so much." he says softly.

"But there is something I have to tell you, and hope you won't be upset" Dr Brunner says softly. "What?" I ask. "Claude, I do care about you, and I have for a while, I thought it was the usual transference but it isn't, I want in your ass so badly that sometimes it's all I can think about when you're here." he says grinning. "You sit here in my office and I want to fuck you so badly I can taste it" he says. "You've certainly still been therapeutic as hell with me" I tease him. "I'm glad to hear that, but I kind of wish you...." he says and stops.

I stand up and I pull off my jeans and lay back on the couch pulling off my shirt. As usual I kicked off my shoes when I got here so I'm now totally naked. Emil stands and smiles and goes and locks his office door. And he strips as he walks to me.

Emil is stocky, and he's got a belly on him. But he's still a hot Walrus male. His White beard makes him look a bit older. But his sparkling Blue eyes more than make up for it. And his dick is thick.. He's gotta be about 12" long, and 4" in circumference. I can't fit my paw around it. And he lays on top of me, and we kiss for a bit. I love the feel of his tusks on my lips as we kiss hotly. And I put my legs around his waist and he pushes into my ass gently. I growl softly. And I lean up and kiss him. And he looks so happy now. I nuzzle his neck and he begins to move inside of me. His fat dick feels like it's pulling my insides with it on the back strokes. I moan and growl and I paw his back. And I kick on him. "Hot for me" he says joyously. "I am, Emil" I moan. I involuntarily squeeze his fat dick with my ass. He groans loudly. And he's really hot for me, and he's really a great fuck. I lose it two or three times and cum on his round belly. "I'm gonna cum, Claude" he growls in my ear. And he convulses and bucks on top of me and he's biting my neck gently and I feel him cumming hard in me. He lays on me panting heavily. Emil kisses me. "You're amazing, Claude" he says happily.

"Been wanting me a while,eh?" I ask him laughing. "Yeah, I have, I never dreamed you'd want me, but Jesse told me about how you'd described me to him, and that you thought I was so hot of an older male, and how badly you wanted to let me fuck you, but that you were my patient and figured I never would." he says smiling. "I figured I'd ask, nothing ventured nothing gained" he says grinning. "I'll fuck you when you want me, Emil, you're a wonderful lover" I say kissing him. He blushes. "We'll have to be careful, I'm not going to let this disrupt our therapeutic relationship, Claude" he says firmly. "You're a good patient, you work hard, and your more self aware now than you were, and I think you'll make a great Physician too" he says kissing me passionately.

"Again?" he asks. "Please, Emil" I say gently. And he starts moving in me again. And he gives me another great dicking. and I am happy now. He is a magnificent lover, and Jesse's a lucky Bison. And like Dmitri, he cums in quarts like milk. I love being fucked full of a male's cum.

We lay in each others arms a bit. and my cell rings. Takeru is telling me they'll be at the airport in a little over an hour. I tell him I'll be there, and I need to talk to him on the drive home. "More problems?" he asks. "Maybe, or I may be on the verge of being happy forever" I say happily. "I know not what it is, but your Japanese father thinks your Russian Bull is involved somehow" Takeru says softly. "Why does everyone know?" I ask surprised. "Claude, you never got over losing him, I have seen how my Lion son looks at his Bull" Takeru says softly. I am so transparent I guess. But I have to accept how well Takeru knows me, and he doesn't seem upset, I'd worry about his reaction if I do take Dmitri back. And if I do, I have to have Oto-Sama on my side to have a prayer of getting Dad to accept it.

Emil kisses me and pulls out and gets up off of me. He points at his watch. "Oto-Sama, I'm at Dr Brunner's office and my time is up, I have to go, and I'll see you at the airport" I say gently. "I will see you soon, my Lion son" he says happily. "I am glad you did go to see Dr Brunner, Claude" he says . "I'm very glad I came to see Dr Brunner today, Oto-Sama" I say innocently. Emil cracks up. "Nice to know" he whispers in my ear and kisses me softly.

