Chapter VI: Blood of the Patriots

Story by Rhazagal on SoFurry

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#6 of When Worlds Collide

Yes, yes, yes. This story involves scenes of sexual nature between two or more MALE furs. All this is also MY property, so no using any characters without my permission. :)

Happy fapping!

The time of summer-break for the cadets of Pegasi Falls Fleet Academy came and went with nothing really surprising happening. Charles, Jim, Alan and Marcus all had opted to stay in the academy for the summer, to which captain Magrath -after some persuading- agreed to. Truth be told, the lion stayed in the academy every summer since doctor B pretty much lived in there and Magrath wanted to be with his beloved one as much as possible.

Surprisingly, the four of them -Jim, Charles, Alan and Marcus- hadn't told each other about how they had paired up, behaving around each other like they had before: Jim and Charles picking on each other in a friendly fashion, Alan sitting quietly in a corner with his nose buried into a book and Marcus laughing merrily at the rat and the hyena having goes at eachother at every possible opportunity.

As the cadets were flocking back to the academy from the various corners of Edenia, a sole figure on the remote planet Khadars IV was sitting in a kitchen, staring blankly at the glass of juice in front of him.

Idly the young human wiped a lock of his jaw-lenght dark hair out of his face. Juan Batista was still reminiscing the events of his first night at the Pegasi Falls...How he had been beaten up for no other reason than being what he was: a human.

"Juan..." A cautious female voice called from the small living room somewhere to his right.

"Yes, mom?" Juan replied, not shifting his eyes from the glass of orange-coloured juice.

Batista's mother, a tired-looking elderly woman in a rather messy outfit walked into the kitchen, stopping at the doorframe to examine her son sitting in dirty, torn jeans and red T-shirt. "You sure you're alright? You sleep a lot and you barely eat...You haven't been for ages in that new school of yours."

Batista cast a sideways glance at his mother, sneering. "Oh yeah...Join in with the rest of the lower-class 'human filth', who are not worthy of sharing the same schools with the haired-ones..."

Batista's mother sighed, shaking slowly her head. "I think the furs have each and every right to hate us... Ever since the dawn of their existence, humans have done nothing but oppressed and slaughtered them for being different."

"Well you and I sure as hell are not to be blamed for that!" Came Juan's angry reply, the glass toppling over as the boy slammed his fist into the table's hard, wooden surface.

Rosalita, Batista's mother, didn't even bother to answer, nor did she make any move to go and clean up the mess. This was a conversation she had had with her son so many times before.

"I don't even understand why dad insisted on dragging us to here, to live the life of a second- no THIRD grade citizen..." Batista said sourly, turning then to look at the window beyond which he could see more of the hastily built houses, all several stories tall and filled with humans and the occasional poor fur.

"He had no other choice... You know the Inquisition was already suspecting us, lord knows for what reason, so we had to flee or be killed..." Rosalita replied calmly. In her mind she counted the seconds untill Juan would stand up and storm out of the door; just like he had done so many times before.

Indeed, Juan stood up and slapped the fallen glass into the wall, the hollow sound of shattering glass filling the small apartment. "I hate being different! I don't get why we can't be accepted the way we are...Fur or not!" With that said Juan grabbed his denim jacket and ran out of the house, slamming the door shut so hard one of the pictures hanging on the wall of the livingroom fell and broke.

Still fuming the human walked briskly down the trash- and dirt-strewn streets, not giving a shit about his destination. "Stupid furs...No better than the Terrans..." He thought to himself as he kicked an empty soda can as hard as he could, sending the cylindrical object flying through the air.

But then it flashed back to his mind, like so many times before: the picture of a dark-gray rat in a blue uniform rushing to his aid as the other furs were giving him a beating... "What was his name again...Jim! That's what it was."

An unpleasant shadow appeared on the pavement in front of Batista, who had been keeping his gaze fixed to the ground. A cold, mocking voice spoke. "Hey you hairless monkey...You're asking for trouble, huh?"

Batista looked up to the face of a sneering collie, flanked by an otter and two bears. All of them looked to be rather rough, their clothes equally dirty and torn as those of Batista. Not bothering to even answer, Batista simply turned on his heels and ran, knowing the gang was aching to have a human to beat up.

He heard the sound of four pairs of shoes thumping against the pavement as he ran, but he dared not to look behind him.

Juan didn't stop until he didn't hear the sounds of his chasers again. He had learned, from all too painful experience, that the law-enforcers didn't give a flying shit about humans being beaten to pulp on the streets.

His breathing heavy and ragged, Batista leaned his back against a wall, his features distorting into an angry snarl as he spat to the ground. "I hate this..." He thought to himself. To Batista, there weren't too many options left...The Pegasi Falls had been the only place in the Edenian Fleet where he had been accepted to. The only other option would be to join the Mobile Infantry, but he had heard of the way the human auxiliaries were used... Ruthlessly as a meat-shield to deplete the ammunition of the opposing side.

Slowly, as his pulse started to return back to its normal level, Batista began to figure out his surroundings. He had never before been in this part of the town, which seemed otherwise exactly like the rest of the slums, save for the small, disrepaired Terran church. The windows were lit, their light like an invitation for a weary traveller.

His curiosity aroused, Batista walked to the church. It had originally been made of planks painted white -just like the olden Christian churches on Earth- though the paint had started to wear off here and there. The boy pushed the doors open and slipped in, eyeing cautiously at his surroundings.

The church was empty, something which didn't surprise Batista for some reason, though a sad, slow melody of organs was playing somewhere. Why the sound of the instrument couldn't be heard outside, Batista could only guess.

