My Master Ch3

Story by Sarah Dog on SoFurry

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#3 of My Master


_ Writer-Wolf316. Co-Writer-ShadowFist18 _

When Jake woke up the next morning his jaw hurt pretty bad, he looked over and Steve was gone, so he crawled out to the living room Dan was sitting on the coutch watching t.v.

"Morning Jake." Dan said, Jake just barked. So Jake went up to Dan who then put his hand on top of Jake's head and started scratching his ears, then Jake jumped on the coutch. Jake started to look really sad and lonely.

"He just went to the store, he should be right back." he said as he rubbed Jake's head. Then Jake jumped off the coutch and sat by the door and started whining so Dan got up and opened the door so Jake could go out. Just as Jake was coming in Steve was coming home.

"Do you feel better?" he asked petting Jake's head, he just barked and started panting. So they went inside and Dan was making bacon and eggs, Jake was able to act like him self

"So I ran in to your dad at the store, when he didn't see you he flipped out. It was quite funny." Steve said, his mouth full of food, but it didn't sound like that at all.

"What did he say to you?" Jake asked

"He asked where you were." Steve said

"Sounds like my dad." Jake said as he got every bodies plates and put them in the sink, he then got on all fours and crawled over to Steve.

"Its time for some one to take a shower." he said as he stood up

"First, let me look at your jaw." Dan said, so Jake went up to Dan and put his front paws on Dan's knees and looked up. So he moved his hand around his lower jaw to where Jake was kicked he whinced as it was touched.

"It seems fine, just be easy on him." Dan said removing his hand and scratching Jake's ears.

"Okay, my puppy needs a shower." Steve said, so him and Jake went to the bathroom and Jake jumped in to the bath tub. "You can act normal for abit." then Jake stood up, then Steve stripped out of his clothes and got in the shower, when he was all the way in Jake pulled him in for a kiss, their tounges faught to enter each others mouths, Steve then pulled away, he then turned on the water, both let out a long sigh as the warm water hit their fur.

"You want me?" Steve asked after kissing Jake, who then got on his knees and started licking his master's sheath as more of his cock started showing then the more he started sucking. Then Steve put his hand on the back of Jack's head making him go deeper on his cock just as he was about to cum he he thrust causing his cock to spray the back of Jack's throat in cum. When Jake stood up him and Steve locked in a deep kiss. So after the shower they decided to go out to the movies.

"What do you want to see?" Steve asked.

"The only thing that really looks good is the new "Predator" movie." Jake said as the walked in to the theater.

"That what we're seeing then, becasue my puppy has been so good." he said then Jake was about to kiss him but he pulled away.

"Right, no kissing in public."Jake said so he bought their tickets. When the movie was over they went over to Jake's house.

"Hey mom, we're back." Jake said as they walked in.

"Okay, I'm in the middle of dinner." she said.

"Well, we're going to work on our homework." Jake said as they went to his room, his room was pretty big, it was covered in random band posters.

"You like your music." Steve said.

"More like I love it. Its the second thing that keeps me sane." he said.

"Whats the first?" Steve asked.

"You." Jake said and he ment it, then he kissed Steve and they fell on the bed, while they were kissing Jake's mom walked in on them.

"Oh my." she said just bit shocked, Jake jumped off Steve.

"Sorry." they both said at the same time.

"I'll knock next time and the food is done." she said as she walked, they ate in silence. Then Louis got a phone call.

"Damn it, they want me to work." she said as she went to her and got dressed "Sorry guys." she said as she left.

"Looks like we're going back to your place." Jake as he went to change, so Steve followed him. As Jake bent over to take his pants off Steve pulled down his boxers and smacked his ass making him yelp. Jake just looked at his love and smiled.

"So, what makes your music so special?" Steve asked as they walked to his house.

"I honestly don't know, it helps calm me." Jake said.

"It sounds loud and mad." he said looking confused.

"Its Five Finger Death Punch." he said laughing.

"Thats a cute name." he said.

"I'm teaching you about hard rock music." Jake said. When they got to Steve's house they went strait to his room.

"Okay." Steve said.

Later that night Steve started feeling sick so Jake went home and layed in his bed all day the next day.


Steve wasn't at school Monday, Jake's classes seemed so boring and long with out his love. It was going good until third peroid, a tiger came up to Jake.

