in a wolf's body: chpt 15: Caesar's other side

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#16 of in a wolf's body

Caesar's other side

"Caesar!" who's shouting? It doesn't sound like anyone I know yet it's so bloody familiar "CAESAR YOU BASTARD!" I looked around "behind you, you cunt"

I whimpered as I felt someone mount me "w..what are you doing?"

the voice laughed "i've been stuck in here for nineteen fucking years. nineteen years of absolutely nothing. No sex, ever. Do you know the worst part?"


"you're out there getting laid every other fucking day!"

I lowered my head to the floor in shame and resent as I was remorselessly raped "please stop"

the rapist beat me over the head "i'm not going to stop because some little wanker asked me to... oh wait a minute your not a little wanker are you? YOU'VE GOT YOUR DICK IN SOME SLUTTY BITCH RIGHT THIS FUCKING MOMENT!"

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ARCTIC A SLUTTY BITCH!" I roared out with all the hatred I could muster. I didn't know who was raping me and I couldn't turn my head to look at him as he was holding my head forwards. But god I fucking hate him.

"oh shut the fuck up. We both know she's a slut. Just i'm willing to admit it"

"i..i don't know what you mean"

"don't you Caesar? I think you do. Besides we already heard her admit to being a whore"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at him

"but i'm simply telling the truth, she did admit to being a whore didn't she?"


"see? You're madly in love with a whore who probably doesn't even love you"


"you just keep telling yourself that. One day Caesar she will leave you and those useless excuses of pups you had.

"you leave them out of this"

he came in my ass and knotted me "did you enjoy that Caesar? I think you did. You admitted to the whore you call our mate that you wanted a real dick in your ass... well there you go, real dick and cum in your cute little fuzzy butt.

"who are you?" I whimpered as he ripped his knot out of my ass and pushed me to the ground "isn't it obvious?"

I looked up at the figure and saw myself looking down at me "what?!"

"Yep that's right Caesar it's me again. I introduced myself to you when we were fifteen and human. I must say I like being a wolf. The feeling of ripping your tight little hole open with my knot was the best of my life"

"what do you want?" he laughed "i want out. you've been fucking up our lives for nineteen years now. And your choice of women is horrendous... I mean that singer! What the fuck man! If I were you I would have fucked her and vamoosed but that's just my oppi-"

I screamed at the bastard interrupting him "SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're not getting out to ruin my life. soon I'm going to wake up and you're going back to where ever you came from"

"oh really? Do you know how much effort it took for me to get here? A fuckload. You're not stopping me. First thing i'm going to do is fuck our bitch as I must admit she is pretty damn fine"

"shut up."

"then i'm going to fuck our daughter as she is downright cute."

"i said shut up"

"then i'm going to finish it all off by shoving my knot in Alexi's ass. He'd enjoy it. That little fucking faggot"

that's it he's dead. I jumped at him ripping at his throat. His screaming deafened me "wait. I'm joking. We can work this out! You fucking need me!"

"do I really?"


"I'm your opposite. When you go back you'll have lost a part of you!" he smiled and swung one of his hind legs up into my crotch.

I stood there for a few seconds before laughing "sorry bitch! We got castrated!"

"SHIT! Why would you do that to yourself?" he jumped at me and bit my leg


he started crawling towards a door in the middle of nowhere "when I get out it won't matter that you destroyed this body" his crawling got slower and slower he put his paw against the door and fell to the floor. He screamed out in agony and frustration "FUCK!"

I looked at the figure as blood dripped from his throat and pooled on the ground "please! Kill me! Finish me off! Coup de grâce!" he screamed at me. I couldn't do it. He whimpered as I laid down next to him and lapped the blood from his throat before placing my front legs around him. Almost as if I were hugging him and I comforted the poor creature until he became limp in my legs.

I put my head against his chest and whispered "i'm sorry... i'm so, so sorry!"

I had killed him. With my own teeth. Out of anger. And I was sorry. I walked towards the door and looked back at the motionless body that lay on the ground. He would never awaken from his everlasting dormancy... he looked so... peaceful. "I'm truly sorry" I stepped through the door leaving him behind. I opened my eyes and looked at Arctic "i love you so much" I dotingly nibbled on her ear as she slept.