Mike 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#2 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Mike go home and Mike meets some of Claude's friends and family

Sam walks off and starts picking up towels. I go find Mike and Alexei. And we get in my car and drive home. Alexei has curled up in Mike's lap. and he's so happy now. "I love this car" Mike says quietly. "It's a Mercedes S560 4Matic sedan, all wheel drive and very comfortable' I tell him. "Papa Harry has the dealership and I can get you one if you want, Big Bison" I say softly. Mike smiles.

"Claude, we met once before, do you remember?" Mike asks. "I don't I'm afraid." I say softly. "You were still a Resident, and you came to the Hospital Pharmacy one night, I was filling in for a sick colleague, and you came in for a patient's meds" he says. "You're a Pharmacist?" I ask. "I am, I'm in charge of the Hospital's Inpatient Pharmacy" Mike says softly. "You were so cute, so determined and focused, and that's where I fell for you, I'd see you at Sam's gym and you smiled at me once and I tried so hard to just go and talk to you, but I couldn't" He says. "I get kind of focused when I work out, or else I'm fucking Sam or one of the builders" I say quietly. "I have watched you fuck others at the gym, and raged inside that I could not make myself go talk to you, but I never wanted to just fuck you, I wanted you for my own" Mike says softly.

"I am sorry, I never noticed you, Mike, but I did tonight, and I knew when we met, how much I wanted you, I was just trying to figure out how to get you" I say calmly. Mike laughs. "You had only to try a few minutes, I've been fighting to figure out how to get you for two years" Mike says smiling. "But you did" I say softly. "Sam had to work on me a lot, he felt you'd go for me, even though he had Dozer lined up too, I was supposed to meet you first, but I could not get away from work in time" Mike says softly. Alexei smiles deeply. "I'm glad you got him first, you knew you weren't meant for him, and you thought of me for him, I am so happy you did" Alexei says.

"Things happen as they are meant to, Alexei." I say happily " Life goes as it will, and if you're really lucky it'll go your way" I say softly. Mike smiles. "You seem to be a philosopher" he says teasingly. "No, good advice I was once given" I say smiling. "Dr Suzakawa" I say smiling. "I don't know the name" Mike says. "You've not met him but you talked to him" I say smiling. Mike looks puzzled. "Oto-Sama, his full name is Dr Takeru Hikari Suzakawa" I say laughing. "The head of Funari" Mike moans. "He makes a lot of our generic drugs" Mike says. "That's my Papa Bear" I say proudly. "He's been like a father to me since I was a young cub" I say happily.

"Claude, we have a lot to adjust to, I have to get used to you having money and connections" Mike says gently. "We are very different, I am more deliberate, and you are rather quick of mind" Mike says. "I prefer to take time and think things over, I'll need time to process things" he adds. "I will take time and sort things out, but I swear I'll always come to you and talk things out when I have sorted them out." Mike says kissing my paw.

"I will have to learn to be more patient, I get emotional, and I tend to want to resolve things quickly" I say gently. "I noticed, Claude, as soon as you made your mind up that you did want me, you were anxious to figure out how to get me" Mike says smiling. "I saw that, and I knew, I had to go to you, I wanted you so badly, and to see how much you wanted me, I had to take the chance and go to you" Mike says softly. "If you knew you wanted me, and saw that I wanted you, wouldn't it then be a pretty sure thing?" I ask. "No, babe, so many times when I've managed to get a guy interested in me, they freak when they see how big my dick is" Mike says sadly. "If you had of run from my Big Bovine dick, it would have broken me" Mike tells me earnestly. "Instead though I ran to it" I tease him. "Even if it was only to get a running start at it" I tease him. "I can see I'm going to have to watch you, babe, you get sad and morose at times" I tell Mike. "Like you'll have to watch me when I get overly emotional or start overthinking everything" I say somberly.

"Do you have a seizure disorder, Claude?" Mike asks me. "I do, but how did you know?" I ask him in return. "I once saw your medicine record by accident" Mike says gently. "And though there are several uses for Depakote now, there is only one real use for the Lamictil, especially when you also take Valium" Mike says smiling. I laugh. "I get bad mood swings and emotionally labile as my prodromal" I say smiling. "And I invariably seize when I've been under a lot of stress and then it starts to ease" I say smiling.

"Claude, I did know that you seized, but do you seize often?" Alexei asks. "No, I haven't had one in almost three years now" I say smiling. "If you feel it start, if you can get the patient out of your office and call for help" Alexei says sounding worried for me. "Just remember I can't take Dilantin, you have to use Valium and call Graham, I mean Dr Packard" I say softly. Alexei nods. "I will bring this up at the next staff meeting, Claude" he says. "You might not want it disclosed but we all need to know what to do if we find you seizing" Alexei says. "I'll have you tell them what they are to do, or if you want I will talk to Dr Packard and have him come in and talk to us" Alexei says softly. I nod.

We get home, and I show them both inside. Nigel runs up and hugs me. I introduce him to Mike, and Dr Lobachevsky. "He's hot" Nigel says smiling at Mike. Mike smiles shyly. "So which one is he?" I hear from the living room. "Dad, this is Mike Callahan, my bond mate, and the Lion is my Boss, Dr Alexei Lobachevsky, he bonded Dozer and they're moving in with us" I say quietly.

