CBS - Family Discord 2

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#3 of Coffee Break Stories

Well, y'all asked for it. Here is the second part. (You can find Part 1 here)

Vincent (the father) comes home to find his daughter (Sarah, 19) killed her mother in a fit of anger... and then came all over her face. He is understandably upset. Then gets understandably drunk. Then does some less understandable things... and then... well... read to find out.

Coffee Break Story

Family Discord 2

By XP Author

Vincent sighed as he pulled his Lexus into his driveway. Two hours ago he had gotten a furious call from his wife, Penelope, informing him that their daughter, Sarah, had been arrested for drug possession. Marijuana, and a pretty small amount, too. He knew it was more of a formality than anything serious, but the county had a zero tolerance policy. He was more concerned about how Penelope would be acting right now. Gossip spread fast in the social circles she traveled in, and appearances mattered to her... for some reason. He was just glad that she had to run off to go post bail, meaning she couldn't go on a long-winded tirade about how it was somehow his fault. That was yet to come, now that he was home.

The 42 year old tanooki turned the car off and stepped out, grabbing his briefcase before locking the car behind him with the push of a button. He loosened the red tie at his neck just a little. It was lucky that he was the head of his department where he worked, as it meant he could leave on such short notice. Or perhaps unlucky, considering what he knew was waiting for him inside. Even so, he did have to deal with this, and have a long talk with Sarah about life choices. The 19 year old was clearly just drifting by, with no goals for herself. No ambitions of her own. This was just the latest in a long line of acting out and rebellion the girl had been doing for the last several years.

The front door was unlocked, so he just pushed it open and announced himself as he walked in. "Penelope. I'm home. Got here as soon as I heard Sarah was arres...ted..." He froze in place, staring at the scene before him. Penelope lay on the floor in the living room, her skirt hiked up around her hips, her blouse and bra bunched up under her chin to expose her breasts and belly. Sarah, completely naked, was straddled atop her mother, grinding her hips against the woman's mouth and screaming out an orgasm. There was a startlingly sizable pool of blood under Penelope's head, and she was not moving or reacting at all to her situation, just staring blankly up at the ceiling.

He watched as Sarah finished pleasuring herself upon her mother's slack face, then realize she was being watched. She turned to look at him, wide eyed with panic. The teen quickly scrambled to her feet, her puffy tail swinging around in a vain attempt to provide some level of modesty over her nakedness. "D-Dad..." He just stared at her for a long moment, looking into her eyes with disbelief.

Finally, he took a step inside, shutting the door behind him. "Sarah... what did you do!?" He looked at Penelope. "Is... is she..." He felt himself shaking.

Sarah winced as she looked at her father. "Y-yes... It was an accident! W-we were having an argument, and it got out of-"

"AN ACCIDENT!?" He had not meant to shout that. "Was pulling her clothes up an accident too!? Were you already naked when this argument started?"

Sarah flinched, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "N-no! I... I don't know why I was-"

He interrupted. "Why you were grinding your cunt all over your DEAD mother's face!?" He had no idea where this anger came from, but he did not hold it back. He took a step forward, still feeling himself shaking. "Dead because YOU killed her!" His tail thrashed behind him.

Sarah flinched again under his fury, and seemed to shrink away from him. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to-" She yelped as he suddenly reached out to grab her by the throat. "D-Dad!" She choked out. Her hands flew up, grabbing at his wrists and trying to pull his hands away. "Dad... you're... hurting... me..."

Vincent bared his teeth at his daughter. "GOOD!" He pressed his thumbs harder against her throat, squeezing her with all his might. "I hope it hurts!" He watched as Sarah's eyes went wide with fear and pain. She started to pull away from him, or try to at least. She tugged at his wrists, unable to get him to let her go. Her mouth was open in a silent scream, pleading him to stop. She had never seen her father in such a state before. He had never been this angry before. He just growled at her, almost feral.

He stared with fury into her eyes. Green eyes that looked so much like his own, only filled with terror. He watched that terror grow, then start to grow dim as he deprived her of air. Her body started to tremble and shake, her puffy tail no longer trying to hide her but thrashing about wildly. Her legs shook, thighs quivering as she struggled to remain conscious. A struggle she was quickly losing. Her hands fell away from his wrists, dropping limp at her sides. Her body was suddenly heavy in his grip, but he did not release her. Not for several minutes. Not until all of her had stopped twitching or squirming.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize just what he was doing. His eyes went wide and he pulled his hands away quickly. Sarah fell straight down, collapsing to the floor in a heap and laying motionless. "S-Sarah...?" He just stared at her. She was not breathing. Green eyes stared blank at nothing, matching Penelope's. "Oh God... what have I done...?" He just sat, staring at the corpses of his wife and daughter. Some part of him hated himself for what he just did, wanting to do something to himself, deserving to join them in death... but another part of him...

