Claude's Lion Daddy 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#111 of Claude gay stories

Having moved away for College with his older brother Claude is surprised by his Dad coming out to talk. They end up bonded and trying to form a new life as a couple

My name is Claude Marcus Kitman II, and I have been through the wringer in the last few months. I had an affair with a beautiful and muscular Lion who turned out to be married, and the Head Football Coach of the University of Alabama where I was getting my Physics degree.. The University decided to make me the scape goat. So I finished the semester, and decided to head out to California to Sacramento State University so I could get a fresh start. I went out to California, and I bought a house for myself, a big one, as we have a big CMK facility there and I know Dad will come out frequently since I'm here.

I am a 22 year old African Lion, with Golden Tan fur and a Red Brown mane and my Dad's Deep Blue eyes. I look a lot like a smaller Dad. I'm 6'4", 225 pounds.

My Polar Bear cousin, Rory, who is also my adopted brother is out of the Marines now, and he's decided he wants to go to school so he is coming with me. My brother Jeb is finishing High School this year, but he wants to come out too when he graduates. I'm thrilled to have Rory with me. We're very close and we fuck whenever we can.

I might add I am a Multimillionaire worth over $500 Million at present. I borrow our Family retainer, an English Red Fox named Alfred Featherstone, to help me setup and furnish my home. And I hate to see him go when he returns home. Not only is he an awesome retainer, he's been like a father to me as long as I can remember.

I enroll in the Physics program and I start what is the beginning of my Junior year as a transfer student. I have met a sweet English Badger named Nigel Davenport and he's become my best friend, and I talked him into moving in with me as he hates the dorm. Having Nigel with me has been so great, and he and Rory get along well. Rory treats him as his little brother, like he does me. And Nigel loves Rory's fucking as much as I do.

Classes are going well, but I am a bit worried about a few things. My Dad is quite sad since I left Alabama. I know we have had an odd relationship. Hell, I gave him my cherry at 16 as he was my ideal of the perfect male and he was my first real crush. I still love him in a definitely non father/son way. And I'll still sleep with him when we can get together. And I'll sleep with Rory when I can as well. My Dad and my older brother are the best lovers I've ever had. I miss Dad too, I'm dating a bit, but nothing special, nothing lasting more than two or three dates at the most. I just can't seem to get into the guys I meet. I've had some great sex though. I really miss my Daddy a lot, and I think about him a lot, especially when I'm having sex with someone else . I keep comparing the guys I fuck to my Dad and my Brother Rory. And they all keep coming up seriously lacking. Nobody makes me cum as hard when they fuck me as my Daddy does

My Dad, J.T. Kitman as he's known most publicly. James Thomas Kitman. He's 6'6", about #250, solid built but gaining a slight paunch. Dad is 2" taller than me, and #25 heavier than me. His mane is a bit Redder than mine. He has my Deep Blue eyes or rather I have his. And he has big paws and digitigrade foot paws like I do. (Our forepaws have thick, stubby paw fingers, prominent retractable claws and paw pads.) Dad's fur is a Tawny Gold color. I have Mom's Golden Tan fur. Except for that, I'm a smaller and younger version of my Daddy. I'm happy as he's still so damned good looking at 42 that I'm pretty sure I will be too at his age. Though I don't have his riveting presence or charisma.

Dad has a strong masculine presence, when he walks into a room he'll draw your attention, he's quite riveting in fact. He's used to being in charge, though he's usually softer with his sons.. Dad's young still, he just turned 42 this summer. I might add we're both Leos.(His birthday is August 4th and mine is August 8th) I might also add my Dad is well hung for a Lion, he's easily 19". And thick. Fits my ass perfectly. Like all of us Felines, it's tapered with a pointed tip, and backwards facing barbs. Five concentric rings of barbs running all the way around it. It always amazes me, having fucked other species a lot, how those sharp barbs don't hurt when he fucks me. But no one, even other Feline males, make me as hot when they fuck me as Dad does. Only Rory and Sam come close. Just thinking about my Daddy's big Feline dick makes my ass hole twitch. Dr Brunner, my therapist out here, tells me I won't ever find a mate if I don't let go of my tight attachment to my Dad. I feel bad, but I feel no guilt about wanting my Daddy so much. I just hope it doesn't mean I'll go through life mateless. I've tried dating other Big Cats, but while I love the sex, they all fail to measure up to my Lion sire.(Nigel teases me about being a slut for Big Cats. As I really love being barbed when I'm getting fucked)

I am worried about Dad as it seems every time I call him, no matter at what time of day, he's had a Scotch or two, I can tell by his voice usually. And he seems so sad. He'd never admit to it if he missed Rory and I. Dad is as emotional as I am, though he'd roar loudly in protest if I ever told him. He just holds his emotions in a lot. I figure it was because of the way Grandpa Kitman raised him. May he rot in Hell.

Rory is happy and he's dating a lot, though he's not really into any one of those he's dating. "Playing the field" is what he calls it. Taking advantage of being a great top is what I call it. Nigel simply calls it sport fucking. God, I love my best friend. And Rory still fucks me three or four times a week. My Polar Bear is a horny one. Nigel's getting as much big, fat Polar Bear dick as I am. And he loves it as much as I do. Rory's an amazingly talented Polar Bear stud.

I get a call from Alfred in the middle of the night, one Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.. So I take it, if he's calling this late it's important. Alfred tells me Dad and 'Uncle' Harry Belford, his long time best friend, are on their way out here. In the company jet that Dad named Eagle One, as it belongs to us personally. "Why is he coming?" I ask Alfred sleepily. "He wouldn't tell me, Claude, I think it's because he's missed you so much" Alfred says. "He's been padding around the house late at night drinking Scotch and crying, Claude, he misses you more than he'll let on" Alfred says softly "He'll come directly to the house, but I wanted to warn you, and ask you to stay home from school, so you'll be there when he gets there" Alfred says. "He's never been to the house before" I muse. "He has the address but I have a feeling he really needs to talk to you, and see you, Claude" Alfred says. I laugh. "My Daddy misses me" I say happily. "Rather, Master Claude" Alfred says. "Claude, he's acting the same way he did when poor Martha died, he seems almost lost, and desperately alone" Alfred says.

