A Daddy and His Little

Story by Gatormcgee on SoFurry

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A commission done for a friend that wishes to remain anonymous about a daddy dragon and his adult baby hyena boyfriend. Names were also changed.

*siiiiip*, Marco took a long drink from his coffee cup. He loved the quiet of the morning before his little guy woke up. It was a truly peaceful time of day for the large, fatherly dragon. From the other back bedrooms he could hear stirring, however.

"Daddy!", came the cry from his little guy. Dusty had just woken up and was ready to see his daddy. Marco grinned while standing up. It was time for the two of them to officially start their day.

Marco opened the door to the nursery and approached Dusty's crib. Inside the crib didn't lay a baby, however, instead there was a fully grown, male hyena sporting a tshirt and a fully used diaper.

"How did my baby boy sleep?" Purred Marco, as hell hoisted Dusty out of the crib.

"Good, daddy." Dusty giggled back, wagging his tail and wafting the odor in his diaper across the room.

"Pee yu! You're ripe, buddy. How many times have you used this thing?" Marco asked, mushing the bloated diaper against Dusty's butt.

"Too many to count, daddy." Dusty replied grinning. "I know you like my dirty diapers."

Marco just smiled and laid Dusty down on his changing table. Once down, Marco noticed a tent in Dusty's diaper.

"What do we have here?" Marco asks, groping some of the mess from outside the diaper and massaging it around the tent.

"Daaaadddddyyyy!" Dusty blushingly moaned, while humping Marco's hand.

"Shhhhhhh. Daddy knows best now just relax." Marco coooed, massaging Dusty's cock from outside the diaper. Slowly caressing it, applying just enough pressure. Dusty panted heavily, thrusting upward into his daddy's hand, feeling his mess caress against his cock and balls.

"Daddy I'm gonna......hngh...." Dusty cut off as he thrusted and came all in the front of his diaper.

"Love you, daddy." Dusty panted, laying still in his after glow.

A few minutes and several wet wipes later, Dusty was clean and rediapered.

"Let's get something cute over those pampers of yours, baby butt." Marco joked. Digging into Dusty's closet he found a pair of shorts and a pink t-shirt that said "Papa's Pamper Packer".

"Noooooo, dada." whined Dusty, "I don't pack pampers."

"That mess you made earlier says otherwise, mudbutt. Now sit up so i can get you dressed and get you breakfast." Marco ordered, more serious than before.

A quick cloths change later and the two were heading to the kitchen, a dragon daddy and his little pamper packing hyena. Once in the kitchen, Dusty headed straight to his high chair and climbed in.

"What's for breakfast, pops?" Dusty asked, wagging his tail.

"Oh, I thought my little yeen would like a big stack of pancakes." Marco replied, setting down a plate full of buttery, syrupy pancakes on the high chair. "These should help you fill those pamps more for daddy."

Dusty wasted no time in digging into the pancakes. Marco just laughed watching his baby boyfriend get syrup all of his face. He had already eaten so all he had to do was enjoy the show.

"BURRRRP! Excuse me, daddy." Dusty belched, as he finished.

"It's ok, little guy." Marco replied, while wiping Dusty's face, "how does a trip into town sound? I need to run to the store. If you're a good boy, I will let you get McDonald's for lunch."

"Yay! McDonald's!" screamed Dusty as he jumped down from his high chair.

It was about a ten minute car ride to the local grocery store. Dusty had long since forgotten what it was like to ride in the front seat of the car or even in a normal seat at all. He was instead latched into an adult sized baby seat.

"What all do you need at the store, daddy?" Dusty asked behind his toy rocket ship he was playing with.

"Mostly just restocking the kitchen." Replied Marco, suddenly noticing a trickling sound coming from the backseat, " but I think you could probably use some more diapers too."

Having just noticed he had peed his diaper, Dusty giggled and started rubbing his diaper front.

"No-no!" Scolded Marco, "Never without daddy's permission!"

Dusty quickly stopped and pouted. "Sorry dada." he whined.

