Catching the King Off Guard 3 (Finale)

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#3 of Catching the King Off Guard

Simba can't stop thinking about the night before, and it prompts him to seek out the herd himself.

The main story starts here, but four little bonus peices can be found here:


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Just as the zebras had expected, there was no punishment for their actions. But it was not for the reason that they had expected. They had an idea that Simba was too ashamed to reveal the truth and confront them and that was the part of the reason for the lion.

But the main reason they had not seen eye or hair of the king was because the lion in question was holed up in Pride Rock. For the past few days, Simba kept himself confined within the reaches of the rock structure.

Day and night, the lion was tormented by the memories of that fateful night. He couldn't stop thinking about it. Those zebras; they had taken advantage of him and used him as nothing more than a toy. One after the other, they planted themselves on his back, holding him down while they forced themselves inside of him.

He was the king of the Pride Lands, the top of the food chain, and one of the strongest animals in all the lands. And yet, despite it all, Simba came to realize that he not only enjoyed what the zebras did to him, but he was missing the feelings that came with it.

For the first few days, Simba woke up hard, the remnants of another lust-riddled dream of strong, tall zebras with heavy, leaking cocks. They would surround him, look down on him, and present their cocks to him. And he, despite his title and status, was powerless to stop them. He had no choice but to satisfy the many prey animals. He would be rewarded with the pleasure of a filled ass and marks of cum streaking his pelt...

Two days after that, Simba was often pacing back and forth, trying to convince himself that he was crazy for wanting something that was forced upon him. What they had done, to a king no less, was practically unspeakable. Even knowing that, Simba sported an erection that bobbed between his hindlegs and bounced against his stomach, making him wince in need.

No matter how much he jerked off and even stretched his body to lick upon his own length, Simba was never satisfied. Even his own tongue failed to sate the everlasting lust that taunted him. It wasn't the same; he knew exactly what he wanted and there was nothing that he could do that would substitute for what a zebra held between their legs...


As the sun was starting to set, the zebras were settling down to rest for the night, having gathered around as they usually did. But many of them were suddenly making a lot of noise, they all looked around to see what the commotion was about, only to see a lion, the king of the Pride Lands himself approaching them.

Simba held an air of authority to himself. He did his best to keep his walking steady as his cock bounced between his legs. As he walked by, he could hear the hushed whispers between the herd animals, some were questioning what their king was doing there, while others were making comments about seeing the king's loins...

Not saying anything yet, Simba first made his way to the center of the herd, making sure that all eyes were on him. He cleared his throat and steadied himself, pushing down the flare of anxiety that dared to make him freeze up.

"I have come to all with a request. A request that will stay between us."

There were many more whispers among the zebras, but they were hushed as Simba raised his paw.

"I have a secret: I... I..." Simba gulped and forced himself to say the truth. "I, your king, have a desire for the males of this herd. P-plainly put, I want you males to use me. I am offering myself as nothing more than a tool for your pleasure."

There were many more whispers and sounds of surprise. Simba's eyes scanned on the many zebras until he fell on three that were standing close together. Their expressions were different from the rest, knowing looks that told Simba that they were the ones from that night...

"These three can vouch!" Simba said, stepping towards the trio. "I admit, after you three had me on that night... I couldn't stop thinking about it. Now, I cannot stand it anymore."

Simba turned around to address the rest of the onlooking males. "As your king I am ordering you to...pleasure me!"

Feeling his body flushed with heat from both lust and embarrassment, the golden lion said nothing more. Instead he made a show of himself by rolling on his back and spreading his hindlegs, moving his tail to show off his pink tailhole.

At first the many zebras continued to look at and whisper amongst each other but a single zebra dared to approach the lion.

Simba looked at the black and white male, and gave him an inviting purr, swishing his tail in a slow, sultry fashion. His little display worked to excite the well endowed male. His cock swelled and filled out from his sheath, soon fully extended and hard. It bumped against his belly as he trotted up to the lion.

Simba let out a small moan as he felt the tip of the zebra's large cock entering him. The male penetrating him huffed as he lowered himself. Another press came and that large cockhead popped inside.