We all know about Alfred's feelings, and he's always right about things when he says he has a feeling about something. I turn my alarm off and I am prepared to go back to sleep. And I hear Rory come in from his date. So I get up and I go tell him that Dad's coming. We sit up a bit and talk about what he may want.

Rory's curious as to why Uncle Harry's coming. 'Uncle' Harry is a short and stocky, and very buff Bengal Tiger, and he's been like a father to us. My Polar Bear brother would never admit to it but he's had a crush on Harry for a long time. Rory's a big guy, he's 6'10" and about #310. but he's not fat he's just big. Rory agrees to stay home to see them, and since Nigel doesn't drive he'll be stuck at home too. But it's mid semester and we are immediately post mid terms, so not much will be covered in our classes, and it's a Wednesday. Hump day is a pain.

We have befriended the owners of the local Gym Rory goes to and they're moving in on Saturday. The house they were renting got sold out from under them and since we have room and we like Sam and Oscar a lot, we invited them to live here. They are a pair of big and buff, but really cool Bulls. And we're really looking forward to having them around. Sam's older, and has a white streak in his goatee and hair, and tail and hoof tufts and it makes him so hot. And he's a gruff, macho Castilian Bull, and a great fuck. He and I seem to have the hots for one another when ever we're around each other. He only has to say hi to me and I'm ready to drop on my back for him.

In fact the first time I met him we fucked in the bathroom of the bistro Rory and I took them to. We sat and ate and chatted. I had taken my shoes off, when you have foot paws as big as mine, you go bare foot pawed when you can. I felt his huge hoof rubbing my foot paw gently. It was really turning me on a lot. And when I got up to go pee, he followed me after a few minutes. He locked the door, yanked my pants down, and bent me over the sink, and gave me a royal fucking. He had to hold his big hand over my muzzle. I was making so much noise while he fucked me. But he had to bite my shoulder to keep from roaring when he came inside of me. I went back to our table really happy and with about a gallon of Bull semen leaking from my ass.

He cares for me, I know, but he's so in love with his Baby Bull. Oscar knows how hot we are for one another. But he trusts me and his Bull Daddy. He knows I'd never try to take Sam from him. Even if I thought I could. I care about Sam a lot, but I'd never do that to Oscar. I don't want to get a husband by taking someone else's.

I wake up about 7AM, and I pad down to the kitchen and make coffee. If Dad and Harry are going to be here for a few days, then I have to go to the grocery store. I sit and drink my coffee, and make out a grocery list of foods Dad likes, and when I am awake enough I go get dressed and I go to a Lucky's a few miles from here and I buy a lot of food, and things I know we all like. Alfred set up the bar when he was here, so I know Dad will have his Scotch and soda if he wants it. I also pick up a couple of cases of bottles of a Canadian beer Rory's become fond of, and a few cases of Diet Pepsi for Nigel and I. Harry will be fine with the beer I bought for Rory.

I go home, and Rory's awake and he helps me bring stuff in. And I fix breakfast for us all, and Nigel is awake as soon as he smells food. "I am not going to class, Nige" I say softly. "Our Dad is dropping in on us to surprise us" Rory says smiling. "I hope he'll like me" Nigel says gently. "You've told me so much about him I am really wanting to meet him" Nigel adds "I don't mind not going to school today, Claude" Nigel says. "I'm sorry, but Alfred says he's missing me a lot, and I want to see him, I miss my Daddy too" I say gently. Nigel smiles. "You seem to" he says idly.

"I'm not worried about cleaning this place up, as you two are as neat as I am" I say. "And I'll put Dad in the bedroom off of the kitchen next to the study in case he brings work." I say. "I'll put Harry next to you, Rory" I say laughing. "Who's Harry?" Nigel asks. Rory gives him a quick rundown on our Uncle Harry. "He sounds hot" Nigel says. "He is, but he's a bottom last I heard" I say gently. "He is, definitely" Rory says. Nigel and I tease him about how he knows for sure that Harry's a bottom, and Rory blushes. "Rory, you ought to finally tell him, he's Dad's best friend, and he'd have to approve of him for you" I say softly. Rory glares at me. It's a sore point between us, I have fussed at him for years about letting Harry know how much he loves him. But I can tell Rory's thinking it over. So I stop talking for a while. Rory's like me, push him too much and he'll resist just to spite you.

I clean up from breakfast, and I go sit and watch TV for a while.. But I am getting anxious, I am so nervous now, I know how much I missed my Daddy, in just this short time I've been out here. I am a bit afraid I'll practically attack him in my lust for him the minute he walks in the door. Just thinking of his big fat barbed Feline dick spreading my asshole wide makes me drip with precum. I love how he fucks and how he'll roar when he cums. I've seen him have sex with others, and I'm the only one who makes him roar like that. I'm kind of proud of that actually.

I decide to go out and lay in the sun for a while. So I get a towel, Rory rushes past me to hit the pool, so I get out another couple of towels. I get a Diet Pepsi and I strip and I lay out on a chaise lounge in the sun. I love feeling the sun all over my naked body. After a bit I calm down enough to relax in the sunshine.

I have to admit I love it here in Central California. Sacramento State is just outside of Sacramento, as are our CMK facilities. The sun is nice, yet it isn't as scorching hot as my native Auburn, Alabama. And I kind of just get lost in thoughts of my Daddy, as I lay in the sun. It's a big cat thing, we love stretching out in the sun. I have turned a few times to sun evenly. "My furs getting nice and golden" I say to myself and I lay back down. I keep revisiting in my mind the last time Dad made love to me before I left home. He kept tearing up, and it was the most gently passionate fuck he ever gave me. And I remember how he wouldn't go to the airport with me when I left for good. Alfred took me. Rory met me out here when he got out of the Marines.