I hang up with Takeru and get dressed again. I feel his cum seeping out of my ass. and I lean over and I deep kiss Emil. "I'll leave it to you to decide whether and when we do this again, sweet Walrus" I say kissing him full tongue. "Thanks for understanding, Claude, I care about you and I'm not going to sabotage our work, but I want to fuck you when we can" he says smiling. "Split the difference, and we can do therapy with you on top of me" I tease him. He laughs. "Maybe" he says grinning. "I do want to do this again" he says deep kissing me. "You'd better go before I pull you under me again" he says grinning. "And Claude, you were a great fuck" he says happily. "Emil, you were downright amazing as a lover" I say happily. He kisses me. "I've now gotten everything I could want, Jesse's love and your ass" he says grinning broadly. I crack up. I kiss him again. "I"m glad for you, you're so much in love, and Jesse will be good for you, and damn good to you" I say smiling. "Claude, if he wants you, I hope you do take him, he'll never leave you this time, he'll know how much he needs you now" Emil says kissing me back. "Now go" he says slapping me on the ass.

And I leave. I go get something to eat, so I don't have to go home before I go to the airport. Takeru will fuss at me as I'm not dressed as he would have me dress. He thinks I should wear a suit when I pick him up. Jeans and a T shirt, while he likes how I look in a nice tight pair of jeans, it wont please him at all. He'll think I'm not showing him the proper respect, especially if I'm to meet his mate for the first time. I'll deal, Takeru might fuss, but he loves me and he will not be truly angry with me, he never is. Firmly disapproving is about as much as he'll do where I'm concerned. It's enough to get me to beg for his forgiveness usually. I have a Hell of a lot of respect for him. He's the only one I will readily admit is smarter than I am. Sam, and Brutus, and Vladimir are sharper than I am, but Takeru truly is a genius level intellect. He thinks on a level the rest of us cannot imagine. He's proud that I can usually follow his trains of thought, but I know I'm not as smart as he is. I mean, he got his PhD in Physics at the age of 16. And immediately founded and grew Funari to the huge corporation it is now. My Oto-Sama is a truly impressive Bear. And he's got Dad's presence. You can't help but have your attention drawn towards him. He is riveting when he's 'on' and just being himself. He's not above using it to get his way either, just like Dad. Over the years since we met, I have been proud that he loves me as much as he loves his own son, Yoshi.

Yoshi is pretty damned smart too. But he's had to come to me and we double team Takeru to get around him when he's being firm and obstinate. Not that Takeru isn't capable of changing his mind, I"m proud that I'm someone he listens to, he'll think it over when I talk to him, and most of the time he'll either change his mind or he'll adapt his own opinion incorporating what I've told him. I love him, as much as I love my own Dad. I've had moments when I almost wish he had of been my real father. Yoshi is lucky. And I'm lucky he's always loved me as much as he does. When we first met I was 7, it was like we had known each other forever. We understood one another immediately. He never talked down to me, he always treated me as an adult. And he's so proud of my drive and hard work to become a Doctor. (He loves Jeb and Rory too, but he's always been closer to me)

I drive to the airport after filling my Mercedes S560 4Matic sedan with gas. And I park and I go wait in the private section. I check to see what gate the Funari Corp jet will come in on. Private jets are better, though I'm not working for CMK now, I am still allowed to use Dad's own private jet, the one he's named Eagle One. But I don't go many places of late. Too busy with school getting my MD, and then I pretty much had no life except my residency and home.. I know how proud Papa-San is of his Lion son. He wanted Yoshi to be a Doctor, but since he was little Yoshi only wanted to run Funari, he's got good ideas for it, and I know darned well, that when his turn comes, he'll take it into the future and it'll thrive and prosper under him. Takeru knows that now too. I spent two weeks in Tokyo with them and finally got Takeru to see what it meant to Yoshi, and we all sat together and we talked it over. Yoshi knows, his Dad loves him, but he listens to me more. Far from being upset about it, Yoshi uses it to get his way with Takeru. My Onii-Chan is very smart himself.

