The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes

Story by Tremerre on SoFurry

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Nail and Daisy's second day together, Offers are made, and Nail's life is at a crossroads. The Characters used are mine, ask if you wish to borrow one of them, please.

The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes

Nail was dreaming, of soft movements, surrounded by warmth with a steady heartbeat comforting them. It was a nice dream, and as morning came, he reluctantly woke to the smell and sensation of having cuddled against his roommate for much of the night. His roommate being Daisy, the cow. And as he woke fully, he felt something move within Daisy, Daisy was carrying a calf! Daisy's stall was next to his bed, and Daisy was leaning against a horizontal post as she slept, but her belly extended into Nail's bed a bit, and Nail had snuggled against it while he slept. He was already forgetting the dream in all but having had it. But did he feel the life in Daisy in some form while sleeping himself? He petted Daisy's flank feeling the calf move in response. He pressed his head against her side, and could swear the calf inside responded in kind. Holding that communion with the unborn, Nail barely breathed, until Daisy herself licked his shirtless back, having woken herself.

"Good morning to you too, Daisy. I guess I met your calf last night, I hope you don't mind. They are very active, you must be happy." He says this, knowing the cow may be part of a experiment on uplifting intelligence, granting beasts sentience equivalent to humankind. It was within their abilities to engineer such, and Daisy here having a Teledrone servant suggested this was no normal cow. Daisy just looked at him, with that enigmatic pleased look, like being a cow was in itself pleasurable.

Daisy's Servant chose that moment to reactivate, She being a 7 foot tall Heavy Chested woman in appearance, plump in all the good ways, and expressive too. If not for the Jewel she wore just above her bosoms as a legal requirement, one would hardly be able to tell she was some form of manufactured person. "Good Morning Daisy!" I say as the Woman gathers herself. "Good Morning, Sunshine!" She says, while walking over to the stall, brush in hand as the morning's feed is dispensed into the Trough in the stall. I lay on the edge of the bed, petting Daisy the cow's neck as she eats her morning oats.

"Daisy, what is our schedule for the day?" I ask, as I move my paralyzed legs over the edge of the bed, letting me sit on its edge, with me supporting myself via the same bar that Daisy had leaned against as she slept. It seemed like it was made for the purpose, and I was grateful for its presence, allowing me an open arm to pet my roommate. But soon, I had to get ready myself, and begrudgingly, I get in the hoverchair, this time unaided by the teledrone, progress of a sort, and seeing this model was weatherproof, I took it into the large shower, delighted to not have to be washed and strip, soon feeling the warm water cascading over me. Daisy's brushes nearby also worked to help me reach my extremities. As I lathered up, the door opened, admitting both Daisy's. I eeped and turned the chair to hide my nudity.

"Don't mind me" Tele-Daisy said, as she started to soap up her charge, working from head, to udder, and down Daisy's legs, to her split hooves. Daisy's udder looked full, and ready to be milked once again, I noticed, relaxing a bit as really, Daisy the cow was not my type, not that as a Paraplegic, I could do anything about it. The Teledrone though, she was far hotter, dressed in a Bikini, I had a hard time concentrating on the rest of my bath, and asked if I could help with Daisy. The Teledrone smiled, and said sure! And seeing I already had a long handled brush, worked to clean the soap off of her, as naked as the cow was, and not caring. Soon though we all were clean of soap, and My Breakfast had arrived, Oatmeal, with a glass of Milk, as well as a Omelet, with cheese. I worked to dress myself, with Tele-Daisy helping some before tucking in, as Daisy got milked again. "You never answered me, what's on our agenda for the day?" I asked. Daisy blushed "How about fixing your legs? You want to walk again, right? She said it nonchalantly, like doing so was nothing for her. I had looked at everything from neurosurgery, to the remains of Chinese folk medicine, there was no fixing this, right?

