The 'Benefits' Of Co-Exercise (18+)

Story by Fennecshorts on SoFurry

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Hope you enjoy!. If you can't tell already I love wolfgirls :3.

"Wait the hell up Erica" Alice panted, his paws pounding the still rain-moist soil, each stride brought him no closer to the fluffy-tailed wolf girl ahead of him. She'd always been faster, and by always, he meant always. The ferret had known Erica since his earliest memory and even then his parents always insisted their friendship went further back than that. Not that any of that mattered, it was spring again. And though they'd both been busy being, or at least attempting to be, adults. The ferret and wolf had arranged a day together, just the two of them. Of course Erica had elected to do something athletic, her aptitude for such things was on another planet compared to him. Ever since she'd proven her superior strength and speed by beating a younger Alice at essentially anything physical time and time again. Something that continued to hold true into their now young-adult selves. And was the reason for her being so far ahead of him now, in fact. White shirt billowing around her figure as she sped on.

"It'll be better for you than sitting on your ass all day trying to get your mod setup to run" She'd told him, flashing a grin- and her pointy white canines, his way.

Not only did the ferret boy's lungs feel as if they were on the verge of imploding, but as awkward as it was to admit even to himself. Something else had also been hindering his performance right from the start. Ever since Erica had lunged off ahead of him into the foggy treeline that divided his yard from the neighbor's extensive farmland. That "something else" was nothing other than his childhood friend's shapely rear, clad in a pair of purple gym shorts. Those shorts, the kind with a raised white stripe running down each side and ending in that triangular cutout, through which the grey-brown fur of the wolf's upper thighs was revealed every time she made a stride. And not to mention the length, or rather the lack thereof.

Damnit Eri, where'd you shop that makes 'em that short anyway?

He shook his head as if trying to clear his mind. Black, shoulder-length hair spattered by a few small raindrops, stragglers that still fell despite the passing of the day's main deluge. The wolf had already beaten him, of course. Tagging the big pine tree they'd decided on as a finish line. Waving the winded ferret forward. He did indeed move to meet her, however by the end, with his speed reduced to a walk. Shoulders dipping low in a show of pure exasperation.

"I still beat you, even with that early start you tried to grab" The wolf laughed shakily, her practiced, heavy breaths pushing away the locks of red hair that strayed in front of her green eyes.

"Ha-had to" Alice gasped. "I needed every chance I could get" He took a step forward, red shoe slamming toe-first into a puddle he noticed too late, turning it's clear surface into a swirling brown cloudscape of dirt. A significant portion of which came up to splatter both him and Erica, covering her bare fur and the sandy brown of his pants with droplets of mud. Alice groaned in frustration, swiping at the gritty blotches, only succeeding in spreading dirt across himself. Erica let out a chuckle, leaning away from the tree to poke a finger firmly into the middle of his chest.

"And that's why I run in shorts!" She teased.

"And if I got my legs all dirty instead I'd need to shower again" The ferret retorted.

"Oh you- and let me guess, you'd need to fix your hair afterwards?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I would" Alice crossed his arms over his lean chest. "It takes time to get it looking this nice"

"Ugh- Just wear a shower cap, other girls do it all the time" Erica said, a smirk on her face as she basked in her own joke.

"Oh shush, you sweat your eyes out or something? Can't see the absolute mountain of manliness standing in front of you?" Alice made an exaggerated attempt at an upper body flex, playing along with his friend's humor as he knew the display was not a particularly impressive one. Being teased by the wolf girl was not a new experience for him. And Alice figured that for as corny as she could get, some of it may have indeed been apt. For he was by all means as effeminate as his name suggested. Something a younger Erica had latched onto in order to fuel more of her jokes. The ferret boy certainly did have some muscle mass to him, but it was more the shape of his frame, lanky and with somewhat slim, hip-accentuating shoulders that, As much as Erica would be deign to admit. Did indeed inspire hints of jealousy in the wolfess, especially so when he dressed like he had today. The collar of his sky-blue tee-shirt hanging loosely off his left shoulder, giving the ferret an effortlessly casual, clean look. One that the redheaded wolf felt would look a bit out of place on herself.

"What? where is he? if Mr. Macho is here I'm having a hard time finding him" Erica feigned confusion as she cocked her head to look behind her friend, first to the left and then the right. "But seriously, jokes aside- how you been?" She asked, tone switching to a softer, more casual version of itself. Moving to sit with back against the tree and legs crossed. The wolf's pair of shorts, already straining to provide some sense of modesty, were forced tight due to her sitting position. Exposing a more- than-decent amount of fur. Something Alice tried not to focus on, straining against his own muscles as his eyes attempted to wander towards the barely-visible sliver of white hidden inside the legs of her shorts.

Damnit Alice, stop looking at her panties! He scolded himself mentally. Devoting his energy towards rapidly searching for an answer to her question.

"Doing fine" Was all he managed, shifting his weight from hip to hip. Exhausted as his legs were, Alice knew the lower viewing angle he'd have by sitting in front of his friend would only bring him more enticing distractions, not the best ingredient for a conversation.

"Ah- that's good... good" Erica nodded, Alice couldn't help but notice the distraction in her voice. "You uh- I know how I'm always teasing you about spending spring in front of the PC, right?"

"Yeah, yeah it's fine" Alice laughed, brushing off what he'd anticipated to be the opener to another joke.

"No, it's just... I just, hope it really is only a joke. That I'm not actually hitting anything when I poke at 'ya with that" Erica said softly, toying idly with a lock of fiery hair that had found it's way over her shoulder. Were it not for her tone of voice, Alice might have mistaken it for a sarcastic continuation of comedy at his expense.

"Uh, what do you mean, Erica?"

She breathed in sharply, taking in the cool, damp air. "I don't want you to be too lonely."

"H-Hey what's that about? I got you to hang out with" Alice laughed nervously, still unsure where the wolfess was going.

"No-no, I know. But I mean like, in that way. And yeah, saying that feels weird to me too. We don't usually talk about this kind of stuff 'an I uh, just hope there's like- some cute guy for you or something, that's all" She finished the sentence quickly as if the topic of conversation would be made less awkward by running through it all faster.