Dad walks in front of Mike, and he's looking at him rather intently. "He is big, and good looking, Claude" Dad says. "You always did love your big males" he says softly. "Mike, I'd like for you and I to have a little talk now, if you would" Dad says firmly. "I thought you'd already given Sam the third degree about Mike, Dozer too" I say calmly. Dad looks at me. "Claude, I'd like to get to know him, I already approve of him, and I've had him checked out, 'the Girls' did it for me" Dad says smiling rather smugly.

I sigh. I should have known he would do that, he probably checked out Dozer too. "You had me investigated?" Mike asks calmly, but I can hear a bit of an edge to his voice. I know Dad heard it too. "No offense, Son, but I intended to make sure you'd be good to my boy" Dad says calmly. "Mike, I don't appreciate that he did it, but I know Dad, and I had to of known he would when Sam told him about you, and I am sorry, babe" I say glaring at Dad. Mike is quiet, and I have not yet learned him well enough to tell what he's feeling by the look on his face.

"Mr Kitman, I would have told you anything you wanted to know if you'd of just asked me" Mike says sharply. "Son, I didn't mean to upset you, but Claude was hurt badly when Dmitri left him, and I want my boy to be loved and not hurt" Dad says softening his tone. "I am sorry, I am overprotective of my Claude" Dad says apologetically.

Mike puts his big hand on Dad's shoulder. "I can understand that, he's a special Lion, but in the future if you have any questions about me, I want for you to come to me and ask." Mike says quietly. "I have wanted Claude for so long, and now having him as mine, I will not hurt him, nor could I ever leave him" Mike says quietly. "Dad, I know you love me, but you know how Sam is with me, he'd never let Mike near me if there was any chance he'd hurt me." I say firmly. "I know, boy, he took a lot of time to figure out who to set you up with, and he seemed pretty sure you'd go for Mike, once he got the two of you together" Dad says. "Dozer, well, he was in case you didn't go for Mike, and Sam figured you'd fix him up when he didn't bond you" Dad says. I laugh. Sam does know me well.

"I did, and Alexei was perfect for him, and they bonded quickly" I tell Dad. "He figured you'd go for me, and not Dozer" Mike says quietly. "He did, he told me that was why he wanted you to meet him first" Dad says. "I got tied up at work and came after Claude had been with Dozer and set him up with Alexei" Mike says softly. "Dad, you did say you approved of Mike for me" I say smiling. "I do, he's about as clean as you can get in terms of a background check" Dad says smiling. "Never even a bounced check, Claude" Dad says sounding impressed by my Big Bison.

Mike goes off to Dad's study with him. And I'm hoping for the best. I go out and I take Alexei into the kitchen. Rennie's cooked a nice supper for us, and Alexei and I sit and eat and talk. He's funny, and warm, and I enjoy getting to know him away from the Clinic. "I did not know you were so fluent in Russian, I knew you knew a little, but your Russian is flawless" Alexei says smiling. 'I will now address you in Russian at work if I want to talk to you confidentially or talk of home matters" Alexei says smiling. "I am fine with that, I learned Russian for my Dmitri" I say softly.

"What happened with you two, you had been together for several years, I had heard?" Alexei asks. I tell him that particular story. "So you just let him go, you must have loved him so much, to just let him go to his other love so selflessly" Alexei says. "I could tell they'd bonded, and I loved him too much to not make it easy on him" I say softly. "It wasn't as easy as I probably made it sound, I spent a lot of time in Emil's office pulling myself back together" I say softly. Alexei laughs. And he tells me about his ex and how he was left. And how devastated he was. We laugh, as two animals who've gone through Hell from being left by their lovers would. He understands how I felt as I do him.

"I don't feel the pain anymore, now that I have Mike" I say smiling. "I know, Dozer pushed it all out of my heart" Alexei says laughing. We hug. "We're a pair of lucky Lions" Alexei says joyously. "I know, either way, we'd of been happy, I'd have been happy with Dozer and probably fixed you up with Mike" I tease him. Alexei laughs. "Your Bison is massively hung, I hope you will let me have him" Alexei says. "When you want him, you can have him, he's a bit slow to cum, he takes 30 minutes to an hour and a half to cum" I tease Alexei. "Dozer cums quickly, stops a minute and them keeps on going" Alexei says. "I know, and he's so good too" I say smiling. "I would have yours as you've had mine" Alexei says smiling. "Gladly, Dr Lobachevsky" I say smiling.

Mike comes in shaking his head. I kiss my Bison. "He loves you for sure, but he seems happy that we're together, Claude" Mike says. "He talked to me about how you are, he wanted me to know how I'd have to take care of you" Mike says smiling. "It's good to get a heads up, my love" he adds. "You will need me to look after you, your Dad says you are the last one you'll take care of" Mike says grinning. I nod. "He also told me how you'll get before you seize' Mike says softly. "Claude, he begged me to take care of you, since you won't let him or even your brothers or Sam take care of you" Mike says. "I will, I am determined to, if I have to sit on you at times." Mike says kissing me. "Claude, I am gentle and soft natured, but I will expect you to mind me" He says quietly. I get on my knees and I take his hand. "You wish to be my Lord and Master" I say quietly and I kiss his hand. "Just your husband, Claude" he says smiling deeply. "Talk to me, we might fight, but I swear I'll always listen to what you have to say, Baby" Mike says quietly. I nod. "I will, I can be impulsive, but I will listen, if it's important to you, I will always try to find a compromise to make us happy" I say softly. "You mean so much to me, Mike" I say gently. Mike smiles at me.