Takeru talked to Dad who was disappointed neither me nor Jeb had any interest in coming into CMK. Dad is still disappointed a bit, but he's coping. He's proud of me becoming a Doctor, and at Jeb's turning his Sporting Goods chain stores into a big success and doing well on his own. Dad is proud that Rory stepped up and came to CMK and is doing great as Dad's COO. My Polar Bear adopted Brother has the head for business that I don't. And he has the drive to make CMK a success for Dad and us. Uncle Marcus may have fathered him, but Rory is Dad's son through and through. And Dad's as proud of Rory as he is of us. Which is as it should be. Rory is pretty happy now too. He's got his English Arctic Wolf, and his Bernard makes him so happy and content. Rory's more easy going than Jeb or I, but he's just as intense as he has to be in business dealings. Not a Bear to cross if you are dealing with CMK at all. (I have loved Rory as long as I've known him. Fuck, I even gave him my cherry, he loved fucking me, and has on occasions, but we've gone no further than casual fucking, and we're both fine with that.)

I can see a plane with the familiar Funari colors landing. So I know he'll be here in a bit. And I'm curious to meet his new Lion. Yoshi told me he's a good guy, and he's all for him being with his Dad, he thinks of Kenji the way I think of Papa Harry. And given how protective Yoshi can be of his Dad that's saying something. And I didn't ask Oto-Sama how old he is either, and I forgot to ask Yoshi. I'll find out soon I'm sure. Yoshi wants his Dad happy and loved, and he told me I have a big surprise coming when I first meet Kenji, but he won't say anything more about it. So I'm kind of curious as well. Knowing Yoshi it could be anything.

I sit in the lobby with a Diet Pepsi and wait for them. I'm kind of lost in thought still striving to figure out what I most want. I snap awake after a bit, and I go look for them. Takeru is happily running to me when he sees me. And I see Kenji, and I have to stop and stare. His Kenji is identical to me, well, he has Azure Blue eyes instead of my Sapphire Blue ones, and his mane is a bit Darker Red Brown than mine, but other than that he could be my twin. Same build, same facial structure and all. Takeru hugs me. "My Lion son looks better than I had hoped" Takeru says smiling.

Kenji is looking at me, and he's having the same reaction I am. "I am well, but Oto-Sama, he's me" I say stunned. "He's not exactly you, but he is your age" Takeru says grinning. "He looks just like me, Papa-San." Kenji says in perfect English. He's got a deep and sexy voice. Deeper than mine for sure. "Dad will love him" I say grinning. "Jim will like him, he is a cute Lion" Takeru says. Kenji blushes. "At the risk of seeming vain because he looks like me, he is a cute Lion, in fact Oto-Sama, he's a fucking beautiful Lion." I say smiling. "I am honored to meet you, Claude, Takeru has told me so much about you" Kenji says. I hug him. "I'm glad to meet you, Kenji, you seem to be making Oto-Sama so happy" I say grinning. "He is a special Bear" Kenji says smiling. "He is at that, he's been my Sensei, since I was a little cub" I say smiling. Takeru grins and looks proud.

We go to my car and I carry their luggage with Kenji's help. And I load it into the trunk. Takeru sits in the back so Kenji is up front. I drive off. I look at him in the mirror. "His subtle way of having us get to know each other" Kenji says softly. I nod. "He's like that, he'll know we figured it out, but he knows it will work anyway" I say shaking my mane. Kenji laughs. "See, you have to deal with him all of the time, and he's always right, it's pretty hard to live with, Kenji" I say grinning. Takeru smiles. "I managed to convince my Claude I am always right, now I just have to convince my Kenji of it" Takeru says grinning. "Is he?" Kenji asks. "For all practical purposes he is, he'll listen to what you have to say, and he is flexible in his mind, except when he isn't" I tease him. Takeru laughs. "No seriously, he won't always admit to being wrong, but he'll take what you say into account and adjust his own opinion to incorporate what you've said" I say laughing."He has known me and been my Oto-Sama since I was 7 years old, and he's been a wise and loving Papa Bear" I say happily. Takeru has a proud smile on his face. "My Lion son has been such a good son to me" he says proudly. "He loves his Oto-Sama much" Takeru says. "I do" I say softly. I ask Kenji some questions about himself, and he's very open, and he seems happy and joyous.

