Star Fox Continuum: Day 1

Story by Neiko on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: This is a fan-fiction written about the universe surrounding the

game 'Star Fox' and other related games. I do not own this universe, nor any

of the characters residing within this universe. All these characters are

copyright by Nintendo.

WARNING: This story contains explicit homosexual content. If this disgusts

you, or if you are deemed too young by the laws in your area to read this kind

of material, then please do not read further.


Star Fox Continuum : Day 1

Six months have passed since Fox McCloud, assisted by his team of

mercenaries, defeated Andross at Venom. Since then, the four members of the

team have been resting comfortably, and trying to go about their lives in

peace. For Star Fox, however, there's never a dull moment.

From a second-floor outdoor patio in a restaurant in Corneria, Bill

Grey waves to a red and white-furred fox making his way through the crowd. As

he yells out the fox's name, that fox's slightly larger ears perk up, and he

looks around for a moment until he finally finds the source of the calling

voice. He waves back to his old academy buddy, and rushes into the restaurant

as quickly as his legs can carry him.

Fox ignores the waiter-bot attempting to show him to a seat, and heads

right up the stairs to see Bill. He hadn't seen the husky since their battles

in the war against Andross, and this time to relax with the dog is quite


As Bill sees the fox coming, he kicks out the chair opposite him, his

usual laid-back attitude showing in every move he makes. He takes another

long look at the fox, noticing the different clothing he'd worn today. Must

be a REAL vacation for Fox to give up that green pilot's outfit and that silly

vest of his. The fox looks to be in casual mode today, wearing an almost

fur-tight green shirt and loose looking tan pants. The pants seem to be the

same material as the usual space uniform, though these are obviously not meant

to be used in the same situations.

Fox's body, what Bill could see of it, at least, looks a little more

toned than when they were in the academy together. Must've happened while the

fox was out saving the system. Only a slight definition in the fox's abs

could be seen, but Bill knew from experience that those muscles were indeed

defined enough. The lighter white fur around that area seems to hide them

well, but the some-what tight shirt covering Fox's features left much less to

question. The rest of him shows about the same build, fair, but not over-

bearing. And as always, that big, fluffy tail keeps on swaying behind him,

often coming close to brushing against a few of the other customers as the fox

walks. Bill always did have a thing for the way that tail looked.

Fox takes his seat across from his best friend, noticing with slight

amusement that the husky's eyes give him a pretty long once over. His casual

look must've caught his friend's interest, though anything casual would catch

the interest of that canine. He could see that Bill hadn't bothered to wear

anything special, not that he'd expected it in the first place. Over his

chest, the grey husky wears a simple black tank-top, covering down to just

above his waist-line. Beneath that, a loose pair of pants of the same color

cover his legs, leaving just the smallest line of grey fur showing around his

mid-section. The fur around his stomach, Fox both notices, and remembers, is

slightly lighter, and softer to the touch, though that part is completely by


Bill feels a similar moment of pride as his best friend checks him

over, neither catching the other, but they both know. Bill speaks up first.

"About time ya got here. You're twenty minutes late. I was about to order

without ya."

Fox just cracks up, laughing so hard that a few of the guests around

them scowl a moment, before realizing they're scowling at the savior of their

solar system, and going back to their meals. "Bill, you always were a joker!

You've been late to everywhere we've EVER gone since our days back in the

academy! I figured I'd just give you a taste of your own medicine this time."

Bill just smirks, reaching up to the table and sliding a menu over

Fox's way. "Whatever, I get where I'm goin' in my own time. Now pick out

somethin' to eat, I'm starvin'!"

The next time the waiter-bot comes over, Bill looks over at Fox, and

gets an affirmative nod before those eyes duck back down behind the menu. The

husky looks up at the bot and nods, "Gimme a rabbit-meat soup lunch special.

Just tell the chef it's for Bill, he'll know the rest." The bot's eye-lights

blink on and off again in affirmative, then the metallic face turns to Fox.

The fox blinks at the quiet around him, then looks up and acts

surprised, "Oh, uh... lemme have this roasted fen dinner."

The bot blinks it's eyes in affirmative, then reaches out with skinny

metallic arms, and takes their menus. It turns without a sound, and walks

seamlessly toward the kitchen area.

Fox watches as it goes, then turns back to the table, catching the

husky across from him looking a bit too long. He grins a bit, even as Bill

seems to simply shrug it off. Fox picks up the drink he hadn't even noticed

was there before. He knows what it is instantly. "All this time, and you

still remember my favorite drink?"

Bill smirks at Fox, taking a sip of his own drink. "It's not like you

didn't drink enough of it when we were in the academy."

Fox takes a healthy gulp of the delicious fluid, soda given the flavor

of a type of berry native to Corneria. He sets down the glass, and chuckles

softly, "Hey, I had plenty of restraint."

The husky has to laugh at this. "Restraint?! Do you even remember

the night me and a few of the other boys in the academy swapped your usual

soda with Cornerian wine?"

After a moment of deep thought, Fox smirks and shrugs, "So what? It

tasted great, from what I DO remember."

A soft chuckle escapes the husky's muzzle, "You were just begging me

to go down on you that night."