About an hour later, I hear a gasp. I open my eyes, and it's Dad. "You're getting so beautiful now, Claude" Dad says tearing up. I smile, and I jump up and hug him tightly. Dad kisses me, and it's so much more than a Fatherly kiss. Wet and sloppy and with full tongues. An open mouthed, sideways muzzles, passion filled kiss. We tongue wrestle for a few moments, til Dad pulls away. "Your cute Badger friend let me in, and he's sitting with Harry and Rory now' Dad says. "Claude, I have missed you so much more than I had ever dreamed I would" Dad says hugging me tightly.. And he asks me if the bar is set up. I nod. "Claude, I've talked a lot to Harry about something, and you and I have to go somewhere quiet, and talk seriously" Dad says trying not to cry. "Dad, what's wrong?" I ask him. "We'll talk soon, Boy" Dad says kissing me again. Another open muzzle, full tongue brief kiss.

I have to admit I'm pretty damned curious here. Dad fixes himself a Scotch and soda, and I go in the house, and I sit naked on the couch. I try my damnedest not to worry. "Your Dad is very sexy, and beautiful" Nigel says. I nod. "He is, and I am so very proud of my beautiful Daddy." I say. Dad turns and smiles at me. "Nigel, I've seen your Dad's picture, so I know you know how I feel" I say softly. "Dad'd be at a school function, among all of the other Dads and Moms" I say softly. "He'd stand out, all of the other parents looked so frumpy and well, parental, and Dad would be so strikingly handsome and riveting" I say softly. "I do know" Nigel says. "Your Dad's so hot" I say smiling.. Dad's beaming proudly. "My boy thinks I'm handsome" he says to himself softly.

"Hey, you old tramp" I hear, and I look in the dining room. "Beau" I holler, and I run to him. And we hug, and he kisses me, and puts his arm around my waist. Beau Wilson's a big Saber Tooth Tiger, and he is my Dad's property manager, and takes care of the estate and the house for him. The outside anyway, while Alfred ran the house. Beau is hot, and a big Good Ole Boy type redneck. He's been with Dad as long as I can remember, and like Harry he was a good surrogate Dad to me too.

"I'm a bit hungry, Claude, your Daddy was in such a hurry we didn't get breakfast" Beau says grinning. "I'll fix you something Big Guy" I say kissing him. "That's my good ole Claude," he says kissing me back. "You always did look after me, just like your Momma" Beau says kissing me again. "But y'all run around here all buck nekkid, boy" He asks me. "Yeah, why not, we're all guys and all gay" I say smiling. And Beau's out of his clothes in seconds. And Nigel is trying to hide it, but he's impressed by our Saber Tooth's big naked body, and huge dick. It is 24" long and impressive, and like Dad, and Harry and I, he's a Feline, his huge Saber Tooth Tiger dick has many more barbs on it. It has the usual Feline shape though. Pointed tip and tapered. With 20 rows of sharp backwards facing barbs.

Beau is big, not as big as Rory though. Beau is 6'8", and #280 and his gut is a little bit bigger than I remember it. His Gray Green eyes are soft and liquid. He's got huge paws and foot paws, and his Russet Tan colored fur is thick and lush, and he has a big open face. Personally, I've always thought his jutting canine teeth were hot and sexy, and they make him an excellent kisser. Our Beau is the salt of the Earth, and he's always been so happy and joyous. Like a big kid mostly. But with a dick that can only be described as massive. He's 24" and really thick. I've taken him more than a few times, and he loves that I can take his size without pain or stress. And he taught me how to suck dick on his monster sized meat. He's a great fuck, and he loves to eat and fuck a lot. He's a Big Cat who loves his pleasures.

"Anyone else hungry" I ask."I could use something to eat" Harry says smiling. He and Rory are sitting together talking intently. "Dad" I ask. Dad's lost in thought, not sure why but it worries me. "What, Boy?" he asks. "Beau's hungry as is Harry, and I'm gonna fix them some breakfast, and I wondered if you wanted some too" I ask. "Yeah, OK" Dad says. Now I am worried for real. He's so distracted and he almost seems scared of something. What ever he wants to talk to me about is going to be something major, I just know it is. Is he thinking of getting married again, or is he wanting to bond someone? I know he came out to me a while ago, but has he found someone. Harry nor Beau would tell me but I know they'd have to know. I fight the urge to ask them, because I know they'd just tell me to wait for Dad to talk to me. And the thought of Dad bonding someone makes me feel sad. He'd never stop loving me, I know that, but still.....just thinking of Dad belonging to someone else makes me want to cry. And I'm shaken by that thought. I want him happy, don't I? Am I so selfish I want to keep him to myself? Or do I want him myself? Never thought about that surprisingly.

I go into the kitchen and I start fixing a big breakfast. Anything to stop me from thinking about Dad. And I brew some more coffee as Dad used to drink a lot of coffee. Unless he's given up coffee for Scotch I think to myself. Rory comes in. "Claude, what's with Dad?"he asks. "I have no idea, and I'm worried as Hell now" I say nervously. "I've never seen him drink so much, especially this early, and he's so preoccupied" I moan. Rory nods, and he gets up and he helps me fix breakfast. We don't talk to each other as we work. We're both worried about Dad and I can't verbalize why or what I think it might be. We just busy ourselves with cooking. I can almost forget my concerns as we cook.

We bring it out and put it on the table. Harry and Beau eat heartily. Dad pretty much picks at his food. And he's at least drinking his coffee like he used to.

"Hey, Claude, this cute Badger of yours sure talks funny" Beau says laughing. "That's rich coming from the guy with the Alabama accent so thick ya gotta cut through it with a machete" I snap. "You always was a smart ass, boy" Beau says laughing and he slaps my ass. Dad jumps, and for a second I'd almost swear he was glaring at Beau. But they've been close for years. . "Nigel's English, Beau, he was born in London" I say smiling. Dad looks shook up.

"Dad, what's wrong, you're scaring me?" I ask him. "Claude, I..." he says. "Where'd you put us.?" Harry asks. "Harry, your room is next to Rory's, I'll put Beau next to Nigel, and Dad's got the big bedroom behind the kitchen by the study" I say. "If you two will show Harry and Beau to their rooms after breakfast, I'd appreciate it" I say softly. I can't wait anymore, I have to know what's going on now.