"Hey, its the new bitch." he said as he and his friends gathered around Jake, who was petrified by fear.

"I hear he's pretty good." another tiger said as he petted Jake's head, then the first tiger spoke again.

"Come with us and things will go smoothly." then he grabbed Jake's hand when somebody tapped his shoulder.

"I wouldn't touch him." it was Brian.

"Why not?" the tiger asked.

"Read the collar, if you can." he said pointing at Jake's neck.

"Steve's puppy." he read out.

"Wait, Steve as in the big silver wolf?" the second tiger asked sounding scarred.

"Yeah, he put me in charge of this guy." Brian said

"Who did what?" Steve asked as he walked over to them.

"Ah shit."the tigers said.

"I ever see you touch him again and I will beat the living shit out of you." he growled while staring the tigers in the eyes, they just ran off, Jake then jumped into Steve's arms, he held him putting his face in his chest.

"Its okay, I'm here." he said rubbing the fox's back. "What do you want?" Steve asked looking over at Brian.

"I feel like I owe you from the other day, I was an ass." Brian said letting his head head drop.

"You were an ass." Steve said

"I know, I'll try to make it up to the both of you." Brian said.

"Thanks man." Steve said.

"No problem." Brian said.

"Thanks for helping out earlier." Jake said.

"It was nothing, your dating my best friend. He'd it for my bf, if I had one." Brian responded.

"So, who is the band with the skull that has bat wings?" Steve asked with his mouth full of food.

"Its called a Deathbat and the band is called Avenged Sevenfold." Jake said laughing.

"Cool, what are some of their big stuff?" he asked taking another bite of food.

"Beast and the Harlot, Afterlife, Almost Easy, and their biggest one Bat Country." Jake said then the bell rang. So after school they all head to Steve's house.

"I'll be over in an hour, mom wants me to watch my little brother." Brian said as he left.

"You know you owe him" Steve said petting Jake, who nuzzled Steve's leg, while they waited for Brian they just layed around, then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Steve yelled then Brian walked in, he then sat next to Jake, who then looked at Steve and he just shook his head saying yes. Jake, then turned to Brian and started nuzzling his crotch.

"Does he want it?" he asked confused Steve just shook his head. As he moved his hand to take off his pants Jake stopped him and undid them him self and pulled off his boxers, he then started licking his sheath making the shepard moan.

"Just remember I get to cum in him." Steve said

"He's good." he said in between moans. Brian was about start fingering Jake, when Steve saw this he hit Brian.

"Only I get to do that." he said looking at Brian.

"Sorry." he said

After a few minutes Steve could see Brian's knot forming.

"I gonna cum." Brian said panting

"Get off Jake." Steve said, so Jake did this and he was just laying there out of breath.

"Now what do I do?" Brian asked

"You can make me cum, if you do. Then you can cum." Steve said

"Yes sir." Brian said standing up

"Against the coutch." Steve said, so Brian put his hands on the coutch and put his ass in the air, Steve started fingering Brian.

"Its been awhile since you've taken it, isn't it?" he asked as he moved his finger in and out of the shepards ass, he then added a second then a third.

"Yes sir." Brian moaned

"You ready?" Steve asked. He then motioned for Jake to come over to him.Who then went over to Steve then undid his pants with his teeth showing a buldge in Steve's boxers. Jake then pulled off his boxers revealing his eight inch cock, the tip was wet with pre.

"You know what babe?" he asked, Jake just barked almost asking what? "He can watch while you suck me off." Steve said as he turned to Jake, who then started licking at the cock in front of him. So Brian turned around and sat on the coutch while Jake slowly started sucking on Steve, he then started moving his had to his throbbing cock. "No one gets off before me unless I say so." Steve said, the Brian starting whimpering. Jake was really taking his time, until Steve pulled him off, he started rubbing his cock until he came right in Jake's face.

"You can cum now," he waited a few seconds "Jake." he said, Jake then started pawing off until he came all over chest, he just layed there with his tounge hanging out of his mouth.

"Good foxy." Steve said as he layed on the floor next to Jake and then he kissed his head. "Oh yeah, you can get off now." Steve said then he wrapped his arms around Jake, who was still panting. Brain only took a few seconds before he released his load. "Now get out." Steve said, so Brian put his pants back on then he went for the door. He turned back and looked at Steve and left quitely crying to himself.

The End