Dragon Overlord, 4 | by Draconicon

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Teryx/Hatsu are dealing with the fact that they've been beaten...and that Magatsu is planning on utterly humiliating them before an entire town. (5.0k words)

Commission from draconiconGallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37545846/

Beaten down and exhausted from the fight - and from the internal conflict and disagreements about how the fight should have gone - Hatsu and Teryx were too weak to fight the villagers as they came down to restrain him. The gray dragon was picked up, his wings pushed together so that he couldn't flap them and fly away, and carried toward the far end of the square. Led up the stairs by the church, Teryx looked out through their shared eyes and grimaced at what he saw.

There was a standing stockade ready for them, the hinged set of wood attached to stakes in the ground to keep it from being rolled away or knocked over. He vaguely remembered seeing criminals put in that while he and the other adventurers had passed through town, and he had felt an element of sympathy for them then. The idea of being tied up himself, however...

He wanted to fight, but he was just too tired. Hatsu was the same, unable to offer him magic or any tricks that might have gotten them free from the villagers. All they could do was be led to it.

Teryx grunted as his wrists and neck were shoved into place, his head pinned down before the giant wooden block came slamming down. The locks were put into place, and he groaned under his breath as he realized that he couldn't move.

Bent over like this, he probably looked like some sort of tavern slut, particularly as they were still nude. He blushed as he felt the eyes on his ass, on their ass, and he groaned more as he felt the slippery sliminess of Magatsu's seed oozing out of the slit between their legs.

It was even worse as Hatsu started getting all worked up, too, and he wished that their hands were free so he could slap himself.

You are seriously getting turned on from this?

I can't help it.

I bet you can. You just don't want to. Fucking...

Teryx didn't even complete the thought, too frustrated to really go further. He sighed, sagging down in the restraints. He couldn't bend his legs and kneel, since he was pushed back by having his face in the stockade, and he couldn't shift his footing as his ankles were chained and cuffed to a set of manacles further back. It left him standing with his upper body horizontal and his lower body vertical, thrusting his ass back for anyone to look at.

"Tie his tail up, too," Magatsu said. "It's a dangerous weapon."

It was more that the perverted spirit in his body wanted to see them naked all the time, he was sure. Teryx grunted as their tail was pulled up and over, some rope improvised as a final bit of restraint. The cool winter wind on their ass only made it worse, and he shivered as he felt his pucker twitch from the touch.

Stop getting horny! he shouted across their mind. This is humiliating.

But...it's kinda hot...

Why?! How is this hot?

Because...because it's rough...and...and using me like a...

Like a thing again. He groaned under his breath, knowing what was happening. The fact that Hatsu had been fucked over so hard in the dungeon must have corrupted the sorcerer, pushing his ability to stand up for himself right out of his head. There was no more ability to think clearly, no more ability to see that he was being abused. All he could see was the chance to be helpless and used by the one that had made it feel so good the first time.

Teryx was going to be fighting at a disadvantage constantly with that, and he didn't know how to cancel it out.

Now that they were bound, Magatsu waved at the villagers again. They looked up, their faces worried, their eyes glancing between the fake paladin and the bound dragon again and again.

"Now. Leave him to me. There are rituals to be conducted, and they must be done without the eyes of the uninitiated watching. Otherwise, the monster will not be cleansed properly. He may even escape."

The villagers hissed and hushed at the idea. Teryx would have slapped them all if he could for being so gullible, but he knew that there was no way that he was going to get the chance. Hell, he didn't even bother opening his mouth to persuade them otherwise. He doubted it would work.

As the various species in the crowd left, some going back to work while others went up to the wall to guard it, and yet others went back to their homes to sleep, Magatsu knelt by the side of the stockade. Seeing his own face twisted up in that evil of a smirk did nothing for his mood.

"What are you going to do?" Teryx growled.

"Mmm, I don't think I want to talk to you."

"Tough. I'm all you're getting."

"Hatsu...come forward."

Teryx opened his mouth, then froze as the words wouldn't come. He could feel the pressure of Hatsu's personality and mind coming forward, and he grimaced as he tried to hold it back.

Why are you giving him what he wants? Let me stay front.

I...I have to. He's part of me. And I'm part of him.

Stop. He's going to make you -

I have to try.

It had to be because they were sharing a body, and because the body was originally Hatsu's. The other dragon's mind forced his to the side, pushing him to the back of their shared skull, and left him staring out through their shared eyes. He glared, even if the body no longer did.

Hatsu spoke.