Daisy waited while I worked things out in my head. "If I say yes, may I ask how?" And Tele-Daisy just smiled "Looking the gift cow in the proverbial mouth, eh?" We have a process that lets us mend your broken body, but it requires you to have a new body, and imprint on a cloned one,leaving your broken body behind. Its not without risk, but we are pretty good at this. You are in good hands, Nail. If you need time, that's fine, but you do have a flight to catch." And there it was, they were going to send me to space after all. Hot damm! Was it worth the chance?

I needed time, and asked to see the building, and soon Daisy and I were travelling outside, hooked up to the cart, as we travelled among the cows in the fields surrounding the Big Red Barn. I did not guide Daisy, she took me around the property, and around a lake. Stopping occasionally for a bite of the obviously GMO grass, leading me to wonder if there were now patches of flavors. She did cow things too, her biology worked like any cow's but I was in no danger of stepping in it, so I didn't mind. I thought of all I had worked for, stolen in a second by a broken water main. They called it a freak accident, thinking knowing the statistical chance of catapulting someone into the air, then coming down hard via a ruptured water main would make me feel better. Jeesh. And yes, I know that Zero G is a fine place to be a paraplegic, but it's a no go for colonizing. Even wearing power armor is best left to the capable. I needed a working body, to finish my life's work.

"Daisy, I think I know what to do, can you take us home?" Daisy does not make a sound, but soon we are back to the room we share, and Tele-Daisy. "Well, did you have a good trip?" she asked? I grinned "I think I would like to walk again, sign me up." And so I did, the day finishing with many medical tests and scans, Most universal for medical practice, and some I could not begin to determine their use. Of all the things humanity has advanced, how cold medical equipment feels has not changed a whit. Tele-Daisy had accompanied us this time, and indeed administered many of the tests herself. Whoever was controlling her must be smart, or indeed she may be shared among several smart people, in tandem, or as a time sharing agreement. Either way, I was impressed by her level of dexterity and warmth. Quite unlike what you would expect from a machine based organism. If I wasn't so excited about being made whole, I would have been very aroused.

As I returned to the dorm I was staying in, I looked over to Tele-Daisy "If I'm going to the stars, thanks for setting me up for this. I can't wait to start, but the warmth you gave me the past couple of days, thanks. Daisy too. I needed something to take my mind off of everything, and this has been nice." Tele-Daisy walked a few steps and responded "You are my family, and you are the last of mine alive. That you are the key for taking humanity to the stars is a perfect coincidence, I would have treated you to a good life regardless, but healing you is an investment in the future of humanity. Auroch Specialties sees this as a good investment, so don't let us down out there." I answered with a nod of my head, and afterwards only the quadrupedal footsteps of one Daisy, and the Biped footsteps of another were heard until we reached our room, my mind already in lunar orbit.

As we entered the room, there was company waiting for us. Another cow, and Teledrone were resting nearby, watching news feeds, or at Daisy's trough. As the sled disengaged, allowing my chair free reign over the area, and Daisy freed from taking me around, I watched as she Lowed, the most cow thing I had seen her do yet, and the Other cow raised her head from the trough, and did the same. A greeting possibly? Tele-Daisy smiled "Nail, this is Rose, and her teledrone charged with her upkeep. The Teledrone rose and smiled, even as Daisy and Rose got acquainted. I took the hand Tele-Rose offered. A firm grip from an obviously male figure. Tele-Rose was dressed as a butler, in his late 50's to look at him, though stacked, like he would bench press Rose if he could. I'm sure teledrones all had similar strength stats, but this one looked like they could have been former special forces.

"I was about to Milk Rose" Tele-Rose said, taking a piece of cheese off a fresh sampler plate, and eating it. Obviously enjoying it. "I understand you have enjoyed these plates in the past yourself Mr Selune? Only the milk from Daisy and Rose went into them, they are quite a pair.". He draped a arm around Tele-Daisy drawing her into a hug. "Your mission up there has relatives from both our families. Not that We selected based on that, it just happened to be that you were the right people for the job. Mr Selune." I interjected, "Call me Nail, and thank you." I have always enjoyed the platters, but never knew they came from Daisy. Call me impressed." As Rose climbed the milking platform, Tele-Rose and Tele-Daisy walked to Rose's side "You going to help, Nail?" Tele-Daisy queried and I guided my chair to Rose's side, to do the familiar massage I had given Daisy a couple of times now, But noticed the two Tele-Units were more involved with each other than Rose. I guess whoever piloted them, they were into each other. And using Rose's body as cover they embraced. Obviously a couple. That left me with Rose, and her udder, and having an eye for it now, Rose was also carrying a calf too. I massaged both udder and belly, with lotion and brush, as the machine pulled milk from Rose. Daisy Whuffed in my hair as I worked, interested in me, and I reached up and petted the sweet cow, letting her know that she wasn't being entirely ignored.

