A Beautiful Lie

Story by 2DStories on SoFurry

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Like any good South American spy, Diego's ability to adapt and overcome in any situation is key for a successful operation. But what happens when the seemingly straight suave spy encounters a scenario that is outside his field of expertise? Especially a honey pot scenario that requires him to sleep with another man? Either way, this will definitely be a night to remember.

Special thanks to my friend Velkan, who helped me with the Spanish translations. I hope everyone enjoys the story and I would love to hear your feedback in the comments!

If there's two places a Yankee imagines whenever someone mentions the global south, it's Cancún and Tijuana. Beyond that and you might as well be talking about space exploration. As if any typical American could point on a map where Argentina might be? But that'll work to my advantage. Afterall, estos americanos son más boludos, me la dejan re fácil!

My mission for today is to infiltrate a technology firm that's frequently contracted by numerous US Intelligence Agencies. And I can achieve that with the list of employees I already plan to target. It helps that I have almost a decade worth of experience with infiltration and sharing trade secrets. In the beginning, I usually pass off the information to my father, to which I would be given special benefits and allowances that most of my older step siblings would be envious of. Other times, I would sell the information to the highest online bidder to pad my personal fortune.

As of late however, I've been sending the stolen data along to other South American countries. Especially those who, let's just say, don't have the best diplomatic relationship with the United States. Regardless of what information I gather tonight, the casino will serve as a fun distraction. My first priority is to look the part of a high roller before starting my mission. Tasteful but nothing too attention seeking either.

Admittedly, I'm not always a fan of what I have to dress in for every occasion. For this infiltration, I reluctantly adorn myself with Italian name brand clothing. It'll sadly be appropriate judging from how other high rollers dress judging from their posts on social media in Las Vegas. Dios mío, mira como se visten estos americanos! Still, the clothes I have on will convey a sense of wealth without drawing too much attention. And admittedly, the casual attire does compliment my jaguar spotted fur to a great extent. So, they'll work for what I'm aiming for.

For now, the only significant danger while working in America is dealing with their restrictive immigration process. It's nothing like Hollywood spy movies where fake passports are easily attainable like American fast food. For missions that require traveling in the global north, getting caught with a fake passport will easily bar me from future entry. Not to mention, I didn't have connections with any of the black markets within the US to obtain a forged one. While risky, I use my real passport whenever the airport authorities ask for identification. Thankfully, the security checkpoint goes off without a hitch and I'm able to hail a cab to start my mission.

Usually, my best bet for extracting information for missions like these tends to be from employees who work for the company. All of which are required to attend their annual team exercise conference at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino. After arriving inside the casino, I pass several employees who seem to have just wrapped up their mainline panel discussions and meetings for the evening. Some head straight for the table games while others retreat to the indoor restaurants and bars. Name tags and department titles pins were fully visible on every employee's attire, which eased my workload. Instead of wasting my time with a part time nobody, I can narrow down my specific targets who hold greater significance in the company.

During my search, there are three distinct archetypes that each of my marks possess that'll work to my advantage. The first potential target is Jamie Morison, a corporate manager whose sexual harassment complaint to HR has been ignored for the past few months. Second potential target is Marcus Davis, an overworked database administrator that latches on to any opportunity to get plastered. And lastly, there's Michael Anderson, a security analyst who hasn't finished his probationary period. Any of which would be more than eager to let certain company's secrets slip. And if I'm lucky, I might even gain access to their personal devices which will contain vast amounts of useful information. Tonight, simply holds a world of possibilities.

I eventually make my way towards the bars to see if I can spot one of my marks. The smell of booze and cigarette smoke wafts in the air along with the scent of every species imaginable. I watch from afar as bartenders' rush to fill the glasses of their thirsty clientele. I search for signs of Mr. Davis drinking heavily alone. I tend to work better when I'm able to isolate someone and draw out a friendly rapport with them. It'd be impossible to steer my desired conversations when I have to deal with a group of two or more. Like any functional social dynamic, conversations can quickly change topics in social groups. And after seeing Mr. Davis already pairing up with a small group taking tequila shots, I decided to leave the bars as they were of no use.

The next best option for me was finding a target at any of the hundreds of slot machines. After all, slot machines tend to be a more solitary experience for most gamblers. Perhaps Mrs. Morison will be there as I know for a fact, she prefers solitary activities from my research. But, to my dismay, the only participants at the slot machines were the elderly, who had nothing to do with the on-going conference. The last option for me was to attend the table games section. I can already see a group of conference goers heading towards the area with small casino chips bulging from their pockets. Maybe I'll be able to find Mrs. Morison or Mr. Anderson there? After getting a thousand dollars' worth of casino chips myself, I scour around the floor walking past several table games.

Many of the employees congregate among the craps and baccarat tables. But after arriving near one of the low stakes black jack tables, Mr. Anderson comes into my line of sight. He was an unimpressive brown spotted dalmatian, sitting alone with a capybara dealer before him. The nearby security constantly shoos the canine's nervous paw away from the dealt cards on the table. This was done on the casino's end to discourage potential cheating from players leaving marks on the cards. Displaying wide puppy dog eyes, he profusely apologizes to the security and dealer. The dealer seems easy going enough and very passive while dealing the cards. Mr. Anderson struggles to keep his circular glasses from falling off his muzzle as he tries to focus on the game. And to my surprise, he holds himself well at around three hundred dollars' worth of chips. Despite the odds being in his favor, he keeps playing defensively. Even after winning a few rounds, he continues counting and checking all of his chips, acting as if they could disappear at any moment.

I join the game and settle in my seat next to the mark. I show my passport to the dealer out of sight of my target, making sure the canine doesn't see my full legal name. After lending my passport and waiting for the capybara to break down my black hundred-dollar chips, I glance over to the dalmatian with a friendly expression.