"It's ok. Just don't let it happen again. Looks like we are here." Marco replies, happy again.

As Marco helped Dusty out of the car, Dusty couldn't help but feel the stares coming from the rest of the people in the parking lot. It didn't take Marco long to notice his baby boyfriend's unease.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want too." Marco whispered.

"No. It's ok." Dusty said, taking a deep breath. " This is what I always wanted. I'm good."

Speaking confidence on himself, Dusty took Marco's hand and followed him into the store.

The store wasn't as packed as usual. Marco had picked a good time to come. There were enough people there, however to offer plenty of stares and odd looks. Dusty was still somewhat nervous and could feel a knot growing in his stomach. Even with this feeling, he knew he wanted to be brave, however, and continued to follow his daddy boyfriend.

"It shouldn't take us too long, buddy." Marco reassured, still noticing Dusty's nervousness. "I just need to grab a few quick things and some more diapers."

Dusty just nodded and continue to follow his daddy. He could tell the knot in his stomach was growing, however. If he could just make it a little longer, it would surely go away.

About 10 minutes had passed and Marco had made it to the bottom of his list. All he had left were the diapers.

"Last thing on the list." mused Marco, as they turned down the diaper aisle. Helian was still struggling to hold his stomach together at this point. Every muscle said let it out but he really didn't want to with people watching. Sure he liked acting like a baby but he had never really let himself go around other people. He was a nervous wreck.

"Mama why is that man wearing a diapie?" Dusty heard from behind him. It was a little girl. No older than five years old. Dusty began to sweat feeling his nerves bubble

more. An actual baby noticed that he looked like a baby.

"Marco I really need to go!" Dusty whined.

Marco knew something was wrong when Dusty called him by his real name.

"Ok. I have all we need. Let's go." replied Marco, but it was too late. Just as Dusty took another step, his stomach cramped again.

"Not now." Dusty whined, as his tail flagged. Squating down and tearing up he felt the mush begin to push itself out. All the pancakes he had eaten earlier now deposited in a smelly pile in his diaper. Dusty could only cry as he stood in the middle of a grocery store with a loaded diaper.

"Mama the man pooped his diapie. He a baby." the little girl laughed.

"Marco, I....I...."

"It's ok, Dusty. I have you." Marco hugged his boyfriend and picked him up, "we are all done. Let's get you out of here."

Marco covered Dusty up in his jacket and quickly paid for their goods. After he loaded the groceries and Dusty into the car.

"How are you feeling?" Marco asked.

"Better. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I just couldn't hold it any longer." whined Dusty.

"Don't worry about me. I love when my little stinker makes messes, Marco teases, booping Dusty's nose.

"Daddy!!!!" Dusty giggles, "You remember you promised McDonalds right?"

"With that pamp you want to get food before going home? You could get a rash." chided Marco.

McDonalds is always worth a rash, daddy. Besides, I know you like my smelly pamps and McDonalds really does the job." mused Dusty.

Marco just smiled, "those are some pretty strong promises."

"BURRRRP! Excuse me." belched Dusty having finished his chicken McNuggets and soda. "I'm stuffed. Thanks for lunch, dada."

"Of course, mud butt. Anything to help you make those diapers stinky for daddy." replied Marco, as he drove the two of them home.

"That's the last of it." called Marco, as he finished putting away the groceries. Closing the last cabinet, he decided to go check on Dusty. "How's it going in here, champ?" asked Marco, walking into the living room.

"Paw Patrol is on a roll!" Screamed Dusty, pointing at the tv, "And guess what, daddy."

"What?" asked Marco, somewhat confused, as he sat on the couch.

Dusty leaped onto Marco's lap, shoving his diaper into his boyfriend's face, and allowing his tail to flag. *BRRRRPT*. He began filling his already loaded diaper again right into Marco's snout.

"That McDonald's must have went right through me, daddy." giggled Dusty.

*Cough cough*, Marco let the stench of the diaper permeate his nose, his cock standing erect as it did. Shoving his snout into the back of the diaper, he laid down and pulled Dusty on top of him.