Now Fox's eyes shoot wide open, and he looks around to see if anyone

heard that. Bill had said it pretty quietly, but he still didn't like the

idea of anyone around here finding out about him. "Hey Bill, come on. We're

in public here..."

The dog just shrugs, lifting up a booted foot-paw and rubbing it

against the side of Fox's leg, much to the fox's shock. "Calm down. No one

can see anything, and no one heard me. These are long tablecloths, and

everyone else is talking amongst themselves. No worries about giving away

your 'secret identity'."

Bill lowers his boot from Fox's leg, just as the waiter-bot walks back

over and serves them their meal. "Bonne appetite." The waiter-bot's pre-

recorded message spouts, before the bot turns around and heads over to another


Bill reaches for a spoon, as Fox tears off a leg of the roasted fen.

Fox feels glad for the distraction of food, as any more of that boot would

have made it quite painful to stay sitting like this. After a few bites, he

manages to forget about Bill and all the wild times they'd had, and focuses on


In twenty minutes, the fen on fox's plate had been reduced to mere

bones, and Bill's soup bowl had a tiny puddle of broth left in the bottom.

The comfortable silence during the meal was beginning to lose its comfort.

After taking a long drink, Bill speaks up, "Hey Fox..."

Fox looks up at Bill with a questioning look on his brow, "What's up,


The husky seems to look a little sad, though he doesn't let it show

more than a second before his usually relaxed face returns. "Let's head back

to your place, alright? I need to talk to ya, and this ain't the right


Fox nods the affirmative almost immediately, "Yeah, sure. How did..."

Before Fox can say another word, Bill cuts in, "We'll take my air-car.

Should get us there in reasonable time. You live in the same place as before

the war?" Fox nods to his friend, as both stand up. Bill just smiles back to

him, "Alright, let's get going." Both friends race out of the restaurant,

nearly knocking over a waiter-bot and a few other customers as they head down

to the parking area. The pair each hop over their respective doors, and Bill

inserts his control card, activating the car and sending them up into the

skies, heading directly for Fox's place.

Inside the hangar of the Great Fox, Slippy Toad works tirelessly at

tuning up his arwing. He'd been working all week on the other three, making

sure they've all been kept in tip-top shape by their pilots. Which obviously

wasn't the case. Slippy shakes his head, thinking to himself, 'How can they

all say they're the best pilots in the world when their arwings come back

looking like that?' With a shrug, he goes back to working on his, making sure

the inductor coils connect just right, that the all the wires and connections

go to the right places. Just routine maintenance for him.

About twenty minutes into his maintenance procedures, he starts

thinking about the beautiful way his arwing will fly once he's done working on

it. The elegant way it soars through the sky, engines making that beautiful

high-pitched spinning sound, then kicking it into turbo gear and feeling the

resonance creep from the bottom of his spine up to his chest. That steady

vibration sending shocks of pleasure right to his groin. Nothing else could

sound or feel so sweet...

About then, the frog comes out of his reverie. He shakes his head,

and quickly removes the hand that had been rubbing along the front of his

mechanic's overalls. He'd have to stop thinking like that in public... even

if the only public around here is robots and the like. He goes back to his

work, wondering idly when he'll next be able to feel that gentle rumbling from

his cockpit.

Peppy Hare had chosen a quieter area of Corneria to live. Not too far

away from the rest of the group, but enough to give him a little privacy. He

knows he's getting old now, not flying as well as he used to, not reacting as

quickly or as well as he could remember. Though he'd once been the second

best pilot on the Star Fox team, next to James McCloud himself, he'd begun to

loose his touch, and the three younger pilots were now surpassing him. But

Peppy's been able to take all this in good spirits. He'd already been part of

the Star Fox team for a great number of years now, and he's proud to have

served under both of the McClouds. Of course, things were different in the

days when James lead the team, but one could expect changes to take place when

a new generation comes in.

Some things, Peppy mused, would never change. Fox and James have so

much in common. Both rash and a little too hard-headed for their own good,

but good enough in an arwing to get things done when they got into trouble.

Well... ALMOST good enough. Neither one of them are perfect... or were

perfect. James had thought he could take on Andross alone, but that thought

had brought about his own demise. It was a sad truth, but he'd managed to get

over it in time. Fox himself had succeeded where his father couldn't, and

that's quite the accomplishment in Peppy's eyes.

Ever since James had died, Peppy had taken Fox in as his adopted son.

Fox had no quarrels with this, as he'd been around Peppy ever since he was a

little boy. Fox's mother, James's wife, had died during Fox's birth. The

child had been left in the care of a few of James's friends while the elder

fox went off to fight for the army, and he wasn't the only one. That's where

the fox met Falco. The bird had some serious ego problems, but his piloting

skills were top class. Only Fox could hope to contend with him. And contend

they did.

Peppy's mind heads back to the day when James died. He'd had to

evacuate from Venom without his long time friend and companion, and that was

what hurt the most. He didn't see Pigma as the root of all of their problems.

The pig had never been all that great of a companion, but back in those days,

he was their mechanic. His skills with tune-ups and the like could be likened

to Slippy's today. Still, he knew the pig had to have felt inferior to James

and he, being the worst pilot on the team. They'd saved his butt more often

than they could count, but he was just as useful as either of them with his

mechanical prowess. Still, it was only a matter of time before his wounded

ego struck out. Peppy figured their capture on Venom would have been the

perfect opportunity.