"Oooh you mean like relationships and stuff?" Alice asked, the implication that he could have earned the companionship of a 'cute boy' elicited just the slightest red blush in the snowy fur below the black 'mask' pattern that covered his eyes. A compliment for sure, and one that did give the ferret a little boost of confidence, despite the rather boring truth he knew he'd need to reply with. "Yeah... I... no you were actually right the first time Erica, I don't have anything like that. Honestly I don't think I've even given it a shot in forever- er I mean at least not this year" He feigned a chuckle, the whole thing had come out far more timidly than he'd have liked. And he found himself glancing at the sodden ground instead of in the direction of his friend.

"That's fine, you'll find someone eventually, I know it for sure" Alice turned to see her looking up at him. He could have sworn there'd been a cheery expression on her face that vanished as he made eye contact "Y'know I should've brought something to eat. The air is so nice out here I don't really wanna head back yet" Erica said, interrupting herself.

"Really?" Alice scoffed.

"Really what?"

"I let you get away with a lot, Erica. But you don't get to switch subjects that easily. Now that I've admitted my lack of uh, recent 'history', you gotta make it even" He pointed squarely at Erica, who rolled her eyes.

"Fine, at least sit down though, the way you're swaying has me worried you'll topple over"

Alice smirked, though he did (after glancing about for a few seconds to locate the the least-muddy spot possible) Sit. Her dig at his lack of post-run recovery had completely missed, he'd won. At least going off of her begrudging 'fine'.

"So" Erica sighed as she began. " As for me, and this isn't the most interesting thing in the world, but like,look. I'm not exactly into the idea of- uh" She stopped, mulling over what to say next. "Romance?... I know that sounds stupid, but if you get it, you get it"

"So you're what like casual stuff only?" Alice raised an eyebrow. While they'd made sure to stay in close contact on most topics. The discussion of one another's respective relationship statuses was something that didn't manage to come up often. And though he'd never told her, this was, at least in Alice's case. Because he'd always seen Erica as attractive enough that there was no real need to ever doubt her ability to find someone should she have desired to do so. "Huh, I guess I do get it, thanks Erica" He said.

"What? that's all?" Her pointy canine ears immediately pricked upwards.

"Whaddya mean is that all?" Alice cocked his head.

"You're not gonna ask me anything else? like when the last time was?" Erica asked, she'd almost sounded disappointed.

"Oh I thought that'd be kinda weird, like. 'Oh hey Eri when was the last time you fucked someone' Who asks that?"

"This discussion is weird" Erica laughed, throwing her head back . "We're weird! You spend sooo much time doing your hair, conditioning your fur, eating... whatever it is you do to stay so skinny. Then 'ya stay inside all Spring modding games. Then there's me, working out, keeping my body in shape..."And we end up running through the mud like kids" She paused, looking down at the ground between her crossed legs. "Y'know, maybe we'd both have more success in this department if we just spent our free time like normal people. Going to bars and shit. 'Cause the answer to that question? the one about a 'last time?' Well the answer is I can't even fucking remember. So yeah, we're even now"

"Mhm, even in that we're both lonely fucks" Alice said.

"Oh shush, dunno what's going on with you. But as for myself and my problems? maybe it's 'cause I'm ugly, I guess guys probably don't like the idea of a girl who looks like she could carry them bridal style"

Alice raised an eyebrow. Opening his mouth to defend his friend from herself. "-Pfft- Talk about subjective" It had come out under his breath and for a moment he'd hoped Erica hadn't heard... Only to see her ear swivel his direction.

"And you know... what? exactly about the sort of stuff to look for in a girl? I'm actually serious this time"

"Not everyone likes the same thing?" Alice offered with a shrug.

"Nice one, really motivational" The wolfess said sarcastically. "Hope it applies to you too though, Alice. Gotta say I'm a little surprised to hear there's not a bigger market out there for uh-"

"Hmm?" He smiled, awaiting the rest.

"Girly boys" Erica finished. " Y'know someone told me to say 'Bish?nen' once? What the Hell is that, some Weeb shit?" She giggled, not a sound Erica was known to make often.

"Well let me say then, as an official Erica-approved 'Girly Boy'. Thanks for the market evaluation I guess. Funny that this is coming from the girl who seems to love teasing me about it" Alice narrowed his eyes at her. He couldn't help but wonder who she'd been discussing the aesthetics of boys with and why. Not that he was particularly nosy, however in this case it all seemed awfully relevant to him.

"Hey, It's tradition at this point. Besides, the way you avoided that mud? stuff like that makes it really easy, dude" The Redheaded wolf sighed, reclining until she was laying on her back, arms crossed behind her head.

There she goes again. Alice breathed in sharply as his instincts reacted to the tantalizing sight in front of him. Erica's shorts had again betrayed her and this new position offered the ferret an even more gratuitous look at his friend's panties. He found himself mentally tracing upwards past the dewy grass cupping her shapely legs, leading towards those stupidly loose gym shorts of hers and the white hiding inside their openings. "S-still doesn't explain what you get out of it" Alice said distractedly. "Bet you wouldn't much like getting splattered by mud either"

"I mean, yeah but I wouldn't complain about my hair like someone I kn-"


It took Erica a cold, wet, grainy moment to realize what exactly had happened. But it all became clear when she noticed the droplets running down her hair, little beads of rainwater that were decidedly not clear. With that the wolf snapped to attention, moving into a sitting position so fast that it caught Alice off guard. The ferret stumbled backwards, catching himself with his muddy hand as Erica crouched in front of him, a predator ready to give chase with green eyes fixed on his blue. His last thought before she charged, was how nice his aim had actually been, judging by the wet earth dripping from a spot squarely in the middle of her chest.

She advanced with a deep, guttural growl. A lupine mass of stormy grey fur, her paws squeezing rainwater out of the tangled roots and grass underfoot like sponges as she advanced on Alice, her posture one of faux aggression with arms flexed at her sides. It took very little time for her to reach the ferret, in the span of only a few paces her target could feel the hot breath against his forehead, contrasting with the cool Spring air. With a grunt she'd lunged, expecting to feel Alice's slim shoulders beneath the palms of her hands. Empty space had greeted her instead, with the scant amount of time she had to react, Erica could only take the most natural and immediate action: To glance first to the left and then right. Nothing but the forest and it's serenity. Nothing, that was until she felt hands on her shoulders, not gripping hard enough to actually cause any pain. However even with an aggressive shake from side to side the wolfess found herself unable to dislodge the sudden weight on her back.