I reach my paw out to him, "How's your night going? I go by Carlos and I can't help but notice that you're holding yourself up pretty well over here."

He adjusts his tight brown cuffs before reaching over to shake my paw, "Oh, thanks. I'm doing alright! Pleasure to meet you, Carlos."

"Pleasure to meet you as well..." I look down at his badge, "Michael Anderson from the security analyst department."

His tail wags, "Oh yeah, I forgot I still have this thing on. Anyway, I wish you much luck on your game!"

I flash him a smile, "You don't need to worry about me. Just here to have some fun. Though, if you don't mind me asking, how come you're not playing more aggressively? I've seen you win plenty of times before, yet you don't seem to increase your bets?"

He looks down, "Oh well, I really can't afford to lose any money right now. I'm kind of saving up for a used car I want to get."

"Used car? Shouldn't your profession allow you to get something a little more, you know, nicer?"

"Oh no, I'm still under my yearlong unpaid internship as a part of my probation. After that then I'll get a starting salary!"

Excelente, I didn't know about the unpaid part during my research! No wonder he's betting so low, he's desperate for cash. It probably costs him an arm and a leg just to even be here. In fact, he probably still lives with his parents and I'll bet he has a sizable amount of student debt under his belt. He's the perfect mark.

I see the dealer is about to finish converting my black chips into orange ones. I give my target a firm tap on the shoulder and click my teeth.

"I hope your internship concludes soon. Anyway, I got a proposition for you. How much did you start with?"

"Two hundred. Why?"

"You'll see. Just have the dealer convert your two hundred into black chips for me."

Mr. Anderson's ears arch up in a curious expression yet he does what I ask. The dealer nonchalantly exchanges his orange chips into two black hundred-dollar ones. The other one hundred was still split into several ten-dollar orange pieces. With a thousand dollars of chips on my table, I split mine evenly with him giving us each five hundred dollars to play with.

"How about we up the stakes and have a little fun?" I offer.

He nervously places a hand paw on his chest, "Oh I can't possibly accept such a kind offer! You'll lose all your money entrusting it to a beginner like me."

I put my paw up, "Calm down, I've seen the way you play. How about we cut loose for a while, my treat. You don't owe me anything other than your time. Now, care to have some fun?"

With the dealer patiently waiting for us to place our bets, Mr. Anderson simply nods his head and takes a few deep breaths. To my relief, he does use a few of my orange chips to raise the stakes on his first bet as the game is underway. Dealer receives a strong nine while I get dealt with a four. Mr. Anderson receives an eleven. After hitting a few times, I stand on a comfortable eighteen. My mark, meanwhile, hits on the eleven and sits at twenty. After the dealer reveals his cards, he is able to get up to nineteen. While I lost the bet, Mr. Anderson won this round. Already, I can hear the canine's small tail thump against the seat. What would've taken an hour worth of careful planning with minimum bets was all accomplished in a few seconds.

We go back and forth with the dealer for a while. Because we were dealing with only one deck, card counting was effortless. I put myself at an intentional disadvantage if it means increasing my target's likelihood of winning big. If Mr. Anderson was going to be dealt a bust card, I would take the hit. If the dealer was about to get a bust card, I encourage my mark to hold fast on anything above a twelve. Seven times out of ten, my strategy seems to work. In thirty minutes, Mr. Anderson gains a thousand dollars' worth of chips while I sit around two hundred. Before the game continues, the floor manager switches out the capybara with a maned wolf dealer.

The wolf seems more outwardly professional and serious compared to the laid-back dealer from before. He greets us with a warm smile and commandeers the games at our table from here on out. I could see the floor manager glaring at me while looking at the betting odds on her tablet. She's probably assuming I'm somehow cheating to help Mr. Anderson win. But she can't exactly nail down our methods beyond possible card counting? My target is solely focusing on the game and gives no obvious signals my way. Not to mention, card counting is still a perfectly legal tactic for either one of us to employ. Even with the extra managers observing our game from afar, I don't break my character of being a novice rich boy. Everyone fails to realize that it's not the money I'm after. It's Mr. Anderson's trust and knowledge, which to me, are worth more than this silly game. This is all just simple pocket change to me.

I turn to my mark, "I'm feeling good about this next play. Do you want to make this your last bet?"

He tilts his head, "Do you think I should? I could go for another hour, honestly!"

"You can if you want. But, why not end the night on a high note?" I then turn to the dealer.

I slide all of my chips onto the table and look back to my mark, "I think you should go for the maximum bet!"

Mr. Anderson checks and confirms the maximum bet still sits at a thousand. He looks down to see he has one thousand and two hundred dollars all together.

His tail tucks under his legs, "But, what if we lose it all?"

I grin, "It's possible, yes, but you will still have the two hundred you started with if it comes to it. You came here to have fun, right? So, I think you should go for it man!"

He looks around, biting his lower lip. His eyes seek for any sense of validation from others around him. The dealer simply waits patiently, only conveying a sense of cold neutrality. After I give him the extra confidence boost, Mr. Anderson agrees and goes for the maximum bet. The dealer stretches out his long skinny canine arms and deals the cards to us. While I get stuck with a shitty sixteen hand, my mark receives a solid eleven. However, the dealer displays his ace of hearts and asks if we want insurance. As paranoid as Mr. Anderson was about the possibility of a dealer black jack, he refuses the insurance. The game continues on.

I had a feeling that the next card was going to be a ten or face card. From my calculations, we've pretty much used up all the best cards for my situation. Instead of hitting, I stand and give the opportunity to my mark to seize on it. He lightly taps his fingers on the table and waits for the card to be dealt. The dealer unveils the card and a ten appears, Mr. Anderson receives a black jack. He excitedly barks out, nearly stumbling off of his chair, before covering his mouth in embarrassment. The dealer reveals his cards which sits him at an eighteen. While losing my remaining chips, Mr. Anderson earns a total of two and a half grand worth of chips.