When he finally made it back home, he could remember the look on Fox's

face. The confusion about why it was Peppy in front of him, and not his

father James. Fox, by that time, was fifteen, and almost old enough to enter

the academy, which he'd planned to do from the very start. James's death only

rushed that decision. He remembered how Fox had tried his best not to cry,

but how he eventually couldn't help it. In a rare moment of compassion, his

life-long friend takes him in his arms and holds him. Peppy had decided to

let Fox stay with Falco for a few days, as he knew the bird would be better at

comforting his friend than an old, war-hardened hare could ever hope to be. A

few days later, Fox joined Peppy in his home. It only lasted for a few days.

Fox slipped out of his apartment one night, and headed over to the recruitment

centers, to join on as a cadet.

Peppy hadn't been mad. It was obvious the fox wanted revenge, and if

he were anything like James, which he was, nothing an old hare could say would

stop him.

Peppy then lets his mind revert to James again. They'd formed the

Star Fox team about a year after James and he had graduated from the academy.

James was only married for a year before his wife died, and it had been a

devastating loss, but Peppy had been able to bring him back out of it. Ever

since then, James and Peppy were never seen apart. In many ways, it looked as

though James had replaced his wife with his best friend. It was more true

than some people wanted to believe.

They always kept their matters private, never letting on to anyone,

even Pigma couldn't have had a clue as to what was going on. To be sure,

James had needed a lot of re-assurance after his wife's death, and his son's

fosterization, but Peppy was sure to always be there for him. The hare always

helped James with whatever problems came up from his wife's loss. And that

means all of them.

Peppy thinks back about all the times they'd satisfied each other's

needs. The fox had an insatiable sex-drive, and usually the only thing that

kept him from jumping Peppy's bones were their constant slew of missions to

get done. Of course, having an automated pilot for the Great Fox left plenty

of time between flights to get things done.

And Peppy had thought he had a high sex-drive. James wouldn't leave

him alone whenever they had spare time. It was a good thing they had locks

put on their rooms, otherwise Pigma probably would have caught on a long time


The last time they were together, as could be expected, was the day

before their mission to infiltrate Venom. He was thirty-five at the time, as

was James, though the fox was in much better shape than he was. As he thinks

back about how James looked that day, his furry hand slides down over the

slight bulge in his pants.

James had worn a thin black shirt, with a red vest over it that

matched his fur perfectly. How he'd ever found it, Peppy'll never know. His

pants were a common space variety, made of a relatively thin material that was

still dense enough to keep its owner warm in almost any condition. Of course,

without the part that covers the upper body, it was more of a fashion

statement than anything functional, but that was completely fine with Peppy.

The hare lays in his favorite reclining chair, undoing the clasp of

his pants as he imagines himself doing exactly the same thing laying on his

own bed in the Great Fox, with James looking down at him. He could see in his

mind how the fox would smile at him with that confident smirk. He would watch

with admiration as James's vest was shrugged from his shoulders, his shirt

soon sure to follow it. Peppy slipped his paw under his shirt, both in the

dream world and reality, rising a bit from his chair (or the bed) to shed it

completely, leaving his slightly rotund body open to James's eyes. He always

knew the fox loved the view, and it turned him on immensely.

He watches now as James slips his thumbs into the elastic material of

the pants, sliding them down his body. Peppy would always laugh at his choice

of underwear, funny little light-blue boxers with pictures of cute little

foxes all over them. James was a true free-spirit, that's for sure. In his

minds eye, he sees himself five years younger, and with a bit less weight,

sliding his own pants from his hips. Back in his reclining chair, he mimics

these motions, slipping them down until they bunch up at his feet, then

removing them completely. He could remember the underwear he'd had on, black

except for the white elastic band, a normal pair of colors for his grey fur.

He'd worn a white pair today, but his eyes were closed, focused on a time

years ago.

He felt James's eyes all over him, and his were all over the fox,

looking at the sexy way his red fur turned into black around his hands and

feet. His own fur was somewhat like the fox's, mostly one color except for

the fluffy white of his front. Only difference being that James's fur was

orangish red, and his grey. Finally, the fox moved forward, the scene

replaying itself as though it had happened yesterday. He watched as James

kneeled on the bed first, while Peppy was running one hand over his front. He

does the same thing to his body now, grinning a bit as the fox rubs along his

leg, then begins to tug at it. That was James's 'subtle' way of asking him to

spread them. None of the McClouds have ever been known for subtlety, it


Regardless, he quietly obeys, and watches as James lowers himself onto

the bed, one of the middle-aged fox's legs sliding between his own. Peppy

spreads his legs in the chair, imagining the way that soft fox fur felt along

his inner thighs. As he looked up, the rest of the fox was lowering onto him,

and he could easily tell what the fox wanted.

What the fox did next wasn't part of their usual ritual, but Peppy

wasn't about to stop him. Lips touched to lips, and James was kissing him.