"Dozer told me he's going to be the Boss too" Alexei says happily. "He will be firm if you disobey, as I will be to my Baby Lion" Mike says pulling me to my feet and helping me to my chair. "Mike, since I had Dozer earlier, Alexei wants to take you as soon as he can" I tell Mike. "Let me eat first, but if you can take my size and take me for as long as it takes me to cum, then I'll be happy to make love to such a beautiful Russian Lion" Mike says softly. Alexei smiles and nods. "I told him already what you told me, and it only made him want you more, Mike" I say grinning. Mike leans over and kisses me and then Alexei. Rennie puts a plate in front of Mike and he eats happily. Alexei and I go to the living room and sit. I decide to show him the house, so I take him on a tour of it. And we end up in the hot tub after I've shown him the grounds.

Alexei slips into the water, and he relaxes. "I love this, it's so beautiful here" he says happily. "Our room is nice, and I think we'll be very happy here." he says. I kiss him. "I'm glad for you, you're a good Lion, and I'm happy to be able to get to know you, Alexei" I say smiling. We lean back in the water and look up at the stars. It's a beautiful clear and slightly cool night.

I look in the house. Mike is standing with Alfred and he's obviously gotten the tour too. Mike walks out. "Such a beautiful night, it's fitting for our first night together" he says slipping into the tub. He moves between us and he pulls us to his sides. "I love this, I'll use this tub a lot, it feels so good" Mike says smiling. "Mike, I love you, I had no idea I could love anyone as much as I do you" I tell him. "Claude, I have wanted you for so long, but even in my best fantasy, I could not imagine how much I would love you, or would feel so much love from you" he says leaning over and kissing me.

Sam comes out and gets in the tub. "Dozer's gone to his room to check it out" Sam says smiling. "I love our room, it's so big and comfortable" Mike says smiling. "I moved downstairs when Dmitri left, Sam and Oscar are on the one side of us, and Alfred and his Miklos on the other, Rennie and Ed are next to them, and on the other side of them are Dozer and Alexei" I say smiling. "Dad and Harry are a short distance from us, and Dad's study is between Sam's room and theirs" I say softly. Vladimir and Sergei and Nikolai come out. And they pick up Alexei and they all chatter happily in Russian. "They miss Dmitri, Bruno, and Yuri" I say softly. Sam nods. "Hell I miss Yuri, I know he's close to his brothers, but I wish he'd of stayed" I say softly. Sam nods. "He's quite an earnest and good hearted Bull, Claude, I wish he'd of stayed too" Sam says softly. Our Russians put Alexei back in the tub and they get in too.

Dozer's walking out naked. "You can't ever have too many good Bulls in your life" I say happily. Sam's ears twitch, and so do Dozer's. "I agree, I can never thank you enough Sam" Mike says leaning forwards and kissing Sam. "You not only got us together, but you helped me find the courage to go to him" Mike says. Dozer gets in the tub. "I saw, I had told Claude that he'd have to work hard to get you, and when he smiled at you, you ran to him and made it easy for him" Sam says laughing. "When he smiled at me, I could see he wanted me, not just to fuck, but that he wanted me as badly as I wanted him" Mike says smiling. "It was shining from his eyes how much he wanted me and for good" Mike says kissing me deeply.

"I had to go for him, but I was afraid" Mike says. "The dick" Dozer says laughing. Mike nods. "Hell, I ain't small but that thing is massive" Dozer says laughing. "He took you easily?" Dozer asks. Mike smiles at me. "I was going into him so slowly, determined not to hurt him, and he couldn't wait" Mike says laughing. "He grabbed my back and pushed on me til he had me all of the way" Mike says looking lovingly at me. "That's our Claude" Sam says kissing me. "He let me go for as long as I needed to cum" Mike says kissing me. "Took him an hour" I tease Mike. "I'm a bit slow to cum" Mike says blushing. "I love it, baby Bison" I say kissing him back. "He twisted and moaned under me and came several times on my stomach, and he'd call out my name and beg me to never leave him" Mike says happily. "That's our Claude" Sam says proudly. "I loved it when you'd arch your back to get as much of me in you as you could" Mike says kissing me deeply. "No one has ever taken all of me like my Baby Lion did" Mike says proudly.

Alexei laughs. "I can't wait" he says grinning. "Oh yeah, we promised you a Bison ride" Mike says kissing Alexei. Dozer kisses him. "You want Mike, Baby Lion?" he asks. "I do" Alexei says. Dozer kisses Alexei. "Take him, Mike" he says. "I'll take Claude though if you don't mind" Dozer says. "Of course" Mike says kissing me. "If he wants you, go for it" Mike says happily.

Sam looks at me. And grins. "You still owe me a 'ride the Lion' party" he says evilly. I laugh. "Da, we ride Lion too" Vladimir says smiling. I crack up. "Like I have ever said no to my beautiful Russians" I say happily. "Nyet, Claude no refuse his Big Grizzly" Vladimir says grinning. Sergei smiles and leans down and kisses me. I grin. I love our sweet natured, big Donkey. He's so in love with Nigel but he's always been so loving to me too. And Nikolai, my big Russian Lion cousin is such a hot, and passionate lover. My Russians are very special guys.