Damn it Alice, how did you move so fast? Erica ground her teeth, begrudgingly conceding that for the moment, her friend had managed to gain the upper hand and he was apparently dead-set on holding it. And that meant holding on to her, Erica had resort to leaning forwards order to avoid tipping over on her back... That was until she realized Alice's fatal mistake, that is if 'fatal' meant he'd have to endure the back of his shirt becoming a soggy mess.

She laughed huskily. And let herself fall, Alice's weight pulling her to the ground, him along with her, the ferret absorbed the entirety of the impact. Gravity taking it's toll on him, though Erica knew the grassy forest floor would cushion him from any real injury. "N-nice try dude" She huffed, trying to regain her composure. Alice was pinned below her, his chest rising and falling.

Why is she... no, no Alice don't do it. He grumbled, though they'd been physically close before, at least on one occasion even sharing a sleeping bag during a particularly ill-planned camping trip organized by Erica's family. That was all years ago, and the warmth of a wolfess's body as she lay above him with red hair pouring onto and tickling Alice's face, was given a completely different context by their now young-adult ages, one that threatened to bring about an instinctual betrayal by his body, something the ferret felt creeping up on him by the second. He had to move Erica away from that part of his pants, before he "pitched a tent" right underneath her. Hesitating, he wrapped his hands around Erica's waist, her thin shirt cool and damp underneath his fingers.

"Tryin' to escape? not after that you're not" Erica grunted, planting a foot into the dirt between their legs. While this served to anchor Erica in place, it also did no favors for the situation's awkwardness and the two quickly became a tangle of limbs as Erica struggled to keep him down. With Alice's hands at her sides in a veritable death grip to no avail, his knee pressing up against her shorts as they tangled. Erica's continuous pushing at the ground was causing her thigh to rub against his most sensitive spot. Even though his pants the sensation was almost overwhelming. Though it was an embarrassing fact to admit to himself, the knowledge that it was Erica's toned, bare leg only spurred on the unavoidable. The roughness of their tussle nearly lost on him as his mind let itself loose envisioning how soft her grey fur would have actually felt against his had his pants not been in the way, the contour of those hips and the gym shorts that just barely covered them, her white panties that teased him from within, plain, but made alluring by the one who wore them. All of it left so precious little to the imagination, and all of it was so close.

After a heady amount of tussling and kicking. Alice had to loosen his grip, there was simply no way he could keep up concentration on anything else beyond Erica's body. There were too many sensually physical factors in play, if unintentional ones. That was not to mention his efforts into preventing an obvious erection from showing itself were proving to be an exercise in mental impossibility as well. In an attempt to avoid the embarrassment that would undoubtedly come with having one's bulge collide with their friend's thigh, he'd shifted again, trying to slide out from underneath Erica rather than move her himself. His knee had collided with her rump as he made some progress backwards. What is... He stopped for just a moment, among the soft, durable material of her shorts and the base of her fluffy tail that had so occupied his mind. Was something else, something he could feel through the knee of his pants by it's hard, interruptive shape. Though Alice had only the scarcest moment of calm to think on the odd sensation. As soon enough Erica had pushed herself and off of him, rolling over on her side. Panting and with blushing cheeks burning bright red, Alice was at long last exposed both to sunlight and the false hope that at last he had made his escape.

"A-hah!" Erica's shadow swept over him once again, this time her front rather than back was filling her friend's vision.

Hair coming down around him once again, Alice's eyes turned up to be met with the gratuitous sight of Erica's cleavage, shirt hanging off her shoulders as a victim of gravity. "Y-yeah Eri you got me"

"Uh huh you bet I did!" She laughed in his face, hot breath slamming into him. She had a look on her face that seemed to effortlessly put Alice's heart into overdrive, a fervent mixture of excitement and satisfaction. "Normally I'd say something stupid like 'didn't even feel it' r-right? but oh boy did I feel that"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Oh no don't 'ya play dumb!, I'm done with all that" She sounded ecstatic, her breathing fast and heavy. "You know exactly what I mean, I'm talking about this!" Erica made her point known in the most overt fashion she could think of in the moment. And with a grunt, let herself fall, sitting back until she was straddling Alice's hips, a position that let her look down on him with a smirk. "I had a feeling but... Now I'm like, actually feeling it... S-sorry, that was stupid. Red filled the skin below Erica's fur.

"O-oh shit" Alice squirmed back and forth, he'd grown uncomfortably hard by now and his member strained readily against it's cloth barrier, helped none by the fact that a girl was now practically sitting on it. "Eri why? what is-"

"You're into girls!" She declared. "Dunno why I didn't just ask, honestly. But finding out this way was much more fun" Another giggle, a soft, feminine sound. Finger pointed down at his obvious bulge.

"Y-yeah? Look I didn't think it was that important, it's not the kind of thing I felt like just y'know... Randomly mentioning? Alice likes boys and girls, so what?" He stopped to look up at her with squinted blue eyes. "Do you want to get off of my boner now?"

"Do you want me to?" Erica posed the question like an offer.

"I... Don't know"

"Dude, you suck at giving me real answers. Heck, the only really good one I got, I had to squeeze out of you"

"And that was?"

"You're a, well- uh, not successful... Alone. And now that I know what I know, it makes complete sense" The wolf crossed her arms over her chest. "What girl out there is gonna pick a guy that can make her jealous when he puts on a cute skirt, or has other guys staring at him when they go out together?"

"Yeah that and, thanks for being nice about it and all but it's just not really appealing in the traditional sense"

"Mhm" Erica nodded. "But 'ya stuck with your style anyway, and It's probably for the best, cuz no matter how oblivious I like to pretend I am" Erica continued, her eyes locked to Alice's. Reveling perhaps, if even just slightly. In the knowledge that her butt was positioned in just the right spot to keep the poor mustelid boy on edge during their entire conversation."But you've been staring at my ass ever since I got you off yours. And really? That's exactly what I wanted to see, 'cause this is turning out to be so much more simple than I thought, Alice"


"Yup, simple. The girl who's uh- well, more than ok with how you look is right here. And uh- heh, I guess she's always been here" Erica admitted, ears flattening to her skull in an uncharacteristic display of bashfulness.