They almost never did that, but it felt right at the time. Maybe James just

needed reassurance, because of the dangerous mission about to take place. In

his memory, Peppy's arms surrounded the fox. James's fingers slipped beneath

the elastic of his underwear, rubbing at his thigh, then over his thickening


Peppy's hand serves as a proper replacement back in reality, and as he

licks his lips in remembrance of that wonderful kiss, he rubs along his groin

with his right hand, feeling his firming rabbit cock stirring inside his pure

white sheath. Then, in his mind, James broke the kiss. The look in his eyes

was thankful for allowing him such a treat. James then dismounted Peppy's

leg, and began removing the rabbit's underwear. As the last shred of clothing

was pulled from his body in his mind, Peppy removed his underwear in the

physical world as well, finally leaving his groin open to the air of the room.

James's hand went right back, and so did his, stroking, moving slowly, then

down again, spreading his legs. Peppy obliged, very willingly, then watched

as his squad leader and best friend removed his own boxers. The sight of the

other male completely nude had Peppy ready for more in a second, and the

memory still has the same reaction on him.

Then James moved between Peppy's legs, letting his entire body rest

down against the rabbit again. They exchanged a few words then, James's

worries about the next day, Peppy trying to reassure him, telling him

everything would turn out just fine as always. It's sometimes a little sad to

think that he'd been completely wrong, but the thought didn't stay long

tonight. What came next interested him more. As Peppy inches his left hand

down between his spread legs, James in his mind slides his body down slowly.

Peppy can remember feeling the thickness of the fox's shaft as it slid down

from next to his, finally low enough to fall from his groin, only for James to

press back up again, and let the tip of it contact that little pucker right

above his tail. As he imagines James making those little teasing pushes with

his hips he always loved, his own fingers stroke down between his legs, his

index finger pressing against a ready and waiting little hole, feeling a bit

of the slickness from his sweat as he moves that finger up and down over his

ready entrance.

His knees lift up, both in reality and his memory, making his tight

hole just that much more reachable, Peppy's right hand moving over his crotch

with increasing speed as his left starts pressing with that finger. Pausing

the fantasy in his mind, he brings his finger up, and puts it into his mouth,

sucking on it until it becomes soaked with saliva. He replaces it,

remembering how much fluid James always produced, which always made it easier

for him to enter Peppy like this. With a jump and a gasp in both realities, a

warm thickness enters the rabbit, and pushes inward. Peppy imagines the

fullness he felt all those years ago, substituted so poorly now, but well

enough for his memory.

As James starts moving back and forth inside him, he moves his finger

more slowly than the picture in his mind. Instead, most of his concentration

goes to his now very slick rabbit cock. In both realities, his breath comes

heavily and deeply, with moans intermingled now and then. In his mind, he

wraps his legs around James as the fox starts to move more quickly,

remembering with love that expression of effort and energy on James's face as

he drove himself into and out of his tight rear. Peppy's hand starts moving

much more quickly, moans coming more easily as he nears that final release,

watching in his mind as James nears the same mind-blowing end.

With a jolt to his pleasure-centers, he feels the first healthy spurt

of thick cream onto his completely white belly fur. He can see James's look

of absolute pleasure as the fox made sure to fill him, this time he hadn't

tied with Peppy, though, for some reason or another. After a moment, he felt

his climax fade, as well as his vision of James. He remembers well how the

rest of that night went, a great deal of talking, and at the end of it, James

had asked Peppy to take care of his son if he didn't make it back. That

statement replaying always brought tears to the aging rabbit's eyes, no matter

how many times he thought about it. But he quickly recovers, knowing how well

things had seemed to turn out for Fox even without his father's guidance.

'No...' Peppy thought with a hearty smile, '...he's got a father's

guidance. I loved James as much as anyone, and I love Fox as much as James

did too.' He lays back, placing his hands in his lap, and noticing how messy

he's become. He'll have to take a shower again. Slowly, he puts the

reclining chair back to its usual configuration, and heads to his bathroom

with thoughts of that sunglasses-wearing fox still in his mind.

The last member of the Star Fox team, Falco Lombardi, has had a lot of

thinking to do lately. His crush on Fox McCloud was getting tougher and

tougher to hide behind his attitude. Sure, his attitude has been a part of

him since he was a child, but so has been his admiration for Fox. They did

grow up together, in the same neighborhood on Corneria. Fox had been living

with a friend of his family, though. Falco had been forced to live in the

orphanage until he was old enough to enter the academy. Even being a year

older than fox didn't keep them from signing up for the academy in the same

year. Fox was too young, but because of his father, no one asked questions.

Still, he'd always known fox would take over the Star Fox team, and he knew he

was a dead-ringer for the second position.

Once Star Fox had taken form again, they became exactly what James

McCloud had made the group out to be: mercenaries with a leaning toward the

side of good. The arrangement had always worked well. Fox, Falco, and the

rest of the team could always get things done.

Of course, Falco always thought he was better at flying than Fox. And

he made sure to remind Fox of the fact at least once a mission. Falco had

always believed that without him, the entire team would fall apart. Fox may

be a good leader, but he'd never beat the blue falcon's flying ability.

More than his competitive nature, he'd always seen Fox as truly

charismatic. Even if the flying aspect were won by Falco, the bird knew he'd

probably never lead the team. Fox was, and still is, the best there is at

that. "Too much charisma for his own damn good..." Falco thought. His

emotions swirl as he tries to decide how to get Fox to recognize his

attraction. He can't tell the fox, no amount of his pride is going to allow

that. Maybe he could just try being nice to him for a change and see if Fox

reacts at all.