Nikolai stands up and grabs my paw and pulls me out of the water, and carries me over to the pool. In Russian he asks me for help. "Kurt want brother live with us" he says. "Claude, help us, mate have house but wants move, Claude ask him, Dr Lion might come if Claude ask" Nikolai begs me. "I love Kurt too, if you think he wants Clyde and Edward with us, I'll go see him on Monday during my break, the Neurosurgery clinic is just down the Hall from us" I tell Nikolai. He kisses me. "Kurt be much happy, Nikolai too, Nikolai like Clyde, think Claude like Dr Lion too" he says. "He's a hot fellow Lion, babe" I say smiling. "Want thank Claude soon" Nikolai says.

And I think of the pool party we threw where I first met Clyde's Dr Edward Johnston. Hot older Lion with gray in his mane, a big dick, and a fantastic lover. I was so crushed as it was a month after Dmitri left, and he made love to me all afternoon in the back garden and made me weep feeling his passion for me. I felt wanted for the first time since I was left. If he didn't already have Clyde, I'd have thrown myself at him as hard as I could. Praying to bond him.

We walk back to the tub. I whisper to Mike what we talked about. Mike smiles. "I do trust you, baby" Mike says. "I will never go behind your back for anything, sweet Bison" I say softly. Mike kisses me. "You are made for me, Baby Lion" he says grinning. "I know you love me, Claude, but you don't have to tell me everything, sweetheart, I am glad you trust me and want me to know though" he says kissing me.

"Are you sure you don't mind me taking Alexei off and fucking him?" Mike asks. "No, babe, I don't mind, I like Alexei, and I love you, and I know you could never leave me nor really love anyone else but me" I say kissing him. "You do know your loving Bison" he says kissing me back. "Play with the guys if you want to, I know you're mine, and I'll show you later tonight, how much I love and want you" he says lovingly. "I know, and we have a lifetime together" I tell him passionately.

He picks me up and walks me over to the grass. He kneels down and puts me on my knees in front of him. His height puts us face to face directly now. He holds me tightly and kisses me deeply and strokes my mane. "I love you, and I could not ever stop, my Lion" he says gently. "And we will only get happier as we go along in life, I swear I will make you happy, Baby Lion" Mike says softly. "I have all I could ever want now" he says. And there is a soft, and blissful look on his face now and his eyes are closed. He puts my head on his shoulder and he strokes my mane so gently. Those big hands are so soft and tender now. His dick is rock hard. And he kisses me. "I adore you, Mike," I say passionately. "I have no words for how much I love you, Claude" he says kissing me tenderly.

"I will spend the night making love to you, but we must do what we promised first, I will take Alexei, and come back to my Lion" he says tenderly. "I will always come back to you, Claude" he says emphatically. I look into his soft Brown eyes. "I know, I am so happy now, I can feel your heart with me all the time now" I say fighting off tears. "I have felt yours since you kissed me, Claude, always with me, beating steadily with your love for me" Mike says nuzzling my neck. This big Bison has the biggest heart, and he's given it to me, and he's so loving and romantic. He lets go of me, and he deep kisses me and stands up.

And he walks back to Alexei and picks him up. He walks off. And he turns and mouths to me. "I will be back for my Lion soon" he mouths. "I love you" he adds. I smile. Even going to fuck another Lion he loves me so much.

I stand up, and I look at Sam. "Come to me Big Bull" I mouth to him. Sam gets out of the water and he's rock hard. He runs to me. And he holds me tightly, and kisses me hard. "I love you, Sam, and though I have Mike now, I always will, he knows and doesn't care" I say softly. "Just like my Baby Bull, he knows how we love one another, but he knows I belong to him" Sam says pushing me gently onto my back. "Take me, let me feel the love of my Cuban Bull" I moan. Sam's kissing me sloppily like he knows I love, and he's so hot for me. I look at the tub. The guys are watching us, but they see what's going on. They know we want to be together by ourselves for the moment.

Sam takes me, as passionately as he ever has, and he makes love to me, in his aggressive yet loving way. I growl and moan and I feel so much from my Sam. He looks into my eyes. "He'll love you, even more than I do, Claude" he says softly. "I am happy, I know I can't have you as I want you, but he'll love you so much, the way I want to see you loved, mi amo" Sam moans in my ear. I cry from feeling his deep passions for me. I hold him as tightly as I can. He bellows and I feel him gushing his thick Bull cum into me. And he weeps on my mane. "I will love you until they put me in the ground, Baby Lion" he says softly. Sam gets off of me. And he walks off. I know he's going to go find Oscar now. He really loves his Baby Bull a lot. I'm happy he has given me a piece of his heart, and he's happy for me to have my Bison now. I'm pretty happy about it too.

Sergei is right over immediately. "Sergei want love his Katya, show Katya how happy Sergei is for his little Lion" he says kissing me deeply. He's running his hands all over my body, as he always does. "Sergei want his Lion to know he loved, Katya get Donkey his Badger, make Sergei happy always" he says sliding that huge Donkey dick in me slowly. At 19" he's the biggest hung male I've had before my Bison. And he's so gentle and tender with it he always brings tears to my eyes when he fucks me. And I can tell my sweet Big Donkey is giving me his all tonight. I weep feeling his love for me, and I moan and I cum on him. "Katya squeeze" He moans. And he's biting his lip. "No want cum yet" he grunts and he moves just a bit faster in me, still gently. I moan and growl and I feel so much. "No hold"Sergei moans, and he brays loudly and passionately, and I feel him gushing into me. He smothers my face with kisses. "I love you,Sergei" I say putting my arms around his thick neck. "Katya much love his Donkey, always good to Sergei" he says kissing me deeply. "I am so happy for how much you love our Nigel" I say softly. "Badger busy with work, tired now" he says. "I know babe, but he still needs you" I say softly. "He wouldn't admit to how badly he needs his Donkey's love now" I say gently. "Katya think Sergei go to Badger, love him much?" Sergei asks. "I know he needs you, he may not know it even, but he needs your boundless love, Sergei" I say smiling. "Sergei go to his Badger now" he says weeping gently. "He needs you, Big Guy, Nigel's like me, he keeps going and he hates to feel vulnerable, but love him, pet him and stroke him and he'll give in, he needs you too much" I say kissing my Big Donkey. Sergei gets up and runs off.