I grab Dad's arm, and I pick him up out of the chair with one hand. He's surprised as he tends to forget how strong I really am. It came from Mom's side of the family, along with my preternatural speed, reflexes and agility. It's why I don't work out, I would need heavier weights than I could account for needing. I can lift 15 times my own weight without stress. Jeb only got the strength, but he is way stronger than I am.

I carry him down the hall to the bedroom I gave him. "No, not in here, Claude" Dad says agitatedly. "Dad, what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask him, putting him down on his foot paws on the floor. "You wanna know, Boy" he snarls. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't' I say. "I love my Daddy and we can deal with anything we .." I say and Dad grabs my muzzle to silence me. And he pushes me onto the bed.

"Claude, I have missed you more than I had dreamed I would" Dad says. "I know you told me already" I say softly. "I've been drinking a lot and I've let things slide at work too much" Dad says. "I sat one night last week drinking with Harry and Beau, and I realized how much I missed you, Boy" Dad says. "It was quite a night, Harry admitted to being in love with Rory too" Dad says. I would fall down if I wasn't sitting down already. "Harry loves Rory, does he know how much of a crush Rory's always had on him' I ask trying not to laugh.. "Hell no, but I bet he will now, he wants to sound Rory about about dating or something" Dad says. I laugh.

"Claude, it's not funny, I'd be happy for Harry to be with my Rory, but that's not why we're here" Dad says. "Why'd Beau come?" I ask. "I wanted him to help me, you always listen to Beau, when you won't to me, Claude" Dad says. "Dad, I don't understand, what are you trying so hard not to tell me, I love you Dad, and I'd do anything for my Daddy"I say agonizingly. Dad tears up, "You have been a good son, you try so hard to please me, and make me proud, Claude, and that's part of the problem here" Dad says.

I'm more confused than ever now. "I can't tell you, Claude, I'm too ashamed to say it out loud" Dad says crying now. "Dad, I beg you, I can deal whatever it is, but I can't deal with seeing you so hurt, and not knowing how to help you." I say crying now myself.

Dad pulls me up and he hugs me. "Claude, you have to promise me when I tell you, that you won't hate me" Dad says softly. "I could never hate my Daddy " I say hugging him. "You sure?" he asks. "Damn it, Dad, just tell me" I snap. I'm really close to the breaking point here, but getting mad at Dad is never a good idea. At best it'll devolve into a roar off, and he'll never tell me what's hurting him so. All I know is that it has something to do with me, and with me being away from home.

"Claude, I love you" Dad says. I am close to losing it here. "I love you too, Dad' I say as calmly as I can. "No, I love you, like I loved your Momma, Claude" Dad says looking at the floor now."I want my son to love me as much as I love him, and I want to take you as my mate." Dad says so quietly even I can barely hear him. "You want to bond me, Dad?" I ask. Dad nods slowly. I sit on the bed, rather hard. I'm silent as I can find no words for how I feel. I know immediately that I want him, but there are so many things to think over. And I stop and I listen to my heart. And I know now why I couldn't bond anyone, my heart literally belongs to my Daddy. Dad is sitting on the bed, and he looks so sad and he's so quiet too. I have to sort this out fast, for both our sakes.

It's been almost ten minutes now since I last spoke, and Dad looks like he's in agony. "Dad, I do want you, just as much as you want me, and I'd be happy to be your mate." I say so quietly even I can barely hear me. But Dad's got the same hyper senses I do, and he relaxes and smiles.

"Son, it's not that easy, a lot of folks will think it's wrong, and that we're sick and twisted for being in love with each other" Dad says. "Dad, I have talked to my therapist here about how much I have always loved you" I say softly. "Dr Brunner thinks I can't bond anyone unless I can get past how much I love you, since I'm too much in love with the Lion who sired and raised me" I say crying hard. Dad hugs me tightly. "I don't even know if we can bond since we are father and son" Dad says. "I don't care, even if we don't bond, I'll never leave my Daddy" I say fiercely. "Son, I hope that we can bond, I want to as I know I love you so much, and I don't want to rob you of ever knowing the joy of a true bond" Dad says. "I couldn't do that to my beloved Claude" he says stroking my mane.

Rory knocks at the door. "Are you two alright?" he asks. "Rory, I'm going to try to bond our Daddy" I say softly. "Claude, I always had a feeling you never got with anyone because you loved Dad too much already" Rory says hugging Dad. "I know how much you two have loved each other, Claude." Rory says smiling. "Claude, we both know how strong Dad's love is, he'll make you happy" Rory says leaning down and kissing Dad. Dad smiles. "I approve, Dad" Rory says quietly. Dad tears up.

"Harry and I bonded Dad, I got me my Tiger finally" He says grinning. I hug him. "I'm so happy for you both" I say hugging him tightly. "Claude, he hemmed and hawed about wanting to date, and I grabbed him, and told him I loved him, and I kissed him, and he fainted dead away" Rory says with an ear to ear grin.

"What's going on in here, Jim?" Beau says carrying Dad's suitcases. "He said he wanted me as badly as I wanted him, Beau" Dad says joyously. "I knew our Claude really loved his Daddy" Beau says grinning. And he ruffles my mane.

"Jim, Claude, Rory, I'm going after me a Badger" Beau says. "Be good to him" I say sharply. "Claude, I ain't just out to fuck him til he can't walk, I'm an old Saber Tooth, hell, I just turned 36, it's time to settle down, and if he'll take me I'm gonna bond his ass so fast" Beau says. I laugh, and I go to the living room.