"You're such a good stinker, mud butt, but there's something else you can do for me." Marco prodded, raising his hips so Dusty could see his swelled crotch.

Nestling his diaper deeper into Marco's face, Dusty leaned over and began unzipping the dragon's jeans. Being oh so gentle, he popped out the dragons hardened cock.

"I think I know what what you want, daddy. I didn't know you had a pacifier for me in your pants." Dusty grinned.

And with that, Dusty got to work, first wrapping his tongue around Marco's cock, using it to massage every square inch, every vein he could fine. He could hear his boyfriend moaning behind his used pamper. Knowing he was servicing his daddy made him feel so good inside. He couldn't stand it anymore, engulfing the dragon's cock, he began deepthroating like it was a sucker whose flavor he couldn't get enuf of.

The more he sucked and sucked, he could feel his own cock hardening in his diaper, as he began grinding it and its messy contents on Marco's face. Marco could only moan and breath deeply as a response.

Dusty continued to massage Marco's cock with his tongue, feeling daddy's cum getting closer and closer to his mouth. As Marco's seed finally blew into Dusty's maw. Dusty too came inside the front of his diaper, which was still nestled on daddy's face. Marco could feel the cum splash against the padding that was laying on his snout. He was proud of his baby boy.

Dusty was oblivious to his proud daddy. He had a job to finish. His treat was still costing daddy's cock. He licked and sucked making sure to get every last drop of his daddy's seed. None could go to waste when it's proper place was inside his tummy.

Soon enough, Marco's cock was clean and the two were basking in after glow. Both wore out from the fun they just had. Laying his head next to his daddy's cock, Dusty soon fell asleep.

"Such a good stinker." Marco thought, as he too soon drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, Dusty rose from his sleep. He was laying by himself on the couch wearing a clean diaper.

"Have a nice nap, sleepy head? I know I did." Marco said from the kitchen doorway. "I woke up a little while ago and figured I better change you before you got a rash."

"Thanks daddy." Dusty groggily said. He rolled off the couch onto his feet. "What time is it?"

"Just about dinner time. You slept all afternoon. Sucking on daddy's lollipop must have really tired you out." grinned Marco. "Go wash up so we can eat."

Dusty rolled his eyes at the lollipop comment as he went to the bathroom to wash up. "Okay, daddy, I will be in the kitchen soon." 1986

When Dusty entered the kitchen he saw that Marco had already set the table. Hot dogs and Mac n cheese, Dusty's favorites.

"My favorites!" Dusty screams.

"Yep. You have been such a good puppy today, I thought you deserved a treat. And there are chocolate chip cookies in the oven." replied Marco.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, daddy!" Dusty yelled, hugging Marco and jumping up and down.

Marco picked Dusty up and placed him in his high chair. "You're welcome, pup. Now dig in." Marco said, placing a plate in front of his boyfriend.

Dusty dug into his food, not worrying about any inconveniences like silverware. It didn't take long for him to be coated in cheese, mustard, and ketchup. When finished, he leaned back in his high chair and patted his belly. "Daddy that was *burp* amazing."

"Looks like you liked it." Marco giggled, "but I think more of it is on you than in you."

"That's such a dad joke." Dusty grinned.

"Well good thing I'm your daddy. Now, let's get you ready for a bath." Marco said as he picked up Dusty and carried him to the bathroom. 2178

Marco sat Dusty down on the floor while he got the bathtub ready. He made sure all of Dusty's toys were in the tub and that the water temperature was just right. Lastly, he added plenty of bubble bath because he knew how much his pup loved bubbles.

"Okay, champ, let's get you out of those clothes." Marco said as he began to undress Dusty. "Wow, not as wet as I expected." studied Marco, inspecting an only partially used diaper. "Don't dare go potty in the bathtub, mudbutt."

"Don't worry, daddy, I won't." stated Dusty with an eye roll.

Marco decided to leave Dusty alone to play in the bathtub while he cleaned the kitchen. It didn't take too long for half of the water to end up on the bathroom floor. The half that stayed in the tub had began to take on a certain color. A color that made it pretty obvious that Dusty had done exactly what Marco had told him not to do.