Vladimir and Nikolai come to me together. "Katya need be loved, Vlad is thinking" he says softly. I nod. They hold me between them and pet and kiss me. I moan and growl and Nikolai rolls on top of me and mounts me. "Nikolai love Claude, he be so good to Lion and his Kurt" he says and he's passionately fucking me. Nikolai is always a bit rough in his fucking, but he's being tender tonight. His big Feline dick makes me see stars. I hold him tightly. "I love you, Nikolai, I am happy to see how much you and Kurt love each other" I moan."Katya so good to his Russians" Vladimir says kissing me. "I love you guys" I say softly. "Vlad know, find Tiger, find me other Tiger when Cody leave, know Jerry no ever leave his Vladimir" he says smiling. Nikolai throws his head back and roars and he's cumming hard into me. I kiss him. "I love you, my big Russian Lion" I say kissing him. He blushes and rolls off of me. "Nikolai love his Katya, he need know how much his Russians love him, loyal to their Katya, know Katya hurt when Dmitri leave, try help when can" he says. "Guys, you came to me, you and Sergei and Vlad were the first to hold me and comfort me, I would have been a broken Lion without your love and concern" I say kissing him. Nikolai and Vladimir smile. "Katya be loved now, Bison no leave Katya ever, he live for his Lion" Vlad says smiling.

"Just like I know my loving Russians won't ever leave me" I say softly. "Da, we have our loves, but we happy, no leave home" Vladimir says joyfully. "Katya get Nikolai bond, know he in trouble, no know Nikolai yet, but fix, let his fellow Lion stay in America" Nikolai says weeping. "I didn't know you knew it was me?" I ask him. "Dmitri tell Nikolai, he tell Katya Nikolai need help, Katya go fix, Dmitri tell" he says. And he hugs me tightly. "Katya find Nikolai his Kurt, give us good home, make much happy" he says hugging me. "No one good to Russians like their Katya" he says smiling now. "Vlad be happy now, Katya find him new more loving Tiger, keep Vlad happy and safe at home "Vladimir says hugging me to him. And Nikolai reminds me of his first morning here, and being a bit scared and nervous. And he smelled me baking the bialyi and Dmitri had told him I made it to make him feel welcome. "Nikolai know he wanted and cared for, much happy" he says smiling.

Vladimir kisses me and mounts me when Nikolai gets off of me. Vladimir is a good lover but he cums quickly. He's going for it. "Want love Katya then go find my Tiger, much love him" Vladimir says softly. I nod. And Vlad hits and roars and I feel him fill my ass. He gets up. I kiss him. "I love you Big Grizzly, go find your Jerry" I say. Vlad kisses me back. "Feel much love from Katya want my Tiger now" he says smiling He and Nikolai go into the house.

Dozer comes over. "They sure love you a lot, Claude" he says. "I'd heard them talking about you, and they are so loyal and caring to their Big Kitty" he says grinning. I nod. "Claude, I'd of loved to have gotten you for myself, I am happy with Alexei, and I'm so happy you'll let us move in" Dozer says smiling. "I'm glad for you, Mike's a good guy, he's a bit shy, but your love seems to be bringing him out of it a bit" Dozer says grinning. "I knew about him, that Sam was going to set you two up, but I wanted you, I wanted to see if I could get you, but I knew I'd at least get a few great fucks from you if nothing else" he says. "Mike didn't know about you?" I ask. "He knew Sam had picked him and a back up in case you didn't bond him, Sam was pretty sure you'd go for Mike, but I wanted you" Dozer says. "I'll give myself to you when you want since Mike doesn't mind me playing" I say smiling. "I hoped you would" he says smiling.

Dozer mounts me and he's fucking me passionately. I moan and paw his back and growl loudly. He's good, he's putting his feelings into his fucking and I can't help but respond. Dozer is still fucking me hard and passionately. I growl and cum on his rock hard belly. Dozer growls about how I'm squeezing him now and he bellows cumming hard in me.

"Claude, thank you for getting Alexei for me, he's such a hot Lion and he loves me so much" Dozer says. And he kisses me and gets off of me. Dozer kisses me.

"Claude, are you disappointed that we didn't bond?" he asks. "A bit, I know I'd still be a happy Lion now, you'd of loved me just as much and as well as Mike does" I say kissing him back. "I would have" he says softly. "I'd of been well off either way, but Mike's fine with us getting together and fucking each other's lights out, so we're good" I say softly. "Alexei wants us to all get together in a four way, Claude, he wants your ass too, and he's wanting to see me fuck you while he rides Mike" Dozer says happily. "We'll see how he does with Mike now" I say laughing. "Mike is that slow to cum?" Dozer asks. "He did take an hour with me, and he told me if he's really hot, 30 minutes is the minimum" I say smiling. "He didn't want to cum quickly in me, he said" I say grinning. Dozer laughs. "I cum fairly quick, but I recover fast" Dozer says proudly. "I was happy with how good you fuck" I say kissing him. "You did seem to be into me quite a bit" Dozer says smiling.