"We're two halves, Magatsu. Come back. I can make it better in here. I can make it...I can make it so that you don't hate it this time."

"You think that I want to let you control me again? That's not going to happen."

"We can negotiate. We can find better rules for you. Ones that make you feel good, and you can follow."

"That's not going to happen either."

"Then what is? Please, tell me what I can do to make this better."

"You can't."

Magatsu chuckled, shaking his head.

"I didn't call you out to negotiate. I called you out to make sure that you understand something. I want you to feel the helplessness that I felt for years. Do you know how it feels to be a prisoner? To be held down, to be unable to do what you want?"


"You're going to."

The fake paladin stood up, still naked, his cock still hard. It was soaked with some of the cum and pre-cum that still oozed from the gray dragon's slit, and he presented it to their face.

"You're going to lick this clean. That will be the start of your...penance, heh."

"You...why? Why do you -"

"Suck it, Hatsu!"

There was a growl to it, a threat to the words, and no sooner were they said than Hatsu's mouth was all over that dick, slobbering along the shaft before pulling the head into his mouth. He whimpered, bobbing his head up and down, nuzzling towards the base. And through it all, Teryx could taste everything.

And I thought the dragon-men were bad, Teryx thought, mentally rubbing his forehead as he tasted the cock-slime and worse on his own body's cock. The fact that it was almost being worshiped by his host body was not helping matters, making it feel like he was supposed to be enjoying this somehow when he most certainly was not.

Even if Hatsu's cock was throbbing hard in that chaste slit.

He could feel the pressure of his host's arousal, could feel the way that the dick wanted to come free of the slit and thrust into the open air, but the rune that Magatsu had left on them when he transferred bodies kept that from happening. All he could do was throb impotently as they sucked on...

No, no, Hatsu was the one sucking. Teryx was in the backseat, watching someone do it and tasting it, feeling it in his mouth. He wanted to gag from having it forced into their shared mouth and down their throat. He wanted to protest.

But Hatsu? Hatsu just wanted to make his other half happy, to give in and be dominated. Hatsu was how the bad things in the world got to win, because he couldn't stand up for himself, and could only be used.

Teryx harbored a quiet hate for the other dragon, shaking his head as he watched the long blowjob turn into a face-fucking as the bigger, two-toned blue dragon grabbed hold of their head and pinned them to the stockage.

"Heh, time for you to take it...take it good and hard."

The thick dick pumped right down their throat, and Teryx could barely catch his breath - Hatsu barely could, him, hard to tell - before that dick went right down their neck, filling it up and blocking it out. Teryx gagged, even though he wasn't the one in front, and he spluttered as he felt pre-cum running down his throat into his guts.

This is wrong. This is so wrong.

Their shared body meant that they couldn't get away from each other's stimulations and sensations. Even though he was in the back of the head, with no control, he was forced to take it, to feel it, to be used, and he could feel the unfortunate arousal that their body had. The constant dripping had long since stopped being Magatsu's fluids and started being solely theirs. Thick, heavy pre-cum oozed from their slit like a woman in heat, and Teryx growled at the humiliation of being forced to be like this.

The constant hammering of his own cock down their throat didn't help matters, nor did the taste that he knew would stick to their tongue for hours. In and out, in and out that dick went, heavy balls slapping against their chin over and over again, the constant pressure of that shaft making it impossible for them to think of anything else but being face-fucked. The hands on the back of their head made it even worse, forcing them to take it, swallow around it, pleasure it.

In and out, in and out, in and out it went, and he gasped for breath around it when they had their throat clear for even half a second. It was getting increasingly rare that they did, too, and he sputtered when it was out of his mouth, when Magatsu decided to slap their face with his cock.

"You like it, don't you, Hatsu? You like it when I make you into what you always were. A soft, eager little whore, wanting nothing but the best for me."

Teryx wanted to growl, but all that Hatsu did was moan, the sorcerer side begging for more, opening their shared mouth further, showing off his tongue, their tongue. Magatsu smirked, slapping it with that big, thick, ridged cock, oozing pre all over their tongue before going back to thrusting.

It didn't take long for Magatsu to reach his climax, the other dragon humping for less than a minute before blowing his load. The splurts of seed going down their throat were thick and heavy, hot and musky, and salty to boot. Teryx wanted to gag, and thankfully, so did Hatsu. The pair of them coughed as the bigger dragon pulled free.

"I hope that you have a good night, Hatsu. Tomorrow, we start the training that you've been needing for your whole life. If you're going to live, you're going to be my whore. My previous, pleasurable whore."