Figuring he'd better start right away, as he never knew when the team

would be called out again, Falco strips down swiftly and hops into the shower,

intent on visiting Fox within the hour.

Fox and Bill arrive back at Fox's apartment shortly, which isn't as

large as Peppy's, as the rabbit decided to live a little better than the rest

of them. Fox likes his small apartment. It makes him feel normal again, not

some hero, just plain old Fox. He knows Bill will always see him in just that

way. It's the bond that they share. Bill takes a seat on Fox's sofa as the

fox gets a drink for each of them. Soda for the fox, and some sweet and

slightly bitter berry juice for Bill. The husky always did have a thing for

sugar. He sits down right next to his old academy buddy, the two already

locked in conversation.

Bill eyes his friend curiously, "So, have ya hooked up with that Falco

fella yet?"

Fox almost chokes on his drink, which gets a laugh out of Bill. Fox

swallows it down laboredly, and sputters, "What?! That pompous jerk? I don't

need someone with an ego bigger than his brain."

The husky gives him a sly sideways look. "Don't gimme that, Fox, you

know I've got better eyes. You've been thinkin' a' him since before I knew


"Bill..." Fox starts, then halts himself. "You don't understand.

I've got a reputation to keep up if Falco's ever gonna listen to me in battle.

If he knows he can push his luck and get away with it, he'll do it. I can't

risk losing one of my greatest pilots, even if it means fore-going a

potentially happy life. Falco's got a natural talent that I'll never find

anywhere else. Even I sometimes wonder how he and I compare, but I know I've

still got the upper-hand. At least... as long as I keep saying that, he'll

push himself to become better than me. Right now, it's a win-win deal. If I

do anything differently, I might lose."

Bill just looks at his friend, concerned, but understanding. "Damn...

complicated, huh Fox? How do you really feel?"

Fox looks at him, seeing the understanding in Bill's eyes. This was

why they'd become such good friends in the academy. "You know already, Bill.

I've always been the competitive type, and Falco brings out that side in me.

Maybe he's got an ego as big as Zoness... but that ego keeps the both of us in

top condition. Combined, we'd be unstoppable. But we've never been able to

work together like that. It's always a competition."

Fox pauses for a long moment, and takes a decent chug of his soda.

"What I'm saying, is that that competition is both the spark of my love for

the big feather-duster, and the very thing holding us apart."

Bill takes a long drink too, listening to Fox openly. He thinks to

himself, 'That's quite a dilemma, to be sure, but Fox has dealt with worse

stuff.' He speaks after a moment of quiet, "Hey, don't sweat it, Fox. You've

had worse, right? Gotta allow for the good with the bad. One of these days,

the bird'll open up."

Fox nods, and laughs, "Just hope he never catches me sneaking peeks at

him in the Great Fox showers."

Bill laughs, and shakes his head, "You're horrible, Fox. Ya know,

that's how I first found out about ya. For a fox, you sure can't sneak around

very well."

The fox lets a little grin slip onto his muzzle, "Yeah, well it's

tough to stay silent when I'm watching a sexy dog like you rubbin' all over.

Was it the heavy-breathing?"

Bill shakes his head again, "Nah, yer toe claws clicked on the floor.

Ya must'a been too excited to notice." He arches his eye-brows suggestively,

then takes another drink.

Without a second thought, Fox puts a hand on Bill's leg. "Yeah, you

had a great body back then. Too bad you let go after you entered the


Fox finds his hand batted away, followed by a quick and forceful

head-lock. "What'd ya say, Fox? Don' think I heard ya right!"

Fox gets his hand clutched onto the arm around his neck, pulling it

down enough to breath. He strains out, "Heh... said you're gettin' out of

shape... with your old age."

And with that, Bill lets him go, pushing the fox onto the floor in

front of the sofa. Thankfully Fox always left that area open, liking to have

his space. "Alright, let's go. Strip down."

The fox gets up, to see Bill already removing his pants, he lets his

eyes linger around those sexy and relatively thin black cloth undies before

taking off his own shirt, "What're you planning, Bill?"

To add emphasis to his intent, Bill starts doing a few stretches in

front of the sofa. Fox can't help but watch as the husky turns around,

spreading his legs wide and bending down. The sight of that tail up high, and

the bulge in the front of the husky's underwear making his own sheath start to

react. Bill speaks up and shakes Fox's eyes loose of the erotic sight.

"We're gonna wrestle, see which one of us has REALLY let go after leaving the

academy. Everything but the underwear goes."

Fox removes his shirt, looking at Bill oddly. "Bill, you know I was

better with a blaster than hand to hand combat anyway."

Bill has to laugh at that. "Would you rather have a duel to see which

of us has better aim?"

Fox smirks, continuing to undress, getting boots and socks and pants

in quick succession, "Alright, you made your point. But you could always pin

me with both arms behind your back, what's this supposed to prove?"

And at this, Bill stands up, turning to look at Fox as the other does

his own stretching routine, licking his lips at the sight of the sexy fox-tail

flowing slowly up in the air. He answers once he regains his brain power, "

What it'll prove is that I haven't lost any of that. I'm gonna enjoy showing

you how I've been doing the past year."