Slowly he walked down the isle between the rows of wooden benches. The red carpet was covered in thrash accumulated over a long while, but the altar at the end of the isle was perfectly clean. The pictures were not those depicting a bearded man crucified, but rather only ever displayed that bearded man smiling warmly to everyone.

The sound of the organ died down, but Batista didn't notice. So transfixed he was by the largest painting hanging from the back wall: that bearded man standing on a small rock with his hands spread wide open and by his feet, kneeling, were humans and furs of all sorts.

A clawed hand landed on Batista's shoulder, startling the young human. Before he could turn around and face the one standing behind him, a calm, warm voice addressed him "It's a pleasant picture, isn't it?"

Turning his head finally around, Batista took his first glance at the man behind him. His first, immediate reaction was to run away as he saw the grey wolf standing behind him, observing him through his amber hues. On him, the wolf wore the typical black outfit of a priest, only contrasted by the white on his collar. The warm smile the canine was giving to him made Batista give up any thoughts about running away. Instead he managed to sputter out "Y-Yeah...It's rather pretty."

The wolf let off of Batista's shoulder and walked over to the altar, lighting up a new candle to replace one that had burnt out. Still with his back to Batista he spoke "What brings you here, my child? Have you come to seek some answers from His house?"

"Who-Whose house?" asked Batista nervously.

The priest let out a small chuckle, turning then around to face Batista again. "The house of God, of course." Sighing a little sadly the wolf went on "I'm not surprised you don't know of Him, though...Not many care of faith at these troubled times. My name is Thomas, by the way. Thomas Rosewell...The humble caretaker and priest of this church."

"J-Juan...Juan Rodriquez Batista...A nobody." Managed Batista to say, still feeling a little strange around the fur who didn't treat him with hostility.

The wolf smiled warmly again "Everyone is a somebody, Juan...In His eyes, everyone is equal. Be that fur or human, it doesn't matter to Him, for we are all his children." He then gestured at the picture behind him, the one with both humans and furs alike.

The thought of this God sounded rather good to Batista, who cautiously approached the altar. "He sounds like a nice guy this God of yours..."

"He is, Juan, he is..." Thomas sighed again, slowly shaking his head with his ears hanging low "Unfortunately everyone seems to have forgotten Him these days...His teachings seem to contradict the more popular hate for humans. I'm afraid mine is a dying religion." He then raised his head, smiling once more to Batista "But you still haven't answered my original question. What brings you here, Juan?"

Taking a deep breath Batista told his story, how he had arrived to the academy only to be beaten and hauled out the following day, how he had after those events lived in the slums with his mother -his father having been too busy with his work at the army- and how he had ran away from the gang of wannabe-thugs and ended up by the church. Batista knew not why he told it all to Thomas. Perhaps it was the aura of friendly trust the wolf seemed to be emanating. Whatever the truth was, the human felt he could tell everything to this Thomas, who only nodded every now and then, silently encouraging Batista to lighten his burden.

As Batista finished, Thomas walked over to him and placed his paws on the human's shoulders, looking him deeply into the eyes. "You live a turbulent era in your life, Juan... It shows you have great strength in you to not only have pulled through all the bad moments, but to also be brave enough to confess this all to someone you just met."

Batista didn't dare to face the wolf, instead turning his head away from him quite swiftly. "It still won't change the fact I hate this all...If we really are same on the inside, why can't we live in peace? Humans and furs that is?"

Thomas drew back a little bit, his arms sliding back to rest by his sides. "Only He can answer that, Juan...Though I believe the so-called Emperor of Terra and his Inquisition have got something to do with it. Religion is a powerful tool in the hands of a charismatic person..."

The question popped into Batista's head all of a sudden, and before he could bite his tongue to halt himself, he asked "How come you are here, in this empty church which is slowly falling apart?"

Thomas chuckled observing then Batista once more through those warm, firendly amber-coloured eyes of his. "another good question, Juan. My father, may he rest in peace, was also a priest in this very church. However...Right after the war with the humans began, almost a decade ago, he got ill and passed away. I was merely fifteen at that time, but I took on his work nonetheless and, well, here I am, standing in this church and talking to you."

Batista raised a brow, surprised at the story the wolf told him. "So you are, what, twenty four, twenty five now? That's a long time to be taking care of this place alone..."

Thomas nodded "I see you are a bright boy, Juan. You are quite correct, I am indeed twenty four years of age, and yes...I admit it's been a little lonely the past four years with barely any visitors."

"Don't you have any relatives or friends to visit you?"

For a long while Thomas remained silent, his expression saddening a little bit once again before he slowly replied. "They have all gone to Him, Juan...Some passed away due to natural reasons, others have perished in the turmoil of this war."

"I'm...I'm sorry to hear that." Replied Batista, feeling a little twist in his stomach, thinking he had thought his life was bad...

Thomas inhaled deep, breathing then his lungs slowly empty before answering to the human "Its alright...I do admit being lonely every now and then, but I'll cope."

The sky outside was growing darker by the moment and with a slight jump Batista noticed it. "Oh shit! I have to get home before mom gets too worried about me!" He turned around and was ready to dash out of the door, but then remembered something, turning to look over his shoulder at Thomas. "I'll come and see you tomorrow, okay? Maybe I can help in fixing something up in here...I bet two pairs of hands get more done than one."

Thomas merely nodded, deeply, waving then at Batista "Be safe, Juan, and thank you in advance."

The wolf stared at the door long after Batista was gone, deep in thought.

In the Pegasi Falls Fleet Academy, the lessons had already begun in full swing. Magrath's cadets were given no mercy with their studies with the functions and operating of the EES Damnation. Apparently Magrath wasn't 100% happy with their performance in the tournament, something which caused more than just a little groaning amongst the students.