"But that's like... Isn't that weird? Like, we've been friends for so long" Alice mentally scolded his hesitancy as soon as the question left his mouth, why even ask? There was no denying the attraction he felt for Erica in the physical sense. Lurking passively below the surface perhaps, but most certainly brought to the forefront today by the lupine's physical closeness. Still however there was the lingering worry that he may inadvertently effect something between them by taking her up on the offer.

"Nothing Is gonna happen to our friendship, remember what we said? about how It's already weird? Remember what I said About myself? No relationships or anything silly like that, I'm not gonna play games with you like other girls might" She stopped, the corners of her mouth turned up into a grin. "Y'know how we've always had so much fun playing together when we were younger? Just think of this like, I dunno... fun for adults" She suggested, cocking her head.

With some hesitation he hastily responded. "I-I dunno what to do first, exactly" It was a stupid thing to say, he knew it. But at this point the ferret was more than ready to give in to his own desires. To the point that the pre-cum leaking into his trousers had become a legitimate concern. And the submissively-toned, indirect answer proved to be the only manner in which his lust-addled mind could find a way to advance things in the immediate moment.

"Aaaw, want me to show you?" The lupine cooed.

"Don't 'aw' me but... yes" The ferret gave a subtle nod. The direct answer finally proved to be all Erica needed. She'd only just barely received it when her crossed arms moved down to grab the hem of her mud-stained shirt. Pulling it up and away from her head, her hair falling back down to alight on her shoulders after the collar left it behind. The entire garment discarded unceremoniously to the side. Alice, who was already enjoying the view, found himself greeted by an even more lurid version. It was immediately apparent that Erica hadn't worn a bra of any sort, leaving nothing in between her friend and the sight of her grey-furred tits completely exposed to him. She began gently kneading one of the soft mounds with her right hand, rolling it back and forth, showing it off to him.

The mustelid instinctively drew in a breath through his nose, as if trying to cool his body down. They were perfect, firm, round and at least in his eyes, sized all-too appropriately for the rest of her body. Which also proved to be something that would stick in his mind. She was one well-muscled canine, he of course knew that, but now that she was sitting on him completely naked save for her shorts. An additional aspect of the adult Erica was revealed in plain sight. And that was just how well her powerful, lupine muscle complimented her femininity, something she unexpectedly had in spades. Her slim stomach was accented by abs that lurked just below the surface, all of which lead down to her hips. Their smooth contour seemed such an appealing, natural place to rest his hands...

Had his wrists not been suddenly taken into Erica's grip just below where his black 'glove' pattern began. Her paws took control of his with steel-like strength that he certainly had no desire to resist.

"This is what we're doin' first~" She said, low like a growl. Moving Alice's hands slowly up her body starting at the navel, letting him feel her fur and run his fingers along her toned belly, pleasured satisfaction running through the two like an electric current. Erica had a patch of blended white just beneath her breasts, something he'd caught glimpses of before under purely platonic circumstances. Now their hands crossed it together like some kind of milestone, eventually reaching the smooth, soft underside of the grey wolf's tits. Guided still by firm hands and breathing shakily in excitement, Alice silently reveled in the feeling of her beneath his palms, just as firm as he'd imagined,contrasted her nipples that poked teasingly at his palms the more he ran his thumbs in slow circles over the soft nubs. "Mmnh~ They're so sensitive, eh? Just like you~" Erica half-whispered, leaving Alice's hands alone to the business of tending to her chest. She reached down and, in a bid to make the situation more mutual, began to undo the button and zipper that held the ferret's trousers in place. Deliberately keeping light pressure with her palm against his straining bulge all the while, the ferret wincing in anticipation.

"Oh-oh yeah Eri~"

"I haven't even touched it yet" She tittered, exposing his blue underwear, noting their style, boyshorts, the girl kind. Long past any mood in which she'd use this as an open opportunity for a teasing comment however. She simply grabbed the hem of both in her fists, roughly tugging both down just far enough to get at her prize. Only to find that to her delight, it had come to her instead. Alice's cock practically sprung up to meet her paws, wobbling from side to side. The sudden sensation of his most intimate parts being hit by cool spring air arousing in it's own right. "What the fuck?!" A high-pitched laugh left Erica's muzzle.

"Uh- What is it?" Alice asked.

"Why the heck is it so big?" She sounded like a bubbly schoolgirl, as if there was some innate hilarity to the situation. A paw wrapped around his shaft, giving it just the slightest pump. In response the shivering ferret let out a few drops of crystal-clear pre cum, the stuff rolling down his cock and coating his friend's fingers. "It's just like... y'know? You don't exactly expect a guy like you to have... one of these" Erica moved ecstatically, rubbing a thumb across his pink cockhead as if admiring it's plumpness.

"Just keep going p-please" The contact alone had been enough to get Alice properly moaning. Erica obliged him of course, wordlessly continuing her slow stroking motion until he was gasping away below her. Soon enough his reaction had become even more physical, hips bucking into her hand in an instinctual motion he could not control, one that was immediately noted by the grey wolf.

"Oh look at that, you're so ready for me aren't you?"

"Yeah it feels like I'm gonna cum already"

"Well, like, Don't. I'd bet a handjob sounds nice enough but I think either of us are gonna be satisfied with that. And y'know, judging by how much you loved my tits I'd say it's a solid bet you'll enjoy the back just as much as the front" She smiled down at him and released the hold on his shaft, pointing a single finger down at it. "If you can just hold out a little longer and we're gonna get that inside me"

Alice had scarce little time to mourn the loss of her grip, though the sudden absence was disappointing on a more carnal level, with his slick, achingly-hard dick left alone to throb at nothingness. He was soon presented with a more than satisfactory distraction in the form of a completely unobscured view of his friend's almost-bare body as she stood over him, hands on her hips. Finally, but perhaps regretfully freeing him of her weight, Alice looked up in anticipation of the obvious conclusion to the slow turn that Erica made. She was of course, deliberately showing off all the angles she had on offer, tits proudly on display. There was something ingrained within the ferret's brain that flicked on like an old, dormant engine popping to life with a long-awaited refueling. Something that identified, on a level below his base awareness that this wolf, with her almost artistically crafted hips and broad, smooth thighs that offset her slim, toned shoulders. This wolf who was so gloriously female, yet also lined with the potentially dangerous muscle of her ancestors, showing itself in the form of smooth, round biceps and a just-noticeable six-pack that oozed potential energy. Yes, this wolf was the perfect mate. Alice's brain decided. And she was to be his at last.