"Y-yes! There we are. It f-feels nice, huh? Go ahead, use me until you cum..."

Simba couldn't believe the words coming from his mouth, but he didn't have to think much about it. Instead another moan was forced out of him as his ass was spread wider around the equine's shaft.

The other male planted his cock inside, surprised by how well the king could take it. But he knew better than to waste a chance like this by asking questions. Making a deep grunt of his own, the zebra got busy fucking the king, thrusting his cock within the lion's ass, coaxing more pleasured noises from the feline.

Lust had spread around the herd, making the onlooking zebras hard and riled up. It was soon that more zebras crowded around the king. The lion reached up and used his paws to tease the long, leathery shafts. As he stroked them he was ecstatic to feel the drips of thick, hot pre falling onto his pelt.

With his ass being plugged and two thick dicks filling his paws, Simba was surprised to see a fourth zebra approaching. This one snorted as his cock brushed over the lion's soft face fur. Smirking, the king flicked his tongue against the flared head, watching it flex against his touch.

The zebra eased himself down, dragging his length against the monarch's face. Simba's heart raced as he took in a whiff of the cock's masculine scent. It was strong, making his nose sting just a bit. It was the scent of a virile male that was ready to breed and spill his seed.

His mouth watering and instinctively opening, Simba welcomed the wide head that forced his jaws to part and stretch. It wormed its way inside of his maw and the king could feel it pulsating against his tongue, making him shudder even more than he already was.

The four zebras that surrounded the lion used him for their own pleasures, as they were commanded to. Soft paws stroking up and down their shafts, a wet and rough tongue slipping up and down, and a soft as that was begging to be filled with their cock. They moaned and grunted in pleasure, letting the king service them.

One of the zebras huffed and Simba could feel hot seed splattering down on his chest. One of the zebras on the side had cum, spraying his load on the lion and on his fellow herd member ahead of him. Panting heavily, he stepped to the side and allowed another one to eagerly take his place.

The other zebra being stroked followed, suit unleashing his climax onto the lion, grunting and stomping his hoof as his dick sprayed his load. Simba could feel him pull back but just like the one before, another zebra was there, quick to bump their cock against the cum-slathered paw.

Simba was only one male and a task of pleasuring an entire herd was easier said than done, it left many males with hard cocks waiting for their turn. It was only natural that the bolder members of the herd offered their own holes, seeing a chance to have what the king was having.

Soon enough the herd was filled with the sights, smells, and sounds of sex. As zebras came inside of Simba and gave way to another, the rest of the herd members were mounting each other, stuffing their cocks into tight holes and dripping mouths. They made themselves busy with each other, but of course they were all looking for their chance with the king.

Simba was panting and writhing as two zebras were stuffing their engorged cocks into his ass. One was on top of him, and the other had wormed his way underneath, wrapping his forelegs around the king's sticky chest. The lion's mouth was free, but the others decided to hang back and watch the scene, stunned that the feline managed to fit the thickness and length of two large equine cocks.

The two males make deep sounds, puffing their breaths in Simba's face and on the back of the lion's neck as they bucked their hips and ground their cocks together. They hardly worked together, instead they humped at their own separate paces, battering the king's hole with uneven pleasure.

"Yes! Fill me deeper. Faster! Harder!" Simba fully embraced the herd, already covered in loads and having been cummed inside of multiple times. His ass was spread past any limits that he thought he had. It was the most pressure he felt within his depths and he wanted as much of it as he could.

Those two zebras did as they were told and used the lion's hole in tandem, bucking hard and fighting for who got dominion of the feline's ass, they shoved their cocks in hard and worked to outdo the other.

Within the herd, Kwato was ecstatic to see the king again, but he was preoccupied by Nyasi and Mali. The two of them were resting on top of his own body. One had stuffed their cock under his tail, while the other was grinding his dick against Kwato's tongue.

He made muffled sounds of pleasure, feeling his own cock pulse hard as Nyasi came into his mouth, coating his tongue in a thick load of hot and sticky seed. Mali wasn't too far behind; barreling his dick deep inside, the rutting zebra unleashed his load inside of his friend's warm, tight ass. He groaned as it pulsed against the soft walls, adding his own seed to layer them...