Emberglaze had arrived a couple of days later than the rest. He hadn't talked much of the reasons for his lateness yet, but everyone had a vague guess it was due to him flipping totally at the finals of the tournament's Cityfight part.

Jim and Zeke were at the gym, spending some time after the lessons.

Zeke stopped in the middle of his training, lowering the weight he had been practising with (his mechanic arm didn't need any training, obviously). For a moment he simply watched at the rat beating a punching bag before he spoke. "EG told me where he had been."

Jim stopped his workout and grabbed the bag to prevent it from knocking him over before turning to look at the crocodile "Really? Where was he?"

Zeke didn't say anything for a short while, saying then quietly so as to prevent others in the gym from hearing "He was in some mental institution. He said it was because of his 'Rage'..."

"Rage?" Asked Jim.

"The way he went berserk in the tournament's Cityfight finals. He said the shrinks had told him there was some 'Warrior Gene' hidden inside him, that the scientists in Earth originally intended dragons to be merciless bio-engineered super soldiers or something like that." Zeke held a small pause, sighing deep as he did so "He told me it had been pretty darn close they didn't revoke his place here in the academy..."

Jim let out a low whistle, turning then to stare intently at a rather worn-out spot on the punching bag he was still holding steady between his paws. "All this time...I mean, he's always been quite passive, almost appearing as lazy, right? Hard to imagine he's got a gene which makes him an insane killer in him."

Zeke let out a small laughter. "Tell me about it. But the important thing is, he's still here as one of the crew for EES Damnation."

"True that." Jim replied rather cheerfully.

The two of them returned to their workout a short moment later, barely noticing the gym was slowly emptying. Eventually Zeke, too, called it a day. He asked if Jim would come too, to which the rat replied by shaking his head, so Zeke left Jim to continue working out, cheerfully muttering something along the lines of Jim being a "Gym-junkie."

It was almost eleven PM by the time Jim, panting hard, thought to call it quits. Having obtained quite an aroma, he thought it best to go take a shower before heading to bed. At the back of the gym were the communal unisex showers, which could be freely used by anyone from any group of cadets.

Jim peeled away his T-shirt, which clung to his fur rather unpleasantly, tossing then the smelly piece of clothing on one of the small benches before proceeding to rid himself of the equally smelly pants and underwear.

Turning on the shower, Jim adjusted the knobs for a moment until he thought the water was comfortably warm, stepping then underneath the jet of water which soon soaked his entire fur. Having forgotten to take soap, Jim could only ever try to get most of the smell out of his fur with sheer water. He knew water alone wouldn't get the job done, but it was something atleast...

Finished with soaking his fur, Jim grabbed his towel and started to dry himself off. Just as he was towelling off his head, he felt a strong, furry arm wrap around his neck whilst another one twisted his arm behind his back. Jim snarled fiercely at his captor, who merely responded by tightening his grip. Jim tore the towel off of his head with his free arm, his nose picking up almost immediately a rather familiar scent...

Indeed, no sooner had Jim realised who it was as he heard a familiar hyena-laughter coming by his right ear. "You gotta be more careful, Jimmy..." Charles then let off of his ratty lover, spinning the rodent around and kissing him deeply.

With a slight smack of his lips Jim broke the kiss, smiling then at Charles as he wrapped his arms around the soft, sandy-brown, spotted and warm fur of the hyena. "I know, but what the devil are you doing here?"

Charles shrugged, flashing then a grin at Jim, saying then "Reckoned I could catch a glimpse of a naked rat-butt, and seems like I was rather right..." To put an emphasis on his words, Charles let one of his paws slide slowly along Jim's back as he spoke, the paw coming to rest softly on one of Jim's firm yet still nicely soft, fuzzy buttocks.

Jim felt immediately a slight stirring between his legs, his ears growing rather hot at the thought of doing it right here, in the gym, where anyone could walk in on them. The thought of possible danger did nothing to help Jim, who felt he was getting even more aroused by it.

With a quiet giggle Charles noticed Jim's sheath was starting to harden against his thigh. "My my...I think you want to have another session in the gym, huh?" Grasping Jim by the wrist, the hyena then led Jim out of the showers and to a pile of mattresses resting against one of the gym's walls.

Charles removed his shirt, soon followed by his pants, and then leaned against the pile of mattresses behind him. Slowly Jim walked over to Charles, wrapping then the hyena into a loving embrace before slowly, softly pressing his lips against the black, velveteen ones of Charles.

Charles let a small moan pass between his lips as he felt Jim's tongue gently caressing his fangs, probing for an entrance. He parted his jaws a little bit to allow Jim's tongue to slip in to explore the warm, moist confines of his muzzle, the hyena's own tongue tenderly sliding along and around that of Jim.

Putting an arm around Jim's lower back, Charles pulled the rat firmly against himself, gasping softly into the kiss as he felt Jim's hard sheath pressing and stroking against the fuzzy warp of skin that was his own sheath, making the hyena, too, get gradually aroused.

They both let their hands slowly slide along each other's body, their fingers brushing lovingly through either sand-brown of dark-grey fur whilst their kiss went on, their tongues engaged into a lustful dance of love.

Jim felt Charles' paws sliding simultaneously down his back and onto his rump. He moaned quietly into the kiss as Charles gave his buttocks a firm squeeze. Charles broke away from the kiss slowly, a dangling bridge of saliva connecting their muzzles for a moment before Charles licked his lips. The hyena then leaned in close to his rodent lover, whispering quietly into his ear "I want you, Jim..."

Jim felt an excited shiver run down his spine at the suggestive, seductive words of Charles, a small squeak escaping from him as he felt his maleness slide a good amount out of the confines of his sheath just at the words, and the thoughts they spun off, of Charles.