With Sunlight filtering through her hair and Alice taking in the sights of her curves. She at last faced opposite him, Erica completed her turn with a firm stomp. The force traveled up her leg, causing just the slightest jiggle in the right of her ass. With a wink over her shoulder and fingers tucked into the elastic hem, Erica finally began to remove her only remaining article of outerwear. Rolling the purple athletic garment off slowly and sensually, more of a peel than a tug, revealing the contours of her rear bit by bit. Ass cheeks squeezed just slightly by the waistband as they popped over it's top, revealing the line of her panties.

When they reached the lower half of her ass, Alice began to realize how absolutely soaked the hugging white fabric underwear had become and when the wolfess let her shorts at last succumb to gravity and fall away. It became clear that their tussle had been mutual in working up the duo. Noting the large, obvious damp spot located between her thighs. Alice finally had a full-on view of Erica's butt. And he wasted no time in leering at her. While today's choice of wear innately left little to the imagination, it was still nice to see every little detail she had on offer back here. Her posterior had a wonderful shape, he thought. There was still a subtle something there however. Hiding beneath the plush seat that held tightly to her teasing cleft, the same something he'd felt when their playful physical altercation had reached it's peak. Whatever it was he wouldn't have too long to wait for a reveal. Erica had bent over for him in a most classic position. Rear end an inviting heart-shape bisected by white. Those paws were at work once again and with no time spent for an amateur strip tease, the panties were instead pushed off and dropped almost immediately, with Erica doing a little dance to relieve herself of their clingy waistband.

Alice, who'd been filing each eyeful she'd given him into his mind's most fortified archives. Was practically salivating at the long-awaited view of his friend's most intimate aspects, getting here felt like prize enough. However an insignificant one compared to the more tangible reward that hovered exposed in front of him. In fantasies involving his first time with a girl, Alice hadn't put much thought into how this particular part of his imaginary partners would look. There was just such an abundance of other aspects to love. But now that his best friend was showing him hers, he was sure, at least in his subjective opinion, that it was perfect. She'd a unique coloration down there he hadn't been expecting, but perhaps rightly should have been, going off the color of her nipples or perhaps to provide a more mundane example, her lips. Her pussy had revealed itself to be of a matching black color, glistening clear and bright in the sunlight. Her color was, however only the first thing to grab his attention and inevitably he had to take equal notice of what was above that eager slit.

What he saw at the base of her tail was of course, the culprit behind that unnaturally hard interruption he'd felt when the wolf's ass bumped into him. Though Alice was no less shocked by it's presence: A buttplug, and of the sort that was meant to be shown off no less. A glinting metal affair topped by gaudy pink plastic in imitation of a cut gem. It was like something you'd see in a chitzy porno. So uncharacteristic that for just a fleeting moment, he was taken out of his previously lust-driven mindset to genuinely ask her about it. "Eri, why do you uh... y'know"

"Why? I mean why would anyone shove something up their ass? you of all people should know the answer to that" Erica stated matter-of-factly.

Alice, still surprised by the development. Was in no mood to respond to the obvious jab, though he did realize of course that he'd known very little about his friend's sexual side until this very moment. And it only made sense that he'd discover something unexpected on that front. And the revelation that she'd been running with that thing in the whole time was an impressively dirty one. But still, pink jewels?

"You gonna stare at it or fuck me?" Erica asked, waggling her ass up and down. The bouncing motion flashed the plug at Alice like a beacon and he could have sworn she was so wet that a drop of clear, feminine arousal was actually flung from her pussy to wet her inner thighs. Clearly they both desperately wanted the latter option.

"I-I'm gonna fuck you" Alice said, it felt an odd thing to say to one's childhood friend and that unease carried noticeably into his voice.

"You're gonna do what?" She teased, crouching lower. The muscles in her thighs let her hindquarters hover effortlessly just inches from his cock. The position pushing it out at him.

"I'm gonna fuck you" Alice repeated, perhaps this time with more confidence. Eyes locked onto that oh-so inviting destination, he could have sworn the heat coming off her pussy was reaching him, driving him into a frenzy.

"What was that? you're going to show your friend how much you appreciate her by shoving your fat cock into her pussy and making her squirt all over your pretty, girly fur? You wanna smell me the whole time you're grooming it out?"

"Yes!" Alice declared, he felt as if he'd cum hands-free into the air if she didn't hurry it up.

"Well alright then" Erica sighed. Satisfied with his answer at last.

With that her crouch moved to a kneel and her butt met the head of Alice's dick. By now the mustelid was so hard and his partner so slick that no guidance was required. And he slid into the warm, black folds just beneath her gem plug without any issue. Erica slid herself down to sit on his hips again, this time facing the opposite direction as she hilted herself almost instantly. "Oooh~ F-fuck!" Alice cried out, the ferret swore he'd seen stars exploding along the periphery of his vision like fireworks. Erica felt so much better than he could have imagined. Her tight heat wrapped around his cock as she let out a handful of excited gasps herself, though nowhere near the overwhelmed shout of passion he'd made.

"F-feels nice huh? Wait till I start actually riding you" Erica grunted, brushing her fluffy tail back and forth across Alice's slim belly before flagging it high into the air once again to give him access to the performance she'd soon begin.

"Yeah it feels really g-Oh! oooh~" A deep groan left Alice, his friend did as she promised, lifting her ass up until his cock was dangerously close to slipping free... Only to sit back down, sealing him within her pussy's hot walls once again. Erica tittered and the vibration transferred into his body through his most sensitive portion. Not that he had time to notice, as soon a different sensation overwhelmed the poor libido-drowned ferret: The uniquely provocative feeling of Erica's pussy pressuring his shaft from the left and right. Erica had become grinding her hindquarters from side to side, rolling her hips against his in a deliciously slow, gyrating dance. "W-what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find the right spooot~" She whined back over her shoulder and kept going at it, sometimes twisting her hips just slightly and at others raising her butt up to push his dick into pressuring a very specific location. Until at last she drew in a sharp breath. Alice grinned, knowing exactly what that meant.