"Do you fuck Brutus?" he asks me. "I do, when ever he wants me, he's a great, if a bit rough, fuck" I say smiling. "Nice to hear ya like me" Brutus says stroking my ass and Dozer's too. "Big Kitty here puts out for his Bull Moose Daddy when ever I tell him ta" Brutus says proudly. "I'd be a fool not to take you when you want me, Big Moose" I say smiling. "I hear your sexy gruff voice and it's all I can do to not drop on my back for you, Brutus" I tease him. "Damn Straight, Lion Boy" he says gruffly. And he kisses me very tenderly.

"I want ya, bad now, but I want Dozer's hot Bull ass first" Brutus says. "You bottom?" I ask Dozer. He blushes. "Only Brutus, here, and I'll give my ass up to Alexei if he wants it" Dozer says quietly. I get it, Brutus is too masculine for almost anyone to say no to if he wants their ass. "Will ya put out fer ya Moose, hot Bull?" Brutus asks Dozer. Dozer nods. "I wont tell anyone if you don't want me to, Dozer" I say smiling. Dozer looks relieved. "Ya ain't ashamed o putting out for me?" Brutus says. "No, just not wanting to spoil my top image" Dozer says very quietly. Brutus laughs. "I got a lot o top guys hot to be under me" Brutus says proudly. "I can relate since I love being Moosed too." I say laughing. Brutus cracks up.

Dozer gets off of me. And he rolls on his back. And I have to look. His ass is stunningly hot. "I can't blame you for wanting his ass" I tell Brutus. "Ya mean it, Claude, ya hard as a rock looking at that gorgeous Bull ass" Brutus says smiling. "You'd take me, Claude?" Dozer asks. I nod. He's got a lot of blond hair around his asshole, it looks really hot against his Brown fur. "I've never seen such a spectacular ass" I grunt. Dozer blushes. "Better not let Dad see it, you'll never keep him out of it" I tease Dozer. "I think I'd have to fuck your Dad, he's so hot" Dozer says. "Would you take me or do you want Brutus first?" I ask. "Take him, Big Bull, I can wait" Brutus says grinning. "Please, Claude?" Dozer asks. I bend down and I start licking that sexy Bull ass out thoroughly. Dozer's grunting and moaning. Brutus is watching intently.

Dozer puts his legs back up. And I get on him, and I push gently into his asshole. He growls softly. And I give him my all. I do like to fuck some guys, I'm happier most times on the bottom, but I like Dozer a lot and he's got such a hot ass. Dozer puts his arms around my neck. "You're so hot when you fuck me" he whispers to me. I stiffen up and growl softly. Brutus has pushed his huge Moose dick up me while I've been fucking Dozer. "I'll fuck ya both through Claude" he grunts gruffly. And I slow down and Brutus is humping Dozer through me hard. I moan and I lean down and kiss Dozer deeply and with full tongue. He's moaning. "Hot, fucking hot" Brutus growls harshly. Brutus bellows and I feel him gushing hard into me. He's panting hard now. "Finish him, Big Kitty" Brutus whispers to me as he pulls out of me. He sits back and watches us.

I start to slow and I make love to Dozer. I give him my passion and he's holding me tightly and grunting. "Claude, I do love you" he says looking into my eyes. "I"m glad to have Alexei, and you'll be so happy with Mike, but I do care about you, and I'm glad you let us move in with you" Dozer says kissing me. "I love you too, and I'd of been so happy to be your Lion" I say softly. I throw my head back and roar and I dump a huge load of my Lion swimmers into that Blond and Brown furred ass. Dozer's shot all over my belly now. Brutus puts his hand on my back. "Claude, I love ya too, ya'd of been perfect fer me, but we ain't meant for each other" Brutus says softly.

I roll off of Dozer. Brutus whispers something in Dozer's ear. Dozer smiles. Brutus rolls over onto his back. And he grabs my hips and puts me on his huge Moose dick. And he holds me down to the root of it. Dozer gets up, and he gets between Brutus' legs and pushes his big Bull dick up me. I moan and grunt and cuss. They slow fuck me and feeling their dicks rubbing together in my ass makes me nuts. I kick and growl and cum all over them both. They move in sync while fucking me. I moan and I see stars quite literally. Dozer speeds up and he bellows and I feel his cum shooting hard into me. Brutus roars and I feel him gushing into me. Dozer pulls out of me, and I whine. Dozer kisses me. "You're quite a Lion, babe" he says panting happily.

Brutus pulls me down to him. "Ya a great Lion, ya take what we give ya and ya cum all over ya top" he says kissing me. Dozer leans down and kisses Brutus. "You're a lucky Moose, you got a lot of guys begging for that big ole Moose dick" he says. "He's more than a big dick, he's a hard fucking Moose, but he is loving and caring when he tears your ass up" I pant. Brutus kisses me again. "Ya know ya Moose well, Baby Lion" Brutus says softly. "Ya gonna be good fer Mike, he'll love ya til ya die, and ya gonna make him one happy Bison as long as he lives, just like my Greg does ta me" Brutus says smiling. And he lifts me off of his big dick. And he gets up, and he and Dozer walk into the house together. I am kind of awed at our Big Moose. And I remember something Sam once told me, Brutus has a twin brother. I have to remember to ask him to have him come visit. I'd love to meet him, this Dougie Mackelroy. Another Brutus around the house would be awesome. And I flash on how hot it would be to be between Brutus and his brother, to be Double Moosed.