Sudden ruckus at the gym's door made both Jim and Charles snap their heads towards the door. They knew they couldn't hide, so whoever would come in would definitely get the right picture of what was going on in the gym. Both of the boys were, to say the least, astonished to see Alan and Marcus walk giggling in, holding hands and peering around the corridor to see if they had been followed. Apparently they, too, had thought the gym would be a nice place for some late night intimacy.

Time seemed to freeze dead on its tracks as the two pairs noticed eachother. Alan and Marcus staring in amazement at the naked forms of Jim and Charles embracing each other, whilst Jim and Charles stared in awe at kittycat and Marcus. Jim wasn't actually surprised to see the two of them together, but much to his delight he didn't feel the sting of jealousy he had felt before the break, before Charles had confessed his feelings...

Alan was the first one to break the awkward silence "Ummmm...Looks like we came in at a bad time."

"You...are a couple?" Charles and Marcus asked simultaneously.

"Yeah, we are." Said Jim and Alan in turn, echoing each other.

Slowly Alan and Marcus walked over to Jim and Charles, both of them clearly amused and intrigued by what they saw. Marcus flashed a smile at his three friends. "No wonder we always felt like we belong together...Seems like we all share the same, burning passion towards the same gender, eh?"

All of them laughed at Marcus' remark. Jim saw it fit to let off of Charles and he span around, momentarily having forgotten his "sword" was jutting halfway out of his sheath.

Jim was about to speak, but Charles was quicker, pointing at the crotch of Alan's pants which had started to get gradually more tented "Looks like somebody is liking what he sees!" He said with a giggle very typical to hyenas.

Alan blushed so hard, the pink flecks on his cheeks were clearly visible through his fur as he placed his paws in front of his crotch to hide his obvious hardon.

Another moment of silence fell, during which Alan examined his feet and the others seemed to be evaluating each other. They all seemed to think the same thing, but none of them seemed to have the courage to ask: what would it be like in a group of four...?

Once again it was Alan who spoke first, his cheeks still red, but his expression both curious and determined at the same time "What...Would you think if we all were know...have some fun?" Stammering a little he hastily added "I-I me-mean, we have always been friends and since we all seem to like c-cock..."

The expression on Charles' face turned rather sly, the hyena's head tilting to side as if he was pondering the situation rather hard with his arms folded on his chest "Hmmm...I think...that I wouldn't mind..." He said slowly.

Jim nodded, his cheeks, too, bearing a slight red tint "I've got no problem with it if everyone else agrees."

The expression on Marcus' face was serious, the reindeer's arms folded just like those of Charles as he scanned his three friends with his eyes. "Bear in mind, that we don't know about any STDs any of us might be bearing, not to mention we might be walked in on..." Slowly the reindeer's face curled into a smile and he shrugged "...but screw that. We're only living once, so why not live it to the fullest?"

Charles, being the eternal loudmouth, couldn't hold himself but blurted "Indeed. Everything is worth trying save for granny and folk-dance." Jim rewarded the hyena with a loving thwap on the back of the head.

"So uhhh...H-How should we start?" Alan asked timidly.

Jim cocked his head from one side to the other, watching then from Charles through Alan to Marcus. "Well...For starters, the two of you seem a little...over-dressed for the occasion." Nodding then Charles towards Marcus, Jim slipped behind Alan, helping the cheetah out of his shirt just as Charles pretty much tore the shirt off of Marcus.

Next, Jim slipped his paws around Alan's waist, undoing nimbly the button and the fly on the feline's pants, letting the piece of clothing then fall freely down Alan's legs and to the gym's floor. Jim heard Alan gasp softly and shiver a little as he slipped his paws into the cheetah's underwear, lightly brushing against Alan's sheath as he slid the undergarment down past Alan's thighs, knees and shins.

Perfectly nude, Alan stepped out of his pants and smiled a little nervously at Jim. The feline then leaned a little closer to Jim, whispering to his ear "This might've happened between us a long time ago...I'm kinda glad it happens only now, though, since we get to be all together in this."

Jim merely nodded to Alan, pressing then a soft kiss into the slightly shorter cheetah's forehead before turning his head to see Charles and Marcus finishing with their work. Chuckling lightly Jim proceeded, with the help of his three friends, to spread some of the mattresses on the floor, so they wouldn't have to be on the hard ground.

Charles was the first to jump onto the mattresses. The hyena winked Jim to follow, which the rat was more than eager to oblige to. Jim lied down partly on top of Charles, the hyena immediately coiling his arms around Jim as he did so. Once more Jim kissed Charles softly on the lips, feeling Marcus and Alan kneeling beside him.

The rat gasped softly as Marcus slid his paw along the nice curve of the rat's rump, the reindeer's soft paw slipping between Jim's legs to slowly tease his maleness into its full glory. Alan, on the other hand, wrapped his arms around Marcus' waist, proceeding to slowly slide his paw along the hardening length of Marcus' sheath.

"Jim...Turn around." Marcus asked softly, a smile on his face as he detatched Alan from himself after a short while of enjoying the cheetah's ministrations.

Curious to see what Marcus had in mind, Jim broke away from the kiss he had with Charles, opening his eyes to see the hyena feigning a pout at him for breaking the kiss. Smiling at Charles, Jim turned around and straddled the hyena's hips, his hard, slightly throbbing maleness resting comfortably against the rock-hard hyenahood of Charles.