"Nigel, this here is Beau Wilson, we've known his raggedy ass all of his life, and he's good folks, and he wants himself a Badger to settle down with, ya think you can help him out?" I ask laughing. "He wants me?" Nigel asks a bit shaken. "Hell yeah I want ya" Beau says smiling. "Nigel, he ain't gonna just fuck ya, he wants to bond your ass to him for good." I say laughing. "Bloody Hell" Nigel moans. Beau is laughing. "I hope that means yes, you cute piece o' Badger" Beau says. "I ain't much, but I'll love you til I die, if'n you'll take me" Beau says smiling. "Claude, he's so hot, and masculine" Nigel says. "And I'm a top too, boy" Beau says smiling. "I'm glad you like getting fucked cause cumming just makes Beau hornier" I tease him. "Wait til I tell me Mum" Nigel moans. "Tell her after we've bonded" Beau says picking Nigel up. "Show me where our room is, boy" I hear Beau saying from down the hall. "Beau sure doesn't lack confidence does he?" Rory asks laughing. "No, Son, he doesn't' Dad says. I've ridden the Saber Tooth enough to know how happy he'll make Nigel. He's amazing in bed.

"I gotta go bond Harry" Rory says excitedly. "Where's your room?" Dad asks. "I kind of want to stay here, my Daddy asked for my hand right here" I say laughing. And I show him that the study is right next door, and we're about ten steps from the kitchen.

"I like this room, its big, and it's quiet, and I like being next to the study, Claude" Dad says. "Claude, I've bought an office building here and I'm moving our main offices here." Dad says. "I started it before I realized I really did love you, and it's the right thing to do now." Dad says smiling. "I can't live away from my boy now that I have him" Dad says softly, and he kisses my paw.

"Saturday, I have some friends moving in, a pair of Big Bulls who run a gym,Dad, their rental home got sold and I figured that I had more than enough room, and they're great guys" I say smiling "I think you'll like them, Sam's blunt and honest, and Oscar is sweet natured and caring' I say. "They sound nice, Son" Dad says.

"Son, it's time to try to bond" he says grabbing me. And he's kissing me hard, and he's got his tongue in my mouth, and I faint hard when I kiss him back. Dad grabs me before I hit the ground. "I think I just bonded you, Boy" Dad says smiling. "Dad, or do I call you Jim or what?" I ask softly. "I'm your Daddy in all ways that matter, Claude, I'm your top mate, and your father, and you know how dominant I am" Dad says happily.

"Claude, we'll keep it as quiet as we can, but we'll have to face disapproval from some at times" Dad says softly. "I don't care, my Daddy loves me as much as I love him, and we're both adults and it's not against the law as we are both over 18, and it ain't like I'm gonna give you cubs" I say fiercely. "Not that I wouldn't if I was able to, Dad" I say smiling.

"Do you love me that way, Boy" Dad asks. I think a minute. "I do, I want to spend my life at your side, and make you happy" I say. "Claude, you always have felt those things for me" Dad says smiling. "Dad, Dr Brunner thinks I have been in love with you ever since you took my cherry" I say thinking a bit. "Then I did the wrong thing then, you weren't old enough to have that happen, Boy" Dad says.

"No, don't say that, it was the most wonderful thing in my life, my Daddy loving me enough to be my first, it meant more to me than anything" I snarl. "Claude, it meant a lot to me too, how much you wanted me to be your first, you begged me, and you told me you wanted the one you loved most to be your first" Dad says tearing up. "I should have known you were in love with me by your doing that" Dad says.

"Does it matter, Dad, no matter how we got here, we are here, I love you more than I could ever tell you, and I think you feel that way too, or you wouldn't have dropped everything to come to me" I say softly. "Claude, I missed you, I never thought it would hurt so much when my boy went away to College, at first I thought it would go away when you'd been gone a while, but it got stronger, and that night we all got drunk, Beau told me he'd always figured you were in love with me as more than just your father, and I knew then how much I loved you and I wanted you to be my mate" Dad says hugging me tightly.

"Dad, lets finish bonding?" I ask him passionately. I kiss him, and I start taking off his clothes slowly. He growls softly. I kiss and lick his chest. "Claude, you're mine finally, I can't wait anymore" and he pulls off his clothes. He's deep kissing me, with his tongue down my throat, and he pushes me back on to the bed, and I'm naked. "How the Hell do you do that, Dad?" I ask shaking my head. "Talent, boy" he says smiling.

"Let me show you my talents, Dad, I'm not the naive young cub who just left home, I have dated and learned things" I say grinning. And I push him on his back. I lick his chest, and his neck, and I kiss him deeply. I nibble gently on his neck, and I lean down and I take his big dick into my mouth and I deep throat him. He's growling in pleasure. After a few minutes of sucking him, I lean down and lick his ball sac a bit. Dad grunts big time. I move down and I lick his foot pads and between his toes.. And he's growling deeply and his dick is rock hard. I lick his foot paws all over and he's getting hot now.

I lean up and I rim him. He growls loudly, and he pushes back against my tongue. Dad's growling constantly now. I move up and I throw my leg over him, and I sit on his big Lion dick down to the base. And I'm growling loudly to feel my Daddy's fat Feline cock slam up me. I whimper as his barbs rake my ass ring as I aggressively ride him. "My boy makes me proud by how much he wants me" Dad grunts. I ride his dick for a while. Dad pushes me onto my back and he is on top and working my ass hard and deep. His sweat is dripping off of him and onto me and it's hot. I open my mouth and I catch his sweat on my tongue. Dad smiles. "I'm gonna fill your ass, boy" he roars and he spurts his Leonine cum up me,. I've shot all over his belly. He holds me tightly and we pant hard. He's a bit worried when he pulls out, there's a trace of my blood on his barbs. "Dad, I haven't had sex with a Feline in a while" I say quietly. I'm thrilled to have the sperm that created me swimming around in my ass.

I can't help it but his scent is intoxicating to me. I sniff him and I lean up and lick his pits, and I lick his sweaty chest and nipples. "My baby cub did bond me, he does love me as his mate" Dad says grinning. "You wouldn't have gone after my sweat and my scent if you hadn't of, we Lions are pretty specific that way" Dad says. "And you fainted when I kissed you you're mine, boy, til one of us dies" Dad says smiling.