"Oto-Sama, much has happened since we last talked" I say softly. "I have recovered from Bruno's leaving me better than I had thought but it is not all good." I say softly. "Galen started drinking again, because he fell out of love with Dmitri, he's gone now, and he's not coming back, right now he's at an alcohol treatment center and getting therapy as well" I say softly. "You sent him, and are paying for it, knowing you, Claude" Takeru says. "I did, like I gave Bruno some money when he left, so my Misha could finish his degree" I say softly.

"Takeru, Galen said he just woke up one day, and felt nothing for Dmitri" I say shaken up. "Is that possible?" I ask. "It is, bonds break as you know, Bruno's with you broke, but you are not as upset as he somehow broke it for you as well" Takeru says. I nod. I am surprised Takeru is taking all of this so well, I know he's figured it out already somehow. He always does. Kenji is listening to all of this intently enough that I know Takeru had to have told him about me and my crazy love life on the trip over.

"You and your Dmitri, you know you never fully got over losing him, Claude, and you still love him" Takeru says. "I know, I'll take him back if he'll have me, Oto-Sama, but I fear for your reaction, and I know Dad will freak" I say softly. "I am not upset, I assumed when you confirmed that it did have something to do with Dmitri, that you would take him back if he was free" Takeru says.

"I don't know for sure if he wants me back though, he was upset at Galen, but he forgave him before he went to treatment, he took my paw and seemed to want to say something to me. yet didn't, but then he told Galen when he healed he would beg me to take him back, so I am not sure what's up" I say gently. Takeru laughs. "He will ask you to come back to him, and you will take him back." he says. "You are too shook up to be sure, but he will, he loves you as much as you love him" Takeru says firmly.

"Oto-Sama, I want him back if he wants me, but I am so scared, if he leaves me again, I don't know if I could survive it" I tell Takeru and I'm tearing up. "Claude, he loves you still, he won't take you back unless he thinks he'll bond you this time, and that he will be at your side forever, he has been thinking it out no doubt" Takeru says gently, and he strokes my mane from the back seat. "He is wanting to make sure you have truly forgiven him, and that he has the right to ask you to come back to him" Kenji says stroking my paw. Takeru nods his agreement. "You know how deliberate your Russian Bull has always been, Claude" Takeru adds. "He hurts too, my Lion son, and he does not wish to risk hurting you or himself again, he will not take you unless he is sure it is forever this time" Takeru says gently.

My cell rings. I activate the Bluetooth link and answer. "Katya, come now" I hear Yuri say and he's panicked. I switch to Russian. "Where are you?" I ask him. "Home" he says. "Papa mad at Dmitri, Papa fuss at poor brother, he hear Dmitri want you back from Jeb" Yuri says very upset. "I should be there in about 15 minutes, I'm bringing Takeru back from the airport with his new mate" I say softly. "Papa Bear home?" Yuri asks excitedly. "I am" Takeru says from the back seat knowing the mic will pick him up. "Papa Bear" Yuri says joyously. "I am glad to be seeing my Sweet Bull again too, Yuri." he says.

"Papa Bear, help brother, please, Dmitri just want his Katya back, he swear to Yuri he no ever leave Claude this time." Yuri begs. "No need to beg sweet Bull, I will help, Jim will listen to me, and I would have your brother and Claude back together as well, my Russian Bull" Takeru says. I can hear Yuri weeping. Once again, I'm touched at how much our Sweet Yuri cares for me, he wants me with Dmitri again. And he's convinced we'll be together forever this time. I know Yuri would not want me even with his own brother if he thought I'd get hurt again. And I flash on how angry Yuri was when Dmitri went back to Galen, and he's made one or two comments in passing that he was afraid Galen would hurt Dmitri again. Funny, the things you forget until they pop right up in your face. I know Yuri loves me. he knew how happy I was with Dmitri and he's trying hard to get us back together.

"Try to calm Dad down if you can, Yuri, you know how much Dad loves you, you're the only one who might get him to lay off poor Dmitri a bit til we get there" I say softly. "Claude take Dmitri back?" he ask. "I'm going to go to Dmitri and beg him to take me back as soon as I get home, Yuri" I say softly. "And this time, I won't let him get away from me, ever" I say firmly. "Yuri know Dmitri learn how he need his Katya, Dmitri no ever leave this time" Yuri says. "Yuri know his brother, Dmitri know Katya love him still, forgive him, Dmitri know how he need his Katya for always now," Yuri says quietly. "Dmitri scared by Papa, Claude" Yuri says. And I hear Dad yelling in the background and Yuri hangs up quickly. I'm trying not to speed, but I'm definitely driving home faster now than I was.