With her most beneficial position secured, Erica could now begin going at him in earnest. Powerful legs drove the wolf as she began to make full-on strokes with all of her weight, rising and falling onto Alice's hips in a hasty rhythm that filled the trees with the sound of fur-on-fur. Alice could do nothing but grit his teeth and hang on for the ride. Eyes locked firmly on to Erica's bouncing ass and the shining plug that held center-stage above her stretched pussy, it's black lips enveloping his shaft as if he was meant to be there all along. The duo's combined moans were soon mixed with the rhythmic impact of fur-on-fur, their bodies colliding in carnal ecstasy. Erica's natural lubricant ran down Alice's cock, soaking his soft-furred balls as they bounced up beneath her.

"S-so good... I-I need mooore!" A sound akin to a growl escaped the wolf girl's muzzle, she'd leaned forward to give herself even more leverage. Shaking Alice's entire body with heavy, forceful strokes, turning both their inner thighs into a mess of wet fur. He was completely at her mercy.

"N-no I can't hold on!" Alice cried out into the air. He could already feel the creeping, tingling heat of his climax creeping along his cock's length.

"Not before I do" The wolf snapped back, almost knocking the wind out of her partner as she bottomed out one last time, With the final stroke she'd thoroughly speared herself on Alice's cock. Her hand darted in between her legs in a bid to reach her goal before he did. Her strategy being two shaky fingers that rubbed wildly on the shiny black nub of her clit. Thrilling herself into a series of sharp, pleasured gasps.

She'd won, Alice realized it as soon as her pussy began to squeeze and twitch around him. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Her orgasm also proved to be equally unique, Erica tossed her head back and with rusty locks covering her back, let out something in between a squeal and howl. She'd started shaking, so much that Alice grabbed hold of her hips at last, even if just to hold her still. Alice's body tensed up in turn, it was all too overwhelming. With a hearty groan the mustelid finally let himself go. His muscles pulsed like a machine, pushing rope after rope of hot, white cum into her depths. It felt he'd never come so hard in his life, even after the orgasmic peak left him his body was still doing it's best to empty his balls with increasingly weaker pulses.

"Wooah" Erica breathed out, her sides heaving, her whole body seemed to go limp. The two stayed like that for a moment, hearts finally slowing to a relaxed pace. Enjoying the cool breeze as it licked away the sweat they'd worked up together. "I did not know you had that in there, like dude. If I did, maybe I'd have done this sooner" Erica was the first to break the silence. She casually ran her fingers through her hair like she'd just gotten out of the shower and was lounging on a chair. "You did good Alice... Alice? Yo, you in there?"

Alice nodded, she'd patted his thigh to get his attention but the realization that he, along with his cum, were inside her. Was more than enough to snap him out of that hazy afterglow. "W-wait Eri. I came inside you, shit I'm so-so sorry, I wasn't thinking"

"Relax, I figured this'd happen, just 'cuz I'm so damn good at riding" She laughed. "You do know that us girls have a pill we can take so that doesn't happen, right?"

"I-I mean yeah, just never thought I'd need to worry about it, my mind kinda slipped"

"Oh I'd bet it did, not your usual kind of fucking. But judging by the absolute mess you made of my pussy I'd say you uh... came around to it" Alice couldn't see it from his position, but the wolfess had an absolute shit-eating grin plastered to her muzzle.

"Ugh, get outta here with that" Alice laughed, jokingly raising his leg to feign knocking her off of him.

"Fine, here you go" Erica said. And stood, Alice's cock being in the relaxed state it was, practically fell out of her, tingling as it was still so sensitive. Erica was right, they certainly had made quite the mess of one another. Her black entrance was coated in a mixture of stark white cum and shining feminine arousal that dripped down over Alice's belly and clung to her inner thighs in turn. She'd begun to grab her clothes, but only slipped on her shirt. Grabbing her panties and shorts, simply bundling them up at her side. "You made a mess of these too. Mind if I stay over an' use your washer?" Her tone of voice was much different, more sultry hint this time than teasing jab.

Free of Erica's weight, Alice stood with a grunt. No way he was going to deny that offer. Grimacing, he moved his wet member into a semi-acceptable position in his underpants and pulled his shorts up. Uncomfortable, awkward and certainly not presentable. At least he had a pleasant sight to make the trek up the green hill and back home a little more bearable: The hindquarters of a bottomless wolf bitch as she went ahead of him. Though her gait was a little shaky it was obvious some deliberate effort was being made to roll her hips as seductively as possible, tail curling about to hide her more private aspects before lifting her shirt ever so slightly to expose those slick treasures once again. Alice knew before long he'd have his second wind, and that Erica had undoubtedly planned it that way.

Though filtered through rainclouds at a later day angle, there was still enough natural light to fill Alice's living room with ample lighting, revealing the ferret's modest furniture and more important to the half-clothed, muddy-shirted wolf in front of him. The grey-carpeted hallway that lead to his bathroom. He shut the door behind them, leaving just the house's empty silence and one-another's voices.

Erica had made a beeline for the bathroom but not before turning to make a proposal to him. "Right, If it's 'kay with you. Here's how the evening is gonna go: We''ll get cleaned up, then..." She flashed her teeth at him. "I'm thinking we'll do the risk free kind" To make her point known, she took the left cheek of her ass in hand and spread it to the side, showing the way her sin-black anal ring strained at lustrous metal.

Silently accepting the offer he followed her into the modest bathroom, snapping on the single ceiling light. Alice's shower wasn't the most accommodating affair, and fitting two proved to be a bit of a problem. Erica, had warned him with a finger firmly pressed into the center of his chest once again, not to help her clean up. After all, "It'd be a weird thing for friends to do". And so, after parting the blue curtain, they'd showered together in silence. Warm water running down fur, whisking away both dirt and sweat. The two took the opportunity to admire one another's forms. While Alice's eyes were eagerly roving across Erica's chest and ass, admiring the way her feminine assets jiggled when she ran across them with lathered paws. She in turn however, seemed more focused on Alice's hair. The water's weight had pushed the black locks to spill out over his shoulders, covering his slim chest in a manner that made him look spectacularly feminine. And in Erica's eyes, endearingly so.

Of course he uses girl's shampoo. Erica, who'd by now mostly finished up, was standing in front of him. Enjoying the water's warmth while flashing the occasional hungry grin at the grooming ferret. Until at last both were freed from any trace of the forest floor and the white bubbles that washed them away.