Nyasi rushed off to join the onlookers of the double penetration, hoping that he could nab a turn with the king. Kwato was about to suggest they do the same but his eyes widened as Mali turned around and presented his ass, looking back with an awkward grin...

The clearing was filled with the pants of riled up males and the scent of sex and seed was heavy, keeping the heard horny and eager to spill even more upon the grass and earth. A few of them forgot all about the king and instead were offering themselves to as many of their herdmates as possible, reveling in the sensations of a cock stuffing their ass and cum being unloaded inside of them.

Simba cried out again as the two zebras fucking him thrust as the same time, hilting to their limits. At the same time they came. Their dicks pulsated hard as seed rushed from their tips, sending out pressurized loads of creamy spunk.

The king was pushed over the edge and came on his own body, watching as his length shot his own ropes against the many that already decorated his body.

The two zebras pulled out of him, and the one underneath him callously dropped him to the ground before he got up and departed.

Another zebra, Nyasi, was quick to pounce on the lion. He was quick to plant his cock deep inside, shoving it all the way in.

"Already loose again, your highness?"

Simba recognized the voice and tone. A smile spread over his muzzle, he knew that this zebra was rough and he liked the way he talked when fucking him.

"Hope you didn't miss me too much!" He got busy thrusting his cock within and out of the king's tailhole, grinning as his shaft was hugged again by that incredible ass.

While his mouth was open, Simba's mouth was quickly filled by another dick stuffing itself within. Like Nyasi, the one it belonged to was quick to start thrusting deep inside of the monarch's mouth and into his throat.

"Best fuck you've every had, huh?" Nyasi asked his herdmate. His fellow zebra agreed and they pounded into the lion's respective hole, both enjoying the tight hold and clenches of the feline's ass and throat.

Simba licked around the pistoning shaft and clenched his ass down on the other. He reveled their increased noises and power behind their ruts. They stretched his tailhole and throat, bringing him immense pleasure and satisfaction.

"You're getting too good at this... Mmpf... C-cumming!!"

Nyasi shoved hard and brayed as his cock spit thick ropes of seed deep inside of the lion, again filling his already cum-filled hole. He chuckled as he roughly pulled his cock free, and his laughter continued as he sought out another hole to bury his dick inside.

The cock within Simba's throat pulsed and the lion swallowed down the incoming volleys as soon as they were spurt. The cock pulled from his mouth and gushed one last rope of seed across his lips. He licked it up and kissed the oozing tip before it disappeared into the crowd.

Simba was approached by another zebra, this one was covered in cum as well, and was looking rather pleased with himself. Simba spread his hindlegs but the zebra shook his head.

"I'm after something else, your highness."

The zebra stood over Simba and winked as he sat down on the king. His large, slathered ass ground over the feline's cock, making Simba seize and moan.

"Do you understand now?"

Simba nodded and the zebra lifted his ass. The feline flexed his dick and pressed it against the black, leathery rim. His tip made its mark and he bucked his hips, shoving his cock inside of the prey animal.

Of course, a lion's dick was nowhere near the size of even the smallest zebra, but the sensation was unique, sending never before experienced pleasure into the equine. They moaned and panted in tandem as the zebra bounced his ass up and down the lion's shaft.

The feline's body was rocked from the heavier male thumping his bigger body onto his lower half, but he was willing to overlook that in favor of the pleasure of his dick being swallowed up. It was relentlessly teased and caressed by hot, over-lubed walls. The equine clenched his ass around the shaft and tip as he pulled up, giving the king an extra layer of pleasure.

"Does this please the king?" the zebra asked through his labored moans.

"It sure does," Simba smirked and gripped the bouncing animal's cock, giving it a few strokes after collecting the cum that slathered his body. Using the makeshift lube, Simba's paw was gliding up and down the thick length, enjoying the heft and feeling of it pulsating in his touch.

The two of them focused on each other, blocking out of all the noises and images of the many zebras rutting and sucking around them. All the Simba gave his focus to was the pleasure that surrounded his cock, wet and hot, engulfing every inch over and over.

