Maid's Story ch02-Love/Hate Relationship

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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#2 of Maid's Story

This was a requested follow up to Eternal Emotion, i hope you like it as much as the first

A Love/Hate Relationship

The shadows swirled around the dark room, the light from the fireplace having faded long into the morning; a large red furred tiger sat passively looking at the blackened ashes.

"So, you have found another." A soft voice echoed from the depths of his mind.

His ear flick as he shifted and settled again, not bothering to look around simply because he knew where it is coming from.

"She may like it now, but what will happen when she sees the real you?"

Silence again as the tiger gave a cavernous yawn, whether he heard the voice or not he didn't show it, rather choosing to sit in front of the dead fire and for the first time in a decade, he chose to reflect on his life.

Jessica stirred from her blissful slumbers to feel herself on a soft warm bed, her skin tingling after the night before. She had answered an advertisement for a maid's job and even though the initial interview had gone well it was what happened afterwards that truly surprised her.

The young white furred femme felt a weight on her and upon opening her eyes she saw a tangle of red hair and a pair of rabbit ears. Rebecca Evermore, her first contact with her new employer, a young grey furred lawyer whom gave Jessica a chance by helping her secure the job, it wasn't until later she found out why.

Smiling, Jessica chyrred softly as the bunny snuggled into her impressive breasts, warm breathing across her fur making the girl shiver as she remembered what happened.

After being brought to her new job, Rebecca introduced her to Mr Smith, a larger tiger who needed a dedicated maid to look after his home. After watching and listening to them it appeared there was more to the twos relationship then just business, a suspicion that was confirmed after dinner, where it was revealed the bunny was indeed the tigers "pet", not only for business but for pleasure as well, a pleasure Jessica experienced shortly after.

Remembering something the girl lifted the covers a bit, careful not to disturb her sleeping companion as she looked down Rebecca's back to see the soft grey stripes that were exposed last night, curiously trailing her fingers over them as the bunny began to wake.

"Mmmm so nice." She whispered, Jessica stopping as her cheeks flushed red, the girl not use to the two of them being naked.

"Sorry to wake you Miss Rebecca." Jessica said, lowering the covers again as the rabbit purred and cuddled the girl's warm body, placing light kisses on her soft globes and causing her to gasp.

"It's okay Jessica, and please call me Rebecca."

Smiling a little Jessica began to rub the rabbit femmes back, more purring came as the pretty lawyer started nibbling at her bed mates orbs. Moaning, Jessica closed her eyes as her skin tingled more, the feel of her breasts being played made her feel wonderful, gentle kneading followed as firm fingers sought out her hard nubs and rubbed them in a teasing way until.

"Oh crap!" Rebecca exclaimed, the gentle foreplay stopping as she sat up looking at the clock. "I am so late for work."

Surprised Jessica saw it was just after nine in the morning, she too could be considered late for her first official day of work as well.

"Oh dear." She too sat up, both moving in to rise from the bed.

"I guess it's a good thing we are sleeping with the boss." Rebecca said sheepishly as Jessica blushed at the thought.

Technically she hadn't had sex with the tiger although she could remember his big paws fondling her chest as Rebecca pleasured her orally and Jessica was sure he was waiting on her decision to stay or not before wanting to whisk her off to his bed.

She sighed as thoughts of what could happen drifted in, she was so engrossed she missed most of Rebecca's hurried explanation of her jobs for the day before the bunny dressed and scooted off to her office, leaving Jessica to scurry off to wash before the days chores.

"I certainly hope that this sort of thing isn't going to continue child."

Jessica stood looking down in the presence of Mr Smith, the girls cheeks were red with shame as she was in a way being lectured for her lateness.

"N-no sir." Her eyes remained downcast as she held her paws in front of her.

After her quick shower and dressing she made her way downstairs to the kitchen where her day was supposed to begin. Instead of a list of jobs to do she found a note from the tiger to come see him as soon as she read it. Her heart sank as she set off to find her employer, not sure where to look and cursing herself for not listening to Rebecca's instructions properly before finally finding the male in the gym where he was working out.