We get home, and I pull into the drive. Alfred's out on the porch waiting for us.. "I'll take their bags to their rooms, you need to go help our poor Russians, Jim has cornered them all in the living room and he's yelling at all of them" Alfred says. "I will deal, Claude, you get Dmitri away from Jim while I get him calmed down" Takeru says firmly. "You two are what is important now, take him and settle this, I wish you two to talk, and try to get back together, Claude" Takeru says firmly. I nod. "I'm going to beg him to take me back, he'll either say yes or no, but it will be settled then" I say firmly. I"m scared but I know I have to do this now. I can't live with not knowing if I can ever get him back. Better to hurt knowing he doesn't want me, than to keep torturing myself wondering about it. But I say a silent prayer that my Dmitri wants me as back as badly as I want him.

"I wouldn't tangle with Takeru when he's got 'that look' going" I say laughing, trying to lighten the mood. "Neither will Jim-Chan" Takeru says. Takeru hugs Kenji. "My love, I would have you go with Alfred and wait in our room I do not want you to have this be the first thing you see here, this is not the norm here, this is a loving, and happy home" he says. "I will, Papa-San" Kenji says softly. I kiss him. "Kenji, we'll make it up to you as soon as Takeru gets Dad calmed down, my Dad has a bad temper, but he rarely argues with Oto-Sama" I say kissing him. "He is afraid I'll get hurt again and when Dad is scared he gets angry, and lashes out, Kenji" I say gently. Kenji nods. "He just doesn't want me to risk getting hurt and he can be very overbearing without meaning to, he'll calm down quickly" I say softly. "Especially when Takeru confronts him, he has too much respect for Oto-Sama's intelligence to argue most times" I say happily.

Kenji goes with Alfred. And Takeru and I go to find Dad. He's got the Russians cornered in the living room and he's fussing loudly at them. He's even yelling at poor Yuri. and he adores Yuri. Poor Yuri looks heartbroken. "Enough, Dad" I roar. Dad turns to me in his fury, his face contorted with rage. And I remain impassive, and fold my arms across my chest. "You can't be serious, even to entertain the thought of taking that Bull back after he almost broke you by leaving." Dad roars. "I"ll be thrilled to take Dmitri back if he'll have me" I roar back at him. Dad looks at me oddly. "Jim-Chan, stop this now, things are not the same, and this poor Bull is not going to hurt our son again, he loves him, and he never stopped" Takeru says firmly putting his paw on Dmitri's shoulder.. "Just as Claude never stopped loving his Dmitri" Takeru says smiling. Dmitri looks grateful. He knows what Takeru means to me, and I can see he's happy Takeru so obviously approves of us getting together again. But he looks so sad too.

Yuri hugs Takeru. "Papa Bear" he cries. Sergei and Vladimir and Pyotr hug him too. Dmitri is looking down at the floor. Dad's fuming now but quiet. Dad is very much aware that he can't out argue Takeru, he's gotten burnt too many times trying. Yoshi, Sam, Yuri, Alfred and I are the only ones who have a prayer of changing Oto-Sama's mind about anything. I see my opening, and I grab Dmitri's hand, and I pull him outside into the garden. He follows me but he's silent. And he looks so haunted now. My heart breaks for him. But I can't stop now, I have to get this out in the open, I have to get him back now, I know that with all of my heart and soul. And I whisper a silent prayer. I swear that I will cherish him and fight like Hell to keep him if I can get him to take me to him again.

And I have a sudden flash to when we first met, and how he was when he asked to move in with me, that he'd love me forever. Knowing how honest he's always been, I hope he meant it then. I never stopped loving him, though I loved Bruno as well. I know I will always be grateful to Yuri if Dmitri and I get back together, he's worked so hard to get us together again. I love that sweet natured, and earnest Bull. Nate's one lucky Snow Leopard to have Yuri. I put those thoughts out of my mind. I need to focus solely on how to get my Russian Bull back with me.