"I swear you were gonna pounce on me in there" Alice was busy drying off his legs when a tail brushed across his nose. Swiping him with damp grey fur.

"Thought about it, but water is the worst lube you'll ever use" Erica laughed, she was standing in front of him, arms and a white towel behind her back. With steam hovering loosely around her body and droplet beading from her hair. She gave off an aesthetic reminiscent of a rustic goddess... Or something. At least in Alice's mind anyway.

"Don't remind me"

"Hold on- What happened?" A snicker. "Oh my God, now that we're uh- doing this, I just realized it's totally not weird if you tell me about sexual stuff, I can't wait to hear what a femboy like you got up to with the dudes"

"Yeah, no. I'm going to pass on that"

After they'd both suitably dried off and the shower's warmth left behind. There'd been an awkward moment of silence. Erica was reclining against the arm of his couch, naked save for towel wrapped around her midsection like a skirt, occupying all but the one cushion that seated her friend.


"For what?"

"Don't act like 'ya forgot, you're putting it in my butt"

"Oh... right"

"Yeah huh, now hurry up, I'm actually getting kinda hungry"

"Ow! Hey, stop that Eri!" The ferret recoiled, she'd started prodding him in the side with her toes. irritatingly pushing them into the boy's thigh in a strumming motion.

"Make me"

Alice sat still for just a moment, he'd bear the annoyance until an opportunity presented itself. Bait the wolf, now there's an idea.

"I'mma keep poking you until you do something... Why are you blushing so hard? we already did it. This is just the other hole, same deal" Her coal-colored pawpad jabbed him once more. "Hey Alice. you wanna fuck me? Alice, wanna fuck me? fuck m- Agh!"

Alice had done the unexpected, shooting from his sitting position and burying his masked face under her towel. Immediately poking his tongue out to lick at her clit in the dark, teasing the little nub above all else. After all, going for her weak spot ought to shut her up.

"Nonono- Shiiiit~" Erica let out a bubbly giggle, the ferret felt two hands land on his head as she tried to push him away and end the sudden onslaught of stimulation.

"Found your weak spot. Now roll over and I'll stop messing with you"

"G-gee, fine you win" A short while later she was on her belly, towel tossed away.

"Nice butt" Was all Alice said, eying her up and down. "But it'd look better like this" Black-furred paws wrapped around the girl's hips and pulled her rear up. As if on compulsion her tail raised high enough to touch the middle of her back, exposing her now-familiar assets to him. Lowering his muzzle like he was about to sip the very top of a hot beverage. The mustelid began to trace a long, slow path with his tongue. Starting just below the black bud of her clit and slowly growing nearer to her hole. Enjoying the way she shivered with anticipation beneath him. Though she'd done a thorough job cleaning her fur, there was still a natural scent hanging below the sweet, artficial fruit of shampoo, a scent that was uniquely hers. And one that the mustelid found especially enticing. Rather than slip his tongue into Erica's folds to grant her a more conventional form of pleasure. He turned his attention to the plug above it, the plastic gem fogging slightly with his breath.

She even had this stupid thing in the shower. Alice stared at it for a moment, contemplating what action to take. Hands cupping the soft cheeks of Eri's ass. It seemed to have been a bad move initially, and the ferret was concerned he'd chip his teeth on the metal. Nevertheless, he'd done something that made the canid below him squirm: Take the circular toy into his mouth, Erica must have felt his lips brush against her as she shot a quizzical look back over her shoulder. Alice paid it no mind, instead he worked at the sex toy with his teeth, trying to tug it out. Her ass proved to be surprisingly resilient however. And whenever he'd tug harder, the wolf's muscles would clench down, Making him double his efforts.

"Oh-oh that feels nice~"

Alice looked down to see her pussy had grown wet and eager. Not every day someone finds out his childhood friend is into butt stuff. He mused, as he watched that tight black opening suck the plug back in once more. "Eri, you're gonna have to push, I can't pull it out"

"No, no I really shouldn't..." If Alice didn't know better, she would've sounded genuinely concerned.

"Why not?"

"Uh- I did something earlier that sounded like a good idea... At the time, but I'm having some regrets"

"What the hell? I can'tdo your ass if you don't push it out" The words felt odd coming out of his mouth. But he was losing his patience and honestly, as silly as it sounded, this was the core issue at hand.

"I like this new confidence, but..."

"Ugh just push it out"

"Ok but... Sorry about this" She grunted, grit her teeth, and with an arched back began to strain at the toy using her ass. Alice's eyes widened, her butt gripped and pushed on the thing with all it's might. Black ring flexing taut and exposing first the metal stem, soon enough the first signs of her plug's teardrop-shaped body finally began to emerge from her tailhole.

How big was this thing? Alice's eyes widened, not that he'd have long to speculate.

"Fucking stretching me out... It's gonna- O-ooooh ~" She'd let out a groan of pleasure. But by the time the tacky sex toy had half-exited her flexing hole, it'd transitioned into a surprised yelp... One which found itself competing for the living room's vacant silence with a rather unique sound: A lewd, wet pop, followed by a long, drawn out 'Splurt'. The sound of Erica's buttplug shooting out of her ass, colliding with her friend's chest along with a sizeable load of clear lube.

"My fur! and I just-" He stopped, glancing from his now-slick chest fur to the zone beneath Erica's tail. Her ass, having gotten rid of it's previous occupant. Was gaping open, staring straight back at him, a seemingly bottomless, slick black bullseye saying "fuck me". She held it like that for a moment, gently bobbing her butt back and forth. Then it started winking, opening and puckering tight once more over and over. Even making little smacking sounds as it did so. Was she doing that on purpose? Suddenly, saying "And I just showered" felt awful cliche at this point, not when he had that damn tailhole teasing him like this.

"Alright Erica, that's enough, gotta. Uh, punish you for that" Wasting no time, Alice did what could only be described as mounting Erica's hindquarters. Lining himself up one last time before plunging his hips forward into the wolf bitch's puckering butthole, her ring of muscle yielding almost instantly to grant him a blessedly smooth entry. Pulling in a deep breath to brace himself for the oncoming onslaught of pleasure. Her butt felt far different than their earlier experience together. A tighter, more involved affair, her winking had become a rippling shudder now that her hole had a cock filling up it's space.