I get up and go back into the hot tub to wait for my Bison to come back for his Lion. I know he will, he promised he would, and I know he's as honest and loyal as I am.

Mike comes out in a while. He's smiling. "He took me until I came, but he fell asleep right after" Mike says grinning. "Dozer took him off to their room" he adds. I kiss him. "Mike, I'm sorry I didn't notice you, I know I was with Dmitri for a while, but I could have taken you right after he left" I say softly. "Babe, you had to heal, I've lost a partner too, y'know" he says kissing me softly. "I just felt bad that you had to wait so long for me, baby" I say softly. "I had seen you at the gym, and I couldn't approach you, and I kind of hid from you, I knew I'd be too tongue tied to talk to you if you did see me" Mike says sadly. "I guess it had to happen when it was supposed to, but we've got each other now" I say kissing him. Mike pulls me to him.

We talk, we're both anxious to get to know each other. And he'd been listening to others talk about me, and I'm kind of surprised how much he knows about me already. "Claude, I'm ashamed to admit to this, but I did Google your name several times" Mike says looking down. "I'm not bothered by it, I kind of understand, it made you feel part of my life even if it was only a bit vicariously" I say kissing him. He nods. He kisses me. "Mike, I look forward to getting to know my baby over the lifetime we'll spend together" I say softly. Mike smiles. Those Dark Brown eyes make me melt when he looks into my Sapphire Blue ones.

"Claude, I have to talk to you about something important" Mike says softly. "Anything for you, baby" I say softly. "You're so close to your Dad and your brothers, and I have to tell you about my family" he says sadly. "My family disowned me when they found out I was gay" Mike says sadly. "I hope one day to try to make contact with them again, and make my peace with them, but I may not be able to" Mike says sadly.

"My Dad likes you, Takeru adores you, and I know my brother Rory will too, once you meet him, Jeb, well, who knows how he'll react" I say softly. "The family I built will love you too" I tell him. "My Dad and I never got along, but I miss my Mom" he says quietly. "I was an only child, and Dad was furious that I wouldn't give him Grandcalves" Mike says. "Dad's a bit disappointed that he won't have Grandcubs, but he's fine with it now" I say softly. Mike looks at me and he's obviously thinking of something.

"You lost your Mom when you were younger, didn't you?" Mike asks. "I did, I was 12 when she died, I miss her a lot, and I am so much more her son than Dad's in most ways." I say smiling. "I have her eyes, and forepaws, and I am so much like her inside, and she raised me to be who I am" I say smiling. "Hell, so many animals raised me, Dad, Papa Harry, Alfred, Takeru, even Emil Brunner and Sam helped me become the Lion I am now" I say smiling. "And since I got Grandpa back with us, he's been a mentor to me" I say softly. "I can't wait to meet him" Mike says. "And who's Papa Harry?" Mike asks. "Harry Belford, he was Dad's best friend for so long, he's been around us since we were cubs, and he and Dad bonded, and he's one cool Bengal Tiger" I tell Mike. "Thanks, Claude" Harry says kissing me on the back of my mane as he gets into the tub.

"Mike Callahan, this is Papa Harry" I say smiling. "We were just talking about you, Papa Harry" I say leaning forward and kissing him. "He's a beautiful Tiger" Mike says softly. "He is" I say smiling Harry grins. "He's a really sexy Bison, you always did have such good taste in males" Harry says laughing. Mike blushes. Harry and I chat a while, and I tell him about how Sam did a double set up but seemed pretty sure I'd go for Mike. "I know, baby, he talked it over with me and Nigel, and I knew you'd go for one of them" Harry says smiling. I kiss him.

"I'd love to get with you, but tonight, you two need to go curl up and spend the night alone" Harry says smiling. "We did play, while he was with Alexei, I played with some of the guys" I say smiling. And I tell Mike all about what happened. "You fucked Dozer?" Harry asks. "I did, he had only been fucking Brutus, or so he said" I say smiling. "He's had me" Mike says quietly. "He couldn't take me until I came, but he tried" Mike says softly. "He fucks the guys he really likes, he's had Sam too" Mike says. "He likes me then" I say smiling. "He does, he went to Sam and begged Sam to try to help him get you if he could" Harry says smiling. I laugh. "Might have worked except for the fact that I was meant to be with Mike" I say smiling. Mike looks at me lovingly.

"You were meant for me, I'm a bit dogged and methodical, but I don't give up easily, and I'm glad I didn't" Mike says kissing my paw. "Good, then I know you won't give up on me no matter what" I say kissing him. "I won't ever, talk to me, trust me, and we'll be together til one of us dies" Mike says looking into my eyes. "My loving Bison" I say grinning. He leans down and kisses me tenderly.

Harry laughs. "He's so in love with you Claude" he says smiling. "I will take you in a day or so, Harry" Mike says quietly. "I want my Lion now" he says softly. I put my legs up on the rim of the tub. "No, babe, no such thing as quickies for your Bison" Mike says gently. "What?" Harry says. "I'm slow to cum, takes me a while" Mike says gently. "It does, about 30 minutes to an hour and a half he told me." I say kissing him. "Claude, you're just being greedy now" Harry says laughing. I reach down into the water, and I slow stroke Mike's dick. He grunts. And his huge cylindrical Bison dick pokes up out of the water. Harry gasps. And he leans forward. He takes Mike's dick in his paw. "He's immense, Claude, he's huge and is slow to cum" Harry says shaking his head. "Nigel's right you are the luckiest SOB on the face of the Earth" Harry says smiling. "He's a wonderful lover, Papa Harry, he's so tender and passionate" I say happily. Mike blushes. Harry laughs.