We both exit the game as the dealer takes Mr. Anderson's recent chips to convert them into yellow and black ones. After leaving a twenty-dollar tip for the dealer, the canine lunges towards me, giving me a hug. I simply accepted it, knowing how important it was for someone like him to have his first big win. As he steps away from me with his eyes glistening.

"Shit, I'm sorry Carlos. I probably look like a mess. Just give me a minute," he says, rubbing his muzzle.

It only registers to me then exactly how much this win means for him. I've always been accustomed to paying for someone's drinks or providing a sympathetic ear, but what I did felt a little off to me. To bring a grown man on the verge of tears from pure joy leaves a heavy feeling in my chest. No puede ser, no me puedo estar sintiendo culpable, right? Though I try not to dwell on it while he clears his throat to speak.

"Thank you for everything. Would you like for me to split the winnings with you?" He asks while reaching over to grab his chips.

I shake my head, "No need. Though, this calls for a celebration, don't you think? How about we get some drinks at your place?"

The canine's long muzzle widens, "Definitely, the mini bar in my room has plenty of drinks! Just, wait by the elevators while I go and cash out. And I'll lead you the rest of the way, okay?"

I give a simple nod and feel him lean up to tightly hug me once more before departing. Seems I was already off to a great start tonight. I should have plenty of opportunities to access his phone with some slight misdirection. I'll just need to find the right time to do so. Either way, I think this calls for a smoke break. Treat myself while I wait for Mr. Anderson.

While taking my smoke break next to the elevator, a few passersby ask me for a light. I don't mind sharing my light with others. Hell, one of them happens to be a gay couple as they share a smoke with me. I happily oblige as I don't mind the extra company. Glad I didn't have to travel with my father for this assignment or else he would have something to say about my politeness towards homosexuals. As if whispering derogatory shit in Spanish makes it less noticeable when it's written all over his face. While I exchanged little words with the gay couple, I found their company enjoyable and unoffensive. They later depart once their desired party arrives to join them.

After a few minutes of waiting, I'm the only one left smoking next to the elevator. Instead of lighting another cigarette, I simply snuff out the bud on a nearby ashtray when I hear Mr. Anderson's footsteps coming from behind me. I summon the elevator and have it ready for him by the time he catches up to me. His nose picks up the heavy smoke but doesn't seem to be offended by the smell as we walk in together. I try to make small talk to see if I can draw out any information that I can use for later.

"So, what do you plan to purchase with your winnings, Mr. Anderson? Besides the car, I mean." I ask.

He wags his tail, "Oh, you can just call me Michael! Anyway, there are a few things I plan to do with my winnings! I can pay off some of my credit card debt. But I will mainly be using it to pay for the car I want! It would mean I'll no longer have to take the bus or carpool anymore! I might even be able to start investing into crypto currency with the money left over! And it's thanks to you! But I have to ask. Do you act this generous with everyone you meet?"

While lying comes naturally to me like an avian to water, it's easier to craft tales that have some modicum of accurate information. Deception comes easiest when the target is given half-truths.

The small tale flows from my tongue with ease, "Not often. But seeing you play out there was really something! I figure you could use a bit more excitement in your life!"

"Yeah, though I think I could rest and drink for a bit. Do you have any other plans?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Nothing really. I just recently arrived so I could use a little break!" Suggesting to him.

He flashes me a sly look before guiding me towards his room. It was a small living arrangement, just a queen size bed and a small flat screen TV. What drew my attention immediately though was the laptop on the small wooden desk. Forget the phone, a personal computer will have all the information I'll need. From the looks of things, it was password protected. Worst comes to worst, my smartphone has special software that can brute force its way in if I need to. Could take a few hours depending on how long and complicated the password is. Perhaps there's a small password book somewhere in this room? It's pretty common for tech centric employees to keep a physical list of passwords when they're just starting out. And it's a safer alternative than keeping passwords tucked away on unsecured smartphone apps. I just need to find the time to do a search and hit up the suitcase first when the opportunity arises.

Before pondering any further, I watch Michael kneel in front of a small safe to stash his winnings before going over to the mini fridge. The canine pulls out a bottle of raspberry rum in one hand and a pair of tulip-shaped glasses in the other. I don't care very much for the brand or taste of cheap synthetic flavored rum, though I make no complaints. Perhaps I can get him inebriated enough to make the canine drowsy. Either way, we make a toast to his winnings and I take a few sips while Michael nearly finishes his first glass.

"I'm sorry if it comes off as rude, but what brings you to Vegas?" Michael asks, licking the rum off his lips before continuing, "Couldn't help but notice you gave an Argentina passport to the dealer."

"Just here on vacation. I like to travel the world whenever possible and see the wonders of America. Plus, it doesn't hurt that this land has a lot of beautiful people." I wink.

Michael laughs, "God, you're so cheesy. For one, I'm not that good looking to begin with. But secondly, there has to be something more though, right? I'm sure a guy like you can hang out with anyone. So, why me?"

He's not wrong but I need to choose my words carefully. I take a few more sips from my glass as I give an immediate response. "I'll be honest, I wasn't really planning on coming here to this casino tonight. But a lot hasn't been working out the last few weeks. I just needed to get away and clear my head for a while. And, it's honestly really flattering you would want to spend time and have fun with a foreigner like me."

Michael scoots closer to me, "I can definitely understand what you mean! Things haven't been going my way as of late too. Worst yet, I haven't gotten laid in months."

I raise an eyebrow, "How come? Something getting in the way?"

Michael laughs, "Yeah, work! Weekly schedule changes and crunch time make planning for anything down right impossible. Sometimes, I feel like working there was a mistake. Because of my lack of seniority, I have to be the first to come and the last to leave. Thought this trip was going to be a giant waste of time. But so far, things are going great for once!"