In turn, he stroked and teased the cock of his benefactor. His paw would rub against the flat cock tip, getting a shiver out of the zebra. That shiver would transfer to his own cock, adding even more pleasure to Simba's experience. As his dick was bounced on and his pre filled the inviting hole, Simba worked to coax the zebra's own precum from his cock.

It was easy enough with the two forms of pleasure the zebra was treated to; a cock that was hitting all the right spots and easy to take, alongside the unique pleasure of a wet paw pressing, gliding, and tapping against his dick.

Simba panted and his legs kicked. "Mmm. I'm getting close."

"I am too, your highness..."

Simba nodded and he timed the bucks of his hips with the long strokes of the flexing shaft. He growled and panted through his teeth as his climax was building, just seconds away from overtaking him.

Before his had come, the zebra slammed himself down and whinnied. His ass squeezed at Simba's cock as he came, shooting his load across Simba's upper chest and along his neck, coating both in a new layer of hot and sticky seed.

The lion snarled through his fangs as he came against the convulsing anal walls. They milked the seed out of him, letting the king paint the other male's insides in his marking. The zebra sighed and thanked Simba before he got up and departed, leaking a bit of mixed spunk onto the lion.

Taking his place was yet another zebra look to have the king fill them. They lowered themselves onto the grass and presented their already dripping hole. Simba smirked and got up, he positioned himself, mounting the zebra before he planted his cock into yet another zebra hole.

Before he could even start thrusting, there was an added weight on Simba's back as another zebra saw their chance to insert themselves into the king. Joining the zebra on the bottom, Simba moaned out as his was was penetrated again.

The zebra on top was already giving strong thrusts, and that inadvertently got the lion's own lower half moving.

For those looking at them, the zebra-lion sandwich was a mix of pleasured noises and sloppy sounding thrusts. Cum leaked from their holes and their cocks slapped against already used holes. It was nothing but pure pleasure for the three of them.

Above the feline, the zebra was ramming his cock in with reckless abandon. His cock was heavily spurting pre inside. It was clear that this male managed to resist all the fucking around him. No, he saved his cock, his pre, his lust, his cum... It was all stored and maintained for the regal lion. Him and him alone. Now, the very lion was pressed close to him and he was eager to sate the lust that threatened to drive him mad.

The zebra underneath was letting out loud, girlish moans as he was filled by a totally new kind of cock. It was long enough to stimulate his most sensitive parts and the tapered shape slipped in and out so smoothly and softly. Every thrust had added weight to it, likely thanks to the male on top of the king.

Simba was being pleasured the most; having his cock buried within one zebra while another was using his own ass. It was all happening at the same time and Simba could hardly comprehend it. All he could do was just feel. He felt the pressure of his prostate being battered yet again, and he felt the soft, tight hold of zebra ass massaging his cock rather lovingly.

They rocked against each other, using the motions of one to lead into the others. They picked up speed and thrust harder, shoving themselves even deeper. Their cock rubbed fast against puffy pink walls, and fluids rushed from their lengths, adding to the unfathomable amount that had already been spilled.

The three males raised their heads as they came at once. Their balls churning and their cocks spraying they filled each other up and one by one, each up from the other. The zebra, finally having the king, allowed himself to join the fray of his fellow zebras, and the one underneath Simba was already advertising his hole to the next taker.

Simba allowed himself to live as freely as he could. He accepted all forms of pleasure. Whether it was taking or giving, he didn't care as long as he could cum or make someone else cum.

His lips dragged over large meaty cocks; sometimes he was presented with more than one. He spread his pleasure out evenly among them all, using his paws to keep the other males riled up with his lips and tongue worked over leaking and spurting cocktips. He drank down load after load of cum, enjoying when they overfilled his mouth. It felt dirty to let the thick load just spill from his lips, even more so when a cock was shoved in his face before the first zebra was done cumming.