The fake paladin laughed as he walked away, leaving them standing there in the middle of winter, only warmed by the enchanted ring that they wore. Their pleasure juices continued to run down their thighs, and Teryx growled again as he realized that Hatsu was still whimpering for more.

You've got to be kidding me.

I can't help it. I need him.

You need to be abused?

He does it...and it feels good. It shouldn't, I know it, but...but I can't help it. I want to submit...I want to be...

You aren't going to do that while I'm here. I told you before, he's too dangerous to be left alive.


If he keeps doing this, you're going to be like a corrupt version of him. Do you want that?


Fuck you...Let me front.

Hatsu got out of the way, and Teryx pushed his way forward. He took control of the body again, and immediately had to spit to the side to clear his throat.


The taste of the lingering seed in his mouth was certainly that, and he was more than happy to get rid of it. He shook his head several times, looking back at the church.

It was closed, now, the door slammed shut. He imagined that Magatsu was going to take a long night to start planning what he was going to do to them in the morning, and he imagined that the whole village was going to get a show in the name of purifications. There were many paladin rituals that were kept secret from the general populace, and he knew that some people thought that they kept their sex drives suppressed through the use of rituals where they were allowed to be as rough and crude with monsters as they liked.

He'll probably play on that...

Hatsu moaned in the back of their head, and he rolled his eyes.

You do not get to be front for that.

But...but it felt good.

Yes, and we got used harder than we needed to be because of that. He wants to humiliate you, so why are you letting him?

...I don't have an answer to that.

Then think of one. How pathetic do you want to be, and how pathetic do you want him to make you?

I...I don't...

Course you don't.

Teryx shook their head, looking at the snow-covered courtyard. It was going to be a long night, and he didn't know what they were going to face in the morning.

Just wish I could still have my paladin abilities...

If he could just get the healing touch, or other holy abilities again, he might be able to do a damn thing about situations like this. He still had a holy spirit, but in a body like this, fouled by evil and with the corruption that Hatsu was sucking up like water...

Well, no god, let alone his, would allow him to cast holy things with that sort of barrier.

But he could still meditate, could still pray. And that he set himself to doing until their body fell asleep.


Teryx screamed before he could stop himself as the crack of the whip came down on their back. His eyes went wide as he whipped his head around, seeing the sun reflecting off the snow and the silhouettes of the villagers ahead of him. They were all staring, all glaring, all waiting.


There was no mistaking the whip this time, the burning flick of its tip lashing out across the winged dragon's ass. He jumped, clenching his hands into fists at the sudden heat that burned across his rump, muttering under his breath as he realized that they were still stuck, still bound...

And about to be punished.

"Villagers. This monster has been captured and restrained. We have a rare chance to rehabilitate it, to give it the chance to be better than it was. Do you believe that we should?"

Magatsu's speech was answered with a few reluctant nods, though most of the villagers were quiet. They stared at him, at Hatsu, at the body that they shared, and he could see the hate in their eyes.

Whatever you did while passing through must have been pretty horrible.

It was...it could have been worse, but it was...bad.

Teryx didn't like this, but he didn't know what he could do, anymore. All of his options were taken from him, one by one. He had an evil spirit in his body that could do anything that he could do. He had a partner in this body that enjoyed the molestation far too much. He didn't have full control in how he could fight.

It was like trying to survive in an arena with both hands tied behind his back, no weapons, and his legs weighted down with an anchor. How was he supposed to win?

"What you will see today, you are henceforth sworn to secrecy," Magatsu said with Teryx's voice. "If you speak of any of this, my order will have no choice but to come here and maintain the vows of secrecy. If you cannot stand to hold a secret, then I must request that you leave the square now. I can't take responsibility for what will happen if you see this and blab to someone else."

The villagers didn't move. Teryx begged them to go, wished for them to flee, prayed for them to take the offer, but none of them so much as shifted their position. They were too curious about what a paladin might do to try and correct a monster, and were too interested in seeing him punished.

"I see that you all have great faith in your ability to hold your tongues. I applaud you," Magatsu said with a chuckle. "Then we shall start now."


Two more lashes, both across his ass, both making him scream and making Hatsu shiver. The pain was pure pain to him, but to the other dragon, it was something more. Something intense, something...wanted. It was a horrible feeling to find the conflict in his mind again, and he knew that it was only going to get worse as time went on.

Hatsu moaned again and again in the back of their mind as the whip came down, finding the parts that were most sensitive to the lash, to the pain, to the pleasure that the humiliation caused. The tip hit their ass, the base of their tail, the base of their wings. It danced up and down their spine, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, but always with a sting that left them gasping and snarling.