He found his eyes trailing down his daughter's naked body. The way she had fallen had left her shapely ass pointed at him, along with her still damp sex. It was not long before he found himself hard, his cock straining against his pants. Some part of him was sickened by the thought, but another wanted to do more than stare. He gave into the desire. He had long thought his daughter had grown into a beautiful woman, and had wanted to do more with her, despite being her father. He had resisted ever giving in, but now there was no risk. No chance she would object, or his wife would find out...

He needed something to drink first. He had stashed a very expensive bottle of scotch in his personal home office, hidden behind documents in the filing cabinet against the wall. If ever there was a time he needed it, it was now. He opened the bottle and just put it to his lips, completely forgoing any kind of glass, and not savoring it like he really should. Within minutes, he had drained the entire bottle. Already feeling the effects, he staggered his way back down the stairs and stood over the two dead women. He was still rock hard. Eventually he just threw the empty bottle to the side. "Fuck it..."

His clothing was shed as fast as his inhibitions, tossed aside piece by piece until he was left just as naked as Sarah. It was his daughter he wanted to start with. He had fucked Penelope enough times, he wanted to know the pleasures of the younger tanooki instead. Rolling Sarah onto her back, he knelt down between her legs, rubbing his cock against her damp cunt. "I wish I could have fucked you while you were still alive, sweetie..." He grunted as his tip slipped just past her lips. "This will have to do."

He groaned as he thrust into her deeply. Her tits jiggled on her chest every time he pushed himself inside. His hands reached up to grip those jiggling mounds, giving them firm, hard squeezes. She was in a much better shape than her mother, her belly not nearly as pudgy, her legs more shapely, and her ass much firmer. She was also so much tighter around his cock, even with her muscles limp like this. It was not long before he was pounding into his daughter's dead cunt hard and fast, grunting with the effort. His large balls slapped against her ass again and again.

He felt his orgasm rising quickly, and did nothing to hold himself back. He just pounded hard and deep into his daughter's cooling pussy. "Daddy's... cumming... sweetie!" He grit his teeth and thrust as deep as he could several times, then let out a loud groan as he came. His cum poured into her, filling her with his heat and love and seed. Spurt after spurt splashed deep into her. He squeezed her tits hard as he came, hard enough that it would have been painful for her.

When he felt his orgasm finally slowing to and end, he pulled himself out of her, a line of cum following. A few more spurts splashed onto her belly. He leaned down to give his daughter's slack mouth a soft kiss. "You were great, sweetie." He pushed himself back up and looked at Penelope. "Now... rest for a bit and... and watch." He tried to stand, but the world was wobbling too much for that. So instead, he crawled his way over to his wife. "As for you..." He stared down at her. "You're much better like this. Finally... shut up for a change! No more bitching at me... no more complaining..." He smirked. "And no stopping me..."

He shoved his wife over, rolling her onto her belly. He could see the massive gash in her skull where Sarah had hit her with the lamp. He was no doctor, but he guessed her skull had been cracked pretty hard for that much blood to have leaked out. His attention was drawn elsewhere, however. His hands fell upon her bubbly ass, and the panties still covering it. "Never did like me playing here..." He ripped her panties down, clumsily pulling them down her legs and off entirely. "Well! Now you can't stop me!"

He was still rock hard, his cock throbbing for more. He pulled his wife's rear up by her tail, pressing his cock right up against the tight hole. "I'm going to finally fuck this stupid ass of yours, Penny!" He pushed his tip against the hole, feeling it widening slowly. "And you can't fucking bitch at me to stop now!" He pushed harder, groaning. Finally, her hole widened enough for his still slick cock to shove up into her. He let out a loud groan as he pushed himself deep into her ass. She was actually still pretty tight here, though noticeably cooler than normal. He really did not care though. He just started to pound himself hard into her.