"Not a good start for your first day is it?" He smirked as he looked down to her, he was clad in loose training shorts, his firm toned chest glistened with a fine layer of sweat, the musky scent in the air making Jessica think of last night.

"N-no sir ... I was um th-thinking about my decision ... about the j-job..." She stammered, thinking perhaps she had blown her chance.

"I see." Mr Smith said, leaning back on a pommel horse and folding his arms, even his hair was damp. "Well before you do there is something you need to know."

Looking up slowly Jessica found her eyes travelling over his fit body, her heart skipping a beat as his eyes never wavered from her.

"I expect all my employees to perform their duties properly and professionally doing so brings rewards, failure brings punishment."

"P-punishment Sir?" Jessica's eyes widened, her paws clenched and flexed.

"Yes child. Punishment." He replied as he moved towards her, as any predator would stalk its prey, moving slowly to and around her.

Jessica swallowed nervously, she remembered the relationship the tiger had with Rebecca and knew there would have to be a lot of trust between them, and now Jessica felt it was her turn to see how much she could trust him.

"I-I understand Sir..." She began only to feel the tiger grip her hair and tug back her head, the movement sudden but with little pain.

"Shhhh, you wish to work for me then you will accept it, no understanding is required."

Gasping at the surprise move the girl squirmed slightly as she tried to remain still, feeling the tigers body behind her as his arm slipped around her front, a paw cupping one of her breasts.

"Because you are new this will be taken into consideration, also you are not to make your choice until my pet returns tonight, do you understand?" He purred as he sniffed her ear and hair.

The young maid trembled at the word "pet", knowing he was talking about Rebecca, the two enjoying a dom/sub relationship on a deep level.

"Yes Sir." Jessica moaned as the tiger groped her orb roughly, her hips squirming a little as her skin tingled in arousal.

"Good girl." The tiger grinned as he guided the maid forward towards the horse, kneading her plump flesh through her uniform, remembering her reactions from the night before. "But fist we must make sure you do not make a habit of being naughty."

Feeling both a pang of anxiety and shiver of excitement, the girl held her breath as the tiger pushed her gently to the pommel horse, a skipping rope lay over it where he had left it after use.

"You will remember that if you are punished it's because you deserve it, and although there may be pain you will come to see how much I care." His words came softly as he took hold of her wrists and began to tie the rope around them, coaxing her forward onto the horse where he then bound her young body.

Her heart beating madly, Jessica took deep breaths as she tested the strength of the rope binding her, the tiger showing great skill in securing her so not to hurt her. Feeling cool air wash over her rear, the girl looked over her shoulder as her employer lifted her skirt, purring as he slides his paws over her rear.

"Very nice, but from now on you will no longer wear panties while you work here." He commanded while his fingers traced the outline of her silky underwear, hooking his claw in the tearing it away slowly.

Tensing the girl hissed in surprise as the material was forcefully peeled away, strong paws taking hold of her legs and spreading them to reveal her already moist folds.

"Hmmm it seems you are enjoying this already." He chuckled as Jessica's cheeks went a deep red, her ears lowering in shame at hearing his words. "Seems to me my pet has hired a slut. You are a slut now, aren't you?"

Jessica opened her mouth to speak but the feel of the tiger's claws dragging slowly up her inner thighs took her breath away, instead she bit her lip to suppress a groan.

"I asked you a question." He growled and bought a paw down onto her perfect ass with a loud slap. The pain was short and sharp and completely unexpected, the pretty maid squeaking in shock as her excitement grew.

"Y-yes ... " She panted; a second slap followed her answer.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I am a slut mast-..." She started but was cut off but his paw covering her mouth, his words whispered low into her ear.

"No, child. I'm not your master yet."

Jessica shivered again, her eyes closing as another smack followed, and another, each at different intervals, each then accompanied by a gentle fondle and caress. Tears formed in her eyes as more sharp pain flared every time his paw descended to punish her all while his words filled her ears.