"I can't wait to find out." Harry says. "I want to be with such a beautiful Tiger, but I want my Lion tonight, I missed you, I wanted to fuck Alexei, and I did enjoy it, but I wanted it to be you" Mike says looking down. "I would look at him, and see my Claude" Mike says. "We do look alike, you know" I tease him. "I was so scared I'd call him Claude, and he'd be justifiably upset" Mike says softly. I kiss him. "You missed your very own Lion" I say grinning. "I did, Claude, I love you so much, I wanted you for so long, but I had no idea how deeply I would love you" Mike says softly. "Nor how much, and how thoroughly you'd love me" Mike says kissing me back. "Mike, be happy, you have what you wanted for so long, and Claude will love you forever, he's a loyal Lion," Harry says smiling. "I could lose him, no matter how happy I am, my mind is so afraid this could go away tomorrow" he says sadly.

"Mike, I know you trust me, and I see how badly Bill hurt you, so I know what I'll do, we'll legally bond when we've been together long enough, I'll happily become Dr Claude Marcus Callahan" I say kissing him. "Claude, a legal bond is an unbreakable one" Mike says. "You'd be bonded to me for life" he says smiling shyly. "I want to be, I told you I'd never leave you, I haven't left anyone, I've been the one left, Baby" I say gently.

"Mike, you referred to yourself as deliberate, and you are" I say softly. "You are different from me, thoughtful, deliberate, solid, steady, and once you make up your mind, it doesn't change without a hell of a good reason, do you have any idea how security inducing and comforting that is? "I ask him. Mike smiles shyly. "You know you want me as yours, and I know you will as long as you draw breath" I say softly. I take his hand. "You swore you'd love me until you died, and I believe you, like me you don't lie" I say kissing his hand. "Sam called you emotionally stable and you are, you have feelings but they are pretty constant, my loving Bison" I say smiling. Mike laughs. "You do understand me already" Mike says happily. "I'm trying, we will know each other much better eventually, but for now, we do know each other fairly well." I say softly.

"We do" Mike says smiling. "You're a lot more openly emotional than I am, you are dedicated to the truth, and you are driven to know as much about something as you can, and you are also driven to help those you love and make their lives better, Claude" Mike says kissing me. "He comes by that honestly, his mother was the same way, and he's got a bit of his Daddy's temper as well" Harry says smiling.

I look towards the house. Grandpa Walt is coming out now. "Granddad, I was going to come find you in a bit" I say joyously. "My boy" Grandpa says walking out to the tub. "Claude, he's an older you" Mike says softly. I nod. Grandpa Warren looks more like my Daddy than my Dad does, and I'm proud of it. "He's my mother's father, and I am my Momma's son" I say happy. Grandpa gets in the tub. "I love my boy" Grandpa says. "He's a gorgeous Lion, Claude" Mike says. Granddaddy rubs my mane. "He's gonna look just like me in 30 or 40 years" he says proudly. "I'm looking forwards to it, Grandpa, I love you" I say kissing him.

"Grandpa, this is Mike Callahan, my bond mate" I say kissing them both. "He's a beautiful Bison, boy" Grandpa says smiling. Mike blushes. Harry laughs. And he tells Mike how I determinedly went to find my Grandpa Warren when I found out about him. And how Grandpa Kitman had chased him and my Grandma away from us. "My Grandson showed up at my door, begging me to love him, I already did, I had been so hurt, and I had wanted him to come to us one day, I'm sorry my Edith was gone already, but he was so much me" Grandpa says. "You loved me right away, Grandpa" I say kissing him. "I did" he says softly. "I could see me in his eyes, and hell, you saw, he's me, with more than a touch of Jim too" Grandpa says proudly.

Grandpa Warren is me, kind of, or I'm him. Same height, and build, and I have his Red Blond mane and his forepaws and we're so much alike. Only big difference I am aware of is that he's a top versatile, he came out after Grandma died. And he's a damned good top too. Our dicks are identical too. And he's more emotionally stable than I am. Maybe it's him being older. But Grandpa gives me hope for my future, he's everything I want to be. And I pray I grow up to be him or as much like him as I can be. I love my Grandpa Walt more than I could ever put into words. But fortunately he knows how much all of his Grandsons love him. Yet he's closer to me than to Rory or Jeb.

Mike 3

Mike and Grandpa chat, and they seem to like each other a lot. "I like this Bison, Claude, he's solid, and he'll be just what you need" Grandpa says. "He may be a Psychiatrist, and Emil says he's a good one, but he's so emotional, just like his Momma...

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Mike 1

I've just finished my Residency as a Psychiatrist at age 26. I'm pretty happy. My own therapist, Dr Emil Brunner, was my inspiration and he's so proud of me. Dad is too, and my brothers as well. Graham is happy for me, he was such a major help to me...

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Eduardo and Claude

I'm a 21 year old African Lion. A twin in fact. And we're both Doctors. We're supposed to be geniuses and we graduated as MDs when we were 20. My brother Jeb is a Cardiologist and I'm an Internist. We're both considered handsome and attractive Lions....

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