Fox stands up, looking limber and ready to go. Of course, he knows he

has no chance against Bill in a wrestling match. The husky gets down, one

knee to the floor, and one hand on the ground. Fox takes an identical pose,

his fluffy tail waving behind him as the husky's tail wags back and forth in

enjoyment. Bill grins, and reaches back, and snaps the elastic of his tight

underwear to his hip, "Go!"

Both parties step forward, the less than ample space in Fox's

apartment giving them precious little room to wrestle around. Bill almost

instantly has Fox on his back, the husky's extra strength more than enough to

topple him. But Fox isn't through yet.

The fox pushes up on Bill's shoulder, enough to release his support on

that side, then he grips Bill on the other side and rolls him over, reaching

down to lift his leg up. But in doing this, Fox leaves himself wide open. He

finds himself locked between the husky's legs, and pulled down hard onto his

side. His arm gets twisted, and painfully pressed against the floor, and Bill

grins and starts counting. "One..." Fox makes an effort to move, but the

pain in his arm stops him. He cries out as it just keeps getting worse, but

Bill isn't about to let up. "Two..." Now Fox tries again, harder than

before, trying to beat the pain and get out from Bill's hold. Again, he

fails, his arm pinned tightly to the ground.

"Three." Bill instantly lets go of Fox, leaving a teary eyed fox

laying on the ground, clutching his arm. It doesn't take Bill long to realize

he may have gone too far, and he gets down on his knees, insistently moving

Fox's hand away from his arm. "C'mon, lemme have a look." Bill finally

succeeds, and checks Fox's arm, ignoring the yells of pain issuing forth from

his mouth. "It's just been twisted a bit, probably pulled a few tendons too.

You're lucky I didn't break it."

Fox looks up, wiping his eyes as a few tears flow from them. He grins

a bit, biting back another yell of pain. "Heh... ugh, just like old times..."

Bill smiles, lifting Fox off the ground without waiting for him to ask

for help. "That'll teach ya to say I let go. Go on into yer bedroom. I'll

massage that arm for ya, have it back to normal before the end of the night."

He smiles, and pats Fox's butt as he passes, ignoring the suggestive backward

glance he gets for it. Bill thinks to himself as he watches Fox walk off,

that tail still waving seductively despite the pain the fox must feel. 'Falco

indeed... I'd snatch him up in an heartbeat if I were the type to settle


Bill sees a pair of underwear fly out into the hallway by Fox's

bedroom door, hitting the wall and landing on the floor in a limp pile. With

a grin, Bill pulls down his own pair, giving the firming up dog cock rising

from his sheath a little tug and growling, then heading into the room with


He's greeted with a sight that has him licking his chops for more.

The fox faces away from him, laying there on the bed on his front. One arm

cradles his head, while the other, the injured right arm, lays limply on the

bed. But beneath that is the real treat. Fox lays completely nude, his tail

waving over perfectly formed cheeks, sleek and very soft looking, like a good

deal of him is, however Bill knows for a fact that there's tightly packed

muscle somewhere in there. It only adds more mystery to Fox.

A light whistling brings Bill back to reality, and he looks over to

see Fox staring at him with a knowing grin. It must really have been too

long, for both of them. Bill eases over to the bed, moving in on the right

side of Fox, resting his knees beside the red hips, moving Fox's arm into a

good position for the massage.

Bill leans down, and begins working his fingers over the strained

areas, the tendons in his elbow and shoulder, and slowly along the stretched

muscles inside his arm. He could tell his actions were hurting Fox, but

there's no other way to heal this kind of injury quickly. Placing a firm

pressure down on Fox's shoulder, he manages to release the tension from it,

hearing instantly the sigh of relief from the fox. Music, Bill thinks, as he

works on the other two problem areas. The elbow is soon taken care of as

well, and Bill starts an extended massage along his upper arm.

As the massage progresses, Fox feels less and less pain, until finally

there's nothing at all but the wonderful feeling of Bill's fingers. He soon

realizes it's begun arousing him, a bit too late to stop it, and has to move a

bit to adjust himself.

The movement catches Bill's attention. He speaks softly to Fox, "Hey,

you alright?"

Fox looks up at his friend, with a happy smile, "Couldn't be better.

The arm feels wonderful."

With a nod, Bill gently sets it down. "Make sure not to use it for

anything too harsh for a few hours and it should be fine."

Fox sees Bill about to get up, and fluffs his tail out in the husky's

way. "Where're you going? I haven't repaid you for that great massage."

Bill just laughs, "I did give you the injury, remember?"

The fox grins, "Only 'cause I said you got soft."

Bill grins right back, "An' I proved you wrong on that one."

Fox nods, and closes his eyes, a content smile on his face. "Man,

it's great to be around you again, Bill. I've missed you since we left the


The husky sets a hand down on Fox's back, giving that a light massage

as well. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Saving the galaxy doesn't leave much

room for meeting old friends. I know what we can do to help close the gap,


Fox murrs a little as that hand rubs over his back, "What's that,


Bill flips the surprised fox over, being mindful of his arm, and

grinning as he finds a semi-hard fox cock staring up at him. "Relive old

times, that's what." Taking Fox by surprise, the husky ducks down and takes

the tip of the semi-hard foxhood into his muzzle, holding onto the other side

of Fox's hip with one hand.