"Start m-moving" She'd grunted, pushing her hips back up into him, spread open around Alice's base and loving every perverted second of it. Especially so when he'd obliged her, beginning slowly at first, but picking up speed. Spurred on by the pleasure that fired through his nerves when his cock ground against her slick walls. Both parties were thankful for the lube she'd packed herself full of, transforming the experience into a sloppy and noisy expression of anal lust.

"Your b-butt is so good" Alice huffed, pounding away in awe of how tight she still managed to be after that plug.

"Oh~ I can make it better" She taunted, the confidence that laced the cock-stuffed wolf's voice made it clear she'd done this before.

Alice wasn't sure at first what she was hinting at, but feeling it revealed her intentions in full. Somehow she'd managed such control over her asshole that she was able to sieze up hard around him, the unexpected tightness interrupted Alice's thrusting rhythm, catching him off guard. "H-how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

Alice gasped and bit down on nothingness. There she goes again. This time she'd let him finish half a stroke, only puckering down tight when he tried to push into her again. The resistance her insides put up against the head of his member only made it all the better. And he had to put genuine force into spearing her open again. There was no way he could hold out much longer against the wolf's esoteric skillset.

"God-damnit Eri, even your asshole is strong" She had to laugh at that one. Certainly not the most conventional praise she could've received, but a compliment nonetheless. She endeavored to receive a second, more physical one in addition however, to claim Alice's climax once again. Something that, judging by the strained huffing noise he made on completing each shaky thrust, was not far off.

"Cum for me, Alice" Erica pushed her butt back into him once more. Locking him in place so that she could get to work on finishing him off with a series of squeezing lube-soaked contractions.

"Oh-fuck, yessss" A deep moan of satisfaction escaped the ferret boy as he leaned forward with one final thrust. Balls meeting Erica's wet slit with a slap. Eri's butt had at last won the reward it'd been trying to milk out of him. And his throbbing member delivered it, shooting it's creamy threads deep into her seizing tailhole with abandon.

"Mmm~ I can feel it, nice and warm" The wolf waggled her tail, ticking Alice's chin, then she'd moved her hips back until his rapidly softening cock fell out of her butt, a strand of mixed cum and lube connecting them for but a moment. Hole winking once more around the sudden cold emptiness.

"How the heck did you get s-so good at that" Alice sat back trying to get a hold of his breathing. Watching as a white blob of his release made it's way past her ring and rolled down her inner thigh.

"Lots of practice, lots of toys. Sometimes I feel jealous of you boys, got a sweet spot back there. Still, feels really good when you spread it wide open, though" She huffed, lowering her body until she was lying on her belly. A silence settled over the two as they basked in their second ever mutual afterglow together.

"Y'know I for one, am actually kinda hungry. You want me to get you something from the kitchen?" The ferret finally spoke up. Realizing that once his libido had left him, only the hunger he'd worked up in the physical pursuit of satisfying it remained.

"I've got a snack right here I've been waiting a while to try, actually" Erica said, a note of mischief in her voice.

He hadn't realized what exactly she was talking about. Not until his friend had rolled over and made her way to the coffee table beside his couch, her gait a little off-center. After she'd pulled herself up onto it's slick wood surface, Alice once again found himself staring down her hindquarters, tail up in the air with a now-familiar curl. But rather than raise her butt up for him. The lupine bitch would instead squat on the table's edge, use a hand to spread her firm ass cheek to the side and with no hint of hesitation she managed to gape her hole open hands-free, the wolf's pucker suddenly changing size on it's own like his eyes must have when she cupped her other hand beneath herself. And with a nasty, noisy collaboration of gravity and muscle, she worked his cream out in bubbly drops that splattered her waiting paw. Leaving both winking hole and hand a mess of sticky white. With no hesitation she spun on the spot and lifted the warm cum to her muzzle, she then began to lick away at it. Slurping noisily as if he was the most delicious thing she'd tasted in quite a while. Maintaining eye contact with the stunned mustelid on the couch the entire time. Until her long canine tongue had succeeded in making the mess all but disappear.

"Hmm~ y'know I might have room left for whatever you had in mind" She casually suggested, pushing one fingertip into her muzzle and nonchalantly sucking as if enjoying the last traces of a spicy chip. Relishing in the dumbfounded look Alice leveled in her direction.


"What? I just wanted to see if you taste as sweet as you look" She sounded casually indignant. As if he'd accused her of stealing a piece of candy.

"Did you have to be so... Nasty?"

"Well did you like it?" Erica tilted her head.

"I mean... I do like your butt" The ferret managed, feeling himself flush red.

"So you admit we're both nasty"

"No!" Alice defended himself, sounding perhaps more whiny than he'd have liked. "It's just, You keep surprising me, that's all"

"If it's too much we can stop"

"N-no it's just...Are you drooling?"

"Hey you're the one that served up the appetizer" She teased. "Look, I'll make a deal, you go get me another snack. And I'll try to make it up to you"


"Best way to avoid being surprised is to keep doing something, Pretty boy. And after all, best friends should always be ready to help each other out, I think"

Alice swallowed. She'd been able to blend sensuality so well with her normal, casual air. Even now reclining to lie across the table on her side in a manner that showed off the sculpted hourglass shape of her body. Paw resting on cheek as she eyed him up and down. "Fine" Alice answered at last, standing. "But one more thing, Eri. Next time warn me before you start getting so... messy"

"Don't forget who started it" She winked. "And try to relax, we're supposed to be having fun. If it makes this feel more familiar we can head over to my place later and have a look at the toy collection I talked about"

"Sheesh Erica, just 'cuz I look the way I do doesn't mean I'm constantly horny for butt stuff" Erica's head followed his naked form as he headed towards the kitchen.

"I'm just saying I've got some stuff that'd 'fit' you really nicely!" Her voice came from around the corner to meet the ferret's round ears as he was in the middle of grabbing a pack of cookies, peanut butter. Erica's favorite. He'd ignore the jab this time. But his mind would silently acknowledge the lewd proposition, there was no denying the idea did indeed make him grin, if even just a little. Glancing out the window, he noticed the sun's growing presence as it tore through the grey sky.

I'll take her up on that later. He resolved with a nod. As much as he'd feel silly admitting it. Erica was right, it didfeel rather nice to just get off with a friend. And for now, he knew That's exactly how she'd want him to see the situation, just a Spring between friends.