I smirk, "Glad I was able to make your trip eventful. Do you have any favorite vacation spots you like to visit when you're not working?"

Michael shakes his head, "Can't say. Not really something I've gotten to do."

I tilt my head, "Come now, that can't be true! Have you ever been on a family vacation growing up? Like to the Caribbean islands or Mexico?"

Michael looks down, "Other than a trip to my grandparents place in Belen, I had to start working early to support my family. I'm from Santa Fe myself, born and raised. And this is honestly my first time traveling to a different state for a vacation. Though this will probably be my only trip for a while. It must be nice getting to explore wherever your heart desires and go on exciting adventures. Instead of being stuck in one place for the rest of your life."

I look at him, "It's only exciting when I have someone to spend it with. How about we make this a night to remember then? Help take your mind off of work and enjoy a few more drinks?"

After those words, Michael starts to softly nudge himself against me as we sit on the bed. I was getting a bit uncomfortable with the physical closeness. Perhaps it was just an American custom that both sexes practice when having a night out drinking. But that thought quickly dissipates when I feel Michael's hand gently suddenly rest on top of my own. Que onda con este flaco? Me quiere levantar? My hand paw slips out from under his as though my body has a mind of its own. Never had a man come on strongly like that before. In Argentina, it's taboo for men to display intimate forms of affection for one another. Though it's perfectly acceptable here in America nowadays. And because of my impulsive response and general misread of the situations, I break cover by accident. And now it looks like he's taken my instinctual rejection hard and starts backing away.

"Oh, sorry. That was rude of me. I'm super sorry! I thought and figured that... never mind I'll just shut up now." Michael says with a shaky tone.

Before my target panics, I try to laugh off the awkwardness.

"Hey no worries my friend. It was just the excitement of the moment. No harm in a little affection, right?" I assure him.

"I'm sorry, I thought because you were being so nice that I assumed you were into me. If you're not into dudes then I totally get it. I'll just let you finish your drink and I'll let you go!" He offers.

Y a este que le pasa? There's no way I'll be able to draw out the information at this rate. Especially if he's going to be nervous around me. Looks like I'll need to accept his proposal for the time being. But, would that mean I'll have to sleep with him? I've done it on my female targets before but not with another man. I can normally adapt to a rapidly changing situation, but this is a field I'm entering into with little experience. Porque me la complica tanto? You're really putting me out of my element here! Still, I can't give up now. I have to follow through and not show any hesitation on my part. If I'm about to do this then I will give it my all without any hesitation.

I gently reach over and hold onto his hand paw, "It's fine really. You know, I think you're plenty cute. And I'm really enjoying my time here with you."

He avoids making eye contact with me, "And you're not just saying that to be nice? I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."

I try to imagine in this scenario if this was with a woman. And that seems to help my body follow through the motions.

I gently lift his paw up to kiss it, "Of course not. I would be more than delighted to have some fun. I promise you; this jaguar won't bite."

A wave of relief crashes over my body as I see him smile. He holds onto my paw, "Okay! Hey, thanks for being super cool about this!"

"Not at all," I said, kissing his hand paw again before standing up, "By the way, could I excuse myself? I need to freshen up a bit, I'll be right back out!"

Michael gives an understanding nod before grabbing his glass and refilling it with rum. I casually stroll over to the restroom and lock myself in, pretending to be doing my business. I pace around inside the restroom as my mind is flooding with panic thoughts. I wasn't completely repulsed by the idea of sleeping with another man, but I truly didn't give it much thought beforehand. Perhaps it isn't so different from seducing a woman? But suppose he proposes that I should be on the receiving end? What would I do in that situation? He'll notice my inexperience if I dare attempt such a feat! Fuck, how exactly am I going to do this?

Either way, I need to calm down as panicking is never helpful. Michael mustn't see me in such a flustered state. I take a few deep breaths and allow my fur to flatten back down to its normal state. Now that I'm able to think rationally, I can already devise several plans on how this should play out. Just need to take one thing at a time, as the American saying goes. I need to maintain my comfort zone in the bedroom and be the dominant one. If I can pull this off correctly, after I get him to finish, I'll cum quickly right after. It's important that the target is left exhausted and satisfied first and foremost. So that's what I'll do!

Having a clear plan in mind, I step right out from the restroom and flash Michael a grin. He seems to be at ease on the bed as he makes room for me to sit right beside him. I take a few sips from my glass as we sit together on the bed.

I manage to work up the nerve to speak, "What are you in the mood for exactly? Like, anything specific you want to do?"

Michael finishes his third glass, "Well, I was thinking that maybe you could top me if that's alright? Ever since my favorite fuck buddy Alex moved to California a few months back, I've been having a really bad dry spell."

I chuckle, "I see, so there isn't anyone at work that could help you with that?"

Michael's laughs, "No way I could ever come out at work. The firm's culture is super uptight about that kind of stuff. Also, to be honest most of the guys there are pretty shit anyway."

"Well, I hope I'm able to make the cut then," I lean in to kiss his cheek.

The small kiss causes Michael's tail to wag, "I have a feeling you will!"

After finishing his glass, Michael starts nudging himself against me once more. This time, his paws reach out to lay on top of my own before looking up to me. His expression asks for validation to continue on further from where we left off. I didn't even have to think about it as my right arm snakes around the canine's waist. That seems to make him more comfortable as I hear Michael's tail thump against the bed. With Michael's muzzle inching closer towards me, his eyes longingly gaze up to mine. I take the first move and lean in to kiss him, letting our lips connect as the air arounds us becomes warm. To my surprise, his lips seem to hesitate more than my own. I feel his paws gently rest on my lap as we hold the kiss for a while, letting the sounds fill the air. La puta madre, necesito que se me pare.