The Milker detached from Rose, leaving her teats red and needing a bit of the lotion I had on hand, and Tele-Rose and Tele-Daisy both helped in this. With the nanites, infection was largely a thing of the past, but care was still welcome. As the platform returned to normal, Rose gave me a lick as she dismounted the Milker. I looked at Daisy, halfway expecting her to climb up for a go, but she instead nuzzled Rose, both of them laying down in a corner of the room, laying heads on the other's pregnant bellies in a touching moment. The Teledrones had wandered off to the kitchen, to prepare my next meal, leaving me alone, something I was somewhat unused to of late, and I was rather enjoying being spoiled. I travelled to the Main Viewscreen, and watched some news, guiding it to the stories of my Team, and progress of the starship, Humankind's first venture to the stars. The screen showed the ship, a 4km torus, otherwise looking like a wheel and spokes where the human cargo would stay, simulating gravity. With such a trip, the need for gravity was essential, even if put into a deep sleep, Human organs would fail, even with nanites, which drew power from human activity. Such was the problems I had faced during my Master's thesis, how to keep our frail bodies going when there was no activity to keep our systems alive? The answer was a symbiosis with another organism, which fed the Nanite lattice in our bodies. A harmony of Human, Nanite, and Engineered Symbiote which kept everyone alive, and thanks to its biological nature, was sexually transmitted. Meaning with a generation, most of human kind would have the capability of star travel. I felt like a genius when I came up with the STD transmission idea. After all, most of humanity would not volunteer for a shot which did nothing for them on the surface, but would engage in unprotected sex at the drop of a hat. It would be my goodbye present for Humankind, a harmless modification to humanity that would mean most of them being eligible to see the stars.

As Tele-Daisy and Tele-Rose came out with my meal, A Cheeseburger and Fries. I grinned, as every meal had some cheese snuck in somewhere, and taking a glance at the reclining cows, I Smiled at them before digging in. Synth Protein had long ago replaced using actual cows for Meat. Freeing them from the need of humanity to butcher and kill them. Though products made from Cattle that died of natural causes were always in vogue, I could never desire something made of Daisy's hide. The Hamburger was good, the Cheese a Pepper Jack, giving the Burger a nice spicy flavor, and complimented the fries, batter dipped in some spicy coating and fried. A very homestyle meal made by a couple for a guest soon to leave both their home, and the planet.

I readied myself for bed, with Tele-Daisy helping me where she could, and as I layed down, Daisy walked into her stall, followed by Rose. The two cows sharing the stall, meant I would be reacquainted with Daisy's belly again, filled with life. And as I ran my hand down it, the calf within responded, sharing a moment together with me. Something as a fatherless male I would never experience myself, outside of my dreams. I fell asleep, my cheek touching Daisy's flank listening to her heartbeat, and a much smaller one too. And that night I dreamed of what it would be like being a cow. It was a nice dream.

The Daisy Chronicles 3: Dreams

The Daisy Chronicles 3 :Dreams Ah, How nice it was, to run across the field, a calf's spindly legs under me as I race the wind! Running around Mama, I skid to a halt, hiding from my friend, who lost track of me in our race, my Lungs burning I pant...

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The Daisy Chronicles: Meeting

It was a normal day for me, Nail Selune. Well, until that happened. But How exactly can you describe normality, with me, unemployed, and recently graduating from college, and debt free thanks to numerous scholarships, mostly from friends of my late...

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