Dmitri sits silently on a stone bench in front of a Rose Trellis. And he looks so sad. I kneel in front of him. And I take his hand. He looks at me and he's so scared now. "Dmitri, I beg you, take your Katya back, he's never stopped loving you and has always prayed one day he'd get you back with him" I say kissing his hand. "Katya want his Dmitri back?" he asks sadly. "More than I can ever remember wanting anything, Big Bull. " I say kissing his hand. "Dmitri, I know I can't live without you now, please, I beg you, take me back as your Lion" I say as humbly as I can. "Dmitri want his Lion back, want him much" he says sounding very sad.

"Papa Jim no let Dmitri take his Katya back" he says sadly. "Papa Jim roar and threaten Dmitri and his Russian brothers if Dmitri no leave his Claude be" Dmitri says fighting tears. "What makes you think he has anything to say about it?" I ask sharply. "I am of age, and this is my house, and I have my own money, and I'm almost finished with my schooling, he can't stop us if we want each other, Dmitri." I say firmly. "If I want you, and I do, and you want me, and I pray that you do, then that's all that matters, babe" I say kissing him. "Nothing else matters, I want you more than I can say, and I'll fight even Dad to get you and keep you with me, Dmitri" I say emphatically.

"Do you want me back, Dmitri?" I ask him. "Da, Dmitri want his Katya, no leave Katya this time, want spend life with my Katya" he says firmly. "I want you back, Big Bull" I say. "Even more so, I need you back, Dmitri, being without you has made me so miserable" I say pleadingly. "Like a big part of my soul is gone from me, Dmitri, love me again, like you did before, I beg you" I say laying my head on his hand and weeping. "Katya" he says very softly. "Dmitri no stop loving his Katya either." he says quietly. "Will no leave his Katya, if Katya come to his Bull again." he says hopefully. "I will, I have come to you, and I'm on my knees begging you to take me back, Dmitri" I say crying. "Nothing matters to me now except having you as my Bull again, Dmitri" I say pleadingly. He takes my head in his hands and he makes me look into his eyes. "Katya no cry, Dmitri want Katya back, Dmitri spend life making up for how he hurt his Lion" Dmitri says. "Love me again?" I beg him "Da, love Katya for always this time" Dmitri says in a very heartfelt tone. And his eyes are shining now with his love for me. His Crystal Blue eyes always got to me, and now even more so now that I can see the light in them as he looks at me. I can see how much he loves and wants me again. I fight tears yet again. I need him so much. "Dmitri take Katya back now" he says very quietly.

I hear Dad calling my name, and he comes around the corner, just as Dmitri leans down,and kisses me softly yet passionately just like he always did.. And I promptly faint into his big arms.. Dmitri cries, as he holds me to him tightly. "Dmitri bond his Claude this time, no lose him now" he says joyously. "Know we be together now, forever" he says weeping. Dad's speechless. I wake. "I knew we would bond now, my Big Bull." I tell Dmitri. "Claude, he bonded you?" Dad asks. "Yeah we did, Dad" I say softly. "Damn, now I have to go apologize to Takeru" Dad says sharply. "I told you, he's always right, Dad" I say. "Please Dad, be happy for me, I have my Russian Bull back and this time he's mine forever" I say softly. "He left you once before, son" Dad says. "But if you remember we didn't bond then" I say softly. "Dmitri no leave his Katya this time, Dmitri die first" he says emphatically and he stomps his right hoof. Dad laughs. I laugh too, I've only seen Dmitri do that twice and he means precisely what he says when he does. "He's being firm about it, Dad" I say smiling. "Da, no leave Katya while alive" he says emphatically.

"Claude, I'll get used to this, but I hope for your sake he means what he said" Dad says softly. Dmitri picks me up. "We go bond now" he says firmly. "You gonna be the Boss this time, my Russian Bull?" I ask him "Da, Sam say Claude need strong hand, and much love" Dmitri says. "Dmitri have both for his Katya" he says smiling.. "Katya mind his Bull this time, want Katya happy, but Dmitri be husband now" Dmitri says firmly. And he's not kidding around. I can tell by the look in his eyes he means it, he really will be the Boss now. And I love him all the more for it.