They must have looked like a true monster, because the villagers were slowly backing off, slowly giving them more and more space. Teryx hated the looks that he was getting, the accusations of being a horrible man, a monster, the unstated condemnation that they gave him.

They wanted Hatsu and him to suffer this for the crimes of Magatsu. They didn't know, but they wanted it anyway.

The whip came down once more, right at the base of his neck, and Teryx howled...a howl that morphed partway through into a moan as Hatsu struggled to come forward, to feel it, to be in control.

No! Stay back!

Teryx shoved him down this time, barely holding onto the front position, but the damage was down. They had moaned. They had done something to show that they were enjoying the torment that they were going through.

"The first moan. Mark this, villagers. This is the sign that they are ready for the beginning of their purification."

Magatsu laughed behind them, tossing the whip to the side. Teryx didn't know what was going on, but he had a horrible idea. And Hatsu was imagining the worst of things, too.

I bet he's going to fuck us, Hatsu whispered.

You want him to.

I'm not the only one. You want it. We're both horny...

That's nothing but bleedover from you.

He didn't want to want this. He didn't want his spirit to be corrupted by the constant pressure of the horny Hatsu, but there was definite arousal from the whipping. The humiliation, the exhibitionism, the constant showing-off. It was driving him nuts...

Panting hard, the winged dragon grunted as his head was grabbed from behind, his eyes forced up to the crowd once more. He could feel the leather armor that his body wore grinding up against his ass, and worse, he could feel the bulge behind it.


He's gonna fuck us...he's gonna fuck us.

Teryx really could have dealt with less enthusiasm and more fear from the other side of his mind. Hatsu should have been more focused on fighting their way through this, but the little slut was so easily broken to heel that there was no way that he could rely on him. The sorcerer was becoming more and more of a liability.

"Monsters are creatures that have no essence of goodness inside them," Magatsu said in a tone that was half-lecturing, half-preaching. "But if you are able to bring them to this state, they are receptive to the essences of a good being. You must merely...inject it properly."

The blue dragon chuckled as he opened his leathers, the crowd gasping as they watched a paladin pull his pants down, unveiling a fat cock. It was thick and hot against their ass, and it left them shivering as it thrust between their cheeks, the head rubbing against the base of their tail before coming down to the pucker once more. The tip was so wet that it almost slid in right then and there, their hole still spread and gaping from the last fuck that they'd gotten.

"He needs it, as some of you can tell. He's been beaten down, his submission high. He is willing to give himself, and now..."

The tip rubbed along their pucker one more time, leaving a trail of pre. Teryx braced himself, and Hatsu whimpered in anxious anticipation in the back of their head.

"I will give him salvation."

POP! The head of the other dragon's cock slammed right in, and Teryx was forced to feel what Hatsu had felt when he had been raped.






It all tied together at the same time, and Teryx's eyes went wide as he felt that fat cock going deeper and deeper. He had never known that his shaft could make someone feel like this, and he swore that there must have been some curse on it, some foul magic that was bending him to its will. His toes curled against the stone below, his eyes closing tightly, his hands curling into fists.

A hand reached down, pressing just above their slit. A claw flicked -


This time, it was not a sound, but a magical crack. The spell that held their slit closed finally failed, and their cock popped out.


They moaned as their cock lunged for full erection in less than a second, their eyes rolling back in their sockets as they felt the pleasure that they had been denied through all the other fucks that they had been put through. Teryx and Hatsu moaned together, the former with shame, the latter in greedy arousal.

And still, Magatsu was filling them from behind.

"The monster...mmph...must be made to expel their essence...so that there is room...for the holy essence...to take root..."

Finally, the base of his former cock pressed against him, and Teryx and Hatsu shivered as their inner walls were stretched to their limits. They could both feel the pressure on their prostate, the hunger that that cock awoke in them. There was so much pleasure, so much need, that neither of them could think straight. They were so close to just slumping down that the stockade became a needed support rather than just a restraint.

Slowly, that shaft pulled back, teasing their rim, the ridges inside rubbing against their inner walls and threatening to pull them along. The sheer size of it left them whimpering, their cock dancing.

"Of course...you can't just...let a monster...have its way..." Magatsu said. "It must be punished...restrained...taught a...lesson..."

A tight fist grabbed their cock, pinching so hard around the base that orgasm was going to be impossibly. They grunted in agonized frustration, both of them wanting to hump, to rut, to fuck, but neither of them having the freedom for it. All they could do was grind and thrust, hoping that there was something that would get them off.