"Yes, you are a naughty slut, letting yourself become aroused by such treatment." He growled each time he spanked her bare bottom, its white fur looking redder the more he hit.

After several long minutes he stopped, the maid whimpering and tensing against her bonds as she expected more but instead felt the males gentle touch on her burning rear.

"What do we say after we get what we deserve?" He looked to the girls face while his fingers slid over her red cheeks to her wet slit, even scrunched in pain her face had a visible beauty to it.

"Th-thank you S-sir." Her words came quietly through panted breaths, Jessica wasn't sure how she would do when the spanking began but the more she received the more her body tingled in hot arousal until it burned as much as her bottom did.

"You're welcome child." He smirked and moved round behind her, noticing her tail flick and hike a bit, recognising a sign of need he licked his lips and scritched lightly at her tail base.

The moan Jessica gave off surprised even her, in her sensitive state the stimulation caused more juices to flow, she could almost feel them trickle from her entrance as she tried to lift her rump up into his scritching, her tail swishing to the side and giving the tiger a glimpse of her tight star.

"Well now, what do we have here?" He asked with a smile, his wet digits leaving her mound and circling her tail hole, the girl squeaking while the shudder going through her intensified.

"W-wait ... " Was all she could get out before the tiger pushed forward, her juices lubing her ring enough to allow two of his fingers to ease in, her eyes rolling into her head as her hot groaning filled the gym.

"Something to remember yes. Just like how you enjoyed me playing with your breasts." He purred as he pumped slowly, twisting his fingers in her rear passage, the reaction once one of bliss for Jessica, she tugged on her bonds as she squirmed and writhed, whimpering as the tiger chose to keep his pace slow, almost to tease her more.

He did this for some time, whispering dirty words into her ear, telling her how much of a slut she and his pet Rebecca were, Jessica trying to hide her face in shame as she thought about Rebecca and what she would think if the bunny saw her tied and molested in such away.

Soon the male was pumping her rear faster, leaning to add his tongue, lapping her stretched ring while Jessica's arousal builded, the trickle of juices becoming a steady flow as her inner thighs became soaked with sweet nectar until she could take no more, her back arching as she cums, her cries of bliss echoing through the halls as stars flashed in front of her eyes at the intensity of her climax.

Slumping onto the horse Jessica panted and tried to catch her breath, she so dearly wanted to say something but the strength had left her, the fingers that had skilfully brought her to orgasm withdrew and she felt her wrist come free.

"You are excused for the rest of the day child, rest then bathe and prepare yourself to watch my pet receive her punishment."

The maid nodded slowly, her eyes still closed as she felt grateful for the chance to clean herself up, her mind too addled with fading lust to ponder what was in store for her new friend.

Eventually Jessica opened her eyes and saw the tiger had gone, giving off a small moan she managed to get up despite her wobbly legs and make her way back to her room.

"As you now both know I do not look upon disobedience lightly and yet there are still moments when you lapse in you duties." Mr Smith said as both young femmes stood before him. Jessica had rested most of the day after the encounter in the gym and Rebecca now stood beside her, the two looking down as though they were scolded children.

"One of you has already punished and now it's time for the other to receive what s deserved."

Rebecca glanced to Jessica and bit her lip; the bunny's ears lowered as she wondered what her master did to the maid while she was away but never got the chance to ask as the tiger rose from his chair.

"Come with me Jessica." He said, his tone was not one to be questioned.

Having no choice Jessica followed the tiger out of the living room and down several hallways until they came upon a door, opening it he motioned her inside.

"Inside and wait for my return."

"Yes sir." She replied quietly and padded slowly inside. It was a small room but was large enough to house a high-backed plush chair, she also noticed it had a large window on the wall the chair faced, beyond she could she the interior of a bedroom. From what she could see it was furnished simply with a bed and some light fixtures, all of which were dimmed.

After several minutes Mr Smith entered the bedroom leading Rebecca in, she was still dressed for work in her causal suit and Jessica saw also she wore a collar around her neck.