And we lay together and we talk. I tell Dad of what has happened to me since I left Alabama. But it's not just me telling my Dad, it's me talking to my lover, and he opens up and tells me of things I'd never known. About me, and about Mom,and Jeb and Rory, and Harry. And we're happy to just lay in one another's arms. Dad has shown me his happy, lighter side at times, but I've never seen him this happy and relaxed. He'll look at me with so much love in his eyes. And it's different than the look of love and pride for his son, it's the love he holds in his heart for his mate. I know, it's the way he used to look at Momma.

About 5PM I ask Dad if he's hungry. "Starved, my boy knows how to take it out of me' he says. I get up and I go to the kitchen. And I start deciding what to cook. Dad walks out to the kitchen and gets a cup of coffee, and he's naked as I am. And he's the most beautiful male I've ever seen. My Sire is gorgeous, and he's mine now, for always. And I see things in him I never realized before. I have so many of his mannerisms down to the way he holds his tail, and his gait. My Daddy is a gorgeous Lion. Even if he wasn't my Daddy, I know I would have fallen for him.

Dad sniffs the air. "Son, are you cooking a Brisket?" he asks. "I am, Dad. Alfred called me last night to tell me you were coming and I went to buy groceries this morning, and I know how much my Daddy loves his Brisket sandwiches, so I bought a whole Brisket. I started it slow cooking when I got home, it's not completely done yet, but I figured I'd cook it and put it in the fridge to cool down for sandwiches." I say grinning. "Alfred taught you well, Claude" Dad says smiling. 'You're going to spoil me aren't you, Claude?" Dad asks." I'm gonna try my damnedest to, Dad" I say kissing him. "I should have known how much you loved me all along, Boy" Dad says softly. "I'm madly in love with the Lion who sired me" I say kissing him again. Dad's grinning. "I love the Lion I bred and raised so much" he says happily. "Nothing makes me happier than to look at you and know how what I've done for you makes you happy" I tell Dad. He grins.

"I'm selling the house, and Alfred will be out when he's gotten things closed down" Dad says. "I have to give him to you, since you own this house, but you know as much about his family, and their traditions as I do" Dad says. He sits and drinks his coffee. I love watching him. He's sitting reading the local paper and drinking his coffee. Like I've seen him do every day as long as I can remember. But it's different now. He's not just my Daddy, he's my lifemate. But I know I have to talk to him about something he's not going to like much.

"Dad, I was worried about something' I say softly. "Every time I'd call you you seemed a bit drunk" I say gently. "I was devastated without my boy, and I drank to take the edge off of it" Dad says. "I'm not a drunk, I haven't drank since we talked" Dad says. "I'm sorry, Dad" I say softly. "You worried because you love your Daddy" he says kissing me. He is calmer since we bonded. He'd of roared at me and we'd of fought about this in the past. He's reading the paper again, and he looks so content now. He looks up at me. "You trust me, you asked, and I told you and you just accepted it" he says grinning. "I do, Dad, like me you don't lie" I say kissing him. He grins. "My Claude loves me" he says happily.

I work on the pork chops and the rest of the meal. Rory comes in with Harry. Rory's asking me if I am cooking dinner, and he looks at me hopefully. "Yeah, smothered pork chops and vegetables and garlic mashed potatoes, and I got a couple of pies in the oven, and I bought some ice cream this morning." I say. "He's fed us so well,Dad" Rory says. I'm looking at Harry rather intently.

"Claude, you're staring at me, is something wrong?" Harry asks. "No, I have never seen you naked, Harry, and you're a really beautiful Tiger" I say softly. Harry blushes. "He is, Claude, and he's as responsive of a bottom as you are" Rory says smiling. "You look pretty happy, Jim, Claude must have bonded you" Harry says smiling. "I got my boy, Harry, I can't thank you for your help keeping me together for the last week" Dad says. "What are friends for, Jim" Harry says. "Besides, you were great when I told you I was gonna go after Rory, and you gave me your blessing to take your beloved Polar Bear son" Harry says kissing Rory.

"Ah, great, food, someone's cooking" Beau says happily. "I'm amazed at how hungry I got just from fucking this Badger all afternoon" Beau says grinning. And he's got Nigel in his arms. Beau puts Nigel down gently into a kitchen chair. "You weren't kidding, Claude, he's fucked me a dozen times since we bonded" Nigel says smiling. "Congrats, Nigel, now congratulate Rory, he and Harry bonded" I say kissing him. "So did you take your Dad?" Nigel asks me. "I did, Nige," I say smiling. "Do you think he was wrong to take me?" Dad says quietly. "Hell, no, you're the hottest Lion I've ever seen, and I can hardly blame him for loving his Dad, he's told me so much about you since we met" Nigel says happily "Thank you Nigel" Dad says softly.

"Dad, lets not go looking for trouble" I say smiling. "Nigel loves me, he's my best friend, he and my Polar Bear" I say kissing Rory. "Dad, I am happy for you two, Claude has been in love with you for so long, it was easy to see" Rory says. "You might have told me" I say grinning. "I knew you'd figure it out soon enough, Dad just figured it out first, Claude" Rory says laughing.

"You know I'll bet the National Enquirer would pay me a fortune for this story" Beau says laughing. Dad shoots him a look. "I'd have a follow up story for them 'Saber Tooth Tiger found ripped to pieces by Lions with retractable claws'." I say laughing and I pop my claws as Dad pops his. "I keep forgettin' about those freaky things" Beau says laughing.

"Beau, there's no one like you" I say kissing him. "Damn right, I'd of killed em by now if I found em" Beau says laughing hard. "Just to know, do we get to run around here buck nekkid when we want?" Beau asks. 'Yeah, we don't care, but Alfred might when he gets here." Dad says. "Damn, that stick in the mud is coming here too" Beau says grinning. "Beau, you've always been the bane of Alfred's existence" I say laughing. "I love him too" Beau says laughing. "I'll talk to him, Beau, he'll be mine now since I own the house" I say laughing.

"I love this house, Claude, you picked out a good one" Beau says. "Wait til you see the back yard, Beau" I say. "The gardens are so beautiful, and the pool and hot tub are nice too" Rory says. "Pool?" Beau says and his eyes light up. I point towards the French doors to the patio. Beau picks up Nigel and runs to the pool. And I hear a loud splash. "Rory, please make sure Beau knows Nigel can't swim" I say doing a face palm. Rory laughs and runs to the pool. 'You know we won't see Rory again for a while, you know how much he loves to swim" Dad says. "I didn't know Beau did either" I say shaking my head. "He begged me to put in a pool for years, Claude" Dad says.