Yuri comes running out. "Papa, no fuss" he says firmly. I lean over and kiss Yuri. "Thanks, brother in law, you were right, and you helped me sort out my feelings enough to know I couldn't live without Dmitri now" I say kissing him. "Dmitri bond his Katya" Dmitri says proudly. "Yuri happy" he says grinning. "I know, my sweet Bull wanted me and his brother together" I say softly. "Big Bull, Yuri asked me if I 'd take you back if you wanted me, and he got me to start thinking about how badly I wanted you back" I say kissing Yuri again. Yuri blushes. "Want brother back with Lion he meant for" Yuri says softly. "Claude know Yuri want him back with brother, but only if Dmitri stay forever" Yuri says smiling. "Katya trust Yuri much, make Yuri feel proud" he says grinning. "You're my brother in law again, and that makes me so happy, Yuri" I say happily. "We go bond now, Katya" Dmitri says softly. I kiss Yuri. "I love you, Yuri Petrov, and I"m so happy you wanted me with Dmitri again" I say softly Yuri's ears twitch and he's very happy. Yuri hugs us both. And he's so happy for us.

Dmitri carries me back to the house. Most of the family is in the living room trying to look like they weren't watching us. "He took you back, Bro?" Jeb says. "He did" I say grinning. "Hang on to him this time, Bro, he's a good Bull, and he'll love you a lot' Jeb says. Jeff leans up and kisses me and then Dmitri. I hug Jeff's neck. "Thanks for helping me so much, Sweet Goat" I say happily. Jeff grins.

Takeru is grinning. "Oto-Sama, don't you think it's time to introduce your beautiful Kenji to the family?" I ask. He nods. And he goes out. I jump out of Dmitri's arms. He pulls me to him and kisses me hard. Nigel comes up and hugs us both. He's got tears in his eyes. "Are you happy for your best friend, Nige?" I ask him, as I pick him up and hug him.. 'I am, I knew you'd get him back, you love him way too much, and always have, Claude" Nigel says happily. Sergei hugs him and us. And he's crying. "Brother Bull be happy now, have his Lion back." Sergei says. "Vladimir happy for Bull and his Katya" he says kissing me. "I love you Big Bear" I say kissing him back. "Vlad know, call Jerry let him know Katya happy now with his Bull" he says. And he runs out. And I realize I am happy for our Russian Grizzly. Cody could be distant. But not Jerry, Jerry loves Vlad as much as I would have. Jerry is totally devoted to our Vladimir, and Vladimir is so happy, he in turn adores his Siberian Tiger. Vladimir is so happy now. They're truly devoted to each other. They are as loud and vocal as Dmitri and I are when they fuck.

Takeru comes out with Kenji on his arm. And as if they're watching a tennis match, the family looks at Kenji and then back at me. "Bloody Hell, he's your twin" Nigel moans. "Oto-Sama has good taste what can I say" I say laughing. Dad looks like he's gonna swallow his tongue. "I want you both at the same time" Dad whispers hotly in my ear. "I could have figured that, Dad" I say grinning. "I'd wonder if he was mine, but I didn't go to Japan until a few years ago" Dad says. "Kenji is the same age as me Dad" I say laughing. I hug Kenji. He grins.

My family walks up and they all introduce themselves one by one. And Kenji is smiling. "I knew my American family would love my Lion" Takeru says proudly. "And a lot of them will as soon as he'll let them" I tease Takeru. "Oto-Sama's Lion pretty, but Dmitri want Katya now" Dmitri says firmly. I nod. "What did he call you?" Kenji asks. "Katya is Russian for my dear little kitty, and he calls me that as do all of the Russians" I say grinning. "That's sweet" Kenji says smiling. "Our Russians are good guys, and they are all without exception magnificent lovers" I say grinning.

Dmitri picks me up. "Dmitri take Katya now, no let Katya get away again" he says sharply. "See that you don't boy" Dad says. "I"m sorry I was so angry, Dmitri, I'm happy you're my son in law again" Dad says kissing Dmitri. Dmitri tears up. "Dmitri no make Papa sorry he took Claude back" He says. "Katya totally forgive his Big Bull, beg Dmitri to take him back" Dmitri says proudly. "Take him off and finish bonding him, Big Bull" Sam says kissing us both. I kiss Sam. "Thanks, Big Bull" I say hugging Sam's neck. "I am so lucky, you and Oscar, and Yuri and my Dmitri, God put so many good Bulls into my life" I say happily. Sam grins. "We love you too, little Kitty" Oscar says hugging me. Sam hugs me too.