Fox brings his hands to the back of Bill's head with a groan. "Ah,

Bill!" he grunts out, his cock instantly surging toward fullness. "It's

been... way, WAY too long..."

Falco, standing just outside Fox's door, takes out the ID card Fox had

given him and the other two members of the Star Fox team. It was always

important that they be able to reach him at any time. Of course, now it's

just useful. Falco slides the card through the magnetic locking mechanism,

hearing a mechanical wrrrring, then nothing as the door slides opens silently.

Falco steps into the apartment and looks around as the door slides closed

behind him.

He's about to call out for Fox, when he sees the clothes piled around

the living room. He recognized some of them as Fox's, but the others weren't.

Just who had Fox brought home? Whoever it is, they were definitely male.

That fashion is unmistakably male.

Then he hears noises coming from Fox's bedroom. Listening closer, he

begins to make them out. Grunts, groans, and all other manner of sounds, all

definitely Fox's. Falco still doesn't know who the other party is, until he

hears Fox blurt out, "Oh Bill! Yeah, that's it, suck harder!" Followed by a

series of grunts and near yells as Bill obviously obliges.

Bill! Well, it's not like Falco didn't suspect they'd done things

back in the academy, with how Fox had talked about him. But still doing

things? That could only mean that Fox still has a thing for males. Which

makes things easier on Falco. The bird decides it's time to join the little

party in the other room. He quickly takes off his clothes, careful to be

extremely quiet so as not to arouse any suspicions. Despite this, quite a bit

of arousal begins to grow anyway, though not of the same variety.

The now nude Falco begins to make his way over to the door, letting

one wing playfully cover over his groin. As he reaches the entrance to the

dimly lit room, he leans against the door-jam, groin covered, but completely

nude, waiting for Fox to notice.

Bill notices the bird right away, a surprised murr flowing past his

lips as he sucks on Fox. The extra suction only causes Fox to bellow out

louder, all three of them suddenly very glad that the walls are insulated and

sound-proof. Falco stands there, watching Fox get sucked to rapture by his

friend from the academy, licking at his rubbery beak in arousal. He'd seen

Fox nude before, the team tended to shower together sometimes after long

missions. But this is the first time the fox has been laid out, writhing in

pleasure in front of the blue jay.

Fox's eyes open very slightly, as he looks down at his friend, the

white orbs suddenly shooting open in surprise as he notices Falco standing

there. He tries to move away from Bill, but the husky quickly shows him that

won't be happening with a pair of hands gripped to his hips. Fox looks at

Falco again, noticing this time the lack of clothing on the bird. He sits

dumb-founded for a moment, leaned up on his elbows to watch as the bird makes

his way over to the edge of the bed.

Falco lets the smile on his beak widen as he nears the edge of the

bed. He moves his wing-feathers out of the way, giving Fox a good look at the

firm maleness standing out from between his legs. Without a moment's thought,

he rests his knee down on the lower than average bed, his groin now much

closer to Fox.

Bill lets his eyes angle up a bit, looking at the dazed expression on

Fox's face. The husky slathers the fox-hood with warm saliva, then starts

bobbing up and down, hearing the pleased groan come from Fox. He hopes to

hear a similar one from Falco soon.

Fox's eyes close again in pleasure. Somehow, Bill seems to have

improved his technique since a few years ago. When his eyes open again, the

shaft in front of his face seems to jump up and down just slightly. With a

lick to his lips, Fox leans forward, taking that firm red maleness into his

muzzle and down his throat in one gulp. Falco's eight inches is nothing Fox

can't handle after being with Bill practically every day a year or two ago.

Mixed grunts come from both Fox and Falco, as their members are worked

on feverishly. Falco's excitement soon begins to reach a peak, having that

fox's mouth over his cock simply a dream come true. He'd wanted this since

Fox and he were much younger, but never thought Fox felt the same. Now he

wishes he'd just said something from the start!

Fox too, is swimming in pleasure. His full balls feel ready to burst

already, the firm maleness in his mouth and the hot mouth around his own truly

quite a fantasy for him. He snakes his tongue around the long shaft inside

his muzzle, moving his head back and forth as he'd always done for Bill,

tasting a good dose of pre-ejaculate flowing from the tip of that steely

shaft. His own feels so close to completion, and he only sucks harder,

hooking a hand around Falco's thigh, feeling the softness of the feathers in

his fingers.

He feels a feathered hand hold around the back of his head, and that

hard maleness starts sliding back and forth, Falco beginning to take charge of

the action. Fox expected such a thing. After all, Falco is still Falco. The

fox didn't much care, he just started up with his tongue, snaking it around

that firm shaft, sucking hard and letting Falco worry about the pace. Fox

soon feels a powerful urge setting in below his stomach, softly grunting

around the slick shaft inside his mouth as he prepares to fill Bill's mouth

with hot seed.

The husky feels Fox's climax seconds before it happens, the pulsations

of the fox's shaft and the growing knobs at the base a dead give-away. He

sucks harder, and at once feels warm, tasty cum spraying over his tongue. He

drinks down what he can, remembering with glee just how much cum the fox

produces, as he swallows hastily and laps at the spasming organ. He feels

some of it drip down the sides of his muzzle, but he focuses on getting the

rest, feeling the sprays begin to subside and slowly cease a good twenty

seconds later.