"I love his spirit and his joy, Dad, but once in a while" I say shaking my head. "He's gonna live here with us, Son, you know how close we are" Dad says. "I know, and he's bonded with my best friend, I love Beau, Dad," I say "It's just once in a while I wonder if he'll ever grow up" I say annoyed. "He won't, Boy, and that's part of his charm" Dad says. Harry's laughing. "Alfred will just spit when he finds out that Beau is coming out too" Harry says. "Oh God" I moan. "Son, they do care about each other, they just are so different that they get on each other's nerves" Dad says softly. "And mine too" I say shaking my head. Harry's laughing now, and he gets up and goes to the pool.

I sit down at the table. I take Dad's paw in my paw. "I love you, and I have no words for how happy I am now" I say smiling. "Claude, I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and you've made me the happiest Lion in the world today" Dad says, and he leans over and kisses me deeply. I weep tears of joy. "My boy" Dad says stroking my mane. "I am your boy, in all of the ways that matter, Dad" I say grinning. "I know, and you have always worked so hard to make me happy, Claude" Dad says grinning.

I get up and I work on finishing dinner. "Claude, which bedroom is yours?" Dad asks. I go show him. "I'll move your stuff into our room, I'll have to go home for a couple of weeks to finalize every thing, but I'll be here for ten days this time, and then I'll be home with my boy forever" Dad says smiling. "I will miss my Daddy, but I know he's coming home to me for good" I say grinning.

I go back to work on dinner. And I am so happy now. I feel fulfilled and I know I have fully bonded my Dad now. And he seems pretty happy too, and my brother and my best friends are so happy for us. But I am a bit worried how Jeb's gonna react to this. He can be such an asshole at times. But that's a worry for a later day. And I realize I owe it to Sam and Oscar to make sure they're not bothered.

I go get my cell phone, and I call Sam. "Sam, I have to talk to you, something has happened that might affect whether or not you guys want to move in" I say agitatedly. "What is it?" Sam asks. "My Dad, and my Uncle Harry and an old family friend are here, and they're moving in too" I say softly. "So?" Sam asks. "Rory bonded my Uncle Harry, well he's not really an Uncle he's been a family friend since we were little' I say. "So what, Claude?" Sam asks. "Nigel bonded our long time friend Beau who's a bit eccentric to say the least' I say. "So there'll be a few more in the house" Sam says. "My Dad's staying too" I say. "Well I think it's safe to say you didn't bond him" Sam says laughing. I'm speechless now. "Or did you?" Sam asks. I still can't speak yet.

"Claude, I've seen your Dad on TV, and he's a hot, hot Lion, but I assume since you can't talk now that you did bond your Dad" Sam says. "Yes" I squeak out. "I see" Sam says. "Claude, I appreciate you wanting to give us a chance to back out, but it won't change our minds at all" Sam says. "It's not really anyone else's business who you love, I know you deal with the gay stuff well, but as long as he's open bonded you and I can still fuck you like I want to, I don't care" Sam says laughing. "I didn't ask" I say shook up. "Then you are open bonded, if you had bonded closed you'd have to both agree to it" Sam says. "Thanks, and I'll see you guys on Saturday" I say. "I"m anxious to meet your Dad, he's hot, and he's pretty masculine' Sam says happily.

I hang up, and I finish cooking dinner. I put it out on the dining room table, and I go out and tell everyone it's ready. My cell rings. Jeb?. "Better to get this over with" I say to myself. And I go into the living room and I take his call. "Claude is Dad there?" he asks. "He is" I say shakily. '"Claude, I've been worried about him, he's been drinking a lot and he seems so depressed the last few weeks." Jeb says. "About that." I moan. "Jeb, are you alone?" I ask. "I am, I'm in my room working on a paper." He says. "I don't know how to tell you this, Bro, so I'm gonna come right out and say it" I tell him. "What Claude?" he asks.

"Dad was depressed because he realized how much he loved me and missed me" I say. "That'd depress me for sure" he cracks. "For once don't make this harder by being such a butt head" I snap. "Claude, what is wrong with you?" Jeb snaps. "Jeb, I love you, and we're so different but I have something to tell you and I'm afraid you're not going to take it well" I say sadly. "I know about Uncle Harry and Rory, Claude, Rory called me" Jeb says. "I wish that was all" I moan. "Claude, just spit it out" Jeb snaps. "OK, but you asked for it" I say. "Claude" Jeb snaps.

"Dad and I bonded today" I say angrily. "No way" Jeb says. "He came out to tell me how much he'd missed me, and how much he loved me, and that he wanted to bond me, and we bonded" I say firmly. "Claude, you've done some weird things in the past, but this is nothing to tease me about" Jeb snarls.

"Jeb, I'm not teasing, I'm deadly serious here" I say getting really pissed off. "You are one sick and twisted son of a bitch, Claude, it was bad enough you'd let Dad fuck you at the drop of a hat, but this" Jeb snarls. "No way to talk about Mom, and if I'm one, then little brother so are you" I snarl. "Claude, I am so angry at you right now" Jeb snaps. "I knew you'd be happy for us" I snark. "Dad said he was moving the offices out to California but I'm not coming if you and Dad are shacked up and fucking, I'll stay here and go to College and live in a dorm" he snaps. "Suit yourself, asshole" I snarl. And I hang up.

Rory's been standing behind me. "That went well, I assume that was Jeb" Rory asks. "Yeah, and I am not happy at how he reacted" I say fighting off tears. "Claude, he's an asshole, he got snotty with me about Harry" Rory says hugging me. "Claude, what have you done?" Dad asks and he doesn't look happy.