I try to keep my eyes closed and think back to my past hookups. Who was that one woman, the one I had a fling with back in Monte Hermoso? Oh yeah, she was a dalmatian too. Never got her name but she has a similar build to Michael's. I remember how she had a cute little spot shaped like a heart just right above her tail. That's it, all I need is to get into the right mindset and let my body follow through the motions. I just need to pretend it's her and I can get through this. Bueno, tranquilo, vos podes con esto. By the time Michael's paw casually strokes my groin, I manage to get myself aroused.

Michael teases, "Feels like someone's just as excited!"

It takes little effort for both of us as we stand up to strip down naked, our clothes stack on top of one another. After turning down the lights, we could only make out each other's shadows. The computer screensaver acts as our only source of light. I continue to keep my eyes close to fully immerse myself and allow Michael to play with my dick.

He gets on his knees and gets a proper look at my full length, "Jesus Christ!"

A pretty common reaction I receive from others. Sometimes if it's too intimidating for my marks, they outright refuse any penetrative sex. If they're unable to perform in fear of getting injured, I often resort to soft oral play. I'll just need to wait on what Michael plans to do? After a few seconds of silence, he leans his head forward and starts sucking me off. I didn't know what to expect initially. The noises were a bit distracting, as it put a large crack in the fantasy that plays out in my head. Yet, the canine manages to envelop my length with such skill that it takes me by surprise. The fact he can swallow my entire dick was no small feat.

Forget the beach fling, Michael is doing a fantastic job as is. He even gets a small roar out from me whenever his wet canine nose manages to nuzzle against my crotch. The claws in my feet embed themselves into the carpet floor as my breathing hastens. My left paw lightly holds onto his head and my hips start to pump back and forth. I give shallow humps, making sure Michael doesn't get taken out of the moment from gagging. Though my fears quickly dissipate as he wildly bobs his head, not letting up on my dick. It doesn't take long until I feel my balls flex underneath the canine's chin. I thought it would be easier to withhold my orgasm until after I brought on Michael's, but he's going to draw one out of me at this rate. Before I could climax, he slides his muzzle off and pants loudly.

"Not yet!" Michael chuckles.

He gets up and steps aside. My ears pick up the sounds of a suitcase zipper being undone. I open my eyes and try to let my vision adjust to the low light in the room. Michael hunches over his luggage that was next to the wooden table. From the looks of things, he hasn't fully unpacked as it had only been one day at the conference. Once I'm finished with him, I can start by searching his luggage. But right now, I'll need to get him under my control.

He scrambles back from his suitcase with a bottle of lube in one hand paw and a condom in the other. With his tail wagging like a spinning blade fan, Michael presents the condom to me with begging eyes. I politely decline before reaching down to pull one out my own from my shorts. Takes me only a few seconds to get myself ready with the condom on. He eagerly flies onto the bed and presents his rear towards me. Before getting soft again, I close my eyes and try to fantasize about a different session, this time with my female jaguar friend Sofía. She allowed me to do anal with her that one time. I can remember vividly just how excited I was while taking her from behind. Once fully aroused, I apply ample amounts of lubricant and line myself up to Michael's entrance.

I held on the base of my shape, letting Michael ease and adjust himself. It was strangely adorable, watching him lift his tail high and proud before letting out a submissive whine. Within a few seconds, my tip finally opens him up. His anal rings slowly give way, letting my length nestle comfortably inside him. Huy dios... que apretadito, que bien se siente! He slides about half way onto my length before stopping, adjusting to my size. His inner walls were so mind meltingly warm while also keeping a resounding grip on my cock. After a few adjustments, he gently sweeps his hips back and forth.

The bed wobbles around while Michael continues to bounce himself against my lap. The canine shows a knack for keeping me aroused. Sometimes, he slows down to draw out the session to keep me on edge. His hips methodically sway from side to side before his thin tail wags. All of which draws out shaky groans from the bass of my throat. They would last briefly before his squishy rear firmly bounces against my lap causing me to loudly moan. Rarely do I ever have this much fun performing on my marks. There are only a few times I can recall having amazing sexual experiences. And those were adventures outside from my espionage work. I dare to admit to myself, Michael would be my first fun sexual adventure while on the job. Overtime, I can tell he was starting to get exhausted. The canine's arms and legs were shaking, struggling to keep himself in place. That's when I went in for the finish, picking up the pace with my thrusts. Leaning forward to cling my arms around his soft squishy body, my hips became a blur. I can tell he was loving every second with how his canine whines became louder, his tail wagging faster, and his limbs shaking uncontrollably.

I bite my lower lip, resisting the urge to embed my claws into his fur while clinging to him. I couldn't hold back my orgasm for much longer at this rate. My feet claws curl up in a tight ball as I start cumming. My senses become dull with each passing second as Michael is still keeping his hips up for me. I still don't let up on my thrusts. Not until I know for sure I bring him to his ultimate orgasm. I rest my chin along his right shoulder, my tongue smoothly glides along his thin neck fur. I even reach one arm around to fondle his male breast, circling my claws around one of his nipples to see if it stimulates him further. I get my response when Michael cries out, his inner walls clamping tightly down onto my length following soon after. Within a few moments, he firmly presses himself onto my length, taking every inch of it. His squishy rear quivers and flexes as he reaches his orgasm. I hear the sounds of thick streaks of cum plastering against the bedsheets below us.

I slowly pry myself from his tight rump and lay back against the bed. The head rush from the intense orgasm makes me slightly groggy. I manage to work myself out of my hazy state as Michael crawls over, lying beside me while panting. His eyelids struggle to stay open as he looks up to me, his tongue lazily hanging out from the left side of his cheek. That's when I knew, I got him. He was no more docile than a small sedated puppy. We went at it for about half an hour from glancing at the alarm clock. To seal the deal, I lean in to plant a firm kiss on his lips before gently laying my head down next to him. I stay beside Michael, signaling him to rest and take all the time he needs. Before surrendering to the sweet temptations of slumber, he mutters something from his muzzle.