Falco watches as Fox unleashes his seed into the waiting mouth of his

friend, a grin on his face as he slides his own organ in and out of the fox's

muzzle. His hand keeps a firm hold on the back of Fox's head, and he feels

his own climax getting nearer. The sight of Fox writhing in pleasure with his

climax was too hot for Falco to hold on much longer. He places his other hand

on the Fox's cheek, and pushes himself forward, and all the way in. A moment

later, a torrent of seed fills the fox's mouth, and he feels the swallowing

motion in Fox's muscles, just one stimulant to make his climax that much


Fox finds himself surprised by the quickness of the falcon's climax,

tonging that twitching shaft and swallowing all of Falco's seed. The taste is

a bit different from Bill's, a little stronger, possibly more potent, but

still very good. He swallows quickly enough to avoid any of it falling from

his lips, successfully taking the whole load. Falco feels himself weakening

after about fifteen seconds, his body tingling with pleasureful sensations.

Bill had stopped sucking at the fox's shaft a little after the climax

ended, laying there on the bed and watching as Falco delivers a similar

substance to Fox. He easily sees the love in each of their movements. Lust

mixed in, no doubt, but love is there. He continues to watch as Falco slides

his shaft from Fox's mouth. Small lines of saliva and seminal fluid connect

that flesh to Fox's lips for a moment, before being broken by Fox's tongue.

Falco moves over top of Fox, to lay on the vacant part of the bed,

stretching a bit in obvious pleasure before shooting Fox a grin, "Gee, Fox,

why didn't you tell me you liked sucking cock?"

Bill sees the look of distaste in Fox's eyes, but the fox quickly

covers it up. "Didn't want you begging me for it all the time. What with

YOUR willpower..."

Falco raises up onto an elbow, laying on his side and looming angrily

over Fox, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

Fox just grins up at his second-in-command, loving how easy it is to

get to Falco's pride. "You'd be begging me every fifteen minutes to suck on

your cock, following me around like some kind of slave. Maybe you'd even

follow my orders in combat once in a while, if you knew you could get that."

Falco just huffs, and lays back, "Yeah, right. I bet you'd be the one

following me around, begging for another taste."

Fox laughs at this. Bill knows they could be at this all night.

Before Fox has a chance to insult the falcon again, the husky sits up, and

gets to his feet. The fox looks up, confused. "Hey, Bill, where're you


Bill smiles down at his friend, "I'd meant to tell ya before, Fox. My

squadron's been assigned to patrol Venom again. The General said somethin'

about fighters loyal to Andross. Shouldn't be a problem. I gotta leave in

the mornin' though, so I'd better be gettin' back to my place." Bill

stretches a bit, then smiles at the two, "You guys play nice now. No more

fightin'." With that, he walks out of the room. Fox and Falco hear him

picking up clothing and putting it on, then they hear the door slide open, and

shut again.

Fox lays back, and Falco does the same, neither saying a word for a

long while. Fox finally remembers something, and speaks up, "Hey, Falco..."

The falcon looks over at Fox, "Yeah?"

Fox smiles a bit, as he turns his head toward his friend, "Why'd you

come here, anyway?"

Falco thinks back to his original intent, then realizes he can't very

well tell Fox that he came about love. Instead, he gives a simpler, but still

truthful reason, "I wanted to know if you were up for dinner."

Fox thinks a moment, then chuckles, "Looks like I got dinner anyway."

He licks his lips, and swears he can see Falco blush. Now that's something

he'd never seen before.

Falco immediately recovers. "Yeah, the cook got your regards, by the

way." He shoots another grin at Fox, this one a little less cocky.

Fox figures that's the most sentiment he'll get out of the bird. He

grins back, then yawns out loud, not bothering to cover his muzzle. "Hmmmm...

I'm gonna get some sleep now."

Falco, to Fox's surprise, lays his head back and nods a bit, "Sounds

good, see ya in the morning."

Fox gets up on his elbows, looking down at the falcon, "What do you


Falco smirks up at him, "Got a problem with me sleepin' here?"

Fox looks surprised a moment, then relaxes onto his back and shakes

his head, "Not me."

Falco nods with finality, and closes his eyes. "Good. 'Night, Fox."

Fox lays his head down on his pillow, resting his arms behind him, and

letting out a content sigh, wondering just what Falco is thinking right now.

"'Night, Falco."

The two lay there for an hour, both tired, but unable to sleep. Fox

keeps thinking about Falco, and Falco thinks about Fox. Eventually, Falco

becomes bored with laying like this, and lightens his breathing, to make Fox

think that he's asleep. Fox feels Falco moving a bit in his sleep, probably

just not comfortable, until, to Fox's surprise, a wing flops over his stomach.

He freezes a moment, then feels Falco's head resting heavily on his shoulder.

Without thinking, he lowers his left arm down, keeping Falco pressed up

against him. Falco smiles, thankful that Fox can't see. His plan worked

perfectly. This is just what both of them need to finally get to sleep,

neither budging an inch from the warmth of the other for the rest of the