Marcus licked his lips once, shivering a little with excitement as he bent over. He nosed tenderly the meaty lengths of Jim and Charles' maleness, inhaling the intoxicating scent of arousal wafting from the two. Slowly he opened his muzzle, slipping both of the cocks in front of his face inside the confines of his maw. It took him a little getting used to to have two cocks instead of one to suck, but slowly, tenderly, he began to bob his head up and down, enjoying the soft moans coming from both Jim and Charles.

A quivering breath passed between Alan's lips as he watched Marcus sucking Jim and Charles off at the same time, the round, firm rump of the reindeer invitingly free in front of him. Alan stroked tenderly his maleness a couple of times, his gaze fixed on that tight, pink lovehole of Marcus not far from him. As if sensing his stare, Marcus lifted his head and winked invitingly to Alan before resuming his work, his horned head slowly rising and falling along the cocks of his two friends.

Alan knew Marcus had given him an invitation he couldn't resist, so he shifted behind his boyfriend, grasping the reindeers hips and gently pressing his tip against Marcus' entrance. Gradually he added more and more pressure with his hips until, with a content gasp, his tip slipped past the reindeer's tailhole, the warmth of Marcus' passage slowly enveloping Alan's length the further he slid inside the reindeer. Holding his motions slow Alan began to pull out once he had gone in for the most part, pushing then back in gradually, letting Marcus get used to having him inside his tailhole. Gradually the cheetah started to pick up his pace, using more and more of his length to mate with Marcus, enjoying the sensation brought by the fluctuation from the warmth of Marcus' lovehole to the considerably cooler air of the gym enveloping his cock.

Charles couldn't help but moan as he felt Marcus' muzzle sliding up and down along his length, rubbing at the same time Jim's and his malenesses together which took the stimulation to a level Charles had never felt before. A sudden thought came to his mind as he looked at Jim's round rump resting on his hips. He reached out with his paws, using the other to lift the rodent's tail out of the way whilst the other one he slipped into the hot gap between those two pert buns. With a giggle he found his target, starting then to slowly circle Jim's pucker with just the tips of his two fingers, feeling that pink ring gently quiver under his touch.

Slowly Charles withdrew his fingers, dipping then his middle finger in his mouth, slicking it up with saliva before placing it back on top of Jim's tailhole. Gently he smeared the saliva on the rat's pucker before slowly easing the digit inside, a content smile spreading on his face as Jim let out an elongated, loud moan. Gasping rather hard himself Charles began to slide his digit within Jim's lovehole, slowly fingering the rat whilst the both of them were being sucked off by Marcus.

As Alan began to pick up the pace with his thrusting, Marcus once more let those two meaty rods slip out of his mouth, moaning "Ohhhh yess...Fuck me harder, kittycat..." his head thrown back as he did so. Alan replied with a grunt and started to use considerably more force with his thrusts, picking up speed also so that he was practically ramming his dick into Marcus' tailhole. The reindeer had to force himself to carry on sucking Charles and Jim, as the added power on Alan's thrusts stimulated his prostate so good, making his own maleness ache for a release.

Alan felt he was getting closer to his climax, so he slowed down with his bucking, wanting to prolong the feeling of being in Marcus for as long as he could. As he felt the familiar tingling numbness spread through his cock, he grunted out "I..I'm coming..." He barely had the time to say that before throwing his head back and moaning in contentment as wave after wave of his semen shot into the hot, slick bowels of Marcus.

Just as Alan came into his ass, Jim and Charles reached their own climaxes, their cocks starting to churn out their loads into Marcus' willing muzzle. The reindeer drank greedily all he could, but there still was too much for him so some of it dribbled down his chin and chest, ultimately messing up the mattress underneath, but none of them cared.

Gasping hard, they all fell down onto the mattresses, a satisfied grin on everyone's face as they looked at each other.

Charles chuckled, patting Jim on the rear "Damn! If I had known Marcus can suck cock that well, I'd have seduced him earlier!"

They all laughed at the hyena's comment. Marcus looked around at his friends, his brows rising as he said "Hope you guys haven't had enough yet, because I sure as hell haven't!"

Once more they all laughed, mostly to the fact Marcus had sworn a little, a rare thing for the reindeer.

Slowly Alan stood up and walked over to a weight-lifting bench nearby. Exhaling slowly he leaned against the bench, sticking his rump out and looking over his shoulder with a wink, his feline tail swishing aside to give them all a good look at his lovehole. "Any takers?" He asked, followed by a small, hearty laughter.

Jim stood up and walked over Alan, wrapping his arms around the feline and kissing his neck softly, mumbling then to his ear "I've been fantasising about this for a while, actually..." Jim was delighted to hear the soft purr of Alan as a response to his words.

Alan bent low over the bench to give Jim an easy access. The rat put one paw on Alan's shoulder and with the other guided his slick and once more hard cock to Alan's lovehole, slowly slipping inside with ease. "Unnnfh...Has Marcus been loosening you up?" Jim asked with a chuckle, to which Alan replied with a nod, the feline's eyes held firmly shut as he enjoyed the sensation of finally having Jim slide his maleness inside him.

Marcus slipped onto the bench beside Alan's paws. Next Charles slipped smoothly onto Marcus' lap. The hyena took a hold of the reindeer's cock, holding it steady, and then slowly lowered himself down, gasping softly as he felt the thick, throbbing hot length of reindeer-cock slide into his passage, the steady stream of precum seeping from Marcus' maleness making Charles' descent go nice and smooth.

The reindeer grunted, wrapping then an arm around the hyena's form and idly fondling his rapidly hardening maleness "Man...You are tight!" he said, grunting then again as Charles began to slowly gyrate his hips, teasing Marcus' already aching cock even further.

Jim had managed to hilt himself inside Alan's hot, moist passage. "Alright...How do you want it?" Jim asked softly, a little unsure what Alan would, exactly, like him to do.