"You were amazing! Did you finish too?" He asks.

I slide the condom off and tie it up before answering, "I did. Haven't cum like that in weeks. Mind if I spend the night here? I'm pretty exhausted."

Michael nods, "Yeah, stay for as long as you want."

After a soft yawn, he leans over to plant a kiss on my lips. Instead of one long kiss, Michael provides several in short succession along with small tongue licks. I tilt my head slightly, giving him a better angle to receive them. I then watch Michael lay back down, closing his eyes and drifting off into sleep. I keep to his side, watching his chest rise and fall with every deep breath. After a few minutes, I gently use my left thumb to pry open one of his eyelids. Seeing his pupil rapidly moving informs me that he's entering deep REM sleep. That's when I take my cue. I lean down to kiss his forehead before sliding myself off the mattress. Not something I normally do, but I will make an exception for him just this once.

He is certainly very sweet and it hasn't been the worst experience in my life. And if I could take anything to my grave, it would be how I ended up having more fun than anticipated. Perhaps in a different life, I could've experimented more to figure out what my true desires were. Though for now, I have a job to do.

I tip toe towards my clothes to get my phone and USB cable before heading over to Michael's luggage. I need to check to see if there is a password book hiding somewhere inside? My claws expertly undo the zippers as my fingers scavenge through every nook and cranny of his luggage. In a small unassuming pocket, I manage to retrieve a tiny notebook. I flip through the pages, finding several codes and login protocols for every online account. This was an immediate success as now I didn't need to rely on software to gain access. After logging into the computer, I carefully shift through the pages with my claws.

With a brief glance at the relevant passwords and protocols, I access his corporate email and employer's website. I then compile all of the company's private correspondents I need into a zip file, before searching through the desired folders on his hard drive. Sure enough, I was able to find relevant software that would be highly valued to counteract US intelligence. After fathering everything into one place, I compress it all into one zip folder, connect my phone to the computer, and drag them to my phone's memory drive for extraction. Just as the file transfer was almost complete, I heard bed sheets ruffling which made me freeze in place.

My head takes a brief glance backwards to check to see if Michael's awake. To my relief, his muzzle was pointing away from my direction. I turn my attention back to the computer with my right paw placed over the USB cable, readying myself to quickly remove it and close up my operation. Once the file transfer was complete, my right paw removes the cable from the laptop as my left paw moves to press the power button to shut it down. The screen goes dark with the room becoming pitch black.

I then swiftly slip the password book inside his luggage and start gathering my clothes. Before climbing back into my attire, a small tinge of worry manifests inside my mind. Michael would become suspicious if I left right away. Especially after I ask to stay and spend the night. Not to mention, opening the door would allow the bright hallway lights to flood into the room. And the last thing I need is to have him catch me walking out the door fully clothed. This wasn't just a casual fling where I can depart at a moment's notice. For now, I scrap my initial plan as my safest bet is to just stay the night. Before going to bed, I head to the bathroom to relieve myself. After finishing my business, a few heavy footsteps enter the bathroom.

My feline ears stand tall as a voice echo, "Sorry, mind if I take a shower? Still a little bit sweaty and sticky."

It was Michael's, though from the sounds of it his voice was a bit monotoned and tired. As I'm about to return to the bed, the canine impedes my path.

"Say, would you like to shower with me? It wouldn't feel right to make you wait for me to finish." He suggests.

I couldn't decline his offer as becoming cold and distant would raise suspicion. Looks like I'll need to keep up the lovey dovey act for a while longer.

I grin, "Sure, I'll join you once you're in."

With a head nod, Michael reaches over to run the shower and tests the temperature of the water. After a few seconds of waiting, we both head inside and start to clean ourselves up. I don't always tend to stick around after seducing a target. Most women are simply happy to let me depart for the evening while they rest. Yet, the small moment with him was a nice change of pace. It was almost as if I was having a special moment with a potential partner. But for now, I'll just have to keep this as just a past memory to look back fondly at. It's just a shame that this particularly sweet canine had to work for such an awful company.

When Michael faces me, he lightly places his arms around my hips and looks up. Looking down I could tell something was off. His expression takes on a serious look as the canine's eyes stare into mine.

"Is everything alright? I wasn't too rough, was I?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No, you were great actually. But, I kind of want to ask you something?"

Here we go, I'm sure he's probably going to ask if I still had the condom on. Can't blame him though for feeling this way. Even with female marks, sometimes regret will overtake the person after acting on a spontaneous passion. While I may not have many emotional connections with my targets, I always treat them with respect and act as a well-trained lover. The condom always stays on and I never put anyone else's health at risk. Whatever concerns he may have, I can answer them truthfully.

I keep eye contact with Michael as he continues, "Are you here to rob me?"

It takes all of my being to not scowl my eyebrows at his question from just how absurd it sounds. But truth be told, my mind was flustered by the question. I can normally read people like a book and account for what most people would say in any situation. But he's throwing me curve balls. I try not to show any signs of fear but perplexity in hopes to throw off any suspicions.

"What are you talking about? Why are you asking me a silly question like that?" I try to laugh it off.

Michael breaks eye contact and fidgets his fingers, "Well, you kind of seem distracted when we were having fun. But if I'm being honest, I couldn't shake the feeling that you were going through my computer when I woke up. It's not that valuable in case you're wondering."

Okay this is starting to get a little bit much for me. If I'm put into an impossible position, then my last resort will be to escape and get to my hangar right away. Though there's another possibility that opens for me. I just need to politely but firmly assert my innocence. And by exercising a dominant attitude, I will be able to provide the best performance I can muster.