He leaned down to reach under her and grab her large breasts. She hated when he was rough with her tits, so now he was going to enjoy himself as much as he could. Gripping, pulling, squeezing, he fondled her as hard as he liked, mashing the fatty tissue between fingers with hard squeezes. His balls were already demanding to release more, but now he held himself back a little. He wanted to really give it to the bitch that had made his life hell since he married her. "Fucking... cunt! You deserve this!" He growled at her. His hand slipped up to grip at her throat, squeezing it hard, as if he could strangle her. "Let's see you bitch at me now!"

He slammed his hips into her harder and harder, enough that it was almost painful for him. With a final cry of pleasure, he dumped his load up into her bowels. It felt like burning hatred was pouring out of him through his seed, burning her insides with his anger as much as his lust. He thrust several times to dump as much as he could into her ass, something she had never let him do. When he pulled himself out, he just dropped her back to the ground, letting his cum leak out of her ass, drooling down her cunt and onto the floor.

He panted heavily, tired and spent, his head swimming from the booze and exertion. However, his heavy balls still had so much more to give, even as his cock was still dripping cum. He looked again at Sarah. "You want me to fuck your ass, too, sweetie?" He did not bother waiting for a response, then realized how stupid it was that he might even expect one. He crawled his way back over to Sarah, rolling her over much more gently than he had his wife. He still dragged her ass up by her tail. His cum was still drooling out of her cunt. "Might as well fill both holes."

He pressed his still throbbing cock up against her ass, pushing in more gently. "Don't worry, sweetie... I'll be more gentle with you... At least at first." He still had to push pretty hard to get her to stretch around his cock. When his tip finally slid into her, he let out a loud groan. He held himself like this for a moment, letting himself catch his breath and enjoy the feeling. His head was pounding a little, his heart thumping hard in his chest. He started to thrust deep into his daughter's cooling ass, and let out another loud groan at just how tight she was.

He was just pushing deep enough that his balls slapped against her cummy pussy when he realized the pounding was not in his head. Someone was banging their fist on the front door. He ignored it. "Fuck off!" He shouted out, his words slurred. They said something, but he just ignored it. His attention was focused only on his daughter's amazing ass. He grabbed her puffy tail and used it to pull her hips back against him, letting him thrust deep into her. He smacked her ass as he yanked her back, groaning loud. There was no way he could hold back long in her, she was just too good. The pounding at the door got louder. He still ignored it, pounding away at his daughter instead. Whoever it was could wait. He moaned loud, not hiding his pleasure from whoever was at the door. Maybe it would make them go away.

It did not. Instead, the door suddenly burst open. Two men in uniforms stood at the doorway, frozen in shock at the sight before them. "Sir! Stop what you're doing!"

Vincent glared at the two men, too close to cumming to stop fucking the tight hole around his throbbing cock. "Fuck off!" He saw the discarded scotch bottle beside him, and swiftly grabbed it, throwing it at the men. "Get outta my house! I'm busy!"

The bottle struck one of the two officers, shattering upon his skull and sending him crashing to the ground. "Officer down!" The other called into his radio, then pulled out his sidearm, opening fire on the drunk tanooki before any more objects could be thrown. He had just been opening his mouth to cry out his orgasm when the bullets struck him. All three shots struck true. Two bullets ripped into Vincent's chest, a third catching him just above his left eye, killing him instantly. His body jerked, letting Sarah go as he fell back. Sarah's body slumped forward and to the ground while Vincent's fell onto his back. His cock popped free of his daughter's ass, just as it started to spurt his third load. His hips bucked a few times, cock spurting his cum up in an impressive arc that splashed onto the floor, Sarah's ass, and his own belly.

The officer that shot him winced as he watched the display. He looked at his partner. "Hey... you okay?"

The downed man nodded, holding his head as he pushed himself up. "Yeah..." He looked at his hand and saw a little blood, but not enough to be worried about. He looked at the scene inside. Two dead women and a man fucking their corpses. "Jesus... guess the neighbors were right about that argument. What kind of sick fuck was this guy?"

The other man shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He pat his partner's shoulder. "You should go sit. I'll call this in and get a paramedic to come look at that head." The wounded officer nodded, slowly making his way back to the patrol car. The remaining officer looked back at the scene. Two dead women, one in a pool of blood, another with marks on her neck, both with cum leaking from their holes. And now a dead man, cum still drooling out of his softening cock. "Fuck... this is going to be a lot of paperwork..."

* * *