"Are you kidding me?!" glared Marco. "I don't mind the mess but did you seriously piss in the tub? You're not the only one that uses this thing!"

"I-I'm sorry, dada. It was an accident. I was playing and...", Dusty whimpered.

"No excuses!" Marco jerked him out of the tub and carried him to the playroom.

"You know better than that, Dusty!" Marco scolded, as he sat down and laid Dusty across his lap.

*Whack! Whack! Whack!* Marco smacked Dusty's naked bottom.

"Whaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm sorry daddy! I'm so sorry!" Dusty cried, tears pouring down his face.

Marco didn't say anything as he got up and carried Dusty to the changing mat. Laying him down he diapered the still blubbering hyena and put a pink pajama shirt on him that said, My Diaper Leaked on my Blue Shirt". After dressing Dusty, Marco sat him in his crib.

"Stay in here and think about what you did while I clean up your mess!" Marco scolded.

Dusty frowned and whined as his boyfriend exited the room. "Maybe there's a way he could make it up to Marco." he thought to himself.

"Maybe I was a little too hard on him." thought Marco as he approached the playroom.

Marco opened the door to the playroom. "Dusty I'm sorry I lost my...." Marco stopped when he realized the room was empty and laying on the crib was Dusty's diaper.

"Dusty! Where are you?", Marco was getting worried, then he noticed what looked like a trail of goldfish crackers leading out of the room. "What is that goofy yeen doing?" Marco pondered.

Marco followed the trail all the way to his bedroom and slowly pushed the door open. Laying on the bed was a naked Dusty, on his knees, presenting his tail hole to his daddy.

"I feel really bad for the mess I made, daddy. I would love to make it up to you." Dusty said with a coy grin.

"Awww. You're the sweetest little baby a big dragon like me could ask for." Marco said, removing his pants.

Marco climbed onto the bed behind Dusty and gently caressed the hyena's hips with his hands. Placing his cock on top of Dusty's back he leaned over and nibbled on his boyfriend's ear. All the while slightly rubbing his cock forward and back across the top of Dusty's ass.

Feeling his cock reach full mast, Marco whispered into Dusty's ear, "The only thing your going to empty into your diaper tonight is going to be my cum."

Before Dusty had a chance to respond, Marco bit down and the back of Dusty's neck and rammed his cock deep into his boyfriends awaiting ass. Dusty gave a small *yelp* from the pain but it was a pain that he loved even more than his diapers. There was nothing in the world better than his boyfriend owning him like an animal and breeding him with his dragon cock. He could feel every inch of it inside of him as his daddy rammed harder and harder. Every ripple of the cock pulsating inside him.

"Harder daddy! Breed me daddy! I need it daddy!" Dusty screamed.

Marco went harder and harder wanting nothing more than to fill his boyfriend with cum. He wanted Dusty to be able to feel his cum swimming inside of him. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax. As he was about to cum, he clamped his jaws harder around Dusty and thrust forward, a sea of dragon cum filling the hyena. If one were to look carefully, they would notice the hyena's stomach bulging slightly more due to the dragon seed filling his guts.

Both of them were exhausted after. Marco pulled out of his boyfriend and let his cock flop on the bed. "I will clean that tomorrow." he thought to himself.

Dusty just laid on his stomach, his asshole completely destroyed but he loved every minute of it.

Marco grabbed a diaper from a bag next to the bed. "Let's get that baby butt of yours padded back up before it leaks everywhere."

Marco worked quickly, avoiding getting too much cum on their bed. Afterwards the two snuggled in close to each other, Dusty feeling his boyfriend's cum slosh in him and leak into the seat of his diaper.

"I love you, Marco. I want you to be my daddy forever." Dusty said, snuggling close to His boyfriend.

"I love you too Dusty and I plan on changing your diapers for a long time to come." replied Marco

The two drifted off to sleep, keeping each other in their embrace, resting up to do it all over again tomorrow.

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