I step away to create some distance, "Michael, this isn't funny. I'm here on vacation. Why would I need a cheap laptop? I can supply your entire company with them without blinking. Either way, all I did was turn it off! The light was distracting and I needed to sleep!"

Any truly innocent person accused of wrongdoing would be confrontational in a situation like this. It might be mean, but my livelihood and safety always come first.

He shakes his head, "That isn't true though! I'm not angry, I just want to understand!"

I reaffirm, "But I am being honest! I can't sleep with that bright screen on!"

Michael stands firm, "Just stop it already! I could tell you were messing with my laptop because my password book was misplaced when I checked my luggage! You were the only one who could've done that. Carlos, please stop lying to me! I just want to know what's going on? Why are you here?"

Shit, I massively fucked up. Looking back, he probably uses the computer fan for white noise when he sleeps. Not to mention, I was stupid for forgetting about the small booklet and which pocket I found it in. I truly messed up. My claws try to seep out from my hand paws as my body enters a fight and flight response. Though I hold them back using all of my mental fortitude to not panic in front of him. My throat tries to let out a haphazard excuse though I bite my tongue to not dig myself any deeper. Seeing as I'm next to the shower door, I step out to dry myself off and just ignore him. If I can get my clothes on and make it out the door, perhaps I can disappear into the crowds in the lobby and hail a cab for the airport.

Before leaving, he comes up from behind me and snakes his arms around my waist. The canine was shivering, holding close to me and not letting go. It crosses my mind that I might have to be physically confrontational to remove myself from the situation. Not necessarily land a blow on him, but create enough physical distance between us while also making a run for my clothes. Though before I can act, I hear soft sniffles come from behind.

Michael begs, "Carlos, I promise you, if you just be honest with me then I'll never tell anyone about this! All I ask is for the truth, please!"

The canine's voice was cracking, he was holding back tears. There was that familiar pain in my chest which started to manifest throughout the rest of my body. I couldn't dwell on my mistakes as I started weighing my options. The more I try to resist, the less likely I'm able to escape the situation without drawing attention. For everyone's safety, I need to deescalate the situation as my only option.

I let out a heavy sigh, "Listen, I didn't mean to harm you."

Michael presses, "Then what were you after? Is it something related to my job?"

"I don't want to say. However, I didn't come to steal from your personal property. And I didn't come here to personally endanger you. That I can assure you."

He stays silent, "Well... it's a start at least."

I struggle to control my breathing to calm myself. Of all the situations and interrogations, I've previously surmounted, this one proves to be the most difficult. Feels as though my heart is about to tear open as it becomes hard to breathe. To my surprise, Michael suddenly releases his hold on me. He hands me a towel and motions me to dry off before we step out of the bathroom.

"Let's just try and talk things out, okay?" Michael suggests.

Reluctantly, I agree to his proposal and start toweling myself off. Once fully dried, we sit on top of the mattress and stay silent for a while. Michael sits next to me closing the distance between us before he begins his questioning.

"What truly brought you here? Does it have something to do with the conference?" He presses.

"Yes." I said keeping it short.

"Were you hired by someone?"

"No, I came here by myself."

"Then what exactly did you come here for?"

The room became silent. In truth, it takes all of my being to not try and bolt for the door. I've been interrogated before by law enforcement at home and abroad. Yet, right now I wasn't in my prime state of mind. I didn't want to put him in serious trouble, nothing like this. It's one thing if my actions cause him to temporarily lose employment. But this is serious jail time if Michael were implicated and accused of being an accomplice. The Feds would force him to cooperate to nail me down with serious charges. Try as I might, it was difficult to answer direct questions truthfully.

He reaches over to hold my hand paw, "You know, because you've given me so much this evening, you could've just asked for anything."

I shake my head, "No, it would've been too risky. It would be one thing if you disclosed something to me by accident. But the type of information I already have would get you locked up for years if not decades. You deserve a normal life."

Michael solemnly nods, "That bad huh? Let me guess, you were here gathering company secrets and proprietary technology, am I right?"

All I can do is nod my head as I stay silent.

He continues, "Can you tell me why you did it?"

After another round of silence, I take some time to gather my thoughts before speaking. I never had to explain my intentions to another person before. I could always lie, but if I'm to earn his sympathies and trust, then coming clean will be my best option.

I lift my head up high to take a deep breath. "I did what I've done to protect my people. Your government constantly sows chaos in my region of the world, yet never considers the consequences of the people who are forced to flee their homeland? Sure, some make it here up north, but most are displaced within South America which puts pressure on the rest of us. Argentina may be a US ally, but it's more out of a sense of practicality and fear of retaliation from your government. We were tired of being pushed around as your leaders act with impunity. So... that's why I'm here. To pass off the information to competitors and make it harder for your country to fuck over my region of the world."

He nods his head attentively throughout my confession. Even when speaking ill of his homeland, I didn't sense any signs of hostility in his body language. Though from the looks in his eyes, there were still questions burning in his mind.

"I see. And what were your targets exactly once the information was passed off?" He asks sternly.

"Mainly cyber exploits to cripple the economy," I say with a heavy sigh, "You know, damage physical infrastructure and cause market slowdowns. But I never give my clients access to tools that would put people's lives in direct danger. That's a personal line I'll never cross. Still, I wouldn't blame you if you're angry with me. I'm sorry for getting you wrapped up in this."

I look to Michael, judging to see if my answers were satisfactory. For once, I truly meant what I said. I'm not out to attack civilians indiscriminately. I wasn't that type of person that inflicts harm just for the sake of it. Though I imagine if it were law enforcement I was speaking to, they wouldn't very much care for my personal altruistic motives. To my relief, however, it seems to convince him as he gives a reassuring smile. Though judging from his expression, there was still one question lingering in his mind.