But that cock, that fat cock. Teryx couldn't help but shiver, feeling the same hunger that Hatsu had been feeling all day long starting to build up. There was a part of him that was starting to crave his own dick, that wanted to be full of it, to feel it claiming him. The raw size of it was more than enough to make him moan, but then there was the way that Magatsu shifted his hips, his position, so that each thrust -


They moaned again, their cock spitting pre-cum, or trying to. The tight grip of that hand around the base of their cock kept it from doing any such thing, forcing it to stay hard and veiny instead. Thrust, thrust, thrust, each one hitting their prostate, each one forcing their cock to be that much stiffer and needier.

"They're close, but they will not finish. Not without permission, and not without being taken to the holy shrine of my order," Magatsu said, speeding up, talking faster as his hips moved quicker. In and out, in and out, that cock pounding at them. "They'll be filled with my essence, binding them to me...and they will...be escorted out...tonight!"

Hatsu and Teryx could hardly keep track of what was happening, the pair of them getting fucked to within an inch of the edge of sanity. Their hole burned with pleasure and the stretching feeling that huge cock gave them, those balls slapping against their crotch just short of hurting. In and out, in and out.


Good...too good...has to be...spell... Teryx panted.


They were moaning together in their shared skull, panting as that cock sped up, parting them, opening them. And all through the display, the villagers watched in judgment. Some had erections, but most just glared, watching down their noses at the shameful display that he and Hatsu put on.

He would have cum, then, but the hand held him back.

The rutting continued for almost a half hour, the pair of them held down, not allowed anything but what Magatsu gave them. And when he gave them his cum, they were marked with shame, their hole burning as they were seed...but not as hot as their face burned from the shame of wanting it so badly.


That night, they left the village. Hatsu/Teryx was tied, a leash and collar around his throat and a pair of leg-spreaders pushed around his ankles. Their wings were bound down in a wooden frame to their back, and their tail was tied up high so that their ass was constantly exposed. A bent with a wooden board at the front came halfway down their genital slit, blocking their cock from coming out but ensuring that the rest of the slit could be used as a fuckable hole.

It was as humiliating as it could get as a visual display without actually adding 'Fuck Me' signs to the winged dragon, and Teryx, at least, was thankful that Magatsu hadn't taken it that far.

They were only a half-mile from town when Magatsu grabbed them, turning them around. The many restraints made it awkward, and they yelped as they were forced to face the bigger dragon.

"Heh...tell me, sluts. Are you planning on trying to escape?"


If there was any chance of punching a personality in the face instead of just doing it to himself, Teryx would have done it right then. Hatsu was making it harder and harder for him to resist his own urges, now.

And Teryx was enough of a paladin to admit that his urges were getting stronger. Forced stronger, perhaps, but there was no denying that he felt the same hunger under his tail that Hatsu felt, the same urges that wanted to have that big, thick cock buried down there again. Just because he could control it didn't mean that it wasn't there.

Magatsu smirked at them, shaking his head.

"Heh. It'll be interesting seeing you try."

"I'm not going to let you just...get away with this," Teryx growled, even as Hatsu whimpered in helpless lust at the smirk on the other dragon's face. "I am still...still a paladin at heart."

"Perhaps. But you're a slut in body, now."

Smack. The blue tail came down, and Teryx hissed, as much from the discomfort as it was to hide the slight arousal that came with it. With every successive 'round' with Magatsu, their shared body was becoming more and more sensitive, more and more eager to be taken advantage of. He didn't know how much longer they had before he was completely consumed with the lust that the evil spirit was giving them.

But he had to hold on. Had to.

Magatsu leaned in, his hands groping their ass, pulling them close. The bulge in the leathers ground against their cock slit, a scant piece of hide keeping them from rutting again. Teryx looked up into those eyes, hating himself a bit as he felt the shivers of fear running down his spine.

"I'm going to take you. I'm going to train you. And I'm going to make sure that you never forget what you are."

"I'm a paladin..."

"Heh...not for long."

"You can't stop it."

"I can change it. And more to the point..."

Magatsu smirked, stroking one hard claw along the side of their face. The sharp point was barely light enough against their scales to avoid cutting them open, and both Teryx and Hatsu knew it.

"More to the point...I will have Hatsu bow to me...I will rule him...and I will kill gods if I have to in order to make that happen...If I can't kill him...if I can't get away from him...I'll OWN him..."