Alan turned once more to look over his shoulder, looking deep into Jim's eyes for a moment before saying quietly "Hard and fast, Jim...Make me your b-bitch..." The cheetah stammered a little with the last word, but he clearly none the less wanted it, so Jim complied.

Swiftly Jim pulled almost his entire length out, leaving just his glans buried inside Alan's lovehole, before plunging forcefully back inside. He could hear Alan's quivering gasp, but the feline then merely whispered for Jim to carry on. Sighing deep Jim once more pulled out almost entirely before plunging back home again, swiftly picking up a fast, rough pace with his thrusting. Alan moaning "Ohhhh...Fuck me Jim! Harder!" only ever fuelled Jim who was becoming quickly lost into his lust, his hips a blur of motion as he pounded his dick deep into Alan's tailhole, the rat's balls slapping against Alan's thighs and testicles with every thrust, but neither of them cared.

Charles, eager to follow the example, had started to get mated by Marcus, the hyena's arms firmly coiled around the reindeer's neck as Marcus held him on his lap, pumping his cock in and out of Charles' tailhole with increasing force.

"Q-Quite the stud you are..." Charles managed to breathe out into Marcus' ear before settling for moaning again as the reindeer's cock hammered against and over his prostate, Charles feeling his own maleness give a twitch every time Marcus hit that soft spot in him.

Suddenly Marcus lifted both himself and Charles off of the bench, laying then the hyena on his back onto the mattress. The reindeer then lied on top of the hyena, who immediately wrapped his legs around Marcus' waist, and once more slipped his maleness into Charles' nicely slick, hot ass, proceeding then once more to fuck the hyena underneath him. In and out, in and out Marcus' length went, Charles' moaning increasing in volume and intensity with every consecutive thrust Marcus made.

"Ahhhh...That's it...Ahhhhh yesss!" Alan almost shouted, pressing against Jim's thrusting hips as the rat kept ramming his maleness forcefully into Alan's ass, the cheetah feeling sheer bliss for being taken roughly up the tailhole by Jim.

Jim didn't say anything, focusing rather on keeping up his rhythmical thrusting, the feeling of Alan's passage pressing against his cock, enveloping it every time he thrust in, sent small jolts of electric pleasure running from his spine to his legs and back up to his balls. Jim knew he was nearing his limit, and Alan probably sensed it since the feline began to whisper quietly "Cum in me, Jim...Cum into my ass and fill me with your love..." Urged on by Alan's constant whispering, Jim got hurled over the edge and crashing into what was probably the most powerful orgasm in his entire life. Despite it being his second orgasm that night, Jim's cock still shot out several long ropes of thick, hot, sticky cum into Alan's ass, the feline purring in delight as he felt Jim cumming into him.

Having Jim climax into him was too much for Alan, who reached his own peak shortly after Jim did, his entire load spurting onto the weight-lifting bench against which he was leaning and onto the floor.

Thoroughly exhausted, Jim and Alan collapsed onto the floor with Jim holding Alan softly against himself, nuzzling into the neckfur of the contently purring cheetah. Two more bodies sank to the ground near them as Marcus and Charles had finished, the two of them just as spent as Alan and Jim were.

For a good while the four of them simply lied on the mattresses, huddled up together and enjoying the closeness of each other yet again. Marcus stroked idly the cheek of Jim, Charles had his eyes closed and his arms around Jim's waist, Jim was still holding his arms around Alan, who was resting his head against Marcus' chest.

None of them knew how long they had been lying there. A minute, an hour, an eternity... To them, all that mattered was the fact they were all there, and they were all comfortable with being like this with each other.

Eventually Charles stood up and started to clean up the mess they had made. The others joined him soon after. Having cleaned up all the semen from the mattresses, benches and floor, they all dressed up and prepared to head to their dorms.

"That was fun! Really!" Alan claimed happily as he pushed open the door of the gym. Having been looking over his shoulder, he didn't see the solid mass of black fur and muscle standing in his way, so he collided against it and staggered backwards.

A cold, loathing voice greeted the four of them as Jim managed to catch Alan before the feline fell to the floor "What's up...faggots?" The last word the gorilla uttered was dripping with venomous loathing. Indeed it was Alexander and his lackeys that had arrived to the gym.

With spite Jim noted it was the exact same gang that had once roughed up the human, Batista. A sour taste rose to Jim's mouth as he counted the furs filing in after the gorilla. They were outmatched atleast two to one; not good odds at all, especially since all of Lex's goons fit the description of "large and buff" all too well.

"So what if we are? It's not like you wouldn't enjoy your dick being sucked by your lackeys..." Came Charles' defiant voice.

Lex snarled at the hyena, who replied with a rude hand gesture. This only ever angered Alexander even further. "Shut the fuck up faggot!"

Charles lifted his paws in front of him, shaking them a little with a look of feigned surprise on his face "Ooooh...faggot, how original!"

Jim put his paw on Charles' arm, whispering from the corner of his mouth "Don't..."

However, it was already way too late, as Alexander swung his fist back and rammed it to the side of Jim's face, sending the rat crashing to the floor. To his companions Lex snarled "You deal with the rest of them, but this rodent is mine!" Angrily the gorilla then slammed the door of the gym shut and locked it.

Marcus, Alan and Charles slowly backed away as the group moved in on them. The bull, Gunther, lunged forward and rammed his shoulder into Alan's midriff, instantly knocking the wind out of the feline's lungs and also knocking him out.

Charles responded to Gunther's assault by swinging a thundering axe-kick to the bent-over bull's neck, dropping the bovine with a single, well placed hit. The next thing Charles knew, he and Marcus was being hit by a roaring stampede...