"My pet has decided to be naughty and so I need to have her punished so you may do with her as you wish." The tiger seem to say to someone Jessica couldn't see, Rebecca stood quite and still, looking down in submission as her master spoke, then turned to leave the room.

This seemed to confuse Jessica for a moment until she saw movement off to the side and two large male tigers came into view and while not as big as Mr Smith they were still both bigger than her and Rebecca, both had black fur, twins if Jessica guess correctly.

The two males moved to the bunny, their masculine bodies already naked as they took hold of Rebecca and guided her unresisting form to the bed. The maid blinking in surprise before jumping as the red tiger re-entered the viewing booth.

"You will watch all that happens, speak not until it's over." He walked past her and sat in the chair, raising a brow at him and then looking back.

"My pet is being punished for her actions." He smirked and sat back, the two males had begun to fondle and grope the bunny, her embarrassment evident as her clothes started coming off. "They cannot see us but she knows you are watching, and this gives her great shame."

Jessica gasped and stood watching the scene play out, Rebecca's now naked body was being explored by the two horny tigers, their lengths becoming exposed as they caressed and tasted the rabbit's body.

Rebecca's eyes glance to the mirror occasionally, her groans coming through the speakers set up in the booth so Jessica could hear the two males as they worked her friend over. One male kissing and fondling her breasts as the other knelt down to give attention to her sex.

Soon the bunny was writhing and moaning, the tigers having moved her onto the bed as one lapped her open snatch while the other positioned himself near her head, feeding his large cock into her wanton mouth.

"See how much of a slut she is for me?" Jessica heard the red tiger say, the sounds of moaning coming from the other room and the sight of the three engaging in intimate acts held the young maids attention even though she felt a paw run up her inner thighs to her own wet slit.

"Maybe one day you will show me how much of a slut you are." He chuckled and rubbed Jessica's mound, the girl sighing in pleasure as she watched one of the tigers mount her bunny friend from behind and pound her hard while the other slid his shaft in Rebecca's hot mouth, her eyes closing as she suckled the thick meat hungrily.

"And perhaps maybe you want to show me now." His voice floated past her as he took hold of her hips to guide the young fur to stand in front of him, Jessica still unable to take her eyes off the show before her.

One of the tiger lets off a loud groan, his jerking hips telling all he had just cum in Rebecca's pussy, his hips still pounding with the urge to breed while his brother unloads his seed on the red heads face and breasts, the bunny whining as she tries to get as much as she can in her mouth.

"She how much she likes cum, while she is my pet she is also a true slut, enjoying sex with anyone I chose." Jessica heard, she shuddered as she watch the tiger cum in Rebecca, almost feeling the male's creamy load spurt in. She was so taken by the show she didn't feel her skirt lift, nor did she feel anything until the red tigers hard cock nestle at her rear door and push sharply in, spearing and spreading her tight star.

"Oh god ... " She moaned and arched back into his embrace, his paws easily opening her top to expose her wonderful orbs, kneading and fondling firmly.

Jessica's moans joined that of Rebecca's, for as the young maid was slowly rocked on one big tigers cock, the bunny was now sandwiched between two others, the twins growling and humping their toy while she kept looking at the mirror, knowing her friend was not only watching these horny males use her but also knowing she was being used by her master as well.

"One day you will show me how much of a slut you are, but tonight," Smith myrred as he bounced Jessica on his hard cock. "Tonight you are mine."

Rebecca squealed in delight as the two tigers mating with her fucked her hard before cumming in her again, Jessica yowled in orgasm shortly after, her juices dribbling from her sex and over the tigers driving cock before he too drove in and pumped a hot load of cream into her trembling body, soft bites were placed on her neck and shoulder as her nipples were tugged and teased.

"So tell me my pet, whose slut are you now?" The tiger asked, purring deeply as his arms wrapped around her warmly.

Jessica smiled and purred in response.

"Yours forever, Master."

Their purring becoming as one the two sat snuggling while the sounds of Rebecca's ravishment continued on.

Jessica (c) Jessica Elwood; Mr Smith, Rebecca Evermore and tiggybeefcake, story 2007 (c) Jaffah