"Jeb called looking for you, and I told him, and he didn't take it well" I say sadly. "You knew he wouldn't, Claude, you should have let me tell him" Dad snaps at me. And I drop on the couch and I cry. "Oh hell, boy, I'm sorry I got mad at my baby" Dad says hugging me and stroking my mane. "Geez, he's nicer to his mate than he is to his son" Rory says. "Quit helping me, Rory" I say trying to stop crying. "He's right, Claude, you're my son, but you're my mate as well now, and I have to balance the two" Dad says petting me.

"Dad, I called him and told him about me and Harry, thinking he'd be happy for us, and he was a real snot about it" Rory says. "I don't think he'd have handled it any better if you had of told him" Rory says. "Claude, Jeb's a butt head, we all know it, he's more like your Granddaddy was" Beau says. "Don't let him get to you" Beau says stroking my mane.

"Dad, he told me he knew you were moving everything out here, but if you and I were shacking up, he wouldn't come, and he'd go to school down there, and just live in the dorm" I say sadly. "That son of a bitch" Dad growls. "He called me that too" I say sadly. Dad pulls out his cell phone.

And he calls Jeb. And he gets up and walks off, but I can hear them arguing. I go to the dining room table but I"m not hungry now. Harry's been eating heartily. "Jeb being a butt again" he asks. I nod. "Don't let him get to you, Claude, you've always loved him more than he loves you" Harry says softly. I'm stunned but then again Harry's smart, and he really understands animals, and he's been around us since we were cubs. I sit down. Beau comes back. "Let Jim handle this, Claude, might not be anything that can be done, but he's not worth upsetting yourself for." Beau says.

"Smug bastard, we'll see how smug he is when I disown him, and separate him from his money" Dad snarls walking to the table. "You can't, can you?" I ask. "Not with you, you're of age, but Jeb's still a minor, and I can cut him off from his money" Dad snarls. "At least make him wait for control of it til he's 21" Dad growls.

"I've had the money Grandpa gave us since I was 12" I say confused. "Because you were my good son, and I trusted you completely, enough to release it partially" Dad says. "Somethings I still had to approve first, but you had control of it" Dad said. "Your Momma always said you had an old soul, Claude" Beau says. "You was always so deadly serious, which was why I always rode you like I did" Beau says. "Beau, I love you, you were always so happy and playful, and full of joy, and I envied you, but you seemed like a big kid who wouldn't grow up' I say softly. "I'll grow up in about twenty or thirty years" Beau says laughing. "I gotta be the grown up?" Nigel asks. "Maybe?" Beau says smiling. "You love me, Badger boy" Beau says kissing Nigel. "I do" He answers gently.

I sit and try to eat a bit. Everyone else is eating and they're talking and laughing and I sit for a bit more. I get up and I go outside and sit in the rays of the setting sun. I'm not going to cry, not going to give Jeb the satisfaction of making me cry. Harry comes out, and he lights a cigar and he's silent for a few minutes. I go in and get my pipe and come back out, and I light it.

"Harry, I've missed you a lot" I say softly."Claude, you know how Jeb is, he'll calm down in time" Harry says. "I am not sure I care anymore, I just hate that because he has bonded me, Dad may lose my brother's love," I say. "I could care less if I ever see or hear from Jeb again, Rory's always been closer to me as it is" I say angrily. "Well, I can understand how you'd feel that way now, but he's your brother, and while you two aren't close he is your brother" Harry says.

"I'm not worried about Jeb, I'm not even really worried about Jim, I'm mostly worried about our Claude" Harry says putting his big striped arm around me. "You're so like Martha was, you care, and you're emotional, and you feel so much, you're too easily hurt Claude" Harry says kissing me.

And he puts my head on his broad stocky chest, and I cry. And he pets my head and he holds me tightly. Just like he always has. "I'm glad you're here, Harry, and I'm so happy you and Rory finally got together" I say softly. "Funny thing that, Claude, he didn't know I loved him, and I didn't know he loved me, until I got up the nerve to go to him and ask him if he'd date me" Harry says kissing me.

"You and Jim are so different". "He knew how he felt and he fought it, and you went on with your life, trying to make it as good as you could" Harry says. "Jim tried to drown his feelings in Scotch, and you kept moving on with life" Harry says.

"You have to teach Jim to be that way, and he needs to ground you, be your love and your anchor for when you are upset or scared" Harry says. "You both avoid things that are painful, Claude, just in different ways" Harry says. "I know you love him but work on understanding him. Jim is a very complex Lion, and he's going to tough things out no matter what it costs him inside" Harry says.

"Help him free his joy, and his love, and all of the things he buried along with your Mom, Claude" Harry says softly petting my mane. "You are so much like her, Claude, it may be why he fell in love with you like he did, but he knows you're not her, and he needs you, for the same reasons he needed Martha" Harry says. "She helped him find the love and happiness and all of the good things in him, that your Grandpa Kitman tried to crush, so he'd be the heir to CMK he wanted" Harry says. "You already understand what CMK means to him, and it means a lot to you as well" Harry says. "He's been happier since you took him than I have seen him in so long, Claude" Harry says.

"Thanks, Harry, I'm so glad you love and understand him as well as you do" I say kissing him. "Claude, are you OK with me bonding Rory?" Harry asks. "I've been trying for years to get Rory to admit to, and act on how much he loves you, Harry" I say laughing. "Of course, I'm thrilled that you two finally got together" I say smiling.

"I'm older than him, and I worry about that, and I know your Dad is concerned too" Harry says. "But I know his boys, you and Rory will cling to one another if either of us goes before you do" Harry says gently. "We will, I guess that's why I don't care as much that Jeb is being an ass over this, Rory's been more like my brother than Jeb ever was" I say thoughtfully. "You two are extremely close, and Jeb might feel left out because you are" Harry muses. "He's rebuffed every attempt Rory and I ever made to include him or get close to him, we've both tried hard, Harry" I say thinking back.

Harry gently strokes my mane. "Claude, I love you, and I know how much you'll love Jim, and make him happy, he means a lot to me" Harry says nuzzling me. "I know, Harry, I will try hard to understand Dad, and to be good for him as well, to let him feel free enough to be happy" I say looking out at the stars.