"I still want to know something. The time we had together, was it all a complete lie in the end? Were you faking it?" He looks up.

Uh, no quiero pincharle el globo. I bit my lower lip; this was probably the most difficult question I had to answer. Yet, this damn canine manages to put a chink in my armor. I could feel my nose run as my vision blurs a bit. I wipe my muzzle with a towel and let out a deep breath again before I continue.

"At first, you were nothing more than a potential target for my operation. But... after getting to know you, I developed some feelings for you. And in all honesty, the reason I was distracted during sex wasn't only because of the mission. It was because you were my first."

"You're first, what exactly?"

"You know, my first time sleeping with another man. I never had the opportunity to discover that about myself beforehand. Yet, I ended up enjoying my time with you. And again, I want to apologize for my actions. I never intended to hurt you, Michael."

With that a few tears work their way out despite my best efforts. I could hardly believe I've broken down in front of someone like this, in front of another man no less! Last time I cried in front of someone was with my mother as a little niño. I couldn't express vulnerability with any of my male family members, especially my father. Those emotions were reserved for women and homosexuals, or at least that's what my father instilled into me. But here I am, my cover blown and losing control of my emotions. Who knew that it took an American dalmatian to compromise me in the end?

I guess I'm truly fucked now. Even if he won't alert the authorities, there's no way I can operate in this region of the country again. The only luck I'll be receiving tonight is being allowed to escape without ending up in the custody of the federal police. Though before I dwell on my failures any longer, Michael leans over and tightly embraces me. This hug was much tighter, his claws seeping into my thick outer fur. I allow myself to accept his embrace, finding it calming. Michael sits up and starts to speak. "I believe you, Carlos! And I forgive you. Which is why, as crazy as it sounds, I want to ask a favor from you! Will you hear me out?"

"Of course, name your price!"

He shakes his head, "No that's not what I want to ask." After a few false starts, he finally blurts out his question, "Could I work with you? Like be your man on the inside and leak information to you?"

The tips of my ears were sizzling like matches upon hearing his request. My mind can barely comprehend the gravity of what he's suggesting. Is he trying to blackmail me by getting close? Or is he just as equally crazy as I am for wanting to take on this kind of work? I grit my teeth, giving his proposal some thought. If he truly does wish to work with me then I have to know his exact motives as to why?

I finish thinking and speak, "You do understand being a leaker holds serious penalties, correct? This isn't like your Hollywood movies. Would you really want to venture into something like that?"

Michael never breaks eye contact with me, "Yes, and I want in!"

"But why? You'll be made an enemy of the State and you might spend the rest of your life on the run. So why throw your life away for a foreigner like me?"

"Because, I already did!" He raises his voice, "I threw my life away after doing everything I was told to do! But what did I get in the end? Nothing but massive amounts of debt and a workplace that doesn't respect me. I'm just tired of living on the sidelines! For once, I'm making the decisions for myself. And that's why, I want to be your man on the inside!"

I protest, "Don't you think what you're suggesting is a bit extreme? You don't even know anything about me!"

"Well, then what's your full name? You already know mine. Only fair I know yours to start things off?"

"That isn't the point! Besides, I work better alone, anyway. Because if I fuck up, I only have myself to blame." Despite the urge to hold back my tongue, I continue, "And I don't want to drag others down with me."

"But you wouldn't be dragging me down! Back at the blackjack table, I knew you were throwing the game for me. You trusted in my abilities to be perceptive. And it paid off in the end. So now, I want to show you what I'm fully capable of. All I ask is you have a little faith in me." He holds onto my hand paw.

I still think his proposal is too risky. Being a leaker to a foreign agent like me still carries serious criminal penalties. Yet, if he still insists on helping me then I have to know his exact motives as to why.

I press further, "What do you hope to gain from this by helping me?"

Michael thinks for a moment before responding, "Mainly to be treated as an equal. And I feel like I would be actually doing something important with my life. Instead of being just a mindless drone for a soulless corporation. And after hearing your story, I want to support your cause. Could you at least give my proposal some thought?"

It would be more convenient to have an American on the inside. Information gathering would be a breeze compared to doing my own reconnaissance research. And the possibility of accessing the American black markets through him would be plenty resourceful as well. Yet, the drawback of putting his life in danger still weighs heavily on my mind. In either case, if this will be our arrangement then I have to provide him with a test. The conference will still be ongoing throughout the weekend which will give plenty of opportunities to have Michael leak as much information to me as possible. I can have him put me in touch with other high-ranking employees inside the company to draw more intelligence from. Though if all else fails, I will have other contingency plans to make a quick escape if necessary. Still, a small part of me does hope that he will make the cut.

After some contemplation, my expression softens as I speak, "If you're serious about the offer, then you'll need to follow my exact instructions carefully. Make one critical mistake this weekend and our arrangement will be out of the question. I wouldn't want to be forced to cut off all ties with you. However, if we work together then I promise you that we'll stick it to your employer! I'll make sure that you'll receive a sizable compensation for all of your troubles. And I'll make sure that we'll keep in touch after the conference is over. Do you accept my terms?"

His canine tail furiously wags before he leaps over to hug me and kiss my cheek, "I do! Thank you! Oh, thank you so much! I promise, I'll give it my all! You have my word! Though before we begin, I still never got your full name. What was it, may I ask?"

Seems he hasn't forgotten about that. I don't know if our arrangement will develop into anything deeper than just a mutually beneficial friendship, but for now I'm ready to see where this takes us. This wasn't what I exactly had in mind for how this evening was going to play out. But if Michael is willing to go this far for me and to help my cause, then I'll make damn sure he's kept under my protection. I hold out my hand paw and look into his eyes to solidify our arrangement.

I answer with confidence in my voice, "My name is Diego Carlos Altavista. Pleasure to have you aboard, Michael!"