"Nige, when we're done bonding you and I need to talk" I say softly. Graham kisses me. "You look so happy, Claude" he says grinning. "I love my Aussie Wolf" I say kissing him back. "Guys, I"m sorry for all of the drama, things will calm down quickly" I say smiling.

"Thank you, Oto-Sama" I say kissing Takeru. He smiles. "My Lion son needed his Japanese father" he says. "Dad just was scared for me, and he gets mad when he gets scared, he doesn't want to see me hurt again" I say softly. And I kiss Dad. "I'm so glad you understand me, son" Dad says tearing up. "I do, Dad, you were trying to protect me, I know" I say softly. Dad nods. "I love you, Dad, but I had to try to get Dmitri back" I say kissing him.

Dmitri grabs my paw. And he pulls me to my bedroom. "Dmitri no stay where he was, move in with Katya" he says firmly. "Strip" he says firmly. His dominant attitude is turning me on, Hell, just him is turning me on big time. I pull my clothes off quickly. Dmitri smiles deeply. "Claude so beautiful" he says passionately. "Claude my Katya again?" he asks misty eyed. "Always and forever yours now, babe." I say smiling.

Dmitri smiles and strips. "You are so beautiful, Big Bull" I say softly. "Dmitri happy now, miss Galen, but Dmitri have his Claude back" he says kissing me hard. "Know now Claude the Lion meant for Dmitri" he says passionately. "Dmitri, I have missed you so much, I loved Bruno, but somehow I always knew I loved you more, but you loved Galen and I never thought I could have you back again, so I tried to be happy with Bruno" I say softly. "I loved him, and I tried to make him happy, and I think he loved me too, but he left me so easily" I say sadly. Dmitri kisses me. "We apart to find way back to each other" he says softly. And I see by the look in his eyes he means it. I hug him as hard as I can. He lays us both down on the bed, and he's holding me so tightly now.

"Dmitri happy now" he says holding me, and he's wrapped his long Bovine tail around my legs. I weep. "I missed that, Dmitri, I have always loved how secure and loved it makes me feel" I say. Dmitri puts his big finger to my lips. "Katya, no talk now" he says softly. "Dmitri love his Lion, no more talk of sad past" he says."Katya belong with Dmitri, as Dmitri belong with Katya" he says deep kissing me.

"Dmitri take, so Claude his forever" he says gruffly. He rolls me over onto my back, and he pushes his huge Bull dick into me to the balls on his entry stroke. "Miss my Katya's ass, he tight and hot for his Dmitri" Dmitri says nuzzling my neck. I moan. "No one has made me as hot as you do" I moan. "Dmitri know his Katya, know how to make him hot, Katya give his all when make love to his Bull" he says moving faster in me. "Dmitri just want cum in his Lion, make Katya mine forever" he moans. No one really knows why we Lions bond like we do, the exchange of semen between partners seals our bonds. I know he'll fill my ass as he always does, and our biology will lock us together for good.

Dmitri's moaning and his face shows he's close now. I squeeze his big Bull dick with my ass, and he bellows and convulses and he's filling my ass with his cum. I shoot on his belly now. And I feel warm all over, and I feel more love than I have ever felt from anyone. My Big Russian Bull is my whole world now. And the love in his eyes for me tells me I'm now his whole world too. His eyes show me the simple truth, that he'll never leave me now. He really is my Bull husband forever.

"Dmitri want Katya as before, Katya play, but tell his Bull" Dmitri says firmly. "Dmitri do same" he says smiling at me. "Dmitri love play with others with his Katya" he says kissing me. "Katya take others, love his Bull more after." he says happily. "Dmitri, I loved how well you got to know me, and understand me when we were together before" I say kissing him. "Claude's heart always speak right to Dmitri's heart." he says kissing me. "Dmitri know Katya well, but Katya understand his Bull as well" he says nuzzling me.