An Island Called Home - Chapter Two

Story by lsartin93 on SoFurry

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An Island Called Home

Chapter Two - McPhillip's Close Call

"McPhillips!" a voice called as his cabin door flew open.

"Oh, sir, w-wait I..." the otter looked up dumbfounded as the captain stood in the doorway of his cabin. He quickly stood up and fumbled with his cock putting it in his underwear and buttoning up the fly on his trousers.

"My God, McPhillips!" the Captain exclaimed as he turned around to leave. "Come up on deck Immediately!" He shut the door and McPhillips listened as his footsteps echoed down the corridor and then all was silent once again.

The otter let out a mixed sigh of embarrassment and relief all as he grabbed his coat and pulled himself together. He quickly left his cabin and made his way towards the wheelhouse. When he made it on deck he noticed the Captain and a few other crew members gathered in a group. He sighed once more and walked towards them.

"McPhillips," the Captain began, "We are almost ready to drop anchor and send a party of men on land to check for enemy activity."

McPhillips hoped that the Captain would ask him to go on land as well. He didn't want to be anywhere near the Captain at this point.

"Why don't you give Johnson a hand with some of the equipment." the Captain said as he turned back to the group of men around him.

"Yes, of-ofcourse, sir." the otter replied as he walked down the deck to assist Johnson. He noticed that his legs were a bit wobbly and his breathing was heavy.

"Is everything alright, sir?" Johnson asked as he examined the otter. "You seem rather tense."

"Yes, everything's fine, sir." McPhillips replied as he helped the dolphin with a large case of ammunition. "Did the Captain tell you how long you will be on land?"

"Well everyone estimates it will be about three days, but there is no telling how long we might be. The terrain looks quite rocky so we may not be able to move very fast." Johnson replied as he picked up some rope and began to coil it.

"And I see there is a lot of equipment to carry around." McPhillips stated as he looked over the boxes and sacks of supplies now piled into one of the lifeboats.

"Yes, sir. And since the forward crane is broken we are unable to load any jeeps on land so everything must be carried by hand or on streachers." the dolphin replied as he placed the coiled rope in the boat and picked up a clipboard. "Sir, could you check for supplies as I list them off." he asked.

"Of course, sir." McPhillips replied as he climbed into the lifeboat.

"Okay," Johnson began, "One crate of ammunition."


"Two barrels of water, one crate of busciuts, six jars of preserves, two crates of salt-meat."


"Four rifles, one machine gun."


"One large tarp, four oars, three coils of rope."


"Five lanterns, two streachers and three flares."


"Thankyou, sir. Everything seems to be in order. You may tell the captain that we are ready to go." Johnson said as he walked down the deck checking the davits.

"Alright, sir." Mcphillips turned around and noticed that the group of men clustered around the Captain were now gone. He dreaded having to talk to the Captain alone but knew that he had no choice. He walked down the deck and saluted the Captain. "The supplies are loaded and the party of men are ready to leave at any time, sir."

"Good," the Captain said as he watched some of the crew on the foredeck fumble with the anchor line. "I'll go talk to the men who are going on land. Rathwell, your watch is over, McPhillips it's your watch. Come find me if anything serious happens." the captain said.

"Yes, sir." McPhillips saluted as as the Captain dissapeared below.