Jim shook his head, trying to regain his senses even a little bit. Alexander circled the downed rat slowly, kicking Jim then to the stomach as he crawled on all fours. "You've been messing with me for far too long, faggot...It's about time I teach you a lesson!" He tried to stomp on Jim's back, but the rat rolled out of the harms way just in the nick of time, clambering then back up with the same, smooth motion.

Dropping the centre of his weight a little lower, Jim prepared to take Alexander head on. The gorilla had managed to catch him off guard, something Jim was determined not to let happen any more. Some gym equipment went crashing down behind him, but Jim dared not to take his eyes off of Alexander to see how his friends were doing; they'd have to take care of themselves for the time being.

The gorilla lunged at Jim, throwing a punch towards his face but Jim stepped to the side, grabbing the gorilla's extended arm by the wrist and using Lex's own momentum to toss him to the floor with a loud crash. Deftly Jim leapt backwards, letting Alexander to stand back up before doing anything else.

Mad with fury the gorilla threw himself at Jim once more, and once again Jim dodged to the side, jumping a little to the air and kicking Lex to the side of his knee, thus dropping the large gorilla to his knees. In one spinning motion Jim threw a heel-kick to the back of Alexander's head. The gorilla grunted with pain and fell on all fours. Still continuing his spinning motion, Jim dropped an axe-kick to the gorilla's neck, the black-furred creature collapsing face-first to the floor.

Jim bared his fangs and snarled at Lex "You don't stand a chance against me you inbred asshole...Go back to screwing your sister and leave me the fuck alone!"

Roaring with anger Lex rolled backwards and onto his feet, his hand plunging into his jacket to draw something out. "I'll fucking kill you for that you dirty fag!" The gorilla shouted, pulling out a Magnetic Accelerator Pistol, or MAP, from within an inside pocket of his jacket, levelling it then at Jim. His finger started to pull like in slow motion at the trigger...

Alan shook his head, slowly coming to. The first thing he saw in front of him, were the blurry images of Jim and Alexander, not exactly yet focused. The fighting had shifted to somewhere behind him for the time being atleast. Alan got a bit of a startle as a weight-lifting bench, the very same against which he had just moments ago leaned, keeled over as a large white wolf was hurled against it.

When Alan's eyes regained their focus, the sight in front of him made the blood freeze in his veins: Lex was pulling out something which obviously was a gun of some sorts from his pocket, clearly intent on shooting Jim. More on instinct than anything else, Alan sprang up with all his feline agility, dashing then towards Jim. Just as the gorilla was about to squeeze the trigger, Alan leapt towards Jim. A small wail echoed in the room as the pistol was fired...

Jim watched in horror at Lex's finger curling at the trigger. He knew all to well he couldn't dodge the bullet, that he was hair's breadth away from sure death. Seconds seemed to elongate into excruciating minutes as Jim waited for death to wrap its cold veil over him. Just then something yellow and black sprang into Jim's view: Alan had leapt seemingly out of nowhere!

The shot rang in the gym and Jim saw with horror, still like in slow motion, as Alan's body gave a violent jerk as the bullet hit him. Warm blood splattered all across Jim's face, the rat only marginally noting the dull pain in his shoulder, as the force of the impact threw Alan against him.

With a thundering crash the doors of the gym flew off their hinges, an authorative, commanding and familiar voice roaring "Drop the weapon! Get down on your knees!"

Lex, however, simply spun around with his weapon levelled. Captain Magrath, his face distorted with rage, and a bright, red flash were the last things Lex ever saw...

Magrath was heading to his own room after having spent a pleasant evening in Charles Browning's office, as he heard some commotion coming from the direction of the gym. Hastily he made his way there, stopping then behind the doors to listen. He tried the door; locked! The lion then peered through the small gap between the wooden doors to see there was clearly a fight going on. "Where's the bloody key...?" He thought to himself, fishing out the universal key which worked on just about every lock in the academy.

Just then, in the middle of his search, he heard the sound of a gun being fired. Magrath drew his own sidearm, a laser pistol, from his belt, took some distance and rammed his shoulder at the door, his bulky frame easily unhinging it.

His eyes darted from one part of the gym to the other. From Charles and Marcus being roughed up by a bunch of larger cadets, to Jim -covered in blood- kneeling on the floor and holding the equally bloody Alan on his arms and finally to the unpleasantly familiar gorilla who was aiming a MAP at Jim.

"Drop the weapon! Get down on your knees!" Magrath shouted levelling his own gun to the gorilla's head. Instead of dropping the weapon, Lex turned around and aimed at Magrath. In split-second Magrath made the decision, pulling the trigger and ending the life of Alexander. The gorilla never even had the chance to realise what happened as the searing beam struck him between the eyes, turning his brains to a small pile of ash in the fraction of a second. The gorilla collapsed on the floor like an empty sack, an expression of utter rage still on his face.

Everyone else in the gym had fallen perfectly motionless, Charles' head still being held in the vice-like grip of the wolf whom he had kicked against the weight-lifting bench.

Magrath swept the rest of the cadets with the barrel of his gun, shouting "Hands up! Get on your knees NOW!"

If Magrath had been intimidating before, he was ten times more now that he was holding a gun, his upper lip having curled up to reveal long rows of gleaming fangs, his slightly messy mane rippling around him and his eyes filled with cold hatred. Lex's goons immediately dropped to their knees, placing their hands behind their heads and trembling slightly.

"Charles! Marcus! Are you alright?" Magrath called, slinking slowly towards the bloody mess which was Alan and Jim.

Charles nodded, looking then at Marcus who had been just knocked unconscious "I am, Sir...Don't know about Marcus, though..." The hyena's gaze then fell on Jim and Alan. "JIM!!" He shouted as hard as he could, springing up to his feet.