He drank in the smell of sex around. The thick musk of a whole herd of males kept him eager and willing to sate them. Potent, powerful, and reeking of strong, sexy males, Simba was all too happy to draw his face over, thick cum-covered cocks, taking deep whiff of the stench of sweat, ass, and cum. Fluids and scents clung to their leathery cocks and balls, making it all too easy for the lion to press his face against them and take another dose of musk right to the head. It was all he needed to make his cock rise to full hardness and his ass wink in need for another thick cock.

He was quick to join in the group activities, fucking males while they fucked him as well. He couldn't get enough of being filled while he filled another. While he was doing that there would be the occasional zebra that would present their cock for Simba's free mouth to suck. He would tease it, using his rough tongue to coax pre and flashes of pleasure until he was treated with another tasty treat of spunk. Right after he would cum while another male came in him...

Fucking zebras was a thrill all in itself. He was used to the thrill of hunting them, but this was totally different. Hearing the prey animals moaning his name and asking him to go faster filled the lion with a primal urge to absolutely wreck them and claim them as his own with their seed. Being a lion himself, Simba was more than equipped to hop from one ass to the next, spreading his seed within countless males. He was sure that he must have cum in the same male at least at least 5 times by now. It was hard to keep track when his mind was heavily fogged with lust...

Of all the things he liked to do with the zebras. The act that triumphed over all the rest was, of course, simply letting them fuck him with their massive, musky cocks. He couldn't get enough of their thick shafts pressed deep into his guts. His body would be rocked hard and his mind would be overloaded with pleasure. He would often cum just from their thrusts alone, leaving his orgasm to milk the deliciously hot and sloppy load deep inside of him.

As soon as one cock was pulled from his ass, Simba was filled again, felt to feel the blinding pleasure of a dick that sported a thick cock head, such a thick shaft, a meaty ring at the base, and a pair of fat, heavy balls that thumped against his backside in the best of ways.

They all stimulated his ass and pushed him over the edge, over and over again. Load after load, his hole was made eager to go again right after it was filled with both cock and cum. He must have taken every member of the herd, perhaps even twice. His fur had a thick layer of slime to it, something he wore with pride and his mouth could only taste the tang of zebra spunk, a flavor that he was just as eager to renew.

Simba took out his desires on the zebras late into the night. Eventually, one by one, the zebras had been completely sated and were left to pass out onto the soiled grasses. Surrounded by the snoring males, Simba wished them a good night and eased his way back to Pride Rock, the whole way leaking zebra spunk. He often had to stop to simply let the stuff spill from his gaping hole. He shivered in pleasure when it did, as it ran over his overstimulated balls, spreading a deep seat to them.

Before he rejoined the others at Pride Rock, Simba stopped by the watering hole. First, he used his tongue to clean himself off, using his tongue to lick and collect as much of the cum from his body as he could. He gulped it up and eagerly flicked the muscle against his pelt to get even more.

Doing so made his cock rise once again, and Simba was quick to stretch his body, wrapping his lips around his length. His tongue worked over his own inches, lapping up the many layers of his cum. He went a bit overboard as he was reminded of a zebra that was slurping up and down his cock earlier. That idea soon had him cumming down his own throat and murring in self indulgence.

With that, the king's lust had died down just enough to Simba to have enough sense to properly clean himself off in the water. It was nice to soak in the cool water, easing his sore muscles and taking a moment to actually sit still...

It was later, after his fur was dried and groomed to look as if everything was normal, that Simba returned to Pride Rock. He was glad to see that everyone was fast asleep. The king hoped that nobody noticed his absence, but if they did he could easily say he went out for another night walk.

In fact, as Simba closed his eyes after settling down, he was already looking forward to his next "late night walk."


The zebras did keep their secret as they were requested. When they woke up the next morning they all worked together to hide any trace of the other massive orgy and said nothing of their late night activities with the king. As far as the rest of the Pride Lands was concerned, the night before was as quiet and normal as any other.

In turn the lion did come back to the herd, just like before there came a time when he could no longer function without another helping of zebra dick. As lust built and more males grew hard, the entire herb was back to using each other to sate their lusts.

It became a relationship between them, for giving him insurmountable pleasure, the zebras were slowly fed more and more favor within the Pride Lands, the change was gradual enough that it went unnoticed but the zebras were grateful and showed as much the next time they were alone with their king...