Magrath made a halting gesture towards Charles "Stay there! That's a direct order!" The lion then pulled out his data pad, pressing a single button and speaking then, loud and clear, "Code red in the gym. Two cadets down, one confirmed to be KIA, other's status uncertain."

Mere seconds later half a dozen soldiers, armed to teeth, sprinted into the gym. They were followed by doctor Browning, clad in nothing but boxers and his white lab coat, and a bunch of other medical personnel, as well as General Lee.

Doctor Browning knelt by Jim, looking both of them over swiftly before placing a paw on Jim's shoulder "We'll take you and your friend to hospital right away..." He then motioned a couple of the MIs to help in lifting Alan on a stretcher, helping then Jim onto another and hauling them hastily away to tend to their wounds.

General Lee looked around himself, a deep frown forming on his face as he saw Magrath pointing a gun at the cadets, as well as the lifeless body of Alexander, a small, neat hole on his forehead. Gently Lee placed a hand on Magrath's arm, slowly but sternly forcing the lion's arms down. "It's alright now, captain...Danger's over, now hand me your gun..."

Suddenly Magrath had started to feel rather weak, so Lee could easily take the pistol from him. It was only just dawning to him fully, that he had shot one of the cadets, that he had ended the life of a fellow fur.

Lee threw a glance at the furs kneeling on the floor, recognising them as the ones who had gone human-bashing some time ago...All Steele's boys, if his memory served him correctly. "Corporal!" Lee shouted to the nearest soldier "Take these cadets into custody, but leave that hyena and the reindeer alone...I believe they victims in this scene."

"Yes Sir!" The corporal, a badger with only his left eye left, replied, marching Steele's cadets out of the gym with the remaining soldiers.

Just as the last of the MIs was about to walk out of the door, dragging Alexander's corpse with him, Lee shouted over his shoulder "And get Steele into my office ASAP!" Turning his attention back to those still in the room. Magrath had collapsed to sit on a bench, his face buried to his paws, Whilst Charles was helping the barely conscious Marcus limp to their captain.

Lee sighed deep, addressing then Charles "Cadet...Tell me what the hell just happened in my gym, and I want to know it all..."

Two days later Jim was back in the academy, though he was under stern supervision by doctor B. Jim had been lucky, in a way, as the bullet had penetrated just under his collar bone, only grazing the edge of his shoulder blade on its way out. With his arm all wrapped up in bandages, Jim was sitting at one of the beds in the med-office of the academy. Charles was on the bed to his left, and Marcus, respectively, occupied the bed on Jim's right. Of Alan they hadn't heard much, save that his situation was critical.

Doctor B walked into the room, looking at the three over the rim of his glasses. Instead of his normal, fatherly smile, however, the cougar looked rather grave. "Your friend, Alan Hopping, has been seriously injured by the bullet and is currently in the hospital of Shido's Landing... The bullet came in at a very bad angle, piercing your friend's heart and left lung. At the moment it is uncertain whether he will survive or not, it's all about his will to live now..." doctor B concluded. Hesitating a moment he then asked "I've...heard rumours that the four of you would be more than just friends...?"

Angrily Jim retorted "It's none of your business, but yes...We are more than friends."

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't be prying to personal matters..." Browning said quietly, turning then around and vanishing back into his office.

None of the three felt like talking right at that moment, so they all merely stared at the ceiling, falling into state of uneasy rest one after the other.

The following morning General Lee entered the med-office, pulling out a chair and seating himself quietly, absent-mindedly watching at the three cadets slumbering in their beds. A full, solid minute later Lee cleared his throat "Good morning, cadets." He said with loud enough voice to wake the three up. Before they had time to salute him, Lee said "At ease...don't strain yourselves any more than necessary. I have some things to tell you..."

"Firstly, the gorilla who organised this whole incident in the gym is indeed dead...His corpse has been identified by his parents, who naturally weren't happy at all. The other cadets involved have been expelled and they will be facing court martial as soon as they come of age... I have seen to this matter personally, and I've also decided, that you were not guilty in any way to this incident, merely fighting for self defence, so there will be no further consequences for you." Lee held a small pause to let his words sink into his audience's mind before continuing.

"Captain Steele has been found guilty of slacking in his job. He didn't ensure all weapons his cadets used at the shooting range were indeed handed back, and this resulted in the death of one, possibly two cadets. I won't be going in detail as to what his punishment is, but his career in the military is over for good. As for captain Magrath, your instructor, the evidence so far indicates he did what was needed in that hostile situation. He gave a warning before firing his gun, and he was definitely in a position of mortal peril himself...Naturally the gorilla's parents wanted Magrath's head on a silver platter, but I'm afraid they'll be disappointed."

Standing up General Lee nodded at the trio of cadets lying in the beds. He didn't find it necessary to mention the events just before the whole incident. "I wish you all a swift recovery, and I'll pray for your friend, too."

"Sir!" Jim, Marcus and Charles shouted and Lee walked briskly out of the door, leaving the three of them in their own, dark thoughts. None of them knew what they'd do if Alan wouldn't pull through it, if kittycat would perish of his wounds. The small cuts and bruises on all the rest of them seemed nothing compared to the single wound on Alan, who was, even at that very moment, struggling for his life...

One last chapter remaining. If my muse keeps staying this high up, you'll be seeing the finale "Wings of Steel, Hearts of Gold." in no time. Last chapter will be the one to tie all loose ends (hopefully) together. Will Alan survive? What will become of Batista? What happens after the graduation ceremony? All this (and more) shall be answered in the final chapter of "When Worlds Collide" :)
